`New International
`Utilizing all the experience and resources of more than
`one hundred years of Merriam: Webster dictionaries
`G. & C. MERRIAM COMPANY, Publishers


`COPYRIGHT © 1909. 1913, 1923, 1924, 1926, 1927, 1930, 1934, 1950, 1953, 1954, 1957, i959. 1961, 1966
`PREVIOUS EDITIONS PHILIPPINES COPYRIGHT 1950, 1953, 1954, 1957, 1959, 1961,1966
`BY G. d: C. MERRIAM C01
`Standard Book Numbers:
`087779—0019 (blue Sturdite)
`0-87779—003-5 (2 volumes, blue Sturditc)
`0-87779-006-X (Imperial Buckram)
`All right: reserved. No part of (hit work covered by the copyright: hereon may be reproduced or
`copied in anyfarm or by any mean—graphic, elevtrunic, or mechanical, including photocopying, re-
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`lesu'ewed also bestrewrtardrchdlc best-rowed also bestrown:
`lostrewing or archaic bestowing; bescrews or nrzhalt.
`leshows [ME bestmwen, besirewrn, fr. OE bertraowion {r
`le- + sirziiwian, strewlan to strew — more at sirzwl 1 ’- it;
`:over with objects lying scattered about : STREw (with 55m
`towers my grave ~NRobcrt Herrick [1674) (a sea of blood
`cent with wrecks —s.1-.Colendge> 2 ; to lie or be scatlered
`War (as an area) (the isolated farmhouses of today which n,
`iberally~ Ordnance Survey maps —J.H.G.Lebon)
`irstrlde \bé, bE+\ vt bestrode also hestrid; bestrldoon
`ilso bestriil or bestrode; bestriding; bestricles [ME be.
`triden. fr. 0E bertridizn, fr, bIe~ + stridon to stride —— mum
`it mine] 1 a z to ride astride (i saw fair boys besfrldlng
`teeds —R.W.Emerson) : MOUN’l’ (bertrode his precious bike
`ind .
`. went roaring nut NEliIabeth Gnudge)
`istnde (two small boys beslriding a fallen log)
`o : o ”c 0,,
`tither side of : STRADDLE (one mthct‘ formal consultation
`thout a dead balsam that besirade the property line —A,}3
`Aayse) :SIPAN (a bridge bestridlng the torrential river) 2 a: m'
`tand astride (as a fallen man) : stand over
`ti : to elciminue
`bsolutely :have unquestioned control over : tower over (~4-
`l archaic : to stride across
`he new Democratic Congress as .
`. .in the past —wis.Wbite)
`tsts pres 3d sing a] nest, pl of ram
`lst‘. seller n 1 a : a book or other publication whose sales
`.re among the highest of its class
`: an article of merchan-
`luthor of a best-selling book or ot cr publication: also : (he
`lise whose sales are among the highest of its class 2 ; tit:
`naker of a bestselling phonograph record (the band has been
`L but refler in the record shops for weeks)
`lst-sell-er-dom (')bcs(t)'sela(r)dam\ n -s :
`the category
`if a best seller : t c condition of being ii best seller (wrote
`lbscurcly .
`. betore he came into ~ —Soiuntoy Rev.)
`est-selling \'::st\ adj : ranking among best sellers
`i-stud \bé, bE+\ vt [be- + stud] : to set (a surface) with or
`is if with studs
`3'511‘S0 “BTW-KOBE“ ’1 '5 [59] !
`a European red porgy
`Pogrus pngrus)
`lot \‘bet. usu —cd-+V\ n -s [origin unknown] 1 5(1) :soine.
`hing that is laid, staked, or pledged typically between two
`larties on the outcome of ti contest or any contingent issue
`WADER (a ~ on the game) (lay Ia ~ on a raceborse) (2) : a
`mu put into a poker put requiring other players to stay or
`lrop; esp: the first such sum put in after a deal or draw—
`:ompare urn-E. 1cm. a,
`IRAlss b_: the nctIof giving or
`iromising such a pledge 2 : something on which one lays a
`let : a thing to wager on (the gray horse is the best ~ to win
`he race) 3 : a choice decided on with consideration of
`.bilities (your best N is to avoid short cuts if you do not now
`let \“\ vb bet or batted: not use batted: betting; bets
`be route) (he is a poor ~ for the jab)
`it 1 : to stake (money) on the outcome of an issue or the
`)erforl'ntlrice of a contestant (betting $2 on the race) (betting
`not) on the election) 2 a t to maintain With or as it with
`t bet (I will N that he will be elected)
`to make a bet
`vith orpgainst (a person) (I ~ him on the game) a : to lay
`‘. bet on (he ~ the track favorite to place)~ vi : to lay a bet
`let now dial past of BEAT
`tcf var o] BETH
`it ubbr between
`le.ta \'bid~a it: also 'bE—\ n -s [Gk bEftX, of Sam origin;
`kin to Heb ban- 7 more at psi—n1 1 : the second letter of
`he Greek alphabet N symbol B or 5; sec ALPHABEI
`5 : BEA rannccc. BETA my
`let: be p— \“\ adj 1 : of or relating to one ofItwo or more
`iosoiy related chemical substances (5— ohimbine)I— used
`omewbat arbitrarily to specify ordina
`relationship or to
`pecity a particular physical tormI, esp, an allotropic modifica-
`ion (as in fleirnn). or an isomeric or somettmes polymeric or
`tcrcoisomsric form (as in poglucose); abbr. sometimes b-
`i : second in position in the structure otIan organic molecule
`rom a particular group or atom or having astructure chore
`.cterized by such a position (the ~ posmons of
`B—hydrbxy acids) (fl-naphthol) 3 : producing a zone of
`lecolorization when
`own on blood media — used of certain
`lemolytic streptococci or of the hemolysis they cause 4 : sIcee
`ind in order of brightness — used of a star in a constellation
`ie-ta \'bEd.a, .em n, cop [NL fr. L, beet — more at laser]
`a small genus of glabrous succulent herbs (family Chenn-
`iodiaceae) having greenish flowers and aggregate fruits —
`itabacterium \1;
`s ..n\ n [NL tr, IBeta I+ bacterium]
`L ca
`: a genus or
`genus of heterofermentative lactobacilli
`l p betabacteria : a member of the genus Eetdbaclerlurn
`a heterofermentative lactobacillus
`ltd brass n [Zbetd] : a coppcr~zinc alloy with a copper cun-
`ent of approximately 50 to 55 percent
`ita cell n [Ibein] : any of certain secretory cells distinguish:
`: on insulin-secreting cell of the islets o
`)y their basophilic staining characters: as a : a
`its cellulose n [lbetd] : ceLLuLdse 2c
`l-ta-cism \‘ Ed-=,siz:m also 'bE—\ n rIs [NL betactrmus,_lrt
`lcto (fr. Gk 172m) + LL rthmus (as in intacu‘mids iotaclsmfl
`loss of distinction between the sounds of b and v in a language
`it dialect
`05511:] syn o LEucoNos'roc
`ie-ta-cncvculs \‘bEdea,ktik=s\_[NL, fr. L beta beet +
`lemcaccus \“\ n. pl betacoc-cl \-li ki, 41“, ’uklsL "H‘s.“
`NL, fr. L beta beet + NL cuccui'
`. fheterofermentame
`tre tococcus
`tbsp-fife \'bcd-=,fit\ rt -s [F, fr. thqfa, Madagascar: I“
`ocality + F ~i'fc] : a mineral consisting of an oxide of niobigfgé
`rystnls near eta o,
`itnnium. ai-idIIurafi-iiu;IiiIr occurring as greenish black isome n
`if: gauge n [Ibeto] : a device for measuring the thickness
`if a material by its absorption of beta rays
`ill! globulin n [’bm] : any of several globulin; of huIllltfl!
`lr animal plasma or serum that have electro
`oretic mobi itl I
`intermediate between those of the alpha glo uluis and 53mm
`,lobulins — see LlPOFROTElN
`l s,
`ltd hemolysis n [zbrtd] : a sharply defined clear color emi
`one of hemolysis surrounding colonies of certain strchc"
`in blood agar plates
`lta—hy'pophhmine \'--+\ n [lbrto] : a polylbeimde hPm'iobe
`hat is secreted together with oxytocin by the posterior ”I“
`the pituitary,
`that is also obtained synthetically.
`ncreases blood pressure in mammals and exerts an 13;“
`iuretic effect, and that is used cap.
`in treating the
`nsi idus
`ntrl’dne \'b€d-=,Ei:i\
`n -s [rsv beto- (tr. NL Belg) + 4:5;
`irob. orig formed as G betai‘n] 1 a : a crystalline WEI“
`asting quaternary ammonium sell that occurs in but I n
`rid other plant substances and in some marine animalsfla) .
`hat is regarded as an inner salt or as u dipalarIton (Clbin
`l‘CHgCOO' derived from glycine by methylauon or if) _
`holine by oxidation; also : the hydrated rorm (OHXCl
`{CHICOOH b or Detaine hydrochloride : the all 0f!“
`:l(CH,),Ncrr1co_0n of the hydrated form used as;
`”a a particle n [Ibeta] : an electron or positron emitted by
`b" nucleus of an atom during radioactive decay
`0;: my ti 1 : BEl'A extinct: a or beta radiation : n stream
`- ,
`”iabiijayi’hm or pets wave n [lbetu] : a bum wave current
`" DEaVlng a frequency of more than 10 pulsations per second
`::!::5gélul\::rba+\ v! [bz- + tassel] : to adorn with or as it
`wiihtibstslu ['bem] : a nonverbal group intelligence test used
`1'9 0,, us. Army during World War I
`”mm,“ \‘b’a‘d-=~,tr§
`at — also 'be»\ It -s [rsv them +
`j : an accelerator in which electrons areIpropelled by the
`lad“: ve action of a rapidly var ing magnetic field
` \-hecbare,gti, —go n ~s [native name in Aus—UDGERIGAR
`:[\ pd] [prob fr. F bite. 1i
`blockhehd, beast (in
`air: In bite to pass in a card game
`fr._ 0F best: beast #
`ore at bus-r] In certain card games
`ubject to a penalty for
`fillure to fulfill one's contract; era . Down, BEAITFN I
`to tullill his contract; also : the penalty for such fat are
`Ipels \--\ n -s : failure by the bidder (as 111 auction Ipinochle)
`puteem vi -en/— NG/-S 1 ob:
`: voucusxrs. GRANT, ACCORD,
`2 oh
`wow. remn-
`l\ or betel pepper n -s [Pg betel. betle,Ifr.
`ramil yttrildt]
`a climbing pepper (Piper belie) whose dried
`leaves ari wrapped around or moved with a whole betel nut
`or scrapings from it
`together With liIi-ne made from burnt
`coral and chewed as a stimulant masticatory espv by south-
`bzalilnl’lnlll n z the astringent seed of the betel palm used as a
`Vgrmflugc and myotic and in the East for chewing — called
`ii nut
`offal Shim u : an IAsiatic pinnate—leaved palm (Area: cathecu)
`having a slender ringed trunk and an orange-colored pungent
`astringent drupe with an outer fibrous husk — see arm.
`w-r; compare BErEL
`hstel phenol rt : CHAvmgroL _
`i I
`hate hairs also beta no): \.batn= wile, bat nw-, -et~, -wd(r\
`n. pl hetes noires duo hates nous \-hr(z),-az,-d(r\ [F
`ersisl nt
`eteste ,
`e re
`or oval e
`hlle natre. lit., Iblngk beasIt] f a parsori or thiggdusu strongly
`piili \‘ibath, at, s\ also bet \-at ‘s\ n -s [Heb barn, con-
`Hebrew al habct — sym o
`; see ALPuaurr to e
`t e
`Itrucf form of buyilh, litubhfuasc] 1 z the secondblettcé of tge
`Igttgr at life Phoenician or of any of various other Semitic
`llphabcls corresponding to Hebrew_beth
`be.lhaii.n.ra \be' abara\ rt
`.5 [orrgtn unknown] : any of
`ielding dense
`or woo
`several Britisthudiana gmber trees of thc genus chzbul'a
`bbth din or he! din \-'cl
`dEn\ riI [Heb bltli dirt.
`house of judgment] 1 : a lewish court in ancient times com
`posed ni three or four judges
`I2 :a judicial body composed
`matters of Jewish aw
`of a rabbi and tho or more assistants having jurisdiction inHOUSE or
`both-cl \'bctli:l\ 7r -5 [Heb bdfh‘il house of God
`WORSHIP: as a
`a chapel for nonconformisla
`b . a place of
`for seamen
`' both lfprocess \:bethal—\ n, usu cup B [afterIIohn Bethe",
`creoso e un er pressure
`lgth cent. igm. inventor] :a method 0! preserving wood with
`bavthas-da \bé'thczda, be-\ rt -5 [fr Bethesda. Biblical pool
`a owed p ace : criAvEL: exp ‘ snitch a
`beliavfid to havle curative powers (In
`74). fr. Gk BEthesdct]
`s— or
`dmm -
`th harmihdrtaih
`\,bilfilt{§ml dritsh.
`. null. lit., house of study] :a hall or school where Jews esp.
`e rew iternture
`lg gisterln Europe study the Bible.
`the Talmud, and later
`hath ha-sa-pher or her \.s hli‘
`far\ n [Heb ball
`a. e.
`.a o
`e ha. a
`'r, sta'ia -tafi"d n
`”gariphir guiegf thhe book]
`Ilewl'lflll elfimcnftliry schcial\
`. ”H.117 :svmooauc
`theorem. hat/Ephlfiih house of prayer] : a Jewish house of
`rllI-thiiilr \hd. bi +\ vb hethought; hethougnt; befmnkin
`_ “thinks [ME bethi'rtkeri, betheriIkzn, bethenchen.
`fr.» OE
`brthentnu, fr. be- + thencnn to think — more at 1'me] vt
`, c o
`1 A iaIrcIliilt mo Icnll {Odmll'iad REMAmacItzI (1how those of old
`nu) toviai'i’ socm‘it‘i’i’i‘r’i‘g tn mind“(ii§“i?eii>ougii n‘ié‘é’f‘hlé’li.
`- Ilvvnsibiljty as head of the house —Mary Webb) 2 ob: a : to
`consider with a view to decision or
`Icfion :
`think over
`. a c
`(TIwhat clemencyl .
`theydwould dfiire ~Ifl'ancis Bland)
`cilion :i‘iiiififihi’y‘nrifi’l’ile”$232“? .“25 T‘ininvéiile‘sflifd
`recover —]ohn Milton) 3 t to give (ongslfxup to reflection
`svote (oneself) to thought (Rip beihougliIi himself a moment
`Ewflhmston Irving) 4 abs :
`to contnveIns a result of
`qught :Incws: (we ~ a means to_ break it off —Shak.)
`ill .
`to bring (oneself) to a conclusion
`RBDLVE (has be—
`R. -.
`Pcueahtd lgmself of joining profit and pleasure together —
`eIre than $3353: us Kin‘éii°§5f5§)‘“s‘yhi§"§5'e“s‘e§r°$§'e?t“ <
`.m-IE-hem \'bethla,hem,
`'bethlEam. deham,
`flMam. + ~lé,ham or +
`am\ it As our cup lfr.
`535:3“ o4! St. Mary of Bethlehem. London, _England]
`hth-le-ham-lle \\ n -s cog (Bethlehem, Palestine + E
`Djiiii : a native or inhabitant of
`in ,3th sage n, usu cap B : a European herb (Pulmonorto
`(c, min) with white or reddish violet flowers shaped like
`, h:Iffliiehem‘sl-stnr \,
`i'1\ n. pl bethleliem’s—stars usu cop
`I-ruot \‘beth+,—\ n -s filter, of birthroot] 1 : stun-moor
`be-ithUUM Z
`Is . “Till: \bi, bi +\ V! [be- + thumb]: to wear or soil with or
`hail: with thumbs
`new“? \bd, bi + \ yr [be- + thump] : to beat or pelt soundly
`J'Ollz y
`M if)?“ \hi' bi +\ yr [be- + rhwack] : to beat, thrash. or
`>hffg'l~lld \‘bethaldd, -,Iid\ ad] [NL Bethyildae] : of or re
`“Imus I
`the family Bethylidac
`m VI
`dao \bo‘thil=,dE\ n pl. cap [NL, tr, Beihylur, type
`,ma‘fl! (fr. Gk bElhylas, a kind or bird) + -idae] : a family of
`u“ Wasps the females of which oviposit on other insects [hut
`h'ddfllng and paralyze
`3 Wu
`bE-\ vb bended \-trddd\ oLro archaic lie-Lid
`bedded aLsa archaic bend betltmi
`. bendes [ME
`. fr. be + tlden to happen
`mnrc at TIDE] vt 1 : to
`barge" to : react. — now used chiefly in the expression we
`‘ “ems (Woe ~ the man who recognizes no law) (woe ~ our
`“5) 2 :FOREEODE. rnmaos (such omens N no good)
`:bcraci. HAPPEN (hope .
`, must abide with all of us,
`"“1 Jr ~ —I
`iam Wordsworth)
`2 ob: : to be the late or
`“\s used with of or on (if he were dead. what would ~ on
`ME. fr
`+ time] obs : BEI’IMES
`a r + II 1 :in good
`\bé'tfikon. be—\ vt hetokened; hetolrened: be-
`fokemng \-k(a)nii_-i\ befolrens [ME brtocnlen, betokenen, fr.
`bee + tncnlen, takenen to token more at-rokEN] 1 a obs : to
`be a symbol of : signify visibly: EPREENX‘ (in the cloud a bow
`~irig peace from God Nlohn Milton)
`: to show esp. by
`signs or tokens : give evidence of (thin, tall, and of that ashe
`gray color which ~i- constant sleeplcssness —Osbert sitwell)
`(an elderly man, of i
`. strong. square features, Ning a steady
`soul —Nathaniel Hawthornz)
`2 : FORESHOW, gncsaos (no
`sighing in the woods to ~ a big weather change— John Muir)
`be-fonmca \bd'tandka\ n, cop [NL, fr. L betonlcn. vettontco
`botany] in some up: farmer cluni‘licatlons : a small genus of
`Eurasian herbs (family Labiatae) often included in Slachys
`having the corolla tube greatly exceeding the calyx
`het-n-ny \‘bet’nE\ n -ES [ME bemne, frt 0F betolne, fr. L
`betani‘ca, vettoni‘cd. fr. Vettunes, an ancient people inhabiting
`Ifhe Iberian peninsula] l : any of several woundworts formerly
`included in the genus Betanl‘cd: esp : PURPLE bin-om! z : any
`of several plants of the genus Tellcrium; esp : AMERXCAN
`betook past a] bet-AK:
`lie-toss \bd. be +\ vi [br~ is tors] : to toss violently : AGITATE
`be-to-yasi \bi‘toyen, -toi(y)an\ n -s usu cap [Betoya, a So.
`American Indian people, the language of the Betoy: (tr. Sp
`betaya, buoy, betnye, cif Amcrlnd origin) + E ~an] 1 : a
`language family of Chibchau stock in eastern Colombia
`2 :TUCANO lb
`tie-trample \be. be- +\ vt [b:- + trample] : to mark or dirty
`by trampling
`be-tray \bov'tra‘, bE~-\ vb ~ED/-lNG/—S [ME betrayrn, fr. be- +
`trayen to betray, fr. 0F trni‘r, fr. L traders to betray, deliver a
`more at TRAITDR] yr 1 :MisLEAD: as a : to lead astray (as into
`error, sin, or danger)
`(a peaceful man Ned by anger into
`violence) (their heroes are still Victims Ned by circumstances
`into criminal follies that lead to disaster: —Mali:nlm Cowley)
`b : to lead astray and abandon (a girl or woman) :scuucii (a
`girl Ned in her teens by a much alder man) 2:10 deliver into
`the hands of an enemy by' treachery or fraud in violation of
`trust ~ a citadel by opening its gates in the night to enemy
`3 : to prove l'aitblcss or treacherous to :lail or desert
`esp, in time of need (~ his own people by going over to the
`enemy) (use the poor as a stepping-stone to power, and then to
`N them —Encmutter)
`‘1 : REVEAL: us a :reveal uninten-
`tionally (as something more prudently concealed) : DISCLDSE
`(even his best writings N a limited imagination and a sour
`View of life) (N on almost morbid sense of guilt —N. Y. Times)
`face) (only a tension 0 mouth muscles Ned his uneasi
`b : to Show or indicate (as something not obvious on the sur-
`(his best columns N t
`. the hilusophicul bent of his mind —
`John Meson Brown) c : to isclosc in violation of confidence
`(~ government secrets) ~ vi
`: to prove false (when lovely
`woman Stoops to fully and finds too late that men N —Olivcr
`Goldsmith) syn see DECElVE, REVEAL
`lie-frayed] \-i(a)l\ n -s : the act of betraying or fact of being
`betrayed (his ~ of that trust by his unthinking egotisiii NMnrk
`Schorcr) (the hesitation was a N of his uncertainty)
`si es
`begrim \bé, bEv +\ V! [be- + trim]: to adorn on both or all
`lJc-trnth \bd'triith, be, due-om oLro pm or did; or -0th\ vi
`-ED/-lNG/—S [ME betreutlien, betrouthen,
`be— + treutlie,
`trouthr truth, troth— more at mun-i] 1 archaic - to promise to
`take in marriage : plight one‘s truth to 2 a : to promise in
`marriage : AFFIANCE (a daughter ~ed to a rising young lawyer)
`(two children of noble blood ~ed almost from birth)
`I) obs
`: PLEDGE (a tool
`that ~s himself to unquietriess ~—Shak.)
`3 z to give or pledge in religious faith and affiliation
`he~troth-al \-th=l.-m:l\ n »s [belt-nth + ~01] : the act of be-
`trothing or fact of being betrothed : a mutual promise or con-
`tract for a future msrriagc — called also espousal
`lie-framed \-tht,-;hd sometimes -théd or -mdd\ n -s :
`betrothed; esp : the person to whom one is betrothed
`he-trot‘u-mcnt \~thm:nt, -t11~\ n -s : BETRO‘I'HAL
`he-trousered \bd, be +\ ad] [152- + trousers + -ed] : wearing
`tie-trunk \ba-‘tnuk. be.’-\ vt -ED/leIG/-s [be- + trunk (to
`truncate” :
`to remove the lower part of the course of (a
`stream) esp. by submergencc of a valley or by recusion 0f the
`land alon a share —— compare BEHEAD
`hetmst vt be- + trust] obs :Titusr
`bets pres 3d sing a} BET. pl 0/ ES?
`bet~sey bug or lief-5y hug \'betsE—\ also betsy beetle n,
`sometimes cap lot 3 [by folk etymology] : sass-Ilium
`bet-slrmi-sar-a-ku \,betsEma'saraka\ n. pl hetstmisaralra or
`hetsimisarakas : a native of the east coast of Madagascar of
`predominantly Malay blood and type — compare MALAOASY
`bet-ta \‘bed~=\ 71 [NL] 1 cap : a genus of small brilliantly '
`colored lung-finned freshwater anabantid fishes of south-
`eastern Asia related to the climbing perch 2 -s sometime:
`cap : any fish of the genus Betta; up : one (B. :pIzndmr)
`often ke ( in the tropical aquarium — called also Siamese
`fighting ish
`netted past of EET
`Ibef-fer \'bed-a(r),
`-et:—\ ad], campamtlvr o] noon [ME
`bettre, fr. OE hetero; akin to OHG bezzt'ro better, ON betrl,
`Goth batiza: comparative (with the suffix represented by OE
`-ra) ol
`the root found in OE bot remedy. compensation.
`button to get better, OHG bazzc'n. ON barrio to get better,
`Goth gabatmzn to receive as a benefit. Skt bhddru fortunate,
`and — more at -El1] 1 t more than half;
`: much more than
`alf (waiting the ~ part of an hour) 2 . improved in health
`(the patient is much N after a good night's rest) 3 : of high
`quality (as in breeding. style, or workmanship)
`s N class of
`eople) (a ~ line of yard goods) (a nypc of car — hot-tar-
`y adv — bebfar-ness n 45
`ibetfer \“\ ddv. comparative o/ wen. [ME bettre. fr. bettre.
`sdi.] 1 t in a superior or more excellent manner (he writes N
`than I do) 2 a : to a higher or greater degree (he knows the
`story ~ than you do) b : MORE (it is N than 10 miles to the
`lake) (the book was published ~ than 50 yearS‘ago)
`abetter \"\ n -5 [ME bettrzufr. bettre. ade 1 a : something
`better (I expected N) (I never looked for N at his hands —
`Shak.) ti : one who has a claim to precedence : a superior esp.
`in merit or rank (the common man has been put and kept in
`his place by his Ns —C.G.Benjamtn) (I like novels to be about
`my N5, in body. wit. energy. breeding, or bank balance —W.H.
`Auden) 2 : superior position : ADVANTAGE, VICTORY —- usu.
`used with a] (have the N of an argument) (get the N of a
`rival) — for the better : so as to produce improvement
`(making alterations for the better in the design of a house)
`wetter \“\ vb -ED/-l'NG/-S [ME bettren, fr. bettrg, adj] yr
`1 : make better : mrnove: as a : AMELIORATE (strive toward
`Nlng the condition of the slum dwellers) b : to udyance or
`make sounder the condition or circumstances of (as time goes
`by and we ~ our acquaintance —A.T.Quiller.Coucb) (closer
`rootreading would have ~ed the book —M,B.Emeneau) (~
`his lot) 2 :to surpass in excellence: EXCEED, EXCEL (ran
`the mile in four minutes flat, Ning his own previous record by
`several seconds) (industrial production this year considerably
`c : the replacement in accounting of an existing asset with one
`of greater cost or superior value 2 : the sum of money as»
`sessed, required. or used for a betterment (~s for street con-
`strucuon);Irpeci/ : an expenditure that adds greater worth (as
`extended life at increased capacity) to a fixed asset
`betvterrmost \—.i1iEst\ adj 1 now chiefly di'ol : tics—r (my lady
`might wear some of her ~ gowns NEmily Eden) : SUPERIOR
`(the A: person who shows her superiority by wearing kid
`gloves —Flora Thompson) 2 now chiefly dial : GREATER (the
`~ part of the Lime)
`better nature or better self n : the more virtuous. amiable, or
`kindly instincts of a person
`better ‘ole \Ibed-9:(r)fil\ rt ['cle alter. of Vials] : the more
`tolerable of two undesirable things
`Ibettcr—to-da \:sss:i\ pd] [intended as comparative of well-fo-
`do] : in prosperous economic circumstances : better off (many
`of the better-lads urban Frenchmen acquire homes in the
`country NS.K.Padover)
`Ibetter-to—do \“\ n. pl hettor—to—do : one who is better-to-do
`(the bet!er~to-do on whom the burden of the expense clf the
`liberal program had fallen —C.Ltloncs)
`belting pres art 0] set
`batting mac into n : ram-Moron.
`bet-tong \'bc,toq, ~un\ also bet-tunega \-uga\ n -s [native
`name In Australia] : any of several kangaroos of the genus
`betston-gta \be'tllngEo\ n, cop [NL, fr. E bettong+ NL -ld] : a
`common Australian genus of small leaping rat kangaroos
`honor or bet-fer \'bed.a(r), -et9-\ n -s : one that bets
`[7187 Am. metallurgist] : an electrolytic process for refining
`bBHS’JHOCBSS \‘bets(az)-\ n, usu cap 19 [after Anson G. Brits
`the electrolyte being a solution of
`lead fluosilicate
`PbSiFs and fluosilicic acid
`hetofy \'bedE, 'betE, -i\ rt -3 ma cup [back-formation fr. brawn
`betty] : a dessert made of alternate layers of fruit and buttered
`crumbs. sugar. and spices baked in a large baking dish or in
`indivtdual dishes (cranberry N); 517ch : anowu BElTY
`petty lampI \.“'\ n, usd cop a [prob. tr. the name Betty] : a
`lamp consistmg of a shallow lidded metal
`vessel with a small spout for a coarse
`wick. fueled by tallow, grease, or oil, usu.
`bung by a hook and chain, and used esp.
`in the American colonies
`het-u-la \'bcchalv\ n, cup [NL, fr. L
`bctula, betulla birch, fr. Gsulish berulla:
`akin toIMIr betlie. bei'thc box (tree), W '
`hedw birch, and to the (prob. Celtic)
`source of L Ilitiumen mineral pitch; fr. the
`use of the birch tree as a source of tar —
`more at cub] : a genus of northrtem-
`and arctic
`and shrubs
`Betty lamp
`(family Betulaceae)
`birches and having hsrd close-grained
`alternate toothed leaves, monoecious
`catkins, the fruiting bracts 3-lobed or entire, thin, and decid-
`uous, and the fruit 3 small samaira
`het-u-la-ce-ae \.bech='lEsE,E\ n pl, cizp [NL. fr. Betula, type
`genus +I—accuc] : a family of trees and shrubs (order Fazalu)
`having simple leaves, monoecious nr rarely dinecious flowers,
`and one-seeded nutlike fruits and comprising the bitches and
`certain related plants (as iildcrs, hombeams, and hnzcls) —
`het-u-la-ceous \:as:lri‘shas\ ad]
`betula oil n : bmcn on. 1
`but-uehn \'bech=l¢n\ rt -5 [15V betuf— (fr. NL Bendix, genus
`name of Betulo tilbd) + -lri] : nmtmoc
`hebu-lllIJ-lc aIGid' \Ibecha:linik\ n [ISV bztuliti 4- dc] : a
`crystalline triterpenoid acid Cstes(0H)COOH found in
`various plants (as flowering dogwood) and obtained from
`bctulinol by oxidation
`in-ql \—ld,nol, -El\ n -s [betulln + -ol] : a crystalline
`trtt rpennid alcohol CspH..(OH)x occurring es . as the white
`nt of the outer bark of the European bircii (Hernia albu)
`-1i-tes \,bech=‘lid-(,)Ez\ u. cap [NL, fr. hernia + L ~ties
`Ct“ 41
`Etc]; a genus of extinct Cretaceous trees resembling the genus
`for an
`he-fIlldrhaned \bé, bE+\ adj [be- + turban + -ed] : Wearing a
`be-twaf-tled \bé—‘thd-‘ld, be—\ ad] [be- + mottled. past part.
`of twattle] rtlol ADDLED, CONFUSED
`the-tween \bé-‘fwin, be. -\ prep [ME befwene, prep. & adv.,
`fr. OE betwianum, fr. be- + ~thi7Iium (dot. pl. of an old dis<
`tributivc numeral akin to Goth twelhriai two each); akin to DB
`twe‘gen. two, it? two — more at TWO] 1 a : involving the recip-
`rocal action of : involving as participants . ointly engaging
`(the job was completed ~ the two of them) (two years of quiet
`talkSN thy thrceNTlmc) b :phared by (there are many inter-
`relationships, and many mutual intermts. N linguistics. philos-
`the total to each of (the fortune was divided N t c four
`ophy, and psychology -J.E.Csrroll) c : by giving a
`grandchildren) (the food was shared ~threc families) 2 E z in
`the time interval that separates (the two days ~ Monday and
`Thursday) (N bites of food,
`they talked to their teacher)
`is : in. the space that separates : scrwrxr (an alleyway ~ two
`tall buildings) (a vacuum ~ two electrodes) : in the midst of
`: surrounded by (a lion rampant~eiglit crosses) c : in inter-
`mediate relation to in respect to quantity, quality, or degree
`(weighing somewhere ~ a pound and a pound and a half) (a
`grade N passing and failing) 3 a i from one to the other of
`(air service ~ the two cities)
`: mmiNo, CONNEcriNciIQi
`passageway ~Itwo rooms)
`c : in common to : in the joint
`possession. action, or agency of (an agreementhfates) (there
`is no continuity of mood ~ the three books —F.A.Swmner»
`ton) (mutual understanding ~ the brothers) I :seranamo,
`utsnnotlisi-nrlo : setting apart (the lines ~ different new media
`—F.L.Mott) (a distinction must be drawn ~ the. . .tbree func-
`tions of authority —Abram Kardincr) 4 : after a comparison
`0 : in point of comparison of (there is not much to choose ~
`the two costs) 5 : in confidence restricted to (a secret ~ our~
`selves) (there‘s nothing private ~ you and me —IWalter de la
`Mare) 6 : taking together the total effect of (a Iseries of things)
`(~ making beds, washing dishes. sewing, cleaning, and raising
`her children. she was kept busy)
`Ihetween \“\ adv [ME betwene] 1 a '. in an intermediate posie
`tion in relation to two other objects (two desks with a waste-
`basket N)
`: filling the space limited by two objectsI(two
`buildings with a parking area N) 2 : in the interval : in in-
`tervals (two short movies with a newsreel ~) (dancingIall the
`dances with very little rest~) a : through a space limitedIby
`two objects (since he could not go around the two strolling
`men. he went N)
`Jbetween \“\ n
`: the time. space, state. or way between
`betweenbrain \s
`\ n -s [Ibetween] :Dieiscernacow
`ltietween docks \s-r,,, .,r-.\ adv [lostweerr] : in the space on
`a ship between decks : BELDW‘DECKS : below the main deck
`Zbetween decks \I':.s\ n pl but sing in constr 1 : the space
`belowdecks : the space below the main deck 2 I a deck below
`the main deck; sped] : a raised deck in the hold of a cargo
`betweenmald \s'n.n\ n -s rzbetweenl Rrir 2 a mainservant


`indian robin n, usu cap I : any of various songbirds of India
`resembling or related to the English robin
`indian rzuotn, usu cap! [lindian Z] 1 ' INDIAN PHYSIC 2 : syna-
`lndian rosewood n, usu cap I [lindinn 1] 1 : BLACKWOOD b
`1 : stuoo
`lndian runner n, usu cup Id}? [lindian l; in a belief that it
`originated in india] :
`a breed 'of small upright domestic
`ducks noied for their egg production and known in fowu and
`lndlans p o/ lNDlAN
`white or pure white or pencilcd vaneuu
`indian saffron n, usu cup I [zindian 1] 1 : SAFI’LOW‘ER 1
`indian sage n, usu cap I[1indian 2] : courses 1
`indian Sago palm n, usu cup I [rindion 1] : 9.05ch PALM
`indian salad in. usu cup I :
`ii waterleal (Hydrophylium vir-
`lnianurn) of the eastern U.S, with divided leaves and cymose
`ell-shaped flowers that are white or violet
`lndian sandalwood n, usu cup I [zindian 1] : SANDALWOOD la
`indian sanicle n, usu cap I [Iindiun 2] . warns sniitsnoor
`indian sarsaparina ii, usu cup I 1 : an East Indian shrub
`(Hemidesmus indicus) of the family Asclepiadaceae 2 : the
`root of Indian sarsaparilla used as a substitute for sarsapanlln
`union‘s—dream \'ue'i\ n, ”Isaiah‘s-dreams usu culein—
`dian's (gen. of ‘indian 2)]
`: curs EKAKE 2 : ouooN cure-r
`lndian Senna n, usu cup I [Hndlan t] : TXNNEVELLY scum
`ludian shamrock n, usu cu I [zindiun 2] : PURPLE nuLiuM
`lndian shoe n, usu cup I Undian 2] 1 : mMLcss LADY'S-
`sLirrER 2 : YELLOW Liox's-
`indian shot it, usu cup I [lindiun 1] : a plant of the genus
`Carma (esp. Ct
`indicu) that has hard black seeds about the
`size oi bucksbot
`lm‘lian Sign if, first cup I [probt fr. 1irlti'inn 2] 1 : a magic
`spell for immobilizing or making powerless an opponent or
`rival (have put the Indian sign on that team and beaten them
`nearly every game) or for sub'ecting another to one‘s full
`control or slightest whims or
`esires (sbe‘s‘put
`the Indian
`sign on every bachelor in town) a usu. used With the 2 : HEX.
`J'INX (thought the cow had got the Indian sign when ii wouldn't
`give any more milk)
`indlan supper n, usu cup I [iimiian 2] : mMLFss LADY'S-
`indian soap or lnajan soap-plant n, usu cap I [zindian 2]
`indian squill n,
`iisu cap I [zintiiun l] : sqoill from an herb
`of the genus Urginea (esp. Uzgineo indicu) that is the official
`source of the drug in Great Britain
`lndian strawberry n, usu cap I [prob_ fr, lindian 1] 1 : a
`low East
`Indian herb (Duchesnza indicu) naturalized in
`eastern No. America-and resembling the true strawbcr
`but having yellow flowers and tasteless involucrate fruit
`2 [pt-obi fr. Iindi'un Z] : STRAWBERRY bcrrc-
`lndian summer n. my cup I [zip-did" 2] 1 : a period of warm
`or mild weather late in autumn or in early winter usu. charac—
`terized by i clear or oloudiess sky and by a hazy or smoky
`appearance of the atmosphere esp. near the horizon 2 : a
`period of tranquillity or happiness or prosperity or other
`generally favorable conditions occurring for the first
`or more usu. anew toward the latter part or end of something
`(if the nineteen-twenties constituted a sort of Indian summer
`of the old order mF.L.Allen) (life in the Indian summer of
`Cznn'si Russia —iohn Davenport) (an Indian summer of
`wartime literature —Blackwoad‘s)
`(the Indian summer of
`her widowheod -Dixon Wecter)
`indian tan n, a/ien cup I [lindian 2] : AZTEC 3
`blackish with a broa white area on
`e body an that is
`indian tapir n, usu an
`I : a tapir (Tu-giro: indicus
`that is
`found in Sumatra and ibc Malay peninsula
`lndian tea n, usu cap I [lindicn 2] 1 : a yaupon (Iizx vomiiari‘u)
`2 : NEW raiser TEA 3 : LAERADOR TEA a
`tndian teaketue n, usu cup I [zindian 2] : PlTCI-IER PLANT
`lndian thistle n, tau cup I [zindi‘an 2] : WILD 1mm.
`indian tobacco n, usu cup 1 [zindian 2] 1 : an American wild
`lobelia (Lobefiu iii/him with smalllblue floweis and inflated
`capsules formerly use
`as an antispasmodic
`2 (prob. fr.
`lindi’un l] : HEMP
`3 z a wild tobacco (Nicafiarm rusficu)
`4 : a plant of the genus Antennaria,‘ esp : u common cat‘s-
`foot (A. ploniogini/alia) of eastern No. America
`Simian turmeric n, usu cup I [Iindiun z]

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