`_ Structures
`_' and Algorithm
`7 Analysis in
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`. Third Edition
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`Exhibit 2241
`Page 1 of 4
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`imiur Acqutsaunns Edmr Michael Husch
`l’mdmtuan Supcn-tsor Marilyn Lloyd
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`Itch-Ural Mum-mum George Nichols
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`2. Dana BINHLHE (Compute:
`1. C—l—I- men-11mm program language‘l
`3 Cnmpuwr algur'rfijms
`I. Title.
`QATIETJ Cl 5337545 EDGE
`Cupynght It! 2flflfi by Pam Edam. In:
`For iann cm. ubulrung permissiun [or use Eff mam-La} in this weak. pkasc whim! a mitten
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`3m, Emma MA Dillfi ET {3.x your mugs: m tfilfi 3+9;
`AH 1131115 mud No part at this pubflmuon my 12:: rcpmducad. EED‘IEd In a mun-35 SYSIEIIL
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`51mm pen-missinn n-i the pahlishcr Pmuad :11 1h: tinned Ema at America
`ISBN 0—321—44146—3
`# 5 I5 T S 9 iLl—CRS—CIQ
`LC; IPR2'0i14-00574
`Exti'Ibit 2241
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`Enfish, LLC; IPR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2241
`Page 2 of 4
`Dela Structures and
`Algorithm Analysis in
`++ Third Edition
`Mark Allen W-eiae, Florida fnfernafienannfveraity
`Merl-i Alien Welds memes readers to reduce lime
`Hi-Q'I‘FII-{jhlt‘l nl lhe Third Etll'linn
`eonseaime and develop gregrame atheienll'ir by
`anatymig an algerithrn’a feasibility Ina-lure it is
`ended. Hie inneeaiwe approach 10 amended
`algen'ihme and deta'airucgures simullaneeuely
`deveiepa enund agenlhrn mama and
`programming skills.
`The Ti'nrd Edition Feaiie‘eeafuil C++ language
`updeieand incerpei‘alidn-nf ihe Siandasd
`I Standard Templale Lfixery' may inenrporaled
`uumgmn the m:
`Template Library. There is new treatment el‘ lists,
`.1 Headway enheneed by fresh interior
`aiaeka. queues. and neee. and an entire chapter
`design with new figures and exempiae
`dedieaied [e amerliaed analysis and aduamed
`Wmfi such ea :l'ie Fibmenei heap.
`I Ended-mam enereisee. ranked by
`many, reiril‘eme hey chapter cements
`Visit “.mmmpming for more influx-alien
`aha-u! Addison-Wesley commuting bodice.
`Leading elem - Quality Pmdlmls
`Page 3 of 4
`Enfish, LLC; |PR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2241
`Enfish, LLC; IPR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2241
`Page 3 of 4
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`1.5 C++ Details
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`Exhibit 2241
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`Exhibit 2241
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