Patent No. 7,811,421
`Patent Owner
`Inter Partes Review Case No. IPR2014-008021
`Patent 7,811,421
`37 C.F.R. §42.70
`1 Cases IPR2014-00848, IPR2014-00992, and IPR2014-01071 have been joined
`with the instant proceeding.

`Patent No. 7,811,421
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. §42.70(a), Patent Owner, Zond, LLC, hereby
`submits it observations on cross-examination of Dr. Overzet, whose
`Declaration was submitted by Petitioners with their Reply Brief filed May 1,
`2015. Dr. Overzet’s cross-examination was conducted by deposition on May
`7, 2015. Exhibit 2018 is a transcript of that deposition, and is used as the basis
`for the present observations.
`1. Dr. Overzet’s testimony confirms that the ‘421 patent used the
`phrase “creates a weakly ionized plasma” to refer to the ignition of
`feed gas.
`In his testimony at page 87, line 4 – page 88, line 19; and at page 99, line 10 –
`page 104, line 5 (in particular within the excerpts below), Dr. Overzet
`confirmed that the ‘421 patent used the phrase “creates a weakly ionized
`plasma” to refer to the ignition of feed gas. This is relevant to the Patent
`Owner’s assertion that the claimed phrase “creates a weakly ionized plasma”
`refers to igniting a gas from a state in which there is no plasma to a state in
`which a plasma exists. (Patent Owner Response, pages 18 – 22) and to the
`Petitioner’s arguments to the contrary (Petitioners’ Reply, pages 2 – 4):
`Excerpt A: Zond Ex. 2018, Page 102, line 6 - page 104, line 5
`Q. So look at the entire sentence: "The characteristics of the voltage
`pulse are chosen such that an electric field develops between the cathode
`assembly that creates a weekly-ionized plasma 362 in the region 245."

`Patent No. 7,811,421
`Q. Do you see that language at column 11 --
`A. I do.
`Q. -- lines 14 on?
`A. I see that language, uh-huh.
`Q. Now, which of the two techniques for creating a weakly-ionized
`plasma do you think is being referred to here?
`A. It wasn't part of the section that we read together, but the first line of
`that paragraph describes the beginning of the feed gas flow. Do you see
`that in that first line, after the feed gas is supplied between the cathode
`assembly and the anode --
`Q. At line 9, right.
`A. Yes, indicating an initiation of the feed gas flow --
`Q. Uh-huh.
`A. -- yes. So because of that line, I have the impression that this would
`be a first application of the electric field.
`Q. Does that mean that the sentence referred to here starting at line 14
`through 18 or 19 refers to the first type – first technique for creating
`weakly-ionized plasma that you referred to in your declaration as
`A. As I read this and think about it, in its context, it is consistent with
`the first application in developing a first weakly-ionized plasma.
`Q. By "first" you mean ignition, just --
`A. Yes.

`Patent No. 7,811,421
`Excerpt B: Zond Ex. 2018, Page 88, lines 3 – 14:
`Q. In the flow chart depicted in figures 11A and 11B, can you identify
`for me a step that corresponds to the creation of weakly-ionized plasma
`referenced in element B of Claim 1?
`A. It looks to me like item 618 is that location, because it says, "Ionized
`feed gas to generate weakly-ionized plasma."
`2. Dr. Overzet’s was unable to identify any text of the ‘421 patent
`that used the phrase “creates a weakly ionized plasma” to refer to
`the so-called “alternative technique” in which a strongly ionized
`plasma transitions to a weakly ionized plasma.
`In his testimony at page 111, line 6 – page 114, line 19, and in particular in the
`testimony excerpts below, Dr. Overzet testified that he was unable to identify
`any text of the ‘421 patent that used the phrase “creates a weakly ionized
`plasma” when referring to the so-called “alternative technique” in which a
`strongly ionized plasma transitions to a weakly ionized plasma. This too is
`relevant to the Patent Owner’s interpretation of the claimed phrase “creates a
`weakly ionized plasma” and rebuts Petitioners’ proposed interpretation:
`Q. So based upon your review to date and your -- your current
`knowledge, are you able to cite right now any additional text in the '421
`patent where the phrase "creates a weakly-ionized plasma" was used to
`refer to the technique referred to in paragraph 31 of your declaration?
`A. I cannot point to at this moment in time a location in the '421 patent
`that refers to creating a weakly-ionized plasma as occurring from a
`strongly-ionized plasma.

`Patent No. 7,811,421
`3. Dr. Overzet confirmed that the ‘421 patent instead used the phrase
`“maintains the plasma” when referring to a transition from a
`strongly ionized plasma to a weakly ionized plasma.
`In his testimony at page 111, line 18 – page 113, line 10, and in particular in
`the testimony excerpts below, Dr. Overzet acknowledges that the text of the
`‘421 patent that describes the transition from a strongly ionized plasma to a
`weakly-ionized plasma uses the phrase “maintains the plasma” for this
`transition, and NOT the claimed phrase - “creates a weakly ionized plasma.”
`This too is relevant to the dispute over the meaning of the claimed phrase
`“creates a weakly ionized plasma” by demonstrating that the Patent Owner’s
`proposal is consistent with the language of the ‘421 patent specification and
`that the Petitioners’ proposal is not:
`A. So if I may parrot the question back to you, the question is, am I
`aware of the '421 patent using the phrase "creates a weakly-ionized
`plasma" in conjunction with the transition from strongly-ionized to
`generating weakly-ionized, from a strongly-ionized?
`Q. Yes.
`A. I've got the wrong patent in front of me now.
`Q. And again, I want to break it down.
`First I want to see if you have any in mind, and if not, you know, look to
`the patent if you'd like and see if you can find it. So let's start with what
`you know.

`Patent No. 7,811,421
`A. I'm going to look back at column 16 again. Is that what -- that is what
`I have in mind, to look at column 16 first.
`Q. Okay.
`A. It doesn't use those exact words, but what's said in column 16 at line
`42 and following -- I'm sorry, 41 and following is this: "At time t6, the
`maximum power 350 is terminated. In one embodiment, the pulsed
`power supply 234 continues to supply a background power that is
`sufficient to maintain the plasma after time t6." This plasma at that time
`is clearly identified as the weakly-ionized plasma because later on in that
`same column another high-power pulse is applied, so it does not
`specifically call out the word "create," but it calls out what I would
`consider to be the function of "create." That is to generate or to form or
`something along those lines.
`Q. Here this characterizes that as, quote, maintaining the plasma,
`closed quote. Is that correct?
`A. It uses that word "maintain," but before t6 there is not weakly-
`ionized plasma. At some point in time after there is. That is a generation
`4. Dr. Overzet’s testimony confirms that the portion of Wang’s
`waveform that the Petitioners call a “pulse” does not “create a
`ionized plasma,” even using Dr. Overzet’s so-called
`“alternative” definition of “creating a weakly-ionized plasma.”
`In his testimony at page 122, line 6 – page 124, line 13, Dr. Overzet identified
`the portion of Wang’s waveform that he relies upon for allegedly teaching the
`voltage pulse of claim 1 by annotating the reproduction of Wang’s figure 6 on

`Patent No. 7,811,421
`page 26 of his declaration. Although created during his deposition testimony
`(see page 122, line 6 – page 124, line 13), Dr. Overzet’s annotated version of his
`declaration was not produced with his deposition transcript, and it has not
`been found. The Patent Owner submits that when Dr. Overzet annotated his
`declaration, he identified a region in the middle of the Wang’s figure 6 that is
`consistent with the contention in Petitioners’ Reply Brief that the claimed pulse
`corresponds to a “high-power peak and the lower-power region preceding
`it,” presumably agreeing with the Petitioners’ contention on this issue. (see
`Petitioners’ Reply Brief at page 10). But Dr. Overzet further testified that this
`preceding lower-power region at the power level PB operates to “create a
`weakly-ionized plasma” as claimed. Yet this low power region of the “pulse”
`clearly does not “create a weakly ionized plasma” (even accordingly to Dr.
`Overzet’s “alternative” definition of the phrase) because in that region the
`weakly ionized plasma already exists (see e.g., page 95, line 7 – page 99, line 9
`of Dr. Overzet’s deposition transcript.
` Excerpt A: Zond Ex. 2018, Page 123, line 3 – page 124, line 12:
`Q. … Looking at the reproduction of Wang's figure 6 on page 26, can
`you identify for me the portion of that waveform that you believe
`corresponds to the claimed pulse? ….
`A. That pulse would begin and end like so.
`Q. Now, which portion of that pulse, quote, unquote, creates the

`Patent No. 7,811,421
`weakly-ionized plasma?
`A. The beginning portion.
`This is relevant to the Patent Owner’s argument that Wang does NOT teach
`the claimed power supply for generating a voltage pulse that creates a weakly
`ionized plasma and then a strongly ionized plasma from the weak, without an
`occurrence of arcing (Patent Owner Response, pages 28 – 38).
`5. Dr. Overzet’s testimony confirms that his proposed definition of
`“pulse” was contrived for purposes of this litigation and is not a
`reasonable interpretation derived from the ‘421 patent.
`In his testimony at page 54, line 15 – page 73, line 4, (and in particular to the
`excerpts below), Dr. Overzet testified that: 1) he did not know whether the
`word “pulse” has a special meaning in this art, 2) the definition of pulse he
`proposes in his declaration was prepared for this litigation, 3) he could not
`recall whether he or his lawyers prepared it, and 4) he did not consult any
`dictionaries or trade literature to see if such documents were consistent with
`his proposed definition. This is relevant to the Patent Owner’s contention that
`the Petitioners’ theory of anticipation requires an unnatural reading of the
`claim phrase - “pulse … that creates a weakly ionized plasma and then a
`strongly ionized plasma” - that was contrived for purposes of this litigation.
`(Patent Owner’s Response, pages 1 – 4).
`Q. To your knowledge, does the meaning of the word "pulse" in this art

`Patent No. 7,811,421
`differ from the ordinary English usage of the word "pulse"?
`A. Do you have a dictionary that I can look at?
`Q. Well, let's start with your knowledge.
`A. I don't want to speculate, and a dictionary would define the ordinary
`usage. I would need to see that to answer your question.
`Q. Did you consult any technical dictionaries for guidance?
`A. Not that I recall.
`Q. Basically what I asked is, at the time you prepared the definition here
`in paragraph 3 --
`A. Uh-huh.
`Q. -- did at that time you pause to go consult the literature to see how the
`word "pulse" was being used in the literature?
`A. I did not go and specifically search through the literature for a
`definition of a word that I believe I already understand very well.
`Q. Okay. When did you come up with this statement or definition of the
`word "pulse" that you have here in paragraph 33?
`A. Are you asking for when as a specific date, or as part of -- I can recall
`that this definition -- I came up with this definition as part of the first
`draft of my declaration.
`Q. Okay. And let's start there. So in that first draft, was it -- were you the

`Patent No. 7,811,421
`one who crafted the terminology of the definition here?
`A. I don't recall who wrote which sentence for the first time, but I agree
`with that first sentence in paragraph 33. That is my opinion.
`Q. Understood. But as you sit here now, you can't recall whether it was
`you or someone else who first -- did the first draft of this sentence in
`paragraph 33; is that correct?
`A. It is my assertion that that sentence is my opinion, and it's immaterial
`who first typed it up, that it came out of conversation with counsel.
`Q. The materiality aside, is it true that you can't recall whether you or
`counsel did the first draft of this sentence?
`A. Yes, I do not recall.
`6. Dr. Overzet EFFECTIVELLY modified his definition of “pulse”
`during his deposition, thus demonstrating that the definition proposed
`in his declaration is not a reasonable one
`In his testimony at page 61, line 7 – page 62, line 12 and at page 68, line 12 –
`page 73, line 4 (including the excepts below), Dr. Overzet essentially modified
`his proposed definition of “pulse.” This supports the Patent Owner’s
`argument that the Petitioners’ theory of anticipation requires an unnatural
`reading of the claim phrase - “pulse … that creates a weakly ionized plasma
`and then a strongly ionized plasma” - that was contrived for purposes of this
`litigation. (Patent Owner’s Response, pages 1 – 4).
`Q. Well, let me see if I understand the definition as you have offered it

`Patent No. 7,811,421
`here. You mentioned that the property is applied, quote, over a period of
`time, closed quote. What -- what is that period of time?
`A. It is -- it is a length of time.
`Q. So your definition of pulse in that first sentence is silent on
`amplitude. Is that what you intended?
`A. I would disagree.
`Q. Okay. Fantastic. Then why don't you just -- because I'm trying to get
`an understanding, why don't you elaborate for me where in this
`definition there is a hint of the amplitude component of your pulse
`A. It seems to me that there is just more than just a hint. Since it's a
`property over a period of time, that means that that property must have
`Q. Okay. So the word "property" as you understand it here implies some
`change in one of the parameters listed; is that correct?
`A. I believe that's correct. Stronger than that, that's correct.
`Q. Please identify for me any word in your definition of paragraph 33
`that refers to the concept of change that you have been discussing.
`A. A property that is applied over a period of time.
`Q. And to you, that implies change; is that correct?
`A. Yes, it implies a stop and a start, and not a false setting of said stop
`and start.

`Patent No. 7,811,421
`Q. Would you agree that a -- the word "pulse" implies a transient
`variation of a brief duration?
`A. I think I agree with that as well. I believe that to be consistent with
`my prior testimony.
`7. Dr. Overzet’s testimony confirmed that Wang does not disclose a
`power supply that chooses the amplitude, duration and rise time of a
`pulse’s voltage as in the claims.
`Between page 37, line 2 and page 48, line 23, Dr. Overzet’s testimony explains
`the meaning of the word “power” in various contexts, and in doing so clarifies
`that some power supply controllers control the power of their output to a target
`power level, and that others control the voltage of their output to choose a
`desired voltage. This testimony is relevant to the Patent Owner’s argument that
`Wang does not teach the claimed power supply that chooses voltage
`amplitude, duration AND rise time of the voltage of its output, since it is
`designed to choose a desired target power level (Page 50, line 17 – page 54, line
`14). A few pertinent excerpts are reproduced below:
`Excerpt A: Zond Ex. 2018, Page 44, line 19 – page 45, line 12:
`Q. I got it, I think, but just to be much simpler, so there is a structure
`generally known as a controller within power supplies for controlling the
`power supply operation. Do I have that correct?
`A. The word "power supply" is a more general word than that. So one

`Patent No. 7,811,421
`would call a supply that controls voltage a power supply, or a supply
`that controls current a power supply or a supply that controls power a
`power supply. All three of those are used, and I have seen in my
`experience power supplies wherein one can choose between any of the
`three, or more commonly between controlling voltage or controlling
`current, but yet it's called a power supply.
`Q. Thank you, got it. So this leads to the terminology issue I want to get
`to. So in the version of power supply that controls power, I assume then
`that the controller has some target power level that it's trying to achieve.
`Do I have that right?
`A. I believe that typically would be the case.
`Excerpt B: Zond Ex. 2018, Page 48, lines 15 - 23:
`Q. Right. And for power supplies that control power, as you mentioned,
`the target power level is a parameter of that controller; is that correct?
`A. That is my understanding that a power supply where you can set
`power, would try to control the output power.
`8. Dr. Overset confirmed that his declaration does not provide an
`opinion on the patentability of the claims, just on whether the
`individual elements were “anticipated and/or rendered obvious by the
`prior art.”
`Dr. Overzet confirms in his testimony (Zond Ex. 2018, page 136, line 12 –
`page 137, line 17; and page 167, line 24 – page 168, line 24), that his
`declaration does not offer an opinion on the patentability of the claims: His
`declaration merely opines that each of the individual limitations of the claims

`Patent No. 7,811,421
`was allegedly taught by “the prior art” or was obvious in view of “the prior
`art.” This is relevant because it confirms that the scope and evidentiary value
`of Dr. Overzet’s declaration is limited to his assessment of the individual
`elements (as he characterizes them) and not to the claimed combinations as a
`9. Dr. Overzet’s testimony confirms that the gas flow in Wang was
`constant and that Dr. Overzet never considered the claimed
`requirement for controlling flow to diffuse the strongly-ionized
`plasma as recited in claims 6, 31
`Dr. Overzet’s testimony cited below confirms that the gas flow in Wang was
`constant and that Dr. Overset never considered the requirement for controlling
`flow rate to diffuse the strongly-ionized plasma as recited in claims 6, 31. This
`is relevant to the Patent Owner’s argument in IPR2014-00805 that Wang does
`not teach the claimed flow control (Patent Owner Response, IPR2104-00805,
`pages 45 – 48).
`Excerpt A: Zond Ex. 2018, Page 161, lines 13 - 24:
`Q. So did you discuss in your declaration the process of diffusion of the
`plasma particles, the particles within the strongly-ionized plasma, did
`you discuss that in your declaration?
`A. Did I discuss that?
`A. No, that was not a -- an argument that I saw being made by the prior
`exhibits, so I discussed the diffusion of the argon in the plasma, which I
`take to be the clear meaning of Claim 6.

`Patent No. 7,811,421
`Excerpt B: Zond Ex. 2018, Page 159, lines 2 - 25:
`Q. And in paragraph 77, I notice you use that terminology, that the feed
`gas diffuses into the plasma.
` A. That's right.
` Q. Right. And that means that the gas molecules through the procession
`of diffusion that you described reach the plasma; is that right?
` A. Diffuse into and replace old gas atoms --
` Q. Right.
`A. -- that are being pumped away.
`Q. Now, does the feed gas in Wang operate to expand the volume of the
`strongly-ionized plasma?
`A. To expand the volume. My understanding is that without the feed gas
`entering in Wang, the pressure would reduce. As part of the pressure
`reducing, the strongly ionized plasma would contract and go away. So
`without the feed gas feeding into the strongly ionized plasma, the plasma
`would, in fact, be reduced. As a result, I believe it is accurate to say that
`it expands. If preventing a reduction is expansion, then expansion.
`Excerpt C: Zond Ex. 2018, Page 159, lines 14 - 25:
`Q. Well, does -- does Wang ever suggest increasing the flow rate once a
`strongly-ionized plasma is formed?
` A. I do not recall Wang discussing an increase of the flow rate after the
`formation of strongly-ionized plasma.
` Q. So the rate of -- is it true then that the rate of diffusion of the feed gas
`from the inlet to the region with the strongly-ionized plasma is, would be

`Patent No. 7,811,421
`essentially constant in Wang's system?
` A. It could be essentially constant. There are other factors which could,
`in fact, influence that rate as well.
`Excerpt D: Zond Ex. 2018, Page 165, line 12 – 167, line 23:
`Q. So what was the shortcoming in Wang that you were relying upon --
`you were looking to Lantsman to fill?
`A. We were responding to an argument by the patent owner.
`Q. I don't understand. So what argument were you relying upon
`Lantsman for?
` A. The final sentence in paragraph 79 of my declaration states exactly
`this: "Thus, even if Wang did not teach continuous feed of gas during
`the plasma process, I consider this a regular and routine modification,
`consistent with the teachings of Lantsman."
`Q. I see. So you are relying upon Lantsman for the teaching of
`continuous feed of gas; correct?
` A. Yeah.
` Q. So the reference to two-stage plasma that -- that you are not relying
`upon Lantsman for whatever that is?
` A. Correct.
`Date: May 18, 2015
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Bruce Barker/
`Bruce Barker
`Reg. No. 33,291
`Chao Hadidi Stark & Barker LLP
`176 East Main Street, Suite 6
`Westborough, MA 01581
`(508) 366-3800

`Patent No. 7,811,421
`Ex. 2001
`Ex. 2002
`Ex. 2003
`Exs. 2004 - 2009
`Ex. 2010
`Ex. 2011
`Ex. 2012
`Ex. 2013
`Ex. 2014
`Ex. 2015
`Ex. 2016
`Ex. 2017
`Ex. 2018
`Affidavit of Etai Lahav in Support of Patent
`Owner’s Motion for Pro Hac Vice Admission
`Affidavit of Maria Granovsky in Support of
`Patent Owner’s Motion for Pro Hac Vice
`Affidavit of Tigran Vardanian in Support of
`Patent Owner’s Motion for Pro Hac Vice
`Not Used
`DeVito Deposition
`Hartsough Declaration
`Kortshagen Deposition of 12.23.14
`Overzet Deposition 5/7/15

`Patent No. 7,811,421
`The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing Patent
`Owner Observations were served via email on May 18, 2015, on Petitioner’s
`David Tennant
`Dohm Chankong
`Robinson Vu
`David L. McCombs
`David M O’Dell
`David Cavanaugh
`Larissa B. Park
`/Bruce Barker/
`Bruce Barker
`Reg. No. 33,291
`Chao Hadidi Stark & Barker LLP
`176 East Main Street, Suite 6
`Westborough, MA 01581
`(508) 366-3800

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