Petition for Inter Partes Review
`Of U.S. Patent 8,278,351


`OU-‘flécfliikfio EEEEE'EQ
`The Ciean Waters 01 the Antarctic Ocean are the Source of Vast Natural Resource-
`)lelii'L’L-sr,n;.B-fianr:l\{JL‘ haiMfllQi mm: 1':
`(anui r; :umaxrrum sarsayamrhv4>3
`HIEBH-{ziili r3151»? Afl’d"§fif_ll6‘9>“‘7lt
`T Li’la. {mlfirlxm iaxtuhr Mix r265
`<9 uuulnammun run-aw .,,/7'ms':
`. w
`{s/z’mmmtzu. wmrranzmaulub.1383mm
`?E®%§D!IG3;?;SIH§I Emmanamxmtmm


`ll" addit-
`phosphatde and (2
`with its antioxrdizing effects.
`opened the way to utilizing Ar
`' Gning and outstanding natural pigment. but hab
`:ilwbmught to tight its potential as :1 healthtood and
`"funclinnat load" that v.
`next generation,
`the most nnpolluted
`The Antarctic Ocean. or' at
`and beautiful marine ar .15 in the world.
`Kn'll lrom the Antarctic Ocean is a valuable source at
`protein containing an excellent balance ol amino
`acids, and as is widely known. provide the mam
`source ol‘ energy lor whales that grow to lengths
`exceeding 20 metres and inhabit these waters.
`in Japan. Antarctic krill, said to be the last and
`greatest source of protein available to mankind, is
`largely used as a pigment tor cultivated fish and as
`bait tor leisure fishing.
`the future potential at Antarctic tirill
`(Euphasia superba) as a new marine resource came
`to the attention at Itano at an early stage with
`research and development having commenced in
`1983. Our researchers have been successful in utiliz-
`ing the potential of krill by Isolating its outstanding
`1“ be sought utter by the


`acxbcislAJW—o valuabujamm
`. Delicious and healthy .~
`; Today's essentials for your body


`##72“. Ififll tifii.
`9n»- —,-u-su1.ooomvaL-runzubmm-
`" Tun-nzmleemz.natutntaa-ramuuw
`Krill Is an Excepfibnally Unpollutad and
`Pure Natural Resource.
`Like shrimps, Miami: krill is I We“: in cum
`words. it is u nu: mum of the shrlm'p funny. Com-
`pared to marine pmdncls ulm [mm coastal 1mm um
`gr: hung Mutiny counselled upon by mfluflon, Anum
`lick-ill Mlluheclurmusollhchlhmfic Oman
`— when they multiply and thin in hw-umpentm
`Inlet: no! wsccollhle In the pmpnglthn of various hac-
`Ierll — an be described I: an lmmpanhly'pnr: [and
`source. The nullifive value of this hullh lood is onl-
`huge mourn: unilahlc will alluwumnl ulchu of up
`In 70mm!!! maul: loin wilhoul shy delflmenlfl el-
`l’ccls. Will: lurs hd'n; voiced shoal salons loud shon-
`nah: Ihc than, the eflmm moth-ill proukeslohe
`I pull“! slap forward In seeming loud supnlles for the
`human no: ”we head loud eh: twentieth century.
`OTi/Hfllaltnyvzfltblflfl ~1:. “runaway
`‘( paufisltfiiflwzfi
`High Nutrillve Value
`The Ihility o'l krill In support the huge holly al' a whale is
`II'I high nulrillve ulna Th: lulu component, pmldn.
`which com-ll“ plenly of mfidumlm adds, Is 01' high
`quality. The pattern 0! who new: In hill is superb: lo
`Ill-tolpmudls Mlul'ulorlo that atheism]:
`Iddllloll. hillls rich luVlIunl-I Am. Ind Cfldum. and .'
`ls nnlrlllbully well hallnoeil.
`Krlll is perfect for lodw's dietary reqnlxumnls, ls sun--
`fill lot our body. and k naturally pmud lo us from the
`Anna-cue One-n.


`3L‘b31‘VO‘VUJfiLMIflOIfi‘yzwxbv s
`Néw Extract with a Staperb Taste
`Fun; 'on me ”Excellent Bale ' n‘
`' “"9“
`General Components Chan
`“H"Wflgu , I
`‘ “ ”WWW
`Egg,” minus“! _
`I: muaw
`- mm In“:
`Comm: 0!
`Essential Amino Acids
`mm” lad-nu m
`Vi?“ nun-r: ,
`«I "' "“' °'


`neeof Amino Acids ContainedIn Antarctic Krill
` a"
`ib’Plll-tlfllfit'afllfit t4=ZEI¢-7-.
`Ill-coon:awrwxu‘vsmnzvnt. 5mm:
`anal». 7m». 'IV/fizmzflfiflfli'l mucou-
`IILCL'. Ebl:.lmwemnmtzm.“wanton- ‘
`Hfifitffi—manut'I-o‘finfi‘lem Lfi-la
`afioflmlmfiuwmm tilst‘filltl. limit-l1;
`AI New Refreshing Seasoning —
`Krill Extract
`Krill «and is In oulmudina loosening. 'fllls choru- ‘
`lerlslic hlmnnled for lryils Mullen: bnlnnm or {lawm-
`producing nmlno acids — alanine. shrine.
`glutamlc acid -— Ind aroma producing amino maids e
`leucine. proline. lysine 8M mull: acid. Met. krill
`tannins glucomnlne hydrochlorid: nnll melhlonnl,
`chnlponenls which produce I distinctive flavour Ind
`aroma nspcc'llvdy. on lhc other land. lime compo-
`meals to not produce excess“: illvour but we chll'ldtr-
`ized In- a plenum tadlng away or any uflu'llsls. In an
`ageofhighqulllly Ind diversiflolldlel,krillmnclserws
`to both promole flavoursand lid Ill: llmlopmenl of new
`origin-I flavours.
`mEm-Jifléia hUNfl‘i-l '
`tar-renal: . Ill:flkLTInfl'afilh‘M. firm-51:!
`w—uw—w-nw/tl--)mnmur<1+i--m._.mmn .
`Hum.4mmannsnwrunnfl-mamatn -
`‘ s uoaawmnnmlvxonmsz-cvm
`Trlpeptlda - Elloctiva in Checking High
`Blood Pressure.
`In nddillol lo It: ohm-rain; propel-tin u a manning.
`krill 2mm Ibo cont-ins Enhances that [me nluble
`physiologiul “notions. On: of (beach o armada with
`I oonfignr'lllon of lowing lysine and triploplun; this
`lripeplllle sum to lnhlhll enzyme; which torn origin-
`_ilensln,=a Smbslunce Ill-lu known in be responslhl: tor
`rolling blooll pressure. Mons ollm [alum much as
`small nolccuies. which Illow as: Ilmrptlon in the
`mall lnlullncs. nuke this ldpepllde flu] [or not in
`health l’oods Illd as In ingndiénlln “functional! lands."


`~ New findings of the health teeter
`filfilzu$m<fififaltfifiklufin?J4I-‘ft eat-v.9
`somaaemtu'eau'camz’ww‘z‘m [MB-£115!
`j/A tLtI<lt<lzmlmae.sel_:ls.imfilltfloaaaw
`39501004 .mommmmmtnfluuum
`Natural Astaxa'nthin
`.‘l'hese pmdlcfl an the be Ippfled lo halal foods ml
`"functional foods."
`Naturally- ouun'lng mnlnlhln — aptly aimed In as -
`“super ulloxldut" -—' I1! expected to ash: stems in the
`flu-mes“ mm: for council“ and also as I substance
`"will? ”with! {or minus npplienu‘om In the field of
`‘ phmeeeuflul products.
`Astaxanthln .-. Super Antioxidant
`' Anlalflic krill curtains large quantifies of Aslmnllsln
`which, with the widest mum] dislrlhntlnn. Is one of the
`most finial anlmal minnows. II ls new-fly I llposolu-
`ble pigmem fainting I whilst-orange colour. Ind has
`been used lo due Iorplgmenullon of cultuml fish such
`Is salmon, Imul. unwell and In m Recenlly.
`its physiologial functions have been mulled, levelling
`that il works as provilamln A panlcularyln fish Ind Ills!
`IS an “dams. it Is 100-1000 limes mole efl'ecll'r'e
`then the swelled “all-mlglm' mural anumddant.
`Vitamin E'f
`2i um:surmise-{emulmmwmn mum-a
`abmntmxnfitnrsurm mnoxmAN-r-am
`l1. EEJfitL‘Ei‘OIHEifiTéLt‘OL-fi-
`An Outstanding Plgment .— Astax
`A maze of Asia: products horn inf Item's super-lot
`astuanshlu recovery ‘laclulolm and water minimu-
`liou ledmolugr.
`Asia: products display excellent re‘sulu 15 quick Ind
`highly effective plgmemsllnn agents [or cultured fish.


`hands High Level Plan! Ensures Steady
`I vmwmuwwnuu-s.
`' Sflppflas
`nnmaumwummuu.magnetism: M hummus. I strict qualm- control system and Id-
`msmaa-nmsmmmww-emm5mm. mud production plant Ire vital for muting superior
`' nmnm~nn~aaumm1..mamaswuezw mm“ Ind fan-"Mons- 1m: Production men- I!
`equipped with advanced «traction. mmuon and con»
`centurion machlmlo gnlnnlee I sable supply of high-
`.qulllly products.
`"Eleven One"Pmducflon Humane:
`< m
`. b u
`h- mmm I» um ._ um I, :aufi, my '- muw’ (“15%,
`“in my. m mm W
`mm I» mam > m» > $33 :- ”ASH-SJ
`,, rag.” 5- (3:2!) -I- (mu: b (u h,


`“Eleven One" -_'— a Source of Vast Poténtial for Reseai'ch & Development
`Cansi'slent Quality. [pagan-m Stung: Passlble
`' mmermdfluhwmflKMhm
`' '
`. 4
`‘ 6WSJMI<9>znxa
`- an7:2l---79:2.W§>.w>.rims/l3
`0 iii? i/I'-'CI-f“/>. W'zjnuuaxrwfi‘al'fi
`‘ fifihlfii‘fih
`fifilmuifflma'} DWI f.ll%ii:£&!n§t1fllt BREE
`Uk‘i’l‘bili’iT-Jblfwfiillfiifll. 531:“!Hi!EST.
`«Inca! me§l£iiiftbixMust.)
`workstation“.antnannnsm.“sumo-25w ’
`flattflidfiic. 1:91:illitfik “to? illfllfl‘flfl;
`Emu-5', fiflillfiflii.
`fiwnllittlimflbflim'ruflosvocals: -t'i'rail!
`Inuit. mrailIllliflBmmt‘hUJfimflimutAvaflM.
`“Eleven One" a Magical Seasoning f ,.
`with Uniimited Possibilities
`'AII Excellent Balance of Vin-ions Types of Amino Adds
`due to Erniiod damn-position
`I Flavour pmducing amino noids--—aianh1s.giyoim.asrina.glu—
`lai'i'lic acid. oil:
`0 Aroma producing Iminoaeida— Ioucine. Instant-dine. aspariic
`acid. Bic.
`Promotos Flavour and Atom:
`Gluo‘osan. aoummahcnmmodhmwolbdcmooa.
`minunssiMuoitmdnfldm Mancunian
`Enhances Miami Colors
`Son and Mild Atom“:
`. ansmmdmmmmmmaflflm
`Outstanding Masking Ethel:
`unanimAnoonmoou-mhsnd mpomtcsiormoimhid


`. Rflfllfllfllhtu.‘
`$31“: “3.50:7.flkNA.$lffl$.flfll\LV‘f-7
`stun ssh-m nuts. an manna-amassed.
`Iflmlfl t\1..~.I-1:--‘i.'<-::>
`iiitlltfi fawn-7 (:ws. Ira—VJJILEI). who» (a
`Eh.-III.5-l>.3b¢l.'PE-tlfv—1L thw'zarzn». man. an.
`mmauaznmnflnub-mamrmtumt v-
`ills anus»!Iva.Ilinlflifljlllum
`z-rw-at: #10:an“at:«some; drama”mug-lo
`all! mu(tibial.ammJMo-sJafithlm -
`$3u—7‘E ms) innumw—v. ail-up. s—m—n‘ ::
`The Key to the Next Generation of
`Foods — “Eleven One"
`Pmssed Marine Pmduos: squid. octopus. cod. sea wan.
`PmceesedMaam-mm. lamb-con
`liquid Seasonlngs: lmnwlmmoom
`any lauds. hot-59mg onus, mm m odon
`“mm W? mum "go-dam pun Wotoosbr
`Isuulw. shoyuzuko. awake. make. naturals;
`Foods Proserved in Soy: undo. hm mam ohms,
`SnickFoodsfiiooSnads: doaanlfltdougn. doom
`Mandarflmm mum. floadadwrsuhrinmaqdd.
`Daily Dishes: Japanese-6M0 am .. (dashimakitomago;
`may». 12mm. nonhuman». CHM: dishes—
`M .
`m was 0! "Bevan One“ 1: heighten: through
`use in combination with other “moorings and um...


`4'9) fififik’éfiéfifi
`$772 munnmnfimfifiqymgaa-z 13.0mm) 5m momma Tasman-sea mac-.1


`AgflMNTMN ,
`" j?


`Having the widest natural distribution, astaxanthin is one of the most typi-
`cal animal carotenoids.‘ It is actually a liposoluble pigment featuring a
`reddishcrange colour, and has been used to date for pigmentation ofcul—
`'t'ured fish such 'as salmon, trout, yellowtail and sea bream. Recently, its
`physiolong functions have been clarified. revealing that it works . as
`provitamin A (particularly in fish) and that as an antioxidant, it is 100 ~1000
`times more effective than the socalled' “all-mighty natural _-antioxidant.
`vvitamin E."
`‘ 0
`Chemical Structure of Aslaxanthin
`Oil Type: mainly triglyceride.
`Astax — 300; 1000, and soon
`(Astaxanthin content is 300, 1000 and 5000 mghDOg of oil;
`Itano‘s astaxanthin-based products. Astax 300, 1000 and 5000 have dis-
`played excellent results as quick and highly efiective'pigmentation agents ,
`tor cultured fish. These products can also be applied to health foods and
`“functional foods!‘
`Naturally occurring astaXanthin (or"‘super vitamin E") is expected to gain
`status in thenear future as a pigment for cosmetics and also as a sub-
`stance with potential for a wide range of applications in the field of phar-
`maceutical products.


`, Phosphonpid, a structural component of organic membranes. contributes
`to enzyme activation and is said to be effective in lowering the concentra-
`tion of cholesterol In human blood.
`Krill lecithin (phospholipid found in krill) is more effective in decomposing
`peroxides than ordinary soybean or vitelline phospholipl'd, and is equally
`effective in lowering cholesterol levels. A further characteristic of krill leci-
`thin that has been the focus of considerable attention in recent years is the
`high content of the highly unsatumted fatty acids,'EPA (20:5) and DHA
`(22:6), both of which are considered to be effective in preventing and treat-
`ing adult diseases such as myocardial infarction and thrombosis.
`ltano’s krill lecithin has the potential to mgke maximum use of these
`Characteristics through application to promising health foods and “func-
`tional foods."
`Composition of phospholipid
`Fatty acid composition of
`“7" ___.____
`DO 0015


`PHONEMBH-SB-Sflt “5362-355 HAND-J

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