`Petition for Inter Partes Review
`Of U.S. Patent 8,278,351


`was monitored at 420 nm. Fluorescence polarization (P)
`was calculated from the equation, P = IW — I‘m/lvv +
`Ivh ~ Z, in which Ivv and Ivh are the fluorescence inten-
`sities measured with emission analyzer parallel or perpen-
`dicular, respectively, to the polarization of the detection
`system for vertically and horizontally polarized light.
`Figure 1 presents a Vant Hoff’ s representation of 1,6-
`diphenyl 1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH) fluorescence polariza-
`tion, P, of vesicles of phospholipids prepared from marine
`calanoid copepods collected either in the North Atlantic
`or in tropic seas. Lower P-values represent more fluid
`structures. From these data, it may be inferred that the
`most fluid membranes were present in C. finmarchicus
`collected in the spring and the most rigid ones in the
`copepods inhabiting the tropic seas. C. finmarchicus
`sampled in early fall revealed values in between these two
`extremes. In addition, there are two distinct breaks in the
`curves on the P vs llT plots. The break at the higher
`temperature indicates onset, while that at the lower
`temperature indicates completion of phase separation of
`these phospholipids. The sea water temperature at the
`3.7 + 03x
`FIG. 1. Temperature dependency (IIT) of DPH fluorescence polariza-
`tion (P) in phospholipids of marine calanoid copepods. Calculus app.
`were collected at Dona Paula, Goa (——V—) and Bombay (—A—) at
`the Southwest coast of India, while C. finmarchicus were collected
`at the West coast of Norway in the fall (—D—) and in the spring
`(—O—), respectively.
`LIPIDS, Vol. 23, No. 6 (1988)
`time of collecting C. finmarchicus was about 10 C but
`varied between 2 and 20 C during the year. The tempera-
`ture in the tropic seas was about 25—26 C at the time of
`sample collecting and varied from 25 to 30—31 C during
`the year. The temperature at the onset of phase separa-
`tion of phospholipids from each sample was close to the
`temperature at which the organism lived, except in the
`C. finmarchicus collected in the fall. However, it should
`be remembered that the above values for phospholipid
`vesicles might be modulated if other membrane consti-
`tuents (proteins, sterols, etc.) also were present.
`The observation that the temperature at onset of the
`phase separation of the membrane lipids coincides with
`growth temperature has been made with other poikilo-
`therms (10,18-20), but it is not documented as a general
`phenomenon (7.21). Cossins and Prosser (18) reported that
`the onset of phase separation of phospholipids from
`synaptosomal membranes of arctic sculpin adapted to 0 C
`occurred at 5 C while that for goldfish acclimated at 5 C
`occurred at 10 C. It can be inferred from Figure 1 of
`Prosser and Cossin’s paper that phospholipids of synap-
`tosomal membranes of goldfish adapted at 25 C show
`phase separation around the growth temperature (18). In
`a current study of liver phospholipids of the carp,
`Cypn'nus carpio L., we found that the onset of phase
`separation of phospholipids of summer-adapted fish oc-
`curred around 25 C, while that of winter-adapted fish oc-
`curred around 6 C (unpublished observations). In earlier
`work on the freshwater copepod Cyclops vicinus, we also
`found that phase separation temperatures were similarly
`related to the actual growth temperature (10). Although
`the water temperature at the time of collecting C. fin-
`marchicus was the same in the fall and the spring (10 C),
`the higher polarization value and phase separation tem-
`perature of phospholipids of the fall sample may suggest
`fihat the fall specimens retained a “summer” state in their
`Whether marine species similar to C. vicinus can
`regulate the physical state of their phospholipids accord-
`ing to the temperature or whether they lack this prop-
`erty, like the freshwater crustacean Daphnia magna, re-
`quires further investigation. Some freshwater crustaceans
`and fish are exposed to fluctuation in their environmen-
`tal temperature. In cases of tropic seas, this is less pro-
`nounced. Judging from the temperature range at which
`the phase separation occurs, it may be inferred that C.
`finmarchicus can tolerate less changes in the water tem-
`perature than the copepods in the tropic seas.
`Spring-collected C. flnmarchicus did not survive ex-
`posure to 20 C longer than two hr, and copepods collected
`at Dona Paula lost their swimming activity but did not
`die when exposed to 17 C for six hr (unpublished obser-
`vations). Because the former can be regarded as a cold
`stenothermic and the latter as a warm stenothermic
`species, it is tempting to speculate that this is at least
`partially related to the phase behavior of
`Table 1 shows that the above differences in the phase
`behavior are not easily explained by the fatty acid
`composition of the phospholipids. An inverse relationship
`between environmental temperature and fatty acid un-
`saturation also was observed in this case. This was due
`mainly to a higher level of docosahexaenoic acid in phos-
`pholipids of C. finmarchicus. Despite these differences.


`Fatty Acid Composition (mol %) in Phospholipids
`of Calanoid Copepods
`Composition of Phospholipids (% wt) in Calanoid Copepods
`Calanus spp.
`C. finmarchius
`lndiab Norwayc Norwayd
`Water temperature (°C):
`Total polyen(%)
`bDona Paula, Goa.
`the spring-collected C’. finmarchicus and the copepods col—
`lected at Dona Paula showed similar saturated to un-
`saturated ratios but great differences in the phase be-
`havior of their phospholipids. Moreover, the two samples
`of copepods from the tropic seas showed differences in
`phospholipid fatty acid compositions as well as in the
`saturated to unsaturated fatty acid ratios, although the
`P-values and the phase separation temperatures were
`almost identical (Fig. 1). Thus, it is highly probable that
`control occurs at a level beyond the overall distribution
`of fatty acids in phospholipids. Table 2 shows that the
`phospholipids of copepods from tropic seas were poorer
`in sphingomyelin and phosphatidic acid. and richer in
`phosphatidylethanolamine than those in C. finmarchicus.
`Phosphatidylcholines in spring-collected C. finmarchicus
`contained more polyunsaturated acids (82% vs 62%) and
`had a lower samrated-tounsamrated fatty acid ratio (0.15
`vs 0.38) than those of the tropic copepods (Table 3). Even
`though phospholipids were not separated according to
`molecular-species composition, one could expect that di-
`unsaturated phospholipids would be present whenever the
`level of total unsaturated fatty acids exceeds 50 mol %.
`As shown in Table 3, the phosphatidylcholines and phos-
`phatidylethanolamines were richer in diunsaturated phos-
`pholipids than were the phospholipids of copepods in the
`tropic seas (32% vs 12% and 17% vs 11%, respectively),
`and this could explain the observed differences in the P-
`values (Fig. 1). Because the phase separation temperature
`Calanus spp.
`Calanus finmarchius
`Phosphatidic acid
`“Dona Paula. Goa.
`Fatty Acid Compodtion (mol %) of Phosphatidylcholines
`and Phosphatidylethanolamines in Calenoid Copepods
`Total polyen(%)
`“Calanus ssp., Dona Paula, Goa
`bC. finmarchicus, spring.
`of 1-palmitoyl,2-docosahexaenoyl phosphatidylcholine is
`about - 10 C (22) and that of diunsaturated molecules is
`even lower, phospholipids of marine copepods should ex-
`hibit lower phase-separation temperatures than those
`observed. Phaspholipids of these copepods behave simi-
`larly to those of the b0vine retinal rod outer segment
`membranes. Although the latter are as rich in polyenes
`as the phospholipids of copepods investigated here, they
`too contain fair amounts of supraenes (dipolyunsaturated
`(23,24) and exhibit phase-separation
`temperature between 15 and 5 C (25).
`LIPIDS, Vol. 23, No. 6 (1988)


`It has been proposed that this results from a precise
`balance between disaturated and diunsaturated phospho-
`lipid molecules (25). The differences demonstrated in
`physical parameters of phospholipid vesicles indicate an
`adaptation of membrane physical states to temperatures.
`We thank S. K. Chakraborty, Central Institute of Marine Fisheries,
`Bombay, India, for making possible the collecting of marine
`oopepods. Thanks go also to E. Lehoaki (Jozsef A. University,
`Swged, Hungary) for help in fluorescence polarization measurements.
`Hazel. J., and Presser, C.L. (1974) Physiol Rev. 54, 620-667.
`Dutta, H., Das, A., Das, AB, and Farlras, T. (1985) Comp.
`Biochem. Physiol. 813, 341—347.
`Hazel, J. (1979) Am. J. Physiol. 2%, 91-101.
`Farkas, T., and Csengeri, I. (1976) Lipids 11, 401407.
`Wodtke, E. (1978) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 529, 280—291.
`Van den Thillart, G., and Bruin, G. (1981) Biochim. Biophys.
`Acta 640. 439—447.
`7. Cossins, A.R.., Christiansen, J., and Prom, CL. (1978) Biochim.
`Biophys. Acta 511, 442—454.
`8. Cossins, A.R.. and Prosser, CL. (1982) Biochim. Biophys. Acta
`687, 303—309.
`9. Farkas. T. (1979) Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 643, 71-76.
`10. Fatkas, T., Nemecz, Gy., and Csengeri, I. (1984) Lipids 19,
`11. Gopakumar. K. (1973) J. Mar. Biol Assoc. (India) 14, 2—5.
`12. Beninger. P.G., and Stephan, G. (1985) Comp. Biochem Physiol
`8111 591—601.
`13. Bettina, NIL, Gennity, J., Lilly, ML, Simona, E., and Finne,
`G. (1980) Aquaculture 19, 139-148.
`14. Kayama, M., Iijima, N., Kuwahara, M., Sada, T., Araki. S., and
`Sakurai, T. (1985) Bull Jpn. Soc Sci. Fish. 51, 687.
`15. Folcb, J., Lees, M., and Sloane-Stanley, GK. (1957) J. Biol.
`Chem. 226, 497~507.
`16. Rouser, G., Fleischer, S., and Yamamoto, A. (1970) Lipids 5,
`17. Montaudon1 D., Robert, J., and Canguilhem, B. (1984) Biochem.
`Biophys. Res. Commun. 119, 396—400.
`18. Cossins. AB... and Presser, CL. (1978) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
`USA 75, 2040—2043.
`19. Janoff. A.S.. Gupte. S., and McGroaty, E.J. (1980) Biochim.
`Biophys. Acta 5%, 641-644.
`20. Durairay, G.I., and Vijakumar, I. (1984) Biochim. Biophys. Ae
`ta 770, 7—14.
`21. Cossins. AR, and Prosser, CL (1982) Biochim. Biophys. Ac-
`ea 687, 303—309.
`22. Coolbear, K.P., Redde. C.B., and Keough, K.M.W.
`Biochemistry 22 1466—1473.
`23. Milajanich. G.P., Skier, L.A., White, DI... and Drain. EA. (1979)
`Biochim. Biophys. Acta 552, 294-306.
`24. Aveldano. M.I., and Bazan, N.G. (1983”. Lipid Res. 24 620—627.
`25. Skier, L.A., Miljanich, G.P.. Brusten, S.L., and Dratz, EA. (1979)
`Biochemistry 254, 9583—9591.
`[Received January 26. 1987; Revision accepted February 16. 1988]

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