`sgistuff.net : Hardware : Systems : Indigo 2/ Challenge M
`Indigo 2 / Challenge M
`Indigo 2 fiont with Indigo 2 Video breakout box.
`The Indigo 2 (codename "Fullhouse") was obviously successor to the Indigo series and as a highend desktop workstation
`it was placed in the market above the low end Indy, which was actually released a while later (until the release of it the
`original In_clig(_) was the low end). Judging by outer appearance only there have been two versions of this rmchine: one in a
`teal case and another in a purple case. Going deeper on hardware level there are even more versions. 3 completely
`dilferent implementations of the MIPS architectures have been available: R4x00 and R1 0000 based Indigo 2 systems and
`the rare R8000 based ones called POWER Indigo 2. Speaking of graphics there have been two dijferent types:
`Newport/Express and Impact graphics.
`Indigo 2 Impact R10000 fiont.
`Confiising? Yes, it is at first, but this page will try to show the available options. Keep in mind how the Indigo 2 series
`evolved: At first there were the R4x00 based systems with Newport/Express graphics (details follow), which were shipped
`with teal skins. The last generation of the Indigo 2 systems were R10000 models with Impact graphics, that came with
`purple skins. Before the relase of the R10000 CPU there have been teal Impact systems with R4x00 CPU and the
`POWER Indigo 2 computers with R8000 CPU. With the introduction of Impact graphics on R4x00 systems the skins
`turned purple. Judging the system by the color of skins or labels can only give a first indication ofwhat type of machine it
`actually is.
`http://www.sg istuFf.net/hardware/systems/i ndig o2.htm|
`TMMI EX. 1015
` 1/20
`TMMI EX. 1015
`1993, January
`sgistuff.net : Hardware : Systems : Indigo 2/ Challenge M
`Indigo 2 systems introduced with R4400 CPU and Extreme graphics
`1993 , 1 st half(approx.)
`Challenge M, L and XL systems with R4400 processor introduced
`1993, July
`XZ and XL graphics announced
`Indigo 2 systems with Impact graphics introduced
`1995, July
`R4400 with 250 MHZ announced
`1995, August
`Webforce systems announced for September
`1996, January
`R10000 processors for Indigo 2 Impact systems announced
`1997, September
`End of Production (non- Impact)
`1 998, June
`End of Production (Impact)
`2006, December
`End of Service
`IP22 (R4x00 Indigo 2)
`MIPS R4600SC/133
`The IP22 board is the main logic board of any R4x00 Indigo 2 system It includes all main subsystems required to run the
`system and features the connector to which a processor module must be attached. The expansion slots of the systems are
`avialble using a special riser card that is plugged into the IP22 and allows access to the EISA and GIO64 buses of the
`Indigo 2.
`CPU Board Processor Clockspeed Cache (d/i) Cache (2nd) Floating Point
`IP22/PM1 R4000SC 100 MHz
`8kb / 8kb
`R4000 onboard
`IP22/PMl R4400SC 100 MHz
`l6kb/ l6kb 1MB
`R4000 onboard
`IP22 / PM2 R4400SC 150 MHZ
`l6kb/ l6kb 1MB
`R4000 onboard
`IP22 / PM6 R4400SC 175 MHz
`l6kb/ l6kb 2MB
`R4000 onboard
`IP22/PM3 R4400SC 200 MHz
`l6kb/ l6kb 1MB
`R4000 onboard
`IP22 / PM7 R4400SC 200 MHz
`l6kb/ l6kb 2MB
`R4000 onboard
`http://www.sg istuFf.net/hardware/systems/i ndig o2.htm|
`sgistuffinet: Hardware : Systems : Indigo 2/ Challenge M
`IP22 / PM5 R4400SC 250 MHz
`16kb/ 16kb 2MB
`R4000 onboard
`IP22 / PM4 R4600SC 133 MHz
`l6kb/ 16kb 512KB
`R4600 onboard
`PROM requirements for different CPUs on IP22 boards:
`CPU Upgrade
`others not known
`Requires PROM date (see ‘version’ in PROM)
`Sept 16, 1993 or Later
`Sept 28, 1995 or Later
`IP26 (R8000 Indigo 2)
`The IP26 board is the main logic board ofany R8000 Indigo 2 system It includes all main subsystems required to run the
`system and also features the connector to which a processor module must be attached. The expansion slots ofthe systems
`are avialble using a special riser card that is plugged ir1to the rnainboard and allowss access to the EISA and GIO64 buses
`ofthe Indigo 2.
`CPU Board Processor Clockspeed Cache (d/i) Cache (2nd) Floating Point
`IP26 /PMT R8000
`75 MHz
`16kb/ 16kb 2MB
`R8000 onboard
`IP28 (R10000 Indigo 2)
`The IP28 board is the main logic board of any R1 0000 Indigo 2 system It includes all main subsystems required to run the
`system and also features the connector to which a processor module must be attached. The expansion slots ofthe systems
`are avialble using a special riser card that is plugged into the rnainboard and allows access to the EISA and GIO64 buses
`ofthe Indigo 2.
`CPU Board Processor Clockspeed Cache (d/i) Cache (2nd) Floating Point
`175 MHz
`32kb/32kb 1MB
`R100l0 onboard
`R100l0 onboard
`36bit wide 72pin SIMMS (fast page mode, parity, 70 or 60ns)
`(3 *
`4 sockets)
`Minimum configuration:
`Maximum configuration:
`4 M3 SIMMs)
`16 MB (4 *
`384 MB (12 * 32 MB SIMMS)
`The memory must be added in sets of 4 modules. Within each ofthese sets any module must be the same, between the
`dilferent sets dilferent types of SIMMs are allowed. The memory SIMMs that are known to Work are 4, 8, 16 and 32
`MB modules.
`Interesting fact: On the first Indigo 2 systems the maximum memory configuration was not supported. The useable amount
`ofmemory was 256 MB on IRIX 4.0.5H and became finally 384 MB on IRIX 5.1 and above.
`IP26 and IP28
`http://vvvwv.sg istuff.net/hardvvare/systems/i ndig o2.htm|
`sgistuff.net : Hardware : Systems : Indigo 2/ Challenge M
`36bit wide 72pin SIMMs
`(3 *
`4 sockets)
`Minimum configuration:
`Maximum configuration:
`16 MB (4 *
`768 MB (12 * 64 MB SIMMS)
`The memory must be added in sets of 4 modules. Within each of these sets any module must be the same, between the
`diiferent sets different types of SIMMS are allowed. The memory SIMMs that are known to work are 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64
`MB modules. Oflicially the maximum amount of memory on an Indigo 2 with R1 0000 processor was 640 MB because of
`the heat dissipation of early 64 MB memory modules. See below for information on upgrading an Indigo 2 beyond
`640MB RAM using 128MB modules.
`All graphics options attach to the proprietary GIO64 bus that is accessible via a special riser card that is integrated in all
`Indigo 2 systems (see below).
`0 Challenge M server
`The Challenge M is basically a R4K or R8K Indigo 2 without a graphics option installed.
`° Newport Graphics (XL)
`Supported on: R4x00, R8000 and R1 0000 models. Popular in dual head configurations with XZ or Extreme
`flimtjss Graphics (XZ)
`Supported on: R4x00, R8000 and R1 0000 models.
`0 L Graphics (Extreme)
`Supported on: R4x00, R8000 and R1 0000 models.
`Impact Graphics
`Supported on: R4x00 and R10000 models. Impact is not supported on Power Indigo 2 systems with R8000! While
`Silicon Graphics had planned to support this configuration they did not release a driver for this. (This information has
`been obsoleted by history itself There are reports of working R8000 Impact systems so there must be support in
`The requirements on IP22 systems for Impact Graphics are as follows (Impact is not useable on IP26 and should work in
`all unmodified R1 0000 models):
`IP22 bootprom
`385W PSU
`EISA midplane
`Dual Head Impact systems with more than just two SI cards need to have a newer Impact powersupply (060-0021-001)
`Drives / SCSI Devices
`All Indigo 2 systems have two narrow SCSI Channels. One is used for internal drives, the other for external devices.
`Because of the number of internal drivebays the internal SCSI channel is limited to 3 devices. Both channels are Fast SCSI
`http://vwwv.sg istuFf.net/hardware/systems/i ndig o2.htm|
`sgistuff.net : Hardware : Systems : Indigo 2/ Challenge M
`channels using a Western Digital 33C93B controller.
`Indigo 2 back.
`0 Multimedia (on daughtercard):
`0 5 stereo I/8" phone jacks, for headphone, microphone, speakers, etc.
`0 Networking:
`15 pin AUI network connector
`0 RJ45 l0BaseT network connector (same device as AUI)
`0 2 Mini-DIN 6 pin PS/2 compatible mouse and keyboard ports
`0 2 Mini-DIN 8 pin Mac compatible serial ports (RS422 - 38.4 Baud)
`0 50 pin SCSI-2 connector (?)
`0 DB25 female bidirectional parallel port
`0 Graphics:
`0 13W3 connector (depends on graphics option)
`0 additional connectors depending on graphics option
`Expansion Slots
`On all Indigo 2 systems the expansion slots are located on a rnidplane / riser card that plugs ir1to the main system board.
`The Indigo 2 chassis allows physical access to 4 slots ir1 which option cards may be installed. The graphs ir1 this section
`show the stacked layout ofthe EISA and GIO 64 expansion slots on the two distinct (Express and Impact Variant) riser
`card types used ir1 Indigo 2 machines.
`The Express / Extreme riser card that has 4 EISA slots and 3 GIO64 slots. The upper two GIO slots in the system are
`1ogical/ electrical the same thus limiting the number of GIO options that may be installed to 2.
`[============ 315A #1 ============ ]
`[============ EISA #2 ============ 1
`[============ 315A #3 ============ 1
`[============ :1sA #4 ============ ]
`[========== GIO #1 Slot #1 ========== 1
`[========== GIO #1 Slot #2 ========== 1
`[========== GIO #0 Slot #1 ========== 1
`Impact systems have a dilferent layout ofthe riser card. There are only 3 EISA slots left but now there are 4 GIO64 slots
`plus 3.3V connectors which are required to meet the power requirements of Impact graphics. Similar to the Express riser
`card the GIO64 slots come in pairs that are logically and electrically the same. Again the number of installable GIO64
`http://vwwv.sg istuFf.net/hardware/systems/i ndig o2.htm|
`sgistuff.net : Hardware : Systems : Indigo 2/ Challenge M
`options is limited to 2.
`[============ :IsA #1 ============ ]
`[============ EISA #2 ============ 1
`[============ EISA #3 ============ 1
`[========== G10 #1 s'_ot #2 ========== ]
`[========== GIO #1 SI_ot #1 ========== ]
`[========== GIO #0 s:_ot #2 ========== ]
`[========== GIO #0 s:_ot #1 ========== ]
`The reason for the at first glance strange GIO64 arrangement is that some of the installable options are multi-card designs
`that co11ld block available slots. The additional slots in the existing design leave better possibilities to arrange the installed
`options in the 4 available physical slots.
`Also worthy to note: Not all cards that have a G10 64 connector to plug into one of the slots really attach to the bus.
`Examples for these behaviour are video options that draw power fiom the GIO64 connector but do not connect to the bus
`itselfbecause they actually attach to the graphics subsystem via additional cables and connectors.
`Network Options
`0 Phobos G160 GIO network interface (10/l00mbit)
`0 Phobos E100 EISA network interface (10/ 100mbit)
`0 FDDI single/dual attach GIO cards
`0 FDDI EISA cards
`0 Fore ATM adapter
`0 Token Ring Adapter
`Video Options
`0 Pre-Irnpact Video Options
`0 Indigo 2 Video / Galileo Video
`0 Cosmo Compress
`Impact Video Options
`0 Indigo 2 Video for Impact / Galileo Video
`0 Indigo 2 Impact Video
`0 Indigo 2 Impact Compression
`Other Options
`0 Fibrechannel GIO adapter
`0 PHPPI GIO network interface
`0 GIO64-VME interface (Bit3 Model 608)
`0 Presenter adapter
`http://vwwv.sg istuFf.net/hardware/systems/i ndig o2.htm|
`sgistuff.net : Hardware : Systems : Indigo 2/ Challenge M
`The dilferent Indigo 2 chassis (teal, purple) have the same dimensions:
`47.0 cm /
`l2.7 cm /
`47.0 cm /
`18 kg / 40 lbs
`Indigo 2 drivebays.
`The Indigo 2 chassis has space for three internal drives on special drivesleds. One 5.25" and 3.5" are accessfl)le behind the
`front door and can be used for CD-ROM or DAT drives. The third one is for another 3.5" drive (the system drive) and is
`located below the other 3.5" slot but can only be accessed of the complete fiont cover is removed.
`The color scheme is as follows note though that on second hand systems these "rules" might not apply ifparts have been
`GFX hardware
`Skin color
`l .
`l .
`Express / Newport
`Express / Newport
`There are badges that were placed on the front of the rmchine to denote the configuration it was shipped with The early
`R4x00 models had a round button that carried the name ofthe graphics option. Later "Impact" or ‘R1 0000" badges were
`used if appropriate.
`The diiferences between the various chassis ofthe systems is aside fiom the color that diiferent configurations (Impact vs.
`Non Impact, R1 0000 vs. R8000 vs. R4x00) require dilferent power supplies, midplanes and such.
`Challenge M
`The Challenge M is the server model of the Indigo 2 line. It was introduced early on featuring a R4K CPU and was also
`sold as Power Challenge M featuring the R8K processor. The Challenge M was dropped later on in the product life cycle,
`possibly ir1 fivour of the larger Challenge DM server.
`The system is not very much diiferent from the workstation Indigo 2. The Challenge M lacks the graphics option but is
`otherwise the same machine as the Indigo 2. A conversion into an Indigo 2 is thus trivial
`Challenge M Vault
`Another use ofthe Indigo 2 chassis design is the Challenge M Vvault. It is an external SCSI enclosure that uses the same
`design as the Indigo 2. On the fiont the only obvious difference is the label The back is quite diiferent though, beside the
`http://vvww.sg istuFf.net/hardware/systems/i ndig o2.htm|
`sgistuff.net : Hardware : Systems : Indigo 2/ Challenge M
`PSU there are only two SCSI connectors.
`Internally the Vault is similar to the Indigo 2. The space where the rnairiboard and GIO riser would be, the chassis is erripty
`or used for cabling. The norrml spaces for one 5.25" drive and two 3.5" drives on the middle/right side ofthe Vault are
`present. In the GIO card cage there is additional space to mount four 3.5" drives.
`An Indigo 2 or Challenge M expanded with a vault can use eight 3.5" drives (four accessible) and two 5.25“ drives (two
`accessible). More SCSI devices are possible when additional SCSI controllers are installed.
`Rebadged Systems
`Relabeld Indigo systems were available from at least
`0 Control Data: Original teal skins with "Control Data 9000" logo on a sticker.
`0 Siemens Nixdorf. Possibly gray skins, model name RW450.
`Special Configurations
`The WebFORCE Indigo 2 was sold by Silicon Graphics with the following software package:
`0 WebMagic Pro
`0 WebSpace Author
`0 WebSpace Navigator
`° Netscape Browser
`0 MPEG Encoder
`0 Adobe Photoshop
`0 Adobe Illustrator
`0 Digital Media Tools
`Special Applications
`For special applications special versions of the Indigo 2 were built either by SGI or other companies - rackrriount systems
`for medical equipment for example.
`Operating System
`Choosing an operating system
`The first Indigo 2 systerris were introduced during the 4Dl-4.x era. These were based on the R4000 microprocessor and
`featured Express graphics (Elan, X3. Support for new hardware was added in future releases during this period and later
`on in the 4Dl-5.x era.
`Major milestones include the introduction ofthe Irripact graphics options as well as the step fiom the R4000 to the
`Rl0000 CPU. For Impact graphics special versions of the IRIX 5.3 and IRIX 6.2 release were oifered. Similarly a
`special release of IRIX 6.2 was rriade for the R10000 CPU upgrade.
`General support for all Indigo 2 variants can be found in the all platform IRIX 6.5. The support for the remaining legacy
`systems like the Indigo 2 was dropped after 6.5.22 making IRIX 6.5.22 the last version to support any ofthese systems.
`http://vwwv.sg istuFf.net/hardware/systems/i ndig o2.htm|
`sgistuff.net : Hardware : Systems : Indigo 2/ Challenge M
`Choosing an IRIX release for the Indigo 2 depends on the amount of memory as well as the processor installed.
`IRIX6.2 %
`R333" M 1
`R333" L L
`m M
`6.5.22CPU 6.5.22
`NVRAM Password
`What to do if you don't know the NVRAM password.
`Indigo 2 systems do have a jumper that allows access to the advanced PROM options without entering a password. The
`description of the procedure is also in the Indigo 2 Owners Guide and the Indigo 2 IMPACT Owners Guide
`(Troubleshooting section):
`1. Power down system and remove power cord.
`2. Remove cover of the system
`3. Remove the jumper which is located on the CPU board underneath the 5.25" slot (near the firont edge of the main
`logic board).
`Install power cord and power up the system
`Enter System Maintenance menue and issue the resetpw command.
`Power ofl" the system
`Put the jumper back onto it's previous position.
`Put the cover back on. The machine should have no NVRAM password by now.
`Powersupply problems. Sudden shutdowns and such.
`People on the newsgroups have reported ofvarious problems with the powersupplies on Indigo 2s. Not all systems are
`alfected, it seems most common with Impact or Impact ready machines (both R4x00 and R1 0000).
`Typical problems are machines that shut olf during their work or that don't come up properly. Some people reported that
`the fans on their machines start spinning and that the LEDs go on but little else happens after the power button is pressed.
`There is no real fix, but unplugging the system for a while (as in 15-30 minutes) often helps for the moment. This might be
`caused by a number of things: (a) Problems outside the system, (b) a slowly dying powersupply or (c) some random
`flakieness ofthe soft power- on circuit.
`Cleaning out the dust inside the machine might also be a good idea. Heat can affect both the computer itselfas well as its
`http://vvww.sg istuFf.net/hardware/systems/i ndig o2.htm|
`Having IGB ofRAM in an Indigo 2.
`sgistuff.net : Hardware : Systems : Indigo 2/ Challenge M
`It is not officially supported, but it is possible to have 1 GB RAM in an R10000 Indigo 2, but none of the other Indigo 2
`models. This is accomplished buy putting two 256MB memory kits and one 512MB memory kit inside the machine. This
`was first tested by Bert Heise, Ian Mapleson has a detailed report on his website.
`013-8681-00x Indigo 2 5.25" Drivesled
`013-8682-00x Indigo 2 3.5“ Drivesled
`030-0367-00x FDDI Card Indigo 2
`030-0658-00x PM4 Indigo 2 R4600SC/133
`030-0659-00x IP26 Indigo 2 Motherboard
`030-0675-00x RB Maximum Impact
`030-0680-00x Indigo 2 Impact Midplane
`030-0680-00x Indigo 2 Midplane (Impact)
`030-0751-00x PMT Indigo 2 R8000/75
`030-0786-00x MG10 Solid Impact
`030-0808-00x PM5 Indigo 2 R4400SC/250
`030-0814-00x PM7 Indigo 2 R4400SC/200 2MB cache
`030-0869-00x MPAI Indigo 2 Presenter
`030-0909-00x RA2 High Impact
`030-0920-00x GD Maximum Impact
`030-0922-001 GD High Impact
`030-0944-00x RA2 Maximum Impact
`030-0966-00x PMT5 Indigo 2 R10000/195
`030-0978-00x IP28 Indigo 2 Motherboard
`030-1433-00x PMT5 Indigo 2 R10000/175
`030-8097-00x PMI Indigo 2 R4000SC/100 PMI also available in Indigo
`030-8104-00x Indigo 2 Midplane
`030-8104-00x Indigo 2 Midplane
`non Impact
`030-8105-00x VB2 Extreme
`030-8106-00x GUI Extreme
`030-8107-00x RUI .0 Extreme
`030-8109-00x Indigo 2 Audio Module
`030-8114-00x Indigo 2 5.25"Backp1ane
`030-8116-00x PM2 Indigo 2 R4400SC/150 PM2 also available in Indigo
`030-8202-00x LG3 Indigo 2 XL Graphics
`030-8225-00x IP22 Indigo 2 Mainboard
`http://vvww.sg istuFf.net/hardware/systems/i ndig o2.htm|
`sgistuff.net : Hardware : Systems : Indigo 2/ Challenge M
`030-8226-00x RU1.1 Extreme
`030-8255-00X PM3 Indigo 2 R4400SC/200
`030-8255-00x PM7 Indigo 2 R4400SC/200 1MB cache
`030-8765-00x IP22 Challenge M Mainboard
`040-8165-00x Indigo 2 Lockbar
`060-0021-00x Indigo 2 Powersupply
`R4X00 Impact dual-head
`060-0027-00x Indigo 2 Powersupply
`R10000 Impac dual-head
`060-8001-00x Indigo 2 Powersupply
`R4X00 Impact
`060-8002-00x Indigo 2 Powersupply
`R10000 Impact
`Indigo 2 Powersupply
`R4X00, R8000 non-Impact
`Indigo 2 XZ
`Indigo 2 front with Indigo 2 Video breakout box.
`Indigo 2 dfivebays.
`Indigo 2 back.
`http://www.sg istuFf.net/hardware/systerrs/i ndig o2.htm|
`1 1/20
`sgistuff.net : Hardware : Systems : Indigo 2/ Challenge M
`XZ with Indigo 2 Video.
`XZ with Indigo 2 Video.
`Indigo 2 Extreme
`Indigo 2 back.
`http://www.sg istuFf.net/hardware/systems/i ndig o2.htm|
`sgistuff.net : Hardware : Systems : Indigo 2/ Challenge M
`Extreme with Presenter.
`Extreme with Presenter.
`Indigo 2 Impact R10000
`Indigo 2 Impact R10000 fiont.
`Front accessible drives.
`Drives can be removed without opening the system
`Indigo 2 with cover lifted oif CPU is hidden in the middle.
`http://www.sg istuFf.net/hardware/systems/i ndig o2.htm|
`sgistuff.net : Hardware : Systems : Indigo 2/ Challenge M
`Back of a Indigo 2 Impact R10000 system
`Indigo 2 Impact R10000
`Indigo 2 Impact R10000 front.
`Indigo 2 Impact R10000, door opened.
`Indigo 2 Impact R10000 fiont, door removed.
`http://www.sg istuFf.net/hardware/systerrs/i ndig o2.htm|
`1 4/20
`sgistuff.net : Hardware : Systems : Indigo 2/ Challenge M
`Indigo 2 Impact R10000 cardcage with Maximum Impact and Impact Compression.
`Indigo 2 Impact R10000, cardcage empty.
`Mainboard and CPU
`Indigo 2 R10000 195 MHZ.
`XZ Graphics
`XZ boardset.
`http://www.sg istuFf.net/hardware/systems/i ndig o2.htm|
`sgistuff.net : Hardware : Systems : Indigo 2/ Challenge M
`XZ boardset, back side.
`Extreme Graphics
`Extreme graphics, GU1 board.
`http://www.sg istuFf.net/hardware/systems/i ndig o2.htm|
`sgistuff.net : Hardware : Systems : Indigo 2/ Challenge M
`High Impact Graphics
`High Impact graphics, RA2 board.
`High Impact graphics, GD board.
`Maximum Impact Graphics
`Indigo 2 Maximum Impact, RA2 board.
`Indigo 2 Maximum Impact, RB board.
`Indigo 2 Maximum Impact, GD board.
`http://vwvw.sg istuFf.net/hardware/systems/i ndig o2.htm|
`1 7/20
`sgistuff.net : Hardware : Systems : Indigo 2/ Challenge M
`Indigo 2 Video back.
`MGV1 fiont.
`MGV1 back.
`Indigo 2 Impact Compression
`Indigo 2 Impact Compression back.
`http://www.sg istuFf.net/hardware/systems/i ndig o2.htm|
`sgistuff.net : Hardware : Systems : Indigo 2/ Challenge M
`Indigo 2 In1pact Compression boards.
`Indy Presenter
`Indigo 2 presenter card for XZ and Extreme graphics.
`Cables for the Indy presenter.
`5.25" drive.
`3.5" drive.
`http://wvvw.sg istuFf.net/hardware/systems/i ndig o2.htm|
`1 9/20
`sgistuff.net : Hardware : Systems : Indigo 2/ Challenge M
`5.25" and 3.5" drive.
`ndigo 2 Workstation Owner's Guide [lgzil]
`ndigo 2 IMPACT Workstation Owner's Guide [lcial]
`0 CHALLENGEVault M Owner's Guide
`0 An SGIcata1ogoue from approx. 1994 featuring pictures (DIN A4 fiillsize) and short german descriptions of Indigo,
`Indigo 2, Crimson, Onyx, Challenge and Power Challenge: Page 1, Q, 4_l, 5, Q, 1, §, 2, m, Q, Q, Q, E, 1_5
`(numbers refer to the original page number, not the filenarne; Scan by Ganjatron)
`0 Futuretech: Indigo 2 - Ian Maplesons Indigo 2 page
`0 Nekochan: Indigo 2 — Nekochan Wiki on the Indigo
`0 Obsolyte: Silicon Graphics R4400 Indigo 2
`Layout & Text: Gerhard Lenerz, 2001-2011
`URL of this page: http://www.sgistuffinet/hardware/systems/indigo2.htrnl
`Last modified: June 07 2012 16:47:10.
`http://vvww.sg istuFf.net/hardware/systems/i ndig o2.htm|