
`Patent Owner
`Case IPR2014-00676
`Patent 8,337,856 B2


`ImmunoGen's Opposition to Phigenix's Motion to Exclude
`The Board should deny entirely Petitioner Phigenix's motion to exclude
`evidence (Paper 28).
`Phigenix has moved to exclude four categories of evidence submitted by
`Patent Owner ImmunoGen. ImmunoGen will show why none of these categories
`warrant exclusion and why the Board should deny Phigenix's motion to exclude:
`Category 1: Supplemental IMS Data. Phigenix advances three faulty reasons why
`the IMS data should be excluded:
` Phigenix argues that the IMS Data was not "filed as an exhibit" under Rule
`42.63, but Rule 42.63 does not require all evidence to be filed as an exhibit.
`(For example, Rule 42.63(e) addresses the circumstance when evidence is not
` Phigenix argues that the IMS Data lack foundation, but ImmunoGen served
`Phigenix with a declaration attesting to the foundation of the IMS Data at the
`same time the IMS Data were served.
` Phigenix argues that the IMS Data are inadmissible hearsay, but the IMS Data
`are excepted from the preclusion of hearsay as a market report under FRE
`Category 2: Summaries of the IMS Data (Exhibits 2240-44, 2256, 2319, and
`2320). Phigenix argues that summaries of IMS Data should be excluded as
`- 1 -


`ImmunoGen's Opposition to Phigenix's Motion to Exclude
`hearsay, but the summaries are admissible under FRE 1006, which makes
`summaries of voluminous documents admissible.
`Category 3: Portions of the Jarosz Declaration relying on the summaries of the
`IMS Data. Phigenix argues that portions of the Jarosz Declaration should be
`excluded under FRE 703 because Jarosz relied on the allegedly inadmissible IMS
`Data and summaries of that data. But Phigenix is wrong about the inadmissibility
`of the IMS Data and the data summaries. What is more, FRE 703 explicitly states
`that experts may rely on inadmissible evidence if experts would reasonably rely on
`such evidence for their opinion, a predicate established by Jarosz's own testimony.
`Category 4: Evidence incorporated by reference. Phigenix asks the Board to
`exclude all evidence improperly incorporated by reference, but Phigenix waived
`such an argument by failing to serve an objection to this effect, and the motion
`fails to identify any evidence that Phigenix contends was improperly incorporated.
`II. Background
`Phigenix's motion to exclude centers on evidence relevant to ImmunoGen's
`showing of commercial success in its Patent Owner Response.1 Through its expert
`1 The evidence at issue not related to commercial success falls into a catch-
`all category of evidence that Phigenix contends was improperly incorporated by
`- 2 -


`ImmunoGen's Opposition to Phigenix's Motion to Exclude
`Jarosz, ImmunoGen presented charts summarizing revenue and prescription data
`for Kadcyla®. See Exhibits 2240-44, 2256, 2319 &2320. Jarosz's declaration
`explained: "Exhibits 2240-2244, 2256, 2319-2320 provide a summary of
`voluminous IMS revenue and prescription data, as well as marketing and
`promotional efforts relating to Kadcyla. I and others working under my direction
`prepared these exhibits." See Exhibit 2131, ¶12.
`On January 29, 2015, Phigenix served evidentiary objections to the summary
`charts, and the Jarosz declaration for relying on these summary charts, stating that
`the summaries lacked foundation, had no "indication of the origin or creator" of the
`charts, and because the underlying data for the charts was not provided. See Paper
`28, Exhibit A (Phigenix’s Objections to Evidence), p. 11.
`In response to Phigenix's objections, ImmunoGen served the underlying IMS
`Data for the summary charts (Exhibits 2347 and 2348) and a supplemental
`declaration from Jarosz that explained what the summary charts were and how they
`were compiled. See Paper 28, Exhibit C (Jarosz’s Supplemental Declaration), ¶6.
`- 3 -


`ImmunoGen's Opposition to Phigenix's Motion to Exclude
`Unsatisfied by ImmunoGen's supplemental evidence, Phigenix lodged
`another set of evidentiary objections, this time directed to the supplemental
`evidence, and has filed its motion to exclude.2
`III. Argument
`On a motion to exclude evidence, the moving party, here Phigenix, "bears
`the burden of proof to establish that it is entitled to the relief requested … ." Athena
`Automation Ltd. v. Huskey Injection Molding Systems Ltd., Case IPR2013-00290,
`Paper 45, at 52 (Oct. 23, 1014). Phigenix's motion to exclude evidence fails to
`meet its burden as to any of ImmunoGen's evidence.
`Patent Owner's IMS Data should not be excluded.
`Phigenix raises three arguments for excluding the IMS Data: (1) they were
`not filed as exhibits under Rule 42.63, (2) they lack foundation, and (3) they are
`inadmissible hearsay. None of these arguments has merit.
`2 There is no procedure for objecting to supplemental evidence, nor a
`procedure permitting or requiring a party to serve supplemental evidence in
`response to such an objection. The proper course is for a party to file a motion to
`exclude, rather than to serve additional objections. See IPR2013-00020, Paper 17,
`p. 3.
`- 4 -


`ImmunoGen's Opposition to Phigenix's Motion to Exclude
`There is no requirement to file the IMS Data as an exhibit.
`Phigenix simply misreads the Board's rules when it argues that Rule 42.63
`required the IMS Data to be filed as an exhibit. First, the rules only authorize a
`party receiving an objection to respond "by serving supplemental evidence…."
`Rule 42.64(b)(2). Second, Rule 42.63 does not require all evidence to be filed with
`the Board. Indeed, that rule addresses the circumstance in which evidence is not
`filed with the Board.3 See 37 CFR 42.63(e) ("If the exhibit is not filed…")
`The Board should reject this argument as a basis to exclude the IMS Data.
`The IMS Data do not lack foundation.
`Phigenix contends that the IMS Data are not authenticated as required by
`FRE 901. But there is no issue of authentication with the IMS Data.
`ImmunoGen served the IMS Data on Phigenix, and Jarosz's supplemental
`declaration authenticates that information. There, he states what the data are and
`where the data came from: "Exhibits 2240-2244, 2256, 2319, and 2320 are
`compilations of data provided by IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics ('IMS')."
`3 To the extent Phigenix's issue is that no exhibit number has been assigned
`to the IMS Data, that issue has been resolved by the filing of this motion: the IMS
`Data are filed as Exhibits 2347 and 2348.
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`ImmunoGen's Opposition to Phigenix's Motion to Exclude
`This easily satisfies Rule 901's authentication requirement, which can be satisfied
`by a person testifying from personal knowledge. Rule 901(b)(1).
`"The burden of proof for authentication is slight." Link v. Mercedes-Benz of
`N. Am., 788 F.2d 918, 927 (3d Cir. 1986). FRE 901 "may be satisfied by evidence
`sufficient to support a finding that the matter in question is what its proponent
`claims." U.S. v. Carroll, No. Crim. A. 99-88, 2000 WL 45870, at *3 (E.D. La. Jan.
`20, 2000). The list of authentication methods provided by FRE 901(b) is "offered
`for illustrative purposes only and do[es] not represent the exclusive methods of
`authenticating evidence." Id. at *3.
`The IMS Data are excepted from hearsay as a market report under FRE
`Phigenix's final argument for exclusion of the IMS is hearsay, but the IMS
`Data are excepted from hearsay under FRE 803(17). That rule provides that market
`reports, compilations, and the like are not excluded by the rule against hearsay if
`the documents in question "are generally used and relied on by the public or by
`persons in particular occupations." JIPC Management, Inc. v. Incredible Pizza Co.,
`2009 WL 8591607, at 17 (C.D.Cal. 2009); see also United Sates v. Masferrer, 514
`F.3d 1158, 1162 (11th Cir. 2008) (Bloomberg market price quotes for various
`markets admissible); United States v. Cassiere, 4.F.3d 1006, 1018-19 (1st Cir.
`1993) (real estate listing of properties sold, sale prices, and dates sales closed
`- 6 -


`ImmunoGen's Opposition to Phigenix's Motion to Exclude
`admissible). The requirement for reliance by professionals in the field is met here;
`Mr. Jarosz testified, and there is no evidence to the contrary, that IMS Health data
`are "routinely relied on by experts in the field to determine drug sales,
`prescriptions, and promotional expenditures for a given product." See Paper 28,
`Exhibit C (Mr. Jarosz’s Supplemental Declaration), ¶6; see also Exhibit 2131, ¶11.
`Finally, IMS is the gold standard for pharmaceutical data: "[m]any courts
`have relied on IMS data in litigation involving the pharmaceutical markets." See
`New England Carpenters v. First Bank, 248 F.R.D. 363, 370-371 (D.Mass. 2008);
`see also In re Cardizem CD Antitrust Litigation, 218 F.R.D. 508, 526
`(E.D.Michigan, Southern Division, 2003) (calling IMS "the recognized industry
`leader in data collection for the pharmaceutical industry") (emphasis added); The
`University of Colorado Foundation, Inc. v. American Cyanamid Co., 216
`F.Supp.2d 1188, 1196 (D. Colorado 2002) (IMS data used to calculate revenues);
`New England Carpenters v. First Bank, 248 F.R.D. 363, 370-371 (D.Mass 2008)
`(IMS data used as a reasonable proxy for what a party paid in retail); In re
`Neurontin litigation, 244 F.R.D. 89, 111 (D.Mass. 2007) (IMS data used to
`determine aggregate class-wide liability); In re Terazosin HCl Antitrust Litigation,
`220 F.R.D. 672, 685 (S.D.Florida 2004) (IMS data used to predict the impact that
`generic entry would have on the market).
`- 7 -


`ImmunoGen's Opposition to Phigenix's Motion to Exclude
`The summaries of the IMS Data (Exhibits 2240-2244, 2256 2319, 2320)
`are admissible under FRE 1006.
`Phigenix moves to exclude the summaries of the IMS data, Exhibits 2240-
`2244, 2256, 2319, and 2320, based on hearsay. But the summaries of the IMS Data
`are not inadmissible hearsay. FRE 1006 expressly allows into evidence summaries
`like those of Exhibits 2240-2244, 2256, 2319, and 2320: "The proponent may use a
`summary, chart, or calculation to prove the content of voluminous writings,
`recordings, or photographs that cannot be conveniently examined in court."
`FRE1006. In exchange for this allowance, the Rule requires the proponent to make
`the originals or duplicates available for examination or copying. Id. That
`requirement is satisfied here: ImmunoGen delivered copies of the underlying IMS
`Data to Phigenix's counsel on February 15, 2015, before Phigenix's reply was due,
`and before the window to depose Jarosz closed.4
`C. None of Jarosz's declaration should be excluded for relying on the IMS
`Data or the summaries of IMS Data.
`Phigenix seeks to the exclude the parts of Jarosz's declaration that rely on
`the summaries of the IMS Data. Phigenix's argument essentially is that because the
`IMS data and the summaries of the IMS Data are not admissible, Jarosz's
`testimony relying on those documents should be excluded. As ImmunoGen has
`shown here, the premise of this argument is incorrect; the IMS Data and the
`4 Phigenix chose not to depose Jarosz.
`- 8 -


`ImmunoGen's Opposition to Phigenix's Motion to Exclude
`summaries are admissible. What is more, FRE 703 allows Jarosz to rely on
`inadmissible evidence for his opinion: "[i]f experts in the particular field would
`reasonably rely on those kinds of facts or data in forming an opinion on the
`subject." FRE 703. That condition is met here because Jarosz testified: "Exhibits
`2240-2244, 2256, 2319, and 2320 are compilations of data provided by IMS
`Institute for Healthcare Informatics ('IMS'). Data from IMS are routinely relied on
`by experts in the field to determine drug sales, prescriptions, and promotional
`expenditures for a given product, such as in the opinions set forth in my initial
`declaration." See Paper 28, Exhibit C (Mr. Jarosz’s Supplemental Declaration), ¶6.
`The Board should not exclude any of Jarosz's testimony.
`Phigenix's incorporation-by-reference argument is waived and
`procedurally flawed.
`Phigenix's motion to exclude "all evidence not properly incorporated into
`PO’s Response" under 37 C.F.R. § 42.6(a) should be denied. First, Phigenix never
`objected to any of ImmunoGen's evidence on this basis, and thereby failing to
`preserve this argument for its motion to exclude. Second, Phigenix's motion failed
`to identify a single instance of evidence that it contends was improperly
`incorporated by reference, even though the Board's Trial Practice Guide requires
`motions to exclude to "identify where in the record the evidence sought to be
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`ImmunoGen's Opposition to Phigenix's Motion to Exclude
`excluded was relied upon by an opponent." See Office Patent Trial Practice Guide,
`77 Fed. Reg. 48765, 48767 (Aug. 14, 2012).
`Phigenix's argument ultimately is of no moment because ImmunoGen did
`not incorporate by reference any evidence into Patent Owner’s Response. See
`Paper 18.
`The Board should deny Phigenix's motion to exclude evidence.
`IV. Conclusion
`For the reasons set forth above, the Board should deny Phigenix's Motion to
`Exclude Evidence.
`Date: June 18, 2015
`1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20005-3934
`(202) 371-2600
`/Eldora L. Ellison/
`Eldora L. Ellison (Reg. No. 39,967)
`Lead Counsel for Patent Owner
`ImmunoGen, Inc.
`- 10 -


`CERTIFICATION OF SERVICE (37.C.F.R. §§ 42.6(e), 42.105(a))
`The undersigned hereby certifies that the above-captioned IMMUNOGEN,
`its entirety on June 18, 2015, upon the following parties via electronic mail:
`Ping Wang
`1350 I Street NW, Suite 1100
`Washington, DC 20005
`Tel: (202) 662-3042
`Fax: (202) 662-3729
`Gregory Porter
`600 Travis, Suite 4200
`Houston, TX 77002
`Tel: (713) 220-4621
`Fax: (713) 220-4257
`/Eldora L. Ellison/
`Eldora L. Ellison (Reg. No. 39,967)
`Lead Attorney for Patent Owner ImmunoGen, Inc.
`Date: June 18, 2015
`1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20005 - 3934
`(202) 371-2600

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