`62) United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`US 7,083,957 32
`Rosenblum et al.
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Aug. 1, 2006
`5.710.195 A
`5.837.491 A
`6.084.073 A
`611998 Hudziak e1 :1].
`1111998 Better at al.
`Tut-"2000 Piatak..11’.
`......... 424.:‘13UJ
`.. 435-69.]
`gflgfigifi 31
`6.306.626 131
`Rli3'1'.462 E
`6.599.505 Bl
`6.669.938 BI
`6.350.329 131
`2003411173163 Al
`200330086919 .41
`2003911134302 Al
`200310186384 A1
`20114100119477 Al
`3333? fiasruhft a]. "EH-W" 2:313;
`osen urn el
`10.12001 Roscnblilm et a].
`[212001 Rosenblilm ct al.
`........ 5301370
`7.12003 Rosenhlnm .............. 424-"134J
`1212003 Rosenbluin 61 a].
`6.12004 Rosenblilm ct al.
`412003 Fernandez ct .11.
`512003 Rosenbluin 61 a].
`”112003 Fernandez et al.
`1012003 Barth Ct 31.
`.. 4351695
`11"2004 Fernandez et a1.
`200450013691 A]
`11"2004 Rosenblnin .............. 424.2341
`9-" 1988
`81’ 1989
`Better et a1. 1994: .1. Biological Chemistry 269(13): 9644—
`|,MS Microbiology Letters 146.91
`321131.011 et a1. 1997,
`Parakli ct al. 1995;Proecedings ofthe American Assoctation
`tor Cancer Research Annual Meeting 36:488. abstract
`Sulirhicr 61 a1. 1991; J. Immunology 147(8): 2507—2513}
`11.8. Appl. No. 101676.725, filed Oct. 1. 2003. Roscnblum.
`USAPPLNQ 101926.731. filedAug_ 26. 2004‘ Rosenblum.
`Priiiraqit Examirwr—Karen Cochrane Carlson
`(74).4tr0rnc_1’. Agent. or [-'fmi Fulbright & Jaworski. I..I..1-’.
`invention concerns methods 01‘ reducing the
`The present
`antigenictly 01a protcmaceous compound while maintaining
`the compounds biological aelivity. as well as proteiliaecous
`compositions with biological activity but reduced antigenic—
`ity. These methods and compositions have significant ben—
`elits to a subject in need of such compounds and composi-
`lions. Also included are modified toxin compounds that are
`truncated andfor possess reduce antigenicity. Such designer
`toxins have therapeutic. diagnostic. and preventative ben—
`efitt- particularly mamas... Methods of treating
`cancer using lhesc nnmunotoxnis are provuled.
`41 Claims. 11 Drawing Sheets
`IMMUNOGEN 2075, pg. 1
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`Inventors: Michael G. Rosenhlum. Sugarlaiid. TX
`E33; [“mm'w ('heung‘ ”0mm“ Ix
`(73) “5'8““: 9935““? ”evfk'P'flem I"“’““““'"“t
`($5011 (-lly- NV (US)
`Subject to any dlsclalmer. theleml 01 tins
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`11.S.C. 154-02011)! 781 days.
`(”‘1 Notlce:
`(2]) Appl. Na: 1|);0745596
`Feb. 12, 2002
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2003110176331 ‘41
`88]). 18. 2003
`Related [1.8. Application Data
`Provisional application No. 601268.402. filed on Feb.
`12» 2001-
`Int. Cl.
`CIZN 9/00
`[1.5. CI.
`Field of Classification Search
`See application file for complete search history.
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