Curriculum Vitae
`George Kesidis
`Employment History:
`Professor in both the Computer Science & Engineering and Electrical Engineering Departments, The Pennsylvania
`State University, 2000-present
`National Science Foundation (NSF) Intermittent Expert (part-time Program Officer) for the Secure and Trustworthy
`Cyberspace (SaTC) program, 2012-2014.
`Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo: June 1992 - April 2000.
`Work Address:
`CSE Dept, 338J IST Building, University Park, PA, 16802, USA
`Office Phone: (814)865-9190
`Lab Phone: (814)865-7226
`Fax: (814)865-7065
`Cell Phone: (814)933-9300
`Home Address: 692 Tanager Drive, State College, PA, 16803, USA
`Home Phone: (814)238-1516
`Home Email:
`Birth Date: August 17, 1964
`Birth Place: Toronto, Canada
`Citizen of: USA, Canada
`Marital Status: Married with three children
`Top Secret through the Defense Security Agency
`Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley in EECS supervised by Jean Walrand (1992).
`M.S. from the University of California at Berkeley in EECS supervised by Eugene Wong (1990).
`B.A.Sc. from the University of Waterloo in Electrical Engineering (1988).
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`My research has targeted problems in the following areas:
`• energy systems including smart electrical grids;
`• network security, anomaly detection, and traffic engineering;
`• network games, pricing, incentive engineering;
`• performance evaluation including stochastic modeling, analysis and simulation;
`• optimization;
`• applied statistics and machine learning.
`Note: In the following, a * indicates a graduate student under my supervision.
`• G. Kesidis. An Introduction to Models of Online Peer-to-Peer Social Networking. Morgan & Claypool Publ.,
`San Francisco, 2010.
`• G. Kesidis. An Introduction to Analysis of Communication Networks. Wiley-Interscience & IEEE Press, 2007.
`• G. Kesidis. ATM Network Performance. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Second Edition, Dec. 1999.
`Journal Papers:
`1. Y. Jin, G. Kesidis, J. Shin, F. Kocak and Y. Yi. Impacts of selfish behaviors on the scalability of hybrid server
`client and peer-to-peer caching systems submitted Oct. 2013, under revision.
`2. A. Kurve, G. Kesidis, and D.J. Miller. Multicategory Crowdsourcing Accounting for Plurality in Worker Skill
`and Intention and Task Difficulty. submitted Sept. 2013, revised Jan. 2014.
`3. J. Keltner et al. HIV-Associated Distal Neuropathic Pain is Associated with Smaller Total Cerebral Cortical
`Gray Matter. Journal of NeuroVirology, Feb. 2014.
`4. A. Al Daoud, J. Liebeherr and G. Kesidis. Zero-Determinant Strategies: A Game-Theoretic Approach for
`Sharing Licensed Spectrum Bands. submitted Jan. 2014.
`5. J. Raghuram, D.J. Miller and G. Kesidis. Unsupervised, low latency anomaly detection of algorithmically
`generated domain names by generative probabilistic modeling. JAR, Springer, Jan. 2014; presented at the
`US-Egypt Workshop on Cyber Security, Cairo, Egypt, May 28, 2013.
`6. J. Raghuram, D.J. Miller and G. Kesidis. Instance-level constraint based semi-supervised learning with imposed
`space-partitioning. to appear in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2014.
`7. P. Antoniadis, S. Fdida, C. Griffin, G. Kesidis, Y. Jin. CSMA Local Area Networking under Dynamic Altruism.
`EURASIP J. on Wireless Comm. and Net., Aug. 2013; shorter version in Proc. AdHocNets Workshop, Paris,
`Oct. 2012.
`8. F. Kocak*, G. Kesidis and S. Fdida. Network neutrality with content caching and its effect on access pricing.
`In Smart Data Pricing, M. Chiang and S. Sen (Eds.), Wiley, 2013 (invited).
`9. A. Kurve*, C. Griffin, D.J. Miller and G. Kesidis. Optimizing Cluster Formation in Super-Peer Networks via
`Local Incentive Design. Journal of Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, Springer, Apr. 2013.
`10. A. Kurve*, K. Kotobi* and G. Kesidis. An agent-based framework for performance modeling of an optimistic
`parallel discrete event simulator. Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling, Special Issue on Multidisciplinary
`Applications and Methods for Agent-based Modeling, Springer, Apr. 2013.
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`11. Y. Jin, G. Kesidis and J.W. Jang. Diffusion dynamics of network technologies with bounded rational users:
`Aspiration-based learning. ACM/IEEE Trans. Networking 21(1), Feb. 2013.
`12. J. Raghuram*, D.J. Miller, G. Kesidis and C. Collins. Improved Generative Semisupervised Learning Based
`on Fine-Grained Component-Conditional Class Labeling. Neural Computation 24(7), July 1, 2012.
`13. Y. Jin, G. Kesidis and J.W. Jang. A channel-aware MAC protocol in an ALOHA network with selfish users.
`IEEE JSAC Special Issue on Game Theory in Wireless Communications 30(1), Jan. 2012.
`14. Y. Aksu*, D.J. Miller, G. Kesidis, D.C. Bigler, Q.X. Yang. An MRI-Derived Definition of MCI-to-AD Conver-
`sion for Long-Term, Automatic Prognosis of MCI Patients. PLoS ONE, Oct. 2011.
`15. G. Zou*, G. Kesidis and D.J. Miller. A Flow Classifier with Tamper-resistant Features and an Evaluation of Its
`Portability to New Domains. IEEE JSAC Special Issue on Advances in Digital Forensics for Communications
`and Networking, Aug. 2011.
`16. G. Carl* and G. Kesidis. Modeling a Policy-Capable Path-Vector Routing Protocol using Jacobi Iteration over
`a Path Algebra. Computer Networks (COMNET) Journal, July 2011.
`17. E. Altman, S. Caron*, G. Kesidis, J. Rojas-Mora, and S. Wong. A study of non-neutral networks under usage-
`based pricing. Telecommunication Systems Journal Special Issue on Socio-economic Issues of Next Generation
`Networks, June 2011; shorter version in Proc. Workshop on Economic Traffic Management (ETM), Amsterdam,
`Sept. 2010.
`18. Y. Aksu*, D.J. Miller, G. Kesidis, and Q.X. Yang. Margin-Maximizing Feature Elimination Methods for Linear
`and Nonlinear Kernel SVMs. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Feb. 2010.
`19. G. Kesidis, A. Tangpong* and C. Griffin. A sybil-proof referral system based on multiplicative reputation
`chains. IEEE Comm. Letters, Nov. 2009.
`20. Y.-H. Choi, L. Li, P. Liu and G. Kesidis. Worm Virulence Estimation for the Containment of Local Worm
`Outbreak. Elsevier Computers and Security (COSE), 2009.
`21. Y.-C. Jhi, P. Liu, L. Li*, Q. Jun and G. Kesidis. PWC: A Proactive Worm Containment Solution for Enterprise
`Networks. Wiley Security and Communication Networks, 2009.
`22. S. Yi*, X. Deng*, G. Kesidis and C.R. Das. A dynamic quarantine scheme for controlling unresponsive TCP
`sessions. Telecommunication Systems 37(4): p. 169-189, 2008.
`23. D.J. Miller, Y. Zhang* and G. Kesidis. Decision Aggregation in Distributed Classification by a Transduc-
`tive Extension of Maximum Entropy/Improved Iterative Scaling. EURASIP JASP special issue on Emerging
`Machine Learning Techniques in Signal Processing, 2008.
`24. G. Carl* and G. Kesidis. Large-Scale Testing of the Internet’s Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) via Topological
`Scale-Down. ACM TOMACS, July 2008.
`25. A. Neishaboori* and G. Kesidis. Wireless Mesh Networks Based on CDMA. Computer Communications special
`issue on WMNs, vol. 31, 2008.
`26. G. Kesidis, M. Vojnovic, I. Hamadeh*, Y. Jin*, S. Jiwasurat*. A Model of the Spread of Randomly Scanning
`Internet Worms that Saturate Access Links. ACM TOMACS, April 2008.
`27. S. Yi*, X. Deng*, G. Kesidis, and C.R. Das. Technique for Estimating the Number of Active Flows in High-
`Speed Networks. ETRI Journal 30(2), April 2008, 194-204.
`28. D.J. Miller, Y. Wang, and G. Kesidis. Emergent unsupervised Clustering Paradigms with Potential Application
`to Bioinformatics. Frontiers in Bioscience, Vol. 13, p. 677-690, January 1, 2008.
`29. Y. Jin* and G. Kesidis. Distributed contention window control for selfish users in IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs.
`IEEE JSAC special issue on non-cooperative networks, Aug. 2007.
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`30. D. Fayek*, A. Vannelli and G. Kesidis. Non-linear game models for large-scale network bandwidth management.
`Journal of Optimization and Engineering (Springer), Dec. 2006.
`31. S. Yi*, M. Keppes, S. Garg, X. Deng*, G. Kesidis, and C.R. Das. Proxy-RED: An AQM Scheme for Wireless
`Local Area Networks. Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Journal, 2006.
`32. P.B. Jeon* and G. Kesidis. A Pheromone-Aided Multipath QoS Routing Protocol and its Applications in
`MANETs. Journal of Communications Software and Systems, 2006.
`33. J. Wang*, D.J. Miller, and G. Kesidis. Efficient Mining of the Multidimensional Traffic Cluster Hierarchy for
`Digesting, Visualization, and Modeling. IEEE JSAC special issue on High-Speed Network Security, Oct. 2006,
`pp. 1929-1941.
`34. I. Hamadeh* and G. Kesidis. A survey of automated traceback techniques for the Internet.
`Journal on Security and Networks, June 2006.
`35. Y. Jin* and G. Kesidis. Charge sensitive and incentive compatible end-to-end window-based control for selfish
`users. IEEE JSAC special issue on Network Economics and Pricing, May 2006.
`36. G. Carl*, R. Brooks, S. Rai and G. Kesidis. DoS/DDoS attack detection techniques. IEEE Internet Computing,
`Jan./Feb. 2006.
`37. Y. Jin* and G. Kesidis. Dynamics of usage-priced communication networks: the case of a single bottleneck
`resource. ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking (ToN), Oct. 2005.
`38. R. Rao* and G. Kesidis. Mobility management of ad-hoc sensor networks using a distributed annealing strategy.
`IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2004.
`39. H. Zhu, G. Cao, G. Kesidis and C. Das, An adaptive power-conserving service discipline for Bluetooth (APCB)
`Wireless Networks. Computer Communications, 2004.
`40. S. Jiwasurat* and G. Kesidis. Performance analysis of a class of Shaped Deficit Round-Robin (SDRR) sched-
`ulers. Journal of Telecommunication Systems special issue on Recent Advances in Communication and Internet
`Technology, 2003.
`41. R. Rao* and G. Kesidis. Detection of malicious packet dropping using statistically regular traffic patterns in
`multihop wireless networks that are not bandwidth limited. Brazilian Journal of Telecommunications (Revista
`Brasileira de Telecomunicacoes) 18(2), Oct. 2003.
`42. Y. Jin* and G. Kesidis. Equilibria of a noncooperative game for heterogeneous users of an ALOHA network.
`IEEE Comm. Letters, Vol. 6, No. 7, pp. 282-284, 2002.
`43. G. Kesidis, K. Chakrabarty and L. Tassiulas. Traffic Shaping for a Loss System. IEEE Comm. Letters, Dec.
`2000, pp. 417-419.
`44. G. Kesidis and T. Konstantopoulos, Extremal Shape-controlled traffic patterns in high-speed networks. IEEE
`Trans. Comm. 48(5), May 2000, pp. 813-819.
`45. G. Kesidis and T. Konstantopoulos, Worst-case performance of a buffer with independent shaped arrival pro-
`cesses. IEEE Communication Letters, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan. 2000, pp. 26-28.
`46. A. Hung*, M.-J. Montpetit and G. Kesidis. ATM via Satellite: A Framework and Implementation. ACM
`Wireless Networks special issue on Hybrid and Satellite Communication Networks, Vol. 4, No. 2, Feb. 1998,
`pp. 141-154.
`47. A. Hung* and G. Kesidis. Bandwidth Scheduling for Wide-Area ATM Networks using Virtual Finishing Times.
`IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 49-54, Feb. 1996.
`48. G. de Veciana and G. Kesidis. Bandwidth Allocation for Multiple Qualities of Service using Generalized
`Processor Sharing. IEEE Trans. on Info. Theory, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 268-271, Jan. 1996.
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`49. G. de Veciana, G. Kesidis, and J. Walrand. Resource Management in Wide-Area ATM Networks Using Effective
`Bandwidths. IEEE JSAC, Vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 1081-1090, Aug. 1995.
`50. C. Courcoubetis, G. Kesidis, A. Ridder, J. Walrand, and R. Weber. Admission Control and Routing in ATM
`Networks using Inferences from Measured Buffer Occupancy. IEEE Trans. Comm., Vol. 43 , No. 2/3/4, pp.
`1778-1784, April 1995.
`51. G. Kesidis. Analog Optimization with Wong’s Stochastic Neural Network. IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, Vol.
`6, No. 1, pp. 258-260, Jan. 1995.
`52. G. Kesidis and J. Walrand. Conservation Relations for Fully Shared ATM Buffers. Probability in the Engi-
`neering and Informational Sciences, Vol. 8, pp. 147-151, 1994.
`53. G. Kesidis, J. Walrand, and C.-S. Chang. Effective Bandwidths for Multiclass Markov Fluids and other ATM
`Sources. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 424-428, Aug. 1993.
`54. G. Kesidis and J. Walrand. Quick Simulation of ATM Buffers with On-off Markov Fluid Sources. ACM
`TOMACS, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 269-276, July 1993.
`55. G. Kesidis and J. Walrand. Relative Entropy Between Markov Transition Rate Matrices. IEEE Trans. on
`Info. Theory, Vol 39, No. 3, pp. 1056,1057, May 1993.
`56. G. Kesidis and E. Wong. Optimal Acceptance Probability for Simulated Annealing. Stochastics and Stochastics
`Reports, Vol. 29, pp. 221-226, 1990.
`Conference Papers:
`1. M.H. Lotfi, G. Kesidis and S. Sarkar. Downlink power control for differential QoS. Proc. IEEE ISIT, Honolulu,
`June 2014.
`2. G. Kesidis. A simple two-sided market model with side-payments and ISP service classes.
`INFOCOM Workshop on Smart Data Pricing, Toronto, May 2, 2014 (invited).
`In Prof. IEEE
`3. F. Kocak, D.J. Miller and G. Kesidis. Detecting Anomalous Latent Classes in a Batch of Network Trafc Flows
`In Proc. CISS, Princeton, March 2014.
`4. C. Griffin and G. Kesidis. Behavior in a Shared-Resource Game with Cooperative, Greedy, and Vigilante
`Players. In Proc. CISS, Princeton, March 2014 (invited).
`5. C. Wang, B. Urgaonkar, Q. Wang, G. Kesidis and A. Sivasubramaniam. Data Center Cost Optimization Via
`Workload Modulation Under Real-World Electricity Pricing. In Proc. ACM/IEEE Int’l Conf. on Utility and
`Cloud Computing (UCC), Desden, Germany, Dec. 2013.
`6. A. Kurve, D.J. Miller, and G. Kesidis. Defeating Tyranny of the Masses: Semisupervised Multicategory
`Crowdsourcing Accounting for Worker Skill and Intention, Task Difficulty, and Task Heterogeneity. In Proc.
`GameSec, Dallas, Nov. 2013.
`7. M. Alizadeh, G. Kesidis, and A. Scaglione. Clustering consumption in queues: A Scalable Model for Electric
`Vehicle Scheduling. In Proc. IEEE Asilomar Conference, invited session on Signal Processing for the Smart
`Grid, Nov. 2013.
`8. H. Lu, G. Pang and G. Kesidis. Automated scheduling of deferrable PEV/PHEV load by power-profile un-
`evenness. In Proc. IEEE SmartGridComm, Vancouver, Oct. 2013.
`9. M. Alizadeh, A. Scaglione, and G. Kesidis. Scalable Model Predictive Control of Demand For Ancillary Services.
`In Proc. IEEE SmartGridComm, Vancouver, Oct. 2013.
`10. F. Kocak, G. Kesidis, T.-M. Pham, S. Fdida. The effect of caching on a model of content and access provider
`revenues in information-centric networks. In ASE/IEEE Proc. EconCom, Washington, DC, Sept. 2013. Best
`paper award.
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`Interest-group discovery and management by peer-to-peer online social
`11. J. He, D.J. Miller and G. Kesidis.
`networks. In ASE/IEEE Proc. SocialCom, Washington, Sept. 2013; Emulab experiments presented at GENI
`Engineering Conference (GEC) 18, Brooklyn, Oct. 2013.
`12. B. Urgaonkar, G. Kesidis, U.V. Shanbhag, C. Wang. “Pricing of Service in Clouds: Optimal Response and
`Strategic Interactions”. In Proc. Workshop on Mathematical Performance Modeling and Analysis, Pittsburgh,
`PA, June 2013. (extended abstract)
`13. Y. Jin, Y. Yi, G. Kesidis and J. Shin. Hybrid Client-Server and Peer-to-Peer Caching Systems with Selfish
`Peers. In Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, Turin, Italy, April 2013.
`14. D. J. Miller, F. Kocak and G. Kesidis. Sequential Anomaly Detection in a batch with growing number of tests:
`Applications to network intrusion detection. In Proc. IEEE MLSP, Santander, Spain, Sept. 2012.
`15. G. Kesidis and Y. Jin. Stochastic Loss Aversion for Random Medium Access. In Proc. Int’l Conf. on Game
`Theory for Networks (GameNets), Vancouver, May 24-26, 2012.
`16. G. Kesidis. Demand response for non-neutral networks: Side-payment profitability and convexity modeling
`congestion-sensitive applications. In Proc. IEEE ICC, Ottawa, June 2012.
`17. G. Pang, G. Kesidis and T. Konstantopoulos. Avoiding Overages by Deferred Aggregate Demand for PEV
`Charging on the Smart Grid. In Proc. IEEE ICC, Ottawa, June 2012. Extended version is CSE Dept Technical
`Report CSE-13-002, available at
`18. G. Kesidis and A. Kurve*. A study of unsupervised adaptive crowdsourcing. In Proc. IEEE ICC, Ottawa,
`June 2012. Also, Oct. 9, 2011.
`19. A. Kurve*, G. Pang, G. Kesidis, and G. de Veciana. Decentralized capacity reallocation for a loss network. In
`Proc. CISS, Princeton University, March 2012 (Invited).
`20. J. Raghuram*, D.J. Miller and G. Kesidis. Semisupervised domain adaptation for mixture model based classi-
`fiers. In Proc. CISS, Princeton University, March 2012.
`21. V. Shah, G. de Veciana and G. Kesidis. Learning to route queries in unstructured P2P systems: Achieving
`throughput optimality subject to query resolution constraints. In Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, Orlando, March
`22. A. Kurve*, C. Griffin, and G. Kesidis. A Graph Partitioning Game for Distributed Simulation of Networks. In
`Proc. Int’l Workshop on modeling, analysis, and control of complex networks (Cnet), San Francisco, Sept. 9,
`23. B. Celik*, J. Raghuram*, G. Kesidis and D.J. Miller. Salting public traces with attack traffic to test flow
`In Proc. USENIX Cyber Security Experimentation and Test (CSET) Workshop, San Francisco,
`Aug. 8, 2011.
`24. A. Kurve*, C. Griffin and G. Kesidis. Iterative Partitioning Scheme for Distributed Simulation of Dynamic
`Networks. In Proc. IEEE Computer Aided Modeling and Design (CAMAD), Kyoto, June 2011.
`25. A. Kurve* and G. Kesidis. Sybil Detection via Distributed Sparse Cut Monitoring. In Proc. IEEE ICC (Next
`Generation Networking and Internet Symposium), Kyoto, June 2011.
`26. C. Griffin, G. Kesidis, P. Antoniades, S. Fdida. An Epidemic Model of BitTorrent for Acquisition Performance,
`Content Availability, and Cooperation Incentive. In Proc. IEEE ICC (Communication and Information System
`Security Symposium), Kyoto, June 2011.
`27. G. Kesidis, Y. Jin, A. Amar and E. Altman. Stable Nash equilibria of medium access games under symmetric,
`socially altruistic behavior. In Proc. IEEE CDC, Atlanta, Dec. 15-17, 2010.
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`Improved Fine-Grained Component-Conditional Class
`28. D.J. Miller, C.-F. Lin*, G. Kesidis and C. Collins.
`Labeling with Active Learning. In Proc. IEEE Int’l Conf. on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA),
`Bethesda, MD, Dec. 12-14, 2010.
`29. E. Altman, S. Caron* and G. Kesidis. Application Neutrality and a Paradox of Side Payments. In Proc. ACM
`Re-Architecting the Internet (ReArch) Workshop (of the ACM CoNext Conference), Philadelphia, Nov. 30,
`30. S. Caron* and G. Kesidis. Incentive-based energy consumption scheduling algorithms for the Smart Grid. In
`Proc. IEEE SmartGridComm, Gaithersburg, MD, Oct. 4-6, 2010. Extended version available at
`31. G. Kesidis. Congestion control alternatives for residential broadband access by CMTS. In Proc. IEEE/IFIP
`NOMS, Osaka, Japan, Apr. 2010.
`32. A. Tangpong* and G. Kesidis. A simple file-sharing game relating uplink choking, flat-rate pricing and seeding.
`In Proc. CISS, Princeton University, March 2010.
`33. A. Neishaboori*, A. Das* and G. Kesidis. A Relaying Enticement Mechanism for Wireless CDMA Mesh
`Networks. In Proc. IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, Princeton, March 2010.
`34. Y. Zhang*, D.J. Miller and G. Kesidis. Hierarchical maximum entropy modeling for regression. In Proc. IEEE
`Machine Learning in Signal Processing (MLSP), Grenoble, France, Sept. 2009.
`35. D.J. Miller, C.-F. Lin*, G. Kesidis and C. Collins. Semi-supervised mixture modeling with fine-grained
`component-conditional class labeling and transductive inference.
`In Proc. IEEE Machine Learning in Sig-
`nal Processing (MLSP), Grenoble, France, Sept. 2009. Best paper award.
`36. P. Patankar*, G. Nam*, G. Kesidis, T. Konstantopoulos and C. Das. Peer-to-peer unstructured search with
`learned correlations between communities of interest. In Proc. International Teletraffic Congress (ITC), Paris,
`Sept. 2009.
`37. A. Tangpong*, G. Kesidis, H.-Y. Hsu, and A. Hurson. Robust Sybil Detection for MANETs. In Proc. ICCCN
`workshop on Security, Privacy and Trust of Computer and Cyber-Physical Networks, San Francisco, Aug. 2009.
`38. G. Nam*, P. Patankar*, G. Kesidis, C. Das and C. Seren. Mass Purging of Stale TCP Flows in Per-flow
`Monitoring System.
`In Proc.
`ICCCN workshop on Security, Privacy and Trust of Computer and Cyber-
`Physical Networks, San Francisco, Aug. 2009.
`39. G. Nam*, P. Patankar*, S.-H. Lim, B. Sharma, G. Kesidis, and C.R. Das. A Clock-like Flow Replacement for
`Resilient and Collaborative Flow Monitoring. In Proc. IEEE ICDCS, Montreal, June 2009.
`40. A. Das*, A. Neishaboori* and G. Kesidis. Game Models for Wireless Mesh Networks with Relaying Stations.
`In Proc. GameNets, Istanbul, May 2009.
`41. A. Tangpong* and G. Kesidis. A simple reputation model for BitTorrent-like incentives.
`GameNets, Istanbul, May 2009.
`In Proc.
`42. L. Li, P. Liu and G. Kesidis. Threshold Smart Walk for the Containment of Local Worm Outbreak. In Proc.
`IEEE GLOBECOM, New Orleans, Dec. 2008.
`43. Y. Zhang*, Y. Aksu*, G. Kesidis and D.J. Miller. SVM feature selection applications to microarray data. In
`IEEE Machine Learning in Signal Processing (MLSP), Cancun, Oct. 2008
`44. T. Konstantopoulos, G. Kesidis and P. Sousi. A stochastic epidemiological model and a deterministic limit for
`BitTorrent-like peer-to-peer file-sharing networks. In Workshop on Network Control and Optimization, Paris,
`Springer LNCS 5425, Sept. 2008.
`45. A. Neishaboori* and G. Kesidis. SINR-Sensitive Routing in Wireless 802.11 Mesh Networks. IEEE MeshTech
`Workshop, Atlanta, GA, Sept. 2008.
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`46. P. Patankar*, G. Nam*, G. Kesidis and C. Das. Exploring Anti-Spam Models in Large Scale VoIP Systems.
`In Proc. IEEE Int’l Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Beijing, June 2008.
`47. Y. Aksu*, D.J. Miller and G. Kesidis. Margin-based feature selection techniques for support vector machines.
`Proc. Workshop on Cognitive Information Processing (CIP), Santorini, June 2008.
`48. C.-F. Lin*, C. Collins, D.J. Miller and G. Kesidis. Towards a New Automated Segmentation Method for
`Numerous Tissues In Reference to a Whole-Body 3D Anatomical Template. In Proc. ISMRM, Toronto, May
`2008. (poster)
`49. G. Kesidis, G. de Veciana and A. Das*. On flat-rate and usage-based pricing for tiered commodity Internet
`services. In Proc. CISS, Princeton University, March 2008.
`50. D.J. Miller, Y. Zhang*, and G. Kesidis. A Transductive Extension of Maximum Entropy/Iterative Scaling for
`Decision Aggregation in Distributed Classification. In Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Las Vegas, March 2008.
`51. Y.-C. Jhi, L. Li, P. Liu, Q. Jin, and G. Kesidis. PWC: A Proactive Worm Containment Solution for Enterprise
`Networks. In Proc. IEEE SecureComm, Sept. 2007.
`52. A. Das*, V. Pothamsetty and G. Kesidis. Assessing discreet packet-dropping attacks using nearest-neighbor
`and path-vector attribution. In Proc. IEEE BROADNETS (Symposium on Wireless Networking), Raleigh,
`NC, Sept. 2007.
`53. Y. Aksu*, G. Kesidis, and D.J. Miller. Efficient, stepwise-optimal feature elimination in support vector machines
`for huge feature spaces. In Proc. Workshop on Machine Learning in Signal Processing (MLSP), Thessaloniki,
`Aug. 29, 2007.
`54. L. Li, P. Liu, Y.-C. Jhi and G. Kesidis. Evaluation of collaborative worm containment on the DETER testbed.
`In Proc. DETER Community Workshop of the USENIX Security Conference, Aug. 2007.
`55. A. Neishaboori* and G. Kesidis. Distributed power control in multihop ad hoc CDMA networks. In Proc.
`IEEE ICC, Glasgow, June 2007.
`56. G. Kesidis, T. Konstantopoulos and P. Sousi. Modeling file-sharing with BitTorrent-like incentive. In Proc.
`IEEE ICASSP, Honolulu, April 2007.
`57. J. Wang*, D.J. Miller and G. Kesidis. New Directions in Covert Worm Modeling Exploiting White-Listing. In
`Proc. IEEE Sarnoff Symposium on Communications, March 2007.
`58. G. Carl*, G. Kesidis, B. Madan and S. Phoha. Path Preserving Scale-Down for Validation of Inter-Domain
`Routing Protocols. In Proc. Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Monterey, CA, Dec. 3-6, 2006.
`59. R. Rao* and G. Kesidis. On the relation between capacity and number of sinks in an sensor network. In Proc.
`IEEE GLOBECOM, Nov. 27-Dec. 1, 2006.
`60. G. Kesidis, Y. Jin*, B. Mortazavi*, and T. Konstantopoulos. An Epidemiological Model for File-Sharing with
`BitTorrent-like Incentives: The Case of a Fixed Peer Population. In Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, Nov. 27-Dec.
`1, 2006.
`61. L. Li, P. Liu and G. Kesidis. Visual Studio for Network Security Experiment Specification and Data Analysis.
`In Proc. ACM Workshop on Visualization for Computer Security (VizSec), Nov. 3 2006.
`62. J. Wang*, I. Hamadeh*, D.J. Miller and G. Kesidis. Polymorphic Worm Detection and Defense: System
`Design, Experimental Methodology, and Data Resources. In Proc. ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Large-Scale
`Attack Defense (LSAD), Pisa, Italy, Sept. 11, 2006.
`63. I. Hamadeh* and G. Kesidis. Toward a Framework For Forensic Analysis of Scanning Worms. In Proc. Int’l
`Conf. on Emerging Trends in Information and Communication Security (ETRICS), Freiburg, Germany, June
`Commerce Bancshares, Inc., et al.
`Exhibit 1007
`Page 8


`64. A. Neishaboori* and G. Kesidis. Routing and Uplink-Downlink Scheduling in Ad Hoc CDMA Networks. In
`Proc. IEEE ICC, Istanbul, June 2006.
`65. B. Mortazavi* and G. Kesidis. Incentive compatible reputation systems for P2P CDNs with rationally selfish
`but honest users. In Proc. CISS, Princeton University, March 2006.
`66. L. Li, S. Jiwasurat*, I. Hamadeh*, G. Kesidis, and P. Liu. Emulating sequential scanning worms on the DETER
`testbed. In Proc. IEEE/Create-Net TridentCom, Barcelona, March 2006.
`67. P. Jeon*, R. Rao* and G. Kesidis. An overlay framework for QoS management in mobile ad-hoc networks. In
`Proc. IEEE Sarnoff Symposium on Communications, Princeton, March 2006.
`68. B. Mortazavi* and G. Kesidis. A peer-to-peer content-distribution game with a reputation-based incentive
`mechanism. In Proc. IEEE Workshop on Information Theory and its Applications, UC San Diego, Feb. 2006.
`69. S. Jiwasurat*, G. Kesidis and D. Miller. Hierarchical Shaped Deficit Round-Robin (HSDRR) Scheduling. In
`Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, St. Louis, Dec. 2005.
`70. P. Jeon* and G. Kesidis. Robust multipath and multipriority routing in MANETs using both energy and delay
`metrics. In Proc. ACM International Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor, and
`Ubiquitous Networks, Montreal, Oct. 2005.
`71. P.B. Jeon* and G. Kesidis. Avoiding malicious packet dropping in ad hoc networks using multipath routing.
`In Proc. 43rd Allerton Conference on Communications, Control and Computing, Oct. 2005.
`72. L. Li*, S. Jiwasurat*, P. Liu and G. Kesidis. Emulation of single-packet UDP scanning worms in large enter-
`prises. In Proc. International Teletraffic Congress (ITC-19), Beijing, Aug. 2005.
`73. I. Hamadeh*, J. Hart*, G. Kesidis, V. Pothamsetty. A Preliminary Simulation of the Effect of Scanning Worm
`Activity on Multicast. In Proc. IEEE Parallel and Distributed Simulation (PADS), Monterey, CA, June 1-3,
`74. G. Kesidis, I. Hamadeh* and S. Jiwasurat*. Modeling randomly scanning and bandwidth-saturating worms in
`the Internet. In Proc. IEEE QoS-IP Conference, Catania, Sicily, Feb. 2005.
`In Proc. IASTED Conference on
`75. Y. Jin* and G. Kesidis. TCP window flow control in a priced network.
`Communications, Internet and Information Technology, St. Thomas, Nov. 2004.
`76. X. Deng*, S. Yi*, C. Das and G. Kesidis. RL-RED: A Flow Control Mechanism for 802.11-Based Wireless Ad
`Hoc Networks. In Proc. IASTED Conference on Communications, Internet and Information Technology, St.
`Thomas, Nov. 2004.
`77. N. Weaver, I. Hamadeh*, V. Paxson and G. Kesidis. Preliminary results using scale-down to explore worm
`dynamics. In Proc. ACM Workshop on Rapid Malware (WORM), Oct. 2004.
`78. S. Yi*, M. Keppes, S. Garg, X. Deng*, G. Kesidis, C. Das. Proxy-RED: An AQM scheme for wireless LANs.
`In Proc. ICCCN, Chicago, Oct. 2004.
`79. X. Ji, H. Zha, J.J. Metzner and G. Kesidis. Dynamic cluster structure for entity detection and tracking in
`wireless ad-hoc sensor networks. In Proc. IEEE ICC, Paris, June 2004.
`80. I. Hamadeh*, Y. Jin*, S. Walia*, G. Kesidis and C. Kirjner. Pricing and security issues for residential broadband
`access. In Proc. CISS, Princeton University, March 2004.
`81. S. Jiwasurat* and G. Kesidis. Performance of shaped deficit round-robin (SDRR) scheduling with declared
`output jitter bounds per flow. In Proc. 41st Allerton Conference on Communications, Control and Computing,
`Oct. 2003.
`82. S. Yi*, X. Deng*, G. Kesidis and C. Das. HaTCh: A Two-level Caching Scheme for Estimating the Number
`of Active Flows. In Proc. IEEE CDC, Maui, Dec. 2003.
`Commerce Bancshares, Inc., et al.
`Exhibit 1007
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`83. X. Deng*, S. Yi*, G. Kesidis and C. Das. A Control Theoretic Approach for Designing Adaptive AQM Schemes.
`In Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, San Francisco, Dec. 2003 (short version).
`84. R. Rao* and G. Kesidis. Detection of malicious packet dropping using statistically regular traffic patterns in
`multihop wireless networks that are not bandwidth limited. In Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, San Francisco, Dec.
`2003 (shorter version).
`85. G. Kesidis, T. Konstantopoulos and S. Phoha. Surveillance coverage and communication connectivity properties
`of ad hoc sensor networks under a random mobility strategy. in Proc. IEEE Sensors, Toronto, Oct. 2003.
`86. W. Zhang, G. Cao and G. Kesidis. Secure routing in ad hoc networks and a related intrusion detection problem.
`In Proc. MILCOM, Boston, Oct. 2003.
`87. I. Hamadeh* and G. Kesidis. Performance of IP Address Fragmentation Strategies for DDoS Traceback. In
`Proc. IEEE Workshop on IP Operations and Management (IPOM), Kansas City, Oct. 1-3, 2003.
`88. X. Deng*, S. Yi*, G. Kesidis and C. Das. Class-Based Stabilized Virtual Buffer - An AQM Scheme with
`Stability, Fairness and QoS Assurance. In Proc. International Teletraffic Congress 18 (ITC-18), Berlin, August
`89. I. Hamadeh* and G. Kesidis. Packet marking for traceback of illegal content distribution. In Proc. International
`Conference on Cross-Media Service Delivery (CMSD), ISBN 1-4020-7480-8, Santorini, Greece, 2003.
`90. Y. Jin* and G. Kesidis. Nash equilibria of a generic networking game with applications to circuit-switched
`networks. In Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, San Francisco, March 2003.
`91. G. Kesidis and Y. Jin*. Feasible pricing of differentiated services for the emerging Internet. In Proc. 40th
`Allerton Conference on Communications, Control and Computing, Oct. 2002.
`92. B. Ninan, G. Kesidis and M. Devetsikiotis. A simulation study of non-cooperative pricing strategies for circuit-
`switched optical networks. In Proc. ACM/IEEE MASCOTS, Dallas, 2002.
`93. X. Deng*, S. Yi*, G. Kesidis and C. Das. Stabilized Virtual Buffer (SVB) - An Active Queue Management
`Scheme for Internet Quality-of-Service. In Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 2002.
`94. S. Yi*, X. Deng*, G. Kesidis and C. Das. Providing Fairness in the Diffserv Architecture. In Proc. IEEE
`GLOBECOM, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 2002.
`In Proc. Joint 2nd IEEE International
`95. V. Bhatnagar* and G. Kesidis. Bluetooth Scatternet Formation.
`Conference on Networking and IEEE International Conference on Wireless LANs and Home Networks (ICN
`and ICWLHN, Atlanta, 26-29 August, 2002.
`96. Y. Jin* and G. Kesidis. A pricing strategy for an ALOHA network of heterogeneous users with inelastic
`bandwidth requirements. in Proc. CISS, Princeton University, March 2002.
`97. R. Rao*, O. Baux and G. Kesidis. Demand-based Bluetooth scheduling. in Proc. IEEE Wireless LAN (WLAN)
`Conference, Boston, MA, Sept. 2001, URL:
`98. N. Milidrag*, G. Kesidis and M. Devetsikiotis. Fluid simulation of large packet-switched networks.
`SPIE ITCom, Denver, Aug. 2001.
`in Proc.
`99. G. Kesidis. Scalable resources management using Shaped Weighted Round-Robin Scheduling. in Proc. SPIE
`ITCom, Denver, Aug. 2001.
`100. G. Kesidis and L. Tassiulas. General connection blocking bounds and an implication of billing for provisioned
`label-switched routes in an MPLS Internet cloud.
`in Proc. International Conference on Networking (ICN),
`Colmar, France, July 2001.
`101. D. Fa

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