`recisian to
`ulaUon. 5. exact in measuring. recording . elc. : a precise ins(nJment.
`[ 1350-1400; ME < L p raecisus cu rtailed, brief, orig. pip. of praecidere 10
`~CI'dert:, comb. form of caedere 10 cu t)
`cut orr. cui short A prae- PRE-
`-pre'"'CQeI1y. adv. - pre·ci-le'nifll.... n. -Syn. See: COR RECT .
`pre-ci'sian (pri Slzh/an), n. 1. a person who puncti liously observes
`ru les or forms, esp. in religion. 2.. one o f the English Puritans of tile
`16th and 17th cenluries. [ 1565-75) --pre·el'sl.n·'''". n.
` (pri sizh'en). n. 1. the ,!.lte or quality of being precise. 2 .
`m e.chani cal or sc.lenlific exactness: a lens ground with precision 3 . strict
`observan ce; punctiliousness. 4. Naill. the degree to which Ihe c.orrect­
`ness of a quantity is ""pressed. COl111>i\re ACCURACY (def. 3) . - a<ij. 5. of.
`to, or c.haracterized by preci sion: precision
`insrnJm ents.
`[1630-40; < LJ - pre·clf, a d).
`pre-clin.i-cal (pre klint; kal), dcfJ. of or pertaining to the period prior to
`the appearance or symptoms. [1930-35) ~lin'·ly, adv.
`pre-elude Iprl kioo(I'), v. I., -clud·ed. ..dud·11\&. 1. to prevent the p res·
`e.nce or occurr ence of; m ake impossible : evidence that preclude!$ 8 con­
`vicUon. 2. to exclude or debar: Belief In free will prccJucJes Ille accep l ..
`ance o(predesUnalion. [1 610-20; < L praeclUdere to shut orr = p rae·
`PRE- + -cIDdere, comb. fo rm of c/a/Jdere to shut, CLOSE] -prlK:lud'a­
`b le, ad).
`--pr.·clufaion (·klWzhan), n.
`- pre·clufoive I·slv), a<!J.
`-pre--clu'.,ive·'y~ adv.
`pre ·c.o-cial (pri i<Ofshal). adj. active and able to move freely from birth
`or hatching and requirin g lillie parental care (opposed to altricial).
`[ 1870-75; PR[COCI(ous) + - Al ' )
`pre·co·cious (pri kCYshas), ad). L unusuaJly advanced or mature in
`mental development or talent: a precocious child. 2 . prematurely deyel­
`oped . [1640-50; < L praecox, s. praecoc.. ripening early. adj. der. of
`praecoquere to bake or ripen early (see PRE- , COOK); see -IOUS] - pre­
`co' . adv. --pre·colciousoneu. p r • • coc/ j·ty (-kos'i L(~J. n.
`pre-cog·nl·tion (pre /keg nish' an), n. knowledge of a future event or
`sltualion, esp. through extrasensory means. [1400-50; late ME < LL)
`-pr"c oa'ni·tiva (-kog/ni tiv) , ad]
`p re-co .lo·ni·a l (pre/ka 16'n;; al). a<!J. of or pertaining to the time be­
`fore a region or country became a colony. [1960-65J
`pre-Co·lum·bi·an (pr;;/ k" lumf be an), ad). of or pertaining to the
`Americas before the arrival of Columbus. [1885-90J
`pra.con-ceiva (priYkan sev/). v.t., -ceived. -ceiy~ing. to form (as an
`opinion) beforehand, esp. from previously held prejudice . [1570-80J
`pre-con-cep-tion (pre/kan seplshan), n. 1. a conception or opinion
`formed beforehand. 2. a prejudice or bias. [1615-25) - pre'con·cet>'­
`lion'al, adj .
`·sart; v. pre/ kan surtf ), adj.. v..
`p r e-con·ce rt (ad). pre kon'siirt,
`-<ert·ed, -cert·;ng. -ad).. 1. preceding a concert" -v.t. 2, to arrange by
`previous agreement. [1740-50) -pre/con·certf ed·ly, ad v.
`pre-con-damn (prelkan dem/). v.t., -damned. -demn·in&,. to condemn
`in advance. as before a legal or formal trial. [ 1625-35J - pre/conodem.
`na/tion (-kon dem na/shan, -dam -), n.
`(priYkan dish/an), n., v. , -tioned . -tion-in,&. -n. 1.
`pre-con.di.t ion
`something that is necessary to a subsequent result; condition: a precon ­
`dition (or a promotion. - V.I. 2. to subject to a special preparation that
`will permit or facilitate a subsequent experience, process, etc.: to precon­
`dition a surface to receive paint. [ 19 10- 151
` (priY ka niz/), v.t .. ""Ized~ -nb··i,ng. 1. to proclaim or com ~
`mend publicly, 2. to summon publicly. [ 1400-50; late ME < ~IL p rae­
`coniziire to herald. announce --- L praec6n- (s. of praec(5 ) crier, herald +
`-iure -IZE] - prelco-ni·za/tjon, n. -preleo-nIz/er. n.
` Ipre kon' k ..,est. ·kong'-), a<!J. of or pertaining to the
`tlme before the conquest of one people, region, or country by another.
`1. capable of belng
`pre. con.scioul (pre konfsh es). ad)..
`brought Into consciousness. 2 . occurring prfor to th e. development of
`conSCiousness. -no3. the complex of memories and emotions that may
`innuence or IUdlly be brought into consciousness.
`[ 1855-60J - pr.·
`con/Kioul-ly. adv.
`pre-co n ..o.nan·tal ( pr~ kon'sa nan'tl, pre/ kon-), ad)..
`preceding " consonant. [ 1950-55)
`pre-con·tract (n. p re ken'trakl; v. pre/kan traktf . pre kon'trakl). n .• v.
`·tract·ed, ·traetolng. -n 1. a preexJsllng contract thai legally prevents
`a person from making another contract o( the same nature. -v.t. 2 . to
`bind by means of a precontrac.t. - v.i. 3. to make a precontract. [ 1375­
`1425) - pre/con·trac/tu· al (·trak'ch50 aI), a<!J,
`pre·cook (pre kllbk'), v.I. , -cooked. -cook· In&. 10 cook (food I par1ly or
`complettly bdorell and. esp , to facilitate preparation before selYing.
`I 1945-5OJ --pre-cook'er. n.
`pre ·eriN·cal (pre krilll kal ), ad).. antecedlng a crisis. 11660-85)
`pre·cur·sor (pri kur'sar, prefkur·), n. 1 . • person or thing thilt pre­
`cedes, as in a j ob or a method; predecessor. 2. a perSOn animal. or
`thing regarded as a ha rb inger: The I7rsl robin is a precu rsor of spring. 3.
`a chemicaJ that is transrormed into anot her compound . as In ttle course
`of a chemical rea ction, and thererore precedes tha t compound in the:
`synthetic paU''''''y: Cholesterol is 8 precursM of testosterone. 4 . a cell or
`tissue tt1at gives rise to a vartan t. specialized, or more ,na ture form.
`[ 1.375- 1425; lale Me < t.J - pre.cur'
`prad.. predicate.
`pra..d a-ci ous (pr! da/sh~). ad). predat o ry; rapa dotJS . Also, esp. Bioi ..
`pr.~da/ceouL [1705 15~ PRED (Al ORV) + ~"clous l -pr...d u'cJoul·n.....
`pr..d~cI'i' ty (-das'i tel : esp. BioI. . pre.da'caous.nesi. n.
`pre -date (prV dlif/). V.I .• -dat..ct , -dat..i,f1&,.. 1. to date before the. Clchw l
`tJme: to p redat e 1I cliCC)( 2. to pn:.:c.c.<JC: in t(m~. r IB60-65l
`pr.·cOI/ I•••• n.. ucU
`pre.chill'. v.I.. -c h.lllo4. -ohm-i n..
`p,..tC"om.mlt'menl. tJ
`pr.·chOO5eJ'. ~'.r.. -chos., -chos-on .
`__ h .......,
`pr./com~pr•••'. ~ . l._. -pr..o,lla.d,
`Itl" '-Ial.
`I .
`pre.da·tio" (pri d1if sh" n), n. 1. Ihe act Of
`redation. 2 . predatory behavior. 3. ECOI. II
`or prey, [1425--75; late Mt < L prn"d/iIiO _
`(see P/tt'OAl ORJ T" -tiD - lION]
`pre·dat.;sm (pri da'ti z 3m. pred'a tiz/ em)
`predator or by predat ion. [ 1925--30J
`• fJ.
`prod·a·t.or l pred'a lar, -teW). n. 1. an anima
`'" ""'­
`other animals for food. 2 . a predatory person (I Ihut hlll1l
`plunderer ~ praediJ(fl J 10 plunder Ider. of PIlJ~I92<>-2S: -' """
`pred·,,·to-ry (pred'a t6r/;;, -t6r'e), ad). 1.
`a p~") ,
`' 1 L
`isms For foo<:1: Z. charac terized by plunde~I"t!)1n9 II",,,,;" .
`living by t. ~Obbery. Or .u...
`predalory tactiCS. 3, enga91119 III '"
`bands of brlgalld,. 4 . acting with or indicative !Xe O<.IIVlIIo'
`[ 1580-90; < L Pf8edlJt&1"" Of IjlPaClot""
`selfish molives.
`- pred'.·to'rl-Iy. fl dv, -pred/'ri-ne••• n. ~ PlttD.l.tN
`pre-dawn (prt! d Ol", pre" ). n. 1. U,e periOd
`dawn. -ad). 2. oa;urring j ust before dawn. (I 94~m"dlill
`pre-de·cease Ipre/dl .est). v.I.• ""o.aed• ...,.....1 50]
`nL 10 dio- bue",
`olher person). [ 1585-')5)
`pred.e.ces·sor tpred' s seslar; esp. Brit. P~'da-
`pr<:cedes anolher in an office, position, "te. 2. so'· "i 1. M """""
`replaced by something else . 3. Archak. an anc~.!nel tln~ .......-.
`1300; Mt predecessour < /IF < LL prnedi!cessor ~!, 10rl!fdll", It
`cessor re tiring omcial, der. (with ·IOr -lORI of d~ Pf<If:......
`d~· Of- + cedere to yl el~1 ; see CEOl:)
`-,~ to ~
`pre-des-ti·nar·j·an (pr l des't" nilr'e "n. pr~/cles. _
`tainlng to predestln"tion. 2. believing in preoesHnaJc; .'<Jj, 1. '"
`who believes in predestination . [ I f>.lO-II01 - P ..... d ••~U.-n. 3. .
`pre-de$~ti.nate (v. pri des'ta n,ilI; a<IJ. "nil, ""Wj ..nar"'-no
`In&. ad). -v.t. 1. to foreordain by divine decree or Pu~t..... ...
`foreordain -ad)- 3. loreordained. [135(}..I4OQ; Me < t p~=:
`ptp. of praedesllflllre 10 appoint beforehand, 5<:, PR'·, DIll
`- pre·desftj·nate·ly, adv. - pre·'tor, n.
`pre·des:tl·na.tion lpri. des' te nAfshon, pre'des. ). n, 1. an III cf
`destll1. tmg or predestining . 2. UIC stale or being prcdesUnal(oj or
`destined. 3. fate; destiny. 4. l he foreordination by God 01 ...
`comes to pass, esp. Ihe salvation and damnation of liOUls. [1300-_111
`< LL)
`pre-des.tine (pri des'lin\. v. 1.. ..tined., ..Un.inL to d..Une 10 - . :
`foreordain: predetermine. [135()" 1400; Mr < t praedesllnltr, "­
`DESTINE) --pro·desft i·na·ble, ad).
`pre-da-ter-mine ~ prWdl tur/m in), v'.I., ·minedj -min.ln&. 1. &0
`decide in am""ce. 2. to orda in in ad\"aI1ce; predestine. 3. 10 dIIIa
`impel ;
`i nfluence strongly.
`[16 15-2.5)
`p ro/d.·tar'm....... . _
`- p re/de.ter' m i·nal.·1y. ad v. --pr...d...ler ''Uon. II, -fII*'*'
`ter'ml·na/ ti ve (·na/tiv. -na liv), ad).
`often quantitative adjecllval or adverblal words that Otwr be""".
` (pre'di tiir' l11il nar), II. a member of a . . . .
`Il. 2 . IIllIt which may be pred,,:aled; an att=a
`any one of the various kinds o f predJC3te thai may be ~ •
`[ 1545-55; < L p raedicablliS assertable. L; pral.,."..,rt ~,
`10 declare publicly (see eREDlcATE) + -Il,'ls ' 8LJ:J ~p
`pre-dlc.;t.ment (prl dlk'& ",.,nl for I: pred'i 1<9: Dr £a~
`' ) "
`p n. --prad/·bly. lJdv.
`p leasantly dim~ull, perpl""lng, .or danger0'f "IUf\~O' I ~~
`gory of logical or plllloSophll;al p""dlc;a~. d del. 01
`pra<>dfdjmentum somelhing p,..,dlcaled, a
`~tI ' ildj - IJ'L ..
`PR EDICATE , ·M£N'lJ'tal r..m~n ~Sanr ·or ~-.....
`MENT. PliGHT. OIl.EMMA, QU,.ND,\R'I" refer lo u!l~nf1l~111 ~
`tions . PRE.I)ICAMENT and PLIGHT ! nlO~ tll~on P'E[JIC......~ ~
`and QUANDARY tI,e puullng nalUre, of II .'tu~· al ~Itu.ll l""·' ~
`ten used lightly. may also rder to a WI " d,<i111)C.'"1 .............
`strange dry . wIt/lout money, lie Mi$ Tn a ,:n:I§
`Jl1o~l (,"en~....-:iii.
`thOugh origi nally meanillg perli or cWnye . S fl < • .os I/I .f
`WIlen her suil! readyal Ihl! cleal/efS, 1",,11y In """n
`DILEM"'A mean.' a \)()SI.t10 n of dOubt or 'if"'. lin' ddC'n'~ ,
`!aced by t....o eqU<1 Iy IInd~l",ble aJterna/l~';':II"" 0"• ...,...
`''''lO m llsl support Ont: of 110'0 frlen4f/n adJlOdill ,,11"'liPII
`or mental pe'pl .... ily or one IlKed w Ie
`to t>e no way 0111 of 1/1<: qUimd"ry.
`pred·l,cilte tv. pred'i Irlll': a<IJ.. n ..klll, I 2- ill!:'"
`v, t. 1. \0 proc.laim; declare: afnrm , asser 1ti0l' b I,·
`sert (somethlngl of lhe subject 01 " P~nnot< ':'.'........­.....~
`predlC<lte of such a proro'IUon ~3. ild Of <left'
`t one < I
`prec//aJIe5 a ll"'" attllude. 4. 10 (l~
`etc. ); base (usu. fo1. by on) : IO~~ 01 ,'SS'!!'''~AW
`rrna ,edlD"~ '" ~_~~'
`llIallily. - v.i. 5. 10 make an
`",led . 7. t>elonglng to or used 111 Ule P,
`syntactiC unil that ftmctiolls as One of~
`tenee, the ol her t>elng lhe SlIl!JeGodl. :ill
`wor<ls governed by Ihe ""rb or m
`ad verbs, Ihe Whole oll<ll ~P,,:sJ:::7" ill
`i;Htrlbultd to the SUbJect. as
`cc:rnl I1H
`Ihot Wlllcil Is amrmed 0)( denied c,OO" ~IL
`LI400-50: late M~ ( " Mf prcdlt'.iil I
`p l'(f{:dlcJjl<lS, pIp. of pra<.'<lidirr< to
`+ d ltArt!. to show, J~ QI C ATEf
`pre/c;:or-o-na'tl on. f/.
`pre-couw_,. /I. , Li., eloled. -tlet·jn.
`Qr 11:>1> lJcit l •• 8110<1, •..I·lIn(l;
`cle or other determi ner, as aI/ In aI/ the palmmg<;. [ 195~J
` (prefd;; al). aq). PRAEDIA\.,
` (pre d'i ka bal). adj. 1 , able to be predlca~~ 01 &
`asserta ble. -


`In remembrance
`Stuart Berg Flexner
`March 22, 1928--December 3, 1990
`Copyright @) 1992, 1991 by Random House, Inc
`All righls reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions.
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`Random House Living Dictionary Project is a trademark of Random House, tnc.
`Random House and the House Design are registered trademarks of
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Random House Webster's college dictionary.
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`ISBN 0-679-41420-7 (plain edged). -
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