William O. Putnam
`Atlanta, GA
`April 28, 2015
`Page 1
` IPR No. 2014-00717
` IPR No. 2015-00335
` Patent No. 6,108,686
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
` and
` Petitioners,
` Patent Owner.
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
` April 28, 2015
` 8:59 a.m.
` Atlanta Airport Marriott
` 4711 Best Road
` Atlanta, Georgia
`Reported by:
`F. Renee Finkley, RPR, RMR, CRR, CLR, CCR-B-2289
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Samsung v. BHM

`William O. Putnam
`Atlanta, GA
`April 28, 2015
`Page 2
`On behalf of the Petitioners:
` Covington & Burling LLP
` One City Center
` 850 Tenth Street, N.W.
` Washington, D.C. 20001-4956
` (202) 662-5485
`On behalf of the Patent Owner:
` Pepper Hamilton, LLP
` 19th Floor, High Street Tower
` 125 High Street
` Boston, Massachusetts 02110-2736
` (617) 204-5165
`2 3
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Samsung v. BHM

`William O. Putnam
`Atlanta, GA
`April 28, 2015
`Page 3
` I N D E X
` Examination By Mr. Discher 4
` E X H I B I T S
`No. 1 Notice of deposition 5
`No. 2 Expert report of Putnam 6
`No. 3 Exhibit E of Putnam's declaration 24
`No. 4 U.S. patent number 6,108,686 38
`No. 5 U.S. patent number 5,740,549 175
` (Exhibits retained by counsel for Petitioners.)
`Alderson Reporting Company
`4 5 6
`Samsung v. BHM

`William O. Putnam
`Atlanta, GA
`April 28, 2015
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`having been first duly sworn, was examined and
`testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning, Mr. Putnam. Please state
`your name and address for the record?
` A. My name is William Putnam. My address is
`2530 Burnt Hickory Road, Marietta, Georgia.
` Q. Have you been deposed in an inter partes
`review proceeding before?
` A. Yes, I have.
` Q. And so you generally understand the
`procedures, and that you're under oath now?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. If you don't understand a question
`that I ask, or hear it, please feel free to ask me to
`rephrase the question or repeat it, so that you can
`hear it. If you don't do that, I will assume that
`you've understood and heard the question. Your
`answers are being recorded by a court reporter, so
`please give an audible response as opposed to nodding
`or hand gestures, so the record is clear. Are there
`any reasons you feel that you cannot testify fully
`and accurately today?
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Samsung v. BHM

`William O. Putnam
`Atlanta, GA
`April 28, 2015
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` A. No, not that I'm aware of.
` Q. Do you have any medical conditions that
`would inhibit your ability to testify fully and
`accurately today?
` A. No.
` Q. Are you taking any medications or drugs
`that would inhibit your ability to testify fully or
`accurately today?
` A. No, I'm not.
` Q. Your counsel needs time to make any
`objections before you answer.
` MR. DISCHER: Counsel, in order to
` accomplish all the deposition today, I would
` seek your cooperation in adhering to the trial
` guideline requirements at pages 48772 of the
` Federal Rules of single word, non-speaking
` objections, such as objection, form, objection
` scope. I assume you're familiar with those
` rules. This will expedite the deposition and
` provide minimal disruption to our questioning.
` Are we agreed on that?
` MR. HAIGHT: Yes.
` MR. DISCHER: Thank you.
` (Exhibit 1 was marked for
` identification.)
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Samsung v. BHM

`William O. Putnam
`Atlanta, GA
`April 28, 2015
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` Q. (By Mr. Discher) Mr. Putnam, have you
`seen this document before?
` A. I believe I have seen an electronic copy.
` Q. Okay. As you can see on the face page of
`this Exhibit 1, this is your notice of deposition
`that we have filed with the Patent Trial and Appeal
` (Exhibit 2 was marked for
` identification.)
` Q. (By Mr. Discher) Counsel, have you seen
`Exhibit 2 before -- excuse me, witness, have you seen
`Exhibit 2 before?
` A. Based on the title, it appears to be a
`copy of my expert report in this matter.
` Q. Okay. And can you please turn to page 42
`of this paper, Exhibit 2?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Does that appear to be your signature at
`the bottom of the page?
` A. Yes, I believe that is an electronic
`facsimile of my signature.
` Q. Okay. Did you write this declaration?
` A. I did.
` Q. And can you tell me approximately when you
`started actually writing words down in preparation of
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`the first draft?
` A. I don't know how close you mean by
`approximately, but --
` Q. Your best estimate?
` A. As I recall, and I'm not certain of this,
`approximately two weeks before the date of
`submission, give or take some days, I'm not sure.
` Q. Okay. So it's dated February 25th, so
`perhaps sometime in the earlier part of February,
` A. I think that's -- I think that's
`approximately correct.
` Q. Okay. And did you actually prepare the
`first draft yourself?
` A. I did.
` Q. Okay. And was that in conjunction with
`counsel's input, did you talk to counsel before
`preparing the draft, or is this completely on your
`own after just reviewing any other papers that you've
`cited in your declaration that you have reviewed?
` A. Well, of course, I had some interaction
`with counsel when I was retained in the matter. And
`then I also had some previous interaction with
`counsel representing Black Hills Media prior to
`Pepper Hamilton taking responsibility for this
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`Atlanta, GA
`April 28, 2015
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`particular patent. So it's hard to answer without
`more specificity.
` Q. So when you prepared this first draft, I
`generally understood your answer to indicate there
`were some consultations with counsel before you
`actually started preparing the draft sometime earlier
`in February?
` A. That's correct, but I don't recall to what
`extent they were related to writing this declaration,
`and to what extent they constituted just discussion
`of the patent itself.
` Q. Okay. And did you write every word of
`this declaration?
` A. I did. Well, let me qualify that. There
`are some elements -- it doesn't have a case caption
`on the front, and there are quotations from other
`sources. So I typed it, if that's what you mean.
`And the original content, that is content that is not
`taken from another source and attributed, is mine.
` Q. Can you give me an example somewhere in
`the declaration what you mean content taken from
`another source?
` A. The paragraphs that are numbered on pages
`1 through 42 would be primarily original content.
`And then if you look at, for example, some of the
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`Samsung v. BHM

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`April 28, 2015
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`footnotes contain quotations from dictionaries or
`references that I've listed. For example, footnote
`15 quotes an encyclopedia entry. I believe there may
`be some quotations in the text of the document itself
`as well.
` Q. And did you exchange any drafts of this
`declaration with counsel?
` A. Exchange?
` Q. Submit for them to look at and review
`before you signed it on February 26?
` A. Yes. Yes, I did give them a copy to
`review before I signed it.
` Q. Just one copy?
` A. I gave them a copy of my working document,
`which I don't consider a draft, because I don't keep
`drafts or operate in terms of drafts, but I gave them
`a copy of the working document about a week or so
`before submission.
` Q. And were there any changes subsequent to
` A. I made some additions to it, additional
`citations, it wasn't finished at that point.
` Q. Is everything included in this declaration
`that you want to be included?
` A. Yes.
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`Atlanta, GA
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` Q. There's nothing that you wanted to include
`that was left out?
` A. No.
` Q. And there's nothing in your declaration
`that you wanted to omit that is present?
` A. No.
` Q. I'd like to turn to paragraphs 8 and 9 of
`your declaration. This is under the heading Roman
`Numeral III, materials reviewed and considered. And
`it looks like you have ten bullet points there of
`materials that you reviewed and considered. Do you
`see that?
` A. I see it.
` Q. Did you review any other material in
`connection with the preparation of this declaration?
` A. I would say in connection with the
`preparation of the deposition -- or the declaration,
` Q. Okay. Were you instructed to not review
`any other material?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you review the prosecution history of
`the '686 patent at issue here?
` A. I did look at the file history at some
`point, but I'm not sure that that was in -- I think
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`April 28, 2015
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`that was when I first reviewed the patent prior to
`starting the declaration.
` Q. Okay. So did you consider the prosecution
`history or anything contained in the prosecution
`history for purposes of preparation of this
` A. I did look through it to see if there was
`anything relevant to the questions I was asked to
`consider. I don't recall there being anything that I
`considered relevant.
` Q. Okay. So I understand your testimony to
`be that you did review the prosecution history, but
`you didn't find anything relevant in the prosecution
`history for purposes of your declaration, is that an
`accurate statement?
` A. I don't know if I would put it exactly
`that way. What I'm saying here in paragraph 8 that,
`in forming my opinions, I've reviewed and relied upon
`these materials. So my recollection is that I did
`review the file history for the '686 patent. I don't
`recall there being anything that would materially
`affect my opinions with regard to the questions I was
`asked to consider. So I don't know that I have
`referenced it here, but in looking at the patent,
`yes, I did read the file history.
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`William O. Putnam
`Atlanta, GA
`April 28, 2015
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` Q. Okay. And I see on page 5 of your
`declaration, I believe it's the sixth bullet that
`refers to the patent owner's preliminary response
`dated August 7th, 2014. Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you recall if you had any involvement
`in the preparation of that patent owner's preliminary
`response dated August 7, 2014?
` A. I did not.
` Q. So you had no involvement with the
`preparation of that document prior to when it was
` A. Not that I recall.
` Q. Okay. Are you aware of the fact that the
`patent owner also submitted a subsequent patent
`owner's response also on February 25th in conjunction
`with your declaration -- or filed on the same day as
`your declaration?
` A. You're talking about a response filed
`through Pepper Hamilton.
` Q. By Pepper Hamilton's counsel in this case?
` A. It is my understanding that such a
`response or some sort of brief was filed.
` Q. Okay. And did you have any involvement
`with the review or preparation of that document?
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` A. No, not that I recall.
` Q. So you did not see that document prior to
`when the patent owner response was filed on February
` A. I don't think so.
` Q. Have you seen it since then?
` A. I don't think so.
` Q. So you've not seen the patent owner
`response filed on February 25th in conjunction with
`this inter partes review trial?
` A. I don't believe so. I have not, to my
`recollection, received a copy.
` Q. Okay. I'd like to turn to paragraphs 11
`to 13. In paragraph 13, you refer to how a person of
`ordinary skill in the art would have been motivated
`to combine and/or modify the prior art to arrive at
`the claimed invention. Do you see that beginning at
`approximately I guess the second -- the third line of
`paragraph 13, bottom of the page.
` A. Are you referring to the last line there
`in paragraph 13, last line on page 7.
` Q. Just read paragraph 13 starting at the
`beginning and perhaps go to the bottom of the page,
`just take your time.
` A. Yes, I see paragraph 13.
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`April 28, 2015
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` Q. Okay. And do you see the part about a
`person of ordinary skill in the art would have been
`motivated to combine and/or modify, approximately the
`last two lines?
` A. I see some language to that effect.
` Q. And did you write that?
` A. I believe so, yes.
` Q. And where did you obtain that analytical
`framework from?
` A. From counsel.
` Q. Okay. So they informed you of that
` A. Well, they informed me of the legal
`standard, and I also have some previous experience,
`as I said earlier, in similar matters. So we
`discussed my understanding of it, and they reviewed
`my understanding of it, and expression of it here.
`And as I recall, that was the extent of it. But
`they -- the basis for this is their explanation to me
`of the legal standard.
` Q. Okay. And so it's your understanding that
`there needs to be a motivation to combine and/or
`modify the prior art to arrive at the claimed
` A. It's my understanding that that's an
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`element of the analysis for determination of
` Q. An element?
` A. Well, it is one element in the analysis.
` Q. Are there other elements that you're aware
` A. As listed in the paragraph, yes.
` Q. And what elements are those? What other
`elements besides this -- focusing on the motivation
`to combine here, what other elements are there
`besides motivated to combine or motivation to
` A. You understand I'm not a lawyer, so this
`is a statement of my understanding in my own words of
`what is a legal standard, which I'm sure you're
`probably more familiar with than I. But as I've said
`here, it's my understanding that there are a number
`of what I would regard as elements, the first of
`which is whether or not each element of a claim is
`present in a reference or a combination of
` Another element would be whether or not
`the person of skill in the art would have a
`motivation to combine those elements, and that's what
`I've tried to state here.
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Samsung v. BHM

`William O. Putnam
`Atlanta, GA
`April 28, 2015
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` Q. And is your understanding that there can
`be other things outside of a motivation to combine
`that might lead one of ordinary skill in the art to
`combine elements from references?
` A. Not sure I understand the question.
` Q. Okay. Does there have to be an express
`motivation to combine references?
` A. I'm not sure what you mean by an express
` Q. If I reference A, and I have reference B.
`And reference A pertains to ramafrats, and reference
`B does that have an express indication of
`applicability to ramafrats in order to have a
`motivation to combine?
` A. Well, I don't know what a ramafrat could
` Q. It's a hypothetical term. You can pick
`any term you want. It could be a networking card,
`that is design of a networking card for a local area
`network, let's say.
` A. Are you asking me whether -- you're asking
`me a hypothetical question that if a first reference
`described a networking card, and there were a second
`reference that also described a networking card, that
`in order to combine those, whether or not there would
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`April 28, 2015
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`be -- again, you used the term express, I think you
`said indication. And I'm not clear on what you mean
`by that.
` But if there were, in my mind, an explicit
`statement that you should take this card and combine
`it with that card or something like that, is that
`what you're asking?
` Q. Well, I don't understand your statement,
`and I'm trying to find out what it means. That's
`really what I'm trying to do. And I'm trying to give
`some examples, but I understand they're not clear to
`you. So I'm just going to leave it as an open-ended
`question, and let you ask questions about -- the
`question is, you make a statement about, quote, would
`have modified to combine and/or modify the prior art.
`Do you see that?
` A. No, that's not what it says.
` Q. Okay. Can you tell me what you mean by
`this paragraph?
` A. I mean exactly what it says. I'm not
`clear on what you don't understand about the
` Q. Okay. So when taken as a whole, can you
`read with me starting on the third line of paragraph
`13? I'm going to start after the comma -- prior art,
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`April 28, 2015
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`comma, when taken as a whole and viewed by a person
`of ordinary skill in the art, and the person of
`ordinary skill in the art would have been motivated
`to combine and/or modify the prior art to arrive at
`the claimed invention?
` A. Okay. I see the section that you read.
` Q. Okay. And so in your analysis, what are
`the criteria or factors that you considered that
`might have motivated one of ordinary skill in the art
`to combine or modify the prior art to arrive at the
`claimed invention?
` A. Are you asking whether I did an analysis
`to determine elements of motivation to combine, is
`that what you're asking?
` Q. Well, you're making a general statement
`here, and I'm not asking for your analysis as such.
`I'm just asking for general principles that led you
`to make this statement.
` A. Well, what led me to make this statement
`is my understanding of the standard for obviousness,
`and this is a layman's paraphrase of a discussion
`with counsel regarding a legal standard. I'm not a
`lawyer, and I'm not qualified to give you a legal
`discussion on determination of obviousness. That's a
`legal question, and I'm a computer expert.
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`Atlanta, GA
`April 28, 2015
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` Q. Okay. So did you, in this motivation to
`combine statement in paragraph 13, did you factor
`predictability of results in your analysis?
` A. It's my understanding that predictability
`of results could be one element in such an analysis,
`but again, you're getting into the legal standards
`for that sort of determination. And my task and the
`scope of my task was not to do a legal analysis under
`the law and render a definitive statement on whether
`or not a claim is obvious. It's my understanding
`that that's the purview of the board. That's for
`them to determine, not me as a technology expert.
` Q. Did you consider whether the invention is
`a substitution of one known element for another to
`obtain predictable results?
` A. I don't know whether and to what extent I
`would have considered that. I recall hearing that in
`a discussion of determination of obviousness, but
`again, that's part of the legal standard or case law.
`And again, I'm not a lawyer, I'm a technology expert.
` Q. So my question was, did you consider that?
` A. I don't know that I could answer that, I
`mean, there are a lot of things that go through my
`mind as a subject matter expert in technology when I
`read a patent or when I read a reference. The things
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`April 28, 2015
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`that you've asked about, statements regarding
`combinations or statements regarding substitutions or
`things like that, those are all present in my mind at
`some point, because I have some awareness of these as
`I said from previous work and from discussion of
` So to the extent that that constitutes
`consideration, then perhaps so, but I don't know if
`that's what you would consider to be the kind of
`consideration that you're inquiring about. So to
`that extent, you know, I don't know any other way to
`answer the question than to say that in this
`paragraph, I've given you my layman's understanding
`as given to me by counsel and colored by my
`experience to some extent as to what this term
`obviousness means.
` Q. Okay. And did you consider whether the
`invention is achieved from choosing from among a
`finite number of identifiable predictable solutions
`that have a reasonable expectation of success?
` A. Again, I would give you the same answer.
` Q. Okay. I'd like to talk about push versus
`pull technology, and perhaps we can use, as a
`starting point, you could turn to paragraph 22 of
`your declaration?
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` A. I'm sorry, what -- did you say 22?
` Q. Yes. Paragraph 22, page 12.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Can you tell me what the difference is
`between push and pull technology?
` A. That's what the paragraph does.
` Q. Okay. So is that -- this paragraph is an
`exhaust of your complete understanding of the
`differences between push and pull technology?
` A. I would say it's the best statement that I
`could formulate that would convey that understanding.
` Q. Okay. Are you familiar with short
`messaging system technology?
` A. To some extent.
` Q. And you're generally familiar how that
`works? I mean, get a text message, so forth, you're
`familiar with that?
` A. I have some familiarity with -- if you're
`referring to the SMS standard or SMS technology, I do
`have some familiarity with that.
` Q. Okay. And do you have an understanding or
`opinion as to whether SMS technology would be push
` A. No, I don't have any opinion on that.
` Q. Okay. And with regard to e-mail
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`Page 22
`technology, do you have an understanding if that
`would be push or pull technology?
` A. It would depend.
` Q. And what would it depend on?
` A. Well, e-mail is not a protocol in itself,
`and it's a very broad technology area. There are a
`wide variety of e-mail systems and have been since
`the early days of electronic mail. So absent some
`more specificity, I can't really answer the question.
` Q. Are you familiar with any e-mail
` A. Yes.
` Q. Which ones are you familiar with?
` A. I'm familiar with several, the POP
`protocol suite, POP, all capitals.
` Q. Sure, POP 3?
` A. POP 3, for example. There were earlier
`versions. Also SMTP, that's all capitals.
` Q. So let's take POP 3, do you have an
`understanding or opinion of whether POP 3 would fall
`under push or pull technology?
` A. I haven't done that analysis, so I can't
`give you a definitive opinion on that.
` Q. Okay. And I think you also mentioned
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` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you have an understanding or opinion of
`whether SMTP would fall under push or pull
` A. Again, I haven't done a specific analysis
`of that protocol.
` Q. Okay.
` A. In general, based on my knowledge of them,
`I'm not sure that either of those protocol examples
`would be exercised push or pull. Again, it would
`depend, and I would need more information.
` Q. Okay. How do you define push technology?
` A. I don't.
` Q. So when you use that term in your
`declaration, you don't have a definition of that
` A. That's not what I said.
` Q. Okay. So my question was, how do you
`define push technology?
` A. And my answer was, I don't.
` Q. Do you have -- is that because you didn't
`put it in your declaration?
` A. No.
` Q. So sitting here right now today, you don't
`have a definition of push technology?
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` A. I didn't say that. That's not correct.
` Q. Okay. What definition of push technology
`are you applying?
` A. There are several definitions available
`depending on your source. I've provided reference to
`at least two in the declaration.
` Q. Okay. And are you adopting both of those,
` A. I'm not adopting any of them. It's not up
`to me to adopt one.
` Q. But you accept both definitions since
`you've cited them?
` A. Well, I don't know what you mean by
`accept. I've certainly referenced them, they're
`included in the footnotes and the exhibits for
`purposes of information and elimination, but that's
`up to the board to decide what they accept.
` (Exhibit 3 was marked for
` identification.)
` Q. (By Mr. Discher) Mr. Putnam, are you
`familiar with this document?
` A. I'll need a few moments to look at it. It
`appears to be a copy of Exhibit E that was submitted
`with my declaration, but without comparing it more
`closely, I can't be sure that it's a true copy, but
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`it appears to be that document.
` Q. Okay. I believe it is a true copy, but we
`can certainly look at exhibit -- you have your
`declaration, can we do that?
` A. Well, again, I have a copy of my
`declaration, not my actual declaration, so that
`document appears to be a copy, but I don't know that
`it's a true copy.
` Q. Yes. I understand. So can you turn to
`Exhibit E of the copy of the declaration that you
`have before you?
` A. I have that.
` Q. Okay. And on page -- there's a page with
`a definition of push technology. Do you see that?
` A. I see a page, but I note that it's labeled
`at the bottom 1 of 4. I don't see a Bates number or
`anything to reference, so I'm not sure we're looking
`at the same page or not.
` Q. Sure. So I have, in your declaration,
`there's a -- in the lower right-hand corner, there's
`a page 1/4?
` A. Yes, that's what I referred to.
` Q. Okay. And do you see the definition of
`push technology on that page?
` A. I do. Well, I see a definition.
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` Q. A definition. And this is exhibit -- this
`is Exhibit E in your declaration, correct?
` A. As I said, I believe that -- assuming that
`this is a true copy of my declaration, then that's
`probably correct. I did submit this document or one
`that should be the original of this document with my
` Q. And if you look at the definition of push
`technology there?
` A. Yes, I have.
` Q. Is there anything that you disagree with
`in that definition?
` A. I'd have to read the whole thing again

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