(12) United States Patent
`US 7,754,211 32
`(10) Patent N0.:
`Rosenblum et al.
`Jul. 13, 2010(45) Date of Patent:
`USOO775421 132
`Inventors: Michael Rosenhlum. Sugar Land. TX
`(US); Laura K. Shawver. San
`Francisco, CA (US)
`(73) Assignee: Research Development Foundation.
`Carson City. NV (US)
`( ‘1‘ ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer. the term ol‘lhis
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(1)) by 731 days.
`(21) Appl.No.: 107964,]95
`(22) Filed:
`Oct. 13. 2004
`Prior Publication Data
`US 200570]63774 Al
`Jul. 28. 2005
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(60) Division of application No. 097320.156. filed on May
`26. 1999. now abandoned. which is a continuation-in-
`part ot'application No. 087404.499. filed on Mar. 17.
`1995. now abandoned. which is a contimlation—in—part
`01‘ application No. 087300.082. [iled on Sep. 2. 1994.
`now abandoned, which is a continuation of application
`No. 087164.638. liled on Dec. 9. 1993. now abatt-
`doned. which is a continuation of application No.
`077867.728, filed 011 Apr. 10. 1992. now abandoned.
`Int. Cl.
`A61K 39/395
`(52] U.S.CI.
`53073873: 53073877: 53073881: 530738885:
`(58) Field ofClassification Search
`See application file for complete search history.
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`Phigenix v. Immunogen


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`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 2
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 2
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`US. Patent
`Jul. 13, 2010
`Sheet] 0132
`US 7,754,211 132
`[mu gar) aanaHnsav
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 3
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 3
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`US. Patent
`70H1N03 :10 %
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 4
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 4
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`US. Patent
`Jul. 13,2010
`Sheet 3 of 32
`US 7,754,211 32
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 5
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 5
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 13, 2010
`Sheet 4 of 32
`US 7,754,211 32
`IT +0.1uglm!
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 6
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 6
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`US. Patent
`Jul. 13,2010
`Sheet 5 of 32
`US 7,754,211 82
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 7
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 7
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`US. Patent
`Jul. 13,2010
`Sheet 6 of 32
`US 7,754,211 82
`internalization of lab 250
`in SKBR3 cells
`internalization of Tab 250
`in MBA 231 cells
`Time at 3?
`o zomeoa'aiémzomiéo
`——D—— internalized
`—:-— Surface bound
`{nitrzlalization of Tab 250
`in SKO‘H cells
`——o#— dissociated/recycled
`~da+— surface bound
`-*5~— internalized
`Inb 250
`fnternalization of
`in MBA #53 cells
`2. ME“..-
`I: M
`1.3-" x.
`{fl 1G31fl31fl1131
`Time at 3? minutes
`fl—O—- internaltzed
`—d&v~ dissocialcdfrecycied
`ufiJ-‘ surface bound
`40 50 80100120340160
`Fine 5: 37 minutes
`—-T—— ‘nternalized
`-—n3—- aisscc1atedfrecyc1ed
`-—~E- surface bound
`FIG. 6
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 8
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`US. Patent
`Jul. 13, 2010
`Sheet 7 of 32
`US 7,754,211 82
`ig- g
`"'——}——F—i—‘I'—H‘!-§‘_——§w— 10
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 9
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 9
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 13, 2010
`Sheet 8 of 32
`US 7,754,211 132
`x—a—3' \—’-0IWm..-
`“F723 gene
`~_3\ 5.
`Gdonln DNA
`4 N- 5.
`PCR 1
`PCR 1
`PCR 2 With 'outa‘ flanking
`primers I. sad 4
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 10
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 10
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`US. Patent
`Jul. 13,2010
`Sheet 9 of 32
`US 7,754,211 32
`FIG. 9
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 11
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 11
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 13,2010
`Sheet 10 of 32
`US 7,754,211 32
`I l I Il I I I I I I II ll II II
`U cuLTUlI sur
`E “6 TI! 155 ' Cd
`cut. usnz
`a 7
`[m] cnmnm :19.
`E [36 Tab 150 - 6.1
`filof//IHP//lylr/u//lr/VflLl Elf/Jr/f/Zf/‘f/Jf/(1/1.»I
`FIG. 10
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 12
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 12
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 13, 2010
`Sheet 11 0132
`US 7,754,211 32
`140ann— 87km»
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 13
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 13
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`US. Patent
`Jul. 13, 2010
`Sheet 12 of 32
`US 7,754,211 32
`(405 nm)
`Concentration (x 10’ 31311111)
`FIG. 12
`+ TAB BOgemmn
`"'0' ZME
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 14
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 14
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`US. Patent
`Jul. 13, 2010
`Sheet 13 of 32
`US 7,754,211 32
`Displacement 01‘“ I-BACh 250 Binding
`Displacement 01‘251-5ACH 250m“ Binding
`+ SAC)! 2501136 ‘1.Bound
`—i-* MouselgGu
`—.‘—' BAG!) 250
`0. I
`I a
`Anllha dls: 131M111)
`I1 I'
`Antibodies {pgfml}
`FIG. 13
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 15
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 15
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`US. Patent
`Jul. 13, 2010
`Sheet 14 of 32
`US 7,754,211 32
`Elm amass maul-54.59 pp:
`111.0 ire/ll 311131—250
`ICESOI-fim all
`00.! 1mm Elma-250 H.150! #105 p)!
`00.01 will 3501-250 18501-515 pH
` PercentCytotoxicity g
`Conjugate Conc..M01ar
`FIG. 14
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 16
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 16
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`US. Patent
`Jul. 13, 2010
`Sheet 15 of 32
`US 7,754,211 32
`43» 0.0] "3/1111
`+ lughnl
`-+- 05 ugfml
`-I- 0.1 ugfml
`% of
`~0- OJDS ugfnfl
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 17
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 17
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`US. Patent
`Jul. 13,2010
`Sheet 16 of 32
`US 7,754,211 El
`TAD zso-Gdonin (nyml)
`—.- SKBfi-S
`FIG. 16
`TA!) l'rO-Gclmin (nyml)
`*- MCF-T
`+ MBA-M345}
`-- smut-3
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 18
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 18
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 13,2010
`Sheet 17 0f 32
`US 7,754,211 32
`:00 a
`1 o
`O I
`o EACH-250
`FIG. 17
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 19
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 19
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 13,2010
`Sheet 18 0f 32
`US 7,754,211 32
`[:l BACH~250
`RATIO 53CDt-hu-n-Lnuit:'C3L310a TISSUE:BLOOD
`FIG. 18
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 20
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 20
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`US. Patent
`Jul. 13, 2010
`Sheet 19 of 32
`US 7,754,211 32
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 21
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 21
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 13, 2010
`Sheet 20 0f 32
`US 7,754,211 32
`FIG. 20
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 22
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 22
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 13,2010
`Sheet 21 of 32
`US 7,754,211 32
`E] EACH-250
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 23
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 23
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 13,2010
`Sheet 22 of 32
`US 7,754,211 32
`[:1 EACH-250
`2'00 [
`r 1
`025 ,~
`4 HR
`12 HR
`95 HR
`34 HR
`43 HR
`72 HR
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 24
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 24
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 13,2010
`Sheet 23 0f 32
`US 7,754,211 32
`"' PBS
`«0- TAb 250 + Gclonin
`'4'" TA!) ZSO-Gclonin
`6 6101214161820222426 283032343638 404244464850
`FIG. 23
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 25
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 25
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 13,2010
`Sheet 24 of 32
`US 7,754,211 32
` 0
`‘l D
`1 5
`FIG. 24
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 26
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 26
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`US. Patent
`Jul. 13, 2010
`Sheet 25 of 32
`US 7,754,211 32
`212 Link:
`(G115:-r Th! Sr: Glr Sn Gly Ln 5:: 5a 51.. 01; Ly: Gly] (5:1 10 M» "009413;“
`Thm b'
`. 1
`(Glyfiiyfihfiiy 5d) Cm '9’” )..........
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 27
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 27
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`US. Patent
`Jul. 13, 2010
`Sheet 26 of 32
`US 7,754,211 32
`- A 'I'NF(l7kD)Slandzu-d
`A B c 1) E F G H 1 J
`* B
`Uninduccd stZB bacteria] Iysate
`. C
`Induced 5Fv23 soluble lysatc
`Affinity (IMAC) resin prior to elation
`sI-‘v23 clunlc from affinity resin - F
`- E
`Uninduccd sI-‘v23—TNF bacterial lysatc
`- G
`Induced sl’v23-TNF soluble lysate
`. H A [‘finily (IMAC) resin prior to clution

`stEJ-TNF conjugate from affinity resin
`Mulccular weight markers
`FIG. 26
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 28
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 28
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`US. Patent
`Jul. 13, 2010
`Sheet 27 of 32
`US 7,754,211 32
`Anti-5M3 Ab
`Anti-TM? Ab
`FIG. 27
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 29
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 29
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 13,2010
`Sheet 28 0132
`US 7,754,211 32
`Concentration (pH)
`FIG. 28
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 30
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 30
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 13, 2010
`Sheet 29 of 32
`US 7,754,211 32
`FIG. 29
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 31
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 31
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 13,2010
`Sheet 30 of 32
`US 7,754,211 32
`4—- HER ma;
`adv-SKEW LP
`TNF Concentration
`FIG. 30
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 32
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 32
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 13,2010
`Sheet31 0132
`US 7,754,211 132
`st23-TNF (His)5
`Concentration (ulml)
`FIG. 31
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 33
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 33
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 13,2010
`Sheet 32 of 32
`US 7,754,211 132
`+ W
`+ sfv23fTNF
`FIG. 32
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 34
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`o 2
`0 3
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 34
`Phigenix v. Immunogen


`US 7,754,21 l 32
`CROSS RlZI’liRliNCli TO RlELA’l‘I il)
`The present application is a divisional of application Ser.
`No. 0911320, 156 filed May 26, 1999 now abandoned, which is
`a continuation in part of US. patent application Ser. No.
`081404.499. filed Mar. 17, 1995 now abandoned, which is a
`continuation in part of US. patent application Ser. No.
`0811300082. filed Sep. 2. 1994, now abandoned. which is a
`continuation of U .S. patent application Ser. No. 081'1641338.
`filed Dec. 9, 1993, now abandoned, which is a continuation of
`US. patent application Ser. No. 07861728, filed Apr. 10,
`1992, now abandoned.
`ing region. exhibiting binding specificity for the c-erbB-Z
`protein and a cell growth modulator, e.g., a toxin or growth
`suppressing reagent. This composition acts as an immuno—
`toxin to specifically target a cell growth modulator to tumor
`cells overcxprcssing the c-erbli-Z protein.
`Thus. in one embodiment ofthe present invention, there is
`provided a new composition oi'inattercomprisiiig a conjugate
`oi'a targeting moiety with binding specificity for the cerbB—2
`protein, e.g., TAb 250 monoclonal antibody, and a cytotoxic
`moiety. The cytotoxic moiety may be a toxin, a cytocida]
`drug, a cytostatic drug. or a biological response modifier. In
`one particular embodiment, the cytotoxic moiety is gelonin.
`Another embodiment of the present invention provides a
`method oftreating a neoplastic condition. e.g.. disease. which
`is characterized by amplification or overexprcssion of the
`c-crbB-Z oncogene. comprising administering a cytocidally
`effective dose of an immunotoxin of the present invention to
`an individual in need of such treatment.
`Finally. another embodiment of the instant invention com—
`prises a method of treating neoplastic cells with an antibody—
`‘l‘Nl: conjugate. Possible target cells include mammary car-
`cinoma cells. ovarian carcinoma cells, ltmg carcinoma cells,
`salivary gland carcinoma cells. gastric tumor cells, colon
`adenocarcinoma cells, and bone marrow leukemia cells. A
`specific example entailing breast carcinoma cells is provided.
`FIG. 1 demonstrates the effects of ZME antibody. TAb 250
`antibody or innnunonconjugates ofTAb 250 and gelonin on
`SKOV—3 cells as measured by
`l“ [(i. 2 demonstrates the cytotoxicity of the 'lAb 250 gelo-
`nin construct on SKOV-3 cells.
`IMMUNOGEN 2047, pg. 35
`Phigenix v. Immunogen
`'llie present invention provides a composition comprising a
`conjugate ofa cellular targeting moiety. e.g., an antigen bind-
`In still another embodiment ofthe present invention, there
`is provided compositions of matter comprising fusion con-
`strttcts of targeting moieties with binding-affinity for
`c—erbB—2 protein and a cytotoxic moiety. Preferably. the tar—
`geting moiety is an antibody which recognizes an extracellu—
`lar epitope of c—crbB—2. e.g.. TAb 250. and the cytotoxic
`moiety is relatively inert when applied separately from the
`targeting moiety, e.g.. gelonin. In other embodiments of the
`present invention there are provided methods ofextending the
`survival time ofa tumor bearing mammal by administration
`oftargeted toxins o fthe present invention to this mammal and
`also a method of retarding the rate of growth of tumors by
`administering targeted toxins of the present invention. 'fypi-
`cally, the targeted toxins will be targeted by an immunologi—
`cal binding region, e.g._. an antibody binding segment. Addi—
`‘ comprising an immunotoxin consisting essentially ofa cyto-
`toxic moiety conjugated to a monoclonal antibody. Most pref—
`erably. the antibody is TAb 250 and the cytotoxic moiety is
`In another embodiment of the instant invention, there is
`provided a conjugate of tumor necrosis factor to an antibody
`exhibiting binding specificity for an extracellular epitope of
`c—erbB—2 protein. The antibody may be an intact filll length
`antibody with either the heavy chain or light chain peptide
`conjugated to tumor necrosis factor. Alternatively, the anti-
`body may hc or a Irv fragment with the toxin linked to either
`the VL or VH peptide. In the preferred embodiment. conjugate
`is a fusion protein between a single chain antibody and tumor
`necrosis factor which is preferably produced by recombi—
`nantly fusing a gene encoding a single chain antibody to a
`gene encoding tumor necrosis factor. One possible sliv is
`1. Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates generally to the field oftreat-
`ment of neoplastic disease. More specifically. the present
`invention relates to novel innnunoconiugates and their use in
`the treatment of neoplastic disease.
`2. Description of the Related Art
`Neoplastic disease is one ofthe leading causes ofmortality
`and morbidity in the Western World. Neoplastic conditions,
`e.g.. diseases or “cancers”, share at least one characteristic,
`i.e.. the involvement oi'defects in the cellular growth regula—
`tory process. The process by which normal cells are traits-
`forTned into malignant cells has been a subject of intense
`study for decades. More recently. study has focused on the
`role ofoncogenes in the cancer process. Oncogenes are genes
`that have the ability to transform eukaryotic cells so that they
`grow in a manner analogous to tumor cells.
`An oncogene is created when a normal gene or proto-
`oncogene is mutated, rearranged, or amplified. One such
`oncogene is
`the cerbB—Z(HER—21neu) proto—oncogene.
`Hereinafter. this oncogene will be referred to as c-erbB-Z.
`This gene encodes a protein similar to epidermal growth
`factor receptor. Amplification of this proto-oncogenc can
`result in a cascade of cellular events leading to unregulated
`cell growth.
`Antibodies are proteins produced by the immtme system of
`an animal, normally in response to foreign antigens or anti-
`genic determinants. Antibodies bind to the specific antigen to
`which they are directed. The development of specific mono—
`clonal antibodies has provided investigators with a possible
`means of selectively targeting therapeutic agents to cells
`which overcxpress defined antigens.
`Overexpression of the c—erbB—2 proto—oncogene in neo—
`plastic transformation has been postulated. Several types of
`human cancers including some mammary carcinomas and
`some ovarian carcinomas have an amplified c-erbB-Z gene. 5‘
`Moreover. amplification and subsequent overcxprcssion of
`the c—erbB—2 gene has been correlated with poordisease prog—
`nosis. Thus. there exists a great need and desire in this art for
`a method of selectively targeting a chemotherapeutic agent to

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