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`Enfish, LLC; |PR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2242
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`Exhibit 2242
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`.‘I-llzTJ'AFDhT is a 1:315:th of Addison Wait? Publishing Company
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`Harm-Jr of Congas: Cataloging in Publication Dam:
`Patti—ta. Bruno R.
`DH! “momma and. algorithms wlti't ohjch-ofionlai
`tic-Its“ patterns in Iflfl Bruno R. P113155.
`ISBN MTI—Mfiti—fiioimh . alt. papa;
`l. flbjoctrotimuott programming {Computer trim} 1. Data.
`mam-.5 {Computer solemn}
`3 Compute:- algon‘ti'lma.
`1. “title
`miTl—dcl i
`99- .1 ! T91
`Page 2 of 5
`Enfish, LLC; |PR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2242
`Enfish, LLC; IPR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2242
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`that use modern oejecI-orteoteo design petlerr‘ts‘
`Creole sound soltware demons with data structures
`Author Bruno Pierss presents the fundamentals oi data structures and
`etgorithrrts from a modern. detect-oriented perspective The ten promotes
`object-oriented design using Java and tltttstrates the use ot' the latest
`object-oriented design patterns. Virtually at! the date stmcturee are clie-
`cussed in the osntext of a single class hierarchy. This framework cteerttr
`shows the relationships canteen data structures and illustrates how poly—
`rrtpt'phism and inheritance can be used attentively.
`Kent Features et trte Tettt
`a: Ail data structures are preemtad using a common tremewtt. Thle slim
`the relaIECH'l-Ehlp between the data structures and hot-ir they are
`; Detect-oriented design patterns are used to demonstrate hotttr a good
`design fits together and transcends the prettierrt at hand.
`e a single Jess Sfli‘i'tlt'fife design Is used throughout the text to provide a
`better understanding of the operation of omnpttcated data structures.
`. Just—in-tirne presentation of matl'lernatteat analysis techniques inooduoee
`students to mathematical concepts es needed.
`Vilil lheText's Web Etta
`amethyst-teammate“. Thlli‘lllim
`-. The WeeEtoolt {a hypertext version ot the cottplete book] % weAMtor... eat-ere...
`unite to ttte Java source Cede {art the pregtetn examples item the text} %
`Cpusfi Package is Java peel-tape oornprtsed of all the emrce code ttotn wfi V5
`the text}
`cttocumentation {source code documentation}
`'t Demo Applets {various Java applets that ilhtstrets data structures and
`atgorilt'tms from the text]
`: Archive [JAR torrnal archive oi Hie source code from the text}
`1a me Matter {table [if oontents and Ftrfi‘fflGB]
`:t Solutions Manuatr:
`it required}
`a Errata
`"rm" “LEV s SDHS' WC
`Netti York It Cflrcflesfar .- Wernfleim
`Brisbane - Singapore - Toronto
`About the Author
`Bruno Pt. Fretss is an Associate Protesser In the Department of Electrical
`member ot the Parattei and Distributed Systems Group. the Computer
`Communications Meteor-rs Group. and the 'It‘Lfil Research Group. Fitter
`earning a HAS: degree in Engineering Science. Protessor Preiss
`melted an M.A.Sc. and PhD. lrt Electrical Engineering trotn the
`University at Toronto. Canada
`9‘ THEIR—FT Site. 35'
`Enfish, LLC; |PR2014-00574 Exhibit 2242
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`Enfish, LLC; IPR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2242
`Page 3 of 5
`arrest-as a i J-‘tt't ain't: trait-Lmamtttvn-zn transmit-inst.
`{wider the lava variable declaratinn statement:
`int i = 57:
`This statement defines a variable and binds vat-inns- atmbults vvith that variable. The
`name til the variable is i. the type of the variable is int. and its initial value is 5?.
`Santa attributes at a variable. such its name and type. are bnund at campilc time.
`This is called Static birding. Other attributes (if H variable. such as its value, may be
`bratnd at run time. This. is called dynamit- binding.
`There are twp kinds nf lava variables—40ml variables and fields. A feral variable
`is a. Variable declared inside a metbnd. A. field is a variable declared in same class.
`{Classes are discussed in Section A.3.}The ripe nf :1 Java variable is either tine of the
`primitive types at it is a reference type.
`a.i.1 Primitive Three
`The Java primitive types are haul-am char. abort, inc. lung. fleas. and
`durable. The Java language specification [ 1b] defines the range at values pmvided by
`each primitive type and the set of uperatiuns supported by each type.
`Every variable of a primitive type is a distinct instance nt' that type. Thus. an assign—
`ment statement such as
`v - x.-
`taJtes the value of the variable x and copies that value into the variable 3;. After the
`mtgnrnetit. x and 3 remain distinm instances that happen to have equal values.
`it camparisnn DI the farm
`tests whether the values vantained in the variables x and y are equal.
`$1.2 References Types
`Java allmvs tltecreatl ng of user-defined types. A. user-defined type is created by defining
`it class. Fur example. by defining a class called Foo. we intrntiuce a new "type" that
`can be used In declare a variable like this;
`Pea f:
`{Classics are discussed in Section Ail
`In Java. eta-r}.I variable that is not bite bf the primitive types is a mfamnt‘e ripe- Such
`a van' able can be thought of as a reference to let a painter m} an object ufthe appropriate
`EnfiSh, LLC; IP'
`Enfish, LLC; IPR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2242
`Page 4 of 5
`are {HMMETER PaSStNG 60]
`type. For example. the variable f defined aha're is. a refirenee in an nhjeet instance at
`the class Pee.
`In Eat-re. clans instances must be explicitly created. An instance of a class is created
`using the new nperatnr like this:
`f = new Feta iii
`if we fnllnw this with an assignment statement such as
`Fan 9 t it
`then hnth f. and 3 refer tn the same object! Hate that this: is very enterem here what
`happens when ynu assign ene primitive type to another.
`A comparison of the farm
`if {f 2: gi
`fill" ,,.
`treats whether the e and 1; refer tn the same nhjeet thetanees. lie and n refer to distinct
`abject instances that happen to be equal. the teti still fails. Tn test whether twn tliE’lirtc’t
`abject innanees are equal+ it is necessary in intake the equals metimd like this;
`if (Laqualalgii
`Null References
`in Java. it is pnsaihle far a reference type variable to refer to nil-thing at all. A. refer—
`ence that refers to nnthing at all is eaileel a null reference. By default. an uninitialized
`reference is null.
`We can explicitly assign the null reference tn a variable like this:
`I = null:
`Alan. we can test explicitly fer the null reference like this:
`if if =- null}
`Parameter Panning
`Parameter—panting methnds are the ways in which parameters are transferred between
`methods When tine method calls another. Java pmvides anly nne meter-passing.
`Enfish, LLC; |PR2014-00574
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`Enfish, LLC; IPR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2242
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