`Patent Owner
`U.S. Patent No. 7,808,184
`Inter Partes Review Case No. 2014-008031
`UNDER 37 CFR § 42.220
`1 Cases IPR2014-00858, IPR2014-00996, and IPR2014-01061 have been joined
`with the instant proceeding.


`I. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................. 1
`II. TECHNOLOGY BACKGROUND ....................................................... 5
`A. The ‘184 patent: Dr. Chistyakov’s Pulse Control Technique. ............... 5
`SCOPE TO THE CLAIMS ................................................................... 16
`A. Construction of “Voltage Pulse Having At Least One of a
`Controlled Amplitude and a Controlled Rise Time.” ..................... 16
`20 ARE OBVIOUS. .............................................................................. 26
` A. The Challenge Directed to Parent Claims 1 and 11. ................... 26
` 1. Neither Wang nor Kudryavtsev Teach the Claimed Control
`of Voltage Amplitude or Rise Time to Avoid Arc When
`Rapidly Forming a Strongly Ionized Plasma. ................................. 26
` 2. Scope of Cited Art and Differences Between the Claims and the Art.
` i. General Scope of Wang ....................................................... 27
`ii. General Scope of Kudryavtsev ............................................. 34
`3. Differences Between Wang and the Claims .............................. 41
`4. Differences Between Kudryavtsev and the Claims .................... 47
`5. Incompatibilities Between Kudryavtsev and Wang ................... 51
`6. Secondary Considerations ....................................................... 54
` 7. Conclusion: Petitioner Has Not Proven by a Preponderance
`of the Evidence that Claims 1, 11 are Obvious. ............................. 55


`The Challenge Directed to Dependent Claims 7 and 17.................. 55
`VI. CONCLUSION ................................................................................... 58


`Patent No. 7,808,184
`The present petition challenges dependent claims 6 – 10, and 16 – 20.
`The patentability of parent claims 1 and 11 was already discussed at length in
`the Patent Owner’s Response in IPR2014-00799. The present response
`therefore repeats much of the analysis from the response in IPR2014-00803,
`but also adds some key additional arguments directed to the unique aspects of
`dependent claims 7, 17.
`Petitioner’s arguments hinge on fanciful misreadings of the prior art by
`its proffered expert, Mr. Richard DeVito.2 As will be shown below, neither
`Wang nor Kudryavtsev teach controlling the amplitude or rise time of a voltage
`pulse in order to increase the “ionization rate so that a rapid increase in
`electron density and a formation of a strongly-ionized plasma occurs without
`forming an arc,” as required by the claims of the ‘184 patent. Once the Board
`recognizes that Mr. DeVito essentially invented some of the alleged
`2 In its Institution Decision, the Board erroneously referred to Mr. DeVito as
`“Dr. DeVito.” IPR2014-00799, Decision to Institute, page 9. However, Mr.
`DeVito was never awarded a doctorate of any kind. See Ex. 1102, De Vito
`Declaration ¶2 - ¶4.


`“teachings” in Wang and Kudryavtsev to suit the Petitioner’s objectives, the
`Patent No. 7,808,184
`Board should agree to confirm the challenged claims.
`Neither Wang nor Kudryavtsev teach the claimed voltage control. The
`‘184 patent discloses carefully “controlling” the amplitude and rise time of a
`voltage pulse. The patent shows that, with proper control of voltage amplitude
`and rise time, the inventor, Dr. Chistyakov, was able to ignite a plasma without
`arcing, rapidly grow that plasma to a high density, and sustain that density for
`a relatively long duration, again all without arcing.3 Mr. DeVito and
`Petitioners erroneously argue that incidental, uncontrolled variations in voltage
`that occur in Wang and Kudryavtsev meet this limitation.
`Importantly, Wang’s system controls the power of its pulses to a constant
`target level, as opposed to the claimed control of pulse voltage in order to avoid
`arcing during the transition to a strongly ionized plasma. Constant power pulses,
`such as used in Wang, have a voltage and current that will vary uncontrollably
`as the system attempts to control the power (i.e., the product of voltage and
`current) to a desired level. Since such power supplies are designed to control
`the product of voltage and current to a target level—and not voltage, the power
`supplies will allow the voltage to reach extremely high values when the current
`3 Ex. 2015, Declaration of Patent Owner’s Expert.


`is near zero (e.g., before plasma ignition or at low plasma densities) in an
`Patent No. 7,808,184
`attempt to achieve the target power level.4 Moreover, despite Mr. DeVito’s
`assertions, Wang’s teachings of a “reduction” in arcing upon ignition are
`inapposite to the ‘184 patent’s requirement of avoiding arcing during the rapid
`increase in electron density and a formation of the strongly-ionized plasma.
`In addition to his misreading of Wang, Mr. DeVito apparently does not
`fully understand and therefore misreads the very technical and difficult
`Kudryavtsev reference. In fact, during his deposition Mr. DeVito could not
`explain the equations discussed by Kudryavtsev and testified that he did not
`rely on those equations at all.5 Instead, Mr. DeVito purports to have relied on
`the experimental results of Kudryavtsev. But as explained by Patent Owner’s
`expert, Dr. Hartsough, the Kudryavtsev describes a flash tube that is designed
`to apply a high voltage across an inert gas, resulting in a brilliant flash of light
`for a short duration. Flash tubes apply a voltage greater than the breakdown
`voltage, which may initiate the flash by an arc. Mr. DeVito did not consider
`4 Ex. 1105, Wang, col. 5, lines 32 – 33; Ex. 2014, DeVito Deposition, page
`212, line 23 – page 215, line 3.
`5 Ex. 2014, DeVito Deposition, page 237, line 19 – page 241, line 2; page 307,
`line 24 – page 309, line 18.


`this aspect of Kudryavtsev’s system at all (possibly because his background and
`Patent No. 7,808,184
`education is not in the field of plasma physics, but solid state physics, which
`are fundamentally different).
`Finally, Mr. DeVito testified that he understands the Board’s
`construction of the term “strongly ionized plasma” to require a 3 to 4 order of
`magnitude increase in peak density of ions over a weakly ionized plasma.6 But
`Mr. DeVito acknowledges that neither Wang nor Kudryavtsev disclose a
`magnitude for the peak density of ions.7 Thus, according to Mr. DeVito’s
`interpretation, it is impossible to conclude that either Wang or Kudryavtsev
`teach a strongly ionized plasma at all.
`6 Ex. 2014, DeVito Deposition, page 169, line 10 – page 170, line 25; page 225,
`line 23 – page 226, line 3. Interestingly, this opinion conflicts with that of Dr.
`Kortshagen—Petitioner’s other expert—who requires an absolute peak ion
`density above a certain threshold to be considered strongly ionized and not a
`relative measure as required by Mr. DeVito. See Ex. 2019, Kortshagen
`Deposition, page 44, line 13 – page 47, line 16.
`7 Ex. 2014, DeVito Deposition, page 222, lines 15-21; page 228, line 25 – page
`229, line 6; page 294, line 4 – page 297, line 15.


`Patent No. 7,808,184
`The Board should disregard Mr. DeVito’s opinions—without which,
`Petitioner’s arguments have no support—and confirm the challenged claims.
`Once the prior art is properly understood, the Board will see that it is missing
`key claim limitations, namely voltage control and absence of arcing in the
`transition from a weakly ionized plasma to a highly ionized plasma.
`II. Technology Background
`The claims of the ‘184 patent are directed to a method for generating a
`strongly ionized plasma by, inter alia, generating a voltage pulse across a pair
`of electrodes, wherein the pulse has a controlled amplitude and/or rise time so
`as to increase an ionization rate so that a rapid increase in electron density
`without arcing.
`A. The ‘184 patent: Dr. Chistyakov’s Pulse Control Technique.
`Dr. Chistyakov invented a system that improves over conventional
`pulsed plasma sputtering systems by controlling the pulse voltage amplitude
`and rise time to achieve a rapid increase in a plasma’s electron density to form
`a strongly-ionized plasma, but without arcing that can occur upon plasma
`ignition and during the transition to high densities.


`Patent No. 7,808,184
`Dr. Chistyakov implemented such control with a pulsed power supply
`that “can be programed to generate pulses having various shapes.”8 Toward
`this end, the power supply has two different energy output capacities called
`“power modes” that determine the maximum rate at which the power supply
`can deliver energy to the plasma, while the source’s controller attempts to
`direct and restrain the voltage to the programmed level or “set point.”9
`The disclosed power supply controller directs its voltage output to the
`programmed level. However, due the varying impedance load of the plasma,
`the time it takes to drive the voltage to the programmed level can vary with the
`impedance of the load and the rate at which the source can deliver energy to
`the plasma.10 Since the rate at which the voltage source can deliver energy is
`also programmable, the source controls the rise time by specifying the target
`voltage amplitude (i.e., the set point of the target voltage) and the energy
`output capacity of the source. This control is demonstrated in the various
`measured waveforms shown in the patent.
`8 Ex. 1101, ‘184 patent, col. 6, lines 9 - 10.
`9 Ex. 1101, ‘184 patent, col. 6, lines 2 - 5 ; col. 7, lines 37 – 44; col. 12, lines 58
`– 62; col. 13, line 65 – col. 14, line 5; col. 14, lines 12 – 14; Ex. 2015, Patent
`Owner’s Expert Declaration, ¶ 63 - 69.
`10 Ex. 2015, Patent Owner’s Expert Declaration, ¶ 64 - 69


`Patent No. 7,808,184
`Figures 4 through 7 show various multi-stage voltage pulses that Dr.
`Chistyakov experimented with. In each of these examples, the voltage source
`is initially set to the low energy mode and to a target voltage level that together
`are sufficient to gently ignite a plasma without arcing. After a plasma has
`ignited and stabilized, the supply’s program changes the supply’s output
`energy capacity to a high energy mode, and steps the target voltage upward to
`drive the plasma to a high ion density. At this higher voltage level and at the
`stronger energy capacity, there is a danger that the supply could drive the
`plasma into an arc. Therefore, the supply is programed to later step down the
`target voltage to maintain a stable dense plasma but restrain it from arcing.
`The Power Supply Program of Figure 4
` The example in figure 4 of the ‘184 patent shows a voltage pulse whose
`programmed target voltage amplitudes are superimposed in dotted lines 253.11
`11 see e.g., Ex. 1101, ‘184 patent, col. 6, lines 8 – 12; col. 11, lines 57 – 61.


`Patent No. 7,808,184
`Before the pulse begins (shown at 253), the current is zero because there is no
`plasma between the electrodes.12 In the first stage 254, 258, the supply is
`programed in the low power mode13 with a target voltage shown at 253. In
`response, the electrode voltage rises relatively slowly as shown, and a plasma is
`gently ignited without arcing as shown by the initiation of current at 261.
`In the next stage 264, the power supply continues to operate in the low
`power mode14 but the target voltage level is raised in an increment shown at
`12 Ex. 2015, Patent Owner Expert, ¶ 80; Ex. 2016, DeVito 11/21 Deposition,
`page 87, line 10 – page 90, line 5.
`13 Ex. 1101, ‘184 patent, col. 7, lines 37 – 41.
`14 Ex. 1101, ‘184 patent, col. 8, lines 23 – 27.


`268. As a result, the rise time of the measured voltage is “relatively slow,”15
`Patent No. 7,808,184
`causing a corresponding increase in the plasma density as evidenced by the
`increase in current 276. This raises the density of the plasma in preparation for
`a controlled rapid growth to a strongly-ionized plasma without arcing.
`In the next stage 272, the power supply continues to operate in the low
`power mode16 while the target voltage is again increased to further grow the
`density. Again the electrode voltage continues to rise slowly as shown due to
`the size of the voltage step and the chosen low-energy capacity of the supply.
`In the next stage 278, the power supply is programmed to operate in the
`high-energy mode17 and the target voltage is stepped to the high level shown,
`approximately 750 volts. Because a plasma has already been ignited and
`grown in the earlier stages, the plasma does not arc when this much larger
`voltage is applied under the supply’s high energy capacity mode. As a result,
`the electrode voltage “increases sharply,” as shown, thereby causing a rapid
`increase in electron density but without arcing (as evidenced by the relatively
`steep continuous rise in current). Note however that the power (“P”) shown
`15 Ex. 1101, ‘184 patent, col. 8, lines 7 – 29.
`16 Ex. 1101, ‘184 patent, col. 8, lines 39 – 40.
`17 Ex. 1101, ‘184 patent, col. 8, lines 41 -42.


`in stages 258 through 283 of figure 4 rises gradually over time, thus
`Patent No. 7,808,184
`demonstrating the rise time of power is NOT the same parameter as the rise
`time of voltage.
`Given that the power supply is in a high-energy mode and that the target
`amplitude is approximately 750 volts during this stage, the plasma is at risk of
`being driven into an arc if this condition is sustained.18 Accordingly, in the
`final stage 283 the target voltage is stepped down to a level that, in the high-
`energy mode, is sufficient to stably sustain the dense plasma while also
`preventing it from growing into an arc.19
`Thus, figure 4 is an example of a plasma generator that includes a pulsed
`power supply that generates at its output a voltage pulse having a “controlled”
`voltage amplitude and voltage rise time. The power supply controls the
`voltage amplitude by attempting to drive the voltage to a programmed target
`levels (set-points). The supply also controls voltage rise time by selecting an
`energy capacity mode that, combined with the selected target voltage level,
`controls the rate at which the voltage rises to the specified target.20 By
`18 Ex. 2015, Patent Owner Expert Declaration, ¶ 87.
`19 Ex. 2015, Patent Owner Expert Declaration, ¶87
`20 Ex. 2015, Patent Owner Expert Declaration, ¶64 – 69.


`carefully controlling the target pulse voltage amplitude and voltage rise times
`Patent No. 7,808,184
`at selected moments and by selected amounts, the system increases the
`electron density to quickly transition a plasma to a strongly-ionized condition,
`while still restraining the plasma from arcing.
`The ‘184 patent shows several other experiments with such control,
`wherein Dr. Chistyakov attempted to ignite and rapidly grow a plasma to a
`stable, high density plasma without arcing. In these experiments, he attempted
`to achieve these conditions with fewer stages than shown in figure 4.
`2. Other Programs: Figures 5A – 5C
`Figures 5A – 5C show three examples, each with a successively more
`rapid increase in electron density (as shown by the current I) due to voltage
`amplitude and rise-time control, while still avoiding arc. As in figure 4, each
`of these pulse programs initially operated in the low-power mode to ignite a
`plasma, then transitioned to a high power mode to grow the plasma density
`into a strongly ionized plasma.21
`Figure 5A was an attempt that used two stages. A high density was
`achieved without arcing, but at a relatively slow rate in comparison to figures
`21 Ex. 2015, Patent Owner Expert Declaration, ¶ 89 – 93.


`5B and 5C, as shown by the rise in current I because of the small size of the
`Patent No. 7,808,184
`voltage step to the target level 320:
`To achieve a more rapid rate shown in figures 5B and 5C, Dr. Chistyakov
`added larger voltage step in the high-energy transient stages 340, 370.
`Fig. 5B
`Fig. 5C
`As shown by a comparison of figures 5B and 5C, Dr. Chistyakov was able to
`achieve a more rapid rise in density (as evidence by the rate of current growth)
`with the high voltage step (340, 370). But in both cases, Dr. Chistyakov


`dropped the target voltage down to a level 350, 380 soon enough to avoid an
`Patent No. 7,808,184
`arcing condition.22 Thus, figures 5A – 5C show how the control of voltage
`amplitude and voltage rise time can determine the rate at which a strongly
`ionized plasma is formed, so as to rapidly achieve such a plasma without
`3. Other Programs: Figures 6 - 8
`In figures 6 and 7, Dr. Chistyakov experimented with variations of target
`voltage levels and rise times to determine the conditions needed to create and
`sustain a high-density plasma, as needed for applications such as sputtering. A
`comparison of Figure 6A to Figure 6B shows that unless the high voltage
`amplitude during high-energy transition stage 410 is maintained long enough,
`the ignited plasma will not rapidly transition to a high density plasma, as
`shown by the current in figure 6A which begins to rise at 414, but decays back
`to level 416:
`22 Ex. 2015, Patent Owner Expert, ¶ 92.


`Patent No. 7,808,184
`Fig. 6A
`Fig. 6B
`A comparison of figures 7A and 7B, show that even if a high density
`plasma is formed, the plasma will not be sustained if the target voltage 444 is
`dropped too low (for avoiding arc) as occurs in figure 7B:
`Fig. 7A
`Fig. 7B
`In figure 8, Dr. Chistyakov shows the results of his attempts to ignite a plasma
`and then grow it to a high density plasma using a single target voltage level,
`but still without arcing.23 In this example, he programmed the supply in the
`high-energy mode from the beginning, but set the target voltage level low
`enough so that, at the selected energy rate, the gas will not arc during plasma
`23 Ex. 2015, Patent Owner’s Expert Declaration, ¶ 97


`ignition. For example, note that the target voltage in figure 8 is set lower than
`Patent No. 7,808,184
`that used in the low power mode of figure 3. But the voltage level in figure 8
`was still high enough that in the high-energy mode, the plasma eventually
`grew to a high density but without arcing. Thus, this example demonstrates
`the compelling advantages of combining voltage amplitude control with
`voltage rise time control: Dr. Chistyakov was able to find a controlled voltage
`level coupled with a controlled rise time for his programmable supply that
`could both ignite a plasma and stably grow it into a plasma that was dense
`enough for sputtering, but without arcing. In comparison, Wang believed that
`arcing was unavoidable upon plasma ignition when using his power pulses.
`With this understanding of Dr. Chistyakov’s work, we now examine the
`Petitioner’s challenge to his patent claims
`III. Summary of Petitioner’s Proposed Grounds
`For the Board’s convenience, here is a summary of the Petition’s proposed
`claim rejections:
`6, 7, 9, 10, 16, 17, 19,
`8, 18
`Kudryavtsev Mozgrin


`Patent No. 7,808,184
`IV. The Board’s Comparison Of the Claims to the Prior Art Effectively
`Applies an Erroneous Scope to the Claims
`A. Construction of “Voltage Pulse Having At Least One of a
`Controlled Amplitude and a Controlled Rise Time.”
`The Board tentatively ruled in its decision of October 1, that Zond’s
`proposed claim construction, reproduced below, is the broadest reasonable
`construction of the claimed step of generating a “voltage pulse … having at
`least one of a controlled amplitude and a controlled rise time:”
`Claim Language at Issue
`Generating a voltage pulse … having at
`least one of a controlled amplitude and a
`controlled rise time that increases an
`ionization rate so that a rapid increase in
`electron density and a formation of a
`strongly ionized plasma occurs without
`forming an arc …24
`Approved Construction
`Generating a voltage pulse whose
`amplitude and/or rise time are directed
`or restrained to increase an ionization
`rate so that a rapid increase in electron
`density and a formation of a strongly
`ionized plasma occurs without forming
`an arc.
`However, for purposes of comparing this claim element to the prior art,
`the Board went on to say that it believed that the ‘184 patent’s description of
`figure 3 suggests that Wang’s square power pulses are “controlled” as specified
`by the claim:
`24 This is the language of claim 1, but for purposes of this analysis, independent
`claim 11 includes nearly identical language.


`Patent No. 7,808,184
`“The specification of the ‘184 patent, however, describes its
`“controlled” voltage pulse in a similar manner to Wang. The
`specification of the ‘184 patent provides as follows with respect to
`Figure 3 reproduced below. … Therefore we are persuaded based
`on this record that the amplitude and rise time of Wang’s voltage
`pulses are controlled”25
`However, as explained below, the Patent Owner respectfully submits that the
`Board erred in concluding that the pulse of figure 3 is an embodiment of the
`claimed step for generating a controlled voltage pulse, and that the ‘184
`patent’s description of the figure supports the conclusion that claimed pulse
`control encompasses Wang’s square power pulses.
`The pulse in figure 3 is NOT an example of the claimed voltage pulse
`control.26 Although this pulse was generated with the same programmable
`power supply as the pulses in figures 4 through 8 of the ‘184 patent, the ‘184
`patent clearly states that the pulse of figure 3 produces a “weakly-ionized
`plasma … that is typical of known plasma processing systems.”27 As shown
`25 Board Decision at p. 22 - 23.
`26 Ex. 2015, Patent Owner Expert Declaration, ¶ 74 – 76.
`27 Ex. 1101, ‘184 patent, col. 5, line 65 – col. 6, line 1.


`below, the pulse of figure 3 generates only a weakly ionized plasma, as
`Patent No. 7,808,184
`indicated by the relatively low plasma current.28
`The supply was programed to generate a target voltage level 203 in a low
`energy mode: “The energy supplied by the pulsed power supply 102 in the low
`power mode generates a weakly-ionized plasma … [that] corresponds to a plasma
`generated by a conventional DC magnetron.”29 As a result, the rise time of the
`plasma voltage 206 is relatively slow and only a weakly-ionized plasma is
`formed. In contrast, the claim requires that the generation of a voltage pulse,
`28 Ex. 1101, ‘184 patent, col. 6, lines 8 – 10.
`29 Ex. 1101, ‘184 patent, col. 6, lines 2 – 10.


`wherein at least one of a controlled voltage amplitude and a controlled voltage
`Patent No. 7,808,184
`rise time cause a rapid increase in electron density and the formation of a
`strongly-ionized plasma without arcing. The pulse of figure 3 does not direct
`or restrain the voltage amplitude or rise time of the pulse to achieve the
`claimed conditions and therefore is not an embodiment of the claim.
`The Board also concluded that the claimed pulse control encompasses
`any change in voltage amplitude that is incidental to directing a pulse to a
`target power level (or set point) as in Wang, regardless of whether the voltage
`amplitude is the parameter under control. The Patent Owner respectfully
`submits that such an interpretation is not the broadest reasonable
`interpretation consistent with the specification. Since the Board has not made
`its final determination with respect to claim construction, the Patent Owner
`respectfully requests the Board to reconsider the proper interpretation of this
`key aspect of the claim in view of the background information provided in the
`declaration of Patent Owner’s Expert, the testimony of Mr. DeVito, and the
`following analysis, including the following proposed adjustment to the claim
`construction that addresses this critical distinction.


`Patent No. 7,808,184
`Both Experts agree that the “control” of voltage amplitude refers to
`directing or restraining the voltage amplitude to a target voltage level or set-
`point.30 Petitioner’s expert Mr. DeVito testified:
`Q: What does it mean to direct the amplitude of a voltage pulse?
`A: Well in this context, you would set the power supply to a
`specific magnitude and you would make the power supply go to
`that magnitude. You would control it to go for that power – I’m
`sorry -- that voltage.
`Q: So again, the question is, what does it mean to direct the
`amplitude of a voltage pulse?
`A: You would set the – you would set the peak magnitude of the
`voltage pulse on our power supply and you would control --- -it
`would go to that voltage.31
`In any control system, the desired value or “set point” is known as the
`“controlled variable.”32 This is consistent with textbook theory of control
`systems. As explained in the excerpt below from a text by Eronini:33
`30 Ex. 2015, Patent Owner Expert, ¶Ex. 2021, Eronini; Ex. 2011, Weyrick; Ex.
`2012, Kua; Ex. 2013, Sinka.
`31 Ex. 2014, DeVito Deposition, page 173, line 14 – page 174, line 20.
`32 Ex. 2015, Patent Owner Expert, ¶41 - 44; Ex. 2014, DeVito Deposition, page
`173, line 14 – page 174, line 20.


`Patent No. 7,808,184
`The controller compares the [feedback] signal with the desired
`value or set point and sends appropriate instructions to the
`actuator or ‘effector’ mechanism (or final control element), which
`then acts on the system or control object (or plant) to bring
`subsequent outputs into agreement (prescribed relationship with
`the set point. What we have described is the typical feedback (or
`closed loop) control structure.34
`Eronin further explains that when a control system directs the “controlled
`variable” to its desired value, the system may “manipulate” another variable
`he calls the “manipulated variable” as shown below:
`Weyrick confirms this terminology:
`The controlled output C is the process quantity being controlled.
`33 Ex. 2021, Eronini, page 12.
`34 Ex. 2021 Eronini, page 12.


`Patent No. 7,808,184
`The manipulated variable is the control signal which the control
`elements process35
`Similarly, Kua and Sinka show that this terminology is widely accepted in
`both open loop and closed loop control systems:
`Kua (Open Loop)
`Sinha (Closed Loop)
`The Patent Owner proposes that the proper interpretation of the claim
`language - “voltage pulse having at least one of a controlled amplitude and a
`controlled rise time” - requires controlling these voltage parameters to target
`levels or set points as shown in the specification, and not to any uncontrolled
`variation or manipulation that may occur incidental to controlling a different
`parameter, such as power. In other words, any variations or manipulations in
`voltage that may occur as a supply controls power to a target level do not
`equate with a control of voltage.
`35 Ex. 2011, Weyrick at 13.


`Patent No. 7,808,184
`The table below shows a proposed claim interpretation (with the
`amendments highlighted). The excerpts from the specification that follow the
`table explain why this is the broadest reasonable interpretation consistent with
`the specification:
`Claim Language at Issue
`Generating a voltage pulse …
`having at least one of a controlled
`amplitude and a controlled rise
`time that … increases an ionization
`rate so that36 a rapid increase in
`electron density and a formation of
`a strongly ionized plasma occurs
`without forming an arc …
`Proposed Construction
`Generating a voltage pulse whose
`amplitude and/or rise time are controlled
`variables that are directed or restrained to
`a target voltage level and/or a rise time
`level to increase an ionization rate so that
`a rapid increase in electron density and a
`formation of a strongly ionized plasma
`occurs without forming an arc.
`In view of the terminology commonly used in control systems, we revisit
`the example of Figure 5C of the ‘184 patent to provide context for the claim
`language at issue. Here, the power supply is programmed to direct the voltage
`amplitude to successive target levels or set points 306, 370, 380.37
`36 The language is that of claim 1, but for purposes of this analysis,
`independent claim 11 includes nearly identical language.
`37 Ex. 1101, ‘184 patent, col. 11, lines 55 – 61.


`Patent No. 7,808,184
`During each stage, the programmed power supply controls its output to try to
`direct or restrain the voltage to the selected target voltage level despite changes
`in the plasma impedance and the resultant overshoots as shown in figure 5C.
`The supply is also programed to control the voltage rise time to a desired
`target by the combination of the selected target voltage level and the selected
`output energy mode.38 In the first stage, the voltage supply controls the voltage
`to a target amplitude 306,’’ but is operating in the low energy mode to thereby
`yield a rise time that forms a weakly ionized plasma without arcing as shown.
`A subsequent target voltage level 370 and the selected high-energy mode yield
`a rise time that rapidly transforms the weak plasma to a strongly ionized state.
`The final target level 380 and energy level sustain the plasma in that condition
`38 Ex. 2015, Patent Owner Expert, ¶ 67 - 69.


`with a lower target voltage

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