`@ U¡.¡rræp SrÀTEs P{r€¡+r ÆÐ
`thApr}rARK OFfroB
`ffiUãH &
`John H Boucha¡d
`Geo Quest
`Suite 1700
`5599 San Felipe
`HouEton,TX 77056
`DATEM ILED:û2¿6I2003
`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication conceming this application orproceeding.
`PTOgoC ßd,07.01)
`Plrnd Dc¡6. LLC
`PGS Exhibit 1080, pg. 1
`PGS v. WesternGeco (IPR2014-00687)

`Jesús D. Sotêlo
`com mu n ícatlon aPP ea ß o n
`Per¡od for Reply
`' ExtáôsloBoftimomayboôva¡l¡bl.ud.rthoprovblqsoa37cFRl.136la|.
`anÊr SIX (E MONT¡iS tÞm tha @¡ting dat! of tñls cffmuntcanon. '
`' llthepdiodlorreplysp€cifiedabmlaloslhtn-lhlrty(30)dsÌ¡,areplywithln.thosLatuh{ymlntmumdürídy(30)d6yEr¡¡Íbeænstdor.dt¡mcy.
`' It No pÊrlod ld GPlv io ÊÞoclflGd above, lhc msdmuñ iratlrory ieøá tíii"ipry."nu *n oú*" slx toiuöñiùË'r,iíìn" *lr,g d€t" a rhb @munt6rbn.
`' Fsiluretoroplvwilhlnthâ5otoro¡londrdpqiodforroplywitt,bysteuc.caubitreapptirarimro¡"jÀ'.ài¡i¡¡¡óä,¡Ëò
`' af¡yfoplyr@ivedàyhôofliæl8l6flh¡¡ihræmonr¡'Jl*eii¡åmiringã¡liorrhhæmunhat¡m,don¡ft¡m8lytìt€d,@yrcduceâny
`@rn.d patcnt tffi sd¡uúmÊnt. Sæ 37 CFR t.7tx(b).
`1)tr Responsive to communicat¡on(s) filed on _
`2a)n This action is FINAL.
`zb)E rn¡s acl¡on is non.f¡nal.
`3)tr s.ince thls appl¡cation is in condition for allowance except for formal maflers, prosecution as to the morlts ¡s
`crosed in accordânce with the practíco lndel Ex parte euayro, 1938 c.ö. r.i ,-+ss o.G. 21g.
`Disposition of Glaims
`4)El Claim(s) 25-49 istaîe p8nding in the applicatíon.
`4a) Ol the above cla¡m(s) _
`is/are wilhdrawn ffom consideration.
`5)E Claim(s) ..-
`iyare allov,,ed,
`6)El Ctaim(s) 25-4S ltare rejected.
`7)fl Claim(s) _
`is/are obj6ct6d to.
`8)¡ cla¡m(s) __ are subject to restriction and/or eleclion requirement.
`Appl¡cat¡on Papers
`9)D Ttre specifical¡on is objected to by the Exam¡ner.
`10)8Thedraw¡ng(s)f¡¡ed on02Julv2OOl isr/are: a)ffl acoeptEdorU)f| objectedtobytheExamlner.
`Applicånt may not request thet any objsction to the drawing(s) bo hetd in absyance. see 37 cFR 1_85(a).
`f 1)[ Tne proposed drawing conedion liled on _
`is: a)! approved b)E disapproved bythe Examiner.
`lf approved, coneoted drawings aro r6qulred In reply to this Otñco action.
`12)n fne osth or declaraüon is obj€cted
`to by fho Exâminer.
`Prior¡ty under 35 U.S.C- SS 1i9 and 120
`13)x Acknowledgment is made of acraimforforeign priority under3S u,s.c, s 1rg(a)-(d) or(0.
`a)BAil b)D Sornerc)E Noneof:
`1.8 Cert¡¡ed copies of the priority documenls have been received.
`2.r certifiod copies of the priority documents have been rece¡ved ¡n Application No. _
`3 E Copies of lhe cêrtmed co?l?: ollhe priority documents have been received ¡n this National stage
`application from the lntemationat Bureau (pCT Rulo 12.2(a)).
`' see the ettached detâiled office aclion for a l¡st of the cenified copies iôt recelved.
`14)t Acknowfedgment ls made of a da¡m for domestlc priority under 35 u.s.c. s 119(e) (to a provisional applicarion).
`a) [ The translation ofthe foreign language provislonal appl¡cation has been r€cêívod.
`1) I Notlce of Referonces Ctted (pTo-gg2)
`2) ! Nolice ot Drañsperson's patent Draw¡ng Rêvteì^, (pTO-g,tE)
`3) Ll lnformation Dlsctosure Statêment(s) (pTO_1¡l49) pâprr No(s) _
`PTO¡26 (Rêv.0a-01)
`4) [
`lnlwlew Summary (pTG413) papsr No(s). _
`5) Ll Ndlcê of lnlormal Pötent Appt¡cation (pTo-i52)
`6)D other;
`Ol¡co Action Sur¡mary
`Part ot Papêr No, O
`PGS Exhibit 1080, pg. 2
`PGS v. WesternGeco (IPR2014-00687)

`Application/Conrol Nur¡ber: 09 l7 87j23
`Art Unit: 3617
`Claims 25-48 are in rhe application. Clairns l-24 have been canccled.
`Claìm Rejections - 35 USC g 112
`The following is a quotation of the second paragraph of 35 U.S.C. l 12:
`Th€ spciñcatioo sha]t coDcludc with oûe or morÊ clai¡us penicdårly pointing ont aod distinctly chinmg ùe
`subject matter whic.b tle applicânt rcgaÍts es his invention.
`claims 3l-48 are rejected under 35 u.s,c. l12, second paragraph, as being indefinite
`for failing to particularly point out and distinctly claim the subject matter which applicant
`regards as the ir¡vention,
`In claim 3l and claim 32, the conditional phrases "may' make this claims indefinite for rhe
`subject matter is not positively reciæd. In claim 31, last line, there is no proper antecedent for
`"the turn".
`In claim 44, the reference to 'prognam units" is ambiguous and in line 2, the conditional
`phrase.makes this claim indefinite.
`Claím Rejectio¿s - 35 t/SC $ 103
`The following is a quoarion of 35 u.s.c. 103(a) whiòh forms rhe basis for all
`obviousness rejections set forth in this Office action:
`PGS Exhibit 1080, pg. 3
`PGS v. WesternGeco (IPR2014-00687)

`Application/Connol Number: Og nA7,123
`Art Unit: 3617
`Page 3
`(a) A pateut nay not be obtâined ûrorg[ the invenüon is m¡ irþntically disclosed or desøibed as set fortb in
`æct.ion I 02 of this title, if tl¡e diffe¡ences ùe¡weeD the subjecr mauer säught þ ùe paÞûed an4 te. prior art are
`such tbat üe sr¡bjett û¡¡rcr as a whole would have bcên obvious at ths time the inve¡tion *as ¡udË o "
`petson baving_ordimry ski.ll h üe art to which said subþct nattcr pertains. hrenability sball mt be
`negadved þ the manner in wNch the irvÊntion was made.
`claims 25-48 are rejected under 3i u.s,c. 103(a) as being unpatentable over Elholm.
`. Elholm discloses the method and apparatus as rec¡tÊd in the claims excepr that in the
`claims a plurality of positioning devices along the streamers is recired. The use of a plurality
`of positioningdevices iswell known in theartasevidenced from thedisclosure in figure l of
`the present application and acknowledged as "prior Art".
`The prior art made of record and not relied upon is considered pertinent to applicant,s
`dÍsclosure. Convoy and Dolengowski are cited as showing related art.
`7 '
`Any inquiry conceming this communication or earlier communications from the
`examiner should be directed to Jesús D. Sotelo whose relephone number is 703-308-2563. The
`examiner can normally be reached on Mon. - Fri. 6:00 AM -2:30 pM.
`If attempts to reach the examiner by ælephone are unsuccessful, the examiner,s
`supewisor, Samuel J, Morano can be reached on 703-30g4230. The fax phone numbers for
`the organization where this application or proceeding is assigned are 703-305-3597 for regular
`communicâtions and 703-3û5-3597 for After Final communications.
`PGS Exhibit 1080, pg. 4
`PGS v. WesternGeco (IPR2014-00687)

`Application/Control Number: 09 1787,723
`Art Unit: 3617
`Page 4
`Any inquiry of a general nature or relaring to rhe status of this application or proceeding
`should be directed to the receptionist whose telephone number is 703-308-1113.
`WÐ. Sarúo e'rlzr/o:
`Primary Examíner
`Aft Un¡r 3617
`CPK 5.6D16 O
`February 21,2003
`PGS Exhibit 1080, pg. 5
`PGS v. WesternGeco (IPR2014-00687)

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