. Third Edition
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`xhibit 2441
`Enfish, LLC; IPR2014-00577
`Exhibit 2441
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`Publisher Gmg T:Zrb1I'|
`ianiur Hxqutsaunns Ednar Michael H.1I5::‘.1
`Pmdurumlt Super-.-:50-r Mafllyn Llcflrd
`Edimrial :‘I.$si5L:II'u'
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`:14‘ Congress Czl.'.fl5t;‘g,1l‘|.g'—'Lr:- P1Jb1u:aEi£I1:1 Dam
`Wc=.5s. Mark Allen.
`Data sr.1u1:m1-e-:- and aigafirhm m1E§-5'55. in C—.—+ I Mark: Aflm Weiss —3rd ed.
`Encluflfi bib1'i::gIaphu:&E rE{E1'I*_mE5 and L31-fin.
`Ii-EN IJ|-.121--H1-‘HE!-Fl «CHHL paper"!
`2. Data 5-'[l'1.:|£I'|.I'rE [Computer
`1. C-|—F Qcomputtr pItrgIm'|1 language‘:
`3 Cflmpuuzr
`I. Title.
`QAT!5.}'3 Cl '5:3‘W=!-fi RIDE
`Cnpynght IE3 2[|Dfi by Pears-zrn Educamrn. Inc
`For infm-:niJ.1cun on »;:b:.a1n1ng permisamu for use crf mate:-Lal in this urraxk. pkasc mbmit : 1iI."riLT.E3".
`I'eq'La.I:51 1:: Ptarsan Egzlurmtan. ln: . my and Cuntratt Deparumtm. Ti Arlington 5r_rc«:1.S1m:
`Elli], E::us,u::n_, M..-‘L I.}EI1fi I21’ I11: ;«'u::-ur requtsx 'rcH.I51?'_!IHr‘1rfi-T
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`at transrcuraeni, in any {mm or 11-; any means. tlcctmmt. menzhamc.-ai. pha::;u;u1:r]:mg. rcmrding,
`ur any uni-srr media embndunmus Imw t-axmwn 0:1" hzrcafirr :9 bacon
`without Lb: pfiot
`finltcn pumissinn oi the paahlishcr Pram»:-.d 111 Lb: !..3m1I:d $1335 at H131-l.'l‘.il:a:'I.
`ISBN L'!—3-1}.-AHVH-‘.S—K
`-‘r 5 I5 T =6 9 10-—CRS-—-Ch-3
`LC; |PR2Dj-4-00577
`Exh'.'ibit 2441
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`Enfish, LLC; IPR2014-00577
`Exhibit 2441
`Page 2 of 4

`Data Structures and
`Algorithm Analysis in
`-I-+ Third Ed itien
`M El l’ 1*: ill I E.‘ Ft W-E l S S, Flnrida International University
`Merl-i Allen Weiss teecties readers to reduce time
`Hi-gltliglilf: -ril Ihi.-J Third E1'1I'|'itin
`ecirisiareints and develop prngrarris elhcisiithr by
`analyzing en elgnntl1rn's tessinilit-_»,r Izielcire it is
`ended. Hie innmraiwe approach to advanced
`algcirI't11rns and detasirucgures sirriuliarienusly
`develops sound aigunihrri 311:3]-,n;is and
`programming skills.
`The Tl1=i1'd Edition ieetiirssiatull C++lang1_isge
`updaieand incnrpnralinrrnf the Slandasd
`1 Standard Template Lmrenr may iricnrporaied
`ihmugimui the [Evil
`Template Libteni. These is new tn=.-etment at lists,
`_~ eeaciahiiiy enhenI;‘.ed by fresh iriterior
`siaeks. queues. aid tees. and an entire chapter
`design with new figures and exen1pies
`iieciicaieii ta arnnrl'i;ed aneysis and aciuai-iced
`&ie_sIr1s:tures' such as the Fibnriaeci heap.
`- End-13°!-citeprer exercises. reiticad by
`cfrlfiszultyr, reirifnrrze hey chapter duncepts
`Lasisiig iiinim - Otialfly eiuuieis
`Visit aw.i:mnii:nmpi.iiing for more infntlrlaliun
`about Addison-Wesley I:I:I1I‘q:Iuti:ig hooks.
`Enfish, LLC; IPR2014-00577
`Exhibit 2441
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`Enfish, LLC; IPR2014-00577
`Exhibit 2441
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`Exhibit 2441
`Page 4 of 4
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`Enfish, LLC; IPR2014-00577
`Exhibit 2441
`Page 4 of 4

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