
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria1 Virginia 22313- 1450
`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`The time period for reply, if any, is set in the attached communication.
`PTOL—90A (Rev. 04/07)
`BARCO NV Exh 2006
`Eizo Corp. v. BARCO NV


`C ornrn Lee in n er for P ate rite.
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO, 100-0011
`ART UNIT 3992.
`Enclosed is a copy of the latest communication from the United States Patent and Trademark
`Office in the above identified ex parte reexamination proceeding (37 CFR 1.550(f)).
`Where this copy is supplied after the reply by requester, 37 CFR 1.535, or the time for filing a
`reply has passed, no submission on behalf of the ex parte reexamination requester will be
`acknowledged or considered (37 CFR 1.550(9)).
`PTOL-465 (Rev.O7-O4)


`Application/Control Number: 90/020,037
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 2
`Summary of the Proceeding to Date
`The present reexamination proceeding is being examined under
`the pre—A"A ‘irst to invent provisions.
`On 12/28/;2,
`a Third Party requested ex parte reexamination 0;
`claims 36, 46, 54, 64-82, 85-88, 91-94, 98-104, and 107 of
`U.S. ?auen, No. RE43,707 to Kimpe et al.
`'707 ?a,enu").
`(hereinafter "the
`On 3/19/13, an Order for reexamination and the corresponding
`Non—‘ina' O""ice action rejecting all the claims identi‘ied in
`the request were mailed.
`the Patent Owner filed a response to the Non—final
`On 5/21/13,
`0 "ice action, providing arguments directed toward the
` outstanding rejections and adding new claims 116—130.
`On 9/20/13,
`a ‘inal O""ice action was mailed wherein the
`rejections of claims 64, 65, 67-73, 77-79, 81, 82, 91, 98,
`were maintained, while new claims ll6—ll8 are also rejected.
`Claims 36, 46, 54, 66, 74-76, 80, 85-88, 93, 94, 100-104, 107
`were confirmed, while new claims ll9—l30 are ‘ound to be
`patentable over the art 0: record.
`Responsive to that action the Patent Owner filed a response
`a"Ler "ina' on ll/22/‘3, canceling claims 67, 81, 82, and 116;
`amending claims 68, 7;, 74, 98, 117, and 118; and providing


`:ion/Control Number:
`Page 3
`Art Unit:
`furtrer arguments regarding the outstanding rejections which
`fully addressed below in the order presented.
`7) With this action,
`91 are maintained,
`" claims 64, 65, 77-79, and
`the rejections o:
`while the rejeCtions of claims 68-74, 98,
`for the reasons set forth
`and 118 are withdrawn
`Response to
`" Kamada fails
`The Patent Owner argues that Kawase in view 0:
`to render obvious claims 64,
`71—73, 77—79, 98, and 99. At
`page 7 o:
`the Remarks the Patent Owner argues,
`“Claims 64,
`and 77-79 depend
` from claim 62.
`logic elements configured to
`Claim 62 recites an array 0:
`that comprises
`generate a display signal based on a map
`to produce a desired non—uniform
`correCtion data configured
`0 Owner respectfully
`that Kawase
`,each this feauure ”
`the Patent Owner continues,
`CorreCtion o:
`"any display unevenness produces a
`The Patent Owner respectfu'
`ly notes
`uniform response...
`the O"
`"ice Action's argument is contradictory: i:
`then it
`is clear that the
`correction data has produced a uniform response."
`display unevenness is corrected,"
`Examiner’s Response:
`Examiner disagrees.
`Kawase does indeed produce a non-
` form response.
`At lines 31—47
`O: column 18 Kawase teaches,


`the correCtion operation is
`carried out again. Namely, Lntil the deviation between the
`luminance information (the emission carrent amount
`the target value (a value having an established correlation
`with a Larges luminance va'Le "d)
`reaches or falls be'ow a
`le) and
`Application/Control Number: 90/020,037
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 4
`“This luminance capturing ard correction operation is
`the pixels. Once
`sequentia' y carried out across all 0:
`renewa' of the correction value has been carried out one
`time on a" of the pixels,
`fixed value,
`the renewal of correction value is repeated.
`With regard to the conditiors of convergence, as a rough
`measure 0" deviation,
`it is desirable that deviation from
`the target value be 40 d3 or less,
`on the image to be displayed.”
`though this also depends
`This passage shows chat
`,here is some allowed deviation
`between the luminance informauion and the target value. Here
`Kawase teaches the correction process is repeated again and
`again, until the deviation reaches a fixed value or crosses a
`threshold. Kawase also gives a recommendation as to the amount
`0: deviation,
`i.e. 40 d3.
`The Patent Owner further argues:
`"ii) Kawase uses di
`eren, correction value to produce a
`uniform response... As nOted above,
`if "any display
`unevenness is correCted," then the display is uniform, with
`the same ligho-outpuo response at each pixelm The Patent
`Owner respectfully reiterates that the desired response of
`Kawase is uniformity (see, e.g., abst.).”
`See page 8 o:
`the remarks.
`The Examiner’s Response:


`Application/Control Number:
`Page 5
`Art Unit: 3992
`As was the case above,
` Examiner disagrees.
`Kawase does
`indeed produce a non—uniform
`response. Kawase teaches there is
`some allowed deviation between the luminance information and the
`target value,
`therefore the Kawase meets the claimed limitation.
`The Patent Owner continues,
`“The O""ice ACtion also staues ,ha, "suppressing liminance
`variance is the objeCtive of the Patent Owner's invention
`.... This is the same function as the Kawase paoeno." (pp.
`11—;2). The ?atent Owner respecufully notes that this
`statement is incorreCt. Unlike <awase,
`the '707 Paoen,
`explicitly does teach obtaining desired non—uniform
`See page 8 o:
`the remarks.
`Examiner's Response:
`The Examiner disagrees.
`‘707 Patent teaches,
`luminance response 0:
`each individual
`“charaCterizing the
`the matrix display, and using this
`pixe' O"
`characterization to pre-correct the driving signals to that
`display in order to compensate for the expeCted
`(characterized) unequal
`luminance between di""erent
`This citation shows suppressing luminance unevenness
`for unequal
`luminance) between pixels is an
`objective of the ‘707 Patent.
`Additionally, as shown above
`Kawase does indeed produce a
`non—uniform response. Kawase
`teaches there is some allowed deviation between the luminance


`:ion/Control Number: 90/020,037
`Ari Uniuz 3
`Page 6
`,ion and the target value,
`therefore the Kawase meets the
`claimed limitation.
`The Patent Owner also
`The Patent Owner
`the al
`,e primary
` 1 non
`so respectfully no:es that the object o;
`ference Shiota is to produce "an image
`luminance and color" (col. 8, 11.59-64)
`and that the object of
`the alternate primary reference JP'699 is
`to "ensure display wi'
`:h no display unevenness" (para.
`8 at 11.3-
`See page 9 o:
`the Remarks.
`Examiner’s Response:
` Examiner disagrees. With respect to Shiota, at lines
`Shiota discloses only correcting for G (green) and not R
`and 3
`(red and blue),
`resulting in a simpler,
`G is the dominant
`luminance component
`lower cost correc:ion apparatus.
`R and Q are
`'eft uncorrected, Shiota teaches producing a non-
`un1"orm disp'ay. Regarding JR '699, paragraph 58, it is
`disclosed that luminance values can be set to suppress any
`unevenness, or set to any desired value. Setting the values to
`any value other than the values that suppress unneveness would
`necessarily produce a desired non-uniform response.


`Application/Control Number:
`Page 7
`Art Unit: 3992
`Claim 64
` fails to
`?atent Own r r ;
`r nc s th
`argument above
`teach produce a non—uni:
` form response.
`that Kawase
` Examiner
`for the reasons also mentioned above.
`The Patent Owner a:
`.80 argues,
`“ii) Kamada also teaches producing a uniform response...
`Clearly the desired response of Kamada
`(as of Kawase)
`correct the non-uniformity (to "reduc[e]
`the frame uneven
`appearance," para. 69), and nOt
`to produce di""erent degrees of
`non—uni formity in di
`"erent regions."
`is to
`The Patent Owner also argues that paragraphs 45 and 69 o:
`teach opposite examples with one having abnormal brightness at
`the center of
`,he display,
`brightness a,
`,he center of
`and another
`example having proper
`the display.
`See pages 9-10 0:
`the remarks.
`Examiner’s Response:
`while paragraphs 45 and 69 do describe di
`they are directed toward the same area 0:
`the display,
`namely the center as appreciated in the Patent Owner’s remarks
`and shown illustratively at
`figure 3.
`Additionally at paragraph
`69, Ramada teaches that i:
`the value 0:
`k2 is set to zero,


`Application/Control Number: 90/020,037
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 8
`operation becomes identical to the operation in figure 3, which
`is what is described in paragraph 45 (see paragraph 69).
`Continuing, Kamada does indeed produce a desired non-
`uniform response. At paragraph 42, Ramada teaches reducing
`uneven appearance, not eliminating it. At paragraph 49, Ramada
`provides examples 0: when it would be desirable not
`to perform
`any correction, namely when the display data is close to black
`or close to white.
`These citations show that Kamada does indeed
`produce a desired non-uniform display.
`The Patent Owner argues:
`“iii) Kawase and Kamada teach alternatives, not
`complementsm Kamada teaches applying the correction value
`to pixels within a center portion, and applying the
`in paragraphs 45 and 69,
`correction value k2 to pixels in a periphery portion. As
`the va'ue of <' or <7 may
`be zero, depending upon which region already has "proper
`brightness." In contrast, Kawase teaches a di""eren,
`correction va'ue for each pixel in the display (e.g., col.
`lO, 11.45-50). These two r f r nc s Lh r for
`t ach
`respectfully noues that
`alternate correction schemes, although in each case,
`object is to obtain a uniform displaym the Patent Owner
`,he combined teachings of Kawase
`and Kamada do not suggest or support such a mix-and-match
`See page 10 o:
`the remarks.
`Examiner’s response:


`Application/Control Number: 90/020,037
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 9
`The Examiner disagrees.
`Initially, At figure 3 and
`paragraph 45, Ramada shows the correction value to be constant
`within the region and decreasing linearly to zero outside the
`region, meaning the value 0: correction data is decreased as the
`distance from the defined region increases (see paragraph 45),
`hence the degree 0: non—uniformity with the defined region is
`less than it would be outside the region. Kawase teaches that
`each pixel has a correction value, but does not
`teach that each
`value has to be di
`"erent. Clearly,
`the ordinarily skilled
`artisan would appreciate that neighboring pixels may have the
`same correction value as neighboring pixels may display the same
`abnormality, as appreciated by Kamada
`(see paragraph 5).
`Combining the teachings 0: both Kawase and Kamada is supported,
`because the regions defined by Kamada are made up 0:
`pixels (see paragraph 52) and Kawase teaches providing
`correction values to individual pixels (see lines 31—47 0:
`column 18).
`Claim 65
`The Patent Owner argues,
`displaym Clearly,
`“Claim 65 depends from claim 62 and recioes Lhao the
`desired non-uniform light- ouupu, response comprises lower
`display noise for pixels subsoanoially at a cenoer ol
`display than for pixels substantially at edges of the
`the object of <amada is to "correCt
`so that after
`uneven image appearance" (para. 2)


`Application/Control Number:
`Page 10
`Art Unit: 3992
`the periphery portion will
`have the same
`The combined
`"proper brightness" as the center portion.
`<awase and Kamada do not
`teach or suggest
`teachings o;
`correction data configured to produce a non—uniform
`for center
`response that
`for edge pixels as recited in claim 65.”
`pixels than
`lower display noise
`Examiner’s response:
`The Examiner disagrees.
`As mentioned above,
`Kamada teaches
`at paragraph 42,
`Kamada teaches reducing uneven appearance,
`eliminating it. At paragraph
`Kamada provides examples or
`when it would be desirable not
`when the display data is close
`to per:
`form any correction,
`to black or close to white.
`These citations show that Kamada does indeed produce a desired
`non—uni‘orm disp'ay.
`Coupled with the teachings
`from paragraph
`the ordinari'y skil
`'ed artisan would recognize that pixels
`in the center portion of
`the display would have a desired non-
`form light output response with less noise than
`for pixels at
` uni
`edges 0:
`the display.
`Claims 77—79
`The Patent Owner argues,
`from claim 62 and recites
`that the
`“Claim 77 depends
`desired non—uniform light- output response comprises a
`first contrast substantially at a center 0:
`a second contrast substantially at edges 0:
`im 77.
`Claim 78 depends from cla
`Claim 79 depends
`62 and recites that the desired non—uni:
`form light-output
`response comprises contrasts substantially at a center or
` she disp:
`she disp:
`_ay and
`from claim


`Application/Control Number: 90/020,037
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 11
`the display that are greater than contrasts substantially
`at edges of
`,he display.
`,he O""ice
`The ?atent Owner respectfully notes ,hat
`Action's conclusion does no, "ollow "rom ,he cioed facts.
`,he statemen,
`thao ",he area :at the center] has a
`level of luminance that is di""erent
`"rom the SJrrounding
`areas" describes the appearance of
`,he display before
`correction, with one region having "proper brightness" and
`anOther region having "abnormal brightness." The object o:
`Kamada is to "correct uneven image appearance" (para. 2)
`,he various regions will be the
`thao ,he brightnesses of
`same after the correction value is applied. Likewise,
`objec, of Kawase is thao ,he luminance will be uniform
`after ,he correction values are applied (see, e.g., col.
`Examiner’s Response:
`The Examiner disagrees.
`Initially, as shown above, Kamada
`at paragraph 49, Ramada teaches reducing uneven appearance not
`eliminating it and details situations in which no correction is
`th r for
`d sir d light output response would
`still exhibit the di""erence in luminanc
`b tw n th c nt r
`region and the outside region would after correction, and
`"erent contrasts.
`therefore di
`the patent Owner argues,
`di"" r nc
`it is clear that applying a constant correction
`value within a region, as taught by Kamada, will increase
`bOth light and dark areas in the region by the same amount
`(i.e., by the constant correCtion value). Accordingly,
`b tw n th light and dark areas in the region
`is unchanged by such correCtion. Therefore,
`the conclusion
`,ha, applying a constant correction va'ue within a region
`thereby changes the di""erence between light and dark areas


`Application/Control Number:
`Page 12
`Art Unit:
`in the region is not supported by th
`at least these reasons,
`tent Owner respectfully
`that claim 77
`able over the combined
`teachings o:
`is pa
`Kawase and Kamada.”
`cit d r
`Examiner’s Response:
`The Examiner disagrees.
`form light—output response comprises a
`Claim 77 recites tha'
`the desired
` jirs a contrast
`subsoan,ia"y at a center of
`subsoantia"y at edges 0:
`the display and a second contrast
`Since Kamada teaches
`,he display.
`situations where
`:ion is per‘ormed
`(see paragraph 49).
` fam
`un v n appearance will still be exhibited and the
`same di
`in luminance and thus contrast between the
`inside and outside area.
`Since no speci:
`fic arguments are presented regarding claims
`78 and 79,
`it appears the Patent Owner is relying on those
`With that the rejeCtion of
`for the same reasons mentioned with
`claims dependence on claim 77.
` c'aims are a"
` _aim 77.
`so maintained
`respect to c:
`Claim 91
`th regard to claim 91,
`the Patent Owner relies on the
`arguments presented with respect to claim 64.
` Examiner
`for the same reasons as mentioned above.


`Application/Control Number: 90/020,037
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 13
`The following is an examiner's soatement of reasons :or
`patentability and/or confirmation 0" ,he
`claims found patentable
`68-74, 98, 99, 117, and
`s to a driving level in
`g responses 0:
`in this reexamination proceeding: Claims
`118, as amended, are patentable over the
`art 0: record.
`Claim 68 as amended recites among ot
`her things, “a lower
`degree 0: non—uniformity among responses
`of the pixels to a
`va'ue O"
`the image signal that correspond
` a first range 0: driving levels than amon
`pixels to a value 0:
`the image signal tha
`t corresponds to a
`driving level outside the first range 0:
`driving levels.”
`The Patent Owner argues,
`“The Patent Owner agrees that Cok 2
`teaches setting a limit
`on the value 0: a combined correcoion ac
`"maximum thresho'd" in para. 29), and ,ha
`to the expected 'ifetime 0
`level 0:
`the display. Cok 2 teaches that
`,he display a
`this limit is related
`(also called a
` this "desired
`t a desired brightness
`brightness level 0:
`the display" is a des
`ired average
`"a uniformity correction valu
`e may be found by


`Application/Control Number:
`Page 14
`Art Unit:
`,he average brightness o:
`the display with a nominal
`digital input signal and wherein the global correcoion "actor is
`a mu'tiplicaoion "actor equal
`display at the nominal digital input signal divided by the
`average brightness o:
`the display at the nominal digital input
`to the desired brightness o:
`l9, emphases supplied)m At least because Cok 2
`determines uni"ormity o
`a light—emitting element based on its
`combined correcoion facoor, and not wioh reference to any
`driving level,
`the ?atent Owner respecofully submits that claim
`68 as amended is patentable.”
` fails to
`Examiner agrees.
`combination 0: Kawase and Cok 2,
`teach a lower degree 0: non-uniformioy among responses
`the image signal that corresponds to
`the pixels to a va'ue O"
`a driving level
`in a first range 0: driving levels than among
`responses of the pixels to a value 0:
`the image signal that
`corresponds to a driving level outside ,he first range 0;
`driving levels.
`As pointed ou'
`: by the ?atent Owner, Cok 2
`determines uniformity through
`the use 0: a correction factor
`which uses a desired average brightness value rather than a
`reference to a particular driving level.


`Claim 71 as amended recites among other things,
`degree 0:
`display to a value 0.
`,he image signal that corresponds to a
`Application/Control Number: 90/020,037
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 15
`Claims 69 and 70 depend from claim 68 and thus are
`patentable for at least
` for the same reasons.
`The Examiner notes here that the Patent Owner provides the
`same arguments with respect to amended claims 117 and 118.
`Those arngents are persuasive for the same reasons.
` a first
`oy among responses 0‘ pixels 0‘ the
`‘irst range 0_ driving 'evels; and a second
`driving 'evel
`degree 0:
`formity among responses of the pixels to a
`value 0:
`the image signal that corresponds to a driving level in
`a second range 0:
`driving levels.”
`The Patent Owner argues, claim 71 is amended to recite that
`,he jirst degree 0:
`non—uniformity is among responses 0: pixels
`:o a value 0:
`the image signal that corresponds to a driving
`level in the
`first range, and that the second degree 0: non-
`uniformity is among responses 0" pixe's to a value or
`,he image
`signal that corresponds to a driving level in the second
`range... The combined teachings o: Kawase and Kamada fail to
`n E G.
`disclose such degrees 0:
`4 and the cited


`Application/Control Number: 90/020,037
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 16
`paragraph 49,
`for example, Kamada teaches only one correction
`value for each gray level:
`the value k for each gray level
`between gl and g2, and a corresponding value between k and zero
`for each 0:
`the gray levels in the ranges labeled W2. Kamada
`:hus teaches that for any input gray level, al' 0" the correc:ed
`pixels receiving that input will have the same gray level shi:t,
`such that there is no non-uniformity among the responses or
`these pixels to that input gray level.
`The Examiner agrees. Kamada only teaches one correc:ion
`value for each gray level and not a range 0: non—unijormioy
`among the responses or
`,he pixels at that gray level,
`Kamada fails to teach,
`,he jirst degree 0: non—uniformity is
`among responses 0: pixels to a value 0:
`the image signal that
`corresponds to a driving level in the first range, and that the
`second degree 0: non—uniformity is among responses 0" pixe's to
`a value 0:
`the image signal that corresponds to a driving level
`in the second range as required by claim 71.
`Claims 72 and 73 depend from claim 71 and thus are
`patentable for at least for the same reasons.


`Application/Control Number: 90/020,037
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 17
`Dependent claim 74, as amended, depends on claim 62, and
`recites among other things,
`a first degree 0: non—uniformity
`among responses of the pixels to a value of
`,he image signal
`within a luminance interval and a second degree 0: non-
`uniformity among responses of the pixels to a value or
`the image
`signal outside the luminance interval as in claim 74. Similar
`to claim 74,
`independent claim 98 recites,
`first degree 0: non—uniformity among responses of
`among Other things,
`,he pixels to
`a value 0:
`the image signal within a luminance interval and a
`second degree 0: non-uniformity among responses of the pixels to
`a value 0:
`the image signal outside the luminance interval.
`Claim 74 was found to be patentable in a prior 0
`action, however was still amended to include the limitation
`described above.
`With respect to claim 98,
`the Patent Owner argues,
`mthe '707 Patent teaches equalizing pixel response within a
`luminance interval, and allowing non—optimized pixel responses
`outside the interval.
`In accordance with these teachings, claim
`98 is amended to recite that the lower degree 0: non—uniformity
`is among responses 0" pixe's to a value 0:
`the image signal
`within a luminance interval than among responses 0: pixels to a


`:ion/Control Number: 90/020,037
`Page 18
`Art Unit: 3992
`value 0:
`the image signal outside the luminance interval. The
`Patent Owner respect:
`fully submits that claim 98 as amended is
`al'owable for at least
`the reasons discussed above with
`reference to claim 71.
`At lines 61—67 of
`column 23 and line 56 0: column 25 to
`line l3 0" column 76 O"
`the specification 0" the '707 Patent,
`description is given concerning times it may be desirable to
`perform correction
`in the luminance domain rather than the
`driving level domain.
`The prior art 0: record,
`taken alone or in combination,
`fails to teach or suggest a light output response comprising a
` formi
`first degree 0: non—uni
`oy among responses 0: pixels to a
` :hin a luminance interval and a
`value 0:
`the image sigr
`a" wi
`iformity among responses 0" pixe's to a
`a; outside the luminance interval as
`second degree 0: non—ur
`value 0:
`the image sigr
`required by claim 74,
`uniformity among respor
`within a luminar
`nd similarly a 'ower degree 0“ non—
`: pixels to a value 0:
`the image
`ce in'
`:erval than among responses 0;
`pixels to a value 0: tr
`e image signal outside the luminance
`as required by claim 98.


`Application/Control Number: 90/020,037
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 19
`Claim 99 depends from claim 98 and thus are patentable :or
`at least for the same reasons.
` Any comments considered necessary by PATENT OWN ER regarding
`the above statement must be submitted promptly to avoid
`processing delays.
`Such submission by the patent owner should
`be labeled:
`"Comments on Statement 0: Reasons
`for Patentability
`and/or Confirmation" and will be placed in the reexamination
` file.
`ALL correspondence relating to this ex parte reexamination
`proceeding should be directed as follows:
`Please mail any communications to:
`ail Stop "Ex Parte Reexam"
`Central Reexamination Unit
`Commissioner for Ratents
`P. O. Box 1450 Alexandria VA 22313—1450
`Please FAX any communications to:
`(571) 273—9900
`Central Reexamination Unit
`Please hand—deliver any communications to:
`Customer Service Window
`Attn: Central Reexamination Unit
`Randolph Qui'ding, Lobby Level
`401 Dulany Street
`Alexandria, VA 22314


`Application/Control Number:
`Page 20
`Art Unit:
`By EFS —Web
`Registered users 0'
`1FS—Web may alternatively submit
`such correspondence via electronic ‘iling system EFS-Web,
`EFS—Web o""ers the bene"it 0" quick submission to the
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`Any inquiry concerning
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`,he status or
`the Central Reexamina
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`Reexamination Legal
`should be direCted to
`Advisor or
`,his proceeding,
` /iRON u SORK
`Art Unit 3992
` ferees:
` Ixaminer,
`?U 3992
`/Daniel J Ryman/
`SJpervisory Patent
`Art Unit 3992
` ?xaminer,


`Control No.
`Patent Under Reexamination
`Adi/IIISOI'y Actlon
`Before the Filing of an Appeal Brief
`Art Unit
`NA (First Inventor to
`Eric?) Status
`--The MAILING DA TE of this communication appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence address--
`1. IZI Unless a timely appeal is filed, or other appropriate action by the patent owner is taken to overcome all of the
`outstanding rejection(s), this prosecution of the present ex parte reexamination proceeding WILL BE
`TERMINATED and a Notice of Intent to Issue Ex Parte Reexamination Certificate will be mailed in due course.
`Any finally rejected claims, or claims objected to, will be CANCELLED.
`time are governed by 37 CFR 1.550( ).
`to avoid dismissal of the
`2. E! An Appeal Brief is due two months from the date of the Notice of Appeal filed on
`appeal. See 37 CFR 41 .37(a). Extensions of time are governed by 37 CFR 1.550(c). See 37 CFR 41 .37( ).
`3. III The proposed amendment(s) filed after a final action, but prior to the date of filing a brief, wi|| n_ot be entered
`(a) |:| They raise new issues that would require further consideration and/or search (see NOTE below);
`(b) |:| They raise the issue of new matter (see NOTE below);
`(c) |:| They are not deemed to place the proceeding in better form for appeal by materially reducing or simplifying the
`issues for appeal; and/or
`(d) |:| They present additional claims without canceling a corresponding number of finally rejected claims.
`(See 37 CFR 1.116 and 41 .33( )).
`4. IXI Patent owner's proposed response filed 22 November2013 has overcome the following rejection(s):68—73 98 99 117
`and 118
`would be allowable if submitted in a separate, timely filed
`5. [I The proposed new or amended claim(s)
`amendment canceling the non-allowable claim( ).
`IZI For purposes of appeal, the proposed amendment(s) a)|:l will not be entered, or b)IZ will be entered and an
`explanation of how the new or amended claim(s) would be rejected is provided below or appended.
`The status of the claim(s) is (or will be) as follows:
`Claim(s) patentable and/or confirmed: 36 46 54 66 68-76 80 85-88 93 94 98-104 107 and 117-130
`Claim(s) objected to:
`Claim(s) rejected: 64 65 77-79 and 91
`Claim(s) not subject to reexamination: 1-35 37-45 47-53 55-63 83 84 89 90 95-97105 106 and 108-115
`7. [I A declaration(s)/affidavit(s) under 37 CFR 1.130(b) was/were filed on
`8. III The affidavit or other evidence filed after a final action, but before or on the date of filing a Notice of Appeal wi|| n_ot
`be entered because patent owner failed to provide a showing of good and sufficient reasons why the affidavit or
`other evidence is necessary and was not earlier presented. See 37 CFR 1.116( ).
`9. [I The affidavit or other evidence filed after the date of filing a Notice of Appeal, but prior to the date of filing a brief,
`wi|| n_ot be entered because the affidavit or other evidence fails to overcome all rejections under appeal and/or
`appellant failed to provide a showing of good and sufficient reasons why the affidavit or other evidence is
`necessary and was not earlier presented. See 37 CFR 41 .33(d)( ).
`10. I] The affidavit or other evidence is entered. An explanation of the status of the claims after entry is below or
`11. [I The request for reconsideration has been considered but does NOT place the application in condition for
`allowance because:
`12. CI Note the attached Information Disclosure Statement(s), PTO/SB/O8, Paper No(s)
`13. I:I Other:
`Primary Examiner, Art Unit 3992
`US. Patent and Trademark Office


`Continuation Sheet (PTO-467)
`Reexam Control No.
`PTOL-467 (Rev. 08-13)
`Ex Parte Reexamination Advisory Action Before the Filing of an Appeal Brief
`Part of Paper No. 20131204

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