`New International
`Q ?7Zmxzz'a/In-wefisw
`Utilizing all the experience and resources of more than
`one liundred years of Merriam: Webster dictionaries
`G. & C. MERRIAM COMPANY, Publishers
`COPYRIGHT © 1909, 1913, 1923, 1924, 1926, 1927, 1930, 1934, I950, 1953, 1954, 1957, 1959. 1961, 1966
`PREVIOUS EDITIONS PHILIPPINES COPYRIGHT 1950, 1953, 1954, 1957, 1959, 1961,1966
`All right: reserved. No part of thix work covered by the copyright: hereon may be reproduced or
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`Standard Book Numbers:
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`0-87779-003-5 (2 volumes, blue Sturditc)
`0-87779-006-X (Imperial Buckram)
`. W,” 768“ and 910°C and that is identical with alpha
`Pf,” gxpopt that alpha is magnetic — compare ALPHA IRON,
`bE+\ vb betooir; betairen; betaking; betakes
`“£45 berakeri, fr. bc- + token to take —— more at TAKE] vi
`by : to deliver over : give for disposal : give ii
`iiuebe to a nymph her babe betook ~Edmun Spenser)
`,elinIc : occurv, coMMrr (they berook themselves to a
`,,:,t debate ——Juhn Bunyan)
`_3 : to cause (oneself) to go
`befoak himself to the steamship offices —C.G.D. Roberts)
`1“; obs : to take oneself : have recourse : so (then to
`' wagon she ~s —Edmund Spenser)
`h“_'ria'p]-flhnl \'..+\ ri [lbztal : NAFHTHOL lb
`“‘ naphmyl
`e+\ I1 [=beia]
`NAl>t-i-rt-rvi. b
`mm \'bEd nén\ rl -s [blend of NL Beta and E cyanlgi]
`“°““,,;trogen-containing nnrhocyaniu coustituung the chief
`‘ i ring matter of garden beets
`“;,°,,xy rtaplitbolc acid ri : l-ivnttoxvmlzl-rrl»_roic Acin a
`""9 particle rt ritieia] : an electron or positron emitted by
`l "'
`nucleus of an atom during radioactive decay
`my I] 1 : act-A PAl(T[U.E I or beta radiation : a stream
`0‘ bfifyffihixgispeta wave n [Ibetn] :
`is brain wave current
`3''} e ’
`'- ”§§§,;ng a frequency of more than to pulsations per second
`::'f:5‘5’L1"/\l;E_Tba+\ vt [bz- + iasrel] : to adorn with or as it
`w‘ilhtK:5S[s:,i5[Ibgfn] ;
`is nonverbal group intelligence test used
`D9 ‘in, us. Army during World War I
`Ifl“_,m, \Ib§d.e~,[rl-I
`at_— also 'be-\ it -s rrsv ‘belt: 4-
`1 ; an accelerator inwhich electrons arepropelled by the
`due ve action of a rapidly var ing magnetic field
`Dl°u(c)',ay.y.gah \'bech:r’é,g‘al, .ga ll ~s [native name in Aus-
`I b‘le to pass in a card game
`at\ ad] [prob. fr. F bete,
`{,‘,’,‘,’,‘, ft pLs—r] In cerlairi card games
`ubiect to a penalty for
`fulfill one's contract; pLra . Down. acA-re-N _
`to tuttill his contract; also : the penalty for such tat urc
`II -s : failure by the bidder (as in auction_Ipinocble)
`/ NG/-S 1 obs : VOUCHSAFE. GRANT, Accoan,
`u.ow, reiwlrr
`betel pepper
`-s [Pg betel, betle, fr.
`a cliitibing pepper (piper belle) whose dried
`-raniil vrrrilcii
`toget er wi
`ime ma e
`ram urn
`leaves are‘ wrapped around for mifid Iwitb ii vghnlfe betel nut
`A ‘
`‘e’§rr‘i°'a“.’.’e‘i“’t‘i’lev5Z’t’i"ar a stimulant masticatory esp. by south-
`,...-rniluge and myotic and in the East for chewing
`biiiliiinut rsiuinthe astringent_seed of the betel palm uied as a
`also arectz rm!
`betel palm ri : an Asiatic pinnate-leaved palm (Arrcn catliecu)
`having a slender ringed trunk and an orange-colored pungent
`astringent drupe with an outer fibrous husk — see lii:n=_t.
`title noira aha beta noir \.b.-itne war, bat nw-, -et-, -wii(r\
`llililil-rl'l:lft'2'ii:Dl ri : ctiAvniei-01.. _
`_ l
`n, pl hates uolres aha hates nous \~ar(z),-az,-a(r\ [F
`hlle nolrz, lit., black beast] : a person or thing usu strongly
`v *3 v
`mg {péfilfl
`fe r_ecl _:c{r nulgofiléglb rb€_l:’tll<:vlaCt=.°;;‘l:
`hlatiuet fnarm of buyilh, lil., house] 1 : the second letter of the
`Hebrew alphabet —_ symbol 3; see Ai.i>riAurr table 2
`letter of the Phoenician or of any of various other Semitic
`i:'ll‘i§l’i‘§f r‘é’”'\i§‘§’-°“;’i§‘§§~.{°..H§’i‘é‘¥i§if."iiaitnowni
`- any of
`several British Guiana timber trees of the genus Tnbzbuitz
`[Heb bifh trri
`house of judgment] 1 re Jewish court in ancient tirnes'ccrn'
`posed of three or four iudges 3 :a iudiclpl body composed
`of a rabbi and two or more assistants having iurisdictlon in
`matters of Jewish law
`both-el \'beth=l\ rt -5 [Heb biifh if house of God
`WORSHIP: as a
`a chapel lur noncontormisis
`it . a place of
`for seamen
`lfprocess \{b thol-\ n, um p B [after John Befhzll,
`l9th cent. Am. lnverftori : a methafiuol preserving wood with
`_‘ _:
`creosote underlpressure
`1.; xi Barthes-da \b: thezdq, be-\ rt -5 [fr Eelherdtz, Biblical pool
`believed to have curative powers (In
`—4), fr. Gk Bethesda]
`a hallowed place : t:riAvcl.; esp ' BFIHEL a
`5- or be
`amni -
`th ha\:!nl-llttaih
`\,bath,h\ttnii drash,
`rush, lit., house of study] :2: ball or school where Jews esp.
`in eastern Europe study the Bible,
`the Talmud, and later
`45 Hebrew literature
`u lath ha-so-pher or net ha.sa.ier \,s ha‘
`lar\ ri [Heb ball
`llasreplier house of the book]
`Jewish elementary school
`, Beth ha-te-fll.lah or he! ha-fe
`lah \'¢,hHt:'fila -tafi'l'al\ rt
`it-teb tell. /Latliphlllih house of prayer] : a Jewish house of
`> warship :svriAooaule
`—l5I-think \bd, be‘ +\ vb hethought; hnthoughf; betmnlrln
`ericun, fr.
`e- + lhrrvcnn to t in — more at TH1Nl(
`[M]; bethlrlkerl, befhlgkzél, bethartclleri,
`1 A arclml
`u call to min
`REMEMBER (~ how those of old
`.clave to their word —Er!
`it Arnold)
`ll . o cause (one-
`nsiiyas eaoteouse—— ary
`'cnrtstdcr with a view to dwisian or acdon :
`think over
`El-? l%_fi:;ll sogetli-tinfg {lo }i"nind <l'I7wbe!}l%;lgl:l|;)l‘ll;l obi his re-
`A (~ what clemency .
`they would desire ——Francis Bland)
`on or action may fin
`e grace
`to N t emse ves an
`'|:til:ito cause (onezclf) t cgnéider something witlilla vieiw to ded-
`recover —]ohn Milton) 3 3 to give (nnuelf) up to reflection
`evote (oneself) to thought (Rip belhoughl himself a moment
`—Washington Irving) 4 abs :
`to contrive as is result of
`:_Dl:vlsE (we ~ it means to break it off —Shak.)
`h .
`to bring (oneself) to a conclusion
`RBDLVE (has be-
`Purhl himself of ioining profit and pleasure together ——
`chard Steele) —- vi
`: to engage in thought : CONSIDER (N
`:1&(l\DIl dismiss us ——Lord Byron) syn see REMEMBER
`.b -19-hem \'bethli,hem,
`K=lh|,=m. + -la,liam or
`am\ rt
`-s lira cap ttr.
`. usptlal of St. Mary of Bethlehem, London, _England]
`. ‘BEDLAM 4
`mm : a native or inhabitant of
`dth-le-ham-ite \-.mit\ rt -5 cag tuerirleliem, Palestine + E
`eham sage rt, usu cap 19 : a European herb (Pulmonarlo
`'"§fharata) with white or reddish violet flowers shaped like
`, b§"_“€hem‘s-star \.
`i'1\ n. pl beui1ebem’s-sla.rs u.tu cop
`hm-. 5TAR~OE:-B!:‘l'HLEH
`-s ritlter, of birlliruat] 1 : start-nzoo-r
`_-root \ beth+.-\ rt
`be.ihTl1lLLlUM Z
`um s
`-- u nlglllg
`obs +\ V! [be- + thumb] : to wear or soil with or
`mgflmr \be, bi + \ vr tbe- + ilrimipi : to beat or pelt soundly
`$0“! Y
`M, 3530!: \g?, be +\ yr [be- + thwdck] : to beat, thrash, or
`»hf,'§."Y~1Id \'betholsd, -,lid\ ai1_/[NL Befhylidae] : of or re.
`Mist the family Bethylidae
`dae \b=‘thil:t.dE\_ri pl, cap [NL, fr. Beiliylus, type
`"M! (fr. Gk bririylas, a kind of bird) + -idae] : a family of
`Wasps the females of which oviposit on other insects that
`sting and paralyze
`E. be ti
`be-\ vb bended \_-tid5d\ dLro archaic be-Ltd
`. beaded rho archaic bend betidisi
`, betilies [ME
`,h:|'lderl, fr. be-
`+ tideri to happen
`more at TIDE] V! 1 : to
`‘ bmdleu to : HEFALL — now used chiefly in the expression woe
`.,,,m,¢§;«oe ~ the man who recognize: no law) (woe ~ our
`-...,, 1 _ 2 :roacaoon, PR!-‘SAGE (such omens N no good)
`,,hm‘e. aerAr.i. HAPPEN (hope .
`. must abide with all of us,
`rm, \ r ~ -—_
`ism Wordsworth)
`2 cos i to be the fate or
`- J“: \s used with 0/ or an (if he were dead, what would ~ on
`Me, fr
`+ lime] ab: : ncriries
`6 e + 1 1 :in good
`(the t:_attle . . .
`though they doubled in
`Thomas Carlyle)
`weight and shortened their bot-ns, but little ~ed in temper —
`P.AiRolllns) syn see IMPROVE
`ibelter \"\ verbal auxiliary : had better — not often in formal
`0 1
`boy felt he N go before the fight started) (you ~ not
`‘better vor a] BETIOR
`Better flusmess Bureau trademark —— used for a bureau
`maintained by businessmen in a town or city for keeping up
`local standards of honesty in business transactions
`betferhalf ll, pl better halves : spouse; esp : WIFE
`bettering house 71, archaic : 2neroaMA-roar
`bet-tar-ment \'bed-a(r)nsant, -eta-\ vi -s 1 : a making or be-
`coming better : IMPROVEMENT! as a : an improvement of an
`estate (as by the addition of new build‘ gs) that makes it better
`and more valuable than mere repairing would do
`b : an
`lmprovement (as of a highway, railroad, or business establish-
`ment) that does more than restore to a former good condition
`c : the replacement in accounting of an existing asset with one
`of greater cost or superior value 2 : the sum of money as-
`sessed, required, or used for a betterment (~s for street con-
`strucuon):,sp:ct'/ : an expenditure that adds greater worth (as
`extended life or increased capacity) to it fixed asset
`bet_-tar-most \-,niEst\ adj 1 now clifejly dial : ass-r (my lady
`might wear some of her ~ gowns -—Elnily Eden) : SUPERIOR
`(the N person who shows her superiority by wearing kid
`gloves —Flora Thompson) 2 now chiefly dial : oacxrea (the
`~ part of the Lime)
`better nature or better sell rt
`: the more virtuous, amiable, or
`kindly instincts of a person
`better ‘ole \:hed-:;:(r)El\ It Fair alter. of Viola] 2 the more
`tolerable of two undesirable things
`|better—to-do \:sxt:I\ adj [intended as comparative of weII—fo-
`do] : in prosperous economic circumstances : better off (many
`of the better-to-do urban Frenchmen acquire homes in the
`country —S.K,Padover)
`Ibetter-to-do \“\ n, pl hetter—to-do : one who is better-to-do
`(the better-to-do on whom the burden of the expense of the
`liberal program had fallen —C.L.Iol:tcs)
`bettlng pres art 0] art
`batting mac me n : PAR]-MUTUEL
`bet-tong \'be,t6q, -ui3\ also bet-tun-ga \-r_1g:r\ n -s [native
`name in Australia] : any of several kangaroos of the genus
`bet-tun-gia \be'tlti3gEa\ ri, cap [NL, fr. E beilorig+ NL -in] : a
`common Australian genus of small leaping rat kangaroos
`bet-tor or bet-ter \'bed-a(r), -eta-\ ii -s : one that bets
`blE7 Am. metallurgist] : an electrolytic process for refining
`betts’g1rocess \'bets(az)-\ ri, usu cap 19 [after Anson G. Belts
`the electrolyte being a solution of
`lead fluosilicate
`PbSiFs and fluosilicic acid
`betcty \'bedE, 'betE, -i\ rt -Is mu ct1p[back-formation fr. brawn
`belly] : a dessert made of alternate layers of fruit and buttered
`crumbs, sugar, and spices baked in a large baking dish or in
`individual dishes (cranberry ~); specfj : BROWN aerrv
`petty l.a.u1p_ \“-\ rl, usu cap 5 [prclb. tr. the name Betty] : it
`lamp consisting of a shallow lidded metal
`vessel with a small spout for a coarse
`wick, fueled by tallow, grease, or oil, usu.
`hung by a hook and chain, and used esp.
`in the American colonies
`bet-I1-la \'becbol:\ rt, cup [NL, fr. L
`betultz, betullu birch, fr. Gaulish berulla:
`akin tcl’MIr betlie, beitiie box (tree), W '
`bedw birch, and to the (prob. Celtic)
`source of L bitumen mineral pitch; ft. the
`use of the birch tree as a source of tar —
`more at cup] : a genus of north-tem-
`and arctic
`and ‘shrubs
`Betty lamp
`(family Betulaeeae)
`birches and having hard close-grained
`alternate toothed leaves, monoecious
`catkins, the fruiting bracts 3-lobed or entire, thin, and decid-
`uous, and the fruit at small sarnara
`bet-u-la-cc-ae \.becha'll‘isE,i\ n pl, cizp [NL, fr. Beiula, type
`genus +‘-1102112] 2 a family of trees and shrubs (order Fazalu)
`having simple leaves, monoecious or rarely dinecious flowers,
`and one-seeded nutlike fruits and comprising the bitches and
`certain related plants (as alders, hombeams, and hazcls) —
`bet-u-la-ceaus \:==:lishas\ ad]
`betula pil ri
`: nmcn oil. 1
`but-u-Lin \'bechal¢n\ rt -5 [ISV betuf— (fr. NL Belultz, genus
`name of Betula hlbiz) + -lri] : nrrtiuuor.
`bet-u-lm-lc acid‘ \}becha:linik\
`ri [ISV betulfn + -fc] 2
`crystalline triterpenoid acid CzsHAS(DH)COoH found in
`various plants (as flowering dogwood) and obtained from
`betulinol by oxidation
`in-ql \—l5,n6l, -Tl\ rl -S [berullrl + -of] : I crystalline
`ti-it rpennid alcohol CniH..(OH)r occurring es . as the white
`nt of the nuter bark of the European birch (Betula afbu)
`.1i-tes \,l:iecl1=‘lid-(,)Ez\ rt, cap [NL, fr. Hernia + L -ifes
`era a
`gte]I: a genus of extinct Cretaceous trees resembling the genus
`fur an
`be-tglrbaned \bé, bE+\ adj [be- + turban + -ed] : wearing a
`be-twat-fled \b5-'twad-‘Id, be-\ adj [be- + mottled, past part.
`of twimle] rIlaI ADDLED, cnuruscn
`lbe-tween \bé-‘twin, bE- -\ prep [l\£E betwerle, prep. & adv.,
`fr. OE bztwiarrum, fr. 172- + ~lwEt7num (dat. pl. of an old disc
`tributive numeral akin to Goth twelhrtaf two each); akin to DE
`lwigert. two, in two — more at Two] _1 a : involving the recip-
`rncal action of : involving as participants . ointly engaging
`(the job was completed ~ the two of them) (two years of quiet
`talksN the threeNTlme) b :,shared by (there are many inter-
`relationships, and many mutual interests, N linguistics. philos-
`o the total to each of (the fortune was divided N t e four
`ophy, and psychology -J.B.Carroll) c : by giving a
`grandchildren) (the food was shard ~three families) 2 B : in
`the time interval that separates (the two days ~ Monday and
`Thursday) (N bites of food,
`they talked to their teacher)
`b : in_ the space that separates : BEIWIXT (an alleyway ~ two
`tall buildings) (a vacuum ~ two electrodes) : in the niiclsi or
`: surrounded ‘by (a lion rampant~eigbt crosses) c : in inter-
`mediate relation to in respect to quantity, quality, or degree
`(weighing somewhere ~ a pound and a pound and a half) (a
`grade ~_passing and failing) 3 a : from one to the other of
`(air service ~ the two cities)
`I) : JOINING, CONNEK.‘l'lNl3’(l
`passageway ~ two rooms)
`tz : in common to : in the ioiiit
`possession. action, or agency of (an agreementNstates) _<there
`is no continuity of mood ~ the three books —F.A.Swtnner-
`ton) (mutual understanding ~ the brothers)
`ll :serAizA1-two,
`DISHNGUISHING : setting apart (the lines N different new media
`—FlL.Mott) (a distinction must be drawn ~ the. .
`, three func-
`tions of authority —Abram Kardincr) 4 : after A comparison
`0 : in point of comparison of (there is not much to choose ~
`the two coats) 5 : in confidence restricted to (a secret ~ our-
`selves) (there's nothing private N you and me —Walter de la
`Mare) 6 : taking together the total effect of (a series of things)
`(~ making beds, washing dishes, sewing, cleaning, and raising
`her children. she was kept busy)
`Ihetween \"\ adv [ME befwene] 1 a -. in an intermediate posi-
`tion in relation to two other objects (two desks with a waste-
`hasket N) b : filling the space limited by two obit-,cts_(two
`buildings with a parking area N) 2 : in the interval : min-
`tervals (two short movies with a newsreel ~) (dancing all the
`dances with very little rest~) 3 : through a space limited_by
`two objects (since he could not go around the two strolling
`men. he went N)
`lbetween \“\ rt
`: the time. space, state, or way between
`hetweenbrain \x
`\ ll -5 [zberween] :nii=.i~xcei>r_iAt.oN
`‘between decks \s'x,1, .,a'r\ adv [Ibetweeri] : in the space on
`a ship between decks : nccowoncxs : below the main deck
`flbetweeu decks \i':,s\ vi pl but sing in coristr 1 : the space
`belowdecks : the space below the main deck 2 : 2 deck below
`s ip
`the main deck; sped] : a raised deck in the hold of a cargolietwaenmald \e-...\ It -s flbetwzeril Err‘! 2 a mairlszrvant
`SPEDILY (my father and sister very ~ took their leave —
`Samuel Pepys)
`:i chiefly dial : at times : OCCASIDNALLY (to
`write to
`‘terns ~ —W.A.white)
`be-tis \‘ Ed s\ n -Es [Sp, fr. Tag bitis] : a Philippine tree
`(Payerta betis) of the family Sapntaceae the fruit of which
`yields an illuminating oil
`b8~f.iSe \b§'tEz\ rt, pf b3-tises \-1(éz)\ [F,'fr. bite foolish. fr.
`bite hlockhead. beast — more at acre] 1 : roi.Lv, STL'P1DlTY,
`IGNORANCE (one more exhibition of the N of an audierice when
`confronted with something fresh ~Arno1d Bennett) 2 : an
`act of foolishness or stupidity (be had committed as many
`literary as ideological Ns and be was soundly chastised for
`both —D,U McDowell)
`be-title \bc,
`6 +\ V! [be- + title] 1 : to give a title to (a
`beritfed elder statesman) 2 : to call by a title :call by the title
`of (berttfed “king of the Anglo-Saxons" in some charters)
`be-flail \bé, be +\ vt [be- + toll] : to oppress or exhaust with
`be-to-ken \b5'tBlran, be-\
`in hetolrened; betolrened; be-
`tokening \-k(a)nin\ befokons [ME brtncrileri, betokcnert, fr.
`be- + tncnlen, takerievi to token more atTOKEN] 1 at abs : to
`be a symbol of : signify visibly: EPREENF (in the cloud a bow
`Nfng peace from God ‘John Milton)
`1! : to show esp. by
`signs or tokens : give evidence of (thin, tall, and of that ash-
`gray color which N: constant sleeplcssness —Osbert Sitwell)
`(an elderly man, of. .
`. strong, square features, ~i'rig a steady
`soul —l§Ialh:lniel Hawthorne)
`2 : FORESHOW, encsaog (no
`sighing in the woods to N a big weather cbange— John Muir)
`be-fonvi-ca \bd'taneka\ ri, cop [NL, fr. L betorilcn. velfurlfco
`bctony] in some esp: former clnssi/icotlaris : a small genus of
`Eurasian herbs (family Labialae) often included tn Sfachys
`having the corolla tube greatly exceeding the calyx
`bet-o-ny \‘bet’nE\ rt
`-25 [ME bemrie, fr. OF betalrte,
`fr‘. L
`betonica, vertorlica. fr. Vetitmes, an ancient people inhabiting
`the Iberian peninsula] 1 2 any of several woundworts formerly
`included in the genus Bemriicn: esp : PURPLE Bl-_1'DNY 2 : any
`of several plants of the genus Tetlcrfum; esp : AMERXCAN
`betoolr past ii] Bl-T.|'AKE
`he-toss \bé. be +\ vt [be- 4» loss] : to toss violently : AGITATE
`be-to-yan \bE‘tEyen, -toi(y)an\ rt -5 ilsu cap [Betoya, a So.
`American Indian people, the language of the Betoy: (fr. Sp
`belaya, bzloy, betnye, of Amerlnd origin) + E ~art] 1 : a
`language family of Chibchan stock in eastern Colombia
`2 :TUcANo lb
`be-trample \b¢-, be +\ vt [b:- + trample] : to mark or dirty
`by trampling
`be-tray \b6«'trTa‘, bE--\ vb ~ED/-[N5/-5 [ME betrizyrri, fr. be- +
`frnyerl to betray, fr. OF trrrir, fr. L traders to betray, deliver N
`more at TRAITDR] vi 1 IMISLEADZ as a : to lead astray (as into
`error. sin, or danger)
`(a peaceful man Ned by anger into
`violence) (their heroes are still victims Ned by circumstances
`into criminal follies that lead to disasters —Malcolm Cowley)
`b : to lead astray and abandon (a girl or woman) :st:_uucs (a
`girl Ned in her teens by a much older man) 2 : to deliver into
`the hands of an enemy by‘ treachery or fraud in violation of
`trust ~ a citadel by opening its gates in the night to enemy
`3 : to prove latthless or treacherous to :lsi1 or desert
`esp. in time of need (N his own people by going over to the
`enemy) (use the poor as a stepping-stone to power, and then to
`N them —Ericmuirer)
`-1 :
`lu-:v:AL: as a :reveal uninten-
`tionally (as something more prudently concealed) : DISCLDSE
`(even his best writings N a limited imagination and a sour
`View of life) (N an almost morbid sense of guilt —N. Y. Times)
`face) (only a tension 0 mouth muscles Ned his uneasi ess)
`b : to show or indicate (as something not obvious on the sur-
`(his best columns N .
`. the hilosophtcal bent of his mind —
`John Mason Brown) c : to isclose in violation of confidence
`(~ government secrets) ~ vi
`: to prove false (when lovely
`woman Stoops to fully and finds too late that men N —0livcr
`Goldsmith) 5711 see DECEIVE, REVEAL
`be-tray-al \-i(a)l\ It -s : the act of betraying or fact of being
`betrayed (his N of that trust by his unthinking egotism ~Mark
`Schorer) (the hesitation was a N of his uncertainty)
`si es
`beafrbn \b¢-, hE- +\ vt [be- + trim]: to adorn on both or all
`be.trotis \b5'tr‘alth, be, -All-t,-Eith aLta -Eth nr am or -cth\ vi
`-ED/-mu/-s [ME betreittlieri, belrourlien,
`lr. be- + ireurlie,
`trouthr truth, troth— more at nurrl-i] 1 archaic - to promise to
`take in marriage : plight one‘: truth to 2 a : to promise in
`marriage : AFFIANCE (a daughter Ned to a rising young lawyer)
`(two children of noble blood Ned almost from birth)
`I) obs
`: PLEDGE (a fool
`that ~s himself to unquietness ——Shak.)
`3 : to give or pledge in religious faith and affiliation
`be-truth-al \-thal.-man n -s [betmth + -421]
`: the act of be-
`trothing or fact of being betrothed : a mutual promise or con-
`tract for a future marriage — called also espousal
`be-trothacl \-tht.-thd sometimes -théd or -m:d\ rt
`betrothed; esp : the person to whom one is betrothed
`be-froth-ment \~thm:nt, -§h~\ rt -5 : BETROTHAL
`be-trousered \bd, be +\ adj [be- + trousers + -ed] : wearing
`be-v.ru.nlr \b5-‘twink. be-'-\ vt -so/-trio/-s [be- + trunk (to
`truncate)] :
`to remove the lower part of the course of (a
`stream) esp. by submergence of a valley or by recession of the
`land alon a shore —— compare l3cHeAn
`betrust vt be- + trust] obs :'rttus-r
`tints pres 3d sing a} oer, pl 0/ aci-
`bet-sey bug or bet-sy bug \'hetsE-\ also befsy beetle ri,
`sometimes cup In B [by folk etymology] : bass-pun
`bet-sl-rrli-sar-a-ka \.betsEma'saraka\ vi, pl betstmisaralra or
`betslmisarakas : a native of the east coast of Madagascar of
`predominantly Malay blood and type — compare MALAOASY
`bet-ta \‘bed-a\ rt [NL] 1 cap : a genus of small brilliantly '
`colored long-finned freshwater anabantid fishes of south-
`eastern Asia related to the climbing perch 2 -s sometime:
`cap : any fish of the genus Betta; esp : one (84 rplzrldzrts)
`often ke t in the tropical aquarium — called also Siamese
`fighting trli
`netted past of nor
`Ibet-fer \'bed-a(r),
`-e[:—\ ad], comparative o] oooo [ME
`bettre, fr. OE betera; akin to one bezzlro better, ON betrl,
`Goth batiza: comparative (with the suffix represented by OE
`-m) of the root found in OE bot remedy, compensation.
`to get better, OHG bozzzri, ON burnt:
`to get better,
`Goth gabatriizri to receive as a benefit, Skt bhadm fortunate,
`ood — more at -ca] 1 : more than half;
`: much more than
`alf (waiting the N part of an hour) _2 . improved in health
`(the patient is much N after a good night's rest) 3 : of high
`quality (as in breeding, style, or workmanship)
`2 N class of
`eople) (a N line of yard goods) (3 Ntype of car — bet-tab
`y adv — betctar-ness rt -55
`1better \“\ adv, comparative pl wen. [ME brttre, fr. belrre,
`adi.] 1 : in a superior or more excellent manner (he writes N
`than I do) 2 a : to a higher or greater degree (he knows the
`story ~ than you do) b : MORE (it is N than 10 miles to the
`lake) (the book was published ~ than 50 yearslago)
`Ibetler \"\ vi -5 [ME betrre,'fr. bettre, adi.] 1 a {something
`better (X expected N) (I never looked for N at his hands —
`Shak.) ii : one who has a claim to precedence : B superior esp.
`in merit or rank (the common man has been put and kept in
`his place by his Na —C.G.Benjamin) (I like novels to be about
`my N5, in body, wit, energy. breeding, or bank balance —W.H.
`Auden) 2 : superior position : ADVANTAGE, vrcroav —— usui
`used with 0/ (have the N of an argument) (get the N of a
`rival) — for the better : so as to produce improvement
`(making alterations for the better in the design of a house)
`Ibetter \“\ vb -En/-mo/—s [ME betireri, fr. beltre, adj.] vi
`1 : make better : iiaritove: as a : AMELIORATE (strive toward
`Nlrig the condition of the slum dwellers) b : to advance or
`make sounder the condition or circumstances of (as time goes
`by and we N our acquaintance —A.TlQuiller-Couch) (closer
`roofreading would have Neii the book —M.B.Emeneau) (N
`his lot) 2 :to surpass in excellence: EXCEED, EXCEL (ran
`the mile in four minutes flat, Nirtg his own previous record by
`several seconds) (industrial production this year considerably
`half-) 3 : nrrroxen, romzuon: syn see HAPPEN
`beta iron
`in or upon (he ~s on them more praise than crinczl ‘ud
`—R.A.Cot-dell) Gab
`oconduct or scquitgoneself) g"““‘
`2-stowaal \-6al\ rt -s_ _1 : the act of bestowing or conferrin
`: PRESENTATION (conditions for ~ of a name —I_eslie SP3")
`: an instance of bestowing : otrr (viewed these afflictions a
`3od's N; upon his saints) 2 ;the act or an instance of be’
`ltowing in a given place or position : the condition or belt.‘
`~ —Marguerite Steen)
`zestnwed : SIDRAGE (an odor of muthballs that told of long
`2-S ow-ing -Big rt-szacasingo urne
`s.s§ow.er \{6('a)r‘-5=\ rt -3 : oneftgnt beisgows
`rail of a brickrnakiflg clamp
`h‘ “""“
`3-slow-merit \-6mant\ n -s : EESTOWAL
`}Sl:l’al1§hf-ad/' [be- + simuglit, short for distraught] archaic
`2-streak \b¢, bE+\ vi [be- + streak] : to cover with streak,
`3-strew \ba, bE+\ vt bestrewed or archaic bestroweilt
`iescrewed also bestrewnararchalc best-rowed also besfrowhl
`iestrewing or archaic hestrowing; bestrews or arpharg
`leSh'0W5 [ME besrmwzrl, bertrewrn, fr. OE bertraowion {,
`ie- + strzowian, sfrewiarr to strew — more at smzwj 1 ’-
`:over with objects lying scattered about : STREW (with st;.,,,
`lowers my grave ~—Robert_ Herrick 11674) (a sea or blood
`wed with wrecks —s.T.cnleridge) 2 : to lie or be scattered
`lver (as an area) (the isolated farmhouses of today which in
`iberally~ Ordnance Survey maps —I.H.G.Lebon)
`i-stride \bd, bE+\ vt bestrode also bestrid; besfrldden
`ilso bestxid or bestrode; bestriding; bestritles [ME be\
`rrideri, fr. OE bertridari, fr. b_e~ + stridnri
`to stride —— nu,”
`llI1'RKDE] 1 a : to ride astride (I saw fair boys besfrldlrig
`teeds —R.W.Emerson) : MOUNT <be.rtrode his precious bikg
`went roaring out —c1ivabeih Goudge)
`to 5,;
`isiride (two small boys beslridfng a fallen log)
`n : o in an
`tither side of : STRADDLE (one rather formal consultation
`lbout a dead balsam that besirpde the property line —A,}3
`dayse) :srai~4 (a bridge bestridlrig the torrential river) 2 a; .0‘
`land astride (as a fallen man) : stand over
`b : to dominate
`bsolutely :have unquestioned control over : tower over (~,i-
`I archaic : to stride across
`he new Democratic congress as .
`. .in the past —w.s.wbite)
`tsls pres 3d sing a] nest, pl of alert
`lsl‘. seller rt 1 a : a book or other publication whose sales
`.re among the highest of its class D : an article of merchan-
`luthor of a best-selling bank or of er publication; also : the
`lise whose sales are among the highest of its class 2 ; tn,
`baker of 2 besteselling phanoyaph record (the band has been
`: but seller in the record shops for weeks)
`ts!-sell-ar-dam (')bcs(t)'sela(r)dam\ II
`-s :
`the category
`if a best seller : t c eondio'ori_ of being is best seller (wrote
`ibscurely .
`. . before he csme_into ~ —-Saturday Rev.)
`tst-selling \‘s:=-\ adj : ranking among best sellers
`l-stud \bé, bE+\ V! [be- + stud] : to set (a surface) with or
`is if with studs
`2-511-so \ba"s|4'(.)g6\ n -s [Sp] :
`a European red porgy
`Pagrus ptzgrus)
`bet \'bet, usu -ed-+V\ It -s [or-lgin unknown] 1 a (1) :some-
`hing that is laid, staked, or pledged typically between two
`iai-ties on the outcome of a contest or any contingent issue
`WADER (ii ~ on the game) (lay ‘:1 ~ on a raeehorse) (2) : e
`um put into a p_al<er pot requiring other players to stay or
`lrop; esp: the first such sum out in after it deal or _draw-—
`:ompare 1At~rrE,
`Iluisz b_: the act_of giving or
`iromising such a pledge 2 : something on which one lays a
`let : a thing to wager on (the gray horse is _the best ~ to win
`he race) 3 : ii choice decided on with consideration of
`.bi|ities (your best N is to avoid short cuts if you do not now
`let \“\ vb bet or batted: bet lzxa batted: betting; bets
`be route) (he is a poor ~ for the }ob)
`it 1 : to stake (money) on the outcome of an issue or the
`>erlormance of a contestant (betllrlg_$2 on the race) (belting
`mm on the election) 2 a : to maintain with or as if with
`l bet (I will N that he will be elected)
`to make a bet
`vith oragainst (a person) (I ~; him on the game) 4:
`: to lay
`‘. bet on (he N the track favorite to place)- vi : to lay a bet
`let now dial past of can
`let var a] lame
`ll ubbr between
`Ieota \'bEd~a it: also 'bE—\
`rt -5 [Gk bird, of Sam origin;
`kin to Heb barn — more at iirrrii 1 : the second letter of
`he Greek alphabet A symbol B or 5; see ALPHABEI
`! : an-A i=Atmcl.c. Hl:TA RAY
`item or 5- \“\ ad] 1 : of or relating to one of.two or more
`loscly related chemical substances (5. Dhlml‘7lnE)’— used
`oniewhat arbitrarily to specify ordina
`relationship o_r_ to
`pecify a particular physical form, esp. an allotroplc rnoditica.
`Ion (as in baron). or an isomeric or sometimes polymeric or
`tereoisomeric form (as in B-D-glucose); ahbrl sometimes b-
`! : second in position in the structure of_an organic molecule
`rom a particular group or_atoni or having a_structure char-
`cterized by such it position (the ~ positions of
`B—hydroxy acids) (H-ll-’-lphtbol) 3 : producing a zone of
`lecolorization when
`own on blood media — used or certain
`iemolytic streptococci or of the hemolysis they cause 4 : sacs
`ind in order of brightness — used of a star in a constellation
`.o.ta \'bed.o, .eie\ vi, cap [NL, fr. L, beet — more at aerrl
`a small genus of glahrbus succulent herbs (family Chenn-
`iodiaceae) having greenish flowers and aggregate fruits —
`tr. saeio ,+ bacierlarvlill
`italiactariuin \:.
`.'...\ n [NL,
`E p betabacteria : a member of the genus Eetizbaeterium
`L car : a genus or
`genus of heterofermentalive lactobacl t
`a heierotermentative lactobacillus
`em 0 approxin-ta e y
`ata brass II [fbertal : saolltopspghzlnc alloy with a copper CD11"
`ita cell ri [Iberia] : any of certain secretory cells disunguishcd
`b : an insulin-secreting cell of the islets 0
`>y their basophilic stairitng characters: as a : a pituitary;
`lta cellulose rt [lbem] : CELLllEdSE 1c
`i.ta.oisrn \' Ed-=,siz:m one 'be—\ ri
`-_s (N1. bcrtictrrrius,_tr.
`loss of distinction between the sounds of b and v in a lan8'-‘ES
`veto (fr. Gk beta) + LL -cismits (as in fnfllcl-\‘IVl1_4SlDf3\'-5'“):
`ir dialect
`accus syrt o LEUCONOSTOC
`ie-ta-t]:oc.culs \'l:iEdto,k:tkas\.[NL, fr. L beta beet +
`NL, fr. L beta beet + NL ctzccur
`. fheterofermenta
`letacoccus \“\ rt, pl betacoc-cl \-ll ki, -aka. rfikrsl. -llktiia
`it.a-rite \'bed-=,fit\ if -s [F, ‘fr: Bztqfn, M_fld3Ea5Fal::
`ocalizy + F -ite] : a mineral co_nslstmg of an oxide of _mo in: ié
`rystn 5 near eta o,
`a agascar
`itnniulm, El1dEUl’affliui'|( occurring as grcemsb black isome r
`ita gauge rt [|b_era] : a device for measuring the thickness
`if 2 material by its absorption of beta rays
`ita globulin rt [Iberia] : any of several globulin; of lglglvém
`-r animal plasma or serum that have electro
`o_retic me I In“
`intermediate between those of the alpha glo ultns and Sam
`lobulins — see Lti>ol=ao‘rEiN
`one of hemolysis surrounding colonies of certain su-epfoc
`ita hernolysis rt [=be2n] :_ a sharply defined clear colorocci
`In blood agar plates
`lta—liypophairiine \'--+\. rt liberal _: a i>oIyp=t=Hd= l'.°"“]o,,,
`hat is secreted togetl-ler_with nxytociu by the postelfiof m,
`the pituitary,
`that is ‘also obtained Syflthetlcfi y. in ._
`ncreas-s blood pressure in mammals and exe_i-ts
`air} hem
`nsipi us
`iu_retdic effect, and "that
`is used esp.
`in treating
`..ta.iue \'bEd-:i,Ei:i\ ,.
`.5 my l7etiz- (fr. NL Belg!) + gig;
`iroh. orig formed as G betairil 1 a :
`ii crystalknc 5“{uicc
`asting quaternary ammonium salt that occurs in lnullslan
`nd other plant substances and in some rrl_anne anlmacfl W
`hat is regarded as an inner salt_or as a divolarion (
`~I+CE-IgC00‘ derived from glycine by niethylation 05“ )l_
`lioline by oxidation; also : the hydrated f_orm (oH><W;,d,
`{CHiCOOH b or bctaine hydrochloride