`Houston, Texas
`7:39 a.m.
`July 27, 2012
`Volume 5
`Lee L. Kaplan
`700 Louisiana, Suite 2300
`Houston, Texas 77002
`Gregg F. Locascio
`655 Fifteenth Street Northwest
`Washington, DC 20005
`Sarah Tsou
`Timothy K.CHJman
`Citigroup Center
`153 East 53rd Street
`New York, New York 10022
`Johnny C. Sanchez, RMR, CRR —
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2108, pg. 1

`Redirect—Triar1 Lafyllou/By Mr. LoCascio
`Claims that pertain to your testimony?
`Yes, I think it does.
`MR. LOCASCIO: No further questions, Your
`THE COURT: Okay. Anything further?
`THE COURT: Okay. Thank you. You're free to
`Thank you.
`Do you wish to call another witness?
`MR. LOCASCIO: We do. At this time,
`WesternGeco calls Dr. John Leonard. Bring him up.
`THE COURT: Why don't we take back some of the
`things we gave the last witness.
`THE COURT: Yes, sir.
`If you'd make your way
`M. ARNOLD: Are we clear up here?
`THE COURT: We're going to have you in the seat
`nearest me, sir.
`Before you take your seat, Mrs. Loewe will
`administer the oath.
`Do you solemnly swear that
`the testimony you are about to give in the matter now
`before the Court will be the truth,
`the whole truth and
`Johnny C. Sanchez, RMR, CRR ~ 7'
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2108, pg. 2

`nothing but the truth?
`I do.
`THE COURT: Have you been in the courtroom for
`THE COURT: You know the drill,
`then. Okay.
`Try to speak into the mike.
`I know it's late in the day, so
`I'll try to move quickly, Your Honor.
`Thank you.
`For its next witness, WesternGeco
`l2 calls Dr. John Leonard, who is a professor at MIT.
`13 Dr. Leonard is a specialist in navigation and robotics,
`14 with an emphasis on underwater vehicles. We heard a little
`l5 bit with the last two witnesses how some of the defendant's
`l6 products work.
`Dr. Leonard is here to talk about the
`18 source code that's used,
`the computer programs that are
`19 used inside of that —— those product and what information
`20 is being passed back and forth in those products.
`Permission to approach the witness.
`THE COURT: Yes. You don't need to ask
`23 permission.
`Johnny C. Sanchez, RMR, CRR —
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2108, pg. 3

`DirecL—Leonard/By Mr. Gilman
`after having been first cautioned and duly sworn, testified
`as follows:
`Good afternoon, Dr. Leonard.
`Good afternoon.
`Would you please introduce yourself to the jury.
`My name's John Leonard, and I'm a professor at MIT.
`What do you do at MIT?
`F4 F4
`I perform research in robotics, and I teach
`F4 PO
`F4 LU
`mechanical engineering.
`Q. What kind of education do you have to get to where
`you are today?
`Undergraduate degree is in electrical engineering
`from the University o: Pennsylvania, and my Ph.D. is from
`the University of Oxford.
`Q. What did you study in both of those schools?
`So electrical engineering as an undergrad, and then I
`focused in robotics, and my Ph.D. is in engineering
`science from Oxford.
`Q. What was the topic of your thesis for your Ph.D.
`I worked on the problem of how a robot can build a
`map and concurrently use that map to navigate. And so,
`Johnny C. Sanchez, RMR, CRR —
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2108, pg. 4

`Dircct—Leona rd/By Mr. Gilman
`that involved a lot of advanced work in source code and
`Kalman filtering and a lot of the algorithms related to
`So if we could take a look at your —— some of the
`slides that you put together.
`Starting off with your first slide,
`Leonard 1, could you describe what it is that you do today
`at MIT, what areas do you focus your research on?
`I 2 3 4 5
`6 7 8
`9 A”
`Yeah. This is a slide 2 give in talks to give sort
`after quick overview in the interests of time of some of
`my background.
`So the topics and pictures from underwater
`vehicle vehicles,
`the Arctic, worked on mine-hunting for
`the Navy, and also as the team leader for MIT's entry in
`something called the DARPA Urban Challenge, which is —— we
`built a self-driving car and drove it in traffic. And so,
`my research generally addresses these problems of mapping,
`navigation and control of autonomous vehicles, with a
`special focus on underwater vehicles.
`THE COURT: At MIT, are you in a research
`position, or do you also have teaching responsibilities?
`I'm a faculty member, so I
`have teaching responsibilities.
`THE COURT: Are you an assistant professor or
`an associate?~
`I'm a full professor.
`Johnny C. Sanchez, RMR, CRR -
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2108, pg. 5

`Dl'rect~LeonarcZ/By Mr. Gilman
`THE COURT: Full professor. Thank you.
`I teach measurement,
`instrumentation, robotics, design, historically
`programing, even some -— lots of topics.
`Thank you.
`How long have you been a full professor at MIT?
`Let's see.
`I was promoted to full professor in --
`sorry -— '96, assistant. Let's see. Yeah, about, 2005 I
`became -— let's see, yeah.
`I think. Yeah.
`12 Q.
`And how long overall have you been investigating
`these type of research problems,
`these type of engineering
`14 problems?
`15 A.
`Pretty much since I object started my Ph.D.
`in l997.
`L6 So 25 years.
`I think I became a full professor in 2006.
`If we could go to the second
`L8 slide.
`20 Q.
`I understand that you're here to discuss source
`Could you explain what source code is?
`23 .A.
`Source code is the instructions inside a
`computer to implement a piece of software, and it's
`25 written in what we call a human readable computer language
`Johnny C. Sanchez, RMR, CRR —
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2108, pg. 6

`Direct —Leonard/By Mr. Gilman
`you'll hear C, C Plus Plus, other languages,
`And another thing that source code has its coments, which
`are sort of text written, not for the computer to
`interpret, but for one programer to sort of specify or to
`communicate to another.
`And so,
`in examining a piece o: source
`like the complex software systems in this case,
`comments actually give a Lot of information.
`And is this an example at the bottom of this slide?
`Yes. This is the first example from my favorite
`programming book, and it's just a program that prints out
`"Hello World." And what you can point and want to pull up
`there is where you see the slash star, a simple C program
`to print out "hello world star slash," that's an example
`of a comment. And we'll see coments later in the
`And then below that and is a function that
`pretty much just prints out "Hello world," it has other
`like semicolons and.back slashes and things that
`we don't see in our normal sort of —— in normal documents,
`so -— but a programmer can sort of read that as a sort of
`Why would a programmer put in these things that you
`call comments into their computer code?
`So comments are really important in software
`Johnny C. Sanchez, RMR, CRR —
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2108, pg. 7

`Di'reCt—Leonard/By Mr. Gilman
`They sort of specify how code works, and
`sometimes it's important to write comments, not just for
`other programers to look and understand your code, but
`even yourself. You might come back two years later to a
`piece of code you haven't looked at, and it helps lay out
`what the variables are, what the goals of the code are.
`If we could go to your next slide. Can you describe
`what specific code you looked at for your investigation in
`this case?
`So I was asked to investigate three pieces of
`software for this case.
`So the ORCA system and the
`lateral controller, and those both run on the ship. And
`then the DigiFZN software, which runs on the actual
`DigiFINs, one of which is over there across the room.
`As part of the research that you do, do you use
`source code yourself?
`Q. What times of source code do you work in?
`So for our robots, we have to write a lot of complex
`software, and we typically use the language of C and C
`Plus Plus. And in my career, years ago,
`I wrote big
`complex programs with tens of thousands of lines of code
`of C, and more recently I manage graduate students and
`postdocs that create many tens of thousands of lines of
`code in these languages to control robots.
`Johnny C. Sanchez, RMR, CRR —
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2108, pg. 8

`Direct—Leona rd/By Mr. Gi lman
`Q. What did you do to analyze the source code that's at
`issue in this case?
`So we looked at the code on two computers provided by
`And how long did you spend looking at the code on the
`So because of the sensitive nature o-
`the material,
`we could only look at the code at a law o:'"ce in Houston.
`So flew down, spent a few days selecting which code that
`we could what's called produce.
`So we printed out selected pages of the
`code, and then I was able to subsequently look at those
`printed pages to do a more detailed investigation of the
`flow of information in the software.
`How did you choose what pages to produce and to
`continue investigating?
`So before I traveled to Houston,
`I was provided
`with some user manuals and other documentation. And from
`that, I sort of —— that sort of informed what we could --
`what we —- sorry. That informed what I chose to produce
`or select when I was down in Houston.
`And what did you do with the source code after you
`produced it and took it back with you back to Boston?
`So I analyzed the code to try to deduce how it works
`with respect to the lateral control, with also an emphasis
`Johnny C. Sanchez, RMR, CRR —
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2108, pg. 9

`Direct —T,eonard/By Mr. Gi lman
`on the flow of information between the different modules.
`2 Q.
`So just walking through these three parts with
`respect to the DigiFIN, how much of the source code did
`you end up bringing back with you?
`5 A.
`So the —— for the DigiFIN and the lateral
`controller, we were able to print out all the code, an
`order of hundreds of pages to represent that. But ORCA's
`a lot bigger.
`It has other functions that aren't
`specifically connected to a lateral control, and so ORCA
`actually is 3.8 million lines of computer code. And so,
`informed by the documents and -— that I had, we selected
`the sort of subset that relates to the Kalman filter,
`calculating streamer separations,
`things that are relevant
`in this case.
`And in addition to this source code, you said you
`also looked at some of the depositions and some of the
`documentations in the case?
`I looked at —— there were a few,
`example, an internal ION presentation that —— and an
`internal ION document that explained some of the
`calculations and also the depositions of a couple of the
`key programmers.
`If we could turn to the next slide, let's start with
`DigiFIN itself first.
`Based on your investigation, how does the
`Johnny C. Sanchez, RMR, CRR ~
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2108, pg. 10

`Direct—Leor2ard/By Mr. Gilman
`DigiFIN work?
`So this slide gives an overview of the
`components of the DigiFIN.
`So we -- so source code is a
`way to really look and see what's actually going on inside
`these devices. And so,
`I think in a complex system like
`this, it's really important to do this, and I feel a
`certain privilege that I had the chance to do this. And
`I —— the goal is —— the nice thing is the source code
`really tells the story,
`so there's no debate what -- the
`source code, if it has a formula, that's what it's doing.
`So let me back up a little bit.
`So what
`is a DigiFIN? You've seen it here in the courtroom.
`has hardware and software. Hardware has sensors, sensors
`to measure temperature, depth, wing angle, pitch and roll.
`So pitch is this direction, so if the plane is taking off
`it pitches up. Roll is this angle, and the —— so those
`are the sensors.
`It also has a motor which controls the fin
`angle. And it has what we call a microcontroller. A
`microcontroller is a special type of microprocessor that's
`designed to interface with sensors and what we call
`So the motor is an example of an actuator.
`And so, it's just a —— it's a computer
`that runs in what we call an embedded system.
`computer's sort of embedded inside the DigiF:N. And it
`Johnny C. Sanchez, RMR, CRR —
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2108, pg. 11

`D1’ rect — Leonard/By Mr. Gilman
`handles this interaction with the sensors and the motor.
`There's an embedded little computer inside the
`Is that true for each of the DigiFINs that's in our
`So if you have an array of a hundred DigiFINs,
`are a hundred little computers spread out?
`Yes, a hundred microcontrollers.
`THE COURT: Are those what we call local ones?
`THE WITNESS: Yes. That's a —— yes,
`I would
`interpret that as a local controller. But that's --
`In terms of the ~— some of the specific software
`that's run on these local computers in each DigiFIN, if we
`could turn to the next slide?
`Right. Well, actually, can I just stay on this, and
`I forget to mention one thing in relation to the software.
`I mentioned the hardware,
`so the software is written
`in the C language, which is one I've used extensively in
`my career.
`It also has a bit of what's known as
`assembly language, which is kind of lower level form of
`Johnny C. Sanchez, RMR, CRR —
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2108, pg. 12

`Direct—Leonard/By Mr. Gilman
`computer software,
`that sort of handles talking to the
`motor and the sensors. And the software in terms 0: a
`quick summary of what it does, it receives the FIN
`comands and controls the motor to achieve those desired
`requested FIN angles.
`And it also checks for some out of bounds
`is it too shallow, does it roll too much,
`should it —— and there's something called the back off
`algorithm where it will back of: FIN angle if the
`microprocessor program thinks that it's possibly
`interfering with the depth control.
`And with respect to that backup algorithm,
`I believe,
`is that one of the specific features you looked at in some
`So here on the next demonstrative here's some
`examples of those comment things I told you early in my
`hello world program, so the slash star, star slash. And
`these are throughout the code. And so, here's some
`examples of the actual code that runs on the DigiFIN.
`So these are the actual files that you got from ION's
`these are example pages from the many hundreds,
`thousands of pages. But in particular,
`these are examples
`from the smaller subset of files that relate to the
`Digi FIN .
`Johnny C. Sanchez, RMR, CRR — j(
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2108, pg. 13

`Direct~Leonard/By Mr. Gilman
`And from these particular files what did you find out
`the backup algorithm works on the DigiFIN?
`So the way —— in general if you —- the DigiFINs as
`it's performing the lateral control, it's turning the wing
`angle to generate a sideways force. And based on it will
`say you either need to move to the left, you need to move
`to the right.
`But if for some reason the DigiFIN rolls,
`then the force component that it's generating is not just
`going to be horizontal, but it's going to have some
`vertical aspects as well.
`So the basic sort of baseline back off
`algorithm will seek to bring the FIN back to a natural
`position, so that it doesn't interfere with the depth
`So that's the back off algorithm.
`But then on top of that there's something
`called the depth aware back off algorithm, where using the
`target depth that's transmitted to the DigiFIN, it has
`some sort of logic, it makes decisions.
`C _
`It says, well, if
`I'm ~— i‘
`"m rolled and the forced component I'm
`generating has some vertical component to it, but that's
`actually helping me keep the right depth,
`then :'m not
`going to back off.
`I'm just going to -- I'm just going to
`stay with the current command.
`And this code is being run in the little computer
`Johnny C. Sanchez, RMR, CRR —
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2108, pg. 14

`Direct ~Leonard/By Mr. Gilman
`that's on each DigiFIN?
`And so,
`throughout the entire array all these little
`computers are working at the same time, doing their own
`little thing that's coordinated?
`they're sent commands from the lateral
`controller. And we'll get to that a little bit later in
`terms of the flow of information to the DigiFINs.
`So if we turn to your next slide and that was the
`just the DigiFIN code,
`the next part of the code that you
`looked at was the ORCA code?
`So shown here in the yellow outline box is the
`ORCA system. Now, ORCA runs on a work station on the
`It runs in an operating system known as Lenox,
`perhaps some may not have heard of Lenox, but it's just an
`alternative to Windows or the McIntosh operating system.
`It's a free version of the Unix operating system.
`that's the operating system for the ORCA computer, and
`next we'll talk a bit about its ORCA.
`Q. What computer language was the ORCA's software
`written in?
`THE COURT: Let me caution you. Try to slow
`8 9
`23 down just a little bit.
`ORCA is written in a C
`25 programming language.
`Johnny C. Sanchez, RMR, CRR ~
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2108, pg. 15

`Direct—Leonard/By Mr. Gilman
`If you turn to the next slide, one of the things
`we've heard about a few times so far is a Kalman filter.
`Before we get into the coded, specifically could you just
`say in general what a Kalman filter is?
`Sure. Let me backtrack a little bit in that sense.
`ORCA is a big complex program with many components, but as
`, mentioned I was asked to investigate the interaction
`with the lateral controller, so that -- the documentation
`indicated for us to focus on something called the NCN,
`2 U
`0 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
`network control node. And the NCN implements the Kalman
`:\ ¢>
`]\ U‘!
`|—‘ OW
`So that's what I've chosen to go into some
`detail here about the Kalman filter because it's important
`to its operation with respect to the lateral control.
`What in general is a Kalman
`How do they
`}—~‘ \1
`I-4 (D
`I——‘ KO
`l\) G
`K) I-‘
`I\J l\)
`I\) U)
`[\) »I>-
`[\3 O‘!
`So a Kalman filter is an algorithm.that produces
`estimates for a system.that changes over time, a system
`that moves, by combining measurements from_your sensors
`with predictions from a dynamic novel. And so, it has
`these two key aspects of prediction and then updating.
`In the actual ORCA software they use the
`word adjustment, prediction and adjustment.
`It's the same
`prediction and updating. And these happen repeatedly over
`Johnny C. Sanchez, RMR, CRR —
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2108, pg. 16

`Diroct—Leonard/By Mr. Gi lman
`Each time new measurements,
`so there's a
`prediction cycle and an update prediction and update.
`Are all Kalman filters the same?
`,‘ OW
`No, there's a basic Kalman filter algorithm that was
`published in l960. And Kalman filters are used in a wide
`variety of systems. And for particular systems, one has
`to sort of choose the right way to implement it, which
`is —— varies greatly system by system.
`So let's look at the specific Kalman
`filter that's
`used in ORCA and maybe we can move along and go to slide
`number 9.
`So what “'m.‘irst going to do is focus on that
`prediction step in ORCA. Okay? And I've attempted to
`create a simple example to just try to explain the essence
`of what's going on here. But what we can do in a slide or
`two is then couple that simple example to exactly what's
`happening in the ORCA software.
`So here, we have -— so the —— as I
`mentioned we have this cyclic process that repeats,
`prediction and update, prediction and update. And so, at
`the beginning of each cycle we have a prior position. We
`have a previously estima:ed position for -— you'll hear
`the term node.
`So like the DigiFINs are one example of
`nodes, different elements along the array.
`So each almost
`is a node.
`Johnny C. Sanchez, RMR, CRR —
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2108, pg. 17

`Direct —Leonard/By Mr. Gilman
`And so, we have a prior position from our
`last cycle and the prediction step in ORCA takes that
`prior position and it adds on to it the elapsed time
`multiplied by the speed. And that gives you your
`predicted position.
`And where specifically in the source code is this
`calculation done?
`If we go to the next slide.
`So here is an excerpt.
`So four lines out of that 3.8 million lines of code, and
`it has —— actually five lines we have a coment.
`So it's
`a state.
`So the word state just refers to the things
`you're estimating.
`So state in this case is the position
`and the velocity of the nodes. And we're concerned here
`with the horizontal plane.
`So we have —— we have position
`in the north, south direction, and position in the east,
`west direction, and then we have their velocity.
`velocity in the north, south direction, velocity in the
`west, east direction.
`And those north, south and east, west directions, how
`are they expressed in the source code?
`Sure. That's latitude and longitude. And so let me
`come back to that in a second.
`So I think because we have
`a demonstrative. But I'll just explain if we move one
`forward now.
`So what I'm showing here is taking some
`Johnny C. Sanchez, RMR, CRR — jcscourLreportez'
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2108, pg. 18

`Direct—Leonard/By Mr. Gilman
`variables in the code, which is a little hard to interpret
`I'm sure. But just to try to really connect it right back
`to the actual source code, here are some variables we have
`S dot lack, plus 3? and star means times, multiply in a
`computer, S dot lat dot, L—ArT—D—O—T. And so there
`there's three variables. And the S dot lat dot is your
`prior position. Your —— S dot lat is your prior position,
`DT is your change in time, and lat —— S dot lat dot is
`your speed.
`And that's how —~ the prior positions are
`profligate forward in time from the previous time step up
`to the current time step.
`And if we go to the next slide here I just
`a little reminder for those that might not have seen it,
`you know, so that the names you just saw LAT and LON, lat
`and LON, are -— come from latitude and longitude. And so,
`latitude is —- represents your north, south position on
`the globe and longitude —- lines of longitude, your east,
`So here's an example.
`I'm hoping to catch
`a plane tonight to Boston. And we're here in Houston and
`you can see the latitude and longitudes for Boston and
`Houston just as some examples.
`So if we go back to the previous slide, this box with
`the top, this is from the actual source code that you got
`Johnny C. Sanchez, RMR, CRR —
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2108, pg. 19

`Di'rect—Leonard/By Mr . Gi lman
`from ION's computer?
`Q. Where was this source code running?
`This runs in ORCA.
`And going forward past the latitude and longitude,
`how does the overall —— if you go to the next slide —— how
`does the overall Kalman filter then use these predicted
`So what I attempted to do here was to just ~- I have
`sort of an illustrative example.
`So a simple example of
`how the Kalman filter works.
`So we've color coded it so
`the yellow is the prediction we just talked about. And
`we're also going to get a measurement in blue, and then
`from that we're going to compute an update, which we're
`going to show in green.
`I'm sure you're familiar if you're
`driving down the highway and you're at a certain position,
`say you're driving at 60 miles an hour, and let's say
`30 minutes later, you know, you might ~— what would be
`your predicted position if you —- so if you just take --
`just take speed times direction and add that to your
`position, you get your new position.
`And so, here I just chose an example to
`where we let's say we're moving at 5 feet per second and
`you've heard.about this 10 second cycle between the shots
`Johnny C, Sanchez, RMR, CRR —
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2108, pg. 20

`DireCt~Leonard/By Mr . Gilman
`and the streamer arrays.
`So if we had a previous position
`and then we were a previous velocity, and we take 5 feet
`per second,
`times 10 seconds is 50 feet, that's our
`prediction for this little example. And that's the yellow
`So here where you're showing the Kalman filter and
`ORCA, you're also showing a measured position?
`So the second half of the cycle,
`the updating
`step takes information from actual measurements.
`Why can't you just rely on the measurements as to
`where things actually are in the system?
`Okay. Well, you might be able to produce a system
`that tried to only use the current measurements, but this
`Kalman filter based system that incorporates the
`is superior in a couple of ways, and greatly
`superior in my expert opinion.
`And i'll give some illustrations of how
`that might work.
`So first, let me just show that —- let's
`suppose we have a measurement.
`I think —— why don't we go
`to the next demonstrative and come back to this.
`Q. What type of measurements are going into the position
`determination in ORCA?
`So ORCA takes multiple types of measurements
`for example, compass data, acoustic ranging data,
`some GPS
`based measurements.
`Johnny C. Sanchez, RMR, CRR — jcscourtreporter'
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2108, pg. 21

`Directnieonard/By Mr. Gilman
`I thought I would just review the basic
`principal o: acoustic ranging because it's just so
`important for this type of system.
`So here's an example
`of a bat. And a bat uses sonar to navigate. That's
`acoustic ranging. And let's say that a bat sends out a
`sound pulse, and it bounces off say the wall and comes
`back to the back. And this is a little more than 5 feet,
`but let's say we're 5 feet away.
`So in air sound travels at about one foot,
`it goes one foot distance every one thousandth of a
`So one foot per millisecond. And if the bat
`knows the time that elapses between, it sends out a sound
`and when it receives the echo, say it's 10 milliseconds,
`the bat can say oh,
`the sound traveled 10 feet and it went
`both ways.
`I can divide that by two and get 5 feet away
`to the wall.
`So that principle of acoustic ranging is
`happening with the streamer arrays with sound going
`between different devices along the -— in the system. And
`typically those are one way travel times.
`So just sound
`going from one node to another.
`How accurate are these acoustic ranges when used
`under water?
`So with any measurement there's some
`uncertainty no measurement is perfect. And the —— for
`Johnny C. Sanchez, RMR, CRR —
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2108, pg. 22

`Direct —Leonard/By Mr. Gi lman
`example, one source of error might be —— you might not
`know the sound velocity perfectly well. And so,
`measurements are sort of almost right, but a bit off.
`And —— but sometimes you get measurements
`that are really off. They're just crazy measurements.
`They're serious. And this happens a lot in undersea
`acoustics due to sounds actually propagates in a very
`complex way under water. And you get multiple echos that
`can cancel each other out.
`So it's actually quite common to get what
`are called dropouts. And so it would be as if the bat,
`instead of measuring 5 feet, measured 50 feet.
`Let's talk about those two scenarios. Going back one
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`slide first --
`~— what happens if you're ~~ you might just be a
`little bit off between what you're predicting and what
`you're measuring?
`So if you're a little bit off,
`there's uncertainty in
`your measurement and there's uncertainty in your
`prediction from your dynamic model. And you know both of
`them —- they both have some merit, but you're not sure
`exactly how to weight those together.
`And the thing that Kalman came up is an
`optimal way under certain assumptions to actually weight
`Johnny C. Sanchez, RMR, CRK — jcscourtreporter@aol.r:om
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2108, pg. 23

`Di rect—Leonard/By Mr. Gilman
`I~—‘ F-‘
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`those together, a way to get a good answer.
`So for new example here I assumed —— let's
`say our measurement was 55 feet, and our prediction was
`50 feet, and the Kalman filter might choose a best
`estimate of position of 53 feet.
`It's not necessarily
`just the mean.
`It has some weighting depending on which
`is more or less accurate.
`So this is an example of a full
`predict update cycle for a good measurement. And I was
`asked earlier about why is this predictive approach
`So one way in which it's better is that
`you're combining two pieces in information,
`instead of
`just relying on one. You're getting a better answer.
`And then if we go ahead two slides, what happens if
`there's a big difference between what you're predicting
`and what you measure?
`So let's assume that due to some crazy
`reflections we had a measurement of 500 feet and not
`50 feet.
`Now if, you know, for these systems we
`know the velocity the boat is moving. We have a general
`trust in our velocity and it's highly unlikely that the
`device just suddenly jumped 500 feet or 450 ahead of where
`we predicted it would be..
`So what the Kalman filter let's you do is
`Johnny C. Sanchez, RMR, CRR
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2108, pg. 24

`Di rect nbeona rd/By Mr. Gi lma [1
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`use your uncertainty in your prediction, your confidence
`level to reject outliers.
`In the ORCA code that is called
`KO or kick out. You kick out the bad measurements. Okay?
`And so, for this substance here if we got a 500—foot
`measurement and next what we would do is we would reject
`it. We would say I don't believe that measurement and
`then your best estimate of position would simply be the
`predicted position.
`So here is showing the green best estimate
`is just using the position prediction.
`So this is the
`second key way in which the predictive update enter
`leaving steps

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