LMK Technologies, LLC Ex. 2022
`BLD Services, LLC v. LMK Technologies, LLC


`3.2.3 inversion—the process of tuming a resin-impregnated
`tube inside out by the use of air or water pressure.
`3.2.4 launcher—combination of a rigid elongated tube and
`lay—flat hose apparatus where the main bladder is attached and
`the main sheet is wrapped around the exterior of the rigid
`portion. The lateral bladder and lateral liner is drawn inside the
`hose. The launcher is positioned within the main pipe; air
`pressure is introduced into the hose causing inflation of the
`main bladder/ sheet and inversion of the lateral bladder tube.
`3.2.5 lift—a portion of the MLClPL that has cured in a
`position such that it has pulled away from the existing pipe
`3.2.6 main and lateral cured in place lining (MLClPL)——a
`textile including plastic coating impregnated by a thermoset-
`ting resin. This pipe is formed within a portion of the existing
`main pipe and the lateral pipe. Therefore, it takes the shape of
`an existing TEE or WYE fitting and fits tightly to the existing
`3.2.7 resin—polyester, vinyl ester, epoxy or silicate resin
`systems being ambient, steam, or hot water cured.
`3.2.8 resin slug—excess resin at the upper most end of a
`lateral lining.
`3.2.9 sewer service lateral—a pipe servicing a building or a
`side service.
`3.2.10 sheer—a flat textile sheet that is formed into a 16
`inches long tube within the main pipe. The sheet is connected
`to the lateral tube forming a one-piece TEE or WYE shaped
`3.2.11 transition—the change in pipe diameter commonly
`found in lateral pipes.
`4. Significance and Use
`4.1 This practice is for use by designers and specifiers,
`regulatory agencies, owners, and inspection organizations who
`are involved in the rehabilitation of sewer service laterals and
`its connection to the main through the use of a resin-
`impregnated tube installed within an existing sewer lateral. As
`for any practice, modifications may be required for specific job
`5. Materials
`5.1 Tube and Sheet:
`5.1.1 The main sheet and tube shall consist of one or more
`layers of absorbent textile i.e. needle punched felt or circular
`knit that meet the requirements of Practice F 1216 and Speci-
`fication D5813, Sections 6 and 8. The main sheet and tube
`shall be constructed to withstand installation pressures, have
`sufiicient strength to bridge missing pipe segments, and flex-
`ibility to fit irregular pipe sections. The volume of resin used
`should be sufficient to fill all voids in the tube material at
`nominal thickness and diameter. The wet—out main sheet and
`tube shall have a uniform thickness and excess resin distribu—
`tion that when compressed at installation pressures will meet or
`exceed the design thickness after cure.
`5.1.2 The outside layer of the tube (before inversion) and
`the interior of the main sheet (before inflation) shall be coated
`with an impermeable, translucent flexible membrane. The main
`sheet before insertion shall be permanently marked as a lateral
`identification correlating to the address of the building the
`an F 2561—06
`lateral pipe services. The main sheet and tube shall be
`surrounded by a second impermeable,
`flexible translucent
`membrane (translucent bladder) that will contain the resin and
`facilitate vacuum impregnation and monitoring of the resin
`saturation during the resin impregnation (wet—out) procedure.
`5.1.3 The main sheet and lateral tube shall be a one-piece
`assembly formed as a TEE or WYE shaped fitting. No
`intermediate or encapsulated elastomeric layers shall be in the
`textile that may cause delamination in the cured in place pipe.
`The main sheet will be flat with one end overlapping the
`second end and sized accordingly to create a circular lining
`equal to the inner diameter of the main pipe. The lateral tube
`will be continuous in length and the wall thickness shall be
`uniform. The lateral
`tube will be capable of conforming to
`oiiset joints, bells, and disfigured pipe sections.
`5.2 Resin:
`5.2.1 The resin/liner system shall conform to Test Method
`D 3681, 10 000-h test.
`5.2.2 The resin shall be a corrosion resistant polyester, vinyl
`ester, epoxy or silicate resin and catalyst system that when
`properly cured within the composite pipe assembly, meets the
`requirements of Practice F 1216, the physical properties herein,
`and those, which are to be utilized in the design of the MLClPL
`for this project.
`5.2.3 The resin shall produce a MLClPL, which will comply
`with the structural and chemical resistance requirements of
`Practice F 1216.
`6. Design Considerations
`6.1 The MLClPL shall be designed in accordance with
`Practice F 1216, Appendix X1 in respect to the lateral and main
`line tubes. If the mainline pipe has been renewed with a
`structural lining from manhole to manhole, then the mainline
`portion of the MLClPL is designed only for hydrostatic
`6.1.1 The design for the main and lateral tube shall assume
`no bonding to the original pipe.
`7. Installation Recommendations
`7.1 Access Safety—Prior to entering access areas such as
`manholes or an excavation pit, performing inspection or
`cleaning operations, an evaluation of the atmosphere to deter—
`mine the presence of toxic or flammable vapors or lack of
`oxygen shall be undertaken in accordance with local, state, or
`federal safety regulations.
`7.1.1 Cleaning and Pie-Inspection and Post Inspection, as
`per NASSCO (National Association of Sewer Service Compa—
`nies) Guidelines.
`7.1.2 Accessing the Lateral—A clean—out must be located
`outside of the building and upstream at the upper end of the
`finished lateral lining. In order to access both the upstream and
`downstream sides of the lateral pipe, it is recommended that
`the cleanout is TEE shaped where the lateral and riser pipe join.
`7.1.3 Plugging—The upstream side of the cleanout shall be
`plugged during insertion and curing of the MLClPL assembly
`ensuring no flows enter the pipe and no air, steam or odors will
`enter the building. When required, the main pipe flows will be
`by—passed. The pumping system will be sufiiciently sized for
`to peak flow conditions. The upstream manhole is
`Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved);
`Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with ASTM International; Mon Jul 3]
`15:56:55 EDT 2006


`All? F 2561 —06
`or hot water throughout the MLCIPL to uniformly raise the
`temperature above the temperature required to cure the resin.
`The curing of the MLCIPL must take into account the existing
`pipe material, the resin system, and ground conditions (tern—
`perature, moisture level, and thermal conductivity of the soil).
`When using a heat source, temperatures shall be monitored and
`logged at the upstream end of the lateral lining during the cure
`and cool down cycles. The manufacturer’s recommended cure
`schedule shall be submitted.
`7.6 MLCIPL Processing—Curing shall be done without
`pressure interruption with air or a mixture of air and steam for
`the proper dttration of time per
`the resin manufacturer’s
`recommendations. When the heat source is removed and the
`temperature on both ends of the MLCIPL reaches 100°F or
`less, the processing shall be finished.
`monitored at all times and an emergency deflate system will be
`incorporated so that the plugs may be removed at any time
`without requiring confined space entry.
`7.1.4 Inspection QI'PipeIiItes—The interior of the pipeline
`shall be carefully inspected to determine the location of any
`condition that shall prevent proper installation, such as roots,
`and collapsed or crushed pipe. These conditions shall be noted
`so that
`they can be corrected before installation of
`MLCIPL. Experienced personnel trained in locating breaks,
`obstacles, and service connections by closed circuit television
`shall perform inspection of pipelines.
`7.1.5 Line Obstructions—The existing service lateral shall
`be clear of obstructions that prevent the proper insertion and
`expansion of the lining system. Changes in pipe size shall be
`accommodated, by sizing the lateral tube according to the pipe
`diameter and condition. Obstructions may include dropped or
`ofiset joints of no tnore than 20 % of inside pipe diameter.
`7.2 Resin Impregnarion—The lateral tube and main sheet
`encapsulated within the translucent bladder (liner/bladder as-
`sembly) shall be vacuum-impregnated with resin (wet—out)
`under controlled conditions. The volume of resin used shall be
`to fill all voids in the textile lining material at
`nominal thickness and diameter. The volume shall be adjusted
`by adding 5 to 10 % excess resin for the change in resin
`volume due to polymerization and to allow for any migration
`of resin into the cracks and joints in the original pipe. No dry
`or unsaturated area in the main sheet or lateral tube shall be
`acceptable upon Visual inspection.
`7.3 MLCIPL Insertion—The lateral tube and inversion blad—
`der will be inserted into the carrying device. The main bladder
`is connected to the launching device by an airtight clamping
`system. The main sheet is wrapped around the “T’ launching
`device and held firmly by four (4) hydrophilic o-rings. A
`two-part 100 0/0 solid epoxy shall be applied as a two-inch
`(2-in.) wide band in a volume of 300 mL to the main sheet]
`lateral tube interface. Both the launching and carrying device
`are pulled into the pipe using a cable winch. The pull is
`complete when the main sheet] lateral tube interface is aligned
`with the service connection within the main pipe. The lateral
`tube is completely protected during the pull. The main sheet is
`supported upon the rigid “T” launcher that is elevated above
`the pipe invert by means of a rotating skid system. The
`MLCIPL assembly shall not be contaminated or diluted by
`exposure to dirt, debris, or water during the pull.
`7.4 The bladder is inflated causing the tubular main sheet to
`be unfolded and the hydrophilic o-rings expanded as both are
`pressed against the main pipe. The lateral tube is inverted
`through the center of the tubular shaped main sheet up into the
`existing lateral pipe by the action of the lateral bladder as the
`tube is fully extended to the designated termination point. The
`main and lateral bladders shall extend past the termination
`points of the main sheet and the tube causing ends to remain
`open whereby no cutting for reinstatement is required.
`7.5 Curing—After insertion is complete, pressure is main-
`tained pressing the MLCIPL firmly against the inner pipe wall.
`The MLCIPL is chemically cured at ambient temperatures or
`by a suitable heat source. The heating equipment shall be
`capable of delivering and circulating a mixture of steam and air
`8. Finish
`8.1 The finished MLCIPL shall be continuous over the
`entire length of the rehabilitated sewer service lateral and 16 in.
`of the main pipe (5 in. on either side of a 6—in. lateral or 6 in.
`on either side of a 4-in. lateral connection). The MLCIPL shall
`provide a smooth bore interior. The MLCIPL shall be free of
`dry spots, lifts, and delamination. The MLCIPL shall taper at
`each end so as to accept video equipment and maintain a proper
`flow. After the work is completed, the installer will provide the
`owner with video footage as per NASSCO guidelines docu-
`menting the overall integrity of the MLClPL and the visual
`lateral identification address markings as completed work. The
`finished product must provide an airtight/ water-tight verifiable
`non-leaking connection between the main sewer and sewer
`service lateral.
`9. Recommended Inspection Practices
`9.1 Sampling—As designated by the purchaser in the pur—
`chase agreement,
`the preparation of a MLCIPL sample is
`required. The sample shall be prepared by securing a flat plate
`mold using me textile tube material and resin system as used
`for the rehabilitated lateral and lateral to main line connection.
`9.1.1 The pressure applied on the plate sample will be equal
`to the highest sustained pressure exerted on the textile lining
`dttring the cure process at any location.
`9.1.2 The minimum length of the sample mttst be able to
`produce at least five specimens for testing in accordance with
`Test Method D 790.
`9.2 ConditionizLg—Condition the test specimens at 73.4 3:
`36°F (23 i 2°C) and 50 i‘ 5 % relative humidity for not less
`than 40 h prior to test in accordance with Practice D 618, for
`those tests where conditioning is required.
`9.3 Short-Term Flexural Properties—The flexural strength
`and flexural modulus of the MLCIPL shall be determined in
`accordance with Test Method D 790. The values shall meet the
`minimum requirements of Table l or the values used in design,
`TABLE 1 MLCIPL Initial Physical Properties
`Minimum Value
`ASTM Test
`Flexural Strength
`Flexural Modulus
`D 790
`D 790
`250 000
`Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved);
`Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with ASTM [international]; Mon Jul 31 15:56:55 EDT 2006


`i519 F 2561 — 06
`main sheet and at the upper most end 01‘ the lateral tube. This
`test should take place after the MLClPL has cooled down to
`ambient temperature. This test is limited to pipe lengths with
`no service connections. The test pressure shall be 4 psi for a
`3-111in test time and during this time the pressure shall not drop
`below 3.5 psi.
`whichever are higher.
`9.4 MLCIPL Wall Thickness—The average wall thickness
`for the lateral section shall meet the thickness determined by
`the design or as otherwise specified. The average wall thick—
`ness for
`the main line section shall meet
`the thickness
`determined by the design or as otherwise specified. The
`average thickness shall be determined in accordance with
`Specification D 5813. The minimum wall thickness at any one
`point; as determined in accordance with Specification D 5813,
`shall not be less than 87.5 % of the thickness required by
`design or otherwise specified.
`95 Gravity Pipe Leakage Testing—1f required by the owner
`in the contract documents or purchase order, gravity pipes
`should be tested using an air test method where a test plug is
`placed adjacent to the upstream and downstream ends of the
`tion respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
`ASTM International takes no [305/
`termination of the validity of any such patent rights. and the risk
`in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that de
`of infringement of such rights. are entirely their own responsibility.
`10. Keywords
`10.1 ambient cure; continuous; cured—in—place pipe; epoxy;
`felt; hydrophilic o-rings;
`inversion; knit;
`identification; lateral pipe; lateral tube; launcher; liner/bladder
`assembly; main pipe; main sheet; main to lateral connection;
`MLClPL; one-piece; resin; sewer lateral lines; sheet; steam
`cure; TEE;
`textile sheet; textile tube; transition; translucent
`bladder; tube; vacuum impregnate; WYE
`This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
`'ther for revision of this standard or for additional standards
`ifnot revised. either reapproved or withdra wn. Your comments are invited ei
`ve careful consideration at a meeting of the
`and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will recei
`responsible technical committee, which you may attend. It you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
`make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
`This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
`United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
`address or at 610—832—9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e—mail); or through the ASTM website
`Copyright by ASTM lnt'l (all rights reserved);
`Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with ASTM International; Mon Jul 31 15:56:55 EDT 2006

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