
`Ex. PGS 1029
`EX. PGS 1029


`United States Patent
`[ll] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Apr. 6, 1993
`rwowmr: MUL’I'I-Cl-IANNEL mama
`Inventor: Robert E. Rouquem: Kenner, La
`[73] Assignee: The Laitram Corporation, Harahan,
`[2!] Appl. No; 825,!!!7
`[22] Filed:
`Jan. at, 1992
`Int. Cl.5 ............................................... 001V 1/22
`[52] U.S. Cl. ............................ 367/76
`[58] Field of Search ............................. 367/20, 76, 80;
`340/87018, 870.26, 854.9
`References Cited
`3,958,216 5/1976 Chapman .............................. 367/80
`8/1980 Joostcn
`3/1990 Fowler
`..... 367/76
`4,967.40) 10/1990 Woods .................................. 367/21
`Primary Examiner—Ian J. Lobo
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—James T. Cronvich
`For use with marine seismic streamers, a two-wire,
`mum-channel communication system capable of han-
`dling the high throughput necessary for effective com-
`munication between a central controller aboard a tow
`vessel and the many sensors deployed along the
`streamer. The central controller includes an intelligent
`modem with the capability of transmitting and receiv-
`ing frequency-modulated message signals on one or
`more signal
`lines, such a conventional
`wires, over a number of individual inbound and out-
`bound frequency channels. In the preferred embodi-
`ment, seventeen channels are spread over a frequency
`band ranging from about 20 kHz to l00 kHz, thereby
`making available for communication a bandwidth much
`wider than available in conventional single-channel
`streamer communication. In this way, many positioning
`sensors, such as compasses, depth sensors, cable-level-
`ing birds, and acoustic-ranging transceivers, attached to
`the streamer and each having a transmitter and receiver
`tuned to one of the modem’s inbound and outbound
`channels, respectively, can be put in communication
`with the modem. To take advantage of its high through-
`put capability, the intelligent modem refers to a stored
`table of individual sensor parameters. such as sensor
`type, transmit channel, and receive channel, to schedule
`an efficient scan of the sensors. As a diagnostic tool, the
`communication system also monitors the quality and
`performance of the communication link by measuring
`and recording such parameters as the transmitted and
`received signal strengths, signal-to-noise ratios, and
`number of incorrectly received messages.
`25 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets
`EX. PGS 1029


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`EX. PGS 1029
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`Ex. PGS 1029


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`EX. PGS 1029
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`FIG. 3A
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`Ex. PGS 1029


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`I FIG.5
`Ex. PGS 1029


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`Ex. PGS 1029




`O O
`W -
`CH. 2
`CH. 3
`CH. 4
`CH. 5
`-L 1
`2345 678910
`TAIL END .———————————-——————- HEAD END
`FIG. 9
`Ex. PGS 1029


`This invention relates to multiple sensor communica-
`tion and, more particularly, to apparatus and methods
`for achieving multi-channel communication with many
`sensor devices connected across a two-wire communi-
`cation path in a seismic streamer cable.
`In a marine seismic survey, a surveying vessel tows
`one or more seismic cables or streamers. Each streamer
`is outfitted with distributed seismic transducers, namely
`hydrophones, and position-control devices and posi-
`tion-determining sensors, such as cable—leveling birds,
`compasses, depth (pressure) sensors, and hydroacoustic
`ranging transceivers. Data from the hydrophones are
`sent to a controller on board the vessel via a high-speed
`data link, which could be an optical-fiber link. Data
`from the position sensors, on the other hand, are typi-
`cally transmitted to the controller via a two-wire, twist-
`ed-pair line, each wire of the pair being no larger than
`size 22 AWG. Sensors are connected along the twisted
`pair in one of two ways. First, in-streamer sensors are
`connected in parallel directly across the twisted pair.
`Typically, iii-streamer sensors are also powered over
`the twisted pair. Second, outlying sensors, such as those
`sensors residing in cable-leveling birds or hydroacoustic
`transceivers, are individually coupled to the twisted
`pair by means of a coupling coil connected in parallel
`across the twisted pair. Each outlying sensor has an
`individual, associated coil in the streamer.
`The coupling coils in the streamer are conventionally
`tuned to the same frequency and typically have a fairly
`high selectivity, or Q, giving the two-wire communica-
`tion system a narrow bandwidth and a relatively low
`data rate. The high Q further makes tuning of the trans-
`mitting frequency critical for effective communication.
`Because noise generated in the neighboring power sys-
`tem for the high-speed hydrophone data link occurs at
`a dominant frequency of about 2 kHz with harmonic
`level decreasing with frequency to beyond 100 kHz,
`typical two-wire communication takes place at about 25
`kHz. Conventional communication is achieved my
`means of frequency-shift-keying (FSK) modulation.
`Other variations of angle modulation, such as quadra-
`ture-phase-shift keying (QPSK) and bipolarphase—shift
`keying (BPSK), are also commonly used. Carrier fre-
`quencies on the order of 20 kHz—30 kHz are common.
`Proper tuning of the carrier frequency is critical to
`achieve a signal-to-noise ratio adequate for effective
`communication. Thus, present-day two-wire streamer
`communication relies heavily on a properly tuned sys-
`Prior art two—wire communication with position sen—
`sors on streamers has generally been realized by half-
`duplex, single-channel communication schemes. Conse-
`quently, only one sensor is allowed to send data at a
`time. Likewise, no sensor may send data while the con-
`troller is communicating. Such limitations have only
`recently become important. Several developments
`promise to make the half-duplex, single-channel com-
`munication system inadequate to meet expected de-
`mands in position-determining requirements. First, by-
`droacoustic ranging systems are seeing more wide-
`spread use. The positioning accuracy they provide,
`particularly in multi-streamer applications, is necessary
`to support the increased accuracy being demanded of
`seismic surveys. Each hydroacoustic transceiver typi-
`cally transmits much more data to the controller than
`other sensors, such as compasses and depth sensors.
`Second, maximum streamer lengths of 10 km are ex-
`pected to, become commonplace, in contrast to 6 km
`today. Longer streamers accommodate more sensors on
`a single twisted pair with the concomitant increase in
`data traffic. Third, in the continuing quest for greater
`accuracy, today’s typical spacings of every 300 m for
`depth sensors and compasses may well be replaced by
`spacings of 100 m, for a threefold increase in the number
`of these sensing devices. Fourth, to avoid interference
`with seismic measurement activity, availability of the
`communication system for data traffic may be limited to
`two seconds or less every seismic shot interval, which is
`typically ten seconds. Thus, in view of the expected
`expanded use of acoustics, longer streamers, closer sen.
`sor spacing, and narrower data transmission intervals,
`prior art two-wire streamer communication systems
`will be inadequate to handle the increased data traffic.
`Aside from being unable to handle the increased data
`traffic, prior art two-wire communication systems do
`not predict communication failures. Failure to termi-
`nate the twisted-pair line properly causes standing
`waves on the line that can null out the signals at sensor
`positions along the line. Broken or shorted connections
`are another source of faulty communications. Finally,
`saltwater leakage causes deterioration of the communi-
`cation link over time. Prior art communication systems
`do not recognize deterioration of the communication
`link until it is all but dead.
`Therefore, one object of the invention is reliable, high
`throughput data communication over existing twisted-
`pair lines with many sensors distributed along marine
`seismic streamers up to 10 km long. It is a further object
`of the invention to permit early diagnosis of deteriorat-
`ing communication so that prompt corrective action
`can be taken.
`For a further understanding of the nature and objects
`of the present invention, reference should be made to
`the following detailed description, including the accom-
`panying drawings, in which:
`FIG. 1 is side view of a seismic surveying vessel
`towing a streamer outfitted with sensing and streamer
`control devices in communication with a controller
`aboard the vessel in accordance with the invention;
`FIG. 2 is a partial cutaway schematic view of a sec-
`tion of a conventional seismic streamer representing
`two twisted-pair communication lines, one showing
`parallel-connected coupling coils, in-line devices, and a
`line termination;
`FIG. 3A is a family of curves representing the signal
`strength as a function of frequency for various distances
`from a 20 dBV (10 V) signal source for a conventional
`22 AWG twisted-pair communication line with a num-
`ber of low Q coupling coils distributed therealong;
`FIG. 3B is a family of curves as in FIG. 3A, but for
`a higher Q coupling coil, along with the interference
`spectrum in the streamer environment;
`FIG. 4A is a family of curves representing the group
`of delay as a function of frequency for various distances
`from a signal source, corresponding to the line with low
`Ex. PGS 1029
`Ex. PGS 1029


`Q coupling coils having the signal strength characteris-
`tic of FIG. 3A;
`FIG. 4B is a family of curves as in FIG. 4A, but
`corresponding to the high Q coupling coil having the
`signal strength characteristic of FIG. 3B;
`FIG. 5 is a partial schematic block diagram of a pre-
`ferred embodiment of the communication apparatus of
`the invention;
`FIG. 6 is a schematic block diagram of another em-
`bodiment of the invention showing some compo
`nents in more detail than in FIG. 5;
`FIG. 7 is a schematic diagram of a multiplexer circuit
`used in the invention to monitor electrical transmission
`and reception parameters;
`FIG. 8 is a timing diagram depicting an exemplary
`polling and response sequence according to the inven-
`tion; and
`FIG. 9 is a chart showing the preferred channel as-
`signment of the communication system of the invention.
`A seismic surveying vessel 20 is depicted in FIG. 1
`towing a seismic streamer 22 beneath the sea surface 21.
`Distributed along the length of the streamer 22 are
`iii-streamer sensors 24A-D, such as compasses and
`depth sensors, and outboard devices, such as cable-lev-
`eling birds 26A—B and acoustic ranging transceivers
`28A-B. For brevity, all such devices are hereinafter
`referred to generally as sensors. The outboard sensors
`are connected to the streamer 22 by means of collars 27
`clamped around the streamer. The streamer includes a
`front-end marker buoy 30 tethered to the streamer 22 by
`a tether cable 32 and a tail-end buoy 34 tethered to the
`' end of the streamer 22 by a tether cable 36. The sensors
`24, 26, and 28 are all in communication with a central
`controller 38 on board the vessel 20. Hydrophones (not
`shown) are also distributed along the streamer 22 for
`detecting seismic energy generated by a seismic source
`(also not shown) and reflected off geologic structures in
`the earth’s surface. The birds 26A—B, such as the Model
`5000 manufactured by DigiCOURSE, Inc., the subsid-
`iary of the assignee of this invention, are used to control
`the depth of the streamer 22. Outfltted with heading
`sensors and depth sensors, a bird 26 can also communi-
`cate heading and depth data to the on-board controller
`38 for use in predicting the shape of the streamer 22.
`The acoustic ranging transceivers 28A—B transmit tran-
`sit time information to the controller 38 also for use in
`estimating the shape of the streamer 22. Of course, a
`typical deployment would include many more of such
`sensors and more streamers than shown in FIG. 1.
`Communication between the sensors and the on-
`board controller is effected over one or more two-wire
`lines running through the streamer as shown in FIG. 2.
`The cutaway side view of a portion of a streamer 40
`reveals, in this example, two twisted-pair hues 42A—B.
`An outboard bird 44, clamped to the streamer 40 by a
`collar (not shown), communicates with the on-board
`controller by means of inductive coupling between an
`in-streamer primary coil 46A and a secondary coil 48A
`within the bird 44 or its collar. A capacitor 45A, in
`series with the primary coil 46A, blocks direct current
`Sused to power in-streamer sensors. Control signals are
`received by the bird electronics 50 to control the wings
`of the bird and, thereby, the depth of the streamer. The
`bird electronics also measure various operating parame-
`ters, such as depth, heading, wing angle, temperature,
`and battery status, and send such data to the controller
`upon request. In a similar manner, the controller com-
`municates over the same line 42A with an acoustic
`ranging transceiver 52 and its internal electronics pack-
`age 54 by means ofa similar primary coil 463 and ca-
`pacitor 45B and secondary coil 483. As can be seen,
`each outboard device is put into communication with
`the line 42A by means of a corresponding coil 46 con-
`nected in parallel across the twisted-pair line.
`streamer devices, such as a heading sensor 56, are con-
`nected directly in parallel across the lines of the line
`42B. To prevent line reflections that can cause nulls in
`the communication signals, the line 42B is terminated
`with its characteristic impedance 58. Thus, a twisted-
`pair line over which cable-position sensors communi-
`cate with the on-board controller contains a number of
`coupling coils or in-streamer devices all connected in
`parallel across the line. Each sensor has a unique ad-
`dress or serial number identifier for communication
`Ex. PGS 1029
`These and other objects are achieved by the present
`invention, which provides a multi-channel, two-wire
`communication system for sending commands and data
`requests to and receiving data rom many positioning
`sensors and cable-leveling devices distributed along a
`seismic streamer. The apparatus of the invention in-
`cludes a central controller comprising an intelligent
`modem that can scan the many streamer devices for
`cable-positioning data each seismic shot interval. By
`referring to an equipment table stored in memory, the
`intelligent modem polls each device in an efficient and
`orderly fashion by transmitting message signals over an
`outbound channel. Responses from the polled devices in
`the form of message signals are received by the modem
`over one or more inbound channels different from the
`outbound channel. According to a preferred embodi-
`ment, a modem has the capability of transmitting out-
`bound commands or data request messages one of four
`channels as frequency-modulated signals and of receiv-
`ing frequency-modulated response messages on one of
`thirteen inbound channels.
`My measurements and modeling ofthe loss and group4
`delay characteristics of conventional 22 AWG and4
`smaller twisted-pair, coupling-coil-laden streamer com-
`munication hues revealed relatively flat loss and group
`delay characteristics above conventional coil resonant
`frequencies of 20 kHz—25 kHz up to about 100 kHz. My
`further measurements of the power system interference
`spectrum level revealed signal-tomoise ratios adequate
`for successful communication at frequencies from about
`200 kHz up to 100 kHz. The novel streamer communi-
`cation system of the invention takes advantage of the
`newly recognized loss and group delay characteristics
`and the interference spectrum by operating over a mu]-
`titude of channels between about 20 kHz and 100 kHz,
`instead of a single channel as is conventionally done,
`thereby permitting the much higher data throughput
`rates necessary for advanced cable-positioning solu-
`tions. The invention additionally provides an operator
`on board the survey vessel with communication quality
`and performance measures, such as inbound and out-
`bound signal strengths and signal-to-noise ratios, ac line
`impedance, dc line load, false carrier detections, and
`message errors for detection of streamer problems ear-
`lier than heretofore possible.
`Ex. PGS 1029


`addressing. An individual 10 km twisted-pair line could
`include up to 377 parallel sensors. For long streamers
`having more sensors than a single twisted-pair line can
`handle, additional lines could be used as exemplified by
`the two twisted-pairs 42A and 428 in FIG. 2.
`In a conventional twisted-pair communication sys-
`tem, with a wire size of 22 AWG and having a number
`of identical low Q coupling coils distributed therealong,
`the signal strength characteristic is typified by FIG. 3A.
`For convenience of comparison with the interference
`spectrum, the signal strength of a signal 10 transmitted
`at a level of 20 dBV, or 10 V, by a signal source is
`plotted as a function of frequency for various distances
`from the source, instead of the reciprocal loss character-
`istic. The signal strength characteristic for a line having
`a number of high Q coils is shown in FIG. 3B. For
`example, in FIG. 3A, at 50 kHz with low Q coils, the
`signal strength (—50 dB) at a distance of 8 km from the
`signal source is about 19 dB less than the signal strength
`(—-31 dB) at a distance of 4 km. It is important to notice
`that, although the signal strength decreases with fre-
`quency, so does the interference spectrum level 60,
`which decreases with frequency from 20 kHz to 100
`kHz, as shown in FIG. 3B. Furthermore, the group
`delay characteristic between 20 kHz and 100 kHz for
`both high and low Q coils, shown in FIGS. 4A and 4B,
`is relatively flat. A non-flat group delay characteristic
`for which the delays of the upper and lower frequencies
`of a frequency-modulated signal differ by more than
`about 0.1 ms at 2400 baud degrades the performance of 30
`conventional modems. Thus, a significant bandwidth is
`available for frequency-modulated communication over
`existing twisted-pair lines above the coil resonant fre-
`quency of about 20 kHz.
`Instead of limiting communication to the relatively 3S
`narrow bandwidth of the coil resonance characteristic,
`the present invention takes advantage of the wide band-
`width available above 20 kHz to communicate effi-
`ciently with many sensors. The preferred communica-
`tion scheme is a multi—channel approach, in which 17
`individual narrow-band channels from about 20 kHz to
`100 kHz are used to permit full-duplex communication
`with many sensors distributed along a streamer. Chan-
`nels are limited to below 100 kHz, because, at higher
`frequencies, the two-wire line behaves more like a dis-
`tributed parameter transmission line than a lumped pa-
`rameter circuit. Such a multi-channel approach permits
`sensors operating on separate channels to communicate
`simultaneously. Because of the signal strength charac-
`teristics and interference spectrum shown in FIG. 3,
`channels are assigned to sensors according their dis-
`tances from the on.board controller for best signal-to-
`interference ratios. Lower frequency channels are as-
`signed to those sensors farthest from the controller. One
`skilled in the art will recognize that the invention could
`likewise be used with communication lines other than
`twisted-pair lines, as long as they exhibit similar signal
`strength and group delay characteristics.
`A block diagram of the multi-channel communication
`system of the preferred embodiment of the invention is
`shown in FIG. 5. Communication with streamer sensors
`is realized by a modem configured around a modem
`processor 70 having a RAM scratchpad memory 74 and
`non-volatile memory 72, such as ROM, for program
`storage. The modem processor sends and receives sen-
`sor commands and data from the other processing
`equipment on board the survey vessel over a parallel
`system bus 76, such as a VME bus. Bus control circuits
`78 interface the modem processor 70 with a communi-
`cation processor 80 in communication with other on-
`board processing equipment. (The central controller 38
`in FIG. 1 includes the modem processor 70 and the
`communication processor 80.) Preferably, data are
`passed between the communication processor 80 and
`the modem processor 70 through designated memory
`areas in a dual-ported RAM 82 shared by the two pro-
`cessors. Interrupts from the communication processor
`80 signifying the start of a sensor scan cycle are also
`passed to the modem processor 70 over the system bus
`The modem processor 70 communicates with the
`individual sensors over twisted-pair lines 84A—H each
`containing a number of parallel-connected coils or in-
`streamer sensors. For simplicity each twisted-pair line is
`represented by a single line in FIG. 5. Each line is con-
`nected to an individual modem physical layer 86A-H.
`A typical physical layer comprises a transmit path, a
`receive path, and an isolation transformer 88.
`The transmit path includes a digital transmitter 90
`controlled by the modem processor 70. The digital
`transmitter 90 is programmed or preset to synthesize a
`frequency-modulated digital signal at its output, the
`modulation being a function of the data to be transmit-
`ted. The digital signal is applied to a D/A converter 92
`to produce an analog frequency-modulated signal,
`which is filtered by a bandpass filter 94 to remove digi.
`tal noise and out-of-channel signal, and amplified by a
`power amplifier 96 before being coupled onto the line
`84A via the transformer 88 for transmission to the sen-
`sors. Data transmitted by a sensor are coupled into the
`physical layer 86A through the transformer 88. A band-
`pass filter 98 eliminates low-frequency interference,
`such as seismic interference and power system interfer-
`ence, and transmitter interference from the receiver.
`The filtered signal is buffered in a pre—amp 100 before
`being applied to an A/D converter 102, which converts
`the analog receive signal into a digital signal to be de-
`modulated by a digital receiver 104. The demodulated
`data are then sent to the modem processor 70 from the
`layers 86A-H over UART ports 106A-H.
`Although only two lines 108A-H and 109A—H are
`shown for each UART port 106A—H, a full RS-232C
`handshaking link is implemented, as will be described
`hereinafter. Although the block diagram of FIG. 5
`shows eight physical layers, it should be recognized that
`realizations having more physical layers are within the
`scope of the invention.
`In a preferred embodiment, the transmitter 90 and the
`receiver 104 are realized by a multiplicity of digital-sig-
`nal-processing (DSP) integrated circuits, such as the
`Model TMS3ZOC40 manufactured by Texas Instru-
`ments, Inc., Dallas, Tx. Such a device allows great
`flexibility in selecting carrier frequencies and modula-
`tion schemes. In this embodiment, however, a minimum
`frequency-shift-keying modulation (MSK) scheme is
`used whereby a logic low data bit causes a frequency of
`1:400 Hz to be transmitted and a logic high data bit
`causes a frequency of fc+600 Hz to be transmitted
`where 1'; is the transmit channel center frequency. Data
`bit rates of 2400 baud make the system compatible with
`the group delay characteristic of the channel. As a
`transceiver, the DSP integrated circuit is capable of full
`duplex Operation,
`i.e., simultaneous transmission and
`reception, as well as simultaneous multi-channel recep-
`Ex. PGS 1029
`Ex. PGS 1029


`In another embodiment, shown in the schematic
`block diagram of FIG. 6, the transmit and receive func-
`tions of the physical layer are performed by analog and

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