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`Page 1 of 30
`Hyundai Exhibit 1005
`Page 1 of 30
`Hyundai Exhibit 1005


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`Page 4 of 30


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`Page 6 of 30


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`Page 8 of 30
`Page 8 of 30


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`Page 10 of 30


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`Page 12 of 30


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`Page 16 of 30


`I, Michio Ogawa, Toranomon East Bldg, 7—13, Nishi—Shimbashi
`l—chome, Minato—ku, Tokyo, Japan, do hereby certify that I
`am conversant with the English and Japanese languages and am
`a competent translator thereof, and I further certify that
`to the best of my knowledge and belief the attached English
`translation is a true and correct translation made by me of
`Japanese unexamined published patent application No. H3-19929
`published on February 27, 1991.
`Signed this on the 13th day of July, 2012
`Michio Ogawa
`Page 17 of 30


`(19) Japanese Patent Office (JP)
`(12) Publication of Utility Model Application (U)
`(11) Publication No. of Utility Model Application No.:
`(43) Publication Date: February 27, 1991
`(51) Int. Cl.5
`Identification Code
`G 01 G— 19/52
`Sequence Nos. for Office Use
`Examination Request: Not requested
`No. of Claims:
`(Total of pages)
`(21) Application No.:
`(22) Application Date: July 10, 1989
`(71) Applicant:
`Yamato Seiko Co., Ltd.
`5—22 Chaenba—machi, Akashi—shi,
`Yoji Onishi
`c/o Yamato Seiko Co., Ltd.
`5—22 Chaenba—machi, Akashi—shi,
`(74) Agent:
`Tetsu Shimizu, Patent.Attorney, and 2
`Page 18 of 30
`Page 18 of 30


`1. Title
`2. Claims
`A chair—shaped body weight scale having a chair, and load
`detectors arranged to support the chair at multiple sites on
`the lower surface of the chair.
`The chair—shaped body weight scale according to Claim
`1, wherein the chair is a chair with arm—resting beams, and
`a load display unit is arranged on the upper surface of an
`arm—resting beam.
`A chair—shaped body weight scale having a seat that has
`a sliding device in its lower portion so that the seat can.move
`back—and—forth to the prescribed position, and load detectors
`arranged to support the seat at multiple sites of the lower
`surface of the sliding device.
`3. Detailed Explanation of the Invention
`[Industrial application field]
`scale, which has a chair that is anchored on the floor surface
`a sliding device and.the chair or the like not anchored on the
`floor surface for use. The sale measures the body weight as
`the subject sits on the chair or the like.
`Page 19 of 30
`Page 19 of 30


`[Prior art]
`In the prior art, the conventional body weight scale is
`used for measuring the body weight as the subject stands on
`adedicatedplatformnwunted(x1thescale. Consequently,when
`the body weight is to be measured,
`the subject should walk to
`the site where the body weight scale is set, or the body weight
`scale should be transported to the site for measurement and
`the subject should stand on the platform thereof.
`However, when the body weight of a sick person is to be
`10 measured, such an operation becomes a significant burden on
`the sick person. This is undesirable. Even when a healthy
`person is concerned,
`the person, who originally sat down on
`a chair to rest, should walk to the site where the body weight
`scale is set, and, as this takes some effort, it hampers the
`15 measurement of the body' needed for preventive health
`care. This is undesirable.
`In order to solve the problems,
`disclosed a type of chair equipped with a body weight scale.
`As shown in FIG. 7,
`this body weight scale—attached chair 1
`has a pressure sensor (not shown in the figure) arranged inside
`the seat portion la, and a measurement circuit that measures
`the body weight
`from the output of the pressure sensor is
`accommodated in the case 4 being attached on the side surface
`of one arm—resting beam lb. A display unit 2 is arranged on
`Page 20 of 30
`Page 20 of 30


`the upper surface of the arm—resting beam lb for displaying
`the output of the measurement circuit.
`[Problems to be solved by the device]
`However, as the body weight scale—attached chair 1 has
`a pressure sensor attached inside the seat portion la, when
`the cushion.of the seat is thin, the person sitting
`on it
`feels uncomfortable.
`In order
`to make
`the seat
`comfortable for the person to sit thereon, it is necessary to
`significantly change the design of the seat portion la. This
`weight scale—attached chair 1 for measuring the body weight,
`the back of the subject rests on the back portion of the chair,
`and the arms of the subject rest on the arm—resting beams, so
`that the correct body weight may not be measured. This is
`The purpose of
`the present device is to provide a
`the existing chair without making significant changes in the
`design of the chair, and.which.can correctly measure the body
`weight of the subject sitting on the chair.
`[Means for solving the problems]
`In order to realize the purpose,
`the chair—shaped body
`weight scale of
`the present device has a chair and load
`detectors that support the chair at multiple sites on the lower
`surface of the chair.
`Page 21 of 30
`Page 21 of 30


`In addition, if the chair is a chair with arm—resting
`beams, a load display unit is arranged on the upper surface
`of an arm—resting beam so that the person can see the display
`of the body weight while sitting on the chair.
`For example, when this device is adopted on the seat of
`automobiles, it may have the following parts: a seat having
`a sliding device in its lower portion so that the seat can.move
`back—and—forth to the prescribed.position, and load detectors
`arranged to support the seat at multiple sites on the lower
`surface of the sliding device.
`The chair—shaped body weight scale of the present device
`In addition, as the load detectors support the chair on the
`lower surface of the chair, even when the subject rests their
`arms on the arm—resting beams, or rests their back on the back
`portion of the chair,
`in the case the chair include the back
`portion, it is still possible to correctly measure the body
`weight. Also, as the load detectors supports the chair at
`multiple sites on the lower surface of the chair, error in
`In addition, as the constitution has the load detectors
`attached on the lower portion of the chair,
`there is no need
`to significantly change the design of the chair for attaching
`the load detectors on the chair.
`Page 22 of 30
`Page 22 of 30


`In addition, as a load display unit is arranged on the
`upper surface of an arm—resting beam, the subject the
`body weight while sitting on the chair.
`In.addition, as the load.detectors support the seat from
`below the sliding device in this constitution, it is possible
`to measure the body weight while the subject is sitting on the
`seat independent of the back—and— forth sliding position of the
`[Application Examples]
`In the following, Application Example I of the present
`device will be explained.with reference to FIG. 1 through FIG.
`3. Here,asshowninFIG.l,thechair—shapedbodyweightscale
`has load detectors 6 arranged on the lower surface of a sofa
`S equipped with arm—resting beams 7 on the two sides thereof.
`As shown in FIG. 3, each of the load detectors 6 has two
`elastic bodies 9 and strain gauges 8 bonded on the surfaces
`of the two elastic bodies 9. As shown in FIG. 2,
`the elastic
`shaped members with a
`cross—sectional shape, and have holes 11, 11 formed through
`the side surfaces at the two end portions. As a result,
`the two end portions, double beam type load cells are formed,
`respectively. Four strain gauges 8 are bonded on the upper
`surface and lower surface of the elastic bodies 9 corresponding
`to the positions of the holes 11, respectively. For each of
`the elastic bodies 9, a total of 8 strain gauges 8 are bonded
`Page 23 of 30
`Page 23 of 30


`at the two end portions of the elastic bodies 9. Each of the
`elastic bodies 9 is accommodated in a rectangular case 12 a
`little larger than the elastic body.
`Via a rectangular
`anchoring plate 14 between the lower surface of the central
`portion of the elastic body 9 and the upper surface of the bottom
`plate 13 of the case 12,
`the elastic body is anchored on the
`bottom plate 13 by fastening screws 15, 15.
`In addition,
`two end portions of each of elastic bodies 9 are anchored by
`fastening the bolts 21 on the lower surface of the sofa 5 via
`a cylindrical shaped pressure applying member 20 between the
`upper surface of the end portion and the lower surface of the
`sofa 5. On the upper plate of the case 12,
`two round shaped
`holes 22 are formed through the plate at
`the protruding
`positions of the two pressure applying members 20 so that the
`pressure applying members can protrude out from the case 12.
`The holes 22 have an appropriate size to have a sufficiently
`large spacing so that no contact is made with the outer wall
`of the pressure applying members 20.
`The elastic bodies 9
`accommodated in the case 12 are by one along the
`arm—resting beams 7 on the two sides of the sofa S and on the
`lower surface thereof.
`As shown in FIG. 3, a controller 10 is connected with
`example, four strain gauges 8 are adopted as a group) bonded
`on the two elastic bodies 9, a display unit 23 and a manipulating
`Page 24 of 30
`Page 24 of 30


`part 24. The value of the weight of the sofa S is subtracted
`from the signal value based on the distortion quantities of
`the strain gauges 8, and the obtained signal is sent to the
`display unit
`for displaying the body weight.
`manipulating part 24 has a zero—adjusting button for adjusting
`the zero point of the measurement value, a data transmission
`button for transmitting the signal allowing the display unit
`23 to display the body weight to the controller 10 or the like.
`When this data transmission button is on (off) , the power supply
`of the controller 10 is turned on (off) . The display unit 23
`and manipulating part 24 are attached on the upper surface of
`one arm—resting beam 7 of the sofa 5. Although not shown in
`the figure,
`the controller 10 is accommodated in the case 12.
`When body weight is to be measured with the chair—shaped
`body weight scale, while the subject sits on the sofa S,
`data transmission button is turned on, and, at the same time,
`the subject raises their feet away from the floor surface for
`a few seconds.
`the body weight is displayed on the
`display unit 23 after a few seconds. The subject can see the
`display of the body weight while still sitting on the chair.
`Because the elastic bodies 9 of the load detectors 6 are
`arranged on the lower surface of the sofa 5, even when the
`subject puts their arms on the arm—resting beams 7 and has their
`back setting on the back portion of the sofa,
`the body weight
`still can be measured correctly.
`In addition, as the elastic
`Page 25 of 30
`Page 25 of 30


`bodies 9 support
`the sofa S at multiple sites on the lower
`surface of the sofa 5, it is possible to reduce the error in
`measurement caused by deviated load distribution. Also,
`case 12 covers and.protect the elastic bodies 9 and the strain
`gauges 8, and, when a significant deviated load is applied on
`one end portion.of the elastic bodies 9,
`the lower surface of
`the sofa 5 contacts the upper surface of the case 12, so that
`the sofa 5 cannot be further inclined. As a result,
`mechanisnlplays a role in protecting the elastic bodies 9 from
`a significant deviated load.
`As shown in FIG. 4,
`the chair—shaped body weight scale
`in Application example 2 uses a massage device 25 instead of
`the sofa S in Application Example 1, with the elastic bodies
`9 of the load detectors 6 attached on its lower surface. The
`remaining portions are the same as those in Application Example
`1, and hence the method of use in measuring the body weight
`is also the same as that in Application Example 1.
`As shown in FIG. 5,
`the chair—shaped body weight scale
`in_Application Example 3 has the elastic bodies 9 of the load
`detectors 6 attached on the lower portion of the driver’s seat
`26of,e.g.,anautomobile. Asshowninthefigure,twosliding
`allow the driver’s
`to move
`back—and—forth to the prescribed.position are arranged on the
`lower surface along the left/right edge portions of the seat
`portion 28 of the driver's seat 26. On the lower surfaces of
`Page 26 of 30
`Page 26 of 30


`the sliding devices 27,
`the elastic bodies 9 of
`the load
`detectors6 asthosei11theApplicathm1Example]_areattached.
`Here, each case 12 is anchored on the floor surface of the
`automobile as the two end portions thereof are supported by
`supporting members
`manipulating part 24 and the display unit 23 are the same as
`those in Application Example 1. Although not shown in the
`they can be attached on the instrumental panel where
`the speedometer, etc. of the automobile are arranged.
`This chair—shaped body weight scale has two elastic
`bodies 9 attached on each of the lower surface of the sliding
`devices 27. Consequently, the body weight can be measured at
`any back—and—forth sliding position of the driver's seat 26.
`In Application Examples 1 through 3,
`the elastic bodies
`9 are arranged to support the chair or the like at four sites
`at the two end portions of each of the two elastic bodies 9
`as shown in FIG. 6(a). However,
`the configuration shown in
`is also possible.
`this configuration,
`plate—shaped member 30 is applied as a bridge on the upper
`surface of the end.portions of the two elastic bodies 9 on the
`corresponding side, and the chair or the like is supported at
`three sites,
`including the center of the plate—shaped member
`30 and the other end portions of the elastic bodies 9. As it
`is possible to change the configuration of supporting by the
`elastic bodies 9 of the chair or the like, it is possible to
`Page 27 of 30
`Page 27 of 30


`attach the load detectors 6 corresponding to the shape of the
`frame of the sofa S, 25, or the driver’s seat 26.
`[Effects of the device]
`According to the present device with the constitution,
`it is possible to manufacture the chair—shaped body weight
`scale by using the existing chair without significant change
`in the design of the chair and the seat. Consequently, for
`the automobile seat, without degrading the safety of
`persons riding in the automobile, it is possible to attach the
`load detectors while maintaining the comfort for a person to
`sit on the chairs or the like.
`In addition, it is possible
`to make correct measurement of the body weight independent of
`the state of sitting on a chair or a seat in an automobile or
`the like.
`4. Brief Description of the Drawings
`is an oblique view illustrating Application
`Example I of the chair—shaped body weight scale of the present
`a vertical
`illustrating the elastic body of the application example.
`3 is a block diagram illustrating the electric circuit of the
`application example.
`FIG. 4 is an oblique view illustrating
`Application Example 2 of the present device.
`5 is an
`oblique view illustratinngpplicationZExampleIBof the device.
`of configuration of the elastic bodies attached on the lower
`Page 28 of 30
`Page 28 of 30


`portion of a chair or a seat.
`is an oblique View
`illustrating the body'weight scale—attached chair in the prior
`Sofa equipped with arm—resting beams
`Load detector
`Arm—resting beam
`Load display unit
`Massage device
`Driver's seat
`Sliding device
`Page 29 of 30
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