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`The “A Dictionary ofthe English Language” section ofthis book (Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary) is based on the
`first edition of The Random House Dictionary ofthe English Language. the Unabridged Edition, copyright
`A Manual afSryle, copyright
`1986 by Crown Publishers, Inc. Excerpted and reprinted by arrangement with Crown Publishers,
`Krevisky, I‘oseph and Jordan L. Linfield—The Bad Speller’s Dictionory, copyright © 1967, 1963 by Innovation Press. Reprinted
`ndom House, Inc.
`by arrangement with Ra
`Stein, less, Ed.—RhymingDictionary, copyright © 1960 by Random House, Inc. Reprinted byarrangementwith Random House.
`Webster’s CrosswordPuzzleDictionary, 1986 edition, copyright © 1963 by Fawcett Publications, Inc. and copyright © 1964 by
`Ottenheimer Publishers, Inc. Reprinted by arrangement with Ottenheimer Publishers, Inc.
`Copyright © 1989 by dilithiumlPress. Ltd.
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`ISBN 1-56619-147—5
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`Exhibit 2016
`Exhibit 2016


`D.Cn.L., Doctor of Canon Law.
`2. See day
`tinctively marked for visibility by day.
`to be carried on during the day. 2. the light of day; day—
`shape. [our + MABK‘]
`light: The owl sleeps by day and feeds at night. 3. Aslron.
`D.C.S., 1. Deputy Clerk of Sessions. 2. Doctor of
`Christian Science. a. Doctor of Commercial Scrence.
`day! nuts/cry,
`a. nursery for the cure of small
`8. Also called mean solar day. a division of time equal
`DD, dishonorable discharge.
`wor .
`chfldkren during the day, esp. while their mothers are at
`the largest proportional brassiere cup size.
`period during whi
`the enrth makes one revolution on
`to 24 hours and representing the average length of the
`its anus.
`1:. Also called solar day. a. division of fame
`Day! of Atonelment,
`Judaism. See You: Kippur.
`dd, 1. Law. today's date. [< L d'é data] 2. degreeday.
`equal to the time elapsed between two consecutive re—
`Day! of Judgment,
`the day or the Last. Judgment.
`3. delayed delivery. 4. delivered.
`5. demand draft.
`at the end of the world.
`turns of the same terrestrial meridian to the sun. c. Also
`6. double deck. 7. Shipbuilding. dry dock.
`called civil day. a. division of time equal to 24 hours but
`day! of reek/0mg, 1. the time when one is called
`dd., delivered.
`to account for one‘s actions. to ay one’s debts. or to
`D.D., 1. Doctor of Divinity. 2. demand draft.
`fulfill one‘s promises or obligat cos.
`2. See Day of
`ciil day, lunar day, si erenl day. 4. an analogous
`reckoned from one midnight to the next: 01’. astronomi-
`D-day (dé/dil), n. 1. Mil. the day. usually unspecified.
`division of time for a planet other than the earth: the
`set for the beginning of a. planned attack. 2. June 6.
`Day! of the Lord’, 1. Also called Du I of Yahl-
`Martian day. 5. the portion of a. day allotted to labor:
`on eithiour day. a. a day on which something occurs:
`1944. the day of the invasion of western Euro e by
`(in Old Testament eechatology) a
`ay of final
`Allied forcesin World War 11. Also. D-Dny.
`the day we met. 7. (often cap.) a day assigned to a particu—
`Judgment. Amos 5:18—21; Ezek. 30.
`2. Also called
`day) + DAY: the 'same pattern as H—HOUR]
`Dny’ of Christ/, Boy of Je/su: Christ’. the do. of
`lar purpose or observance: New Year's Day. 8. a time
`the Second Advent. II Peter 3:10; I Cor. 1:14;
`considered as ropitlous or opportune: His day will come.
`1. Doctor of Dental Science. 2. Doctor of
`Dental Surgery.
`1:10; 2:16.
`Every dog has
`is day. 9. a day of contest or the contest
`itself: to wm the day. 10. Often, dnys. a. particular time
`D.D.Sc., Doctor of Dental Science.
`day/ room/,
`a. room on a. military or air base for the
`leisure activities of enlisted personnel.
`or penod:_ the present day; in do 5 of old. 11. Usually.
`a. white, crystalline, water—insoluble
`days. period of life or activity:
`is days are numbered.
`days (diz). ado.
`in or during the day regularly: They
`(OldsE4hCHCCla. usually derived from chloral by reac-
`12. period of existence. power. or influence: in the day of
`tion with chlorobenzene in the presence of fuming
`slept days rather than nights.
`[n.n' + —51]
`the dinosaurs. _1§i. light1 (def. 163.). 14. call it n day; to
`sulfuric acid: used as an insecticide and as_a scablcide
`Dogs! and Nightsf, a novel
`(1944) by Konstantin
`stop Ono's actrvrty for the day or for the present; quit
`and pediculicide. Also called dichlurndiphenyltrr-
`chloroethnne, chlorophcnothnne. dieophnne.
`day/ schooll, 1. a school open for instruction on
`temporarily: After typing theIgroper for the third lime. she
`decided to call it a day. 15. my in, day out, every day
`Without fail; continuously: They endured the noise; dirt.
`(16 (do: F7. do; Sp. de . prep.
`from; o : use
`n renc
`and turbulence of the city day in. day out. Also. day in and
`weekdays only. usually from 9 A.M. until 3 P.M. 2. a
`di F
`school conducted in t e daytime (distinfigished from
`and Spanish personal names. originally to _lndicate
`sl 9 the school (distinguished from boarding schoo ).
`place of Origin: Comte de Rochambeau; Don Ricardo do
`night school). 3. a. private school for pup‘
`living out—
`[ME; OE deg; C. G Tag; akin to Ski; ddhas
`[< P, Sp < L]
`DB ((15).
`11.. Clarence (Sh and
`he lord . 1874—
`day! shapel, Naut. an unligbted buoy or shape used
`as a day signal.
`de (dc). prep. Latin. 01: Irorn.
`19 5, 118. author.
`) (L p
`1. the work force. as cl :1 factory. sched-
`day’ shiftl,
`Day-3k (dilak. -ak), n., pl. -nks, (esp. collectively) 41k.
`2. the scheduled
`a. formal element occurring .in loan words from
`uled to work during the daytime.
`a member of any of the Malay peoples of interior
`Latin (decide); also used as a. prefix to indicate priva-
`period of labor for this work force.
`Borneo. Also. Dynk.
`tion, removal, and separation (dehumidify), negation
`(demerit; der
`9), descent
`(dc rode,- deduce). reversal
`day-side (daisidf). 11.
`Journalism. the day shift of a
`dmyori (dii snr, ~y6nl), 11., pl.
`-yn-nim (—ya neml.
`ebrew. 1. a judge in a. Jewish religious court.
`newspaper. Cf. nightside.
`[our + sionl]
`(detract), intensity (decompouml . Cf. dl-9. dis-1.
`< L. comb. form repr. de (pre .) from. swaylrom, of,
`Day-sic (dalzé), n.
`a. girl's given name. Also. Daisy.
`2. a person knowledgeable in Talmudic law whose adv
`vice on religious questions is often sought by rabbis.
`days~man (dis/man). n.. pl. -men. Archaic. an um-
`out of, etc.; in some words. < I} < L do- or 1113- nisJ]
`DE, destroyer escort.
`pire; mediator. [ME dayesman. See my, ‘51, MARI]
`Da-yan (db: ydn’). n. Mo-she (1116 she’), 1915-81.
`D.E., Doctor of Englneerin’g.
`Israeli pohtiool legder- foreign minister 1977—79.
`law or custom for payment after 3.
`ill or note falls due.
`Dea., Deacon.
`(laymen-con (dalbelkan), n. Navig. an' unlighted
`daysl of grace/,
`days. usuallg three; allowed by
`beacon used as a. daymark. [nsr + BEACON]
`[trans of L divs grmiae]
`de-a-cet-y-late (db/9 set/9151;!), ILL, dot-ed, duh-in .
`to remove the acetyl group from (an org
`day-spring (ddlsprifig/L n. Archaic. dawn; daybreak.
`day! bed/,_ an elongated couch for reclining or sleep-
`ing. esp. during the day. Also. day/heal.
`E; see on, srmnc]
`[05- + AchLArn] —dc/u-cet/y-lul-
`tion, 1!.
`day-bill (dd/bill), n.
`a. poster advertising a. play or
`day-star (dd/marl). n.
`1. See morning star. 2.
`other-format entertainment. Cf.plnybill. [on +nmn1]
`Archaic. the sun.
`[ME daysterrr, OE daegsteorra. lee
`den-con (délken). 1|.
`1. (in hierarchical churches a
`member of the clerical order next below that o a.
`day! blind/11685, hemeralopia. (def. 1).
`day’s! workl, Now. the work of computing the
`priest. 2. (in other churches) on sppomted or elected
`day-book (as/boom), n. 1. Bookkeeping. a. book in
`navigation of a Vessel for the succeeding nautical day.
`officer having various] _ defined duties._ 3. (in Free-
`which the transactions of the day are entered in the
`order of their occurrence. 2. a. diary.
`[DAY + ncox]
`masonry) one of two of more in & masonic lodge. 3—0.1.
`day! tank/,
`a tank in which a. batch of glass is
`melted in a. sufficient quantity for one day's work.
`4. to pack (vegetables or fruit) with only the finest pieces
`day! has". Chiefly Brit. a. boarding school student
`or the most attractive sides visible. 5. to falsify (some-
`who lives at home.
`day-time (dd/timl). n.
`the time between sunrise and
`thing); doctor. 6. New Eng. to castrate. (a pig or other
`[our + TIME]
`daybreak (dd/brim). n.
`the first appearance of
`animal). 7. Archaic. to read aloud (a line of a. psalm,
`day-to—dav (dd/ta dal), adj. 1. occurring each day;
`daylight in the morning; dawn: After a long. cold night.
`hymn.‘etc.) before ‘
`‘ g 11;.
`[ME delcen, OE diocon
`we finally rode off a! daybreak. [out + BREAK]
`dolly: day—lo—duy chores; doy-io-doy worries. 2. involving
`< LL didwnhzs) < 5k didltonos servant. minister,
`concern only With immediate needs or desires; limited to
`day—by—day (dd/bi (15/), adj.
`taking place each day:
`deacon. equiv. to did— ‘DIA— + James service] —denlcon-
`the demands of one day at stims without preparation
`sbipl, n.
`daily: 11 day-by-day account.
`for the future: He led a handle—mouth and doy—to—day
`deacon-ass (délka his). 11. 1. (in certain Protemant
`day’ (gamp’, a camp for children providing no sleep-
`mg facilities and attended only during the day on week-
`churches) a. women belon
`g to an order or sisterhood
`Day-ton («fit/3n), n. 1. Jonathan, 1760-4824, U.S.
`dedicated to the care of t e sick or poor or who is on—
`days. Of. summer, camp.
`as teachin
`olitician. Speaker of the House 1795—99. 2. a city in
`casing in other social—service duties,
`dayI-care cen/ter, a day nursery, esp. one oper-
`W Ohio. 262.332 (1960). 3. a town in N Kentuclq.
`missionary work.
`2.‘ a. woman elected
`a chu
`W COS .
`9050 (1960).
`4-. a town in E Tennessee. 3500 (1960).
`assist the clergy.
`[earlier deaconisse, m. L draconissa,
`5. a town in E Texas. 3367 (1960). 6. a town in SE
`1aged bytprivatc or public funds to provide child care at
`day! coach/, on ordinary railroad passenger car, as
`Washington. 2913 (1960).
`distinguished from a sleeping cur. parlor car, etc.
`fem. of didconus nnAcon; see -nss]
`deacon-r37 (16/an ré). n.. pl. -ries. 1. the o cc 0
`Day-coma Beach! (d5. tolne), a city in NE Florida:
`day-drenm_(dsldrEm/). n. 1. a visionary fancy in—
`a deacon.
`25 deaoons collectively.
`[ME delcenry. See
`seashore remrt. 37,395 (1960).
`mascara my]
`dul ed in while awake: reverie. —v.i. 2. to indulge in
`day-work dszflrkl). 1:. work done and paid for by
`[DAY + DREAM] —dny/drosni/er, 1|.
`de-ac-ti-vate (do nk’to vital).
`11.. wet-ed, wot-ins.
`the day.
`E dai—werlc the amount of land worked by
`~dnyh‘lreun’y, adj.
`—v.t. 1. to cause to be inactive: remove the effective-
`a team in one day. 0]! dug-wears day's work. See our.
`day-flower (demon/er). n. any plant of the genus
`worm] day/work/er, n.
`'—1!.l. 1. to stun or
`Commelina, of the spiderwort family, umally bearing
`?“ 233' l” Semfibsnmzeeu“ “Sikh? )‘fl- mopeggt .3123
`cymes of small. blue flowers.
`[DAY .+ rmwnn]
`by disconnecting, removing, or otherwise interfering
`with the action of the fuze. 4. Chem._ to render (a.
`daze (dire. o..- duzod, daz-ing, n.
`day-fly (dd/nil). 1!... pl. -flies.
`a. meyi'ly. [our + r112]
`a head. 2. to confuse: bewilder: dazzle: The splendor
`chemical. enzyme. catalyst. etc.) inactive. —v.i—. 5.
`th a blow. shock. etc: He was dazed by a. blow
`Day-Glow (dilglfih, n. Trademark. a. highly luminous
`Ph siml Chem. to lose radioactivity.
`[on- + ACTIVATE]
`printing ink.
`fter meeting the movie slur, she was in a daze for a week.
`e-uc/ti-vnltion, n. ~—de--c/t1-vo/tor, 1).
`(X the palace dazed him. —r1. 3. a. dazed condition:
`[ME damn) < OIcel dasu- (as in dososk to become
`day! in courtr, 1. the day on which one involved in
`dead (ded). adj. 1. no longer living; deprived of life:
`weary); of. Dan dose to doze. mops] —daz-ed-ly
`a laWSlnt'lS to be afforded the opportunity to appear and
`(dd/21d lé), adv.
`dead people; dead flowers; dead animals. 2. not endowed
`be heard in court. 2. a. chance to present was defense or
`with life; inanimate: dead stones. 3. resembling death;
`argument: Each candidate has been given his day in court.
`daz-zle (daz/sl). 0., -Zlad, -zling, n. —v.l. 1. to over-
`deathllke: a dead sleep; a dead faint. 4. bereft of sense—
`day! ins/mine,
`a shrub. Cestrum diurnum, of the
`tion; numb: She was half dead with fright. My. lag feels
`the dark house, he was dusted by the sudden sunlig t. 2.
`West Indies, havmg clusters of white flowers that are
`power or dim the vision of by intense light: Coming from
`to bewfldor. impress. or confuse by brilliauc'y. splendor,
`very fragrant by day.
`dead. 5. lacking sensitivity of feeling; insensmve: dead
`etc: The glorious
`alace dazzled him. —o.i. 3. to shine
`to all sense of shame; dead to the needs of others. 6. in—
`day! lalpor
`1. workers hired on a. daily basis only.
`or reflect brilliant y: polished gems dueling in the sun-
`capable of being emotionally moved; unresponsive: dead
`esp: unskilled labor. 2. work done by a. day laborer.
`.4. to be overpowered by light: Her eyes dazzled in
`to his attentions; dead to the nuances of the music.
`'7. (of
`day! 131/borer, an unskilled worker paid by the day.
`the glare. 5. to excite admiration by brilliance: Once one
`an emotion) no longer felt; ended; extinguished: a dead
`is accustomed to such splendor, at no longer dazzles. —’IL.
`clay! let/ter,
`a. telegram with a minimum charge for
`passion,- dead affections.
`8. Law. deprived of civil
`50 words or less. sent day or night and cheaper and
`6.-an act or instance of dazzling: the dazzle of the spot-
`rights l0 that one is in the state of civil death. esp.
`slower than a regular telegram.
`'1. something that dazzles; bewildering bright—
`deprived of the rights of property.
`.9. no longer current
`ness. brilliance. or splendor.
`[nun + 4.1;] ——dnzl-
`day-light (di’lit/ . n. 1. the light of day: At the end of
`or prevalent, as in effect. significance. or practice:
`zlor, n. —dnzlzling-ly, ado.
`the tunnel lhgy cool see daylight. 2. openness: publicity:
`obsolete: a dead law; a dead controversy. 10. (of a. lan-
`dB', decibel; decibels. Also. db
`Some 0 his inventions never saw daylight: 3. the time of
`guage) no longer in use as a. sole means of oral comm -
`eytime. 4. daybreak; down. 5. a. clear space
`13.3., 1. Bachelor of Divinity.
`cation among a. people: Latin is a dead language. 11.
`between any _two parts that should be close together, as
`d.ll., daybook.
`between'thc Jambs of the opening of a. doorway or the
`utterly tired; exhausted: They felt dead from the su—
`DBA, doing business as. Also. dba
`hour trip.
`12. infertile; barren: dead land. 13. not
`knees of a horseback rider and a. saddle. —ad'. 6.
`moving or circulating; stagnant; stale: dead water; dead
`Phalag. noting film made for exposure by the no um]
`light of day. usually llm1ted to the interval between two
`air. 14. no longer functioning. operating, or productive:
`decibels above reference noise. adjusted. Also.
`hours after sunrise and two hours before sunset. 7.
`D.B.A., Doctor of Business Admln'mtration.
`in dead motor; a dead all well; a dead battery. 16. put
`. best. frighten, or score the (living) doylights out of
`out; extinguished: a dead cigarette; a dead fire.
`D.B..'E.‘., Dame Commander of the Order of the British
`someone, to beat. f
`hten. or scare a. person into a. state
`tasteless or flat, as liquor: dead wine; The bear is dead.
`of senselessness.
`[‘M ; see DAY. Liou'rl]
`Pharm. Trademark. a compound. Cmmst, used
`1'1. flat rather than glossy. bright. or brilliant: The
`in the form of its hydrochloride for the treatment of
`day/ught-sav/ing time!
`house was pointed dead white. 18; without resonance:
`one or more hours later than the standard time for a
`diabetes. Also called phenformin.
`anecboic: dead sound; a dead wall surface of a 1'erng
`D.Blb., Douay Bible.

`country or community. usually used during summer
`studio. 19. without resilience or bounce: a dead tennis
`dbl., double.
`ball. 20. lacking the customary activity; dull; inactive:
`a dead market. 21. without vitality, spirit. enthusiasm.
`Erynths to give more hours of daylight to the working
`dBm, decibel referred to one mllliwatt. Also, dbm
`day’ Ill/Y,
`1. any liliaceous plant of
`the genus
`decibel referred to one milliwatt per square
`or the like: a dead party. 22. complete; absolute: The
`so. dbm/mI
`monly last onl
`for a day. 2. any] ‘ oeous plant of the
`plan was a dead loss. A dead silence ensued. 28. sudden
`Hememcallis. having yellow or or nigliflowers that com-
`D.B.O., Them. See dead blackout.
`or abrupt, as the complete stoppage of an action: The
`genus Hosla ( unkla), having white or blue flowers. 3.
`workmen came to a dead stop. 24. accurate; sure; un-
`the flower of any of these plants.
`dBrn, decibels above reference noise; Also. dbrn
`orring: a dead shot. 25. direct; straight: a dead lme.
`dBV, decibel referred to one volt. Also, dbv
`a_ bank loan to. finance the purchase of
`26. exact; precise: the dead center of a circle.
`2'1. not
`dBW, decibel referred to one watt. Also, dbw
`securities'which is re ayable Within the calender day on
`fruitful; unproductive: dead capital. 28. Sports. out of
`DC, 1. dental corps. 2. Also, D.C. dc, d-c, d.c. Elect,
`play: a dead ball. 29. (of a. golf ball) lying so close to
`direct current: an electric current of constant direction.
`fihlch it is made. A so called clearing loan, morning
`the hole as to make holing on the next stroke a Virtual
`having a. magnitude that does not very or varies only
`day-long (dd/16%!. —lofi2/). adj.
`during the entire
`slightly. 0!. AC (def. 2).
`certainty. 30. (of type or copy) having been used or
`day; lasting all day: a daylong trip.
`[our + Larval]
`rejected: dead matter from thc printer. 31. Elect. n. free
`D.C., 1. Music. do. capo. 2. See District of Columbia.
`dflY’ manr, NW2. 1. a seamen who is a member of a.
`3. See DC (def. 2).
`deuk sang. 2. Also called idler. a. member of a. ship'l
`from any electric connection to a. source of potenth
`diiference and from electric charge.
`1:. not having a.
`D.Gh.E., Doctor of Chemical Engineering.
`company who does not stand watch and who ordinarily
`won“ 0913’ (hiring the day. as a carpenter. sailmoker, etc
`D.C.L., Doctor of Civil Law.
`potential different from that of the earth. 32. Metall.
`(of steel) 3. fully killed.
`1!. unresponsive to heat treat—
`D.C.M., Brit. Distinguished Conduct Medal.
`day-mark (dd/murkl). n.
`l. a. navigational old dis-
`cognate with:
`derlv., derivative; equiv., equivalent: imit., imitative:
`Cnxcxsu BTYMOLOGY 1m: <. descended oir derived from; >, whence; b.. blend of. blended; c.,
`m.. modification 0'? 0b!» ob‘ique; r., replacing; 5.. stem; sp., spelling; trans, translation: 7. origm' unknown. perhaps; *. hypothetical. See the full key inside the “on“ cover.
`2. Domesday Book.
`Exhibit 2016
`Exhibit 2016


`Iu-a-chus (in/e keg), n. Class. Myth. 3. river god. the
`in-aP-pli-ca-ble (in ap’la k9 b‘sl), adj.
`to be similar in appearance. 6. (used to indicate means):
`first king of Argus and father of lo.
`sketched in ink; spoken in French. 3. (used to inducte
`bio; unsuitable.
`in-ao-tion (in alt/span), n.
`absence of action;
`motion or direction from outside to a. point within) into:
`Let’s go in the house. 7. (used to indicate transition from
`in-up/pli-cn-bIe-ness, a.
`one state to another): to break in half. 8. (used to in-_
`-ap-po-s e (in ap/a zit), adj.
`not an osi
`1n-ac-t Nate (in an: to vim. u, -Vut-ed «rating.
`rN—a + LOTION;
`1|lily, ode.
`1. to make inactive. 2. Immunol. to stop
`6 activity
`dicate object or purpose): speaking in honor of the cum.
`9. in that, because; inasmuch as: In that you. won't
`of (certain biological substances).
`ado. —in-up po-sitedless, n.
`' Y.
`xiv-3 + APPOSITE] —in.apgpo§itenlm
`have time for so per.
`let me give you something now.
`—in-nc/ti-va’binn, n.
`fade. 10. in or
`to some place, position. state. rela-
`inactive (in ak’tiv). adj.
`1._ not active;
`ill-appreciable in/a pro/she a be], $5}? ban to
`tion. etc.
`11. on the inside; within.
`in one's
`2. sedentary or pauive: an inaclwe life. 3. sluggish;
`' ni want: on tnapprecia e diffg'remj‘
`house or office. 18. in office or power. 14. in posses-
`[IN-9 + L appreaa(re) (to) appmwejvar. of «panama;
`indolent. 4. Mil; not on active duty or status.
`Physical Chem. notmg a. com ound which does not ro~
`sion or occupancy. 15. having the turn to play. as in a
`5%: Air—1. rancxous) + —ex.s] —In’np-prelci,l'bl;r
`tats the plane of vibration o polarized light.
`[is—3 +
`game. 16. Baseball. (of an infielder or outfielder) in
`in-ap-pre-ci-a-tlve (in/a prélsbé i/tlv. -
`a m .
`ACTIVE] —in-Ic’tive-ly, adv. ~in’u-tiv’i-ty,
`a. position closer to home plate than usual; short: The
`third baseman pla ed in, ezpecting a hunt. 17. on good
`ucltive-neae, n.
`not appreciative; lacking in appreciation. sin“ {pag-
`terms; in favor:
`6's in with his boss. but he doubt: it
`pmcuuvvm] —iu/ap-pre’ciua/tlvo-ly,
`a v,
`1. 2. IN—
`—Syn. 1. unmovlng. immobile. imperative.
`will last.
`18. in vogue;'in style: Turbam are in this
`ACTIVE, nosMAN'r.
`INER’K‘, sLuaorsH, mourn: suggest
`ln-ap-pre-hen-s -ble (in/op ri hen/so bol). ad‘.
`ap-pre/ci-a/tive-nlese, n.
`year. 19. in season: Artichokes will soon be in. 20. be
`luck of activity. INAC'I‘IVE indicates absence of action.
`m for to be bound to under
`something, esp. a. dis-
`tion to activity. or cessation of activity: an
`to be grasped by the senses or intellect.
`[mn‘1+ 1‘2“
`agreeable experience: We are n for a long speech. 21.
`income compound,
`life. file of papers. Donn/ma- sug—
`in-ap- re~hen~sion (in/ap rl hen/ hen), n.
`gests the quiescence or mactivit of that which sleeps
`esp. of one's own actions or and
`us: Ha forgot
`sir an
`but may be roused to action: a ormant volcano. Inna-r
`appre onsion.
`[m-ll + Arrnnrmnsxor%
`m for 1t, Slang. about to sufferusisigleasant conse
`ninersary again, and he'll be in for if now. Also. Bril.,
`suggests the condition of dead matter. with no inherent
`1_ no,
`ln'ap-pre-ben-sfve (in/aprihen’siv). adj.
`for it. 22. in with, on friendly terms with: familiar
`power of motion or action: it may also mean unable to
`with: They are in with the 'umor executwe set. —adj.
`[IN-3 + Arranmrnsrvn] —m/’P'P'e'hen’ei\re.
`move, or heavy and hard. to move: an inert mass; inen
`gpreheusive (often fol. by 0]).
`2_. without apprehen—
`1y, adv. —-in/sp-pre-hen/sive-ncss, n.
`28. located or situated wit
`; inner: internal: thejn
`from hunger. Snnoorsn: expresses slowness of natural
`part of a mechanism. 24. Informal. u. in favor With
`activity or of that which does not move readily or
`in-ap-proach-u-ble (in/a prfl’cga bel). adj.
`1, not
`advanced or sophisticated people; fashionable: the in
`2. without rival. [”1 + "yum,“
`place to dine. b. comprehensible only to a special or
`ABLE] ——in’upvpronch’a-bil’i-ty, n. —iu/
`a state of suspen ed hysical powers. 3. condition par-
`vigorously: a sluggish stream, brain. Tonrm suggests
`solely, ado.
`ultrasophisticated group: an in joke.
`25. well—liked;
`ticularly of animals w 'cb hibernate: Snakes are torpid
`in-ap-propri-ate (in/a pro/pro it). adj.
`nm, a
`incaldwealhcr. 3.1azy‘.idlo.alothful. —Ant.1-3.Iively.
`included in a favored group. 26. inward; incoming;
`inbound: to
`of mail in the m basket; an in tram. 2'1.
`in-u-daptwhle (in/a dap’te bel . adj.
`not adapt-
`st lish;
`enable: Green coats will be in this fall.
`priate: not proper or suitable.
`[in-3 + Arrnorsgfprrg]
`ado. —in/ap-pro’private-
`able; incapable of being adapted. m3 .+ ADAPTLBLE]
`2 . plentiful; available: Summer squash is in now.
`BOSE, fl.
`—-inlu-dapt/n-billi-ty, n.
`29. being in power. authority. control. etc: a member of
`in-apf'. (in apt’). adj.
`1. not apt or fitting.
`2. w _
`not adequate‘
`in-ad-e-quate (in adla kwit). adj.
`the in party.
`30. playing the last me holes of an
`inept; unsuitable:
`+ monomers
`alghteemhole golf course (opposed to out): His in score
`out aptitude or capacity.
`[muz + APT] hin-apt/ly_ $3,
`—in-apt’nees, n.
`on the second round was 34. —n. 31. Usually, me.
`in-ud’e-quute-nese. n.
`—Syn. l. unsuited, unsuitable, inap ro-
`quote-1y, adv.
`persons in office or political power (distinguished from
`priate. unfit. inapposite. 2. incapa 1e.
`nuts). 32. a. member of the political party in
`clumsy, awkward. —Anl:. 1. appro-
`fective. imperfect, incomplete.
`-—Ant. sufficient.
`The election made him an in.
`33.- all or in uence~
`priate. 2. capable.
`in-ad-mis'si-ble (in/ad mls/e bal), adj.
`not admis-
`in-apvtiétude (in ap’ti to—odh —tyo—6d/),
`a social advantage or connection:
`e's got an in will
`influential people.
`(in tennis. squash. handball.
`sible‘ not allowable.
`[IN-3 + Anulssrsnrl] —in/nd-
`1. lack of aptitude; unfitness. 2.
`etc.) a. return or service that lands withm the m—bounds
`unsigned/my, n. —in/ud-mis/si-bly, adv.
`unskillfulness; lack of dexterity.
`in-ad-vprt-ence (in/ad vilr/t’ns), n.
`l. the qualin
`+ neurons]
`or condition of being inadvertent; beedlemnees. 2. act
`-—tJ.t. Dial. 35. to take in a crop);
`36. to
`limits of.a. court or section of a court gmeed to out).
`in-arch (in troy). v.1. Hort. to graft
`[ME. 0E; c. G, D.
`oth in. Icel i. L "I, Gk en]
`or effect of inattention; an oversight;
`[< ML inad-
`verterma. See mspvnnrsncr]
`In, Chem. indium.
`thout separating t e branch from its
`by uniting a growinghbranch to a stock
`in~ad-vert-en-cy in/ed var/fin as), n., pl.
`parent stock.
`[m—1 + 43331]
`L imdrcrlentia, equiv. to L in-
`inlandL etc.) but used also as a verb-formative Wit
`a. prefix representing English in (income, indwelling):
`in-ar-gu-a-ble (mar/gyo—c a bal). adj.
`m—3 + advert— turn to (see ADVERT) + —emia amour]
`transitive, intensive, or sometimes little apparent force
`not arguable: The premise is so obvious
`in-ad-vert-ent (in/ad yDr/tant), ad]. 1. not attentive:
`as to be inarguablo.
`[m3 + ARGUABLE]
`(intrusl: inwaaue, etc.). It often assumes the same phases
`headless. 2. of, pertammg to, or characterized by lack
`as in-z, as an, em-, inn-3.
`fME, 0E; see m]
`y, adv.
`of attention.
`3. unintentional: an inadvertent
`refix of Latin origin
`primarily ”in."
`in-arm (in fim’), M.
`to hold in or as in the arms.
`from ruenvnn'rmvcn,
`but us
`also as a. verb—formative wit
`the same force-
`[m—1 + m1]
`——in’ad-vert’ent~ly, ado.
`as ill-1 (incarceraie;
`incantation). Also.
`im-, 1r-.
`in-ar-tic-u‘late (in/5r tik/yo lit) adj.
`1. not articu-
`—-Syn. 1. inattentive. 2. thoughtless. careless, negligent.
`Cf. em-, en-. [< L. comb. form of ‘ll'l (prep); c. IN] '
`late; not uttered or emitted wi h expressive or
`in-ad-visa-me (in/ad vi/za bel), adj. not advisable;
`111-3, a prefix of Latin origin. corresponding to English
`inexpedient; unwwe.
`[IN-3 + Anvrsnnnn] ——iu/ud—
`telligible modulations: His mouth stuffed. he could utter
`un—, havin a. negative or privative force. freely used as
`only inamculaie sounds.
`2. unable to use articulate
`vis/u-bfl/i-ty, in/nd-vie’a-hle-ness, n. —in/od-‘vis’-
`speech: inartioulaze with rage. 3. lacking the chili
`an E lis
`formative, esp. of adjectives. and their
`a-bly. adr.
`derivat yes and of nouns (inattention;
`express oneself in clear and effective speech: a bri
`-ina.e, 2001. a. suffix of the names of subfamilies.
`invariable). It assumes
`writer but an inarlioulale s
`alter. 4. Anal. 2001. not
`same phonetic bases as iii-3 (impartial; immeasurable;
`'NL, L. fem. pl. of -inu.s; see -mnl]
`jointed; having no articula. on or Joint. [< LL inarticu-
`illiterate; irregu ar, etc). In French, it became an- and
`In aevter-num (in iteR/nfibrn; Eng. in E tar/nom),
`lduus). See ”15 ARTICULATE] —in/or-tic/,
`Latin. forever.
`thus occurs unfelt in such words as enemy (French
`cnmmr, Latin inimicus, lit, not friendly). Also. 11-,
`'in/ur-tirJuJatomeso, 1L
`iu-al-lens-ble (in Ellyn na bol. one a). adj.
`1 cu-lo merits (in
`an mace 16/ man/bis;
`im-, ir-. [< L; akin to luv-1, A—°, Inf—1]
`alienable; incapable of being transferred to another:
`--Syn. The prefixes m— and UN— may both have, among
`inalienable rights.
`dEngmin 5r tik’ya 16/ mor’tis). Latin. at the point of
`other uses, a negative force.
`IN— is the form from the
`in-ar-ti-fi-cinl (in air/ta {is
`’91), adj. 1. not artificial;
`a o.
`classical languages (Greek and Latin) and is therefore
`natural; artless; uncontrive . 2. Rare. inartistic; crude.
`n. —in-nl’ien-anhly,
`used in learned words or in words derived from those
`in-ul-ter-a-ble (in Sifter a hall.
`ad .
`' unalterable.
`[< L inartt‘ficidKiS). See no”, Axum-romp] —in«ar/-
`—in-al/ter-a-bil i-ty, in-allter-a-
`ti-fi’ciml’hty, in-ar’ti-fi/cinl-neu, n. —in-ar/ti-fi/-
`_UN- is the native form going back to Old English. used
`le-nesa, n. —in-ul’ter-a-,bly, ado.
`cinl-ly, adv.
`111 words of native origin. and sometimes used in com—
`in-am-oma-tu (in am/e rifts, in/am-), n.,
`in-ar-tls-tic (inffir tie/tilt),
`1. not artistic;
`bination with words of other origins if those words are
`[< It.
`2. lacking in artistic sense or apprecia-
`in common use: unloring. unmanly. unfetling,
`a female lover; a woman who loves or is loveg.
`znnamor'ala; fem. of INNAMDRATU]
`tion. Also, h/ur-fis’ti-cul.
`[IN-3 + An'rrs'rrc] —in/-
`necessary, unsafe, Occasionally the prefix UN- is used
`er-tie'ti-oal-ly. adv.
`in-am-o-ra-to (in am/a Iii/t6,
`in/am-), 11., pl. -tos.
`with a frequently used word in a. common meaning,
`a male lover.
`[< It innamorato. masc. ptp. of innumer—
`in-as-muchl as! (in/oz mugb’).
`1. in view of the
`as m unsanitary (not clean), and 111- with the mine
`word in a. more technical sense:
`lnsanimry (likely to
`are to inflame with love. See ENAMOR]
`cause disease). In England the prefix Irr- is more
`in-and-in (in/end inf), adv.
`repeatedly within the
`fact that: sflfdiis‘tbat; since. 2. insofar as; to such a
`yo. 1. See because.
`commonly used than in the United States.
`same family. strain. etc.: to breed stock in-ond—in.
`degree as.
`n as much(e) as]
`in-at-ten-tion (in/e ten/sham, n.
`1. lack of atten—
`3 formalelcment. occurring in adjectives of Greek
`in-aud-out (in/and out’). n. Manage. an obstacle
`consisting of two fences placed too far apart to be cleared
`in one Jump and too close together to allow more than
`nouns thence erived) also imitated in ngbsh (coffin;
`tion;]negligence. 2. an act of neglect.
`[IN-3 + ATTEN-
`, meaning “pertaining; to,_" and (in
`not attentive.
`in-at-ten-tive (in/a ten/tiv),
`cousin, etc); occurring unlelt in abstract nouns formed
`one or two strides between.
`ATTENTIVE] ——in/at-teultive-ly, adv.
`as nouns in Latin (ruin).
`[ME -in. 4M < 0F < L
`inf-and-outl bond/.
`:1 stonework or brickwork
`anus, -ino, -inum < Gk -inos, -in§, —inon]
`int-ten five-nose, n.
`heedlam, neglectiul, oblivious, unmmdful,
`a noun suffix used in a special manner in chemical
`preoccupied, vague.
`Egg hay-mg headers- and stretchers alternating ver-
`and mineralogical nomenclature (glycerin; acelin. etc).
`in-and-out-er (in/end oil/tar). n.
`a. person who is by
`In spelling, usage wavers between -in and —ine. In
`in-au-di-ble (in side bol), adj.
`inca. able of. being
`turns 1n and out of a. particular situation, condition. etc.:
`[KN—3 + AUDIBLE] —in-uu/di- ilIi-ty. mean/-
`an in-and—ouier in government service.
`chemistry a certain distinction of use is attempted.
`bane substances ha.
`the termination —€ne

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