`Webasto Roof Systems, Inc.
`Exhibit 1020
`Webasto Roof Systems, Inc.
`Exhibit 1020


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`Webasto Roof Systems, Inc.
`Exhibit 1020
`Webasto Roof Systems, Inc.
`Exhibit 1020


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`Exhibit 1020
`Webasto Roof Systems, Inc.
`Exhibit 1020


`2 :
`to give
`into Lin UPCilll‘lg in the burl; of (a plant of another kind) usu in
`“nu t0 propngaic a desired \urict *
`-- bud-tier z:
`‘lrdfifha \ bud—e, 'budfi )1 (Sid. cniightcncd: ukin to Ski lmriéil cnlightcn-
`Bud' // more at RID] (1681)
`: a pcrson who has attaincd Buddha-
`2 ; a representation of Gautninu Buddha
`Bhfifdhamood \-,hud\ n (1837) :
`:1 static of pcrfc‘ct cnlightcnmcnt sought
`Li religion of custom and
`”ldBéjggin \‘bii~,di'1.-am,
`'bfid-,iz~\ n (1801) :
`Bu .tral Asia growtng out of the teaching of Gutttumu Buddha that
`in lift: and that onc can bc libc ‘
`Cfiffering is inhcrcnt
`11 from it by
`Bud-dhist \‘bild-ost, ‘bud-\ n or
`mail and moral self-purification
`“:f- , Bud-dhis.tic \b‘d-‘dis-tik. bu-\ adj
`' lists)
`.dlng \‘bod-it)\ adj (1581) : being in tin curly stage of dcvclopmcnt
`it [origin unknown} (1531) 2 an nppurzttus on which
`{lashed ore is w- ‘hed
`biidvdle'la \‘bad-lc
`, bad—lcfi
`:1 [N1.. genus name,
`ll'.v Adam Budq'lis
`+1715 Eng. botanistl (1924)
`tiny of 2i genus (Butldlciu of thc family
`LiaganiBCwL’l of shrubs or tn:
`. of warm regions With showy terminal
`vliisters of usu. yellow or violet llovtcis
`thud-fly \‘badve\ n. pl buddies [prob buby tnllt ultcn of brother] (185(1)
`1- COMPANtON, PARTNER 12 : FELLOW -~ , used esp. in informal address
`muddy vi budgdicd bud-dy-ing (1918) :
`to becomc lricndly ,,,._ often used
`buddy svstem n (1942) : an lair‘ingcmcnt lthWhIL-sll two individuals are
`aired (as for mutual safety in a hazardous situation)
`, udge \‘b9j\ n [ME bugce, frl AF bogcc] (14c): a fur formerly prepared
`from lambskin dressed 'with thc wool outward
`Zhudge vb budged; budg-mg [MF banger. fr. (assumed) VI. bullicarc, lr. L
`mum» to boil ~ morc at non] vi (15901
`t : MOVE SHIFT (thc mulc
`wouldnff N)
`Z :
`to givc way : Y1ELD<WOuldttT ~ on the issue) N vt
`to cans: to move or Chan (2
`ggudge adj{01‘1ng‘tlnknownfafl‘l’lak‘0634) : PQMPOL'S, 501 liMN
`bud.gepi-gar \ b9y(a~)rc-,{;lér\‘ it {native name in t
`trulia] (1847} ;
`small Austruiiun parrot Melopsinacus urtdulaius) usu. light green With
`black and yellow markings in thc Wild but bred under domestication in
`many colors
`thud-get \'b9}-Qt\ n [ME bowgeug fr. Ml~ bougette, dim. of bouge leather
`bag, in L bulga, of Gaulishpri m; akin to MIr bolg bag; akin to OE.
`ng bag M more at BELLY]115C
`1 chiefly dial: a usu. lcather pouch,
`wallet, or puck: also :
`its contents
`2 : STOCK. 5“)er 3 : a quantity
`(as of energy or water) involved in, available foil or assignable: to Li
`particular Situation; also : an account of gains and los.
`is of such a
`quantity 4 a: a statement of the financial position of an administra-
`tion for A definite period of time based on estimates of ex cnditurcs
`during the period and proposals for financing them 1): u p an for the
`coordination of resources and cxpenditurcs
`c '.
`the amount of money
`that is available for, required for, or aSsigned to a particular purpose w
`\‘bajvaqter-a adj
`to require
`2budget vi 1618)
`l a: to put or allow for in a budget
`to adhere to a budget <~ed shoppers} 2
`a :
`to allocate funds for in a
`budget (~ing a new hospital) b :
`to plan or provide for the usc of in
`detail <~ing manpower in a tight labor market) ~ vi 2
`to put oneself
`(in a budget <~ing for a vacation)
`Jbudget adj (1941): suitable for one on a budget :
`1 : one
`bud‘ge-teer \.b9j~o-'ti(a)r\ or budoget-er \'b93-st~ar\ n (1845)
`whoprc arcs a budget 2: one who is restricted to a budget
`bud-gie \ baj-é\ n [by shortening and alter] (1936): BUDGERIGAR
`bud scale It (ca. 1880) : one of the leaves resembling scales that form the
`sheath of a plant bud
`(itsa uniform made of buff leather
`2 :
`the bare skin 3 a: a moder-
`lbuff \'bsfi n [)MF bujflc wild ox, fr, 011 bufalo] (1580)
`1 z a garment
`ate orange yellow 1)
`: a light to moderate yellow 4 : a device (as a
`stick or block) having a soft absorbent surface (as of cloth) by which
`polishing material is applied 5 [earlier buff (an enthusiast about going
`to fires); pcrh. fr, the buff overcoats worn by volunteer firemen in New
`York City abl820] : FAN. ENTHUSIAST
`Ibuff adj (1695) : of the color buff
`1buff vi (1885)
`1 : POLISH SHINE (waxed and ~ed the floor)
`a velvety Surface to (leather)
`IliuHaJi) \‘baf—9—,lo\ n. pl ~10 0r -loes also
`‘los {it bufalo & Sp bufalo, fr. LL bufalus,
`altar. of L bubalus, fr. Gk boubulos Afn“
`can gazelle. irre i fr. bouts head of cattle —
`more at cow] 1562)
`1 : any of several
`Wild oxcn: as
`2 any of a genus (Bison); esp : a large
`Shag'ysmaned No. American wild ox (Bi
`bison with short horns and heavy forc-
`quarters with a large muscular hump
`zany of several suckers (genus lctiobus)
`fOUnd mostly in the Mississippi valley —«
`vealled also buf blofish
`‘buffalo vi ~10e ;-lo-ing(l903): BEWILDER.
`buffalo berry n (1805) : either of two western 1.1.31 shrubs (Shepherdia
`“genteel and S. canadensis) of the olcastcr family with silvery foliage:
`0’50: their edible scarlet berry
`bufialofish n (1768) : BUFFALO 2
`“lialti grass in (1784) : a low-growing grass (Buchloé‘ daclyloides) of
`bormer feeding grounds of the American buffalo: also: GRAMA
`"fialorobe rt 1804) :
`the hide of an American buffalo lined on the skin
`lg‘de With fabric and used as a covcrlet or rug
`“liver \‘bof»or\ n [bujf(to rcact like a soft bod ' when struckl] (1835)
`11 any of Various devtccs or pieces of material for reducing shock due
`‘0 Contact
`2 . a means or device used as a cushion against the shock
`fl nUctuations in business or financial activity
`3 1 something that
`Sines as a protective barrier: as
`a : BUFFER STATE b : a person who
`‘Vlelds another esp, from annoying routine matters
`4 : a substance
`“Pablo in solution of neutralizing both acids and bases and thereby
`mamlaming the original acidity or basicit of the solution; also: such a
`: a temporary storage unit {as in a computer): esp : one
`‘ 3‘ aCCepts information at one rule and delivers it at another
`buffalo 1b
`buddcr 6 bugloss
`to Eicnt (its, ti
`to icsscn
`l :
`3bufter v! (1804)
`, n) will an
`tintucid 3: to supp , mtli it bitiic.
`3buffcr n (1354): on: that buffs
`ilctittttl stutc lying octwccn mo lurgcr
`buffer state It (1&3) :
`ti small
`potentially rival powcrs
`buffer zone n (1908)
`iicutrnl uicu scpnruting conflicting forccs:
`broadly: un urea. dcs gncd to scptxrutc
`u blow csp,
`‘buf-fet \‘bof—ot\
`it [MF fr. OF. dint. ot 15:4]ij 11 N}
`with thc hand 2: something that strikes lelll tclliiig forcc
`2 :
`3buflet vi (13C)
`1 :
`to strikc slinipl) csp. will the hunt} :
`to drivc)
`strikc repeatedly :
`tmt'tmi (the waves Na! 1116 show)
`3 2
`to mnkc oiic‘s wziy
`force, or mm by or as if by t‘CpL’Lthtl blovm ~ vi
`csp. under
`cult conditions
`:1 rest urtint opcrutcil as a
`counter for rcli'cs‘hmcnts
`b clti
`V Brit :
`\(.)l:o—'fu, biis',
`'hii—fi‘ n {13} (Willi
`: bil)t{l£i)!\l{l)
`u z
`)uffct or tablc for read); ucccs" and informal scr icc
`public convcnicncc (as in a railway sttition)
`L .
`ti tnctil sci out on it
`‘bul-fel \liker‘\ adj(l‘)06) : scrvcl informally (its from it buffctl
`buffing wheel n (:21
`1238(1) : a viliccl cmcrctt with illitl‘cf'lttl tor polishing
`buff leather n (1580) ; a strong supplc otl-tanncd lczithcr produced
`chicfly from cuttlc hidcs
`buf-fle-head \'baf»al—,hcd\ n {archaic 16, baffle buffalo 1‘ E hma‘l (1731)
`: a small No. American (living duck (Buccplitila ulbeolul
`bufifo \‘bii-(,)fo\ I, p! buf-fi \v(.lfc\ m buifos [lit Er.
`fillfftflltil (1704)
`: CUlWN. BUFW :specz'f: n mulc singer of comic roles in opcrlt
`buf~f00n \(,)bo—'lun\ n {MF hon/fort, fr, Oil bit/font. fr, Ml. (ML/(Jib. bit/(L
`fr. L, toad] (1585)
`i : u ludicrous l‘igurc: CLOWN; 2: a gross and usu,
`ill—educated or stupid person ,fi but-fooniish \-ish\ adj
`buf~foon-ery \-‘fiin~(o-)rc\ n. pl ~erries (1621) : foolish or playful bchuw
`ior or practice
`‘bug \‘beg\ n [ME bugge scarecrow ‘1i-lll to Norw dial buggr important
`man 7, more at BIG} obs (14c): Boot
`2bug n [origin unknown] (1622)
`tin it cat or othc
`ping or
`crawling invertebrate
`b : any of scvcrtil in
`s cominonl
`cspi obnoxious: us
`(1): BEDBLG (
`cm with (3): HEAD tots:
`c : any of an order (Hemiptcra and 9 p. its suborder lictcroptcra)
`insccts that have sucking mouthpurts, orcwings thickened at th» bliss:
`and incomplctc metamorphosis and are often
`“inomic post»
` 3
`also true bug 2 : an uncxpcctcd defect. fault
`wt or import
`: a discuscApmduc~ ig germ;
`l by it 4: a sudden
`enthusiasm S:
`:Nttit;stAST,it Bttt’lsr< conic
`~'> 6: (1 prominent
`7 : a concezilcd iistcn
`8 [fr. its designation by an
`Sit. on race programs] : a weight allowance given Lipprcnticc jock—
`31mg vi bugged; bug-ging (1949)
`1 : urtintak, ANNOY (don‘t ~ me with
`petty details) 2: to plant a concealed microphone in
`bugOa-boo \‘bsg-snbm n. pl —boos {origin unknown] (1740}
`. an
`imaginary object of (car
`2 llL’GBl—ZAR 2: also : something that causes
`fear or distress out of proportion to its importance
`bug-bane \‘bog-,ban\ n (1804) : any of scvcrtil pcrcnniiil herbs (esp.
`genus Cimicifugu) of the buttcrcup family that have two or three tcr-
`natcly divrdcd serrate leaves and white flowers in long raccmcs: esp
`bug‘bear \ubablr, '.bc(9)r\ n (1581)
`l : an imaginary goblin or specter
`used to excite fear
`a : an object or source of dread b 1
`:5 continu-
`ing source of irritation : PROBLEM
`bugoeye \-.i\ n (1881) : a small boat with a flat bottom. 21 ccntcrboard.
`and two raked masts
`bugwyed \\ adj (1922} : haying the cycs bulging (us with astonish-
`‘bug-ger \‘hUg—ori ‘bag-\ ii [ME hungry hcrctic. sodomitc. tr Ml? fr Ml,
`lit” Bulgut
`in] (1555)
`a t u worthlcss
`crson: RASCAI b: titzttowt‘tiAp
`usu considered vul-
`1 ugger v: (1598)
`l :
`to commit sodomy With
`ar 2: DAMN
`3 ugger n (1967): one who plants clcctromc bugs
`bug-gery \—a-ré\ n (1514) : SODOMY
`lbuggy \‘bag-c\ adj (1714) :
`infested with/hugs
`light one-horse
`carriage made with two wheels in ling and and with tour whccls in the
`zbuggy n, pl buggies [origin unknown; (17731
`(is 2 :
`at small cart or truck for short trunsportations of heavy mm
`tcrials 3: BABY CARRIAGE
`‘bug-house \‘bag—,haus\ adj (1895): mentally deranged: {SRAZY
`lbughouse n (1902): an insane tisylttm
`1bu~gle \‘by'iivgoh n [ME fr, 01-1 fr. 111., bugu/a] (13c) : éllly of a genus
`(Ajuga) of plants of the mint family; esp : u Europcun unnual Ht run
`tarts) that has spikes of blue firiwcrs and is naturalized in lbs 1,118.
`zbugle n [M12 buffalo, instrumcnt matdc of
`buffalo horn, bugle. lrl MF, fr. 1/ bum/us.
`dimi of hos head of cattle «- more at row]
`(14c) : a valvclcss brass instrument
`rescmb s a trumpet and is used csp. for
`military calls
`3bugle vi bwgled; bu-gling \»g(o~llltt\ (1802)
`1 :
`to sound a bugle
`2 :
`to utter tlic
`characteristic rutting call of the: bull clk
`4bugle n [perh (r. 2bugle] (1579) 2
`at small cylindrical bend of glass or
`plastic used for trimming csp. on women's clothing
`bu-gler \‘byulglafi n (1840) : one who sounds it buglc
`bu-gle-weed \‘byu-gal—,wcd\ 11 (ca. 1817)
`: any of u gcnus (Lympus)
`of mints: esp : one (Lt virgim'cux) that is mildly narcotic and astringent
`2: tutors
`bit-gloss \‘byiingliis, -iglos\ r2 [MF buglossu fr. L buglws‘n, irrcg. fr Gk
`bougléssos, fr. bous head of cattle + glosxu tonguc
`more at
`GLOSS] (14c) : any of several coarse hairy plants (genera Ant‘husu,
`Lycopsis and Echium) of the barrage family
`compare \‘ll’liR‘S worms
`\ii\ cm. can
`\3\ kitten, F table \er\ further \a\ ash \n\ acc
`\9\ abut
`\ch\ chin
`\:\ bet
`\c\ easy
`\g\ go
`\i\icc \j\ job
`\au\ out
`\g\ sing \()\ go \6\ law \oi\ boy \tli\ thin \th\ the \i1\liiot
`\y\ yet
`\zh\ vision \3. 1;. ". oz. oct uc, us. ’\ soc Guidc to Pronunciation
` 4
`Webasto Roof Systems, Inc.
`Exhibit 1020
`Webasto Roof Systems, Inc.
`Exhibit 1020

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