`Nagasawa et al.
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Apr. 22, 1986
`[75] Inventors:
`Kunihiko Nagasawa; Isao Nishibori,
`both of Tokyo, Japan
`[73] Assignee: Pioneer Electronic Corp., Tokyo,
`[21] Appl. No.: 554,486
`[22] Filed:
`Nov. 22, 1983
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Nov. 25, 1982 [JP]
`Japan .............................. .. 57-206757
`[51] Int. Cl.‘ ............................................ .. G06F 11/00
`[52] [15- Cl- - - ' ' ~ - - ' - - - - - - ~ -
`- - - - - - - ~- 371/ 33; 364/200
`[58] Field of Search --------------------- -- 371/33, 49, 32, 31»
`371/30» 157» 61' 62; 364/200’ 900; 173/23 A’ 2
`References Cited
`3,676,846 7/1972 Busch .................................. .. 371/33
`3,754,211 8/ 1973 Roche!’ et al
`- 371/ 33
`4332922 4/1973 Ch" --------------- --
`4,358,82$ 11/1932 Kyu .... ..
`4,451.88‘, 5/1984 Health __
`...... ..
`4,451,886 5/1984 Guest
`4,471,425 9/ 1984 Yameguc 1 e al. .............. .. 364/200
`4,511,958 4/1985 Funk
`Primary Examiner-Michael R. Fleming
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Sughrue, Mion, Zinn,
`Macpeak & Seas
`A data transmission method in which a signal receiving
`side produces a response code for requesting a text in
`response to a start request made by a signal transmitting
`side, and produces an acknowledgement code or a text
`invalid code upon receiving the requested text, depen
`dent upon the validity of the transmission. A standby
`request signal is set to the signal transmitting side in
`response to the start request if the receiving side is not
`ready. The receiving side, when ready, send a transmis
`sion request signal to the signal transmitting side for
`requesting transmission of text. When a ?rst transmis
`sion request signal is received following receipt of a
`start request code, a timer is started at the transmitting
`side and the text is transmitted. The receiving side can
`send additional transmission requests, in which case the
`text is retransmitted without restarting the clock. Unless
`the transmission of a text has been completed success
`fully and an acknowledgement signal received from the
`receiving side before the timer runs out, the transmis
`sion of the text is suspended or invalidated.
`4 Claims, 19 Drawing Figures
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`U.S. Patent Apr. 22, 1986
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`US. Patent Apr. 22, 1986
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`a start request ENQ is sent to the CPU to determine
`whether the data can be received or not. When the CPU
`is ready for receiving the data, the signal receiving side
`sends a response code ENQ to the signal transmitting
`side to initiate transmission of the text. As a result, the
`terminal on the signal transmitting side performs the
`transmission of the text. When the signal receiving side
`has correctly received the text, this fact is communi
`cated to the signal transmitting side by sending a text
`acknowledgement code ACK. Thus, the signal trans
`mitting side con?rms that the data transmitting opera
`tion has been correctly carried out and the data trans
`mission accomplished in the period of time set by the
`In the case where, as shown in FIG. 28, it is detected
`that a response code from the signal receiving side or a
`transmitted text includes an error (the signal receiving
`side sending a text negative acknowledgement code
`NAK), the signal transmitting side transmits the start
`ENQ again or transmits the text again. The numbers of
`these operations are counted by the error counter 7. In
`the case when, although the content of the counter has
`reached the predetermined value, no response code
`ENQ or text acknowledgement code ACK is received,
`transmission is ended. In the case where, although the
`signal transmitting side has transmitted a start request
`ENQ, no response is made to the signal transmitting
`side (as shown in the FIG. 2C), the start request is trans
`mitted at intervals corresponding to the period of time
`set by the timer 6.
`The transmission of the start request can be carried
`out three times. If the number of times of transmission
`of the start request exceeds three, then it is determined
`that an error is involved, and the transmission proce
`dure is commenced again. When the text acknowledge
`ment code ACK is transmitted to the signal transmitting
`side, the comparison circuit section 4 detects whether
`or not it is an effective character, and the code is re
`turned as an acknowledgement code ACK to the signal
`receiving side, as indicated by the pattern of FIG. 2A.
`In the conventional data transmission system de
`scribed above, if data transmission is carried out as
`indicated by the pattern of FIG. 2A, there is no prob
`lem. However, in the case where, as shown in FIG. 2B,
`a start request or text from the signal transmitting side
`contains an error and the negative acknowledgement
`code NAK is used for retransmission, the signal trans—
`mitting side performs similarly to the terminal on the
`signal receiving side, responding a predetermined num
`ber of times.
`Accordingly, a signal concentration type data trans
`mission system in which a single CPU is employed as a
`terminal on the signal receiving side and a plurality of
`terminal units on the signal transmitting side are con
`nected to the CPU, the signal transmitting side requires
`an error counter and complex circuitry used in associa
`tion with the error counter. In addition, during the
`operation of the counter 7, the response of ACK/NAK
`is continuously carried out. This is not ef?cient, increas
`ing the overall transmission time. Furthermore, since
`the signal transmitting side transmits signals continu
`ously, the CPU may be placed in a communication
`“panic" state.
`An object of the invention is thus to eliminate the
`above-described drawbacks accompanying a conven
`tional data transmission system. More specifically, an
`object of the invention is to provide a data transmission
`The present invention relates to a signal concentra
`tion type data transmission system or the like.
`In a terminal start type data transmission system, just
`as on the signal receiving side, the signal transmitting
`side must have the capacity for enabling a retransmis
`sion request when an error is detected in a received
`signal control code such as a response code (ENQ:
`enquiry) for a start request, a text acknowledgement
`code (ACK: acknowledgement), or a text negative ac
`knowledgement code (NAK: negative acknowledge
`ment). For reasons which will become apparent, in
`order to efficiently transmit a text, it is necessary to
`count how many times the retransmission request has
`been made.
`A data transmission system of the type to which the
`invention relates is shown in block diagram form in
`FIG. 1. In this system, a data memory section 1 stores
`variable data and ?xed data (hereinafter referred to as a
`"text” when applicable) to be transmitted to a terminal
`on the signal receiving side, namely, a master station
`such as a CPU. The data memory section 1 is connected
`to a transmitter 2. The transmitter 2 operates to convert
`parallel data outputted by the data memory section 1
`into serial data and to transmit the text over a data
`The system further includes a receiver 3 which con
`verts serial data received over the data channel into
`parallel data so that it can be read by the terminal and
`which also detects parity errors in various control
`codes. The output of the receiver 3 is connected to a
`comparison circuit section 4. The comparison circuit
`section 4 performs comparing operations on codes (con
`trol characters) received from the CPU via the receiver
`3 with control characters from the data memory section
`1, and applies an operation state signal representing the
`results of the comparison to a control section 5.
`The control section 5 instructs the operations of the
`circuit elements and monitors the conditions of them,
`and controls a timer 6 and an error counter 7. The timer
`6 is used for monitoring the time of data transmission
`between the CPU and the terminal on the signal trans
`mission side, and the error counter 7 operates to count
`errors detected at various time instants during data
`transmission. The timer 6 and the error counter 7 supply
`state signals representing their states to the control sec
`tion 5.
`Data transmission from the described terminal is car
`ried out as follows. When the signal transmitting side
`has data to be transmitted to the CPU, the data memory
`section 1 assembles a text, including a parity bit, and
`passes it to the transmitter 2 from which it is transmitted
`over the data channel. At the time of transmission, the
`timer 6 is set so that the receiver is made ready for
`receiving the data. If the data is not received by the
`receiver within the period of time set by the timer 6,
`then a stepping operation is performed by the error
`counter 7. Speci?cally, the content of the error counter
`7 is increased by one and the text is transmitted again.
`When the content of the error counter 7 exceeds a pre
`determined value (usually three), it is determined that
`the data cannot be transmitted.
`FIG. 2A shows what is present on the data channel in
`a conventional data transmission system. When the
`terminal on the text transmitting side is to transmit data,
`method in which a terminal on the signal transmitting
`side has a simple construction and with which transmis
`sion can be controlled mainly by a central terminal on
`the signal receiving side, and whereby, even in view of
`the simpli?ed transmitting terminal construction, the
`transmission ef?ciency is improved and data is transmit
`ted and received effectively and economically.
`The foregoing object and other objects of the inven
`tion have been achieved by the provision of a data trans
`mission method according to which the signal receiving
`side produces a response code for requesting a text in
`response to a start request made by the signal transmit
`ting side, and produces a text valid code or a text invalid
`code for the received text. According to the invention,
`the signal receiving side has means for transmitting a
`standby request signal to the signal transmitting side in
`response to the start request, and means for transmitting
`a retransmission request signal to the signal transmitting
`side for requesting the retransmission of a text, and the
`signal transmitting side has means for operating a timer
`upon reception of a response signal from the signal
`receiving side and for automatically suspending, when
`communication is not ?nished within a predetermined
`period of time, the communication operation.
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram showing the arrangement
`of a terminal unit on the signal transmitting side in a
`conventional data transmission system;
`FIGS. 2A through 2C are timing charts showing
`signal transmission patterns in the system of FIG. 1;
`FIGS. 3A through 3E are timing charts showing
`signal transmission patterns according to the invention;
`FIG. 4 is an explanatory diagram outlining a two-way
`CATV system to which a data transmission system
`according to the invention is applied;
`FIG. 5 is an explanatory diagram showing the con
`tents of data determined in accordance with the inven
`FIG. 6 is a block diagram showing the arrangement
`of a terminal unit in the invention;
`FIGS. 7A through 7C are timing charts showing
`signal transmission patterns in the case where data is
`transmitted from the center to a terminal unit; and
`FIGS. 8A through 8D are timing charts showing
`signal transmission patterns in the case where data is
`transmitted from the terminal unit to the center.
`an NAk bit and a parity check segment. For ordinarily
`polling, the down command call is not used, and the
`ACK, NAK and ENQ bits are “0". In the up data also,
`the ACK, NAK and ENQ bits are set at "O".
`In the terminal unit, as shown in FIG. 6, a memory
`section 11 operates to store data through communica
`tion with the center. The memory section 11 is con
`nected to a transmitter section 12 and a receiver section
`13. The transmitter section 12 converts parallel data
`provided by the memory section 11 into serial data at a
`predetermined rate and applies the up data to a data
`channel connected thereto. The receiver section 13
`converts serial data received via the data channel into
`parallel data in a form readable by the terminal.
`A control section 15 instructs the operations of the
`circuit elements and monitors the conditions of them.
`The control section 15 applies start, stop and clear in
`structions to a timer section 16. The timer section 16
`supplies a time-is-up signal to the control section 15. An
`input section 17 applies signals from an input keyboard
`and various sensors to the control section 15. The con
`trol section 15 applies data such as character display
`data and TV tuning data to an output section 18. A
`comparison circuit 14 compares return signal codes
`(control character) from the center with control char
`acters in the memory section 11 and supplies a signal
`representative of the comparison results to the control
`section 15.
`FIGS. 3A through 3E are explanatory diagrams
`showing the functions of a data transmitting system of
`the invention, generally indicating the operations at the
`text receiving side TRS and text transmitting side TTS.
`In FIGS. 3A through 3E, reference character ENQ
`designates a transmitting side start request code, ACK a
`text acknowledge code, CALL a retransmission request
`code, NAK a text invalid code or standby code, and
`TEXT transmission data.
`FIG. 3A shows the fundamental data pattern. First,
`the terminal unit on the signal transmitting side 'I'I‘S
`transmits a start request ENQ. If, in this case, the CPU
`of the signal receiving side TRS is ready for receiving
`signals, a text request CALL is made. On the signal
`transmitting side, the text is transmitted and the timer 16
`is started immediately. If the acknowledgement code
`ACK is received within the predetermined period of
`time, then the transmission is accomplished.
`When the CPU on the signal receiving side transmits
`the negative acknowledgement code NAK in response
`to a start request, as shown in FIG. 3B, the signal trans
`mitting side is placed in the standby state. Thereafter, in
`response to a retransmission request code CALL from
`the signal receiving side, the fundamental pattern (simi
`lar to that of FIG. 3A) is effected as shown in FIG. 38.
`FIG. 3C shows an example of a retransmission re
`quest. In response to the code CALL, the text is trans
`mitted. In this case, upon reception of the ?rst code
`CALL, the timer 16 is started. Transmission is then
`accomplished if the code ACK is received within the
`predetermined period of time, even in the case where a
`retransmission request has been made. In the case of
`FIG. 3D, after the code CALL is received, the text is
`transmitted. However, in this case, the text negative
`acknowledgement code (NAK) is received, and trans
`mission is not affected. In the case of FIG. 3D, after the
`text has been transmitted, no reply is made within the
`predetermined period of time, and therefore transmis
`sion is not accomplished.
`A preferred embodiment of the invention will now be
`described with reference to FIGS. 3 through 8. The
`data transmission system according to the invention is
`applied to a two-way CATV system having one con
`centration center 8 (FIG. 4) and a plurality of terminal
`units 9 connected to the center 8 as shown in FIG. 4.
`The center 8 carries out two-way data communications
`with the terminal units 9 according to a polling selection
`The data patterns used in this system are shown in
`FIG. 5. The down data is composed of synchronization
`(SYNC) data, terminal address data, control commands
`(including a call command), text data, an ENQ bit, an
`ACK hit, an NAK bit and a parity check segment. The
`up data is composed of synchronization (SYNC) data,
`terminal data (including text), an ENQ bit, an ACK bit,
`FIGS. 7A through 7C show three modes in the
`where data is transmitted from the master station to the
`above-described two-way CATV system in which data
`terminal unit as described above.
`As described above in detail, according to the inven
`is transmitted from the center 8 and received by the
`tion, the function of requesting the retransmission of
`terminal unit 9. In FIG. 7A, upon reception of the ENQ
`data and the function of counting how many times ab
`bit in the “1" state from the center, the terminal unit
`normal conditions are detected is eliminated from the
`transmits the ACK bit as a “1" and starts the timer.
`signal transmitting side, thereby making it possible to
`Upon reception of a “l” for the ACK bit, the center 8
`simplify the arrangement of the system as a whole. On
`transmits the text. Thereafter, the center carries out an
`ordinary polling operation twice in succession and then
`the signal transmitting side, the transmission time con
`receives the signal ACK (or NAK) from the terminal
`trol is carried out with a timer, and the transmission is
`automatically suspended when an abnormal condition,
`unit. If the parity of the received text is correct, and
`assuming that the time set by the timer 16 has not ex
`such as the CPU being nonfunctional, occurs on the
`signal receiving side. Accordingly, even if a large num
`pired before the second ordinary polling station is re
`ber of terminal units are provided on the signal transmit
`ceived, the text is transferred to the output section 8.
`ting side, no communication “panic” will occur in the
`If the terminal unit is busy when the signal ENQ is
`received from the center, the NAK bit in the “1” state
`We claim:
`is transmitted as shown in FIG. 7B. When the terminal
`1. A method for operating a data transmission system
`unit becomes not busy, it receives the signal ENQ.
`Upon reception of the signal ENQ, the terminal unit
`having a transmitting side and a receiving side, compris
`ing the steps of:
`transmits the signal ACK and starts the timer 16, as
`sending a start request signal from said transmitting
`indicated in the FIG. 7A. With respect to FIG. 7C, the
`side to said receiving side;
`case where the time counted out by the timer 16 expires
`before the second polling signal is received is indicated.
`deciding on said receiving side if text is to then be
`In this case, the center receives the signal NAK. There
`sending to said transmitting side from said receiving
`fore, transmission is not accomplished.
`FIGS. 8A through 80 show four patterns in which
`side in response to said start request signal (a) a
`retransmission request signal if text is then to be
`data is transmitted by the terminal unit 9 and received
`received, or (b) a text invalid/standby signal if text
`by the center 8.
`When, after transmitting the ENQ bit as a “l” in
`is not then to be received;
`if said text valid/standby signal is sent from said re
`response to the ordinary polling signal from the center,
`ceiving side to said transmitting side, later deciding
`the terminal unit 9 receives the signal CALL from the
`on said receiving side when text can be received;
`center, the terminal unit 9 transmits the text and starts
`responsive to said later deciding, sending from said
`the timer 16. When the terminal unit 9 receives the
`receiving side to said transmitting side a retransmis
`signal ACK from the center 8 after transmitting the
`sion request signal;
`text, the terminal unit 9 causes the output section 8 to
`sending text from said transmitting side to said receiv
`display for instance the character “GOOD" represent
`ing side upon said transmitting side receiving said
`ing the fact the data has been transmitted correctly to
`retransmission request signal;
`the center. Thus, the transmission has been accom
`simultaneously upon commencement of the sending
`of said text at said transmitting side, starting a timer
`In the case where, within the time set by the timer,
`to count a predetermined time period;
`the text retransmission request signal CALL is received,
`halting the sending of said text from said transmitting
`the text is retransmitted and the signal ACK is received,
`side to said receiving side if a text invalid/standby
`then transmission is accomplished as shown in FIG. 8B.
`signal is received from said receiving side, said
`If the center is busy, no reply is made to the signal ENQ
`timer continuing to count out said predetermined
`from the terminal unit. When the center becomes not
`time period irrespective of the receipt at said trans
`busy, the signal CALL is transmitted to the terminal
`mitting side of said text invalid/standby signal;
`unit, whereupon transmission is carried out in the man
`sending from said receiving side to said transmitting
`ner shown in FIG. 8C. In the case where, after the text
`side a text acknowledgement signal when valid text
`has been transmitted, no reply is made within the time
`has been received by said receiving side; and
`set by the timer 16 or the retransmission request is con
`invalidating at said transmitting side text sent from
`tinuously present, transmission is not effected. This case
`said transmitting side to said receiving side if said
`is illustrated by FIG. 8D.
`time completes counting out said predetermined
`In the above-described embodiment of the invention
`time period before said text acknowledgement sig
`applied to a two-way CATV system, in any case, that is,
`nal is received at said retransmitting side from said
`either for transmission of data from the center to the
`receiving side.
`terminal unit or the transmission of data from the termi
`2. The method of claim 1, further comprising the step
`nal unit to the center, the terminal unit carries out com
`of, at said transmitting side, recommencing sending of
`munication time control by starting the timer simulta
`text upon receiving a retransmission request signal from
`neously with the start of data communication. There
`said receiving side.
`fore, if the center one-sidedly interrupts the communi
`3. The method of claim 1, wherein said timer is
`cation or the communication is interrupted in some
`other way, the terminal unit automatically suspends the
`started upon reception of the first occurrence of a re
`transmission request signal from said receiving side
`communication operation.
`following the sending from said transmitting side to said
`It is necessary to establish a parity order for the sig
`receiving side of a start request signal.
`nals ENQ from the center and the various terminal units
`4. The method of claim 1, further comprising the step
`so that the transmitted signals ENQ can be handled
`of, at said receiving side, checking the parity of a re
`according to the priority order.
`ceived text, and sending a text invalid/ standby signal in
`The data transmission system according to the inven
`the case that said parity is incorrect.
`tion is applicable not only to the case where data is
`transmitted from the terminal units, but also to the case