` ___________________________________________________
`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - Vol. 1
`January 16, 2015
` ___________________________________________________
`IPR2014-00711 BHM Ex. 2011 (previously filed in IPR2014-00733 as Ex. 2004)
`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 1/16/2015
`Page 1
` Nos. IPR2014-00733, IPR2014-00766
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X
` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X
` VOLUME I Pages 1-125
` Friday, January 16, 2015, 9:48 a.m.
` Pepper Hamilton LLP
` 125 High Street
` Boston, Massachusetts 02110
` ------ Reporter: Kimberly A. Smith, CRR, RDR ------
` Realtime Systems Administrator
` Merrill Legal Solutions
`Merrill Corporation - Boston
`IPR2014-00711 BHM Ex. 2011 (previously filed in IPR2014-00733 as Ex. 2004)
`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 1/16/2015
`Page 2
` Morrison & Foerster LLP
` By: Martin M. Noonen, Esq.
` 707 Wilshire Boulevard
` Los Angeles, CA 90017-3543
` (213) 892-5764
` mnoonen@mofo.com
` for the Petitioner;
` Pepper Hamilton LLP
` By: Lana A. Gladstein, Esq.
` and George S. Haight, IV, Esq.
` 19th Floor, High Street Tower
` 125 High Street
` Boston, MA 02110-2736
` (617) 204-5100
` gladsteinl@pepperlaw.com
` haightg@pepperlaw.com
` for the Patent Owner.
` Also Present: Shawn Budd, Videographer
`2 3
`Merrill Corporation - Boston
`IPR2014-00711 BHM Ex. 2011 (previously filed in IPR2014-00733 as Ex. 2004)
`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 1/16/2015
`Page 3
` I N D E X
` WITNESS: V. Michael Bove, Jr., Ph.D.
` By Ms. Gladstein 6
` By Ms. Gladstein 64
` Bove Description Page
` Exhibit 1 Deposition notice re 6
` IPR2014-00733
` Exhibit 2 Deposition notice re 6
` IPR2014-00766
` Exhibit 3 Witness's 6/4/13 declaration 7
` re '356 patent
` Exhibit 4 U.S. Patent 8,458,356 20
` Exhibit 5 Witness's 7/3/12 declaration 8
` re '873 patent
` Exhibit 6 Marked, but withdrawn 120
` Exhibit 7 U.S. Patent 6,502,194 21
` Exhibit 8 U.S. Patent Application 69
` 2002/0087996
`2 3
`4 5
`Merrill Corporation - Boston
`IPR2014-00711 BHM Ex. 2011 (previously filed in IPR2014-00733 as Ex. 2004)
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`Page 4
` Bove Description Page
` Exhibit 9 U.S. Patent 7,472,353 94
` Exhibit 10 5/29/14 witness's excerpted 77
` testimony, pages 174-181
` Exhibit 11 U.S. Patent 6,622,018 105
` Exhibit 12 U.S. Patent Application 110
` 2001/0044321
` Exhibit 13 U.S. Patent Application
` 2002/0173339 113
` Exhibit 14 5/29/14 witness's excerpted 107
` testimony, pages 178-193
` Original Exhibits 1-5 and 7-14 returned to Pepper
` Hamilton
`Merrill Corporation - Boston
`IPR2014-00711 BHM Ex. 2011 (previously filed in IPR2014-00733 as Ex. 2004)
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`Page 5
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: We are on the record.
` This is the video operator speaking, Shawn Budd,
` with Merrill Legal Solutions. Today's date is
` January 16, 2015, and the time is 9:49 a.m.
` We are here at the offices of Pepper
` Hamilton, Boston, Massachusetts, to take the video
` deposition of V. Michael Bove, Ph.D., in the matter
` of Yamaha Corporation of America vs. Black Hills
` Media, LLC.
` Would counsel please introduce
` themselves.
` MS. GLADSTEIN: Lana Gladstein of Pepper
` Hamilton on behalf of patentholder, Black Hills
` Media, LLC; and with me is George Haight of Pepper
` Hamilton.
` MR. NOONEN: Martin Noonen of Morrison &
` Foerster on behalf of petitioner, Yamaha Corporation
` of America.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: And the court
` reporter is Kim Smith. Would you please swear in
` the witness.
` having been satisfactorily identified by the
` production of his driver's license, and
`Merrill Corporation - Boston
`IPR2014-00711 BHM Ex. 2011 (previously filed in IPR2014-00733 as Ex. 2004)
`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 1/16/2015
`Page 6
` duly sworn by the court reporter, was deposed
` and testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Bove.
` A. Good morning.
` (Bove Exhibit 1 was marked
` for identification.)
` Q. I am handing you what's been marked as
` Exhibit 1.
` Have you seen this document before?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And what is this document?
` A. This is a notice of deposition with respect
` to the '356 patent.
` (Bove Exhibit 2 was marked
` for identification.)
` Q. And let me hand you what has been marked as
` Exhibit 2.
` Do you recognize this document?
` A. I do.
` Q. What is it?
`Merrill Corporation - Boston
`IPR2014-00711 BHM Ex. 2011 (previously filed in IPR2014-00733 as Ex. 2004)
`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 1/16/2015
` A. This is a notice of deposition for the
` '873 patent.
`Page 7
` Q. And do you have an understanding as to why
` you're here today?
` A. I do.
` Q. And what is that understanding?
` A. Well, again, not speaking from a legal
` perspective, but simply from an expert witness
` perspective, my understanding is that I am to be
` deposed on two declarations that I wrote in May of
` 2014 regarding the two patents.
` Q. Thank you. Is there anything that would
` preclude your testifying truthfully here today?
` A. None that I'm aware of.
` (Bove Exhibit 3 was marked
` for identification.)
` Q. Great. Let me show you what has been
` marked as Exhibit 3.
` Do you recognize that document?
` A. I do.
` Q. And what is that document?
` A. This is a declaration that I prepared on
` May 6, 2014 regarding the '356 patent.
`Merrill Corporation - Boston
`IPR2014-00711 BHM Ex. 2011 (previously filed in IPR2014-00733 as Ex. 2004)
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`Page 8
` Q. And does page 12, which is the last page of
` this document, bear your signature?
` A. It does.
` Q. I also note that that page has a stamp of
` "Yamaha Corporation of America, Exhibit 1002,
` page 13."
` MR. NOONEN: I just note that the
` declaration as filed included, I think, his CV as an
` exhibit. So this is, I guess, a partial of that
` declaration.
` MS. GLADSTEIN: I'm glad you're bringing
` that up, counsel, because as this document was posted
` on the PTAB portal, there is no Attachment A --
` MS. GLADSTEIN: -- with this document.
` So I was going to ask you off the record, but this
` is fine.
` MR. NOONEN: Let me look into that.
` (Bove Exhibit 5 was marked
` for identification.)
` Q. Let me show you for identification, what
` has been marked as Exhibit 5.
`Merrill Corporation - Boston
`IPR2014-00711 BHM Ex. 2011 (previously filed in IPR2014-00733 as Ex. 2004)
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`Page 9
` MR. NOONEN: Is this 4 or 5?
` MS. GLADSTEIN: 5. We're skipping 4 for
` now.
` Q. Do you recognize this document?
` A. I do.
` Q. And what is this document?
` A. This is a declaration that I prepared on
` May 16, 2014, regarding the '873 patent, in
` particular, four claims of the '873 patent.
` And this one does, I will note, include my CV as
` an appendix.
` Q. And does page 13 of the document, not the
` Yamaha Corporation of America stamp, the actual
` document, does that bear your signature?
` A. I believe that is page 14 that bears my
` signature.
` Q. That is page 14 on the stamp --
` A. Oh, yes, I'm sorry.
` Q. -- of Yamaha Corporation of America.
` A. Page 13 in the document numbering bears my
` signature.
` Q. Right. So these are the two declarations
` that you referred to earlier that you will be
`Merrill Corporation - Boston
`IPR2014-00711 BHM Ex. 2011 (previously filed in IPR2014-00733 as Ex. 2004)
`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 1/16/2015
`Page 10
` testifying about today?
` A. That is my understanding, yes.
` Q. Very good. So Dr. Bove, you were deposed
` in connection with another two Yamaha IPR petitions
` earlier in 2014; isn't that right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And do you recall your deposition?
` A. I do.
` Q. Or depositions in those cases. Okay.
` So since -- I will represent for the
` record the depositions in those cases occurred on
` May 29 and May 30 of 2014. So since May 29 and
` May 30 of 2014, have you been deposed -- up until
` today, have you been deposed?
` A. In this matter or in any matter?
` Q. In any matter.
` A. Yes. I was deposed in September in another
` matter, which is now settled, I understand.
` Q. Is that a patent matter?
` A. It was.
` Q. Do you remember the case caption?
` A. I don't remember the case caption.
` I remember that that was a case in which I was
` working for Hulu.
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`IPR2014-00711 BHM Ex. 2011 (previously filed in IPR2014-00733 as Ex. 2004)
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`Page 11
` Q. Google?
` A. Hulu, H-u-l-u.
` Q. Oh, Hulu. Okay. Do you recall in the
` deposition that you had on behalf of Yamaha
` Corporation in the other two IPRs involving the '873
` and the '099 patents, you testified about Samsung
` being a member of the MIT Media Lab?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And I believe you testified that they have
` an annual membership fee obligation and a three-year
` commitment with the media lab?
` A. Well, it's a minimum three-year commitment.
` I don't know what the end date is on the contract
` that they currently have.
` Q. In 2014, did Samsung pay its annual
` membership fee?
` A. I -- That would be a question I'd have to
` send to MIT's accounts receivable. But inasmuch as
` I understand that they are still a member in good
` standing, I think I can assume that they paid.
` Q. And typically, when is the membership fee
` due?
` MR. NOONEN: Objection. Relevance.
` THE WITNESS: The membership fee is due,
`Merrill Corporation - Boston
`IPR2014-00711 BHM Ex. 2011 (previously filed in IPR2014-00733 as Ex. 2004)
`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 1/16/2015
`Page 12
` depending upon the date on which the contract is
` signed. So there isn't a specific date when all of
` the members pay.
` Q. Do you have an understanding whether
` Samsung paid their 2014 annual membership fee?
` MR. NOONEN: Objection. Relevance.
` THE WITNESS: Well, as I said, it's not
` based on a calendar year or fiscal year. It's based
` upon simply maintaining membership by paying each
` year on or around the anniversary date of the
` contract signing. I'm not aware of what that date
` is. So I don't know that the phrase "2015
` membership" is actually meaningful in that context.
` Q. But it's your understanding that they are
` in good standing?
` MR. NOONEN: Objection. Relevance.
` THE WITNESS: It is my understanding
` that Samsung is a member in good standing of the
` media laboratory.
` Q. Is Yamaha a member of the media lab?
` A. They are not at this time.
`Merrill Corporation - Boston
`IPR2014-00711 BHM Ex. 2011 (previously filed in IPR2014-00733 as Ex. 2004)
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`Page 13
` Q. What about LG?
` A. LG --
` MR. NOONEN: Objection. Relevance.
` THE WITNESS: LG is a member of the
` media lab at this time.
` Q. And the annual membership fee for Samsung
` is still $250,000 --
` MR. NOONEN: Objection.
` Q. -- a year?
` MR. NOONEN: Objection. Relevance.
` THE WITNESS: That is the minimum amount
` to be a member of the media lab consortium. I'm not
` aware of the precise amount that Samsung is paying
` this year.
` Q. So it could be more than that?
` A. It could indeed be more than that.
` Q. And what's the maximum that a member would
` pay?
` MR. NOONEN: Objection. Relevance.
` THE WITNESS: There is no maximum.
`Merrill Corporation - Boston
`IPR2014-00711 BHM Ex. 2011 (previously filed in IPR2014-00733 as Ex. 2004)
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`Page 14
` Q. What's the range of membership fees?
` MR. NOONEN: Objection. Relevance.
` THE WITNESS: We have had members pay
` more than $1 million a year.
` Q. And what is the criteria that affects the
` amount of the membership fee?
` MR. NOONEN: Objection. Relevance.
` THE WITNESS: There are a variety of
` different ways in which members can pay money above
` and beyond their base consortium membership.
` They may, for example, provide
` fellowships to support particular graduate students.
` They may pay to be part of a smaller initiative or a
` special interest group which is doing a deep dive
` into a particular area of inquiry. They may pay to
` support materials and services or equipment costs
` associated with a particular project where they have
` an interest. They may pay to endow a chair. They
` may pay for a variety of other reasons.
` Q. Do you know what LG's annual membership fee
` is?
`Merrill Corporation - Boston
`IPR2014-00711 BHM Ex. 2011 (previously filed in IPR2014-00733 as Ex. 2004)
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`Page 15
` MR. NOONEN: Objection. Relevance.
` THE WITNESS: I am not aware of how much
` they're paying at this point.
` Q. But it would be at least $250,000?
` MR. NOONEN: Objection. Relevance.
` THE WITNESS: That would be my
` understanding.
` Q. And the membership carries a minimum of a
` three-year commitment?
` MR. NOONEN: Objection. Relevance.
` THE WITNESS: Yes. That is the general
` policy. Although contracts are written for varying
` periods of time.
` Q. Since the last deposition in May -- the end
` of May, May 29 and 30, did you have any meetings
` with Samsung's personnel?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And how many meetings did you have?
` A. Samsung's personnel have attended events at
` the media laboratory. There were some Samsung
` personnel with whom I met at the Consumer
`Merrill Corporation - Boston
`IPR2014-00711 BHM Ex. 2011 (previously filed in IPR2014-00733 as Ex. 2004)
`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 1/16/2015
`Page 16
` Electronics Show last week. Some of our alumni, in
` fact, are Samsung personnel. And I met with several
` of them because there was an alumni reception at the
` Consumer Electronics Show.
` In no case, however, was the subject of
` these IPRs brought up. It was simply talking about
` media lab business.
` Q. Turning our attention to IPR2014-00733 and
` IPR2014-00766 --
` A. Might I request, as I did last time, that --
` so that we're all on the same page -- we refer to
` these as the '356 IPR and the '873 IPR? Or at least
` I'll reserve the right to refer to them in that way.
` MR. NOONEN: There's so many three-digit
` numbers flowing around, it's kind of confusing.
` THE WITNESS: I'd rather just refer to
` them using the patent numbers rather than the IPR
` numbers, by my . . .
` MS. GLADSTEIN: We didn't do that last
` time. We referred to the patents and we didn't
` really refer to the IPR number. I think if we
` called them -- you know if I say IPR when it's a 733
` IPR, I think it would just be very, very confusing.
` Why don't we just refer to the
`Merrill Corporation - Boston
`IPR2014-00711 BHM Ex. 2011 (previously filed in IPR2014-00733 as Ex. 2004)
`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 1/16/2015
`Page 17
` declaration for the '356 patent, the declaration for
` it.
` THE WITNESS: That will accomplish the
` same thing. Thank you.
` MR. NOONEN: How about, if I sense any
` confusion, can I chime in just to hopefully clarify
` for the record? I'm not trying to coach or anything,
` but I know how the numbers can get confusing.
` MS. GLADSTEIN: Absolutely. I think we
` would all want the record to be clear, right?
` MR. NOONEN: Yes.
` Q. So I was just stating for the record, let's
` turn our attention to the IPRs at issue here, which
` are IPR2014-00733 and IPR2014-00766.
` When were you first contacted in
` connection with your work on these IPRs?
` A. Well, I will start by noting that I was
` already involved in prior IPRs involving either
` related or the same patents as in this case.
` And so this was a direct outgrowth of
` that other work. And counsel at Morrison & Foerster
` asked me, would I be willing to prepare additional
` declarations inasmuch as I was already familiar with
`Merrill Corporation - Boston
`IPR2014-00711 BHM Ex. 2011 (previously filed in IPR2014-00733 as Ex. 2004)
`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 1/16/2015
`Page 18
` the subject matter, familiar with much of the prior
` art as a result of my other work. I don't know
` precisely when that conversation took place.
` Q. Do you remember who the counsel was that
` asked you whether you would be willing to provide
` additional declarations?
` A. David Fehrman and Alex Yap.
` Q. Did you have any in-person meetings with
` counsel in connection with these IPRs?
` A. Well, I've certainly had an in-person
` meeting with counsel present today. However, during
` the period that I was preparing these declarations,
` we conducted all of our conversations by telephone.
` Q. And when did the in-person meeting with
` counsel sitting here occur?
` A. Yesterday and this morning.
` Q. And there were no prior in-person meetings
` with counsel sitting here today?
` A. No.
` Q. And the meetings that you had with counsel
` were in connection with preparing for your
` deposition?
` A. The meetings with Mr. Noonen were in
` connection with preparing for today's deposition,
`Merrill Corporation - Boston
`IPR2014-00711 BHM Ex. 2011 (previously filed in IPR2014-00733 as Ex. 2004)
`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 1/16/2015
` yes.
` Q. So how did you go about preparing for
` today's deposition?
`Page 19
` MR. NOONEN: I'd just like to object to
` the line of questioning about how -- I'm sorry.
` Deposition?
` MS. GLADSTEIN: I'll repeat the question.
` MR. NOONEN: I'll withdraw the objection.
` I'm sorry.
` Q. How did you go about preparing for today's
` deposition?
` A. I reviewed the declarations. I reviewed
` materials cited in the declarations. And I also
` reviewed some filings by petitioner and patent
` holder that have issued since the date of these
` declarations.
` Q. Approximately about how many hours did you
` spend in connection with your declarations on the
` '873 and '356 patents in these cases? And by
` "these," I mean IPR2014-733 and 766.
` A. I did not review my billing records from
` last May and June in preparation for today, so I
` don't have a precise figure for that. But that
`Merrill Corporation - Boston
`IPR2014-00711 BHM Ex. 2011 (previously filed in IPR2014-00733 as Ex. 2004)
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`Page 20
` would be reflected in the bills that I would have
` submitted in May or June to Morrison & Foerster.
` Q. And what was the hourly rate for your work?
` A. $650.
` Q. Did you bring any documents with you today?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And what documents did you bring?
` A. I have copies of my declarations.
` Q. Anything else?
` A. I have my calendar book.
` Q. Anything else?
` A. No. I think that's it.
` Q. And is there any notation on the copies of
` your declarations?
` A. No.
` Q. So they're clean copies?
` A. They are.
` (Bove Exhibit 4 was marked
` for identification.)
` Q. Let me hand you what has been marked
` Exhibit 4.
` Have you seen this document before?
` A. I have.
`Merrill Corporation - Boston
`IPR2014-00711 BHM Ex. 2011 (previously filed in IPR2014-00733 as Ex. 2004)
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`Page 21
` Q. And what is this document?
` A. This document is the '356 patent to Martin
` Weel.
` Q. And is this the patent that is the subject
` of your declaration in the IPR2014-00733?
` A. Yes, it is.
` MR. NOONEN: Can we go off the record
` just for a second.
` 11 minutes after 10:00. We're off the record.
` (Recess at 10:09 a.m.,
` resumed at 10:10 a.m.)
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: We are back on the
` record. The time is 11 minutes after 10:00.
` (Bove Exhibit 7 was marked
` for identification.)
` Q. Dr. Berman [sic], I'm handing you what has
` been marked as Exhibit 7.
` Do you recognize this document?
` A. I do.
` Q. What is it?
` A. This is a Patent '194 to Berman, et al.
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`IPR2014-00711 BHM Ex. 2011 (previously filed in IPR2014-00733 as Ex. 2004)
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`Page 22
` Q. And when was the last time that you've seen
` this document?
` A. I believe sometime in the past week.
` Q. And it is also the same patent to Berman
` that was involved in the IPR in connection with
` the '099 patent?
` A. That is my recollection, yes.
` Q. What is shown in Figure 1 of Berman?
` A. Figure 1 shows a block diagram of a
` playback unit, which is the playback unit of the
` claimed invention.
` Q. Of the claimed invention in Berman?
` A. In Berman, yes.
` Q. Is that the only thing that's shown in
` Figure 1?
` A. Well, it also shows a network connection.
` And it shows two servers, two remote servers on the
` network, as well as a connection to a home audio
` system.
` Q. And what kind of connection is there with
` the home audio system?
` A. Well, there's a discussion of the
` connection that begins at the bottom of Column 5 at
` line 65, where it says that the information is
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`IPR2014-00711 BHM Ex. 2011 (previously filed in IPR2014-00733 as Ex. 2004)
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`Page 23
` provided to the home audio system in a format that
` can be used by that system. And then it provides
` some examples at the beginning of Column 6.
` Q. And what are those examples?
` A. It says it "can comprise" -- and here I'm
` reading directly from the top of Column 6 -- "for
` example, can comprise a direct wire connection to
` home audio loudspeakers that receive an analog
` signal, or can be a connection to a signal
` processor, receiver, or other control and/or
` amplification device for playback using the
` loudspeakers of the home audio system."
` Q. Does it disclose a remote connection to the
` playback unit of the home audio system?
` A. Could you clarify the question. Do you
` mean that there's a remote control involved?
` Q. No. Can the home audio system be connected
` to the playback unit remotely, not hardwired?
` A. Well, the sentence that I've just read
` provides two examples. It says it "can comprise a
` direct wire connection . . . or can be a connection."
` And the second mention of "connection" does not say
` what kind of connection that encompasses.
` But given that it's opposed to a direct
`Merrill Corporation - Boston
`IPR2014-00711 BHM Ex. 2011 (previously filed in IPR2014-00733 as Ex. 2004)
`V. MICHAEL BOVE, JR. - 1/16/201