`Global Research
`11 June 2014
`Immunogen Inc
`Looking Beyond Kadcyla: Upgrading to Neutral
`Transitioning coverage and upgrading to Neutral: Broad pipeline but still early
`Key points from our thesis: [1] Our analysis suggests a bullish outlook on Kadcyla and
`see royalty revenue providing lower-risk valuation support around current levels. We
`now model $9-10/share for Kadcyla alone. [2] While the earlier-stage pipeline programs
`are still high-risk, we see compelling rationale for several of the programs across the
`wholly-owned as well as partnered portfolio. Following encouraging data at the recent
`ASCO conference we see the other programs as promising, and view IMGN289 as the
`most interesting (but still high-risk) wholly-owned program. [3] While we do see
`asymmetric upside from the pipeline, key de-risking events are not expected until 2015,
`suggesting better entry points. We concede that while ph3 MARIANNE data for Kadcyla
`are expected by year-end, expectations are high and are likely priced into shares.
`Kadcyla should be a blockbuster, and still is key value driver for IMGN
`We have revised our Kadcyla revenue model and now forecast $3.7bn in un-risk-
`adjusted WW sales by 2018 (vs. $1.5bn previously), with our royalty revenue estimate
`of $110m (-$7m) vs. consensus. Of note, our new model is roughly consistent with our
`UBS colleagues covering Roche, who have a more bullish outlook vs. peers. This
`outlook was confirmed by our own checks that have indicated a positive bias in the
`breast cancer community ahead of the phase-3 MARIANNE study (first-line mBC) as
`well as an overall view that Kadcyla has already moved to become standard of care in
`2nd-line disease. We see Kadcyla as worth $9-10/share, with the lower end of the range
`implying what we think Roche would be willing to pay to recoup the payouts alone.
`Implications: We see a longer-term opportunity on pipeline breadth
`Although early and still high risk (which drives our model adjustments), we do see a
`rationale across the portfolio for why the IMGN programs could be successful, and
`therefore include in our new model. However, while valuation may suggest upside,
`with de-risking events weighted to 2015, we see little reason to own near-term.
`Valuation: Neutral with a $13 PT by DCF and SOTP (Sell and $8.50 previously)
`Our new price target now includes pipeline credit beyond Kadcyla royalties.
`12-month rating
`12m price target
`Prior: Sell
`Prior: US$8.50
`Trading data and key metrics
`52-wk range
`Market cap.
`Shares o/s
`85.0m (COM)
`Free float
`Avg. daily volume ('000)
`Avg. daily value (m)
`Common s/h equity (06/14E)
`P/BV (06/14E)
`Net debt / EBITDA (06/14E)
`EPS (UBS, diluted) (US$)
` 06/14E
`To % ch
`Andrew Peters
`+1-212-713 3241
`Matthew Roden, PhD
`+1-212-713 2491
`Jeffrey Hung
`Associate Analyst
`+1-212-713 3982
`Highlights (US$m)
`Net earnings (UBS)
`EPS (UBS, diluted) (US$)
`DPS (US$)
`Net (debt) / cash
`EBIT margin %
`EV/EBITDA (core) x
`P/E (UBS, diluted) x
`Equity FCF (UBS) yield %
`Net dividend yield %
`Source: Company accounts, Thomson Reuters, UBS estimates. Metrics marked as (UBS) have had analyst adjustments applied. Valuations: based on an average share price that year, (E): based on a
`share price of US$12.29 on 10 Jun 2014 19:38 EDT
`PAGE 24. UBS does and seeks to do business with companies covered in its research reports. As a result, investors should be
`aware that the firm may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of this report. Investors should consider this
`report as only a single factor in making their investment decision.
`IMMUNOGEn 2271, pg. 1
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`Biotest Collaboration
`Of the programs in the ImmunoGen pipeline, we view the BT-062 program as the
`most valuable for the company outside of Kadcyla. While encouraging data have
`been presented, the key aspect of this partnership is that ImmunoGen has the
`option to opt-into the development and commercialization of BT-062 in lieu of
`receiving the milestone payments not yet earned and royalties on sales in the US.
`Given that the opt-in may not occur until after early clinical data have been
`reported, we see this as a lower risk opportunity. By receiving a much larger
`portion of the economics (50% profit split), the economics of the Biotest
`agreement is more valuable on a relative basis vs. other programs.
`Other collaborations
`While we do not currently include other partnered programs in our formal model,
`similar to Sanofi and Biotest, we would expect an upward bias to these estimates
`on positive clinical progress. Notably, two Amgen-partnered clinical programs are
`underway (AMG 172 in clear cell renal cell carcinoma, AMG 595 in glioblastoma),
`with first clinical data and next development milestones likely in 2014. Additional
`partnerships with Lilly and Novartis are still early, and are unlikely to produce
`meaningful catalysts this year, but are important to keep in mind regarding the
`broadness of the partnership landscape.
`[3] What is our view on Kadcyla?
`We view Kadcyla as the single biggest value driver for IMGN, representing ~54%
`of our new $13 price target. While the economics due to IMGN are indeed
`modest, we agree with the UBS EU pharma analyst that Kadcyla will indeed grow
`to become a multi-blockbuster product, and that it truly represents a significant
`advance in the treatment of HER2+ breast cancer. Key points:
` Kadcyla will be a big product, but upside may be limited. Our new
`Kadcyla sales estimates are consistent with the UBS EU pharma team with our
`2014 – 2018 Kadcyla estimates and subsequent royalty revenue due to
`ImmunoGen found in Figure 12 below. We see upward bias to these estimates
`however, as our estimates reflect >70% of worldwide sales coming from the
`U.S. through 2020, which may indeed under-represent the potential adoption
`in the EU and rest of the developed world (RoDW).
`Figure 12: UBSe 2014 – 2018 Kadcyla Sales Forecasts and Royalty Revenue to IMGN
`US Kadcyla Sales
`EU Kadcyla Sales
`ROW Kadcyla Sales
`Total Kadcyla Sales
`US Royalty Rate
`EU Royalty Rate
`ROW Royalty Rate
`Royalty Revenue
`Risk-Adjustment (probability of success)
`Royalty Revenue (risk-adjusted)
`Source: Company reports, UBS research
` Immunogen Inc 11 June 2014
` 15
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` The Kadcyla catalyst path may provide asymmetric upside on key data
`read-outs. The phase-3 MARIANNE trial evaluating the use of Kadcyla in
`previously untreated metastatic patients is expected to read-out by year-end
`2014. While the drug has quickly been established as the standard of care in
`second-line disease (following progression on the current standard of care
`Herceptin + Perjeta), the MARIANNE trial could potentially move Kadcyla into
`earlier lines, which should also drive longer duration and a potentially larger
`patient pool. Depending on the degree of separation between the arms it
`would also suggest to us that other ongoing Kadcyla studies are also more
`likely to “win.” Given that a negative study (no difference between arms) is
`unlikely in our view, we see favorable risk/reward heading into the data with a
`positive study likely to drive increased utilization (although already reflected in
`our model), while outright superiority (which we think is a possibility) would
`drive numbers to move even higher.
` CLEOPATRA sets a high bar in first line therapy ahead of MARIANNE
`read-out. While our checks with breast cancer experts have been mostly
`positive ahead of the MARIANNE study, the question has generally shifted from
`whether or not the study will be positive (statistically significant difference
`between arms), to if the separation between the Kadcyla-containing arms and
`Herceptin + paclitaxel will be sufficient to drive adoption in the real-world.
`Specifically, given that the treatment landscape has shifted to combination with
`Perjeta since the study was started, the MARIANNE study is not providing a
`head-to-head look vs. the current standard. Without a true head-to-head
`comparison, our discussions have suggested that the degree of separation will
`have to be highly differentiated vs. the phase-3 CLEOPATRA Herceptin +
`Perjeta experience (Figure 13) in order to drive broad front-line utilization.
`Figure 13: CLEOPATRA sets a high bar for MARIANNE data in 2H14
`Herceptin + Perjeta + Docetaxel
`Herceptin + Placebo + Docetaxel
`We see favorable risk-reward
`ahead of MARIANNE, but
`favorable uptake already
`reflected in estimates.
`While we are positively biased
`ahead of the data, the bar
`remains high in front-line, and
`MARIANNE may have to show
`outsized differentiation to drive
`broad real-world adoption.
`Duration of Response
`Source: Company reports and UBS research
` Expectations for Kadcyla utilization and MARIANNE. Consistent with our
`EU pharma analyst, we are positively biased ahead of the MARIANNE study, but
`believe the bar and high cost of Kadcyla + Perjecta (likely to be the most
`effective arm) may limit use to monotherpy. As noted in the recent Roche
`initiation: “Consequentially, our model reflects Kadcyla beating H + CT as base
`case, and significant adoption of Kadcyla in the first line, but we model
`declining 1L use of Perjeta in the first-line setting, as more patients receive just
`Kadcyla alone in this setting. “ The key takeaway from this view is that even if
`K + P is the best arm, if Kadcyla alone is superior to Hercpetin, then we would
`assume front line adoption with Herceptin + Perjeta moving to the second line.
`[4] How should investors think about platform
`While we assign ~19% of our new $13 price target to the partnered programs
`from Sanofi and Biotest, ImmunoGen is also developing ADCs with Amgen, Bayer,
` Immunogen Inc 11 June 2014
` 16
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`Kadcyla royalty worth at a minimum of ~74% of the current price of ImmunoGen,
`we see that
`Figure 18: Kadcyla net present value analysis
`Net Present Value Analysis
`Discount Rate
`Terminal Growth Rate
`Terminal Value (total)
`Net Enterprise Value
`Net Debt
`Market Capitalization
`Shares Outstanding
`NPV (per-share)
`Source: Company reports and UBS research
`Upside and Downside Scenarios
`Upside driven by pipeline, partnership success
`Given the heavy risk-adjustment in each of our IMGN product models, we see
`significant upside on de-risking data for each program (especially the wholly-
`owned pipeline). Notably, if we increase our risk-adjustment (probability of
`success) by 15% across each program (while keeping the existing OpEx
`assumptions), our valuaton would move to $20. Further de-risking these programs,
`in a blue-sky scenario suggests a $30+ valuation, or +2x our new $13 price target.
`Downside on continued pipeline failure
`Our downside scenario reflects failure of the ImmunoGen pipeline programs and is
`driven solely by Kadcyla royalty revenue. On a sum of the parts basis, we value
`Kadcyla worth between $9-10 per share. In a worst-case scenario, we see
`downside at $6 per share, also reflecting lower Kadcyla utilization than our
`admittedly bullish base case assumes.
`Upside scenario driven by de-
`risked pipeline data.
`Kadcyla provides attractive
`downside protection.
` Immunogen Inc 11 June 2014
` 20
`IMMUNOGEn 2271, pg. 4
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`Immunogen Inc (IMGN.O)
`Income statement (US$m)
`Gross profit
`Depreciation & amortisation
`Associates & investment income
`Other non-operating income
`Net interest
`Exceptionals (incl goodwill)
`Profit before tax
`Profit after tax
`Preference dividends
`Extraordinary items
`Net earnings (local GAAP)
`Net earnings (UBS)
`Tax rate (%)
`Per share (US$)
`EPS (UBS, diluted)
`EPS (local GAAP, diluted)
`EPS (UBS, basic)
`Net DPS (US$)
`Cash EPS (UBS, diluted)1
`Book value per share
`Average shares (diluted)
`Balance sheet (US$m)
`Cash and equivalents
`Other current assets
`Total current assets
`Net tangible fixed assets
`Net intangible fixed assets
`Investments / other assets
`Total assets
`Trade payables & other ST liabilities
`Short term debt
`Total current liabilities
`Long term debt
`Other long term liabilities
`Preferred shares
`Total liabilities (incl pref shares)
`Common s/h equity
`Minority interests
`Total liabilities & equity
`06/14E % ch
`06/14E % ch
`06/14E % ch
`06/15E % ch
`06/15E % ch
`06/15E % ch
`06/15E % ch
`06/14E % ch
`Cash flow (US$m)
`Net income (before pref divs)
`Depreciation & amortisation
`Net change in working capital
`Other operating
`Operating cash flow
`Tangible capital expenditure
`Intangible capital expenditure
`Net (acquisitions) / disposals
`Other investing
`Investing cash flow
`Equity dividends paid
`Share issues / (buybacks)
`Other financing
`Change in debt & pref shares
`Financing cash flow
`Cash flow inc/(dec) in cash
`FX / non cash items
`Balance sheet inc/(dec) in cash
`Source: Company accounts, UBS estimates. (UBS) metrics use reported figures which have been adjusted by UBS analysts.1Cash EPS (UBS, diluted) is calculated using UBS net income adding back depreciation and
`Immunogen Inc 11 June 2014
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`Immunogen Inc (IMGN.O)
`Valuation (x)
`P/E (local GAAP, diluted)
`P/E (UBS, diluted)
`Equity FCF (UBS) yield %
`Net dividend yield (%)
`P/BV x
`EV/revenues (core)
`EV/EBITDA (core)
`EV/EBIT (core)
`EV/OpFCF (core)
`EV/op. invested capital
`Enterprise value (US$m)
`Market cap.
`Net debt (cash)
`Buy out of minorities
`Pension provisions/other
`Total enterprise value
`Non core assets
`Core enterprise value
`Growth (%)
`EPS (UBS, diluted)
`Net DPS
`Margins & Profitability (%)
`Gross profit margin
`EBITDA margin
`EBIT margin
`Net earnings (UBS) margin
`ROIC post tax
`Capital structure & Coverage (x)
`Net debt / EBITDA
`Net debt / total equity %
`Net debt / (net debt + total equity) %
`Net debt/EV
`Capex / depreciation %
`Capex / revenue %
`EBIT / net interest
`Dividend cover (UBS)
`Div. payout ratio (UBS) %
`Revenues by division (US$m)
`EBIT (UBS) by division (US$m)
`Source: Company accounts, UBS estimates. (UBS) metrics use reported figures which have been adjusted by UBS analysts.
`Immunogen Inc 11 June 2014
` 22
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`Forecast returns
`Forecast price appreciation
`Forecast dividend yield
`Forecast stock return
`Market return assumption
`Forecast excess return
`Statement of Risk
`Key risks associated with a commercial and development-stage biotechnology
`company include: (a) the ability to finance the company through debt and equity
`issuances; (b) the outcome of clinical trials and regulatory approvals; and (c) the
`ability of management to bring its development projects to market.
` Immunogen Inc 11 June 2014
` 23
`IMMUNOGEn 2271, pg. 7
`Phigenix v. Immunogen

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