`Patent Owner
`CASE IPR: Unassigned
`Patent 7,162,967 B2

`INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 1
`II. QUALIFICATIONS ........................................................................................... 2
`IV. LEGAL STANDARDS ....................................................................................... 8
`A. Claim Construction .......................................................................................... 8
`B. Anticipation ..................................................................................................... 8
`C. Obviousness ..................................................................................................... 9
`D. Person of Ordinary Skill in the Art .................................................................. 9
`V. SUMMARY OF OPINION .............................................................................. 10
`VI. TECHNICAL BACKGROUND ....................................................................... 11
`B. Streamer Steering Overview .......................................................................... 19
`VII. THE ’967 PATENT ....................................................................................... 41
`A. Brief Description of Relevant File History ................................................... 41
`B. Relevant Time Frame for Analysis of the ’967 Patent .................................. 43
`C. The Specification of the ’967 Patent ............................................................. 43
`D. The Challenged Claims – Claims 1 and 15 of the ’967 Patent...................... 45
`VIII. Construction of Relevant Claim Terms ......................................................... 46
`A. Streamer positioning device: “a device that controls the position of a
`streamer as it is towed (e.g., a ‘bird’)” ................................................................. 47
`B. Location information: “Information regarding location” ............................. 49
`C. Global control system: “a control system that sends commands to other
`devices in a system (e.g., local control systems)” ................................................ 49
`D. Local control system: “a control system located on or near the streamer
`positioning devices (e.g., birds)” .......................................................................... 51
`E. On or in-line with: “either in-line with the streamer or attached to the
`streamer, whether fastened on the streamer by clamping or other means” .......... 52
`IX. DETAILED OPINION ...................................................................................... 53
`A. Claims 1 and 15 are Anticipated by the ’636 PCT. ....................................... 56
`B. Claims 1 and 15 are Obvious Over the ’636 PCT. ........................................ 68

`D. Claims 1 and 15 are Obvious Over Ambs. .................................................. ..82
`E. Claims 1 and 15 are Obvious Over Elhom in vew of the ’636 PCT. .......... ..83
`C. Claims 1 and 15 are Anticipated by Ambs. ................................................... 70
`C. Claims 1 and 15 are Anticipated by Ambs. ................................................. ..70
`D. Claims 1 and 15 are Obvious Over Ambs. .................................................... 82
`E. Claims 1 and 15 are Obvious Over Elhom in vew of the ’636 PCT. ............ 83
`X. CONCLUSION ................................................................................................. 97
`X. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................... ..97

`I, Dr. Brian Evans, hereby state the following:
`I have been retained by Petroleum Geo-Services, Inc. (“PGS”) to
`provide technical assistance related to the filing of a Petition for Inter Partes
`Review of U.S. Patent No. 7,162,967 B2 (“the ’967 Patent”) (Ex. 1001). I am
`working as a private consultant on this matter and the opinions presented here are
`my own.
`I have been asked to prepare a written report, including comments
`related to whether Claims 1 and 15 of the ’967 Patent are unpatentable because
`they are anticipated or would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in view of
`the prior art. I have reviewed the documents set forth in the appendix attached
`hereto and have relied on my decades of knowledge and experience in the field of
`seismic marine surveys (detailed in Section II) in reaching my opinions regarding
`validity. This report sets forth the bases and reasons for my opinions, including the
`materials and information relied upon in forming those opinions and conclusions.
`A list of materials that I consulted in preparing this report appears in Appendix A.
`This report is based on information currently available to me. I reserve
`the right to continue my investigation and analysis, which may include a review of
`documents and information not yet produced. I further reserve the right to expand
`or otherwise modify my opinions and conclusions as my investigation and study

`continues, and to supplement my opinions and conclusions in response to any
`additional information that becomes available to me.
`I am a Professor of Geophysics in the Department of Petroleum
`Engineering at Curtin University located in Bentley, Western Australia. I have
`worked continuously in the field of marine seismic surveying for over 44 years,
`since the 1970s. I have been involved in the design of dozens of marine seismic
`surveys, and have been onboard seismic vessels as they were conducting a marine
`seismic survey over one-hundred times.
`I authored a textbook devoted to marine seismic surveying and data
`acquisition, entitled “A Handbook for Seismic Data Acquisition in Exploration.” I
`began writing the textbook in 1985 for use in my “Seismic Acquisition” class, and
`continued to update it over the years. It was first published in 1997 by the Society
`of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), the premier international organization for
`seismic professionals and researchers, including marine seismic professionals. At
`the time of its publication, it was considered the authoritative textbook in the field
`of seismic data acquisition. Over the past 15 years, it has been used throughout the
`world in seismic surveying courses and on seismic survey vessels.
`I obtained my Diploma of Electrical Engineering, the equivalent of a
`bachelor’s degree, at the J.M. University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom in

`1969. I took my first job in the marine seismic industry in 1971, working as an
`instrument engineer for Geophysical Service, Inc. In that role, I monitored and
`repaired the seismic recording and navigation instruments, including the equipment
`that positioned marine seismic streamers and source arrays. As a qualified
`electrical engineer, I also repaired electronic equipment on seismic vessels,
`including on-board computers, and navigation/positioning systems. While with
`Geophysical Services, Inc., I traveled the world working offshore West Africa,
`South America, India, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, Indonesia, the Philippines, the
`South China Sea, and the Gulf of Thailand—all offshore oil exploration areas.
`After leaving Geophysical Service, Inc. in 1974, I joined Aquatronics,
`a London-based seismic company, where I managed seismic survey ships used in
`seismic surveys. In 1975, I joined Southern Geophysical Consultants of London as
`a Seismic Acquisition and Surveying Consultant. In that capacity, I represented
`many oil companies while onboard seismic survey ships to ensure the quality of
`the acquired seismic data and that the seismic data was within the oil company’s
`specifications. I was also involved in deep water operations and rig relocations for
`different oil companies during my time at Aquatronics.
`In 1976, I established my own seismic-acquisition consulting
`company in Perth, Australia, called “Offshore-Onshore Exploration Consultants
`PTY LTD.” As an independent consultant, I participated in seismic surveys on

`behalf of my oil company clients to ensure the quality of the seismic data acquired
`and that the seismic data was within the oil company’s specifications. My
`consulting company, which employed four other employees, was the only
`company that did this type of work in Southeast Asia at the time. From 1980 to
`1983, while at the peak of my consultancy operations, I also worked at Shell
`Development Australia in Perth, Australia, as a Senior Operations Geophysicist.
`My responsibilities at Shell Development included managing three marine-
`seismic-survey ships and two land-seismic-survey crews.
`In 1983, I enrolled at Curtin University (known then as West
`Australian Institute of Technology). From 1983 to 1985, as part of a Masters
`program in Applied Physics, I wrote a thesis entitled “The Establishment of a
`Digital Seismic Acquisition System and its Subsequent Application in the Field.” I
`also designed and built a seismic recording system.
`10. After receiving my Masters in Applied Physics in 1985, I enrolled in a
`Geophysics Ph.D. program at Curtin University, focusing on 3D Seismic
`Surveying Data Processing. As part of the Ph.D program, I taught seismic
`acquisition, processing, and interpretation and lectured short-courses for industry
`(including marine seismic companies) on conventional and 3D seismic acquisition
`methods. While working on my Ph.D, I continued to consult on marine seismic
`data acquisition. I also established the Department of Exploration Geophysics at

`Curtin University. In 1997, I completed my Ph.D. program, and produced a Ph.D
`thesis titled, “Advancements in the Techniques of Low-fold Three Dimensional
`Seismic Reflection Surveying.”
`11. After completing my Ph.D. in Geophysics in 1997, I continued to
`teach seismic data acquisition, processing, and interpretation as an Associate
`Professor at Curtin University. I also continued to teach short-courses to the
`industry on marine seismic data acquisition. Over the years, I have supervised
`twenty Master’s and Ph.D. students, many of whom have written theses pertinent
`to the marine seismic industry. I continue to supervise four Ph.D. students today.
`I became a tenured Professor of Geophysics in 2002. I served as
`Chair of the Department of Petroleum Engineering from 2007 to 2012. I then
`became the Director of Curtin University’s Faculty of Science and Engineering’s
`Oil and Gas Training and Research Project Initiatives in 2013. In that role, I
`establish research projects with industry, establish teams to run projects, and
`consult with industry and the research staff to ensure the projects stay on track.
`13. Much of my research over the years has involved numerical and
`physical modeling of the seismic data acquisition process, including in the context
`of 3D and 4D seismic marine surveys. This has entailed both field and laboratory
`research, in which I would frequently work onboard seismic survey ships during
`marine seismic surveys; and later attempt to improve on marine seismic data

`acquisition techniques by testing in the laboratory. Building on my research to
`optimize 3D and 4D data acquisition, I have built three seismic physical
`acquisition simulation labs in Houston, Dhahran, and Rio de Janeiro. These labs
`involved the use of physical models to simulate 3D marine seismic surveys. The
`Houston lab was built in 1991 and later moved and reconstructed at Curtin
`University; the other labs were built in 2005 and are presently operated in Dhahran
`and Rio de Janeiro. All of these labs are still in use today. I have also developed a
`seismic numerical modeling lab at Curtin University, and a landmark seismic
`interpretation lab, which oil companies use to train their employees and to interpret
`3D marine seismic data.
`14. Throughout the 1990s and 2000s, I have continued to consult in the
`marine seismic survey field while working at Curtin University. I have consulted
`with various marine seismic survey companies as part of my job representing oil
`companies and in my independent consulting company. In this role, I am typically
`asked to evaluate seismic survey plans and advise companies on their plans’
`suitability for an optimal survey. This often requires me to determine whether the
`seismic data acquisition and processing plans are adequate to produce quality
`seismic data considering the survey area’s 3D geology. To fulfill this role, I
`closely follow the literature and other available information regarding the latest
`marine seismic acquisition technologies. I continue to do this consulting work to

`this day. I have also consulted on a wide range of other issues relating to marine
`seismic data acquisition, processing, and interpretation. For instance, I have had
`an Independent Advisory Group since 2004 to review and evaluate oil companies’
`seismic data, drilling plans and proposed operations.
`I am currently a member of several professional organizations related
`to the marine seismic industry, and the oil and gas industry in general. I have been
`a member of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysics since 1983 and the
`Society of Exploration Geophysicists (“SEG”)—widely recognized as the principal
`international society in the field—since 1993. I was President of the Australian
`state chapter of the SEG twice, in 1986 and 1993. In addition to SEG, I have also
`been a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) since 1994 and the
`Petroleum Club of Western Australia since 2009, of which I am currently a Board
`Member. From 2006 to 2012, I was a Board Member and Education Scholarship
`Committee Chair of the West Australian State Government Minerals and Energy
`Research Institute (MERIWA).
`I am being compensated at an hourly rate of three hundred and fifty
`dollars ($350), plus expenses, for the time I spend in Australia studying materials
`associated with this matter and providing testimony, and six hundred twenty five
`euros (€625) for the time I spend on this matter outside Australia. This is my

`standard consulting rate. I am an independent party and my compensation is not
`contingent upon the outcome of this matter.
`It is my understanding that WesternGeco L.L.C. (“WesternGeco”), is
`the assignee of the ’967 Patent. Prior to this matter, I have not been employed or
`retained by WesternGeco or PGS. I own no stock in WesternGeco or PGS, and am
`aware of no other financial interest I have with those companies.
`18. Although I am not an attorney and do not expect to offer any
`opinions regarding the law, I have been informed of certain legal principles that I
`relied on in forming the opinions set forth in this report.
`A. Claim Construction
`I understand that for purposes of this matter the terms in patent
`claims are to be given their broadest reasonable interpretation in light of the
`specification of the ’967 Patent, as understood by one of ordinary skill in the art as
`of the priority date of the ’967 Patent.
`B. Anticipation
`I understand that for a claim to be anticipated, a single prior art
`reference must disclose to a person of ordinary skill in the art, either expressly or
`inherently, each and every limitation set forth in the claim. I understand that
`claims are unpatentable if they are anticipated by the prior art.

`C. Obviousness
`I understand that even if a claim is not anticipated, an invention that
`would have been obvious to a person of ordinary skill at the time of the invention
`is not patentable. I understand that obviousness is determined by considering
`several factors, including: the state of the art at the time the invention was made;
`the level of ordinary skill in the art; differences between what is described in the
`art and the claims at issue; and objective evidence of nonobviousness (such as
`commercial success, long-felt but unsolved needs, failure of others, and
`unexpected results). I understand that claims are unpatentable if they would have
`been obvious in view of the prior art.
`Person of Ordinary Skill in the Art
`I have been informed that a person of ordinary skill in the art is a
`hypothetical person who is presumed to have known all of the relevant art at the
`time of the invention. I have been informed that a person of ordinary skill in the
`art may possess the education, skills, and experience of multiple actual people who
`would work together as a team to solve a problem in the field. I have been
`informed that factors that may be considered in determining the level of ordinary
`skill in the art may include: (1) the educational level of the inventor; (2) type of
`problems encountered in the art; (3) prior art solutions to those problems; (4)

`rapidity with which innovations are made; (5) sophistication of the technology; and
`(6) educational level of active workers in the field.
`23. On the basis of my consideration of these factors and my
`experience in solving problems in the area of marine seismic surveys for decades,
`including my familiarity with the education, expertise, and experience of the teams
`that devise solutions to those problems, I have been asked to opine as to the person
`of ordinary skill in the art to which Claims 1 and 15 of the ’967 Patent are directed.
`In my opinion, such a person of ordinary skill in the art should have a Master’s
`degree or Ph.D. in ocean engineering, mechanical engineering, geophysics, applied
`physics, or a related area, who has preferably taken coursework in hydrodynamics,
`advanced control systems, and other related fields. Additionally, the person should
`have at least three years of experience designing and/or operating marine seismic
`surveys, as well as significant experience aboard marine seismic survey vessels
`during the course of several marine seismic surveys.
` It is my understanding that PGS (or “Petitioner”) requests Inter
`Partes review of Claims 1 and 15 of the ’967 Patent, titled “Control System for
`Positioning of Marine Seismic Streamers,” which was issued to Oyvind Hillesund
`and Simon Hastings Bittleston on January 16, 2007, and has been assigned to
`WesternGeco. It is my opinion that Claims 1 and 15 would have been well known

`and obvious to a person of ordinary skill at the time of the October 1, 1998 prioirty
`A. Overview of Marine Seismic Surveying
`25. The ’967 Patent is directed to marine seismic surveying technology.
`Marine seismic surveys use reflected sound waves to determine geological
`properties of the earth’s subsurface. Seismic surveying ships (also known as
`vessels) tow equipment referred to in the industry as “seismic sources” or “guns”
`to create small, controlled explosions underwater. The explosions generate
`acoustic sound waves that travel down through the water, penetrate the ocean floor,
`reflect off geological formations in the earth’s subsurface, and travel back towards
`the seismic vessel. The reflected acoustic signals are recorded by seismic receivers
`known as “hydrophones,” which are towed behind the vessel in long cables called
`marine seismic “streamers.” Because recorded sound waves have different
`properties depending on the geology of the ocean’s subsurface, the acoustic signals
`recorded by the hydrophones provide information regarding characteristics of the
`ocean’s subsurface, including evidence about the existence of oil and gas.
` In modern marine seismic surveys, a towing vessel will typically tow
`a plurality of streamers in a large areal spread known as an “array.” Each streamer
`in the array contains groups of hydrophone located at pre-determined intervals

`along the streamer. The acoustic data acquired by each hydrophone group is
`recorded as a function of time and provides information about a two-dimensional
`vertical slice of the earth’s surface below the area traversed by the streamer. By
`towing a plurality of streamers, the seismic surveyor covers a large area and is able
`to record reflected seismic signals at several locations simultaneously. This
`technique results in seismic data from various locations that can be combined and
`processed by computers to construct a three-dimensional image of the earth’s
`27. Below is a graphical depiction of a modern marine seismic survey
`28. This figure depicts a survey vessel towing four streamers, each of
`which contains hydrophones to record seismic data that reflects off the ocean’s
`subsurface, and one air gun array (the acoustic source). This multiple-streamer

`seismic surveying system became commonplace beginning in the late 1980s. See
`Ex. 1032 (Brian J. Evans, A Handbook for Seismic Data Acquisition in
`Exploration (David V. Fitterman & William H. Dragoset, Jr. eds., 1997))
`(“Evans”) at 250.
`29. Seismic data are recorded on a shot-by-shot basis. In a typical marine
`seismic survey, the vessel will travel at approximately five nautical miles per hour
`and fire a shot from one or more seismic sources approximately every ten seconds.
`The data recorded by each hydrophone group for each seismic shot is known as a
`“trace.” The “shot” from the seismic source emits acoustic signals (i.e., sound
`waves) that are reflected at different points on the ocean’s subsurface. These
`signals are received by the various hydrophones on the towed streamers, as
`depicted below:
`See Ex. 1032 (Evans) at 9.
`30. For each shot or “trace,” the hydrophones record the reflected acoustic
`signals as a function of time. Each hydrophone group occupies a different location

`and thus, for each shot, will record different acoustic signals at different positions.
`The recorded data from each hydrophone group for each shot are then sent from
`the streamers back to the towing vessel via a communications line that may be
`comprised of twisted pair cables or, in more modern implementations, fiber-optic
`lines. This shot-by-shot process is repeated continuously during seismic surveys,
`resulting in a vast amount of seismic data being transmitted to the vessel. The
`seismic data acquired during a survey are maintained on the towing vessel by an
`on-board computer or other storage device, along with data reflecting the position
`and time the signals were received. This data can later be processed to create a
`three dimensional image of the earth’s subsurface in the surveyed region.
`31. Marine seismic surveys are carefully planned in advance. Marine
`seismic survey data are acquired and organized using a process known as
`“binning.” When designing and conducting a three-dimensional marine seismic
`survey, the area of the ocean subsurface being surveyed is represented as a grid.
`Each cell in the seismic survey grid is called a “bin.” In a conventional 3D marine
`seismic survey, the survey plan calls for the streamers to traverse the survey area
`grid in straight lines back and forth, creating parallel lines of seismic data
`coverage. As practitioners in the marine seismic data acquisition field have long
`recognized, one of the primary goals of 3D marine seismic data acquisition is to
`conform the actual survey to the survey plan’s specifications, including

`maintaining the streamers’ positions along the pre-planned designated course,
`thereby producing the desired quality and efficiency of the survey as planned. See,
`e.g., Ex. 1025 (U.S. Patent No. 4,033,278) (“Waters”) at 2:15-36; Ex. 1026 (U.S.
`Patent No. 4,404,664) (“Zachariadis”) at 1:16-40; Ex. 1031 (U.S. Patent No.
`5,790,472) (“Workman”) at 1:10-11 (“During a typical marine seismic survey a
`seismic vessel traverses programmed tracks . . . .”).
`32. The graphic below depicts (without the streamers, for ease of
`understanding) a survey area divided into bins. Although their size can vary, bin
`sides typically measure about 10-25 meters in length. See Ex. 1033 (E. J. W.
`Jones, Marine Geophysics (1999)) at 89. Also depicted (but not to scale) is the
`vessel conducting the survey. A typical vessel would be about 100 meters long
`and 25-40 meters wide.
`33. As part of the survey design process, seismic surveyors pre-determine
`a minimum number of trace data points that they must sum together in each bin to
`obtain the desired seismic data quality. If the surveyor does not obtain the

`minimum data points required for a particular bin, there will be data of inadequate
`quality or simply gaps in the survey data. The presence of inadequate data quality
`or gaps often requires the survey ship to repeat the survey over those areas to fill
`the bins. The process of re-acquiring seismic data, known as “in-filling,” is very
`time-consuming and expensive. See Ex. 1032 (Evans) at 254. Gap or inadequate
`data problems were frequently known to occur when currents cause the streamers
`and their hydrophones to veer off course from their pre-planned paths, so that in
`certain bins, the hydrophones do not record as many data points as planned,
`desired, or required. Ex. 1034 (W.R. Cotton & J.I. Sanders, The Reality of Trace
`Binning in 3-D Marine Surveying, (1983) at 565; see also, infra, at ¶¶ 44, 50, 53,
`69, 71.
`In addition to ensuring that sufficient traces are recorded in each bin,
`seismic surveyors also desire to have the data points as evenly distributed in the
`bin as possible. Having the data points unevenly or irregularly spaced within a
`bin—often the result of streamers (in which the hydrophones are contained)
`veering off the planned course—creates “uneven illumination or incomplete
`illumination of the subsurface.” See Ex. 1035 (Biondo L. Biondi, 3D Seismic
`Imaging (2006) (“Biondi”) at 123; see also Ex. 1036 (Christopher L. Liner,
`Elements of 3-D Seismology (1999)) (“Liner”) at 104-05; Ex. 1032 (Evans) at 238.

`It was well recognized before October 1, 1998 that this irregular
`spatial sampling and resultant uneven or incomplete illumination of the subsurface
`reduces the quality of the survey data and makes it more difficult and expensive to
`process the data. See, e.g., Ex. 1037 (Gerald H.F. Gardner & Anat Canning, Effect
`of irregular sampling on 3-D prestack migration, SEG Abstracts (1994)) at 1553-
`56; Ex. 1032 (Evans) at 238. For example, where there is regular spatial sampling
`in a survey, the individual seismic data points in adjacent bins are generally one
`bin length apart. But, if there is irregular spatial sampling, such as where the data
`points collect on one side of a bin and on the far opposite side of an adjacent bin, it
`results in a substantial amount of space between seismic data points, creating large
`gap areas with no data. On the 3D image, that area could show up having less
`detail than the rest of the survey, thereby reducing the quality of the overall survey
`data. See Ex. 1035 (Biondi) at 123. This problem is referred to as “spatial
`Spatial aliasing is an effect of [data point] spacing
`relative to frequency, velocity, and slope of a seismic
`event. With adequate [data point] spacing, the points
`along a seismic event are seen and processed as part of
`the continuous event. When [data point] spacing is too
`coarse, individual points do not seem to coalesce to a
`continuous event, which confuses not only the eye but

`processing programs as well. This can seriously degrade
`data quality and the ability to create a usable image.
`Ex. 1036 (Liner) at 104.1
`36. Irregular spatial sampling caused by irregular streamer positioning
`also has “a detrimental effect” on data processing, thereby making it more difficult
`and expensive to process the data. Ex. 1036 at 104-05; Ex. 1035 (Biondi) at 123-
`24. Accordingly, though obtaining the prerequisite number of seismic traces
`within each bin is important, that alone does not ensure adequate data quality. To
`avoid these degradations and distortions in the data, seismic surveyors seek to
`position streamers (and their hydrophones) to achieve regular spatial sampling in
`bins, thereby avoiding holes or uneven distributions of seismic traces.
`1 Although Liner’s book was published in 1999, he was summarizing what was
`previously known in the field about spatial aliasing. Indeed, Liner cited prior art
`that describes the spatial aliasing problem. See, e.g., Ex. 1038 (Christopher L.
`Liner & Ralph Gobeli, Bin Size and Linear v(z), Society of Exploration
`Geophysics Technical Program Expanded Abstracts (1996)) at 47. I also wrote
`about this problem in my book, see Evans, supra, at 238, and noted the problem in
`my class notes in the late 1980s.

`B. Streamer Steering Overview
`37. Effective streamer steering has long been recognized in the field to
`provide many benefits for seismic surveys. During the seismic survey, the
`streamers are typically intended to remain straight, parallel to each other and
`equally spaced. Due to environmental factors such as wind and sea currents,
`however, seismic streamers frequently bow and undulate, thereby introducing
`deviations into this desired path and shape. As explained above, without the ability
`to control the streamers, deviations from desired streamer positions can create gaps
`in the seismic data coverage, reducing data quality and the efficiency of seismic
`survey operations. See Ex. 1004 (PCT Application No. WO 98/28636) (“’’636
`PCT”) at 2; Ex. 1031 (Workman) at 1:28-41; supra ¶¶44, 50, 53, 69, 71.
`Therefore, an advantage of being able to steer a streamer laterally is the ability to
`ensure that streamers remain straight and parallel, along their intended path of
`travel, throughout the seismic survey.
` Streamer steering also was known to be desirable to avoid
`accidents that could damage the survey system. If streamers veer substantially off
`their intended course, for example due to local currents, they can become
`entangled and thereby disabled, which creates significant expenses. The efficient
`conduct of the survey, with minimal downtime, is essential to the profitable
`conduct of the survey. See Ex. 1004 (’636 PCT) at 2.

`39. The ability to control the depth of the streamers also has long been
`recognized to be desirable. Streamers are typically towed at a constant depth of
`approximately 10 meters. Maintaining streamers at a constant depth is important
`because depth variations between hydrophones in a seismic array introduce
`complications into seismic data processing. See Ex. 1007 (U.S. Patent No.
`3,605,674) (“Weese”) at 1:41-45 (“In order that the signals received can be
`properly and correctly interpreted, the position of the cable relative to the water
`surface . . . must be known and maintained as uniformly as possible.”)
`40. One of the complications resulting from deviations in streamer depth
`is caused by a phenomenon called “ghost” reflections. When seismic sources are
`fired, the energy reflected from geological formations travels up to the receivers
`and is recorded; but time-delayed reflections from the sea surface create additional,
`unwanted acoustic recordings that interfere with the acoustic signals. See Ex. 1032
`(Evans) at 149-51. These signals reflected from the ocean surface are known as
`“ghost” reflections or “receiver ghosts.” Id. Although these unwanted “ghost”
`reflections are often inescapable when using conventional seismic arrays, the
`acoustic interferences caused by the

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