`V, _\
`@l§é\i‘i’>'F3AL FAX @;i;p\“i’Eii
`OCT 1.9 2004
`_ Attorney Docket No.: ZON-_003
`Roman Chisryakov
`November 14, 2002
`McDonald, Rodney G.
`Commissioner for Patents
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`The following amendments and remarks are responsive to the Office Action mailed on
`May 20, 2004 in the above—identified patent application. Entry and consideration of the
`Following amendments and remarks, and allowance of the claims, as presented, are respectfully
`requested. A Petition for a two—month extension of time, up to and including October 20, 2004
`is submitted herewith. The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge the extension fee,
`additional claims fee, and any other proper fees to Attorney's Deposit Account No. 501211.
`Please note that a Supplemental Infonnation Disclosure Statement was filed for this case
`on July 2, 2004 citing references found in an Intemational Search Report for the corresponding
`PCT application.
`Please enter the following amendments and consider the remarks that follow.
`PAGE 10l27 * RCVD AT 10l19l20D4 6:29:28 PM [Eastern Daylight Time]* SVR:USPT0£FXRF-1110* DN|S:3729306 * CSIDII81 271 1527* DURATION (mm-ss):D94)0
`10/19./2004 TUE 18213 FAX 781 271 1527 KURT RQUSCHENBACH
`Amendment and Response
`Applicant: Chistyakov
`Serial No.: 10/065,739
`Page 2 of 18
`Amendments to the Claims:
`Please amend claims 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12,16, l9, 20, 21, 25, and 27-30, cancel claims 3 and
`18 without prejudice, and add claims 31-42 as follows.
`(currently amended) A sputtering source comprising:
`a cathode assembly that is positioned adjacent to an anode, the cathode assembly
`including a sputtering target;
`an ionization source that generates a weakly-ionized plasma from a feed gas proximate to
`the anode and the cathode assembly; and
`a power supply that generates a voltage pulse $%fiw bemeei1 the
`_ _
`anode and the cathode %se111bly fl1_a_t create_5 ing a strongly-ionized
`plasma from the weakly-ionized plasma, an amplitude and a rise time of the voltage pulse
`being chosen to increasem%Hm as a density of
`ions in the strongly-ionized plasnia h£noLigl1 to‘
`generate sufficient thermal eiiergry in the sputtering target to cause a sputtering yield 9&7
`to be non-linearly related to a temperature of the sputtering target.
`(on'ginal) The sputtering source of claim 1 wherein the electric field comprises a quasi—i
`static electric field.
`(currently amended) The sputtering source of claim 3 l further comprising a gas flow
`controller that controls a flow of the feed gas so that the
`feed gas dillnses fl1e iefl?mw.-
`strongly-ionized plasma;
`(currently amended) The sputtering source of claim 3Lei;
`the feed gas allows additional power to be absorbed by the stron gly ionized plasma,
`thereby generating additional thermal energy in the sputtering target.ex
`PAGE 11l27 * RCVD AT 10l19l2004 6:29:28 PM [Eastern Day|ighteTime]* SVR:USPTO£FXRF-110* DN|S:8729306 * CS|D:?81 271 1527.“ DURAT|0N (mm-ss):09-00'
`18:14 FAX 781 271 1527 KURT RAUSCHENBACH
`Amendment and Response
`Applicant: Cliistyakov ‘
`Serial No.: 10/065,739
`Page 3 of 13
`(currently amended) The sputtering source of claim 1 wherein the thermal energy
`generated m the sputtering target does not
`substantially increase an average temperature of the sputtering target.
`(original) The sputtering source of claim 1 further comprising a magnet that is positioned
`to generate a magnetic field proximate to the weakly-ionized plasma, the magnetic field
`substantially trapping electrons in the weakly-ionized plasma proximate to the sputtering
`(currently amended) The sputtering source of claim 1 wherein the voltage pulse
`generated between the anode and the cathode asscmb1y m
`excites atoms in the wea.kly—ionized plasma and generates secondary
`electrons from the cathode assembly, the secondary electrons ionizing the excited atoms,
`thereby creating the strongly-ionized plasma.
`(original) The sputtering source ‘of claim 1) wherein the power supply generates a
`constant power.
`(original) The sputtering source of claim 1 wherein the power supply generates a
`constant voltage.
`(original) The sputtering source of claim 1 wherein the ionization source is chosen from
`the group comprising an electrode coupled to a DC power supply, an electrode coupled to
`A an AC power supply, a UV source, an X-ray source, an electron beam source, an ion
`beam source, ‘an inductively coupled plasma source, a capaoitively coupled plasma
`source, and a microwave plasma source.
`(currently amended) The sputtering source of claim 1 wherein a rise time of the electric
`field voltage pulse is chosen to increase an ionization rate of the strongly-ionized plasma,
`(original) The sputtering source of claim 1 wherein the weakly-ionized plasma reduces
`the probability of developing an electrical breakdown condition between the anode and
`the cathode assembly.
`(original) The sputtering source of claim 1 wherein the strongly-ionized plasma is
`PAGE 12l27 * RCVD AT 10l19l2004 6:29:28 PM [Eastern Daylight Time]* SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-1lll* DNlS:8729306 ‘ CS|D:l81 271 1527 " DURATION (mm-ss):09-00
`10/19,/2004 TUE 18:14 FAX 781 271 1527 KURT RAUSCHENBACI-I
`Amendment and Response
`Applicant: Chistyakov
`Serial No.: 10/065,739
`Page 4 of l8
`substantially uniform proximate to the cathode assembly.
`(original) The sputtering source of claim 1 wherein a distance between the anode and the
`cathode assembly is chosen to increase an ionization rate of strongly-ionized plasma.
`(currently amended) A method for high deposition rate sputtering, the method
`ionizing 21 feed gas to generate a weakly-ionized plasma proximate to a cathode assembly
`that comprises a sputtering target; and
`applying a voltage 13ulse to the cathode assembly to generate generating a strongly-
`ionized plasma from the weakly-ionized plasma, an amplitude and a rise time of the
`voltage pulse being chosen so that ions in the strongly-ionized plasma
` eng+aget
`tergenerate sufficient thermal
`energy in the sputtering target to cause a sputtering yield
`to be
`non—linearl y related to a temperature of the sputtering target, thereby increasing a
`deposition rate of the sputtering.
`(original) The method of claim 16 further comprising generating 21 magnetic field
`proximate to the sputtering target, the magnetic field trapping electrons proximate to the '
`sputtering target.
`(currently amended) The method of claim -1-3 l_6 wherein the eleetrie-Field voltage pulse
`applied to the cathode assembly generates excited atoms in the weakly—ionized plasma
`and generates secondary electrons from the sputtering target, the secondary electrons
`ionizing the excited atoms, thereby creating the strongly-ionized plasma.
`(currently amended) The method of claim 16 fuither comprising &M
`diffusing the weakly—ionized plasma with a volume of the feed gas while ionizing the
`volume of the feed gas to create an additional volume-ef-the-weakly-ionized plasma.
`(currently amended) The method of claim l6 Further comprising eM'
`diffusing the strongly—ionized plasma with 21 volume of the feed gas while applying the
`PAGE 13l2? " RCVD AT 10l19l2004 6:29:28 PM [Eastern Daylight Time]‘ 8VR:USPTO-EFXRF-1!!) * DN|S:8?29306 " CS|D:781 271 1527*‘ DURATION (mm-ss):09-00
`10/19/2004 TUE 18:14 FAX 781 271 1527 KURT RAUSCHENBACH
`Amendment and Response
`Applicant: Chistyakuv
`Serial No.: IO/055,739
`Page 5 of 18
`voltage pulse to the cathode asse1nbly to generate an additionalw
`strongly-ioni zed plasma from the volume of tlie feed gas.
`»(original) The method of claim 16 wherein the peak plasma density of the we-.1kly~
`ionized plasma is less than about 1012 c1n'3.
`(original) The method of claim 16 wherein the weakly-ionized plasma reduces the
`probability of developing an electrical breakdown condition.
`(original) The method of claim 16 wherein the ionizing the Feed gas comprises exposing
`the feed gas to one of a static electric field, an AC electric field. a quasi-static electric
`field, 21 pulsed electric field, UV radiation, X—Iay radiation, an electron beam, a11d an ion
`(currently amended) The method of‘ claim 16 wherein the
`ions in the stron l -ionized lasma causes at least a portion of a
`surface layer of the sputtering target to evaporate.
`(original) The method of claim 16 wherein the peak plasma density of the strongly-
`ionized plasma is greater than about 10” cm‘3.
`(currently amended) A sputtering source comprising:
`21 cathode assembly that is positioned adjacent to an anode, the cathode assembly
`including a sputtering target;
`an ionization source that generates 21 weal<ly—ionized plasma from a feed gas £R9m—a—1‘—ia=st
` proximate to tl_1e_ar_ipd_e_:_efil the cathode assembly;
`a power supply that generates a 'voltag_e pulse
`between the
`anode and the cathode assembly that creates a strongly-ionized plasma from the weakly-
`ionized plasma, an amplitude and a rise time of the voltage pulse being chosen to increase
`— gi_gp the strongly-ionized plasma enou ' h to enerate sufficient thermal
`in the S utterin tar et to cause a s utterin
`ield to be non-linear} related to a
`temperature of the sputtering target
`a gas controller feeereehaagiag that controls a flow of the feed gas to the strongly—ionized
`plasma to facilitate the creation of additional ions
`PAGE 14127‘ RCVD AT 1lll19l2004 6:29:28 PM [Eastern Daylight Time]* SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-1l0 * DNlS:8?29306 * CSlD:l81 271 1527 * DURATION (mm-ss):09-00
`10/19,/2004 TUE 18:15tFAX 781 271 1527 KURT RAUSCHENBACH
`Amendment and Response
`Applicant: Chlstyakov
`Serial No.: 10/065,739
`Page 6 of 18
`: =.
`; :;_:
`- -,., =_..= ..=:._-._ _
`to Qa_t gcncrate safifieient 1 thcnnal energy
`in the sputtering target.
`(currently amended) The sputtering source of claim 27
`exeha.-agefiaeans wherein the gas controller controls a flow of feed gas that diffuses fee
`exchanging the wealely—strongly—ionized plasma
`(currently amended) The sputtering source of claim 27 wherein the thermal energy
`V does not substantially increase an average temperature of the entire sputtering target.
`(currently amended) A sputtering source comprising:
`means for ionizing a feed gas to generate a weakly—ionized plasma; and
`means for
`increasing the density 0: the
`weakly-ionized plasma,—tl-‘re to generate a strongly-ionized plasma eernprisi-fig having a
`density a-pl-uralit-y of ions
`~ = that generate
`sufficient thermal energy in the sputtering target to cause a sputtering yield of-the
`to be non—linearly related to a temperature of the sputtering target,
`(new) The sputtering source of claim 1 wherein the rise time of the voltage pulse is in the
`range of approximately 0.1 microsecond to 10 seconds.
`(new) The sputtering source of claim 1 wherein the amplitude of the voltage pulse is in
`the range of approximately 200V to 30k\/.
`(new) The sputtering source of claim 1 wherein a pulse width of the voltage pulse is i11
`the range of approximately l0n1icrosecond to l0seconds.
`(new) The sputtering Source of claim 1 wherein the ionization source and the power
`supply comprise a single power supply.
`PAGE 15l27* RCVD AT 10l19l2004 6:29:28 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] * SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-1l0* DNlS:8?293D6 " CS|D:?81 271152? " DURATION (mm-ss):09-00
`10/19/2004 THE 18215 FAX 7'81 271 1527 KURT RAUSCHENBACH
`Amendment and Response
`Applicant: Chistyakov
`Scri21lND.: l0/065,739
`Page 7 of 18
`(new) The sputtering source of claim 1 wherein a repetition rate between the voltage ii
`pulses is in the range of O. 11-lz to lkl-lz.
`(new) The sputtering source of claim 7 wherein the magnet is chosen from the group
`comprising a permanent magnet, an electro-magnet, a balanced magnet configuration,
`and an unbalanced magnet configuration.
`(new) The method of claim lépwherein the rise time of the voltage pulse is in the range
`of approximately 0.1microsecond and 10seconds.
`(new) The method of claim 16 wherein the amplitude of the voltage pulse is in the range
`Of approximately 200V to 30kV.
`1 __ (new) The method of claim 16 wherein a pulse width of the voltage pulse is in the range
`A of approximately lmicrosecond to loseconds.
`(new) The sputtering source of claim 27 wherein the rise time of the voltage pulse is in
`the range of approximately O.1microsecond to 10seconds.
`(new) The sputtering source of claim 27 wherein the amplitude of the voltage pulse is in
`the range of approximately 200V to 30kV.
`(new) The sputtering source of claim 27 wherein a pulse width of the voltage pulse is in
`the range of approximately lmicrosecond to 10seconds.
`PAGE 16i2? ‘ RCVD AT 10l19l2004 6:29:28 PM [Eastern Daylight*Time|* SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-1l0* DN|S:8?293D6 ‘ CS|D:?81 271 152? " DURATION (mm-ss):|J9-00
`10/19/2004 TUE 18:15 FAX 781 271 1527 KURT RAUSCHENDACH
`Amendment and Response
`Applicant: Chistyalcov
`Serial No.: 10/065,739
`Page 8 of 18
`Pending Claims:
`Claims 1, 2, 4-17, and 19-42 are currently pending in the present application. Claims
`1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 16, 19, 20, 21, 25, and 27-30 are amended by the present Aniendment.
`Claims 3 and 18 are cancelled without prejudice to Applic-ant’s right to right to pursue these
`claims in this or a subsequent application. Claims 31-42 are added by the present
`Amendment. Upon entry of the present Amendment, reconsideration of claims 1, 2, 4-17,
`and 19-30 and consideration of new claims 31-42 is respectfully requested.
`Rc'cctions under35 U.S.C. 102 b As Bein Antici atedb Kouznctsov;
`Claims 1, 3, 6-8, ll-I9, 23-25, and 30 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. §lO2(b) as being
`anticipated by Kouznetsov (W098/40532) (hereinafter “Kouznetsov”). Independent claims 1,
`16, and 30 are herein amended to more clearly recite the invention.
`To anticipate a claim under 35 U.S.C. §lO2, a single reference must teach every aspect of
`the claimed invention either explicitly or implicdly. Any feature not directly taught by the
`reference must be inherently present in the reference. Thus, a claim is anticipated by a reference
`only if each and every element of the claim is described, either expressly or inherently, in a
`single prior art reference.
`Independent Claim 1 and Dependent Claims 3 6-8 and 11-15
`The Applicant respectfully submits that Kouznetsev does not describe each and every
`element of independent claim 1 as currently amended. Independent claim 1 has been amended to
`recite a sputtering source having a power supply that generates a voltage pulse between an anode
`and a cathode assembly. An amplitude and a rise time of the voltage pulse are chosen to
`increase a density of ions enough to generate siifficient thermal energy in the sputtering target to
`cause a sputtering yield from the sputtering target to be non-linearly related to a temperature of
`the sputtering target. As described in the originally-filed specification with reference to FIG. 8,
`the sputtering yield is a function of the temperature of the target in a thermal sputtering process
`according to the present invention.
`PAGE 17127 * RCVD AT 10l19l2004 6:29:28i’M [Eastem Daylight Time)‘ SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-1lD* DN|S:8?29306 " CSlD:?81 271 152? * DURATION (mm-ss):09-00 —
`10/19,/2004 jrus 18:15 FAX 731 271 1527 KURT RAUSCHENBACH
`Amendment and Response
`Applicant: Chistyakov
`Serial No.: 10/065,739
`Page 9 of18
`The Applicant submits that there is no description or teaching in Kouznetsov of a power
`supply that generates a voltage pulse having an amplitude and a rise time that are chosen to
`increase a density of ions enough to generate sufficient thermal energy in tlie sputtering target to
`cause a sputtering yield from the sputtering target to be non-linearly related to a temperature of
`the sputtering target. Instead, Kouznctsov describes a pulse shape having a steep rising edge up
`to a peak voltage and then decreases exponentially (See page 5, lines 28-30).
`During the period in which the power supply described in Kouznctsov (hereinafler
`“Kouznetsov power supply”) generates the fully—ionized plasma, the voltage level decreases.
`The Kouznetsov power supply does not choose a voltage amplitude as recited in amended claim
`I to generate a high density of ions. Rather, the Applicant believes that the Kouznetsov power '
`supply generates an output voltage that decreases to a level that is determined by the voltage -
`associated with the state of the fully-ionized plasma (See Kouznetsov page 12, lines 23-26). In
`other words, the Applicant believes that the output voltage level of the Kouznctsov power supply
`is automatically chosen depending on the properties of the plasma and the interaction of the
`power supply with the plasma. The Applicant, therefore, submits that there is no description in
`Kouznetsov of choosing an amplitude and a rise time of the pulse to increase a density of the
`ions enough to cause the sputtering yield to be non—linear1y related to the temperature of the
`in View of the above remarks, the Applicant respectfully submits that Kouznetsov does
`not describe each and every element of independent claim 1 as currently amended, either
`expressly or inherently. Therefore, the Applicant submits that Kouznetsov does not anticipate
`independent claim 1 as currently amended under 35 U.S.C. §l02(b). Thus, the Applicant
`submits that independent claim 1 as currently amended is allowable. The Applicant also submits
`that dependent claims 3, 6-8, and 11-15 are allowable as depending from an allowable base
`independent Claim 16 and Dependent Claims l7—l 9 and 23-25
`The Applicant respectfully submits that Kouznetsov does not describe each and every
`element of independent claim 16 as currently amended. Independent claim 16 has been amended
`to recite a method for high deposition rate sputtering including applying a voltage pulse to :1
`PAGE 18l27*RCVDAT 10l19l20046:29:28 PM [Eastemflaylight Time)‘SVR;USPTO-EFXRF-1l0‘DN|S:8729306*CS|D:781 271 152?*DURATl0N(mm-ss):09-00
`' ~
`10/19/2004 _TUE 18:16 FAX 731 271 1527 KURT RAUSCHENBACH
`Amendment and Resp onsc
`Applicant: Chistyalcov
`Serial No.: l0/065,739
`Page I0 of l 8
`cathode assembly having a sputtering target. An amplitude and rise time of the voltage pulse are
`chosen to increase a density of ions to generate sufficient thermal energy in the sputtering target
`to cause a sputtering yield from the sputtering target to be non-linearly related to a temperature
`of the Sputtering target.
`The Applicant submits that there is no description or teaching in Kouznetsov of applying
`a voltage pulse to the cathode where the amplitude and the rise time of the voltage pulse are
`chosen to generate sufficient thermal energy in the sputtering target to cause a sputtering yield
`from the sputtering target to be non—linearly related to a temperature of the sputtering target.
`lnstcad, as described herein, the Kouznetsov power supply generates a pulse shape that has a
`’ steep rising edge up to a peak voltage and then decreases exponentially (See page 5,‘ li11es=28-30).
`The Applicant believes that the Kouznetsov power supply generates an output voltage that
`decreases to a level that is determined by the voltage associated with the state of the Fully-
`ionized plasma (See Kouznetsov page 12, lines 23-26). The Applicant submits that there is no
`description in Kouznetsov of choosing an amplitude and a rise time ofthc pulse to cause the
`sputtering yield to be non—linearly related to the temperature of the target as claimed in
`independent claim 16 as currently amended.
`In view of the above remarks, the Applicant respectfully submits that Kouznetsov does
`not describe each and every element of independent claim 16 as currently amended, either
`expressly or inherently. Therefore, the Applicant submits that Kouznctsov does not anticipate
`independent claim 16 as Ct.lITBl1‘l.'ly amended under 35 U.S.C. §102(b). Thus, the Applicant
`submits that independent claim 16 as currently amended is allowable. The Applicant also
`submits that dependent claims 17-19 and 23-25 are allowable as depending from an allowable
`base claim.
`Independent Claim 30
`The Applicant respectfully submits that Kouznetsov does not describe each and every
`element of independent claim 30 as currently amended. Independent claim 30 has been amended
`to recite a sputtering source including a means for incrcasing the density of a weakly-ionized
`plasma to generate a strongly—ionized plasma having a density of ions that generate sufficient
`thermal energy in the sputtering target to cause a sputtering yield from the sputtering target to be
`PAGE 19l27 * RCVD AT 1011912004 0:29:20 PM [Eastem Daylight Time|* SVRIUSPTO-EFXRF-1l0* DN|S:8?29306 " CS|D:?81 271 1527 " DURATION (mm-ss):09-00
`10/1a/2004 true 18:16 FAX 731 271 1527 KURT RAUSCHENBACH
`Aniendnient and Response
`Applicant: Chistyalcov
`Serial No.: 10/065,739
`Page 11 tJfl8
`non-linearly related to a temperature of the sputtering target. As described herein, the Applicant
`submits that the sputtering yield in the apparatus described in Kouznetsov is not non—linearly
`related to a temperature of the sputtering target as recited in independent claim 30.
`In view of the above remarks, the Applicant respectfully submits that Kouznetsov does
`not describe each and every element of independent claim 30 as currently amended, either
`expressly or inherently. Therefore, the Applicant submits that Kouzn etsov does not anticipate
`independent claim 30 as currently amended under 35 U.S.C. §102(b). Thus, the'Applicant
`submits that independent claim 30 as currently amended is allowable.
`V Re'ect1'ons under 35 U-‘l.C.
`103 as bein Un utentable Over Kouznetsuv in View of
`Claims 1, 3, 6-19, 23-25, and 30 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. §l03(a) as being
`unpatentable over Kouznelsov in view of Fortov, “Encyclopedia of Low Temperature Plasma”,
`‘ Volume 3, page 1.23, 2000 (hereinafter “Foitov”).
`To be unpatentable under 35 U.S.C. §lO3(a), the differences between the subject matter
`sought to be patented and the prior art must be such that the subject matter as a whole would
`have been obvious at the time the invention was made to a person having ordinary skill in the am.
`There must be some suggestion or motivation, either in the references themselves or in the
`- knowledge generally available to one of ordinary skill in the art, to modify or combine the
`reference teachings. To establish primafar.-ie obviousness ofa claimed invention, all the claim
`limitations must be taught or suggested by the prior art.
`Independent Claim 1 and Dependent Claims 3 and 6-15
`Independent claim 1 has been amended to recite a sputtering source including a power
`supply that generates a voltage pulse having an amplitude and a rise time that are chosen to
`increase the density of ions in the strongly ionized plasma enough to generate sufficient thermal
`energy in the sputtering target to cause a sputtering yield to be non-linearly related tola
`temperature of the sputtering target. This condition corresponds to the region 504 in FIG. 8 of
`the present application. The temperature ofthe target in the region 504 is equal to or g-eater than
`the melting poi.nt of the target material. Thus, by ehoosin g the amplitude and the rise time of the
`PAGE 2Dl27* RCVD AT 10l19l2D04 6:29:28 PM [Eastem Day|ight'Time]*eSVR:USPTO£FXRF-110* DN|S:87293D6 " CS|D:?81 2?1i152?i" DURATION (mm-ss):09-00
`10/19/2004‘TUh' 18216 FAX 781 271 1527 KURT RAUSCHENBACH
`Amendment and Response
`Applicant: Chistyakov
`Serial No.: 10/065,739
`Page 12 Ofl 3
`voltage pulse generated by the power supply as recited in amended claim 1, the density of ions in
`the plasma will be large enough so that target material is sputtered so rapidly that a large portion
`of the heat genemted at the surface of the sputtering target is dissipated in the sputtered material
`and does not penetrate deeply into the sputtering target. Thus, the average temperature of the
`sputtering target remains relatively low and the sputtering target does not require external
`The Applicant believes that the sputtering apparatus described in Kouznetsov uses a
`conventional sputtering process in which the average temperature of the sputtering target
`increases as ions in the plasma bombard the sputtering target. Kouznctsov, describes a very
`rapid temperature increase in the target and conirnercially available cooling circuits that are used
`to dissipate the heat (see Kouznetsov page 10 lines 24-34). The Applicant believes that the’
`sputteiing yield in the apparatus described in Kouznctsov is substantially constant during the
`discharge pulses because cooling circuits are used to dissipate the heat. Therefore, the Applicant
`submits that the sputtering yield in the apparatus described in Kouznetsov is not non-linear] y
`related to a temperature of the sputtering target as recited in independent claim 1.
`Fortov describes the relationship between the sputtering yield and the temperature of the
`target, but does not describe how to achieve the non-linear relationship between the sputtering
`yield and the target temperature. The Applicant, therefbre, submits that thereis no suggestion or
`motivation in Kouznetsov
`Fortov of choosing an amplitude and a rise time of a ‘voltage pulse
`to increase the density of ions in the strongly ionized plasma enough to generate sufficient
`thermal energy in the sputtering target to cause a sputtering yield to bc non-linearly related to a
`temperature of the sputtering target.
`In view of the above remarks, the Applicant submits that amended independent claim 1 is
`not obvious 1mdcr 35 U.S.C. §l 03(a) over Kouznetsov in View of Fortov. The Applicant also
`submits that dependent claims 3 and 6~l5 are allowable as depending from an allowable base
`PAGE 21l2? " RCVD AT 10l19l2ll04 6:29:28 PM [Easlem Daylight Time]* SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-1l0* DNlS:8?29306 " CS|D:781 271 152? " DURATION (mm-ss):09-00
`10/IQ/20[)4.TUE 18217 FAX 781 271 1527 KURT RAUSCHENBACH
`Amendment and Response
`Applicant: Chistyakov
`Serial No.: 10/065,739
`Page I3 of IS
`Independent Claims 16 and 30 and Dependent Claims 17-19 and 23-25
`Independent claim 16 has been amended to recite applying a voltage pulse to the cathode
`assembly to generate a strongly-ionized plasma from the wcak1y—ionized plasma. An amplitude
`and a rise time of tlie voltage pulse is chosen so that ions in the strongly-ionized plasma generate
`sufficient thermal energy in the Sputtefing target to cause a sputtering yield to be non-linearly
`related to a temperature of the sputtering target. Independent claim 30 has been amended to
`recite a sputtering source including a means for increasing the density of a. wcakly—ionized
`plasma to generate a strongly—ionized plasma that includes a density of ions that generate —
`sufficient thermal energy in the sputtering target to cause a sputtering yield from the sputtering
`- target to be non-linearly rclatcd to a temperature of the sputtering target.
`As described herein, there is no suggestionpor motivation in Kouznetsov and Fortov of
`choosing an amplitude and a rise time of a voltage pulse so that ions in a strong1y—ionized plasma
`generate sufficient thermal energy in the sputtering target to cause a sputtering yield to be non-
`linearly related to a temperature of the sputtering target as recited in amended independent claim
`1. In addition, as described herein, the Applicant believes that the sputtering yield in the
`‘apparatus described in Kouznetsov is not non-linearly related to a temperature of the sputtering
`target as recited in independent claim 30 and Fortov does not describe how to achieve the non-
`- linear relationship between the sputtering yield and the target temperature.
`In view of the above remarks, the Applicant submits that amended independent claims 16
`and 30 are not obvious under 35 U.S.C. §l03(a) ovcr Kouznetsov in view of Fortov. The
`Applicant also submits that dependent claims 17-19 and 23-25 are allowable as depending from
`an allowable base claim.
`Re'ections under 35 U.S.C. 103 as hcin Un atentablc Over Kouznetsov in View of Fortov
`and in Further View of Chiang:
`Dependent claims 4, 5, 20, 21, and 27-29 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. §103(a) as being
`unpatcntablc over Kouznetsov in view of Fortnv and in Further view of Chiang et al., U.S. Pat.
`6,398,929 (hereinafter “Chiang"). The Applicant has amended claims 4, 5, 21, and 27-29 to
`more clearly recite what the Applicant regards as the invention.
`PAGE 22l2? * RCVD AT 10!19!2004 6:29:28 PM [Eastern Daylight Time]‘ SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-110* DN|S:8729300 * CS|D:?81 271 1527 " DURAT|0N (mm-Ss):09-00
`10/19/20U4‘TUE 18:17 FAX 781 271 1527 KURT RAUSCHENBACH
`Amendment and Response
`Applicant: Cliistynkov
`Serial No.: 10/065,739
`Page I4 of‘ 18
`Dependent Claims 4 and 5
`Dependent claims 4 and 5 depend on independent claim 1, As stated above, Applicant
`respectfully submits that independent claim I as currently amended is allowable over the prior
`art of record. Thus, Applicants submit that dependent claims 4 and 5 are allowable as depending
`from an allowable base claim.
`Dependent Claims 20 and 21
`Dependent claims 20 and 21 depend on independent claim 16. As stated above,
`Applicant respectfully submits that independent claim 16 as currently amended is allowable over
`the prior art of record. Thus, Applicants submit that dependent claims 4 and 5 are allowable as
`depending from an allowable base claim.
`Independent Claim 27 and Dependent Claims 28-29
`Independent claim 27 has been amended to recite a power supply that generates a voltage
`pulse between the anode and the cathode assembly that creates a strong1y—ionized plasma from
`the weakly-ionized plasma. The amplitude and the rise time of the voltage pulse is chosen to
`increase a density of ions in the strongly-ionized plasma enough to generate sufficient thermal
`energy in the sputtering target to cause
`sputtering yield to be non—linearly related to a
`temperature of the sputtering target. Independent claim 27 has also been amended to recite a gas
`controller that controls a flow of the feed gas to the strongly~ionized plasma to facilitate the
`creation of additional ions that generate additional thermal energy in the sputtering target.
`The Office Action mailed on May 20, 2004 states that Kouznetsov in view of Fortov
`discloses substantially all featurespf claim 27 except that the gas exchanging and exchange
`means controller is not disclosed. The Ofllee Action further states that Chiang suggests the use
`of a vacuum pump for removing a volume of gas as a volume of gas is admitted to the chamber
`from the gas source.
`As described herein, the Applicant believes that the sputtering apparatus described in
`Kouznetsov uses a conventional sputtering process where the sputteling yield in the apparatus is
`substantially constant during the discharge pulses. Fortov describes the relationship between the
`PAGE 23127 * RCVD AT 1011912004 6:29:28 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] *iSVR:USPTO'-EFXRF-110‘ DlllS:8?29306 * CS|D:781 271 152? * DURATION (mm-ss):09-00’
`10/19/20[)4_TUE 13217 FAX 781 271 1527 KURT RAUSCHENBACH
`Amendment and Response
`Applicant: Chisryakov
`Serial No.: l0/065,739
`Page 15 of l 8
`sputtering yield and the temperature of the target, but does not describe how to achieve the non-
`linear relationship between the sputtering yield and the target temperature. Chiang describes a
`DC sputtering apparatus with a gas exchange means that uses constant voltage instead of voltage
`pulses as recited in amended independent claim 27-
`The Applicant, therefore, submits that there i no suggestion or motivation in
`Kouznctsov, Fortov, and Chiang of choosing an amplitude and a rise time of a voltage pulse to
`increase a density of ions in the strongly-ionized plasma enough to generate sufficient thermal
`energy in the sputtering target to cause a sputtering yield to be non-linearly related to a
`temperature of the sputtering target as recited in amended inde