` ___________________________________________________
`KEVIN C. ALMEROTH, Ph.D. - Vol. 1
`January 9, 2015
` ___________________________________________________
`IPR2014-00709 BHM Ex. 2008
`KEVIN C. ALMEROTH, Ph.D. - 1/9/2015
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` Petitioner,
` -vs- No. IPR2014-00709
` IPR2014-00711
` Patent Owner.
` /
` January 9, 2015
`Reported by: WENDY E. ARLEN, CSR #4355, RMR, CRR
`Job No: BO-021379
`Merrill Corporation - Boston
`IPR2014-00709 BHM Ex. 2008
`KEVIN C. ALMEROTH, Ph.D. - 1/9/2015
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` --oOo--
`Exhibit 1 Notice of Deposition of Kevin C. 7
` Almeroth in IPR2014-00709
`Exhibit 2 Notice of Deposition of Kevin C. 7
` Almeroth in IPR2014-00711
`Exhibit 3 Notice of Deposition of Kevin C. 7
` Almeroth in IPR2014-00723
`Exhibit 4 Curriculum vitae 7
`Exhibit 5 Declaration of Kevin C. Almeroth, 30
` Ph.D. re '099 patent
`Exhibit 8 UPnP AV Architecture:1 70
`Exhibit 9 US Patent 8,230,099 103
`Exhibit 10 Patent Application 2002/0072817 by 140
` Champion
`Exhibit 11 ContentDirectory:1 Service 149
` Template Version 1.01
`2 3
`5 6
`7 8
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`Exhibit 7 Declaration of Kevin c. Almeroth, 150
` Ph.D. re '873 patent
`Exhibit 6 Declaration of Kevin C. Almeroth, 151
` Ph.D., re '323 patent
`Exhibit 12 Patent Application Publication 159
` 2002/0087996 by Bi
`Exhibit 13 US Patent 7,668,939 172
`Exhibit 14 US Patent 7,454,511 183
` --oOo--
`2 3
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` Deposition of KEVIN C. ALMEROTH, Ph.D., taken
`by the petitioner, at Covington & Burling LLP, One
`Front Street, 35th Floor, San Francisco, California,
`commencing at 8:38 a.m., Friday, January 9, 2015
`before me, WENDY E. ARLEN, CSR, RMR, CRR.
` A P P E A R A N C E S.
` Attorneys at Law
` 850 Tenth Street N.W.
` Washington, DC 20001-4956
` 202.662.5485
` gdischer@cov.com
` Attorneys at Law
` One Front Street, 35th Floor
` San Francisco, California 94111-5356
` 415.591.7087
` chaskett@cov.com
` Attorneys at Law
` 125 High Street, 19th Floor
` Boston, Massachusetts 02110-2736
` 617.204.5100
` gladsteinl@pepperlaw.com
` Gareth Loy, Ph.D.
` Ted Hoppe, Videographer
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` San Francisco, California
` Friday, January 9, 2015
` 8:38 a.m.
` --oOo--
` VIDEOGRAPHER: Here begins video one in the
`deposition of Kevin Almeroth in the matter of Samsung
`versus Black Hills Media in the United States Patent
`and Trademark Office, Patent Trial and Appeal Board.
` Today's date is January 9th, 2015. The time
`on the video monitor is 8:38. The video operator
`today is Ted Hoppe of Merrill Legal Solutions.
` Counsel, could you please voice identify
`yourselves and state whom you represent.
` MS. GLADSTEIN: Lana Gladstein on behalf of
`Pepper Hamilton, and here with me is George Haight
`and Dr. Loy, who is an expert in the set of cases
`that are at issue here.
` MR. DISCHER: Gregory Discher with Covington
`& Burling representing Samsung Electronics, the
`petitioner, and with me I have counsel Christine
`Haskett, also from Covington & Burling.
` VIDEOGRAPHER: Wendy, could you please swear
`the witness in.
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` having been first duly sworn, was
` examined and testified as follows:
` VIDEOGRAPHER: Please proceed.
`Q. Dr. Almeroth, thank you for coming.
` Please state for the record where do you
`A. At 1300 Barger Canyon Road, B-a-r-g-e-r, in
`Santa Barbara, California.
`Q. Thank you. What's your current job title?
`A. Professor.
`Q. And where are you a professor?
`A. At UC Santa Barbara.
`Q. Are you familiar with the deposition process?
`A. Yes, ma'am.
`Q. Great. So if you need to take a break, just
`let me know. And to the extent that there is no
`question pending, we will take a break. And if any
`of my questions are unclear, feel free to ask me to
` Now, is there anything that would preclude
`you from providing full and truthful answers to my
`questions here today?
`A. No.
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`Q. Great.
` (Deposition Exhibit 1 marked for
` identification.)
` (Deposition Exhibit 2 marked for
` identification.)
` (Deposition Exhibit 3 marked for
` identification.)
`Q. MS. GLADSTEIN: Let me hand you what has been
`marked as Exhibit 1 as well as Exhibit 2, and
`Exhibit 3.
` Do you know what these documents are?
`A. I do.
`Q. What are they?
`A. They're the deposition notices for the three
`IPR cases that I understand we will be discussing
`Q. So it's your understanding that you are
`appearing here today as an expert witness in the
`IPR2014-00709 as listed on the Exhibit 1,
`IPR2014-00711 as listed in Exhibit 2, and
`IPR2014-00723 as listed in the Exhibit 3?
`A. That's correct.
` (Deposition Exhibit 4 marked for
` identification.)
`Q. MS. GLADSTEIN: I am handing you what has
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`been marked as Exhibit 4. Do you know what this
`document is?
`A. It is my CV.
`Q. So you recognize this document.
`A. I do.
`Q. Did you prepare this document?
`A. Yes.
`Q. Do you know how long ago this document was
`A. I do not.
`Q. Okay. Is the information contained in the
`document that is Exhibit 4 accurate?
`A. To the best of my knowledge.
`Q. Are there any changes that you would want to
`make to the document?
`A. I don't believe there are any changes. There
`might be some additions based on things that I've
`done since this exhibit was -- was created.
`Q. And what are the things that you've done
`since the exhibit was created?
`A. There would be a lot of things. I've been
`fairly active in my research since this was created,
`but I can sort of start and go through some of them
`to give you a sense of what those would be.
` On page 3 under courses taught in fall of
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`2014, I've taught CS 176A again, I'm currently
`teaching CS 176B. So I would add winter 2015 there.
`Usually I add it when I'm done teaching, but it's
`something that could be added now.
` Under Ph.D. students advised, Lara Deek,
`number 13, has since graduated.
` There would be additional research
`publications. For example, number 61 on page 6 has
`appeared, I believe, and there might be one or two
`other ones that need to be added there.
`Q. And could you pause right there? With
`respect to the one or two others that may need to be
`added here, do you recall what those titles are?
`A. I don't.
`Q. Are they relevant at all to the technology at
`issue in the proceedings that we are here today?
`A. Unlikely. I think to the extent there are
`any, they would be from Lara, and her research was
`primarily in the area of network design for wireless
`networks using 802.11n and AC. So they'd be in line
`with the other kinds of publications where she is
`listed as author, for example, number 61.
`Q. Okay. Please continue with the updates.
`A. And then on page 10 under conference papers,
`similarly I might have one or two other papers to
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`include, and they're in reverse chronological order.
`So the papers I've published since June 2013 would
`need to be added to the list.
`Q. And how many approximately?
`A. I don't recall. Anywhere from one to five.
` On page 15 under workshop papers, I don't
`think I have any other workshop papers, but I'd have
`to go back and double-check. Again, to the extent
`that Lara or Daniel were continuing to publish,
`whether they were workshop or conference or journal
`papers, there might be two or three other papers to
`add to my publication list.
`Q. Okay.
`A. Page 23 under research funding, there is an
`additional grant from Cisco that's not on this list.
`Q. Okay.
`A. Under the conference committee activities on
`page 27, I'm not sure there are any under the
`organizing committees which is page 27. Oh,
`there's -- there is one. I'm a track chair for ICCCN
`this year. That should go somewhere on this list,
`probably under program chair. And then when you get
`to page 28 and 29 under technical program committees,
`the ones for 2015 and probably late into 2014 aren't
`on this list, but as you can see from the structure
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`here, there's -- there's a whole bunch of conferences
`and a list of years, and it's not necessarily
`completely up to date, but all the ones from 2014 or
`2015 are included there.
`Q. Is ICCCN an acronym for the International
`Conference on Communications and Computer Networks?
`A. Yes, I think that's right.
`Q. Anything else?
`A. Page 30 and 31 on department of computer
`science committees and university committees, I think
`all of the 2013-2014 committees are there, but I
`don't think the 2014-2015 committees are there. So
`there would be a couple to add.
`Q. Anything else?
`A. I think that's it. Just thumbing through
`what's there, I think that's -- that's all the
` MS. GLADSTEIN: Okay. Counsel, I would like
`to request an updated copy of Dr. Almeroth's CV.
` MR. DISCHER: We'll take that under
`Q. MS. GLADSTEIN: Are you an inventor on any
`U.S. patents?
`A. I am listed on one, and that is listed in my
`CV on page 18. It's listed as number 8. I think
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`that's the -- the only patent application where I'm
`listed as an inventor.
`Q. Has it issued?
`A. No.
`Q. Why not?
`A. I have no idea.
`Q. In very general terms, what was this
`application directed to?
` MR. DISCHER: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: Very generally, infrastructure
`mesh networks. I believe it had to do with
`developing routing algorithms for use within
`infrastructure mesh networks.
`Q. MS. GLADSTEIN: And what is mesh networks?
`A. Fairly nontechnically speaking, it's networks
`that can communicate using nodes that are acting as
`relays within a network. So you don't need every
`device to be directly connected to the Internet
`infrastructure, that some of the devices in the
`network can act as relays.
` So, for example, I might try and send traffic
`from a device that I have. For some reason it's not
`connecting to the Internet. So I could relay through
`somebody else's device in this room, and that device
`might relay to another device, and then ultimately
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`that device might be connected to a network.
` Within the concept of mesh networks, there's
`also ad hoc networks, and some of these you could
`have mobile networks. So it's a concept that's used,
`for example, in the military. On the battlefield you
`have self-organizing networks. Those might be ad hoc
`networks or using existing infrastructure, you know,
`might make them characteristic of a mesh network.
`Q. Thank you. Are there any other patent
`applications that are pending that have your name on
`A. I don't believe so.
`Q. Your CV does not appear to list any
`consulting engagements. Is that on purpose or is it
`just maybe a page missing or so?
`A. Well, I have some consulting on page 2. It
`doesn't list the legal consulting that I do. I don't
`include that in my academic CV.
`Q. I see. Do you have another CV where you have
`the legal consulting listing?
`A. I don't.
`Q. Let's talk about your legal consulting for a
`second then. And just focusing on the last five
`years. Well, actually, strike that.
` When did you start consulting in the legal
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`context, as you put it?
`A. I would say at least 2001. I doubt it went
`as far back into 2000, but certainly late 2001 I was
`working on a case.
`Q. And what case was that?
`A. It was ACTV versus Disney.
`Q. Was it a patent case?
`A. It was. In the Southern District of New
`Q. Generally the technology involved in that
` MR. DISCHER: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: The technology at issue --
`again, it's sort of very nontechnically.
`Q. MS. GLADSTEIN: High level.
`A. High level and nontechnically, the -- the
`transmission and access of Web pages in
`synchronization with a TV broadcast. So, for
`example, if somebody was watching Jeopardy, they
`could be sent URL's where they would access the
`content of that URL, for example, answer the
`questions or ask the questions in rough synchrony
`with the TV show.
`Q. And in this ACTV versus Disney, did you
`represent the patent owner or the accused party?
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`A. In that case it was the accused party,
`Q. Okay. And what was the next consulting
`engagement since 2001?
`A. The next one, at least the next one I
`remember was a company called Two-Way Media, and they
`sued a company at the time AOL.
`Q. And you worked on behalf of Two-Way Media?
`A. Yes.
`Q. And what was the technology at issue there?
` MR. DISCHER: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: The technology there was audio
`and video streaming to users, and there was an aspect
`of it that had to do with the selection of a
`particular content server. There was really a whole
`architecture involved, but it was really streaming
`media from a number of different available content
`servers. Again, very high level and very generic.
`Q. MS. GLADSTEIN: And approximately when was
`A. Sometime after 2001. I'm not sure when.
`Probably within a few years after 2001.
`Q. Okay. And so Two-Way Media was the patent
`A. Yes.
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`Q. And what was the next consulting engagement
`after the Two-Way Media?
`A. So after that, there were probably several
`that were ongoing at the same time. At that point I
`started to do a bit more legal consulting. Those
`first couple stand out just because they were the
`first couple and fairly memorable.
` From there, it -- it gets to be a fairly
`lengthy list. Not sure any really comes specifically
`to mind, at least chronologically.
`Q. Okay. Let's put this topic aside for a
`second. Besides consulting in legal matters, do you
`consult on nonlegal matters?
`A. I do.
`Q. Okay. And is that listed in your CV?
`A. It is.
` MR. DISCHER: Objection to form and scope.
` THE WITNESS: I do some additional consulting
`in what's also listed under industry technical
`advising on page 2.
`Q. MS. GLADSTEIN: So are you currently
`consulting on technical issues -- strike that.
` Are you currently consulting on nonlegal
`issues and, if so, could you identify those companies
`that you're consulting for?
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` MR. DISCHER: Objection, form and scope.
` THE WITNESS: The one that's on the list here
`is -- I'm on the board of directors for the New Media
`Q. MS. GLADSTEIN: And as a board of directors
`member, are you consulting on technical issues?
` MR. DISCHER: Objection, form and scope.
` THE WITNESS: Generally I think I am. I work
`with other people on the board and we discuss
`technical matters, both strategy and individual
`Q. MS. GLADSTEIN: Any other current consulting
` MR. DISCHER: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I don't believe so.
`Q. MS. GLADSTEIN: So what would you say, since
`2001, what percentage of your time is devoted to
`consulting on patent cases?
` MR. DISCHER: Objection, form and scope.
` THE WITNESS: It would be hard to answer that
`question for at least the reason that it varies by
`month, by year.
`Q. MS. GLADSTEIN: How about 2014?
` MR. DISCHER: Objection, form and scope.
` THE WITNESS: I'm not sure I can answer the
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`question. It depends on what the denominator should
`be. So whether it includes just consulting, just
`consulting and UCSB work or other things that I do
`that derive a source of income, investing, farming,
`working on rental properties.
`Q. MS. GLADSTEIN: Let me clarify. By comparing
`to your activities as a professor at UCSB, what
`percentage of your time is occupied in the consulting
` MR. DISCHER: Objection, form and scope.
` THE WITNESS: As a very rough number, I'd say
`in the ballpark of 25 percent.
`Q. MS. GLADSTEIN: Typically in the context of
`legal consulting, do you provide assistance on the
`infringement analysis or on the invalidity analysis
`or it's a mix of both?
` MR. DISCHER: Objection, scope.
` THE WITNESS: Mix of both.
`Q. MS. GLADSTEIN: Would you say it's an equal
` MR. DISCHER: Objection, scope.
` THE WITNESS: I would say over time it's
`roughly equal. In some cases I'll have a few
`engagements in a row that will be for infringement,
`some will be just for invalidity, some will be for
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`both, but I think by and large it's about 50/50.
`Q. MS. GLADSTEIN: How many times have you been
`deposed overall?
` MR. DISCHER: Objection, scope.
` THE WITNESS: Since 2001, probably about 20
`Q. MS. GLADSTEIN: And have you testified at
`A. I have.
` MR. DISCHER: Objection, scope.
`Q. MS. GLADSTEIN: How many times?
`A. I would say between five and ten times.
`Q. With respect to the testimony at trial, do
`you recall whether that testimony was in a district
`court versus at the ITC versus somewhere else?
` MR. DISCHER: Objection, scope.
`Q. MS. GLADSTEIN: So out of those five to ten
`times, could you break them down into how many times
`you testified in a district court versus an ITC
` MR. DISCHER: Objection, scope.
` THE WITNESS: I think I have only testified
`in the ITC twice, and everything else would have been
`in the district court.
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`Q. MS. GLADSTEIN: And you don't happen to have
`a listing of your professional consulting activities
`in the legal context that would list all of your
`especially -- that would list all of your engagements
`where you testified as a witness.
` MR. DISCHER: Objection, form and scope.
` THE WITNESS: I do have a list I included,
`for example, in expert reports in district cases. So
`I do have a list.
` MS. GLADSTEIN: Counsel, we would request
`that that list be provided here.
` MR. DISCHER: We'll take that under
`Q. MS. GLADSTEIN: Now, prior to today, have you
`testified on behalf of Samsung?
`A. I have.
` MR. DISCHER: Objection, scope.
`Q. MS. GLADSTEIN: How many times?
` MR. DISCHER: Objection, scope.
` THE WITNESS: And to be clear, testified, do
`you want by deposition or by trial, both?
`A. Okay.
`Q. If you'd like to start with depositions and
`then move on to trial, that would be great.
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` MR. DISCHER: Objection, scope.
` THE WITNESS: I have testified by deposition
`for Samsung in a series of IPR proceedings that they
`initiated against a company called VIS. And I'm not
`sure how many depositions I've done. It might have
`just been two. There might have been another one
`that I'm forgetting, but it sort of falls within the
`group of patents that Samsung has brought to the IPR
`for evaluation.
` I've also testified for Samsung at the ITC,
`defending them against an action brought by Black
`Hills Media. And I don't recall any other
`depositions or testimony on behalf of Samsung other
`than right now.
`Q. MS. GLADSTEIN: Okay. And the testimony that
`you gave in the ITC proceeding brought by Black
`Hills, that was a deposition testimony or both?
`A. That was --
` MR. DISCHER: Objection, scope.
` THE WITNESS: -- both deposition testimony
`and at an ITC hearing.
`Q. MS. GLADSTEIN: Have you ever testified on
`behalf of Yamaha?
` MR. DISCHER: Objection, scope.
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`Q. MS. GLADSTEIN: How about against Yamaha?
` MR. DISCHER: Objection, scope.
`Q. MS. GLADSTEIN: What about LG? Have you ever
`testified either on behalf or against LG?
` MR. DISCHER: Objection, scope.
` THE WITNESS: I might have. I would have to
`double-check. The confusion I have is or the lack of
`specific recollection is, for example, in the ITC
`matter it was a joint defense group, and I think I
`was representing a set of defendants against Black
`Hills Media, and I think LG might have been one of
` There -- there might have been other cases I
`was involved in where LG was named as a defendant but
`they might have settled out before, you know, I
`really did any work on the case. So there might be
`some other instances like that.
`Q. MS. GLADSTEIN: And in the ITC proceeding,
`what types of opinions did you provide on behalf of
`Samsung and LG?
` MR. DISCHER: Objection, form and scope.
` THE WITNESS: They were invalidity opinions
`about the Black Hills Media patents. I believe that
`the same three that were at issue or that are at
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`issue in these IPR's were at issue in the ITC. I
`think one of the patents, the '099 patent, was
`Page 23
`dropped fairly early in the case. So I'm not sure I
`wrote a report that included anything around the '099
` And then I have a vague recollection that the