relating to communications, such as payment terminal devices and other devices in which
`message processing and communication comprise a significant proportion of the operation of the
`device,” see id. at 4:51-65,
`this does not need to be a part of the court’s construction.
`Accordingly, the court construes “virtual machine means” and “virtual machine” to mean “a
`computer programmed to emulate a hypothetical computer for applications relating to transport
`of data.”
`b. “emulatable in different computers having incompatible hardwares or
`operating systems”
`Plaintiffs’ Proposed
`Defendants’ Proposed Construction
`incom n atible with that of the claimed device
`being The virtual machine means of the claimed communications
`implemented on computers device processes instructions expressed in a language that is
`having different hardware or hardware/operating system-independent so that
`the claimed
`operating systems.
`virtual machine means can also be implemented, without
`compiling to a hardware/operating system-specific code or
`altering the virtual machine means or
`instructions it processes, on other computers having hardware
`that is incompatible with that of the claimed device and on yet
`Claim 1 of the ’945 Patent, which is representative of the use of the phrase “emulatable in
`different computers having incompatible hardwares or operating systems,” recites as follows:
`arranged to process messages
`A communication device which is
`communications, comprising a virtual machine means which includes
`a virtual fi1IlCtlOIl processor and function processor instructions for controlling
`operation of the device, and
`message induction means including a set of descriptions of message data;
`a virtual message processor. . .,
`wherein the virtual machine means is emulatable in diflerent computers
`having incompatible hardwares or operating systems.
`Petitioner First Data - Exhibit 1008 - Page 14

`Id. at 50:49-67 (emphasis added). CardSoft urges the court to construe the phrase “emulatable in
`different computers having incompatible hardwares or operating systems” to mean “capable of
`being implemented on computers having different hardware or operating systems.” Defendants,
`on the other hand, argue that the court should construe the phrase to mean “the virtual machine
`means of the claimed communications device processes instructions expressed in a language that
`is hardware/operating system-independent so that the claimed virtual machine means can also be
`implemented, without compiling to a hardware/operating system-specific code or otherwise
`altering the virtual machine means or the instructions it processes, on other computers having
`hardware that is incompatible with that of the claimed device and on yet other computers having
`operating systems that are incompatible with that of the claimed device.
`The parties’ primary
`disputes are: (1) whether the virtual machine means must process instructions expressed in “a
`hardware/operating system-independent language;” and (2) whether the virtual machine must be
`implemented on various different computers “without compiling to a hardware/operating system-
`specific code or otherwise altering the virtual machine means or the instructions it processes.”
`As discussed above, the court rejects Defendants’ argument that the virtual machine must be
`expressed in “a hardware/operating system-independent language.” Accordingly, in its analysis
`of this term, the court will address only Defendants’ contention that the virtual machine carmot
`be compiled directly to the hardware-specific code of a particular processor.
`Defendants argue that compiling to the hardware-specific code is outside the claim
`language because, if such compiling is done, then the virtual machine would be lin1ited to
`operation on that one particular processor and would no longer be emulatable on a different,
`incompatible processor. Similarly, Defendants contend that programming the virtual machine in
`code that is specific to a particular operating system would limit operation of the virtual machine
`Petitioner First Data - Exhibit 1008 - Page 15

`to that single operating system and preclude its operation on a different, incompatible operating
`system. Defendants, therefore, urge the court to conclude that the “emulatable” limitation must
`be construed to recognize that it requires that the virtual machine not be compiled to a
`hardware/operating system-specific code.
`As noted above, however, both Claim 5 and Claim 6 of the ’945 Patent require that the
`virtual message processor and the virtual function processor, respectively, are implemented in
`the native code of the specific microprocessor in the device. As such, Defendants’ proposed
`limitation is again at odds with the plain language of Claims 5 and 6 of the ’945 Patent.3
`Furthermore, the common specification teaches that the “message processor 105 and protocol
`processor 106 are implemented in native code of the payment terminal and therefore operate at
`relatively high speed.” ’945 Patent at 10:26-29 (emphasis added). Thus, Defendants’ proposed
`construction would also improperly read embodiments out of the scope of the patents-in-suit. As
`such, the court rejects Defendants’ proposed construction.
`Plaintiff’ s proposed construction,4 however, is more consistent with the plain meaning of
`the words of the claim and with the common specification of the patents-in-suit. For example,
`the specification states that “[d]ifferent incompatible computers may be programmed to emulate
`the same hypothetical computer. Any computer programmed to emulate the hypothetical
`computer will thus be capable of executing programs for the virtual computer.” See, e.g., ’945
`Patent 3: 40-46. The specification further states that “[t]he virtual machine 101, 102, 103 can be
`Defendants again rely on prosecution history statements discussed in the court’s analysis
`of the “virtual machine means.”
`In accordance with the court’s previous analysis, the court
`rejects Defendants’ contention that any of the prosecution history statements on which they rely
`constitute a clear disclaimer of virtual machines that have been compiled down to the hardware-
`specific code of the processor.
`“Capable of being implemented on computers having different hardware or operating
`Petitioner First Data - Exhibit 1008 - Page 16

`adapted for many different hardware 100 arrangements (i.e. many different brands of payment
`terminal). Different arrangements of hardware 100 can therefore be controlled by the same
`application software 104.” See id. at 10:2-7. Thus, the court construes the phrase “emulatable in
`different computers having incompatible hardware or operating systems” to mean “capable of
`executing programs on different computers having incompatible hardware or operating systems.”
`See id. at 3:43-46 (“Any computer programmed to emulate the hypothetical computer will thus
`be capable of executing programs for the virtual computer.”) (emphasis added)).
`c. “virtual message processor”
`Plaintiffs’ Pro nosed Construction
`Defendants’ Pro nosed Construction
`inde n endent lan
`processes Software that emulates a physical processor on
`A program module which
`the claimed communications device to handle
`disassembling and/or comparing messages,
`the claimed messages
`in accordance with
`for communication to and/or from a payment
`instructions expressed on the communications
`terminal device.
`The parties’ only dispute regarding the claimed “virtual message processor” is whether
`the processor must “handle the claimed messages in accordance with instructions expressed on
`the communications device in a hardware/operating system-independent language.” With regard
`to this term, Defendants argue that their proposed limitation is required by the following
`description of the “virtual message processor”:
`The message processor means is preferably translated into the native code of the
`microprocessor in each hardware device on which the virtual machine is to be
`implemented. The message processor
`are preferably virtual
`instructions to be expressed only in the language defined by the message
`processor means- and thus never requiring translation to any real hardware
`’945 Patent at 4:5-1 1. Furthermore, Defendants contend that the prosecution history confirms
`that their proposed limitation is necessary.
`In particular, Defendants argue that when the
`Petitioner First Data - Exhibit 1008 - Page 17

`applicant amended Claim 1 of the ’945 Patent to add the “message instruction means” to the
`“virtual message processor” limitation, the applicant argued:
`As stated in the Specification page 7, providing a separate virtual message
`processor allows for ‘faster, simpler programming.’ Stern does not teach the
`provision of the claimed virtual machine with a dedicated virtual message
`processor. That is, if a Java Virtual Machine as described in Stern is used to
`perform messaging, each application developed would be required to adjust to the
`characteristics of the different devices that the application was to execute on, such
`as screen width and fonts.
`The claimed virtual message processor removes this burden from the
`development of the application and places it on the software platform that resides
`on the device. This relieves the application developers of the burden of
`programming to the physical characteristics of the platform that application will
`execute on.
`Ex. G at 13-14, attached to Defendants’ Responsive Claim Construction Brief, Dkt. No. 210; see
`also id., Ex. D at 2-3.
`The specification explains that the “virtual machine processor” includes a “message
`processor 105” that
`is “implemented in software code.”
`’945 Patent at 10:18-20.
`specification then explicitly states that the “message processor 105
`[is] implemented in the
`native code of the payment terminal and therefore operates at relatively high speed.” Id. at
`10:26-29. When read in light of the specification, the claimed “virtual message processor” is
`implemented in the native code of the communications device. The court disagrees with
`Plaintiffs that the doctrine of claim differentiation requires the court to hold otherwise. Although
`claim 5 requires that “the message processor be implemented in the native software code of the
`microprocessor,” claim differentiation does not trump the clear import of the specification. See
`Edward Lzfesciences LLV V. Cook Inc., 582 F.3d 1322, 1332 (Fed. Cir. 2009)
`differentiation is a rule of thumb that does not trump the clear import of the specification”).
`Here, the specification makes clear that the claimed “virtual message processor” is implemented
`Petitioner First Data - Exhibit 1008 - Page 18

`in the native code of the communications device. The specification, however, states that the
`claimed invention is not limited to devices configured to process payment transactions. See id. at
`3:50-55. The court, therefore, rejects CardSoft’s proposed “payment terminal device” limitation.
`In conclusion,
`the court construes “virtual message processor” to mean “software
`implemented in the native code of the communications device that processes messages, including
`assembling, disassembling and/or comparing messages, for communication to and/or from a
`communications device.”
`(1. “virtual function processor”
`Plaintiffs’ Proposed
`Defendants’ Proposed Construction
`independent language.
`A program module which Software that emulates a physical processor on the claimed
`communications device to control the operation of the device, and
`general operations of a
`that interfaces with an application running on the device to process
`payment terminal device.
`fiom the application that are expressed on the
`Defendants again attempt to import a limitation, requiring that the “virtual function
`processor” “interface[] with an application running on the device to process instructions from the
`application that are expressed on the communications device in a hardware/operating system-
`independent language.” Defendants’ proposed limitation runs contrary to the language of Claim
`6 of the ’945 Patent, which requires that “the function processor is implemented in the native
`code of the microprocessor.”
`Considering this,
`the court
`rejects Defendants’ proposed
`In contrast to Defendants’ proposed construction, CardSoft’s proposed construction is
`supported by the common specification of the patents-in-suit.
`In particular,
`the common
`specification states that the claimed virtual machine includes “a function processor 107 the
`Petitioner First Data - Exhibit 1008 - Page 19

`operation of which is to control and select general operations of the device not specially
`controlled by the message and protocol processors 105, 106.” ’945 Patent at 10:34-37; see also
`id. at 5:15-18. The court, however, again notes that the claimed invention is not limited to
`“payment terminal” devices. See id. at 3:50-55. The court, therefore, construes “virtual function
`processor” to mean “software which controls and/or
`selects general operations of a
`communication device.”
`e. “message instruction means”
`Plaintiffs’ Proposed
`Defendants’ Proposed Construction
`inde n endent lan
`Instructions arranged to Governed by § 112, 1] 6.
`provide directions
`operation of a message Function: Using
`processor, which include
`language of the virtual machine means to specify operations that the
`a description of a field virtual message processor carries out on the claimed messages.
`of message data.
`for processing the claimed
`Structure: A set of instructions
`messages, issued by the application and written and loaded onto the
`claimed communications device in a hardware/operating system-
`Claim 1 of the ’945 Patent, which is representative of the patents’ use of the term
`“message instruction means,” recites as follows:
`arranged to process messages
`A communication device which is
`communications, comprising a virtual machine means which includes
`a virtual fi1IlCtlOIl processor and function processor instructions for controlling
`operation of the device, and
`message induction means [sic] including a set of descriptions of message data;
`a virtual message processor, which is arranged to be called by the function
`processor and which is arranged to carry out the message handling tasks of
`assembling the messages, disassembling messages and comparing the
`messages under the direction of the message instruction means that
`arranged to provide directions for operation of the virtual message processor,
`Petitioner First Data - Exhibit 1008 - Page 20

`whereby when a message is required to be handled by the communications
`device the message processor is called to carry out the message handling task,
`wherein the virtual machine means is emulatable in different computers
`having incompatible hardwares or operating systems.
`Id. at 50:49-67 (emphasis added).
`The parties’ dispute concerning the claimed “message
`instruction means” is two-fold: (1) whether the term is governed by 35 U.S.C. § 112, 11 6; and (2)
`whether the claimed message instructions must be “in a hardware/operating system-independent
`First, Defendants contend that the term “message instruction means” is subject to means-
`plus-function treatment. It is well settled the use of the word “means” in a claim limitation raises
`a rebuttable presumption that the limitation is a means-plus-function limitation under § 112, 1] 6.
`Altiris, Inc. V. Symantec Corp., 318 F.3d 1363, 1375 (Fed. Cir. 2003). This presumption may be
`rebutted only if the patentee can demonstrate that the claim language itself recites sufficient
`structure to perform the claim function in its entirety.
`Id. Because the “message instruction
`means” limitation uses the word “means,” the presumption that this limitation is a means-plus-
`function limitation applies. The recited fiJIlClZ1OIl of the “message instruction means” is clear
`from the plain language of the claims — that is,
`virtual message processor. CardSoft argues that the independent claims of the patents-in-suit
`“[providing] directions for operation of the
`recite sufficient structure to perform this function in its entirety. The court, however, is not
`persuaded that CardSoft has overcome the presumption that is invoked by the use of the term
`“means.’ As such, the court rejects CardSoft’s argument that the term “message instruction
`means” is exempt from means-plus-function treatment.
`Defendants argue that the function of the “message instruction means” is
`‘using the
`hardware/operating system-independent
`language of the virtual machine means to specify
`Petitioner First Data - Exhibit 1008 - Page 21

`operations that the virtual message processor carries out on the claimed messages.” Defendants,
`however, offer no support for their proposed alteration of the function recited in the claims.
`Furthermore, Defendants’ proposed construction attempts to import a limitation as to the “way”
`in which the function is performed. Federal Circuit precedent, however, makes clear that the
`“court must not import unclaimed fL1IlClIlOIlS into means-plus-functions limitations.’ Applied
`Med. Res. Corp. V. U.S. Surgical Corp., 312 Fed. Appx. 326, 332 (Fed. Cir. 2009) (citing JVW
`Enters., Inc. V. Interact Accessories, Inc., 424 F.3d 1324, 1331 (Fed. Cir. 2005). As such, the
`court rejects Defendants’ proposed function and concludes that the fi1IlClIlOIl of the claimed
`“message instruction means” is “providing directions for operation of the virtual message
`processor.” See Lockheed Martin Corp. v. Space Sys./Loral, Inc., 324 F.3d 1308, 1319 (Fed. Cir.
`2003) (“The fL1IlClIiOIl is properly identified as the language after the ‘means for’ clause and
`before the ‘whereby’ clause, because a whereby clause that merely states the result of the
`limitations in the claim adds nothing to the substance of the claim.”).
`With regard to the structure corresponding to this fi1IlClIlOIl, Defendants argue that the
`corresponding structure is “a set of instructions for processing the claimed messages, issued by
`the application and written and loaded onto the claimed communications device in a
`hardware/operating system-independent language.” As with their other proposed constructions,
`Defendants again seek to import a limitation, requiring that the claimed message instructions be
`“in a hardware/operating system-independent language.’ Defendants’ proposed construction,
`however, again runs afoul of the language of the claims. In particular, Claim 7 of the ’945 Patent
`recites that “the message instruction means do not require translation to the native software code
`of the microprocessor.’ According to the doctrine of claim differentiation,
`this creates a
`presumption that Claim 1 (from which Claim 7 depends) must cover both “message instruction
`Petitioner First Data - Exhibit 1008 - Page 22

`means” that do not require translation to the native software code of the microprocessor and
`those that do require translation. See Seachange Intern, Inc. v. C-COR, Inc., 413 F.3d 1361,
`1368-69 (Fed. Cir. 2005). The court is not convinced that Defendants have overcome this
`Furthermore, Defendants’
`reliance on the specification for
`their proposed
`limitation is misplaced. Although the specification states that
`the “message processor
`instructions are preferably virtual instructions to be expressed only in the language defined by
`the message processor means- and thus never requiring translation to any real hardware
`processor,” this is merely a embodiment of the claimed “message processor instructions.” It is
`improper for the court to read such an embodiment into the claims. In summary, the court rejects
`Defendants’ proposed structure because it is not supported by the claim language, common
`specification, or prosecution history of the patents-in-suit.
`Having carefiilly reviewed the patents-in-suit, the court concludes that the structures
`corresponding to the function of “providing directions for operation of the virtual message
`processor” are: 13:29-14:2; 15:23-34; Figure 11 and Figure 8. The specification states that “FIG.
`11 is a schematic diagram illustrating the structure of the message instruction means 109.” ’945
`Patent at 13:29-30.
`It then goes on to explain that structure in detail.
`Id. at 13:30-14:2.
`Furthermore, the specification states that:
`the present invention includes another class of message instruction means, known
`as a “Form”. Instead of a Data Representation as a message descriptor, a Form
`includes description of a Location of the data field in the Form. FIG. 8 is a display
`provided by a development tool enabling the programmer to prepare message
`instructions for a Form message.
`Id. at 15:23-29. The specification also explains the structure of the “form” embodiment of the
`“message instruction means.” Id. at 15:23-34. These are the only two structures identified in the
`specification that are clearly linked to the function of the “message instruction means.”
`Petitioner First Data - Exhibit 1008 - Page 23

`In conclusion, the court construes the term “message instruction means” as follows: (1)
`the function is “providing directions for operation of the virtual message processor;” and (2) the
`structure is “l3:29-14:2; 15:23-34; Figure 11 and Figure 8, and equivalents thereof.”
`“function processor instructions” (’945 Patent: 1, 12, 14; ’683 Patent: 1)
`Plaintiffs’ Proposed
`Defendants’ Proposed Construction
`virtual function processor.
`that control operation of the claimed
`Instructions arranged to A set of
`provide directions
`communications device, written and loaded onto the communications
`operation of a function device in the hardware/operating system-independent language of the
`The parties’ proposed constructions for the claim term “function processor instructions”
`differ in two material respects.
`First, Defendants’ proposed construction requires that the
`“function processor instructions” control the operation of the claimed communications, and
`second, Defendants’ proposed construction requires that the “function processor instructions” be
`written in the hardware/operating system-independent language. As to the first point, CardSoft
`does not dispute that the “function processor instructions” control the operation of the claimed
`communications device.
`Indeed, the claims expressly recite “function processor instructions for
`controlling operation of the device,” and the specification explains that the “function processor
`instructions” “control[] operation of the device.” ’945 Patent at 3:60-61; 7:26-27; 7:47. As such,
`the court agrees with Defendants that the “function processor instructions” is a set of instructions
`that control operation of the communications device.
`With respect the parties’ second dispute, the court rejects Defendants’ contention that the
`“function processor instructions” must be written in a hardware/operating system-independent
`language. Defendants’ proposed limitation again runs contrary to the language of the claims.
`Specifically, Claim 8 of the ’945 Patent recites “wherein the function processor instruction
`Petitioner First Data - Exhibit 1008 - Page 24

`means are implemented in software defined by the fi1IlClIlOIl processor means and do not require
`translation to the native code of the microprocessor. As discussed above, this claim creates a
`presumption that because Claim 8 limits
`the fL1IlClIlOIl processor
`instruction means to
`implementation in software defined by the function processor, Claim 1 is not so limited and is
`broad enough to cover both function processor instructions implemented in software defined by
`the fi1IlClIlOIl processor and fiJIlClIlOIl processor instructions not implemented in software defined
`by the function processor. Furthermore, Defendants’ reliance on statements in the specification
`indicating that the function processor instructions “preferably” never require translation to any
`real hardware processor do not overcome this presumption.
`’945 Patent at 5:19-25. These
`statements merely describe an embodiment of the invention claimed by the patents-in-suit and
`such embodiments carmot be read into the claims.
`In conclusion, the court construes “fiinction processor instructions” to mean “a set of
`instructions that control operation of the communications device.”
`The court adopts the constructions set forth in this opinion for the disputed terms of the
`patents-in-suit. The parties are ordered that they may not refer, directly or indirectly, to each
`other’s claim construction positions in the presence of the jury. Likewise, the parties are ordered
`to refiain fiom mentioning any portion of this opinion, other than the actual definitions adopted
`by the court, in the presence of the jury. Any reference to claim construction proceedings is
`limited to informing the jury of the definitions adopted by the court.
`It is so ORDERED.
`Petitioner First Data - Exhibit 1008 - Page 25

`SIGNED this 23rd day of September, 2011.
`Petitioner First Data - Exhibit 1008 - Page 26

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