
`All MDX products have been engineered not only to survive the sewre
`enviromnent of vacuum arcs, but also to provide a high level of arc control for the
`purpose of minimizing arc—related damage. Arc-related damage can be divided into three
`0 Damage to deposition targets, which is generally heat related
`- Contamination of the film resulting from foreign particles or target material particulates
`contacting the film and being included in it
`o Damage to growing films, caused by arcs striking or moving across the film surface
`Although the use ofmmpwxersupplycangreatly reduce thepossibilityofmcuum
`chamber arcing, two specific electronic circuits in the MDX are designed to minimize the destructive
`effects of arcs that do occur. These trademarked circuits are ARC—0U l I” and ARCCPIECKW.
`that instead of supplying
`current to the load (and the
`arc), the MDX will temporarily
`draw current (electrons) from the
`load (Figure 1). This reversal will
`occur if the process voltage is above
`a certain minimum, the process
`current does not exceed a certain
`maximum, and the impedance of the
`arc is low enough. For most processes
`and arcs these conditions are met and
`the current will reverse.
`If the resonant circuit is able to reverse
`the current direction, the voltage of the
`load will go to zero (or even reverse slightly
`to positive) and the arc will be extinguished.
`This will happen in about 10 ps, and the
`process will continue without further
`interruption. It is important to note that the
`plasma in the chamber will not be extinguished,
`even though the voltage goes briefly to zero.
`Because the change happens so quickly, the ions do
`not have time to diffuse to the chamber walls, and
`the plasma does not need to be reignited. Because
`the arc is limited in both current and duration, any
`resultant damage is kept to a low level. Well over 95%
`of the arcs normally encountered in plasma processing
`are extinguished by this ringing circuit, and it is important
`to note that very little (well under 10%) of the energy
`stored in the power supply‘s output circuits is delivered to
`the arc in this case.
`If the conditions for current reversal are not met. the load
`voltage will not reverse, and the arc will not be extinguished.
`In this case, the output circuits of the power supply will
`continue to drive current into the arc, and the second part of
`the ARC’OUT circuit must be activated.
`TSMC et al v. Zond
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`Zond Ex. 2017
`ARCOUT consists of a passive and an active circuit.
`The passive circuit is designed to control the energy level and
`the duration of small arcs. The active circuit comes into play
`when the arc is too large to extinguish with the passive circuit.
`This active part of ARCaOUT also protects the power supply
`from destructive high current levels resulting from short circuits.
`The passive part of ARC—OUT that controls small arcs
`consists primarily of an inductor and capacitor that form a
`resonant circuit. When an arc occurs in the chamber, the
`resulting lowered impedance across the output of the power
`supply permits the energy in the capacitor to be transferred to
`the inductor and then back again to the capacitor. The resulting
`oscillatory (ringing) waveform of current can cause the plasma
`current to actually reverse in polarity momentarily. This means
` 200
`Figure 1. The passive circuit of ARC-OUT attempts unsuccessfully to quench
`a chamber arc. The active circuit of ARC-OUT intervenes to successfully
`quench the arc.
`TSMC et al v. Zond
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`Zond Ex. 2017


`The are represents a low impedance across the power
`supply. If the ringing circuit described above is not successful,
`the arc will draw more and more current from the MDX.
`The active ARCrOUT circuit senses this rapid increase in
`current and turns off the switching transistors in the MDX. This
`happens in a few tens of microseconds. Once the MDX is shut
`off in this way, the output filter components can bleed off their
`stored energy, and the output voltage can go to zero. When this
`happens, both the arc and the plasma will be extinguished. This
`happens in about 5 ms. The logic in ARCrOUT will keep the
`output off for an additional 3—5 ms to allow for cooling of the
`arc site, reducing the chances of another are at startup. In 8—40
`ms after the shut down, the output will be enabled and the
`process will resume. This rapid shutdown, in addition to the use
`of small filter components in the output section (lowering
`stored energy), reduca the damaging effects of the arc.
`An improved version of the ARC—OUT circuit is available
`on the MDX domestic and international voltage units as an
`option. This option is referred to as the enhanced version of
`ARC—OUT. In the enhanced version, the passive circuit has
`been changed so that the latitude for output current reversal is
`wider. This means that fewer arcs will result in a power supply
` To Vacuum
`ARC—CHECK is an active circuit in the MDX that is
`Figure 2. A vacuum system for executing cathodic arc depositions
`useful in establishing a bias voltage in cathodic arc processes
`and in burning away target flakes that create cathode'thanode
`shorts in magnetrons. ARCvCHECK is available as an option
`on the MDX domestic voltage1 international voltage, and
`MDXII products.
`In cathodic arc deposition processes, current supplies
`drive an arc discharge on a metal cathode target to vaporize the
`target material. This vaporized target material is deposited on a
`substrate as a hard or decorative coating. Vaporized metal atoms
`are ionized (+) in the arc discharge upon leaving the cathode by
`removal of one or two electrons. An MDX supply can be used
`to create a negative voltage (bias) on the substrates to be
`coated. This bias voltage (—) will attract the metal ions (+) to
`speed up film growth and enable coatings in nonaline—of’sight
`locations (Figure 2).
`If arc supplies are permitted to run while the bias supply is
`off, such as when ARC-OUT has shut off the output of the
`MDX for 8—10 ms to extinguish a chamber arc, the chamber
`can become saturated with ions. This produces a very low
`impedance load for the MDX that, like an arc, causes high
`enough current levels to trip the active ARC-OUT circuit
`again. This cycle can continue, disabling the process (Figure 3).
`ARC—CHECK will sense this cycle and intervene. The MDX
`will temporarily be changed from voltage regulation mode to
`current regulation mode, and the output will be ramped up to the
`programmed level. starting at O A. As the current is increased,
`ions are drawn to the substrate, and an unsaturated condition is
`restored in the chamber. Once the desired substrate voltage is
`achieved in current regulation mode, ARCaCI-IECK restores the
`MDX to voltage regulation mode and the process continues.
`A similar cycle can result in a sputtering process when a
`flake of target material becomes lodged between the cathode
`and anode of the magnetron. The shorting flake cannot be
`melted away because of the fast reaction time of the active
`ARCvOUT circuit and the small amount of energy stored in
`the MDX output. Again ARCvCHECK can intervene to
`temporarily change the MDX to current regulation mode and
`ramp the current up until the flake is melted away and the
`normal power level restored. Advanced Energy Industries, Inc..
`holds design and process patents on ARCaCHECK.
`Small Package Arc Repression Circuit-Low Energy is the
`name of an accessory product that offers new ways to manage
`chamber arcs. Sparc—le is designed for use with any MDX unit
`with 2.5 kW to 10 kW output, with a maximum of 25 A,
`A larger version, Sparc, is designed for use on MDX units from
`10 kW to 30 kW with a maximum process current of 100 A
`(Figure 4).
`TSMC et al v. Zond
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`Zond Ex. 2017
`TSMC et al v. Zond
`Page 2
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`Multiple arc
`trip cycles
`*—~————~—— 550 ———>1<—————— 600 —————-——-———-—>|
`ramp to
`full current
`a 2u U
`E 2
`g 3
`g E
`Figure 3. ARC-CHECK circuits will drive high current levels into the load to
`increase the load impedance or melt cathode-to—anode flake shorts.
`/_ Arc event
`/——- RG-8CoaxCable

`Wall Anode
`AC l“
`m use”
`Coax Cable_\
`, .....
`DC Out

`To User
`~4oo V
`Time (4 uS/div)
`o A
`—20 A
`-40 A
`/— Arc event
`Time (4 uS/dlv)
`Figure 5. The voltage and current wavefonn of Spare-[e quenching an arc in
`ARC-OUT enhancement mode
`energy to burn away buns but not enough energy to damage
`targets. Since this mode of operation does not interrupt the
`conditioning process or extinguish the plasma, target
`conditioning time is reduced.
`TSMC et al v. Zond
`Page 3
`Zond Ex. 2017
`Figure 4. Sparc-le unit located between an MDX and the vacuum chamber
`These accessories are installed between the MDX and the
`chamber. All of the output power is run through the Spare—1e.
`There are three different modes in which the Spare—16 can be
`operated: one passive mode, called ARC—OUT enhancement,
`and two active modes, active arc—handling and selfirun.
`Often, new sputtering targets contain many microscopic
`burrs, souvenirs of the machining and manufacturing process.
`During target conditioning, these burrs can act as electron field
`emission points that produce target arcs. If enough energy is
`delivered into the arc, the burrs will be burned away (melted)
`during the target-conditioning process.
`Ironically, the active modes of Sparc—le and Spare are so
`effective in reducing the energy delivered during target arcing
`that conditioning such a target can take an inordinately long
`time. For this reason, a passive circuit similar to the enhanced
`version of ARC—OUT has been included in Sparc’le and Sparc.
`This ARC—OUT enhancement mode will deliver sufficient
`TSMC et al v. Zond
`Page 3
`Zond Ex. 2017


`Since this circuit has been further improved from the
`optional enhanced version available internally in the MDX
`series, it can be thought of as an “improved enhanced" version
`of ARCaOUT. This version of 'ARCrOUT, in SparCole, can
`extinguish arcs with even wider latitude (Figure 5).
`Spare-[e Triggered
`Time (2 uS/div)
`Arc event
`-600 V
`ARC—OUT (Figure 6), and about one one—thousandth of the
`energy stored in the power supply‘s output circuits.
`The second active mode of Spaerle, the selfrrun mode, can
`be thought of as an “arc’prevention” mode. The self-run mode
`is especially valuable in reactive dc sputtering processes that
`yield electrically insulative films. In this process, insulative
`layers can build up on conductive targets. These insulative areas
`cannot be sputtered away because the arriving ions eventually
`charge the surface to a positive potential, repelling further ions.
`The charged surface cannot be discharged because the insulator
`prevents electrons from the power supply from reaching the ions
`and neutralizing them. The resulting positive voltage on the
`front surface of the insulative layer creates a large voltage
`difference across the insulative layer because the back side of
`the layer is in direct contact with the high negative voltage of
`the target. If this voltage difference between the front and back
`sides of the insulative layer exceeds the dielectric strength of the
`layer, a voltage breakdown will result; this breakdown can
`frequently initiate an arc.
`Time 2 S div
`l1 l
`~600 V
`Figure 6. Sparc-le, in active arc-handling mode, reacts quickly to stop the
`formation of chamber arcs.
`The active arc‘handling mode is designed to respond to
`chamber conditions that signal the beginning of an arc. Before
`an arc forms, the chamber voltage drops rapidly. The active
`circuit of Sparc-le detects this condition and activates an
`electronic switch. This switch does two important things. 1)
`It diverts the MDX current away from the chamber (and the
`potential arc), and 2) It acts to temporarily reverse the voltage
`on the target, drawing electrons from the load and killing the
`arc in the prenatal stage. This circuit function is extremely
`fast—the reaction time is 1 ps, and the total interruption of the
`process is only about 10 ps. In this mode, Sparc’le can respond
`to up to 2000 arcs per second. This fast response can reduce the
`amount of energy dissipated in an are (or potential arc) to one
`one-hundredth of the energy dissipated in the active mode of
`Figure 7. Sparc-le, in self-run mode, reverses the chamber voltage zooo
`times per second to prevent arc-forming high voltage bulldup.
`In the selfarun mode, the electronic switch that reverses the
`target voltage is activated automatically (i.e., even in the
`absence of an are), at a rate of 2000 times per second (Figure 7).
`This reversal of the voltage on the target will attract electrons
`from the plasma to the front surface of the insulative layer on
`the target. The arriving electrons neutralize the ions, restoring
`them to neutral gas atoms. This “discharges” the insulative
`layer, reducing the voltage difference between the front and
`back sides, which greatly reduces the probability of voltage
`breakdown and are occurrence. In addition to preventing charge
`buildup, discharge of the insulative surface lowers the surface
`potential to the negative power supply voltage, which attracts
`positive ions from the plasma during the normal negative
`voltage period. This will sputter away the insulative layer, or
`TSMC et al v. Zond
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`Zond Ex. 2017
`TSMC et al v. Zond
`Page 4
`Zond Ex. 2017


`keep it so thin that it does not create an arcing hazard. It is
`important to note that if an arc does begin to form. between
`discharging pulses of the self—run mode, Sparc—le will respond to
`the falling voltage, as in the normal active arc—handling mode,
`to suppress the arc (Figure 8).
`Figure 8. Insulative Sio: builds up on target surface. Spare-le momentarily
`reverses target voltage to discharge the insulative layer 5'02.
`Sometimes, problems encountered during the conditioning
`of new targets are related to arcing that results from
`contamination and oxides on the target surface. rather than
`from the microscopic burrs discussed earlier. The self—run mode
`can also be used to “clean" insulative contamination or oxide
`layers from the target prior to use in normal (nonreactive) dc
`sputtering processes. The insulative film will be sputtered away
`by the mechanism outlined above.
`An added feature of Sparc'le is the activation port. This
`BNC connector allows the user to observe the operation of
`Sparc’le. Every time an arc is repressed in the active arc—
`handling mode, or every time the target voltage is discharged
`in the selfrrun mode, a 5 V. 10 ms signal is produced at the
`activation port. This signal can be monitored with an
`oscilloscope or frequency counter to track Sparc-le’s operation.
`The ARC-OUT circuit in the MDX and Spare—1e will
`enhance any vacuum process in which arc energy is a problem
`(not all processes are sensitive to arc energy). The ARC4
`CHECK circuit is essential for cathodic arc deposition processes.
`It also brings significant value to sputtering processes that use
`magnetron cathodes with anodes that are close to cathodes and
`are therefore prone to target flake shorts, This is especially true
`in applications where sputtering is conducted in either a “side”
`or “up” sputtering configuration, where gravity can exacerbate a
`target flake short problem.
`Sparc—le‘s most significant contribution to the vacuum
`processing industry comes in the area of reactive dc sputtering of
`electrically conductive or semiconductive targets in reactive gas
`environments, particularly where the reaction between gas and
`target produces an electrically insulative material. This
`revolutionary product permits the low cost and high sputter
`rates of dc to be used effectively for sputtering these troublesome
`films. It should be pointed out that even though Sparc—le has
`been shown to be very effective in sputtering insulative films
`formed reactively from conductive targets, Spare—1e will not
`work to permit dc to sputter thick, truly insulative targets. This
`is true because thick targets charge up so rapidly that much
`higher frequencies than Sparc—le can produce are required to
`maintain sputtering action. Generally, the ISM (industrial,
`scientific, and medical) frequency of 13.56 MHz is used for RF
`sputtering of electrically insulative targets. Advanced Energy
`Industries, Inc., has a complete 13.56 MHZ product line suitable
`for this purpose.
`The ARCIOUT enhancement mode of Sparc—Ie will
`improve voltage bias supply performance in cathodic arc and
`ion—plating deposition processes by reducing the energy
`dissipated in arcs. Likewise, Sparc'le operating in the active arc,
`handling mode will further reduce arc«related damage in these
`Our experience in using Sparc—le, in all modes, in processes
`that incorporate RF bias on substrates being coated, is excellent.
`We have not detected any interaction between Sparc—le and the
`RF bias source, and the function of Sparc—le is unaffected.
`This paper was written to clarify the numerous and
`complex arc’managing schemes and designs incorporated in dc
`products engineered and manufactured by Advanced Energy
`Industries, Inc. If you have any questions, or desire further
`information on a higher technical level regarding any of these
`designs or processes, please contact the technical support or
`technical education department of Advanced Energy Industries,
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`© Advanced Energy lndustria, Inc
`All rights reserved. Printed in USA
`SL-WHITF.W.Z70«OI 1M 03/01
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`Fort Collins, Colorado 805 25
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