In The Matter Of:
` ___________________________________________________
`KEVIN JEFFAY, Ph.D. - Vol. 1
`January 15, 2015
` ___________________________________________________
`IPR2014-00737 BHM Ex. 2014


`KEVIN JEFFAY, Ph.D. - 1/15/2015
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` Plaintiff,
` Defendant.
`Patent Number 8,050,652 Case Number IPR 2014-00737
`Patent Number 8,050,952 Case Number IPR 2014-00740
` Taken by the Defendant
` Chapel Hill, North Carolina
` January 15, 2015
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`A P P E A R A N C E S:
`One CityCenter
`850 Tenth Street, NW Washington DC 20001 202.662.5141
`19th Floor, High Street Tower
`125 High Street
`Boston, MA 02110
` Videotaped deposition of KEVIN
`JEFFAY, Ph.D., taken by the defendant at Aloft, 1001
`South Hamilton Road in Chapel Hill, North Carolina,
`January 15, 2015 at 8:34 a.m., before Audra M. Smith,
`RPR, FCRR, Stenographic Reporter, and Scott Swing,
`5 6
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` Examination by Mr. Engellenner 6
` Examination by Ms. Reister 193
`Exhibit 1 Deposition Notice 7
`Exhibit 2 Deposition Notice 7
`Exhibit 3 U.S. Patent 8,050,652 8
`Exhibit 4 U.S. Patent 8,045,952 9
`Exhibit 5 Curriculum Vitae 10
`Exhibit 6 Declaration of Kevin Jeffay, Ph.D.
` of '652 patent 26
`Exhibit 7 Declaration of Kevin Jeffay, Ph.D.
` of the '952 patent 26
`Exhibit 8 Expert report from ITC 33
`Exhibit 9 Petition for Inter Parte's Review
` U.S. Patent 8,050,652 47
`Exhibit 10 Petition for Inter Parte's Review
` U.S. Patent '952 47
`Exhibit 11 Culbertson patent 77
`Exhibit 12 Board's opinion 102
`Exhibit 13 Microsoft Windows Media Player 7
` handbook 131
`7 8
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`Exhibit 14 Hacker excerpt of publication 136
`Exhibit 15 White patent 156
`Exhibit 16 Berman patent 157
`Exhibit 17 U.S. Patent 6,199,076 172
`7 8 9
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` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Starting of Number
`1 on the record at 8:34 a.m. This is the videotaped
`deposition of Kevin Jeffay. This is in the United
`States Patent Trial Board two patent numbers. Case
`Number IPR 2014-00737, Patent Number 8,050,652. The
`second one is Case Number IPR 2014-00740. Patent
`Number 8,045,952. Today's date and time are
`indicated on the video screen. We're located today
`at 1001 South Hamilton Road in Chapel Hill, North
`Carolina. The court reporter today is Audra Smith.
`My name is Scott Swing. I'm the videographer.
`We're both here on behalf of Merrill Corporation,
`Boston in Boston, Massachusetts.
` At this time, counsel will verbally
`introduce themselves starting with the noticing
`attorney first, please.
` MR. ENGELLENNER: Thomas Engellenner,
`Pepper Hamilton representing the patent owner in
`both instances.
` MR. SCHULTZ: Andrew Schultz with
`Pepper Hamilton on behalf of the patent owner.
` MS. REISTER: Andrea Reister with
`Covington Burling representing the petitioner
`Samsung in both cases.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: At this time, our
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`court reporter will swear the witness for the
`record, please.
` THE COURT REPORTER: Would you please
`raise your right hand please.
` Do you swear or affirm the testimony
`you're about to give is the truth, the whole truth
`and nothing but the truth?
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: We may proceed,
` * * * * *
`was called as a witness, having been first duly sworn,
`testified as follows:
` Q. Thank you for coming, Professor Jeffay.
`Could you state your full name and residential
` A. My full name is just Kevin Jeffay, and my
`address is 207 Faison in Chapel Hill, North
` Q. I'm going to mark a few exhibits. I'd ask
`the court reporter to mark a few exhibits and
`question you on them, if you don't mind.
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` (Exhibit No. 1 and 2 were marked for
` MS. REISTER: Are you going to mark
`these sequentially? Are we going to use any of the
`exhibits from the --
` MR. ENGELLENNER: My plan is to mark
`them sequentially and attach them to the deposition
`and file it.
` MS. REISTER: Okay.
` Q. So you have before you two exhibits marked
`1 and 2, and they are deposition notices. You
`received these notices?
` A. I did not.
` Q. Were you told by counsel that you -- that
`they have been served with these notices?
` A. Yes.
` Q. You understand you're appearing here today
`pursuant to these notices?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I'm going to take a break every hour or so
`if that's okay with you?
` A. Perfect.
` Q. But if you need a break at any point in
`time, please feel free to let me know. I'll be
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`happy to break. I only ask you to answer any
`question that's been posed before we break.
` A. Sure. Thank you.
` Q. Is there any reason why you cannot testify
`fully and accurately today?
` A. None that I know of.
` Q. Two more documents I'm going to ask the
`court reporter to mark.
` MS. REISTER: Could you please let me
`know which patent is which exhibit number?
` (Exhibit No. 3 was marked for
` Q. The court reporter has marked as Exhibit
`3, U.S. Patent 8,050,652. Do you recognize this
`patent, Professor Jeffay?
` A. I do.
` Q. And is it a patent on which you have
` A. It appears to be, yes.
` Q. And would you agree it is the patent at
`issue in the inter parte's review proceeding
` A. If you'll forgive me, but I haven't
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`internalized that number, but I understand this is
`one of the patents for one of the proceedings.
` Q. To make it a little easier, I'm going to
`take the proceedings one at a time. The first
`proceeding I'll just refer to as the last three
`digits of the numbers, so the '737. And just for
`the record, it does concern the patent that I will
`also refer to simply by its last three digits '652.
` A. Yes, I understand that.
` Q. And you have before you also a second U.S.
`Patent, Exhibit Label 4. It's U.S. patented
`8,055 -- excuse me '045,952; is that correct?
` (Exhibit No. 4 was marked for
` A. Yes.
` Q. And do you recall also opining on this
` A. Yes.
` Q. And this patent is the patent at issue in
`the other proceeding that we're going to be
`examining you on today, the '740 proceeding; is that
`your understanding?
` A. That is my understanding.
` Q. Thank you. One more document and then
`we'll get started in earnest. Did I give you all
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` A. No, this one is just one, I think.
` Q. Exhibit 5 that the court reporter has just
`marked is your CV; is that not correct?
` (Exhibit No. 5 was marked for
` A. Yes, that's correct.
` Q. And this CV was attached to -- or
`submitted with each of your declarations in these
`two proceedings; is that correct?
` A. That's my understanding.
` Q. Okay. You've been retained by Samsung or
`counsel as an expert in these '737 and '740
`proceedings; is that correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Were you retained by Samsung directly or
`were you retained by counsel?
` A. I would say my understanding is my
`agreement is with Covington, so I think that's
`through counsel.
` Q. And so you submit your bills to Covington?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What is your hourly rate?
` A. I think -- for this matter, I think it's
`$550 an hour.
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` Q. And do you have any sense as to how many
`hours you've worked on this project up until the
`point where your declarations were submitted?
` A. That's certainly a noble -- there's a
`noble answer there, and I keep track of the hours.
`I don't have a number in my head.
` Q. I'm just looking for a ballpark number.
`Was it several days, several weeks?
` MS. REISTER: Objection. Compound.
` A. My recollection is it's certainly far
`closer to several days than several weeks.
` Q. Thank you. And I believe your declaration
`states you served as an expert in patent proceedings
`before; is that correct?
` A. I don't recall if the declaration states
`that, but that is a true statement.
` Q. Okay. Your CV -- Exhibit Number 5 --
` A. Okay.
` Q. -- includes -- starting on page 2 and
`continuing to most of page 3 -- a list of patent
`proceedings of one sort or another in which you have
`served as an expert; is that correct?
` A. Yes, that's correct.
` Q. And it appears that you've served as an
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`expert witness or testifying witness in at least 16
`different engagements during the past four years; is
`that correct?
` A. If you're representing that -- if you
`count these it's 16, then, yes, that's correct.
` Q. I believe it's 16. I could be off by one
`or two.
` A. I -- the sense of your question is yes.
` Q. How many times have you been deposed in
`the past in connection with your role as an expert
`in patent litigation?
` THE COURT REPORTER: In connection
`with your what?
` Q. Your role as an expert in patent
` A. If you're referring to just patent
`litigation, unfortunately that's a number I don't
`retain in my head.
` Q. Ballpark figure, if there were 15 or 16
`proceedings, were you deposed 16 times?
` A. I've certainly -- on all of these matters
`I was deposed on, and I've been deposed in other
`matters as well.
` Q. And did you testify during trials in these
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`matters also?
` A. By "these matters," you're referring to --
` Q. On 16 on page 2 and 3 of Exhibit 5.
` A. Sure. My understanding is that testifying
`is understood to include both deposition and trial,
`then the answer is yes. In all of these cases on
`pages 2 and 3, I provided testimony.
` Q. Are you normally on one side of patent
` MS. REISTER: Objection. Vague.
` Q. By that I mean, do you typically -- are
`you typically engaged to represent the defendant in
`a patent infringement suit?
` A. I don't know that there is a typical. I
`certainly have worked for patent owners, is the way
`I think of it, and people who have having patents
`asserted against them.
` Q. Uh-huh. Those would typically be the two
`options. I'm just wondering if you can recall any
`instances where you represented -- where -- were you
`retained by the patent owner?
` A. Yes, absolutely.
` Q. Anything on this list that comes to mind?
` A. If we look on page 3, the fourth full
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`entry that is Extreme Networks v. Enterasys, in that
`matter, Enterasys was the patent owner, and I
`provided expert services on behalf of Enterasys.
` The one right below that, Alcatel Lucent.
`Alcatel -- Alcatel Lucent was the patent owner, and
`I provided testimony on behalf of Alcatel Lucent.
` The next one F5 versus A10, I provided
`expert testimony on behalf of A10, and A10 was the
`patent owner, and I believe that is it.
` Q. So the majority of the time you've been
`asked to serve as an expert, it's been on behalf of
`the defendant or respondent in patent litigation?
` MS. REISTER: Objection. Form.
`Mischaracterizes testimony.
` A. No, I would not agree with that.
` Q. Well, you've just identified three on this
`list of 16. It seems the remainder of the 13 is
`greater than three, so the majority of the time, did
`you represent the defendant or respondent in the
`patent litigation?
` A. No.
` Q. Excuse me. Not represent, were you
`engaged by the --
` A. The answer is still no.
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` Q. And why is that?
` A. I would just simply point out on page 2
`that this is an excerpt of a longer vitae. This is
`providing the experience within the last four years,
`and over the course of my career doing this sort of
`consulting, I'm pretty sure it's probably close to
`half and half, between patent owners and folks that
`have had patents asserted against them.
` Q. Okay. But during the past four years,
`would you agree with me that you have been
`predominantly representing the defendants in patent
`litigation, patent infringement litigation or
`respondents in ITC actions?
` A. I would have to go check some alternate
`documents to confirm. Again, this is -- these are
`just simply matters in which I provided testimony.
`These are not all the matters in which I have
`consulted in.
` Q. Okay. Now, one of the matters that's
`listed here is in a proceeding before the
`International Trade Commission, which I may refer to
`throughout this as ITC; is that okay with you?
` A. Perfectly fine.
` Q. And do you recall that proceeding?
` A. Well, I think there's a couple on here.
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` Q. The first one.
` A. Okay.
` Q. In that proceeding, did you -- were you
`engaged by Samsung?
` A. I don't believe -- I would have to check.
`What I can say I was initially retained by LG, and
`then later there was a desire for other defendants
`to retain me. Some of them actually had formal
`agreements and some did not, and I don't remember
`which bucket Samsung was in.
` Q. So in addition to LG, can you remember any
`of the others that utilized your testimony in this
`ITC action?
` A. I believe I listed them. In terms of
`using my testimony, I listed them on page 2 of the
`vitae, so all of the Samsung companies, the LG
`companies that were in the proceedings, Panasonic
`companies, Toshiba and Google.
` Q. And who paid your bills in these
` A. The law firm of Finnegan Henderson.
` Q. Do you have a sense who they then billed
`your services to?
` A. I had some understanding they were working
`it out amongst the parties here. How that was done,
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`I have no idea.
` Q. So it could have been LG, it could have
`been Samsung, it could have been Google?
` MS. REISTER: Objection to form.
` A. In theory, yes.
` Q. Now, this ITC proceeding, it involved the
`same patents that we're going to be examining you on
`today; is that correct?
` A. That's my recollection, yes.
` Q. And were the same issues raised?
` A. I'm not sure I understand what you're --
`exactly what you're referring to when you say "the
`same issues."
` Q. In your declarations -- which we haven't
`made a record yet, I'm sorry you opine on the
`invalidity of both of the patents here, the '652 and
`the '952. Just wondering if those opinions were
`also presented to the International Trade
` MS. REISTER: Objection. Form.
` A. So I would say that my view is that I'm
`not opining on the ultimate question of validity
`here in these declarations; that my task was
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`narrower to just simply opine on some of the
`disclosures in these references. So in my mind, the
`analysis that was done in the ITC case was quite
`different from what was done for these declarations.
` Q. So in the ITC proceedings, did you draw
`any conclusions as to the obviousness of the '652 or
`'952 patents?
` A. My recollection is I absolutely drew
`opinions about the validity of these two patents. I
`don't -- there were a larger number of references, a
`larger number of issues at stake, and I don't recall
`precisely which claims were -- whether -- I don't
`recall precisely all the conclusions in that
`analysis as to which claims, which patents were
`anticipated or rendered obvious by which reference.
` Q. Do you understand that there is an overlap
`between the claims that are at issue in these
`proceedings before the Patent Office and the claims
`that were asserted by the complainant in the ITC
` A. Yes, I understand that.
` Q. And on those claims where there was an
`overlap, did you form an opinion of obviousness as
`to at least some of those claims?
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` A. Again, I recall rendering opinions on all
`the claims that were asserted there, and I just
`don't recall which ones netted out as being obvious
`and which ones were anticipated.
` Q. What did you mean by "netted out"?
` A. The final conclusion of the analysis, of
`my analysis.
` Q. So you may have concluded that some of the
`claims in the ITC action were not obvious?
` MS. REISTER: Objection.
`Mischaracterizes testimony.
` A. What I'm saying is I don't recall which
`claims were anticipated -- where my conclusion was.
`For each claim, I can't -- sitting here today
`without having reviewed that, I can't tell you
`precisely which claims I rendered an opinion as to
`anticipation or obviousness. I remember rendering a
`conclusion with respect to references that I used
`and to all the claims. I just don't know which ones
`were anticipated and which ones were obvious.
` Q. What did you do to prepare for your
`testimony here today?
` A. I reviewed the declarations, I reviewed
`the -- whatever it's called, the preliminary
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`decision, the board's ruling, reviewed the prior art
`references at issue, and had meetings with Samsung's
` Q. You said "meetings" plural?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you have more than one meeting?
` A. I did.
` Q. In preparation for this deposition, you
`had more than one meeting?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Did you review your expert report in the
`ITC case in preparation for this deposition?
` A. I did not.
` Q. Do you recall who you consulted with in
`preparing your expert report in the ITC action?
` MS. REISTER: Objection. Outside the
`scope of the proceeding.
` A. I can certainly recall several of the
`individuals. I can -- I can start with the primary
`and work my way down, but there will certainly be
`others that were involved and names I'm not going to
` Q. I believe you testified that you were
`working with the Finnegan law firm at the time.
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` A. Correct.
` Q. So -- thank you. Sorry to speak over you.
` So apart from the Finnegan attorneys, was
`there anyone else that you can recall in the ITC
`action that you consulted with?
` MS. REISTER: Objection. Outside the
` A. So in the ITC proceedings, I believe each
`one of the entities -- each one of the collections
`of entities -- all the Samsungs being one entity,
`all the LGs being one entity -- that are listed on
`page two of my vitae, each one of them had their own
`attorney except for Google, and so I did meet -- or
`was -- participated in meetings where there was an
`attorney present for each of the defendants, each
`one of the collection of defendants.
` Q. And Google did not have its own attorney?
`Was it relying upon the Finnegan firm?
` A. I --
` MS. REISTER: Objection. Scope.
` A. So -- so I won't actually say for certain
`Google -- my recollection is that Google did not
`have an attorney. In the meetings I was involved
`with, I don't believe there was a Google attorney
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` Q. Now, in connection with this -- the two
`proceedings that we're talking about today in which
`you were engaged by the Covington & Burling firm,
`was it your understanding that this engagement was
`on behalf of Samsung?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And by the word "Samsung," when I use it,
`I'm referring to the collection of entities that are
`listed in the proceedings. For the record, I could
`recite all their names, but if you understand what
`I'm talking about, I'll just continue to refer to
`the petitioner here as Samsung, if that's okay with
` A. I'm perfectly comfortable with you
`referring to them collectively as Samsung.
` Q. And apart from the attorneys at Covington
`& Burling, did you meet with anyone from Samsung in
`the preparation of your declaration testimony in
`these two proceedings?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you meet with anyone else or consult
`with anyone else in connection with your expert
`report for these proceedings?
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` A. No.
` Q. What other engagements have you had on
`behalf of Samsung? I guess on behalf of Samsung.
` MS. REISTER: Objection. Relevance.
` A. The one that comes to mind most clearly is
`the second entry on the list of testifying
`experience and page 2 of my vitae, and beyond that
`entry, I'd have to go back and consult all of the
`other matters that I worked on where there was no
`testimony. But I believe -- I believe it's a fair
`statement that I think there's just been that Apple,
`Samsung litigation and this -- this patent
` Q. Okay. And this Apple versus Samsung case,
`that didn't turn out that well for Samsung, did it?
` MS. REISTER: Objection. Relevance.
` A. I don't believe I'm at liberty to say.
` Q. But there was a judgment of infringement
`and damage awards, correct?
` MS. REISTER: Objection. Relevance.
` A. That's my understanding.
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` Q. And what was your role in that proceeding?
` MS. REISTER: Objection. Relevance.
` A. I was an expert on behalf of Samsung for
`one patent in that case.
` Q. And did you opine that the patent was
`anticipated or obvious?
` MS. REISTER: Objection. Relevance.
` A. I did -- or some claims of patent were.
` Q. And what was the outcome in that regard?
`Did the court find your opinions persuasive or were
`the Samsung defendants found to be infringers?
` MS. REISTER: Objection. Relevance.
` A. I don't believe the court opined on the
`persuasiveness of my testimony.
` Q. Well, the court must have ruled that the
`patent was either invalid or not invalid?
` MS. REISTER: Objection. Relevance.
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` A. Perhaps. I'm just not fully understanding
`your question, but my understanding is that it's --
`the ruling entity is the jury.
` Q. Okay. So the jury must have found that
`the patent that you opined on was either valid or
`invalid; is that correct?
` MS. REISTER: Objection. Relevance.
` A. Sorry. Correct.
` Q. And in that particular instance, did they
`find that the patent was valid?
` MS. REISTER: Objection. Relevance
`and scope.
` A. For the claims at issue, they found that
`they were valid.
` Q. I should correct myself, they probably
`found they were not invalid?
` MS. REISTER: Same objection.
` A. I'm going to -- I'm going to clip my mic
`back on. You obviously would know better than I
`what the -- what a typical charge would be to the
`jury. I just responded the way I internalized it.
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` Q. And you internalized it just -- again, to
`be perhaps say in layman's terms, the jury didn't
`accept your views?
` MS. REISTER: Objection. Relevance.
`Scope. Mischaracterizes the testimony.
` A. You know, the way I always view these
`things is the jury -- it's not about me. They're
`not being asked to opine on me or my views.
` Q. But you're presenting testimony as an
`expert; isn't that correct?
` MS. REISTER: Objection. Relevance.
` A. It is.
` Q. I've asked the court reporter to mark as
`Exhibits 6 and 7, two documents that are entitled
`Declaration of Kevin Jeffay, Ph.D. Could you
`identify these documents for us?
` (Exhibit No. 6 and 7 were marked for
` A. Sure. Exhibit 6 is a declaration that was
`submitted with regard to the inter parte's review of
`the '652 patent, and Exhibit 7 is a declaration that
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`was submitted in regards to the inter parte's review
`of the '952 patent.
` Q. Did you write these expert declarations
` A. What I would say is the text in here is my
`text. I did not put the text into this document.
` Q. What was the process for drafting these
` A. I worked with attorneys at Covington to
`draft the declaration. The starting point, I
`believe, was documents that I had generated in
`the -- that were public that were generated in the
`ITC matter, and that was used to make a first draft
`of the declaration, and from there we iterated on
`the contents.
` Q. I'm not sure I understood you there. Did
`you say that you started from your opinions in the
`ITC expert report?
` A. No.
` Q. Maybe we could just read back that
`question and answer.
` I believe your answer was, The starting
`point, I believe, was the

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