
`Exhibit 1001
`Exhibit 1 00 1


`(12) Unlted States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`US 8,337,856 B2
`Bliittler et al.
`(45) Date of Patent:
`*Dec. 25, 2012
`.................. 536/235
`................ 424/1811
`................... 530/326
`............ 424/1301
`. 424/1431
`. 530/3873
`. 424/1381
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`................. 435/696
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`5,183,884 A
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`5,679,648 A
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`5,840,525 A
`5,877,305 A
`5,919,815 A
`5,968,517 A
`6,022,541 A
`6,054,297 A *
`6,333,410 B1
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`6,441,163 B1
`6,531,131 B1
`6,627,196 B1
`233% E?
`6,914,130 B2
`6,949,245 B1*
`7,030,231 B1
`7,041,292 B1
`7,097,840 132
`7,122,636 B1
`7,214,776 132
`7,276,497 B2
`7 288 249 B2
`7,303,749 B1
`7:375:078 B2
`7,435,416 B2
`2/ 993 Kraus et a1.
`5/ 993 Chari et al.
`6/ 993 Iwasa et al.
`3/ 995 Blattleretal.
`5/ 995 Chariet al.
`1/ 996 Kraus et a1.
`5/ 996 1330115
`6/ 997 Pedersen et 31.
`7/ 997 Carter
`10/ 997 Hudziak et 3.1 .......... 435/24027
`10/ 997 McCaffrey et al.
`1/ 998 Greene
`3/ 998 Hudziak
`5/ 998 King et al.
`6/ 998 Hudziak et al.
`7/ 998 Arakawa et a1.
`10/ 998 Carter etal.
`10/ 998 Green et al.
`11/ 998 Gentile et al.
`11/ 998 Vandlen etal.
`3/ 999 Huston et al.
`7/ 999 Bradley et a1.
`10/ 999 Duncan et al,
`2/3000 Senger et 3L
`4/2000 Carter et al.
`12/2001 Chari et a1.
`8/2002 Charietal.
`8/2002 Chan et 31'
`3/2003 Gu etal.
`9/2003 Bqughman et al.
`1%882 $145011:th
`evaux e a.
`7/2005 Gao et a1.
`9/2005 Sliwkowski
`4/2006 Craik et al.
`5/2006 Sliwkowski
`8/2006 Erickson et 31.
`10/2006 Hseiet al.
`5/2007 Hseiet 81.
`10/2007 Charlet al.
`10/2007 Carter et al.
`12/3007 Chari et a1
`5/2008 Feng
`10/2008 Devaux et a1.
`Inventors: Walter Blattler, Brookline, MA (US);
`RaviV. J. Chari, Newton, MA (US)
`(73) ASSlgnee Immunogen9 Inc" Waltham, MA (Us)
`) Not1ce:
`Subject to any d1scla1mer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 15403) by 839 days.
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis-
`(21) APPLNO" 110493351
`DeC- 3, 2007
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2008/0226659 A1
`Sep. 18, 2008
`Related U.S.Application Data
`(60) Division of application No. 11/488,545, filed on Jul.
`17, 2006, now Pat. No. 7,575,748, which is a
`cont1nuation of application No. 09/811,123, filed on
`Man 16, 2001,110W Pat N0~ 7,097,840
`Prov1s1onal application No. 60/238,327, filed on Oct.
`5, 2000, prov1s1onal application No. 60/189,844, filed
`011 Mar.
`16, 2000, provisional application No.
`60/327,563, filed on Jun. 23, 2000.
`Int“ Cl“
`A61K 39/00
`(52) US. Cl.
`.................................. 424/181.1; 530/387.1
`(58) Field of Classification Search ........................ None
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`Primary Examiner 7 Laura B Goddard
`- 7
`ASS’SmmExammer Mega Natarajan
`(74) After/16y, Agent, or Firm * Sthrue M1011, PLLC
`The application concerns methods of treatment using anti-
`ErbB receptor antibody-maytansinoid conjugates,
`articles of manufacture suitable for use in such methods. In
`the 1nventlon concerns ErbB receptor-d1rected
`cancer therapies, using anri-ErbB receptor antibody-may-
`tansinoid conjugates.
`8 Claims, 46 Drawing Sheets
`Exhibit 1001-01


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