Page 1 of 43
`Required content
`General introduction
`Transfer information
` Page 3
` Page 6
` Page 7
`Transfer to KADCYLA Access Solutions Page 8
`Transfer to Medical Communications Page 10
`Transfer to Product Support
` Page 12
`Transfer to Genentech Patient Resource Center
` Page 13
`Adverse events Page 14
`Transactional opt-in
`Commercial opt-in
` Page 16
` Page 17
`Opt-out Page 19
`Off-label questions and/or questions with no approved response Page 20
`KADCYLA information
` Page 21
`1. What is KADCYLA?
`2. What is the generic name of KADCYLA?
`Is KADCYLA right for me?
`4. Who should NOT take KADCYLA?
`5. What are the approved uses of KADCYLA?
`6. What is HER2-positive breast cancer?
`7. What is metastatic breast cancer?
`8. How does KADCYLA work?
`9. How might KADCYLA help me?
`Important safety considerations with KADCYLA
` Page 28
`10. What are the most common side effects of KADCYLA?
`11. What are the most serious side effects of KADCYLA?
`12. What are additional possible serious side effects of KADCYLA?
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`13. What can I expect with my first dose or future doses of KADCYLA?
`14. Can KADCYLA be used in pregnant women?
`15. Are there any infusion-related reactions associated with KADCYLA?
`16. What should I know about KADCYLA before starting treatment?
`HCP Important Safety Information and Closing Page 38
`Patient/Caregiver Important Safety Information and Closing Page 40
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`1. This is an FAQ script for inbound calls.
`2. Copy in gray highlights reflects instructions for the Nurse and will not be read aloud to caller
`3 . Start with the greeting in the General Introduction section, and then proceed to the
`appropriate FAQ to address each caller’s needs.
`4. Read disclaimer below and remind caller that the information provided is for
`educational purposes only and is not meant to replace the advice of his or her
`healthcare provider.
`Inform each caller that the call will be recorded for quality and training purposes.
`6. Read the appropriate Indication Statement and Boxed Warning to each caller at the start of the
`call, as part of the General Introduction/greeting.
`7. Read the generic name ado-trastuzumab emtansine (a-DO tras-TOO-zoo-mab em-TAN-seen) to
`the caller at the first mention of KADCYLA.
`8. Read the Important Safety Information at the end of each call. Direct caller to a
`specific section of the PI for additional information. Do not try to interpret or explain
`information in the PI. Direct caller to the Internet for the full PI or, if he/she does not
`have Internet access, send him/her a copy of the PI in the mail. See Transactional opt-in
`9 . The questions at the end of each FAQ are meant to guide you in assessing the caller’s
`understanding of the information and the answer. Use them as you feel necessary.
`If a person calls to opt out of the program, or if at any time during the call the person
`1 0 .
`wishes to opt out, he or she may opt out of the program. See Opt-Out script. The call center
`will record the reason for the opt-out and remove the caller from the program.
`11. All questions and responses are intended for use with patients, caregivers, and
`healthcare providers unless otherwise noted.
`[Disclaimer should be read to all callers.]
`The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of your healthcare team.
`Always discuss with your healthcare team any questions you may have about your cancer therapy and
`treatment with KADCYLA™ (ado-trastuzumab emtansine).
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`[Indication statement should be read to the caller at the start of each call. Read professional indication
`for HCPs and patient indication for all other callers. Read the boxed warning after the indication
`[HCP indication]
`KADCYLA, or ado-trastuzumab emtansine, injection for intravenous use, as a single agent, is indicated
`for the treatment of patients with HER2-positive, metastatic breast cancer, or MBC, who previously
`received trastuzumab and a taxane, separately or in combination. Patients should have either:
` Received prior therapy for metastatic disease, or
` Developed disease recurrence during or within six months of completing adjuvant therapy
`[Patient indication]
`KADCYLA is approved to treat HER2-positive breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body
`(metastatic breast cancer) after prior treatment with trastuzumab (Herceptin) and a taxane. Prior
`treatment could have been for the initial treatment of breast cancer or for the treatment of cancer that
`had spread to other parts of the body.
`[Boxed warning should be read to the caller after the indication statement, at the start of each call. Read
`professional boxed warning to HCPs and patient boxed warning for all other callers.]
`[HCP boxed warning]
` Do not substitute KADCYLA for or with trastuzumab
` Hepatotoxicity: Serious hepatotoxicity has been reported, including liver failure and death in
`patients treated with KADCYLA. Monitor serum transaminases and bilirubin prior to initiation
`of KADCYLA treatment and prior to each KADCYLA dose. Reduce dose or discontinue KADCYLA
`as appropriate in cases of increased serum transaminases or total bilirubin
` Cardiac toxicity: KADCYLA administration may lead to reductions in left ventricular ejection
`fraction (LVEF). Evaluate left ventricular function in all patients prior to and during treatment
`with KADCYLA. Withhold treatment for clinically significant decrease in left ventricular
` Embryo-fetal toxicity: Exposure to KADCYLA can result in embryo-fetal death or birth defects.
`Advise patients of these risks and the need for effective contraception
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`[Patient boxed warning]
`What is the most important safety information I should know about KADCYLA?
`KADCYLA is not the same medicine as trastuzumab, known as Herceptin.
`There are possible serious side effects of KADCYLA. Contact your doctor right away if you experience any
`of these symptoms. Your doctor may do tests before starting KADCYLA and before each dose to monitor
`for these side effects. KADCYLA treatment may be stopped or the dose may be lowered if you
`experience any of these side effects.
`Liver problems
` KADCYLA may cause severe liver problems that can be life-threatening. Symptoms of liver
`problems may include vomiting, nausea, eating disorder (anorexia), yellowing of the skin
`(jaundice), stomach pain, dark urine, or itching
`Heart problems
` KADCYLA may cause heart problems, including those without symptoms (such as reduced heart
`function) and those with symptoms (such as congestive heart failure). Symptoms may include
`swelling of the ankles or legs, shortness of breath, cough, rapid weight gain of greater than 5 lbs
`in less than 24 hours, dizziness or loss of consciousness, or irregular heartbeat
` Receiving KADCYLA during pregnancy can result in the death of an unborn baby and birth
`defects. Birth control should be used while you receive KADCYLA and for 6 months after your
`last dose of KADCYLA
`If you are exposed to KADCYLA during pregnancy, contact your healthcare provider right away;
`you are also encouraged to enroll in the MotHER Pregnancy Registry by calling 1-800-690-6720
`If you are a mother who is breastfeeding, you should talk with your doctor about either stopping
`breastfeeding or stopping KADCYLA
`Contact your doctor right away if you experience symptoms associated with these side effects.
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`Purpose: Used by general call center operators when a call center nurse is not available.
`Welcome to the KADCYLA Support Line, a service of Genentech.
`If your call is a medical emergency, please hang up the phone and dial 911 or your local emergency
`response unit. In order to insure the highest quality of service to you, your call may be monitored or
`recorded. If you are calling from a rotary telephone, please remain on the line and a representative will
`be with you shortly.
`Purpose: Used to respond to any inbound call.
`Hello, thank you for calling the KADCYLA Support Line. This is <Name, Role and Credentialing>. How
`may I help you?”
`[Address caller’s needs using approved content and Indication and Safety Information]
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`[All transfers will be warm transferred during business operating hours as applicable for each group.]
`[For information regarding Reimbursement, Access, SMN Forms, Co-Pay Assistance or Free Drug, Private
`Insurance, HMO, PPO, Medicare, Payment, Access, transfer to KADCYLA Access Solutions Script]
`[For HCPs with clinical questions about KADCYLA, transfer to Medical Communications (See KADCYLA
`MedCom script)]
`[For HCPs with product inquiries about KADCYLA, transfer to Product Support (See Product Support
`[For patients and caregivers with product inquiries about KADCYLA, transfer to Genentech Patient
`Resource Center (See Genentech Patient Resource Center Script)]
`[For information regarding adverse event reporting, see Adverse Events script]
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`Purpose: To be used by call center RNs to describe the features and benefits of KADCYLA Access
`Solutions for callers with financial questions, such as insurance coverage, co-pay assistance, general
`billing/coding, etc.
`[If during Access Solutions business hours:]
`For patients and their healthcare providers, KADCYLA Access Solutions provides coverage and
`reimbursement support, patient assistance, and informational resources. Callers to KADCYLA Access
`Solutions will be connected promptly to a dedicated specialist.
`[Offer warm transfer only during KADCYLA Access Solutions Business hours 9 AM to 8 PM Eastern time
`Monday through Friday]
`If you are interested, I can transfer you to KADCYLA Access Solutions right now. May I transfer you?
`If yes
`If no
`Great! I’ll transfer you right now, but in case
`Okay, no problem. Can I give you the number
`we get disconnected, please call back to 1-888-
`to call later if you change your mind?
`249-4918. KADCYLA Access Solutions is
`[If yes] Do you have a pen and paper
`available Monday through Friday from 6 AM to
`ready? [When caller is ready] It is 1-888-
`5 PM Pacific time. You can also learn more
`249-4918. KADCYLA Access Solutions is
`about KADCYLA Access Solutions by visiting
`available Monday through Friday from 6
` Thank
`AM to 5 PM Pacific time. You can also learn
`you and have a great day.
`more about KADCYLA Access Solutions by
`visiting www.genentech-
`[Transfer call to KADCYLA Access Solutions]
` Thank you and have a
`Hello, this is <Caller Name> with the KADCYLA
`great day.
`Support Line. I have <Caller Name> on the line.
`[If no] No problem. If you change your
`He/she has a question about <topic>. Here
`mind, don’t hesitate to call us back. We
`he/she is…
`may be reached at 1-888-249-4918. Thank
`you for calling the KADCYLA Support Line.
`Have a great day.
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`[End call]
`[If outside of Access Solutions business hours:]
`Unfortunately, the KADCYLA Access Solutions operators are not available at this time. I can give you the
`direct number for KADCYLA Access Solutions and their operating hours so you can contact them directly.
`Do you have a pen? Here is the direct number for KADCYLA Access Solutions. It is 1-888-249-4918, and
`they are available Monday through Friday from 6 AM to 5 PM Pacific Time. You can also learn more about
`KADCYLA Access Solutions by visiting
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`[Purpose: Used when warm-transferring an HCP to the Medical Communications Department.]
`[If a patient or caregiver calls with a question or request that cannot be addressed]
`<Mr./Mrs./Ms. Last Name>, the KADCYLA Support Line is not set up to answer the specific
`question/concern that you have. Please discuss your questions and concerns with your healthcare
`provider. He or she is your primary source of information and care.
`Do you have any other questions that I can help answer today?
`[If YES, go to approved FAQs]
`[If NO, go to Patient/Caregiver Important Safety Information and Closing]
`[For HCPS: If during MedCom business hours:]
`<Dr./Mr./Ms. Last Name>, the KADCYLA Support Line is not set up to answer the specific
`question/concern that you have. The Medical Communications Department may be able to assist you.
`Would you like me to transfer you right now?
`[If yes]
`[If no]
`Great! I’ll transfer you right now. But let me
`I will give you the Medical Communications
`give you the number in case we get
`Department's direct number in case you want
`disconnected. Do you have a pen? The direct
`to contact them. Do you have a pen and paper
`number for the Medical
`ready? [When caller is ready]
`Communications Department is 1-800-821-
`The direct number is 1-800-821-8590 and they
`8590 and they are available between 6 AM
`are available between 6 AM and 5 PM Pacific
`and 5 PM Pacific Time. Just one moment
`“Is there anything else I can help you with
`[Transfer call to MedCom]
`Hello, this is <Caller Name> with the KADCYLA
`Support Line. I have <Caller Name> on the line.
`[Address additional matters]
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`He/she has a question about <topic>.
`[End call]
`Here he/she is…
`[Transfer caller]
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`[Purpose: Used when warm transferring a healthcare team member to Product Support.]
`[If during product support business hours:]
`<Dr./Mr. last name>, unfortunately this educational support program is not set up to help answer the
`specific question/concern that you have, but the Product Support Department may be able to assist you.
`Would you like me to transfer you right now?
`[If yes]
`[If no]
`Great! I’ll transfer you right now, but in case we get
`I will give you the direct number for the
`disconnected the number to the Product Support
`Product Support Department so you can
`Department is 1-800-821-8590. They are available
`contact them. Do you have a pen and paper
`Monday through Friday from 6:30 am to 3:30 pm
`Pacific time. Just one moment, please…
`[When caller is ready]
`Here is the number. It is 1-800-821-8590. They
`[Warm transfer to product support]
`are available Monday through Friday from 6:30
`Hello, this is <caller name> with the KADCYLA Patient
`am to 3:30 pm Pacific time.
`Support Line. I have <caller name> on the line.
`He/she has a question about <topic>. Here he/she
`Do you have any other questions about
`KADCYLA or HER2-positive breast cancer that I
`can help answer today?
`[Transfer caller.]
`[Address additional concerns. Then proceed to
`Important Safety Information.]
`[CLOSING—read after Important Safety
`Thank you for calling and have a nice day.
`[End call]
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`[Purpose: Used when warm transferring a patient or a caregiver to the Genentech Patient Resource
`[If during Genentech Patient Resource Center business hours:]
`<Mr./Ms. last name>, unfortunately the KADCYLA Patient Support Line is not set up to help answer the
`specific question/concern that you have, but the Genentech Patient Resource Center may be able to
`assist you. Would you like me to transfer you right now?
`[If yes]
`[If no]
`Great! I’ll transfer you right now, but in case
`Okay, no problem. I will give you the Genentech Patient
`we get disconnected, the direct number for
`Resource Center’s direct number so you can contact
`the Genentech Patient Resource Center is 1-
`them on your own time. Do you have a pen and paper
`877-436-3683 and they are available
`between 6 am and 5 pm Pacific time. Just one
`[When caller is ready]
`moment please…
` Great, here is the direct number for the Patient
`Resource Center. It is 1-877-436-3683, and they are
`[Transfer call to Genentech Patient Resource
`available between 6 am and 5 pm Pacific time.
`Do you have any other questions about KADCYLA or
`Hello, this is <caller name> with the KADCYLA
`HER2-positive breast cancer that I can help answer
`Patient Support Line. I have <caller name> on
`the line. He/she has a question about
`[Address additional concerns. Then proceed to
`<topic>. Here he/she is…
`Important Safety Information]
`[Transfer caller.]
`[CLOSING—read after Important Safety Information]
`Thank you for calling and have a nice day.
`[End call]
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`[Purpose: To record an adverse event as reported by a patient or someone calling on the patient’s
`[If caller mentions an adverse event or special situation event:]
`Please remember to talk with your doctor about any side effects you’re experiencing. Since you called
`today to report this, I would like to collect more information from you for a report I will be filing. Did you
`know that the Food and Drug Administration, or FDA, requires this information as part of the review of
`all drug manufacturers? What you say will, of course, be treated in confidence, but we will need to
`report this information to Genentech so that they can learn more about the safety of their medicines. I
`appreciate your cooperation.
`The Drug Safety Department at Genentech may contact you within the next few days by phone or by
`registered mail, such as FedEx or UPS, if they require additional information.
`Is it okay if they contact you for more information?
`[If yes or no, document on RO-GNE: Adverse Event Form.]
`[If no] Okay, no problem. I will notify Genentech’s Drug Safety Department that you do not want
`to be contacted about this report after today. Would you like to have your doctor follow up with
`Genentech Drug Safety?
`[If yes] Great. What is the name of your doctor and the telephone number at which
`he/she can be reached?
`[If no] Okay, no problem. [Proceed]
`[If yes] Thank you. Would you also be willing to provide your doctor’s contact information so
`that they may contact your doctor for more information?
`[If yes] Thank you. What is the name of your doctor and the telephone number at which
`he/she can be reached?
` Thank you.
`In order to properly record this issue so it can be followed up in the right way, I will need to collect some
`information from you. This will take a few minutes, so I want to thank you again for your time.
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`Are you calling for yourself, or on behalf of someone else?
`[If caller is an enrolled patient or caller is calling with regard to an enrolled patient, locate record
`in the tracking system by asking for first name/last name, DOB, etc. Use information in the
`tracking system to fill out RO-GNE: Adverse Event Form]
`[If caller is not an enrolled patient or not calling about an enrolled patient, ask all questions to
`fill out the RO-GNE: Adverse Event Form]
`[Start RO-GNE: Adverse Event Form.]
`[If patient information already exists in the tracking system (DOB, sex, etc.) do not ask questions
`again. If patient is in the tracking system, confirm age and current weight.]
`You may not have all of the information we are asking you about, but we certainly appreciate your
`providing us with the information you have.
`[Complete RO-GNE: Adverse Event Form]
`Thank you for taking the time to report this information because Genentech takes these types of events
`very seriously. Please talk with your healthcare provider (HCP) about this event. Share with him or her
`any questions or concerns you might have. If you would like to review the full KADCYLA Prescribing
`Information, visit or talk with your HCP. We can also mail a copy to you. Remember,
`your healthcare team is your primary source of care and information, and should always be contacted
`for medical advice and treatment.
`[Complete RO-GNE: Adverse Event Form]
`Thank you. That is all of the information I was looking for. I will send this information to the people who
`need it at Genentech Drug Safety.
`[If patient asks questions about AE:]
`[If patient asks any questions about the adverse event, you may use the approved FAQs as appropriate
`and refer him or her to his or her healthcare team. When done, proceed]
` Do you have any other questions about the side effect(s) you just reported?
`[Advance to Patient/Caregiver Important Safety Information and Closing.]
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`[To be used with patients and caregivers who have not or who do not want to opt into receiving
`information about KADCYLA and other Genentech products and programs related to HER2+ breast
`cancer, and who are requesting fulfillment of an item such as the PI.]
` I
` would be happy to mail you the materials you requested. I want to let you know that by providing your
`information, you agree to allow Genentech and/or its agents to collect the information provided and to
`use it to fulfill your request.
`Now, could I please have your First and Last Name?
`[Caller replies]
`Great, thank you. How about a mailing address? [Fill in all information below]
`Address 1
`Address 2
`Zip Code
`[Caller replies]
`Thank you. [Pause] Okay, you’re all set, Mr./Mrs. <caller name>. We have fulfilled your request for
`<requested item>.
`[After completion of data intake]
`Mr./Mrs. <name>, Do you have any other questions about KADCYLA or HER2-positive breast cancer that
`I can help answer today?
`[Address patient’s questions using approved FAQs. When done, continue to Patient/Caregiver Important
`Safety Information and Closing.]
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`[Purpose: To be used with patients and caregivers who wish to receive communication about KADCYLA
`and other Genentech products and programs related to HER2+ breast cancer.]
`As you know, you can always call the KADCYLA Support Line to get information, support, and resources
`during treatment with KADCYLA. You can also sign up to receive information about KADCYLA and other
`Genentech products and programs related to HER2+ breast cancer. Would you like to sign up to receive
`this information?
`[If no] No problem. If you change your mind and wish to sign up in the future, please call us back
`at 1-855-KADCYLA, or 1-855-523-2952. How else can I help you today? [Once caller’s needs have
`been addressed, advance to Patient/Caregiver Important Safety Information and Closing]
`[If yes] Great. Before we get started, I want to let you know that by providing your information,
`you confirm that you are 18 years of age or older and you agree to allow Genentech and its
`agents to collect the information provided and to be contacted by Genentech and its agents
`about HER2-positive breast cancer and related Genentech products and disease education using
`this information in the future. Are you with me so far?
`[Caller replies] Great. [Proceed]
`Furthermore, you are agreeing that Genentech and its agents may contact you by phone, e-mail,
`or mail per the information you provided during enrollment and that such electronic or other
`written communications may include information regarding your health within them. Genentech
`will not sell, rent, or otherwise distribute your name and any personally identifiable information
`outside of Genentech and its agents. Genentech will only use your information in accordance
`with the Genentech Privacy Policy that can be found at And finally, you may
`change your communication preferences or cancel your enrollment in this program at any time
`by calling the KADCYLA Support Line at 1-855-KADCYLA, or 1-855-523-2952. Do you have any
`[Caller replies]
`o <If yes, repeat or clarify anything the caller did not understand>
`o <If no, proceed>
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`Great. Now we can start. This won’t take much longer. [Record information below]
` May I please have your First and Last Name (required)?
`[Caller replies]
` Thank you. May I have your E-mail address, Mr./Mrs. <name> (required)?
`[Caller replies]
`Can you please verify your e-mail (required)?
`[Caller replies]
` What is your mailing address?
`Address 1
`Address 2
`Zip Code
`[Caller replies]
` And what is your phone number?
`[Caller replies]
` And are you presently undergoing treatment with KADCYLA?
`[Caller replies]
`[] Yes
`[] No
`[] Unsure
`Great, thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. That’s all the information I need. How
`else can I help you today? [Once caller’s needs have been addressed, advance to Patient/Caregiver
`Important Safety Information and Closing]
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`[Purpose: Read if patient requests opt-out]
`[If caller requests to opt out, use Objection Handling script within the Inbound script to first try to
`address caller’s concerns. If after doing so the caller still wishes to opt out of the KADCYLA Patient
`Support Line and/or future communications, use the script below.]
`We respect your privacy and will promptly process your request to be removed from communications
`about KADCYLA and other Genentech products and programs related to HER2+ breast cancer.
`[Record opt-out in system]
` I
` just want to remind you that if you change your mind and wish to receive this information in the
`future, you can do so by calling 1-855-KADCYLA or 1-855-523-2952. Is there anything else related to
`KADCYLA or breast cancer that I can help you with today?
`[Respond using approved FAQ or proceed to Patient/Caregiver Important Safety Information
`and Closing]
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`I’m sorry, but the KADCYLA Support Line is not set up to answer the specific question/concern that you
`When the FDA approves treatments, it approves them for use in a certain way and in people with
`certain types of diseases. KADCYLA is approved to treat HER2-positive breast cancer that has spread to
`other parts of the body (metastatic breast cancer) after prior treatment with trastuzumab (Herceptin)
`and a taxane. Prior treatment could have been for the initial treatment of breast cancer or for the
`treatment of cancer that had spread to other parts of the body.
` I
` can’t address your question or concern because it relates to the use of KADCYLA for something other
`than for what I just described. Please discuss your questions and concerns with your healthcare provider.
`You can also find useful information, resources, and patient support by visiting
` Please remember that your healthcare provider is always your best
`source of information.
`[For patients]
`I can, however, transfer you to our Patient Resource Center, which may better be able to address your
`question. Please remember that your healthcare provider is always your best source of information.
`Would you like me to transfer you now?
`[] Yes [Use Patient Resource Center transfer script]
`[] No. What other questions about KADCYLA can I help answer for you today? [Use FAQs to
`answer patient’s question]
`[For HCPs]
`I can, however, transfer you to our Medical Communications Department, which may better be able to
`address your question. Would you like me to transfer you now?
`[] Yes [Use Medical Communications transfer script]
`[] No. What other questions about KADCYLA can I help answer for you today? [Use FAQs to
`answer patient’s question]
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`Page 21 of 43
` KADCYLA is approved to treat HER2-positive breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the
`body (metastatic breast cancer) after prior treatment with trastuzumab (Herceptin) and a
`taxane. Prior treatment could have been for the initial treatment of breast cancer or for the
`treatment of cancer that had spread to other parts of the body.
`Like many cancer medicines, KADCYLA is given by intravenous infusion
`o KADCYLA is given in your doctor’s office or at a hospital or infusion center
` KADCYLA is the first HER2-targeted treatment of its kind for metastatic breast cancer
`It is a made up of 2 cancer-fighting drugs in one
`It is important to remember that KADCYLA is not the same medicine as trastuzumab, known as
`Has this information clarified your understanding of KADCYLA?
`[If yes]
`o Great. Are there any other questions you have about KADCYLA that I can try to answer
`[Refer to FAQs to answer any questions]
`[If no]
`o What, in particular, did you find confusing?
`[Review answer, refer to FAQs, or direct patient to healthcare provider for further
`QUESTION 2: What is the generic name of KADCYLA?
` The generic name of KADCYLA is ado-trastuzumab emtansine
`Does this answer your question?
`[If yes]
`o Excellent. Do you have any other questions about KADCYLA today?
`[Refer to FAQs to answer any questions]
`[If no]
`IMMUNOGEN 2238, pg. 21
`Phigenix v. Immunogen

`Page 22 of 43
`o What else were

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