`Webasto Roof Systems, Inc.
`Webasto Roof Systems, Inc.
`Exhibit 1021
`Exhibit 1021


`Words are included in this Dictionaw on the basis of their
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`The American Heritage Dictionary.
`Copyright ’0 1992 by Houghton Miftlin Company.
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-
`'i‘he American heritage
`— 3rd ed.
`ISBN 0-395-44895—6
`in—Pubticotion Ditto
`dictionary of the English language.
`1. English language—Dictionaries.
`423 —dc2tl
`Manufactured in the United States of America
`Webasto Roof Systems, Inc.
`Webasto Roof Systems, Inc.
`Exhibit 1021
`Exhibit 1021


`Elstonurmei- Pl-‘lJl—‘lt'fi it! sullen and ulirmfl- [he Inalerliil by fl‘ictiuu
`star. "alums”, r
`w.)r:-.w9rk i5“-'""W""'k'} H-
`I. The lei-linlque ur praisesri nf
`mg ”1 SWINE
`2. Wnrk made Til sic-lie; slum- ninslini'y.
`in. Any rlt Vlii'iule: submerged
`waif?" lslfin'wiirl '. ~wl'irt't
`With tall: 'ae uI Ihe flt'lttlfi {Ilium that are frequently encrusted
`t-Ium Uiu‘llrltiute deprisi
`' and have nudes u‘illt whrnrlt‘d.
`”Onmt’mhke branches.
`shmay istfi’nél adj. Variant utstony.
`u; ”1:: Freak {swine}. A lawn of :iulltheusl Ul'llul'iu, Canada.
`detentudctsl: end "I Luke Dnturiu south (if l-IumiIton. The Brillh'l’!
`1312 p.
`E ‘i‘meril-nns here on June I5.
`lEI1:t. during lite War of
`’Pulamn. :siiciru.
`0!: hiLngflon _[810’nlng-wnj_ A [own (if mulheiisl Connect ieul
`“I'll-e a :1 31"“‘1 h'Iuiid east of New Lutuhln Settled in “549. 1'! we.
`“1"” 5hillbllilding and whaling center. Pnpulniinn. trim!”
`With z; [illlw "OFF“!
`lslt'il'lie} rid}.
`-|-er, -l-es‘l.
`'I. Cnvel'etl
`hardhcggu I “I 5‘0"“: '1 “any llt'fll’ll. 2. liesenibling slime.
`hibltin _' ‘ 3''a-_I'L'Jl'dl‘u.-erlelj and unfeeling: unelntutiunal. h. L. -
`Emmi-Sal? feeling or warmth; impussive: u Molly expressimi. 4.
`“Shard '3" “limiting or purulymng. n stmly feeling of fear.
`any “I? :2an —5‘|0|‘I'i°ness n.
`Giully ‘f’rfil
`”‘ A CUT-1i with a hard ealcai'mus skeleton. Pspe-
`U the nrdel‘ Selerlielinia.
`Emigrhced [Slfi’nfi-fast’} also stone-laced rllIi'niF—i
`3 o .
`mg no onlnliun 0i“ feeling: expi'eiamrinleew.
`ISIEnXJ.hB-ufl.ed lflft’ne—har'tld} also stana-heurI-ed
`“no". "d-l' D"“""d "f kindnesfi W' srltipulhy: hurdheiu-ied.
`slon. g'lffllfl’ad-Iy mic. —stonfy-heun*edoness n.
`udrfilii RPIM fm'f'i'ml- A village of wiilheasl New Yui'k ml the
`“"31 ““l'lh hf New City. It: bluekhnuse. euptuiml by Brit-
`Wayne?“ '" Mar 17TH. was l-etiikeii
`In July by Gen. AlitlinniI
`shay ~F {bl—"5‘51 Pflpulutinn, Rz’tlL
`"H'gu5.k° ttu‘ong-grfiflska.
`tn‘nn-J. See Tunguska.
`Slog: {shrug} if. Past tense and past
`lim’lieiple of mud.
`who aliofiimm "-
`I- The slriiighi mun ll: a enmedtati. 2. One
`.5 oneself to he used for another's pi'ul'tl Dr advantage: a
`"WI-Ina .Slmly. A 51ml pigeon. -stooge iiitr.l-.
`31lltiltt'luwn l, ”MW'BS. Tn Ix- “ stringv nr behave like one.
`col My,” H
`0'1 Egg. ”r .
`1- A lwcltleiL-c llnd armless Single seat supplii‘ted
`k 005 in ql"_Pl.‘d[-31n]_ 2- A luw bench m' support [or the feel ul'
`' "llltg '7" kneeling, :15 u l'uoli'ei-lt. 3. A toilet seal: a enm-
`.u. A bowel mow-mom: an evacuation. b. Evacuated
`5- Botany. n. A stump or mnlstnck thtll |)I'Iitlllt'l's
`II- 3‘ shoal in growth fmm such a Hump ur
`(I “end u -90.“ ”mill. stoolad, flanking, stools.
`'l. Botany.
`. 3‘ SP: "Imols OI‘ suckers. 2. Tu evacuate the bowels: dell--
`‘lii Eli-1'
`""9- T0 EICT. in: it smut pigeon.
`[Middle English. from
`. 3 ””1 Stdl- SEC“ “(1- in Appendix]
`81°01!“ “haul-'1 1"- Shmg. A sinril pigenn.
`990“ N-
`1- Slang. A Fulfil)” acting as: a decuy nr .15 an
`[I’m as -
`r, ”film-mull}; um‘ whu is 'I spy fur the police. 2. A piueun
`“‘IIJI ll) 4 deco?-
`ll‘l'lltn Il'l(' practice :if tying decoy pigmm; in :I
`3'00 't
`.Itlracl (Ill-ml. pig mm”
`I. Tn
`bend f
`(“I"“Pl 0-
`stooped, sloop-lug, sleeps. — hilr.
`"Ill! reign"! and dim“ [rum the waist or the middle of the buck:
`(“De-cm” ”g." I." null-r to fit into the calm 2. To walk or stund.
`3. To hey ab'tul‘lh“. With the head and upper
`.ick bent forward.
`5' Tr} (hull-d 0" Sag d‘IWm-l'ill'd. 4.0. To lower or delmlie line-rte]
`Subm11_";w}d fl'nrn i1 Supt-I'irir pusilinl'l: untidl'sceiid. 5. Tu yield:
`1' TI; lit-mi
`l‘o 5wunp down, ill: a bird in pursuing its prey. — tr.
`i'lltnlile __ ilht’ head or body} forward and (lawn. 2. To demise;
`‘ I. lifioop ’1'.
`'l. The act (if stumping. 2. A [inward iii-ml—
`)uscnienl ul' enncleltcelisirin. 4. A descent. :er Iif :I Illl'ti
`50|Lurfd ""d UPI-tar buck. especially when habitual. 3. All
`[Middle English stoupen. from Old English sl'lipilmj
`'l'hr (‘l‘llll"li meaiiiltl:
`. "In dl’fit't’lld I0 :1 level cunsidei-etl
`nity": slimming tr: camemplilile I'l'u'lhutlx m
`l t'
`" ambitions; won't lini'ldeiicend ti: iiekllutillt’tl'ge llix ri-
`w; (mm-l “Wt defy" to reply.
`"l'xlaimalflml’l _"- erllwmitem U S. A Hl'l'lflll pnrch. pliillrul'm.
`If”. f
`M‘ lefld'nlt 10 the (-nli'iiilue u! :i linulu- :Ir building.
`""11 Vemnduh. rmm Middle Dutch. J
`“90p.b‘l;;“”lll I'I. Vtiriaiil tif sloup.
`[Hl‘ml’nlflil'] ii. Spin-t3. A game patterned Ll“ linse-
`hall in wh-l
`“h a Player Ilil'rlwli ii ball :irguiiiitl a iatrmp or wall and
`II“? llu
`in" "l bounces iiidiezl
`'5 [he lit-Ms reached.
`Sin D
`look.- :I’ .rfll'fifllmrl n.
`'I. On:- lhiit
`tulips. 2. Slang. One “’1!!!
`"T5 a
`. wumull-l Purl-Inlllllcl 1ii'kels
`tirelesslv dilleurded by alli-
`3199 t: r“‘""""t'k.
`I. ‘l‘u clnxe [:III
`r" ”aimed, stop-ping, stops. — fr.
`l"?! "M”. ‘Y “'Vt‘limt. filling in. or plugging up. 2. Tu l'nnxtrlel
`'Jrliig "r "rill“
`3. Tu tilisti'uei nr bluek pui'tage nil
`“to“ the :ximjl-‘ll'l- 4- 'I‘n prevent the flow or p.15 go rif: tr'tl-tl' tn
`e I‘ll'ly- 5. TI: mime Ill hull. crime, III' desist: stopped Jm’
`,1 LT _ dlll‘t‘t‘l'iui'ix. 6. Tu {Iesisl EI'UI'ni celirie.‘ itl'np rlfllflmil- 7-
`1'“ em!» 1' hliik tn wnhhriltl payment of: stopped the (.‘ht't'li'. B.
`“ "lulnl'.
`I'nl' example} In (east- ”pet‘almn ul' funelirm:
`Whitfield House Museum.
`the hldest stone house in
`the United Stmi
`Gilill‘urd. Cnnneeticut
`a pint
`ui buy
`3 pay
`rIu tint
`l‘ii' cine
`if” quk
`.‘i Father
`(in hunt
`ii (In!
`t' lie
`{Il' uret-
`Iii [hi]!
`I pie
`l‘h this
`ii- pier
`Eur which
`i‘. pin
`zli VISlUII-
`u “w
`.i lull-nut. item
`if. piiw
`6 I’ireii'inuliiliu
`Elm-xi. mark-t: ’ lpl'lliiali‘,i'li
` " {
`III!" {dikNlIa-ni‘i-Fe;
`:1. Tu press flaunt [it string on LI sll'iliged ilislt'll-
`hull. 9. Music.
`Illt'tltl till the I'ii'ieI-rbnni'd lI'I pi‘liduee a dt‘fill't‘tl pileh. b. To (105(-
`(a hole H“ .I \t‘ilitl instrument] with the finger in suunding a de—
`ieirell pitch. —-i'lltr.
`1. Tu willie moving. progressing. acting. III'
`opt-ruling; mine to .1 halt: The lilac}: stopped at 3’0!th point during
`the night. 2. To put lll’l end lr_i what one is diiinjt; cease: had m
`slap in all r'IE‘lflllg piece in the hunk. 3. Tu Interrupt line's cunnil-
`II:'JI}||]11{‘_\' for a briel' Visit ril' stay: xtap at the store; stopped at tl'
`friend} {or (I [Mr liiylilil. —stap n.
`I. The act of shipping nr the
`i'lindiliun Lil being shipped; emulation. 2. A finish: an encl. 3. A
`3““.- m' visil, as line lukeii (hiring a hip. 4. A place at which
`mmeiine or something strum: ii regular stop all my wiper mute; a
`hm- slap. 5. A device m' means that ubstnicts. liltwks. or plug:: up.
`6. Ali "I'dt'l' given to a hank In withhuld payment tin ii check. 7.
`A part in ii mat-lune that ships or regulates Iririeeinent. 8. The
`effccltre aperllire of a IL'IIK. cniitrlilled by a diaphragm. 9. A
`mar}; n! pilm'luuliun. especially a peril-(l. 10. Music. a. The :let
`of stopping ti sti‘inu tir hole on an instrument.
`I). A frel on :i
`stringed inslriimettt.
`c. A hule uli a wind inxtmmcni. d. A device
`such in: a hey I'm- charting the hole on a “'llld insti'umi-nl. a. A
`tum-d sol (if pipes. its in :in nl‘giln.
`f. A knlil). key. In' pull that
`n-gululos such :1 SDI
`ill pipes.
`'l'l'. Nautical. A line tilted Ilii'
`l-ul-itlg sun-willing tenipol'ui'ilv: n will strip.
`1‘]. Linguistic-s.
`See ploslve.
`‘M. The depr
`'rm between the muzzle and {up at
`1|“. skull ill (in animal. especially (I dug.
`I5. Gilllld‘fi. A stopper.
`‘16. Architecture. A pt'tljlrt'tmg 310110. Ul'len curred, ul the end nf ii
`inuldiiig. -stop mlj.
`(if. relating to. ur being in! use til Ihr end :il'
`nn upenitiun ni‘ activtly.‘ ti snip emlr. —phmsal' verb. Stop
`down. 't'u t'ethlcl' {the upt‘l'lurul Iil‘ :1 tens.
`[Middle English stup-
`lrurn old English «Human. probably fmm Vulgar Lulin
`tn caulk, [rum Latin rtl'flppfl'.
`tmt‘. broken flux. from
`Greek stilmu‘n] Hslopfpu-hle lid}.
`SYNONYMS: Stop. lll’flsi'. tli'sixt, dlxmmimlt: halt. quit. The Cult—
`Ira! meaning shelled by these verbs is "Iii bring or come in ;. cog.
`satilin' : stop arguing: erased trinity: deli-er Irwin milipl'aiiiing; (in.
`maternal the trmtim-iit.‘ halting the convoy; quit laughing.
`ANTON I'M.- xtm-t.
`stop-cock [:ati‘gplkcik’: n. A valve that regulates nu. no“. “r
`l'luul through a pipe; in faucet.
`slope {slap} ii. Ali exeuvulirin in the fm'l't‘l of steps made by the
`mining of are [rum steeply inclined lll‘ VOl'thltl veins. —stupg fr_{|_
`sloped, starving, slopes. To remuve {run-J [mm m- mm- 1,}.
`means til 0 snipe.
`[Perhaps from Law (lL'l‘m'dlL h‘||'I3- ”W“ Middle
`Low German xtc'ifit'J ~—stopter H.
`iii-nigh paleun.
`Slopes isiiapsi. Marie Carmichael. iiino— iiisii.
`mini-list and HftL'llll returuil-r Wlttl "pelted England‘s lll'bl birth eon-
`tI'III eliiiic “924: in London iincl litter pi‘iiiiinlmi family planning II]
`the Far East.
`An itiipl'uv'iiietl subslllute fur suturi—
`Sl’OP’QUP lsthp’gap'l ii.
`iiinynill ill Innke-
`thing lacking:
`lemptil'fll'y expedient. See by:
`slilfl. —rmri'lmrit-r.
`()flen its-mi tn modify illli'lllll'l‘ nniln: M‘Uliyrm
`iiimsuri-x: n stupyup lmdcr.
`stop-light [stu’lp'lil’l u.
`I. A light nlitlie t'L'lll'lllIl\'I’l1lI-'l'-'_llN-Il
`is activated when the brakes tire applied. Alma culled Make “5”"-
`2. See traffic lighl.
`stop order it. Ali larder tn .1 hr: llter Io buy or sell a Slack when
`it rt'llt‘lll’h' a smothed level at decline nr gain In pl'lre.
`Slap'o’ver [Slfill’t'I'V-H'l ”-
`'I. An inleri'upliiiu iii the charm: ill
`it j-iurney [or shipping Ul' risiling at a certain p[iu:t-. 2. A placi-
`visited briefly in the minute 01' a jtiurilw.
`stop-page {sthp’ljl It. The tit-I ur :illlpplng ul‘ tllt' eiiiiditinii nl
`being xttlpped: a hull: culi‘i'rl fin“ rt It’m'lt stapling!“-
`S'IOD payment H. An lii'del‘ Iu une's lItII'IF: nut II} Iiutilii’ a t'hOL‘k
`one has (ll’hwll.
`I. A device. such :15 .'i curl: or plug. ll'lu'll
`stop-per (xtbplarl u.
`is Inserted Iii L'IHSI.‘ am UPC'I'III'Ifl. 2. Dnn- that (‘ill es suluethiiu: to
`Ship: ti t'nm‘urxritiml stopper 3. (“unwell-r .‘l‘l’it'm‘r. The Illpllttlrtl
`menirn'v lucalIr-n in u devil-e IIT sysleni. 4. Games. A card 01‘ cm .‘i
`enabling l)ll!.'
`In pct-veal Hill-'5 rlppnnenls from winning all
`tricks in {I hand of bridge. ~stopper m". mend. nper-Ing,
`~pers. Tu L‘ltlh‘t' Willi III
`f with a stopper.
`stop-pie tslop’oli ii. A skipper; ii plug. —slopp|a Ftt'.
`-pling, -ples.
`'I'iu elusi- wilh :i stumx-i- Ill' plug.
`lMilillll- English
`:itnppl‘ll. {mm Middle English mutual-u. in ship. Hue S1" '|'-l
`STOP sign H. A ll‘illllt‘ Sign thal Iltdlt‘uIL'h' that Iriifl’lt- is quiiiretl
`tu came in :i i'ninplele ship lil'lni'e proceeding.
`slop street
`u. A street
`tTtt{‘I'h'-(.'|.'1illl’1 at which .'i vehicle must
`("lml‘ tn ii complete stup behave entering :I llii'uueJI .‘lll'l-L'l.
`slop-watch liltflpl'wm'h'l
`ii. A waleli
`started mill stripped It'll pufllllii,t a liiittnii mid titled in measure all
`ilill'iiiinii nf ltltll‘.
`slur-age mill-rt]. sll'lr’v! ii Afihr. stym, slur. Lu. ‘l’he .'
`Sllll'lllg guilds ”1' the slate nl' helm: slim-(l. b. A Spill‘l- l-Ii' xllii'mg
`g: I: all :4.
`c. The pri
`l’lllll'HI‘d lfll' keeping grinds xirirl-II.
`2. The
`g M I'I.-llt-nct'illiilg 0f 0 still'itLte IJEIlIl'I'IV. 3.
`The ]J-'ii'l
`:Il il t'nllliJIlll'i' that .‘itlires mI'Iip-miiti-ill
`I'ur subse-
`quent use Mr I'l-il'll-Unl.
`(Jl'ten “Hell in modify iii:—
`ull'iel‘ til-till: u Still'ltyi' closet; .N‘i'rn'tl'yr‘ .I‘ri't‘il'ities
`storage battery ii. Ell'l‘ll'lt‘fllfl. A gl'nup lil' l-evi-i'silili- rnr H‘-
`ehllt'geiibte :secuiitliii'_\' cells acting 3:.- :i nun. 1‘15" milled Sl'(’fllt[l{lrlh‘
`llli rli'i'y.
` "learnt-rid, rh'ign.
`Webasto Roof Systems, Inc.
`Webasto Roof Systems, Inc.
`Exhibit 1 02 1
`Exhibit 1021

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