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`PGS Exhibit 1081, pg. 1
`PGS v. WesternGeco (IPR2014-00687)

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`Patents Forrrr 7/77
`PGS Exhibit 1081, pg. 2
`PGS v. WesternGeco (IPR2014-00687)

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`Patents For:nl. 1/77
`PGS Exhibit 1081, pg. 3
`PGS v. WesternGeco (IPR2014-00687)

`This invention relates generally to systems for controlling seismic data
`acqu¡s¡tion equipment and particularly to a system for controlling a marine
`seismíc streamer positionÍng device.
`A marine seismic streamer is an elongate cable-like structure, typically
`up to several thousand meters long, which contains arrays of seismic
`sensors, known as hydrophones, and associated electronic equipment along
`its length, and which is used in marine seismic surveying. ln order to perform
`a 3D marine seismic survey, a plurality of such streamers are towed at about
`5 knots behind a se¡smic survey vessel, which also tows one or more seismic
`sources, typically air guns. Acoustic signals produced by the seismic sources
`are directed down through the water into the earth beneath, where they are
`reflected from the various strata. The reflected signals are received by the
`hydrophones, and then digitized and processed to build up a representation
`of the subsurface geology.
`The horizontal positions of the streamers are typically controlled by a
`deflector, located at the front end or "head" of the streamer, and a tail buoy,
`located at the back end or "tail" of the streemer. These devices create
`tension forces on the streamer which constrain the movement of the streamer
`and cause it to assume a roughly linear shape. Cross currents and transient
`forces cause the streamer to bow and undulate, thereby introducing
`deviations into this desired linear shape.
`The streamers are typically towed at a constant depth of approximately
`ten meters, in order to facilitate the removal of undesired "ghost" reflections
`from the surface of the water. To keep the streamers at this constant depth,
`.''iGo p{ffi.Irörn,i $99 8il 8U.''.Un'.'Uoln?ï€0üfi.:
`PGS Exhibit 1081, pg. 4
`PGS v. WesternGeco (IPR2014-00687)

`o control devices known as "birds", are typically attached at various points
`along each streamer between the deflector end the tail buoy, with the spac¡ng
`between the birds generally varying between 20O and 400 meters. The birds
`have hydrodynamic deflecting surfaces, referred to as wings, that allow the
`position of the streamer to be controlled as it ís towed through the water.
`When a bird is used for depth control purposes only, it is possible for the bird
`to regularly sense its depth using an integrated pressure sensor and for a
`local controller within the bird to adjust the wing angles to maintain the
`streamer near the desired depth using only a desired depth value received
`from a central control sYstem.
`While the majority of birds used thus far have only controlled the depth
`of the streamers, additional benefits can be obtained by using properly
`controlled horizontally steerable birds, particularly by using the types of
`horizontally and vertically steerable birds disclosed in our published PCT
`lnternationalApplication No. WO 98/28636. The benefìts that can be
`obtained by using properly controlled horizontally steerable birds can include
`reducing horizontal out-of-position conditions that necess¡tate reacqu¡r¡ng
`seismic data in a particular area (i.e. in-fitl shooting), reducing the chance of
`tangling adjacent streamers, and reducing the time required to turn the
`seismic acquisition vesselwhen ending one pass and beginning another paSS
`during a 3D seismic survey.
`It is estimated that horizontal out-of-position conditions reduce the
`efficiency of current 3D seismic survey operations by between 5 and 10%'
`depending on weather and current conditions. \Nhile incidents of tangling
`adjacent streamers are relatively rare, when they do occur they invariably
`resull ln prolongecl vessel oownttme. lne loss oT eÎÎlclency asso
`turning the seismic survey vesselwilldepend in large part on the seismic
`survey layout, but typical estimates range from 5 to 1O%- Simulations have
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`PGS Exhibit 1081, pg. 5
`PGS v. WesternGeco (IPR2014-00687)

`concluded that properly controlled horizontally steerable birds can be
`expected to reduce these types of costs by approximately 30%.
`One system for controlling a horízontally steerable bird, as disclosed in
`uK Patent GB 2093610 B, is to utilíze a manually-operated central control
`system to transmit the magnitudes and directions of any required wíng angle
`changes to the birds. While this method greatly simplifies the circuitry needed
`within the bird itself, it is virtually impossible for thís type of system to closely
`regulate the horizontal positions of the birds because it requires manual input
`and supervísion. This becomes a particularly significant issue when a
`substantial number of streamers are deployed simultaneously and the
`number of birds that must be controlled goes up accordingly.
`Another system for controlling a horizontally steerable bird is disclosed
`in our published PCT lnternationalApplication No. wo 99129636. Using this
`type of control system, the desired horizontal positíons and the actual
`horizontal positions are received from a remote control system and are then
`used by a local control system within the birds to adjust the wing angles. The
`actual horizontal positions of the birds may be determined every s to 10
`seconds and there may be a 5 second delay between the taking of
`measurements and the determination of actual streamer positions. \Mile this
`type of system allows for more automatic adjustment of the bird wing angles,
`the delay period and the relatively long cycle time between positíon
`measurements prevents this type of control system from rapidly and efficienfly
`controlling the horizontalposition of the bird. A more deterministic system for
`controlling this type of streamer positioning device is therefore desired.
`improved method and apparatus for controlling a streamer positioning device
`o o
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`PGS Exhibit 1081, pg. 6
`PGS v. WesternGeco (IPR2014-00687)

`An advantage of the present invention is that the position of the
`streamer may be better controlled, thereby reducíng the need for in-fìll
`shooting, reducíng the chance of streamer tangling, and reducing the time
`needed to turn the seismic survey vessel.
`Another advantage of the present inventíon is that noise in marine
`seismic data associated with streamer position over-correction and streamer
`positioning errors can be significantly reduced.
`The present invention involves a method of controlling a streamer
`positioning devíce configured to be attached to a marine seismic streamer
`and towed by a seismic survey vessel and having a wing and a wing motor for
`changing the oríentation of the wing. The method includes the steps of:
`obtaining an estimated velocity of the streamer positioning device, calculatíng
`a desired change in the orientation of the wing using the estimated velocity of
`the streamer positioning device, and actuating the wing motor to produce the
`desired change in the orientatíon of the wíng. The present invention also
`involves an apparatus for controlling a streamer positioning device. The
`apparatus includes means for obtainíng an estÍmated velocíty of the streamer
`positioning device, means for calculating a desired change in the orientation
`of the wing using the estimated velocity of the streamer positioning device,
`and means for actuating the wing motor to effectuate the desired change in
`the orientation of the wing. The invention and its benefìts wíll be better
`understood with reference to the detailed description below and the
`accompanying figures.
`PGS Exhibit 1081, pg. 7
`PGS v. WesternGeco (IPR2014-00687)

`Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of a seismic survey vesseland
`associated seismic data acquisitíon equipment;
`Figure 2 is a schematic horizontal cross-sectional view through a
`marine seismic streamer and an attached streamer positioning device;
`Figure 3 is a schematic vertical cross-sectional view through the
`streamer positioning device from Figure 2; and
`Figure 4 is a schematic diagram of the local control system architecture
`of the streamer positioning device from Figure 2.
`ln Figure 1, a seismic survey vessel 10 is shown towing eÍght marine
`seismic streamers 12 that may, for instance, each be 3000 meters in length.
`The outermost streamers 12 in the array could be 700 meters apart, resulting
`in a horizontalseparation between the streamers of 100 meters in the regular
`horizontal spacing configuration shown. A seismic source 14, typically an
`airgun or an array of airguns, is also shown beíng towed by the seismic
`survey vessel 10. At the front of each streamer 12 is shown a deflector 16
`and at the rear of every streamer is shown a tail buoy 20. The deflector 16 is
`used to horizontally posítion the end of the streamer nearest the seismic
`survey vessel 10 and the tail buoy 20 creates drag at the end of the streamer
`farthest from the seismic survey vessel 10. The tension created on the
`sersmrc streamer by the deïlector 1ti ano Ine tail Þuoy zu results rn tne
`roughly linear shape of the seismic streamer 12 shown in Figure 1
`o o
`PGS Exhibit 1081, pg. 8
`PGS v. WesternGeco (IPR2014-00687)

`Located between the deflector 16 and the tailbuoy 20 are a plurality of
`streamer positioning devices known as birds 18. Preferably the birds 1B are
`both vertically and horizontally steerable. These birds 18 may, for instance,
`be located at regular intervals along the streamer, such as every 200 to 400
`meters. The vertically and horizontally steerable birds 18 can be used to
`constrain the shape of the seismic streamer 12 between the deflector 16 and
`the tail buoy 20 in both the vertical (depth) and horizontal directions.
`ln the preferred embodiment of the present invention, the control
`system for the birds 18 is distributed between a global control system 22
`located on or nearthe seismic survey vessel 10 and a local control system
`located within or near the birds 18. The global control system 22 is typically
`connected to the seismic survey vessel's navigation system and obtains
`estimates of system wide parameters, such as the vessel's towing direction
`and velocity and current direction and velocity, from the vessel's navigation
`The most important requirement for the control system is to prevent the
`streamers 12 from tangling. This requirement becomes more and more
`important as the complexity and the total value of the towed equipment
`increases. The trend in the industry is to put more streamers 12 on each
`seismic survey vessel 10 and to decrease the horizontal separation between
`them. To get better control of the.streamers 12, horizontal steering becomes
`necessary. lf the birds 18 are not properly controlled, horizontal steering can
`increase, rather than decrease, the likelihood of tangling adjacent streamers.
`Localized current fluctuations can dramatically influence the magnitude of the
`side control required to properly position the streamers. To compensate for
`these localized current fluctuations, the inventive control system utilizes a
`distributed processing control architecture and behavior-predictive model-
`based control logic to properly controlthe streamer positioning devices.
`PGS Exhibit 1081, pg. 9
`PGS v. WesternGeco (IPR2014-00687)

`ln the preferred embodiment of the present invention, the globaf control
`system 22 monitors the aclual positions of each of the blrds 18 and is
`programmed with the desired positions of or the desíred minimum separations
`between the seismic streamers 12. The horizontal positions of the birds 1B
`can be derived, for instance, using the types of acoustic positioning systems
`described in our U.S. Patent No. 4,992,990 or in our PCT lnternational Patent
`Application No. WO 98/21163. Alternatively, or addítionally, satellite-based
`global positioning system equipment can be used to determine the p.ositions
`of the equipment. The vertical positions of the birds 1B are typically
`monitored using pressure sensors attached to the birds, as discussed below.
`The global control system 22 preferably maintains a dynamic model of
`each of the seismic streamers 12 and utilizes the desired and actual positions
`of the birds 18 to regularly calculate updated desired vert¡cal and horizontal
`forces the birds should impart on the seisrnic streamers 12 to move them from
`theír actual positions to their desired positions. Because the movement of the
`seismic streamer 12 causes acoustic noise (both from seawater flow past the
`bird wing structures as well as cross current flow across the streamer skin
`itself), it is important that the streamer movements be restrained and kept to
`the minimum correction required to properly position the streamers. Any
`streamer positíoning device control system that consistently overestimates
`the type of correction required and causes the bird to overshoot its intended
`position introduces undesirable noise into the se¡smic data being acquired by
`the streamer. ln current systems, this type of over-correction no¡se is often
`balanced against the "noise" or "smearing" caused when the seismic sensors
`in the streamers 12 are displaced from their desired posit¡ons.
`The global control system 22 prelerably cafculates the desired vertical
`and horizontal forces based on the behavior of each streamer and also takes
`into account the behavior of the complete streamer affay. Due to the
`relatively low sample rate and time delay associated with the horizontal
`PGS Exhibit 1081, pg. 10
`PGS v. WesternGeco (IPR2014-00687)

`o posit¡on determination system, the global control system 2? runs position
`predictor software to estimate the actual locations of each of the birds 1B'
`The global control system 22 also checks the data received from the vessel's
`navigation system and the data will be filled in if it is missing- The interface
`between the global control system 22 and the local control system will
`typically operate with a sampling frequency of at least 0.1 Hz. The global
`control system 22 will typically acquire the following parameters from the
`vessel's navigation system: vesselspeed (m/s), vessel heading (degrees),
`current speed (m/s), current heading (degrees), and the location of each of
`the bírds in the horizontal plane in a vesselfìxed coordinate system. Current
`speed and heading can also be estimated based on the average forces acting
`on the streamers 12 by the birds 18. The global control system 22 will
`preferably send the following values to the local bird controller: demanded
`vertical force, demanded horizontal force, towing velocity, and crosscurrent
`The towing velocity and crosscurrent velocity are preferably "water-
`referenced" values that are calculated from the vessel speed and heading
`values and the current speed and heading values, as well as any relative
`movement between the seismic survey vessel 10 and the bird 18 (such as
`whíle the vessel is turning), to produce relative velocities of the bird 1B with
`respect to the water in both the 'in-line" and the "Gross-line" directions'
`Alternatively, the global control system 22 could provide the local contfol
`system with the horizontal velociÇ and water in-flow angle. The force and
`velocity values are del¡vered by the global control system 22 as separate
`values for each bird 1E on each streamer 12 continuously during operation of
`the control system.
`The "water-referenced" towing velocity and crosscurrent velocity could
`alternatively be determined using flowmeters or other types of water velocity
`sensors attached directly to the birds 18. Although these types of sensors are
`PGS Exhibit 1081, pg. 11
`PGS v. WesternGeco (IPR2014-00687)

`typically quite expensive, one advantage of this type of velocity determination
`system is that the sensed in-line and cross-line velocities will be inherently
`compensated for the speed and heading of marine currents acting on said
`streamer positioning device and for relative movements between the vessel
`1O and the bird 18.
`Figure 2 shows a type of bird 1B that is capable of controlling the
`position of seismic streamers 12 in both the vertical and horizontal directions
`A bird 1B of this type is also dísclosed in our PCT lnternational Application
`No. WO 98/28636. While a number of alternatíve designs for the vertically
`and horizontally steerable birds 1B are possible, including those utilizing one
`full-moving wing with ailerons, three full-mov¡ng wings, and four full-moving
`wings, the independent two-wing principal is, conceptually, the simplest and
`most robust design.
`ln Fígure 2, a portíon of the seismic streamer 12 is shown with an
`attached bird 18. A communication line 24, which may consist of a bundle of
`fÌber optic data transmíssíon cables and power transmissíon wires, passes
`along the length of the seismic streamer 12 and is connected to the seismic
`sensors, hydrophones 26, that are distributed along the length of the
`streamer, and to the bird 18. The bird 1B preferably has a pair of
`independently moveable wings 28 that are connected to rotatable shafts 32
`that are rotated by wing motors 34 and that allow the orientation of the wings
`28 with respect to the bird body 30 to be changed. When the shafts 32 of the
`bird 1B are not horizontal, this rotation causes the horizontal orientation of the
`wings 28 to change and thereby changes the horizontalforces that are
`applied to the streamer 12by the bird.
`The motors 34 can consist of any type of device that is capable of
`changing the orientation of the wings 28, and they are preferabry either
`electric motors or hydraufic actuators. The local control system 36 controls
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`PGS Exhibit 1081, pg. 12
`PGS v. WesternGeco (IPR2014-00687)

`o the movement of the wíngs 28 by calculating a desired change in the angle of
`the wings and then selectively driving the motors 34 to effectuate this change.
`While the preferred embodiment depicted utilizes a separate motor 34 for
`each wíng 28, it would be also be possible to independently move the wings
`2B using a single motor 34 and a select¡vely actuatable transmission
`When the bird 1B uses two wings 28 to produce the horízontal and
`vertical forces on the streamer 12, the required outputs of the local control
`system 36 are relatively simple, the directions and magnitudes of the wing
`movements required for each of the wings 28, or equivalently the magnitude
`and direction the motors 34 need to be driven to produce this wing
`movement. While the requíred outputs of the local control systern 36 for such
`a Nvo full moving wing design is quite simple, the structure and operation of
`the overall system required to coordinate control of the device is relatively
`Figure 3 shows a schematic vertical cross-sectional view through the
`streamer positioning device shown in Figure 2 that will allow the operation of
`the inventive controlsystem to be described in more detail. The components
`of the bird 18 shown ín Figure 3 include the wings 28 and the body 30. Also
`shown in Figure 3 are a horizontalcoordinate axis 38 and a vertical
`coordinate axis 40, During operation of the streamer Position¡ng control
`system, the global control system 22 preferably transmits, at regular intervals
`(such as every five seconds) a desired horizontal force 42 and a desired
`vertical force 44 to the local control system 36.
`combined within the local control system 36 to calculate the magnitude and
`direction of the desired total force 46 that the global control system 22 has
`instructed the localcontrolsystem to apply to the streamer 12. -fhe global
`ruffi :i$g'94g,il:80-, ,'..åCIt$#t20üf;..
`PGS Exhibit 1081, pg. 13
`PGS v. WesternGeco (IPR2014-00687)

`control system 22 could alternatively provide the magnitude and direction of
`the desired total force 46 to the local control system 36 instead of the desired
`horizontal force 42 and the desired vertical force 44.
`While the desired horizontal force 42 and the desired vertical force 44
`are pre'ferably calculated by the global control system 22,ilis also possible
`for the local control system 36 in the inventive control system to calculate one
`or both of these forces using a localized displacemenVforce conversion
`program. Thís type of localized conversion program may, for instance, use a
`look-up table or conversion routine that associates certain magnitudes and
`directions of vertical or horizontal displacements with certain magnitudes and
`directions of changes in the vertical or horizontal forces required. Using this
`type of embodiment, the global control system 22 can transmit location
`information to the local control system 36 instead of force information.
`lnstead of the desired vertical force 44, the global control system 22 can
`transmit a desired vertical depth and the local control system 36 can calculate
`the magnitude and direction of the deviation between the desired depth and
`the actual depth. Similarly, instead of transmittíng a desired horizontal force
`42,lhe global control system 22 can transmit the magnitude and direction of
`the displacement between the actual horizontal position and the desired
`horizontal position of the bird 18. One advantage to this alternative type of
`system is that the required vertical force can be rapidly updated as the local
`control system receives updated depth information from the integrated
`pressure sensor. Other advantages of this type of alternative system include
`reducing communication traffìc on the communication l¡ne 24 and simplifying
`the programming needed to convert the measured vertical andlor horizontal
`displacements into corresponding forces to be applied by the birds 18.
`When the local control system 36 has a new desired horizontal force
`42 and desired vertical force 44 to be applied, the wíngs 28 will typically not
`be in the proper orientation to provide the direction of the desired total force
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`PGS Exhibit 1081, pg. 14
`PGS v. WesternGeco (IPR2014-00687)

`o ' 46 required. As can be seen in Figure 3, the wings 28 introduce a force into
`the streamer 12 along an axis perpendicular to the rotational axis of the wings
`28 and perpendicular to the streamer. This force axis 48 is typically not
`properly aligned with the desired total force 46 when new desired horizontal
`and verticalforce values are rece¡ved from the global control system 22 or
`determined by the local control system 36 and some rotation of the bird 1B is
`requíred before the bird can produce this desired total force 46. As can be
`seen, the force axis 48 is directly related to the bird roll angle, designated in
`Figure 3 as g.
`The local controlsystem 36 optimizes the control process by projecting
`the desired total force 46 onto the force axis 48 (i.e. multiplying the magnitude
`of the desired total force by the cosine of the deviation angle 50) to produce
`an intermediate desired force 52 and then adjusting the wing common angle
`ø (the angle of the wings with respect to the bird body 30, or the average
`angle if there is a non-zero splay angle) to produce this magnitude of force
`along the force axis. The calculated desired common wing angle ís compared
`to the current common wing angle to calculate a desired change in the
`common wing angle and the wing motors 34 are actuated to produce this
`desired change in the orientation of the wings.
`A splay angle is then introduced into the wings 28 to produce a
`rotational movement in the bird body 30 (i.e. to rotate the force axis 48 to be
`aligned with the desired totalforce 46). The splay angle is the difference
`between the angles of the wings 28 with respect to the bird body 30. As the
`bird body 30 rotates and the force axis 48 becomes more closely aligned with
`the desired total force 46, the bird roll angle and the bird roll angular velocity
`angle is incrementally increased until the intermediate desired force 52 is in
`the same dírection and of the same magnitude as the desired total force. The
`local control system 36 carefully regulates the splay angle to ensure that the
`ireol$m.¡f ffi :ig9'g'49#i8ûi.ìleil:.'¡$0ïSfr20g8:.:
`PGS Exhibit 1081, pg. 15
`PGS v. WesternGeco (IPR2014-00687)

`streamer is stable in roll degree of freedom. The calculated common wing
`angle and the splay angle are also regulated by the local controlsystem 36 to
`prevent the wings 28 from stalling and to ensure that the splay angle is
`When using the type of birds described in our published PCT
`lnternationalApplication No. WO 98/28636, where the bird 1B is rigidly
`attached, and cannot rotate with respect, to the streamer 12, it is important for
`the control system to take the streamer twist into account. lf this is not taken
`into account, the bird 18 can use all of its available splay angle to counterthe
`twist in the streamer 12. The bird 18 wíll then be unable to reach the
`demanded roll angle and the generated force will decrease. The inventive
`control system incorporates two functions for addressing this situation, the
`anti-twist function and the untwist function.
`ln the anti-twist function, the streamer twist is estimated by
`weÍghtfunction filtering the splay angle measurements instead of simply
`averaging the splay angle measurements to improve the bandwidth of the
`eslimation. The anti-twist function engages when the estimated twist has
`reached a criticalvalue and it then overrides the normal shortest path control
`of the calculated roll angle. The anti-twist function forces the bird 18 to rotate
`in the opposite direction of the twist by adding +/- 180 degrees to the
`demanded roll angle. Once the twist has been reduced to an acceptable
`value, the anti-twist function disengages and the normal shortest path
`calculation is continued.
`The untwist function is implemented by the global control system 22
`regular intervals or when the splay angle has reached a critical value, the
`globalcontrol system 22 instructs each local control system 36 to rotate each
`bird 18 in the oppos¡te direction of the twist. The number of revolutions done
`PGS Exhibit 1081, pg. 16
`PGS v. WesternGeco (IPR2014-00687)

`o by each bird '18 is monitored and the untwist function is disengaged once the
`twist has reached an acceptable level
`Figure 4 is a schematic diagram of the architecture of the local control
`system 36 for

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