`PGS v. WESTERNGECO (IPR2014-00687)
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2046, pg. 1
`PGS v. WESTERNGECO (IPR2014-00687)
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2046, pg. 1


`Deparzmem of Mechanical Engineering,
`MCGEH University,
`Montreal, Québec. Canada
`PGS v. WESTERNGECO (IPR2014-00687)
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2046, pg. 2
`PGS v. WESTERNGECO (IPR2014-00687)
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2046, pg. 2


`Ircffrtrfe .....
`Arrww'k Ackttrm
`1 lntroductmn
`|.i General
`1.2 Citlssiiic
`{mm a:
`2 Concepts, De
`2.| Discrcle
`3' i:
`2'5 3
`2,2 The iluic
`2.3 Linear ar
`This book is printed an IlCidifi'BC paper.
`Cupyrighl © 1998 by ACADEMIC PRESS
`AH Highn- Hus-rived.
`No part of this publication may he rcprotiuccd or transmitted in any form (tr by any means.
`ciccm‘ntic or mechanical. including photocopy, recording. or any ini'urmtltinn slnragc and rctrievul
`system. withuttl pcrmissinn in writing l'rmn the publisher.
`Acudmnic Press
`525 B Srrccl, Suite 1900, San Diego, California tJ‘QIDI-4405, USA
`curcnuu I'CS'R
`24—23 Oval Road. Londun NWI 7DX. UK
`ISBN 0427544360—9
`A catalogue record for this book is uvaiiuble from the British Library
`Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 98—86469
`Typeset hy Laser Words, Madras. indin
`Printed in Great Britain by WBC Bonk Manufacturers, Bridgentl, Mid-Gimnorgun
`98 )9 00 D] 02 03 WE J 8 7 6 5 4 3 2]
`3 Pipes Crmvcy
`3. l
`3.2 The fund
`3.2.2 C
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`3.3 The aqua
`3.3.2 N
`3.3.3 H
`3.3.4 A
`3.3.5 N
`3.3.6 M
`PGS v. WESTERNGECO (IPR2014-00687)
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2046, pg. 3
`PGS v. WESTERNGECO (IPR2014-00687)
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2046, pg. 3


`" l
`Preface ................................................
`Artwork Acknowledgments ....................................
`1 Introduction
`1.1 General overview ....................................
`1.2 Classification of How-induced vibrations .....................
`Scope and contents of volume I ...........................
`1.4 Contents of volume 2 ..................................
`2 Concepts, Definitions and Methods
`2.1 Discrete and distributed parameter systems ....................
`The equations of motion ...........................
`2.1.2 Brief review of discrete systems ......................
`2.1.3 The Galerkin method via a simple example ..............
`2.1.4 Galerkin‘s method for a neoconservative system ...........
`Selfiadjotnt and positive definite continuous systems ........
`2.1.6 Diagonalization. and l'orcecl vibrations ol‘ continuous
`systems ......................................
`2.2 The fluid mechanics of fluid—structure interactions ...............
`2.2.] General character and equations of fluid ilow .............
`2.2.2 Loading on coaxial shells tilled with quiescent fluid .........
`2.2.3 Loading on coaxial shells filled with quiescent
`viseous lluid ...................................
`2.3 Linear and nonlinear dynamics ............................
`3 Pipes Conveying Fluid: Linear Dynamics I
`Introduction ........................................
`3.2 The fundamentals ....................................
`Pipes with supported ends ..........................
`3.2.2 Cantilcvcred pipes ...............................
`3.2.3 On the various bifurcations .........................
`3.3 The equations 01' motion ................................
`Preamble .....................................
`3.3.2 Newtonian derivation .............................
`3.3.3 Hamiltonian derivation ............................
`3.3.4 A comment on frictional forces ......................
`3.3.5 Nondimensional equation of motion ...................
`3.3.6 Methods of solution ..............................
`“mm.“ V
`it“ by any means.
`in storage and retrieval
`PGS v. WESTERNGECO (IPR2014-00687)
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2046, pg. 4
`PGS v. WESTERNGECO (IPR2014-00687)
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2046, pg. 4


`Pipes with supported ends ...............................
`3.4.1 Main theoretical results
`3.4.2 Pressurization, tensioning and gravity effects .............
`Pipes on an elastic foundation .......................
`3.4.4 Experiments ...................................
`3.5 Cantilevered pipes ....................................
`3.5.1 Main theoretical results
`3.5.2 The effect of gravity .............................
`3.5.3 The effect of dissipation ...........................
`3.5.4 The S-shaped discontinuities. ........................
`3.5.5 On destabilization by damping .......................
`3.5.6 Experiments ...................................
`3.5.7 The effect of an elastic foundation ....................
`3.5.8 Effects of tension and refined fluid mechanics modelling ......
`3.6 Systems with added springs. supports, masses and other
`modifications .......................................
`Pipes supported at g 2 UL < 1
`3.6.2 Cantilevered pipes with additional spring supports ..........
`Pipes with additionai point masses ....................
`Pipes with additional dashpots .......................
`Fluid follower forces .............................
`3.6.6 Pipes with attached plates ..........................
`3.6.7 Concluding remarks ..............................
`3.7 Long pipes and wave propagation ..........................
`3.7.1 Wave propagation ...............................
`Infinitely long pipe on elastic foundation ................
`3.7.3 Periodically supported pipes ........................
`3.8 Articulated pipes .....................................
`3.8.1 The basic dynamics ..............................
`1 86
`3.8.2 N-Degree—01L1'reedom pipes .........................
`3.8.3 Modified systems ...............................
`3.8.4 Spattai systems .................................
`4 Pipes Conveying Fluid: Linear Dynamics II
`Introduction ........................................
`4.2 Nonanifortn pipes ....................................
`4.2.1 The equation of motion ...........................
`4.2.2 Analysis and results ..............................
`4.2.3 Experiments ...................................
`21 |
`4.2.4 Other work on submerged pipes ......................
`4.3 Aspirating pipes and ocean mining .........................
`4.3.1 Background ...................................
`4.3.2 Analysis of the ocean mining system ..................
`4.3.3 Recent developments .............................
`Short pipes and refined 110w modelling ......................
`Equations of motion ..............................
`4.4.2 Method of analysis ..............................
`1 1
`1 11
`1 15
`l. 18
`5 Pip
`PGS v. WESTERNGECO (1PR2014-00687)
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2046, pg. 5
`PGS v. WESTERNGECO (IPR2014-00687)
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2046, pg. 5


`4.4.3 The inviscid fluid—dynamic force
`4.4.4 The fluid-dynamic force by the integral Fourier—transform
`method 228
`4.4.5 Relined and plug-110w fluid-dynamic forces and specification
`4.4.6 Stability of clamped—clamped pipes
`Stability of cantilevered pipes
`. .. .
`4.4.8 Comparison with experiment
`4.4.9 Concluding remarks on short pipes and refined-[low
`4.4.10 Long pipes and refined [low theory .
`4.4.1] Pipes conveying compressible fluid ,
`4.5 Pipes with harmonically perturbed llow .
`Simple parametric resonances
`4.5.2 Combination resonances ...........................
`4.5.3 Experiments............................_......
`4.5.4 Parametric resonances by analytical methods
`4.5.5 Articulated and modified systems
`4.5.6 Two—phase and stochastically perturbed lioWs
`4.6 Forcedvibration.....................................
`4.6.1 The dynamics of forced vibration .
`4.6.2 Analytical methods for forced vibration .
`4.7 Applications..,.....................................
`4.7.1 The Coriolis mass—110w meter
`4.7.2 Hydroelastic ichthyoid propulsion .....................
`4.7.3 Vibration attenuation .............................
`4.7.4 Stability of deepewater risers ........................
`4.7.5 High-precision piping vibration codes ..................
`4.7.6 Vibration conveyance and vibrationainduced llow ..........
`4.7.7 Miscellaneous applications .........................
`4.8 Concluding remarks ...................................
`] 18
`2' l
`5 Pipes Conveying Fluid: Nonlinear and Chaotic Dynamics
`Introductory comments .................................
`5.2 The nonlinear equations of motion .........................
`Preliminaries ..................................
`5.2.2 Hamilton’s principle and energy expressions ..............
`5.2.3 The equation of motion of a cantilevered pipe
`5.2.4 , The equation of motion for a pipe lined at both ends ........
`52.5 Boundary conditions .............................
`5.2.6 Dissipative terms ................................
`5.2.7 Dimensionless equations ...........................
`5.2.8 Comparison with other equations for cantilevers
`5.2.9 Comparison with other equations for pipes with fixed ends
`5.2.10 Concluding remarks ..............................
`5‘3 Equations for articulated systems ..........................
`5'4 Methods 01' solution and analysis ..........................
`PGS v. WESTERNGECO (IPR2014-00687)
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2046, pg. 6
`PGS v. WESTERNGECO (IPR2014-00687)
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2046, pg. 6


`5.5 Pipes with supported cnds ...............................
`5.5.1 The effect of amplitude on frequency ..................
`5.5.2 The post-divergence dynamics .......................
`5.5.3 Pipes with an axially sliding downstream end .............
`Impulsively excited 37D motions .....................
`5.6 Articulated cantilevered pipes ............................
`5.6.1 Cantilever with constrained end ......................
`5.6.2 Unconstrained cantilevers ..........................
`56.3 Concluding comment .............................
`5.7 Cantilevered pipes ....................................
`2-D iimit~cycle motions ...........................
`3—D limit-cycle motions ...........................
`5.7.3 Dynamics under double degeneracy conditions ............
`5.7.4 Concluding comment .............................
`5.8 Chaotic dynamics ....................................
`Loosely constrained pipes ..........................
`5.8.2 Magnetically buckled pipes .........................
`5.8.3 Pipe with added mass at the free end ..................
`5.8.4 Chaos near double dcgeneracies ......................
`5.8.5 Chaos in the articulated system ......................
`5.9 Nonlinear parametric resonances ..........................
`Pipes with supported ends ..........................
`5.9.2 Cantilevered pipes ...............................
`5.10 Osciilation—induced [low ................................
`5.1 1 Concluding remarks ...................................
`6 Curved Pipes Conveying Fluid
`Introduction ........................................
`6.2 Formulation of the problem ..............................
`6.2.1 Kinematics of the system ..........................
`6.2.2 The equations of motion ...........................
`6.2.3 The boundary conditions ...........................
`6.2.4 Nondimensional equations ..........................
`6.2.5 Equations of motion of an incxtensible pipe ..............
`6.2.6 Equations of motion of an extensible pipe ...............
`6.3 Finite element analysis .................................
`6.3.1 Analysis for inextcnsibie pipes .......................
`6.3.2 Analysis for extensible pipes ........................
`6.4 Curved pipes with supported ends
`6.4.1 Conventional inextensible theory .....................
`6.4.2 Extensible theory
`6.4.3 Modified inextensible theory ........................
`6.4.4 More intricate pipe shapes and other work ...............
`6.4.5 Concluding remarks ..............................
`6.5 Curved cantilevered pipes ...............................
`65.] Modified inextensiblc and extensible theories .............
`6.5.2 Nonlinear and chaotic dynamics ......................
`6.6 Cunt;
`A Fi rSt-prin
`COHVeyi II;
`B Analytical
`C Deslabiliz
`D Experimet
`DJ Male:
`13.2 Short
`0.3 Fiexu
`D4 Mean
`E The Time:
`E.l The c
`13.2 The e
`E3 The it
`F Some of ti
`F.2 Ccntn
`E3 Norm.
`R4 Then
`E5 Bil‘urt
`E6 Partia
`G Newtoniar
`G.l Cantil
`6.2 Pipef
`H Nonlinear
`H.1 Ccntt“;
`H2 Norm;
`1 P
`GS v. WESTERNGECO (IPR2014-00687)
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2046, pg. 7
`PGS v. WESTERNGECO (IPR2014-00687)
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2046, pg. 7


` ix
`""""" 302
`"""" 302
`"""" :3:
`6.6 Curved pipes with an axially sliding end
`6.6.1 Transversely sliding downstream end
`6.6.2 Axiolly sliding downstream end .
`A First~prineiples Derivation of the Equation of Motion of a Pipe
`Conveying Fluid
`B Analytical Evaluation of b", (:5, and d"
`C Destabilization by Damping: T. Brooke Benjamin’s Work
`D Experimental Methods for Elastomcr Pipes
`D.] Materiais, equipment and procedures .
`D2 Short pipes, shells and cylinders .
`D3 Flexural rigidity and damping constants .
`D4 Measurement of frequencies and damping
`E The 'l‘imoshenko Equations of Motion and Associated Analysis
`E.2 The eigenfunctions of a Timoshenko beam .
`E3 Tltcintegmlslk”.....................................
`F Some of the Basie Methods of Nonlinear Dynamics
`F] Lyapunovmethod....................................
`F.l.| The concept of Lyapunov stability ....................
`F.l.2 Linearization ..................................
`F.I.3 Lyapunovdirectmethod.............l.............
`F.2 Centremunifoldreduetion...............................
`F.3 Normall'orms.......................................
`13.4 Themethodofaveraging...............................
`ES Bifurcation theory and unfolding parameters .
`E6 Partial differential equations
`Fifil The method of averaging revisited
`F.6.2 The Lyzipunoviselimidl reduction
`F.6.3 The method ot'olternale problems .
`G Newtonian Derivation of the Nonlinear Equations of Motion of a l’ipe
`Conveying Fluid
`H :?"llc';e[::fibynfl_mics Theory Applied to :1 Pipe Conveying Fluid
`manifold .....................................
`PGS v. WESTERNGECO (IPR2014-00687)
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2046, pg. 8
`PGS v. WESTERNGECO (IPR2014-00687)
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2046, pg. 8


`I The Fractal Dimension from the Experimental Pipe-vibration Signal
`J Detailed Analysis for the Derivation of the Equations of Motion 0f
`Relationship between (x0, y”, Zn) and (x. y, z) ..................
`J.2 The expressions for curvature and twist ......................
`J.3 Derivation of the fluid—aeeeleration vector ....................
`1.4 The equations of motion for the pipe
`K Matrices for the Analysis of an Extensible Curved Pipe
`Conveying Fluid
`References ..............................................
`Index .................................................
`53 1
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`PGS v. WESTERNGECO (IPR2014-00687)
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2046, pg. 9
`PGS v. WESTERNGECO (IPR2014-00687)
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2046, pg. 9

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