Perturbations in 4D marine seismic
`Tim Brice
`WesternGeco Australia
`Leif Larsen
`WesternGeco UK
`Steve Morice
`WesternGeco UK
`Morten Svendsun
`WestemGeco Norway
`new concept
`for acquiring calibrated towed streamer
`new acquisition and
`seismic data is introduced through
`processing system The specification of the new system
`has been defined by rigorous analysis of the factors that
`the sensitivity of seismic data in 4D studies
`imaging New sensor
`data processing have
`the most significant
`perturbations to the seismic signal are swell noise and
`analysis revealed that
`sensor sensitivity variations Conventional
`of hydrophones
`are designed
`to suppress
`new technique for data-adaptive coherent
`analog groups
`swell noise
`source array geometry by monitoring
`the position
`azimuth of each subarray using GPS receivers mounted
`on the floats
`for variation
`New calibrated positioning and streamer control systems
`are part of the new acquisition system Active vertical and
`lateral streamer control
`is achieved
`using steerable birds
`and positioning uncertalnty is reduced through an in-built
`fully braced acoustic ranging system
`Calibrated marine seismic data
`are achieved
`the sensor
`quantifying the source output
`The consequential
`positioning uncertainty
`in seismic fidelity
`reliable 4D analysis
`in better
`imaging and more
`Keywords Calibrated seismic data perturbations
`4D seismic
`single sensor
`Notional Source Method steerable streamers
`noise attenuation delivers even greater noise suppression
`for densely spatially sampled single-sensor data
`Although modem source
`controllers provide
`the signature of an alrgun array may
`alrgun firing control
`to shot This can be due to factors such as
`vary from shot
`in the array geometry
`air pressure variations
`source array is the
`estimating the far-field signature of
`Notional Source Method proprietary to Schlumberger
`which has been steadily refined since its first disclosure
`Reservoir monitoring
`using time lapse or 4D seismic has
`for understanding the dynamic
`demonstrated its effectiveness
`behaviour of
`management 4D seismic studies can
`Map fluid movements pore fluid saturation changes and
`pressure changes
`Identify unswept oil and mull drilling opportunities
`Identify flow units and flow barriers
`Monitor the performance of enhanced recovery programs
`and constraln the
`spatial properties of
`reservoir model
`have been made for
`time lapse survey interpretations
`reservuirs with highly purous sands where fluid replacement
`has the greatest effect on seismic response The largest
`lapse signals are induced by the replacement of either oil or
`water by gas the replacement of oil by water generally leads
`smaller time lapse signal Altering the pressure regime
`reservoir will
`induce time lapse anomalies within the
`and the period between
`surveys will also affect
`magnitude of the time lapse signal
`The method has
`that will open for
`yet unrealized potential
`wider use if higher repeatability and greater sensitivity can be
`obtalned Wider
`be more quantitative
`over shorter
`time intervals and
`interpretations monitoring
`application of the technology
`complex reservoirs However
`is only detectable
`the time lapse signal
`is not masked
`by noise
`between different phases
`Perturbations errors and differences
`4D seismic study create noise when datasets acquired at
`for changes This noise can mask
`times are analysed
`the subtie variations in the seismic response of the reservoir
`in pore fluids The
`indicate changes
`can be internal or external
`to the acquisition
`system Examples of internal perturbations
`to smallcr tightcr
`and more
`like all
`are hydrophone
`errors External
`perturbations include environmental
`such as rough sea
`and tidal variations We can divide the perturbations internal
`and external into
`the received signal
`sensitivity variations and ambient noise like swell
`that affect
`signature such as
`shot-to-shot variations in the source output and the array
`the emitted source
`Those that affect positioning accuracy
`as sea currents and positioning network
`and reliability such
`Geophysical Conference and Exhibition August2001 Brisbane
`Extended Abstracts
`PGS Exhibit 1071, pg. 1
`PGS v. WesternGeco (IPR2014-00687)


`Perturbations in 4D marine seismic
`Brice at al
`then defined to attenuate
`signal The result is
`the noise while leaving the reflected
`improvement of the signal-
`to-noise ratio in the region of 6-12dB of the seismic data
`and increased
`agalnst noise during data acquisition
`in marginal weather see Figure
`The effects of these perturbations
`been studied using
`both modelled and real data examples and the impact on
`It was with these factors in
`seismic data quality quantified
`mind that Schlumberger developed
`new marine acquisition
`system called Q-Marine The design features of system that
`from conventional marine acquisition systems
`may be summarised as follows
`differentiate it
`Calibrated positioning with streamer steering capability
`Calibrated sensors individually recorded
`Calibrated sources
`the quality of seismic data both for
`perturbation that
`high resolution imaging and repeatability in 4D studies
`Calibrated receivers
`The two most significant perturbations to the signal received
`streamer are swell noise and sensor sensitivity
`streamers contaln hard wired spatial arrays of
`to suppress noise these arrays also act
`for non-vertical
`hydrophones designed
`ray paths
`receiver elements forms
`Connecting the outputs of individual
`receiver groups however there are drawbacks
`associated with
`the nature of the analog array The outputs of these elements
`are simply susnmed without
`any processing applied as
`group forming is hard-wired in the acquisition system The
`ideal would be to record each individual
`receiver element into
`its own seismic channel single sensor
`the wavefield
`dense grid of
`Comparison of shot domain
`streamer Nessie
`right The point-receiver
`data are displayed after digital
`group forming using the data adaptive
`data recorded
`coherent noise
`Calibrated positioning
`is regarded as the
`Repeatability of the acquisition footprint
`for 4D surveys Some of the most successful
`using the
`key requirement
`4D studies
`surveys This
`acquisition configurations
`and depths The
`means identical streamer lengths separations
`source arrays should be identical with the same tow depths
`sailines should have identical directions and shot
`locations to
`the baseline survey With
`to exactly replicate receiver
`streamer system it
`is very difficult
`positions due to the effects of current on streamer feathering
`those of
`Variations in the acquisition footprint
`also depend
`from survey to survey
`on positioning accuracies Relative positioning
`combination of GPS
`spread depend
`range finders
`solver Crossline accuracies
`performance of
`than inline and conventional
`systems have crossline
`errors which may be as high as 12m Archer et al 1999
`errors and Morice et al
`studied the effects of positioning
`2000 analysed the impact on 3D imaging as functions of dip
`and frequency
`In broad terms they suggest
`target accuracy
`of 2-3m is required to reduce non-repeatable noise in
`signal below other sources of error
`so that
`alias free
`and equipment
`this has been prohibited by cost
`limitations The Q-Marmne system is able to record data from
`in the streamer and can record more than
`each single sensor
`4000 individual
`hydrophones on each of up to 20 streamers
`total of up to 80000 channels Onboard computer
`perform sophisticated noise attenuation
`processing systems
`much more
`arrays while
`hydrophone sensitivity variations
`for individual
`New proprietary
`each delivered with its own aging
`are used
`These values
`profile and sensitivity certificate
`are stored
`the streamer electronics for automatic data calibration
`sensors allows more effective removal of
`Recording individual
`noise caused by the movement of the equipment
`through the
`The principal
`affecting marine towed
`noise source
`streamer data is the flow of water across the streamer Vertical
`cross-flow can be introduced by wave
`and is often
`termed swell noise Horizontal cross-flow is introduced by the
`towing of the equipment and local water currents All sources
`of cross-flow generates vibrations in the streamer in
`of characteristic modes
`appearing completely
`to handle in data from conventional
`The same noise
`spatial sampling
`groups due to inadequate
`from single sensor
`will however
`records appear coherent
`removable utilizing adaptive noise attenuation methods
`new technique for data adaptive
`noise attenuation
`has been developed Ozbek 2000 which delivers greater
`noise suppression for densely sampled point receiver data than
`The method works by searching
`conventional arrays
`low frequency
`low velocity
`noise fields across
`groups of adjacent
`suitable multi-channel
`see Figure
`and constant
`ASEG lfl Geophysical Conference and Exhibition August 2001 Brisbane
`The new system provides lateral steering of the streamers
`is now possible to
`addition to depth control Utilising this it
`steer several degrees laterally from the natural streamer feather
`new positioning system
`angle This ability is coupled with
`fully braced acoustic network from the front
`based on
`to the
`tall of the streamers providing greatly improved relative and
`absolute accuracy Using the new steering system streamers
`can be towed with crossline separations as littie as 25
`Streamer steering devices are mounted inline with the streamer
`to avoid noise and provide the desired mix of horizontal and
`two independentiy operating wings
`The ability to steer horizontally provides close
`streamer separation giving improved crossline
`force with their
`Extended Abstracts
`PGS Exhibit 1071, pg. 2
`PGS v. WesternGeco (IPR2014-00687)


`Perturbations in 4D marine seismic
`Brice at
`the ability
`sampling and
`for optimal
`and repeatability from survey to survey
`to steer
`Inline steerable bird Tbe two wings operate
`and lateral steering Tests
`to allow vertical
`show that
`conventional depth control birds
`The new accurate positioning system provides
`independent of
`robust broadband
`source having its own signal code
`signal with each acoustic
`enabling simultaneous shooting The positioning signal can be
`by any seismic hydrophone in the streamer and
`super fast acoustic
`network solver performs correlation and
`accuracy better than meters anywhere along the streamers
`is an
`Streamer steering and accurate positioning improves the safety
`of seismic operation in busy oil
`steered around potential hazards
`fields as the streamers
`can be
`such as surface installations
`Calibrated sources
`The signature of an airgun source array is known to vary from
`to the next depending on variations in the individual
`one shot
`airgun firing times alrgun chamber pressure sea conditions
`and array geometry
`These shot
`to-shot variations reduce the
`and resolution of
`the seismic data and can mask
`subtle effects due to reservoir pore fluid changes
`in time-lapse
`how modelled changes
`in fluid
`can be masked by source and receiver variations
`three plots show modelled data with
`The upper
`Sm change
`the time lapse change
`in the oil/water
`right is as much as 25dB lower than the seismic response
`three plots illustrate how the
`of the reservoir The lower
`noise behind
`from random shot amplitude
`the signal
`and random receiver
`mask the seismic differences The variations are 5% in each
`realistic ranges for conventional
`Removal of these shot-to shot variations may be accomplished
`by signature deconvolution for which the far field signature is
`that would be recorded by
`below the
`required This is the
`distance from the source array needs to be sufficient such that
`the array output appears
`to the hydrophone as
`single pulse
`number of pulses
`from the individual
`is in excess of lOOm it
`this distance
`is impractical
`record the far field signature during production
`The far-field signature can be estimated from the combination
`of array components One approach
`to use
`signature from library of previously recorded gun signatures
`and combine these using special
`source modelling software to
`far field signature The downside of this method is
`the estimate does
`to shot
`caused by timing air pressure changes and varying depths etc
`is to use
`gun recorded
`better approach
`real signature for
`during the shot
`this is recorded by
`field hydrophonc
`NFH which is placed
`to each gun However
`directly next
`each NFH not only receives
`pulse from its own
`the acoustic
`gun but also its ghost arrival bounced
`off the sea surface
`signals from all uther guns
`in the array and
`the NFH is not
`elements Thus
`pure measure of the gun
`signature The new system takes the recorded NFH signals and
`an uncontaminated
`near field signature in real time
`This is done using the Notional Source Method of Ziolowski
`et al 1982 which takes
`into account
`the various pressure
`their ghost
`Geophysical Conference and Exhibition August2001 Brisbane
`Extended Abstracts
`PGS Exhibit 1071, pg. 3
`PGS v. WesternGeco (IPR2014-00687)


`Perturbations in 4D marine seismic
`the relative movement of
`source signature The notional sources
`by subtracting scaled and time delayed signatures of
`the adjacent airgun hydrophones from each respective
`and time delays of the
`is used
`the travel path
`the bubbles to
`Data recorded with the new generation of acquisition system
`will minimise the impact of the acquisition footprint
`on time
`The amount of ambient noise in the data
`lapse interpretations
`through the use of single sensor
`be greatly reduced
`recording and digital group forming The quality of the final
`image and frequency content of data will be and the accuracy
`improve to allow the detection of
`interpretations will
`time-lapse signals This will allow periods between
`to be reduced giving greater control of the
`monitoring surveys
`reservoir management
`This paper is the result of contributions from numerous people
`which includes but is not limited to the following persons
`G.J.M Baeten
`Laake J.E Martin
`Peters P.L Vermeer
`and Cross
`1999 Spatially and temporally correlated errors how do they
`17 11
`themselves in seismic data First Break
`and Canter
`Expanded abstracts 62nd Conf European Association of
`Geoscientists and Engineers
`2000-Expanded abstracts 70th Ann Mtg SEQ
`Parkes G.E Hatton
`and Haugland
`1982 The signature of an airgun array Computation from
`near-field measurements including interactions Geophysics
`47 10 1413
`interfering energy and accurate measurements of the
`source geometry are derived from dGPS units on the subarray
`floats The far-field signature is then derived from the notional
`source signatures raw NIFH signals notional
`source signals
`and the computed far-field signature estimate are recorded on
`auxiliary channels
`signature is
`for each
`for accurate
`is that by combining
`during processing
`the notional source signatures offiine far-field estimates with
`coefficients can be generated
`Experiments using
`hydrophone towed deep below the source
`the measured
`excellent agreement
`and the estimate arrived at by the notional
`algorithm Compensation
`improves the bandwidth of the seismic data and enhances
`analysis such as AVO Measurement
`accuracy of advanced
`in the
`compensation for variations
`4D study removes major perturbation
`phases of
`from the time-lapse signal
`Geophysical Conference and Exhibition August2001 Brisbane
`Extended Abstracts
`PGS Exhibit 1071, pg. 4
`PGS v. WesternGeco (IPR2014-00687)

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