From Spreadsheets to Relational Databases
`and Back?
`J´acome Cunha1, Jo˜ao Saraiva1, and Joost Visser2
`1 Departamento de Inform´atica, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
`2 Software Improvement Group, The Netherlands
`Abstract. This paper presents techniques and tools to transform spread-
`sheets into relational databases and back. A set of data refinement rules is
`introduced to map a tabular datatype into a relational database schema.
`Having expressed the transformation of the two data models as data re-
`finements, we obtain for free the functions that migrate the data. We
`use well-known relational database techniques to optimize and query the
`data. Because data refinements define bidirectional transformations we
`can map such database back to an optimized spreadsheet.
`We have implemented the data refinement rules and we have constructed
`tools to manipulate, optimize and refactor Excel-like spreadsheets.
`1 Introduction
`Spreadsheet tools can be viewed as programming environments for non-profes-
`sional programmers. These so-called “end-user” programmers vastly outnumber
`professional programmers [28].
`As a programming language, spreadsheets lack support for abstraction, test-
`ing, encapsulation, or structured programming. As a result, they are error-prone.
`In fact, numerous studies have shown that existing spreadsheets contain redun-
`dancy and errors at an alarmingly high rate [24, 27, 29, 30].
`Spreadsheets are applications created by single end-users, without planning
`ahead of time for maintainability or scalability. Still, after their initial creation,
`many spreadsheets turn out to be used for storing and processing increasing
`amounts of data and supporting increasing numbers of users over long periods
`of time. To turn such spreadsheets into database-backed multi-user applications
`with high maintainability is not a smooth transition, but requires substantial
`time and effort.
`In this paper, we develop techniques for smooth transitions between spread-
`sheets and relational databases. The basis of these techniques is the fundamental
`insight that spreadsheets and relational databases are formally connected by a
`data refinement relation. To find this relation we discover functional dependen-
`cies in spreadsheet data by data mining techniques. These functional dependen-
`cies can be exploited to derive a relational database schema. We then apply data
`? This work is partially funded by the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) under
`grants SFRH/BD/30231/2006 and SFRH/BSAB/782/2008.
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`calculation laws to the derived schema in order to reconstruct a sequence of re-
`finement steps that connects the relational database schema back to the tabular
`spreadsheet. Each refinement step at the schema level is witnessed by bidirec-
`tional conversion steps at the data level, allowing data to be converted from
`spreadsheet to database and vice versa. Our approach is to employ techniques
`for bidirectional transformation of types, values, functions, and constraints [32],
`based on data refinement theory [23].
`We have implemented data refinement rules for converting between tabular
`and relational datatypes as a library in the functional programming language
`Haskell [25]. On this library, frontends were fitted for the exchange formats
`used by the spreadsheet systems Excel and Gnumeric. We have constructed two
`tools (a batch and an interactive version) to read, optimize, refactor and query
`spreadsheets. The tools get as argument a spreadsheet in the Excel or Gnumeric
`format and they have two different code generators: the SQL code generator,
`that produces SQL code to create and populate the corresponding relational
`database, and an Excel/Gnumeric code generator that produces a (transformed)
`This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents a motivating example
`that is used throughout the paper. Section 3 briefly discusses relational databases
`and functional dependencies. In Section 4 we define data refinements and frame-
`work for constraint-aware two-level transformation. In Section 5 we present the
`refinement rules to map databases into spreadsheets. In Section 6 we describe the
`libraries and tools constructed to transform and refactor spreadsheets. Section 7
`discusses related work and Section 8 contains the conclusions. In Appendix we
`show the API of our library.
`2 Motivating Example
`Throughout the paper we will use a well-known example spreadsheet taken
`from [8] and reproduced in Figure 1. This sheet stores information about a
`housing renting system, gathering information about clients, owners and rents.
`It also stores prices and dates of renting. The name of each column gives a clear
`idea of the information it represents.
`For the sake of argument, we extend this example with two additional columns,
`named totalDays (that computes the days of renting by subtracting the column
`Fig. 1. A spreadsheet representing a property renting system.
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`rentFinish to rentStart) and total rent (that multiplies the total number of days
`of renting by the rent-per-day value, rentPerDay). As usual in spreadsheets,
`these columns are expressed by formulas.
`This spreadsheet defines a valid model to represent the information of the
`renting system. However, it contains redundant information. For example, the
`displayed data specifies the house renting of two clients (and owners) only, but
`their names are included 5 times. This kind of redundancy makes the main-
`tenance and update of the spreadsheet complex and error-prone. A mistake is
`easily made, for example by mistyping a name and thus corrupting the data.
`The same information can be stored without redundancy. In fact, in the
`database community, techniques for database normalization are commonly used
`to minimize duplication of information and improve data integrity [31, 11]. Data-
`base normalization is based on the detecting and exploiting functional depen-
`dencies inherent in the data [5]. Can we leverage these database techniques for
`spreadsheets? Based on the data in our example spreadsheet, we would like to
`discover the following functional dependencies:
`clientNo * cName
`ownerNo * oName
`propertyNo * pAddress, rentPerDay, ownerNo, oName
`clientNo, propertyNo * rentStart, rentFinish, total rent, totalDays
`We say that an attribute b (the consequent) is functionally dependent on at-
`tribute a (the antecedent), if a uniquely determines b (notation: a * b). For
`instance, the client number functionally determines his/her name, since no two
`clients have the same number.
`After discovering these dependencies we would like to infer a relational data-
`base schema which is optimized to eliminate data redundancy. This schema can
`then be used, either to store the data in a relational database management sys-
`tem, or to create an improved spreadsheet. Figure 2 presents such an optimized
`spreadsheet for our example. This new spreadsheet consists of four tables (bold
`boxes) and the redundancy present in the original spreadsheet has been elimi-
`nated. As expected, the names of the two clients (and owners) only occur once.
`As we will demonstrate in the remaining sections of this paper, the process of
`detecting functional dependencies, deriving a normalized database schema, and
`converting the data to the new format can be formalized and automated.
`Fig. 2. The spreadsheet after applying the third normal form refactoring.
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`After establishing a mapping between the original spreadsheet and a rela-
`tional database schema, we may want to use SQL to query the spreadsheet.
`Regarding the house renting information, one may want to know who are the
`clients of the properties that where rented between January, 2000 and January
`2002? Such queries are difficult to formulate in the spreadsheet environment. In
`SQL, the above question can be formulated as follows:
`select clientNo from rent
`where rentStart between ’1/01/00’ and ’1/01/02’
`Below we will demonstrate that the automatically derived mapping can be ex-
`ploited to fire such SQL queries at the original or the optimized spreadsheet.
`In the next sections, we will formalize the correspondence between spread-
`sheets and relational schemas using data refinement rules. We will present formal
`proofs that guarantee their correctness. Moreover, we will present a framework
`that implements the transformation rules and includes frontends to well-known
`spreadsheet systems. In fact, the example presented in this section was processed
`by our framework.
`3 From Functional Dependencies to RDB Schemas
`This section explains how to extract functional dependencies from the spread-
`sheet data and how to construct the relational schema. We start by introducing
`some concepts related to relational databases. Then, we present an algorithm to
`extract functional dependencies from data. Finally, we describe how to use the
`FDs to create a relational schema.
`Relational Databases and Functional Dependencies A relational database DB =
`{R1, ..., Rn} is a collection of named relations (or tables), Ri ⊆ d1 × ...× dk, de-
`fined over data sets not necessarily distinct. Each relation’s Ri element (d1, ..., dk)
`is called a tuple (or row) and each di is called an attribute. Each tuple is uniquely
`identified by a minimum nonempty set of attributes called primary key (PK).
`It could be the case of existing more then one set suitable for becoming the
`primary key. They are designated candidate keys and only one is chosen to be-
`comes primary key. A foreign key (FK) is a set of attributes within one relation
`that matches the primary key of some relation. A relational database schema
`(RDB) is a set of relation schemas each of which being a set of attributes. These
`concepts are illustrated in Figure 3.
`Another important concept is functional dependency (FD) between sets of
`attributes within a relation [5]. A set B is functionally dependent on a set A,
`denoted A * B, if each value of A is associated with exactly one value of B.
`The normalisation of a database is important to prevent data redundancy.
`Although, there are more normal forms, in general, a RDB is considered nor-
`malised if it respects the third normal form (3NF) [8], that is, if it respects the
`second normal formal (2NF) and all the non-key attributes are only dependent
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`Fig. 3. An example of a relation that represents part of our example.
`on the key attributes. A relation respects the 2NF if it is in the first normal form
`(1NF) and its non-key attributes are not functionally dependent on part of the
`key. Finally, the 1NF is respected if each element of each row contains only one
`In order to define the RDB schema, we use the data mining algorithm Fun
`[18] to compute the FD given a spreadsheet, and then database techniques,
`namely Maier’s algorithm [16], to compute the RDB schema in the 3NF.
`We have expressed Fun as the Haskell f un function. Next, we execute
`this function with our running example (the arguments propSch and propRel
`correspond to the first and remaining lines of the spreadsheet, respectively).
`∗ ghciifun propSch propRel
`ownerNo * oName
`clientNo * cName
`totalDays * clientNo, cName
`propertyNo * pAddress, rentPerDay, ownerNo, oName
`pAddress * propertyNo, rentPerDay, ownerNo, oName
`The FDs derived by the Fun algorithm depend heavily on the quantity and
`quality of the data. Thus, for small samples of data, or data that exhibits
`too many or too few dependencies, the Fun algorithm may not produce the
`desired FDs. For instance, in our running example and considering only the
`data shown on Figure 1, the Fun algorithm does not induce the following FD
`clientNo, propertyNo * rentStart, rentFinish, total rent, totalDays.
`3.1 Spreadsheet Formulas
`Functional dependencies are the basis for defining the RDB schema. The Fun
`algorithm, however, may compute redundant FDs which may have a negative
`impact on the design of the RDB schema. In this section, we discuss character-
`istics of spreadsheets that can be used to define a more precise set of functional
`Spreadsheets use formulas to define the values of some elements in terms
`of other elements. For example, in the house renting spreadsheet, the column
`totalDays is computed by subtracting the column rentFinish to rentStart, and
`it is usually written as follows G3 = F3 - E3. This formula states that the
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`values of F3 and E3 determine the value of G3, thus inducing the following
`functional dependency: rentStart, rentF inish * totalDays. Note also that
`totalDays is the primary key of a FD produced by the Fun algorithm, namely
`totalDays * clientNo, cName. Primary keys, however, must be constants rather
`than formulas. Thus, such FDs should be eliminated.
`Formulas can have references to other formulas. Consider, for example, the
`second formula of the running example I3 = G3 * H3, which defines the total
`rent by multiplying the number of days by the value of the rent. Because G3 is
`defined by another formula, the values that determine G3 also determine I3. As
`a result, the two formulas induce the following FDs:
`rentStart, rentFinish, rentPerDay * total rent
`rentStart, rentFinish * totalDays
`Functional dependencies induced by formulas are added to the ones computed
`by the Fun algorithm. In genereal a spreadsheet formula of the form X0 =
`f(X1, . . . , Xn) induces the following functional dependency: X1, . . . , Xn * X0.
`In spreadsheet systems, formulas are usually introduced by copying them through
`all the elements in a column, thus making the FD explicit in all the elements.
`This may not always be the case and some elements can be defined otherwise
`(e.g. by using a constant value or a different formula). In this case, no functional
`dependency is induced.
`3.2 Computing the RDB Schema
`Having computed the functional dependencies, we can now construct the schema
`of the RDB. Maier in [16] defined an algorithm called synthesize that receives
`a set of FDs and returns a relational database schema respecting the 3NF.
`begin synthesize :
`Input a set of FDs F
`Output a complete database schema for F
`1. find a reduced, minimum annular cover G for F ;
`2. for each CFD (X1, X2, ..., Xn) * Y in G, construct a relational schema
`R = X1X2...XnY with designated keys K = {X1, X2, ..., Xn};
`3. return the set of relational schemas constructed in step 2.
`end synthesize
`This concise, but complex algorithm works as follows: To find a minimum
`annular cover G for F we start by compute a minimum cover G0 for F . G0
`is minimum if it has as few FDs as any equivalent set of FDs. Transform G0
`into G is simple: just combine the FDs with equivalent left sides into compound
`functional dependencies (CFDs) having the form (X1, X2, ..., Xn) * Y where
`X1, ..., Xn, Y are sets of FDs and the left sets are equivalent.
`Now we need to reduce the set of CFDs and this is achieved when all the CFDs
`into the set are reduced. A CFD is reduced if no left set contains any shiftable
`attributes and the right side contains no extraneous attributes. An attribute is
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`shiftable if it can be removed from the left side of the FD and inserted into the
`right side without changing the equivalence of the set of FDs. An attribute is
`extraneous if it can be removed from the FD without changing the equivalence
`of the set of FDs.
`We have implemented this algorithm in Haskell as the synthesize function.
`It gets as argument the functional dependencies (produced by the Fun) and
`returns a set of CFD. Next, we execute synthesize with the FDs induced by our
`running example (sets are represented by the predefined Haskell lists).
`∗ ghciisynthesize ◦ fun propSch propRel
`([ownerNo ], [oName ]) * [ ]
`([clientNo ], [cName ]) * [ ]
`([totalDays ]) * [cName ]
`([propertyNo ], [pAddress ], [rentPerDay ]) * [oName ]
`([rentStart, rentFinish, rentPerDay ]) * [total rent ]
`([rentStart, rentFinish ]) * [totalDays ]
`Each CFD defines several candidate keys for each table. However, to fully
`characterise the RDB schema we need to chose the primary key from those can-
`didates. To find such key we use a simple algorithm: first, we produce all the
`possible tables using each candidate key as a primary key. For example, the sec-
`ond CFD above expands to two possible tables with the same attributes: one has
`clientNo as primary key and in the other is cName the primary key. Next, we
`choose the table which has the smallest PK, since in general a ’good’ table has the
`smallest key as possible. The more attributes the key determines the best. A final
`cleanup is necessary: we remove FD that all their attributes are already repre-
`sented in other FDs. We also merge two FDs whenever antecedents/consequents
`are subsets. The final result is listed bellow.
`ownerNo * oName
`clientNo * cName
`propertyNo * pAddress, rentPerDay, ownerNo
`clientNo, propertyNo * rentStart, rentFinish, total rent, totalDays
`As a final step, the set of foreign keys has to be computed by detecting which
`primary keys are referenced in the consequent of the FD.
`Next, we show the the RDB schema derived for the house renting system
`example. The RDB is represented as a tuple of tables. A table is a map between
`the PK and the remaining attributes. This datatype is constrained by an in-
`variant, defining the foreign keys, which will be explained in detail in the next
`(clientNo × propertyNo * rentStart × rentFinish × total rent × totalDays ×
`clientNo * cName ×
`(propertyNo * pAddress × rentPerDay × ownerNo ×
`ownerNo * oName)inv1 )inv2
`inv1 = πownerNo ◦ ρ ◦ π1 ⊆ δ ◦ π2
`inv2 = πclientNo ◦ δ ◦ π1 ⊆ δ ◦ π1 ◦ π2 ∧ πpropertyNo ◦ δ ◦ π1 ⊆ δ ◦ π1 ◦ π2 ◦ π2
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`The tables are indexed by a binary function that represents the foreign keys
`restriction. This notation and operators are introduced in the next section.
`4 Constraint-aware Rewriting
`As we have explained before, the mapping between the spreadsheet and the
`RDB models is performed through data refinements using the 2LT system. Thus,
`before we present the data refinement rules to map spreadsheets into databases,
`let us briefly describe data refinements and the 2LT system3.
`4.1 Datatype Refinement
`Data refinement theory provides an algebraic framework for calculating with
`datatypes. Refining a datatype A to a datatype B can be captured by the fol-
`lowing diagram:
` to : A → B is an injective and total relation;
`from : B → A a surjective function;
`from · to = idA (identity function on A);
`We will use A 6to
`from B as a short notation to the above diagram.
`Refinements can be composed, that is, if A 6tofrom B and B 6to0from0 C then
`A 6to0·to
`from·from0 C. Also, transformation in specific parts of a datatype must
`be propagated to the global datatype in which they are embedded, that is, if
`from B then F A 6F to
`A 6to
`F from F B where F is a functor that models the context
`of the transformation. A functor captures i) the embedding of local datatypes
`inside global datatypes and ii) the lifting of value-level functions to and f rom
`on the local datatypes to value-level transformations on the global datatypes.
`In the particular case where the refinement works in both directions we have an
`isomorphism A ∼= B.
`A common example is that maps are the implementation for lists [9] –
`A? 6seq2index
`N * A – where seq2index creates a map (or finite function,
`here represented as M ap) where the keys are the indexes of the elements of the
`list. list just collects the elements in the map. For more details about data re-
`finements the reader is referred to [17, 19, 23].
`Consider now a RDB with two tables, A * B and A * C. Suppose that
`the key of the first table is a foreign key to the key of the second one. This is
`represented with the datatype constraint δ ◦ π1 ⊆ δ ◦ π2, where π1 and π2 repre-
`sent left and right projection, respectively, and δ denotes the domain of a map.
`3 2LT stands
`for Two-Level Transformations. The
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`Constraints on data types are modelled as boolean functions which distinguishes
`between legal values and values that violate the constraint. A data type A with
`a constraint φ is represented as Aφ where φ : A → Bool is a total function So,
`our example becomes as follows: ((A * B)×(A * C))δ◦π1⊆δ◦π2. Further details
`about constraint data types can be found in [4, 20].
`4.2 Two-Level Transformations with Constraints
`The data refinement theory presented in the previous section was implemented as
`a rewriting system named 2LT in Haskell [4, 9]. We will now briefly introduce
`this system.
`A type-safe representation of types and functions is constructed using gen-
`eralised algebraic datatypes (GADTs) [26]. To represent types, the following
`GADT is used:
`data Type t where
`String :: Type String
`:: Type a → Type [a ]
`· * ·
`:: Type a → Type b → Type a * b
`· × · ::Type a → Type b → Type (a, b)
`Maybe :: Type a → Type (Maybe a)
`:: Type a → PF (a → Bool) → Type a
`Each refinement rule is encoded as a two-level rewriting rule:
`type Rule = ∀ a . Type a → Maybe (View (Type a))
`data View a where View :: Rep a b → Type b → View (Type a)
`data Rep a b = Rep{to = PF (a → b), from = PF (b → a)}
`Although the refinement are from a type a to a type b, this can not be directed
`encoded since the type b is only known when the transformation completes, so
`the type b is represented as a view of the type a. A view means that given a
`function to which transforms a type a into a type b and a vice versa function
`from it is possible to construct b from a.
`These functions are represented in a point-free style, that is, without any
`variables. Its representation is accomplished by the following GADT:
`data PF a where
`:: PF ((a, b) → a)
`:: PF ((a, b) → b)
`:: PF ([a ] → Set a)
`:: PF ((a * b) → Set b)

`:: PF ((a * b) → Set a)

`:: PF ([(a, b)] → [(b, b)])
`:: PF ([(a, b)] → [(b, b)])
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`:: PF (a → b) → PF ([a ] → [b ])
`:: PF (a → b) → PF (Set a → Set b)
`:: PF (Pred a) → PF (Pred a) → PF (Pred a)
`· ∧ ·
`:: PF (b → c) → PF (a → b) → PF (a → c)
`· ◦ ·
`:: PF (a → b) → PF (a → c) → PF (a → (b, c))
`· 4 ·
`:: PF (a → b) → PF (c → d) → PF ((a, c) → (b, d))
`· × ·
`:: PF (a → Set b) → PF (a → Set b) → PF (Pred a)
`· ⊆ ·
`Tables2table :: PF ((a * b, c * d) → (a * b, Maybe d))
`Table2tables :: PF ((a * b, Maybe d) → (a * b, c * d))
`Table2sstable :: PF ((a * b) → [(a, b)])
`Sstable2table :: PF ([(a, b)] → (a * b))
`To represent datatypes with constraints the following new Type constructor
`is used:
`·· :: Type a → PF (a → Bool) → Type a
`Its first argument is the type to constraint and the second one is the PF function
`representing the constraint.
`Each refinement rule can only be applied to a specific datatype, for instance,
`a refinement on the type A can not be applied to the type A × B. To allow this
`some rule-based combinators were created:
`nop :: Rule
`. ::Rule → Rule → Rule
`(cid:11) ::Rule → Rule → Rule
`many :: Rule → Rule
`once :: Rule → Rule
`-- identity
`-- sequential composition
`-- left-biased choice
`-- repetition
`-- arbitrary depth rule application
`Using combinators, rules can be combined in order to create a full rewrite sys-
`5 From a Database to a Spreadsheet: The Rules
`In our approach spreadsheets are represented by a product of spreadsheet tables
`(from now designated as sstables). A sstable is a product of rows and each row is
`itself a product of values. Although, we wish to transform a spreadsheet into a
`relational database, we will introduce rules to map databases into spreadsheets
`since the former are a refinement of the later. Thus, we will use the RDB schema
`constructed, as explained in Section 3.2, and refine it to a spreadsheet. Because
`we do this data type migration within the 2LT system, we obtain for free the
`function that we will use to migrate the data of the spreadsheet into the database.
`Next, we describe several date refinements needed to transform a relational
`database into a spreadsheet. We also present a strategy to apply these refine-
`ments in order to obtain the desirable result.
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`5.1 Refining a Table to a sstable
`It is possible to transform a table (a map with key of type A and values of type
`B) into a sstable (a list of tuples) and vice-versa as long as there is a constraint
`imposing that there exists a FD between the elements in the column of type A
`and the column of type B:
`T able2sstable
`A * B
`(A × B)?
`Here, list2set transforms a list into a set, compList sees a list as a relation
`and compose it with its inverse. listId is the list resulting from transforming the
`id relation into a list. This definition of FD is based on the definition of FD
`presented in [21]. From now on this invariant will be designated fd. The proof
`of this data refinement can be found in [22].
`The rule is implemented in Haskell as follows.
`table2sstable :: Rule
`table2sstable (a * b)i = return $ View rep [a × b]inv0
`inv0 = trySimplify (i ◦ Sstable2table ∧ fd)
`rep = Rep{to = Table2sstable, from = Sstable2table}
`where trySimplify is a rule that simplifies the invariant.
`If the relational table has already an invariant, then it is composed with
`the invariant of the new type concerning with the FD. The resulting invariant
`is then simplified. This is just part of the rule’s implementation since another
`function is necessary to encode the rule when the initial argument does not have
`an associated invariant.
`Let us use this rule to map the table with information about clients of our
`running example.
`∗ ghciitable2sstable (clientNo * cName)
`Just (View (Rephtoihfromi) [clientNo × cName]fd)
`The result of this rule is a datatype modelling a spreadsheet that constains
`the attribute of the database. The invariant fd guarantees that the functional
`dependency is now present in the datatype. Moreoever, the returned to and from
`functions are the migration functions needed to map the data between the two
`5.2 Refining Tables with Foreign Keys on Primary Keys
`A pair of tables where the primary key of the first table is a foreign key to the
`primary key of the second table, can be refined to a pair of sstables using the
`following law:
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`((A * B) × (C * D))πA◦δ◦π1⊆πC◦δ◦π2
`T ables2sstable
`((A × B)?f d × (C × D)?f d)πA◦list2set◦π?
`The invariant guarantees that exists a FK from the PK of the first table
`to the PK of the second table. The πA projection has type πA : A → E and
`πC : C → E. A must be a tuple of the form A1 × . . .× E × . . .× An and C of the
`form C1 × . . . × E × . . . × Cn. This allows that just part of the PK of each table
`is used in the FK definition. The proof of this refinement corresponds to apply
`twice the refinement presented in Section 5.1. The invariant must be updated
`to work on the new type. The Haskell function table2sstable implements the
`table2sstable :: Rule
`table2sstable ((a * b) × (c * d))πA◦δ◦π1⊆πC◦δ◦π2 =
`return $ View rep ([a × b]fd × [c × d]fd)inv
`inv = πA ◦ list2set ◦ π?1 ◦ π1 ⊆ πC ◦ list2set ◦ π?1 ◦ π2
`rep = Rep{to = Table2sstable × Table2sstable,
`from = Sstable2table × Sstable2table}
`A particular instance of this refinement occurs when πA is the identity func-
`tion. In this case all the attributes of the PK of the first table, are FKs to part
`of the attributes of the PK of the second table. Another instance of this refine-
`ment is when πC = id, that is, part of the attributes of the PK of the first table
`reference all the attributes of the PK of the second table. Both cases are very
`similar to the general one and they are not shown here. A final instance of this
`rule presents πA and πC has the identity function meaning that all the attributes
`of the PK of the first table are FKs to all the attributes of the PK of the second
`table. In this case the refinement changes as we show next.
`((A * B) × (A * C))δ◦π1⊆δ◦π2
`A * (C × B?)
`T ables2table
`T able2tables
`The values of the second table have a ?4 because it can be the case that
`some keys in the second table are not referenced in the first one. This happens
`because it is not always true that all the keys have a foreign usage. The proof of
`such an isomorphism is as follows.
`4 This symbol means optional. it is also representable as A + 1. In Haskell it is
`represented by the datatype Maybe x = Just x | Nothing.
`Enfish, LLC; IPR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2239
`Page 12 of 21


`A * (C × B?)
`{ A? ∼= 1 * A}
`A * (C × (1 * B))
`1 ◦δ◦π2⊆δ◦π1}
`{ A * (D × (B * C)) ∼= ((A * D) × (A × B * C))π?
`((A * C) × (A × 1 * B))π?
`{ A ∼= A × 1}
`((A * C) × (A * B))δ◦π2⊆δ◦π1
`Proofs of rules 1, 2, and 3 can be found in [9], [4], and [23]. A function in
`Haskell was created to define this isomorphism.
`tables2table :: Rule
`tables2table ((a * b) × (a * c))δ◦π1⊆δ◦π2 =
`return $ View rep (a * c × Maybe b)
`rep = Rep{to = Tables2table, from = Table2tables}
`Note that each of these rules has a dual one, that is, for each rule refining a
`pair A× B there exists another one refining the pair B× A, with the appropriate
`5.3 Refining Tables with Foreign Keys on Non Primary Keys
`In the previous section we have introduced refinement rules to manipulate tables
`with FKs to PKs. In this section we present another set of rules to deal with FKs
`in the non-key attributes. The diagram of the general rule is presented below.
`((A * B) × (C * D))πB◦ρ◦π1⊆πC◦δ◦π2
`T ables2sstables0
`((A × B)?f d × (C × D)?f d)πB◦list2set◦π?
`The proof of this refinement corresponds again to apply twice the refinement
`presented in Section 5.1. The invariant must be updated to work on the new
`type too. The function tables2sstables implements this refinement.
`tables2sstables0 ((a * b) × (c * d))πB◦ρ◦π1⊆πC◦δ◦π2 =
`return $ View rep ([a × b]fd × [c × d]fd)πB◦list2set◦π?
`Enfish, LLC; IPR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2239
`Page 13 of 21


`rep = Rep{to = Table2sstable × Table2sstable,
`from = Sstable2table × Sstable2table}
`This refinement has three other particular cases. One where πB = id, another
`where πC = id, and finally when πB = πC = id. In these cases the refinement is
`the same, only the invariant changes. The proof and implementation of this rule
`are very similar to the general case and so not shown here.
`Let us consider again our running example. In order to use this rule we
`consider two FDs where all the PK of second table is referenced by part of the
`non-key attributes of the first one.
`∗ ghciilet prop = propertyNo * pAddress × rentPerDay × ownerNo
`∗ ghciilet owner = ownerNo * oName
`∗ ghciimaps2tables (prop × owner)πownerNo◦ρ◦π1⊆δ◦π2
`Just (View (Rephtoihfromi)
`(prop0 × owner0)πownerNo◦list2set◦π?
`prop0 = [propertyNo × pAddress × rentPerDay × ownerNo]
`owner0 = [ownerNo × oName]
`In this case the two initial pairs are transformed into two lists. The constraint
`is updated to work with such structures.
`5.4 Data Refinements as a Strategic Rewrite System
`The individual refinement rules can be combined into a compound rules and full
`transformation systems using the strategy combinators shown in Section 4.2. In
`particular, we define a compound rule to map a RDB to a spreadsheet:
`rdb2ss :: Rule
`rdb2ss = simplify B
`(many ((aux tables2sstables) (cid:11) (aux tables2sstables0))) B
`(many (aux table2sstable))
`aux r = ((once r) B simplify) B many ((once r) B simplify)
`This function starts by simplifying the invariants. Then the tables2sstables rule
`(defined in Section 5.2) is applied exhaustively (with aux) to transform tables
`into sstables. After that the tables2sstables0 rule (Section 5.3) is applied. In a final
`step, the remaining maps are transformed using the table2sstable (Section 5.1)
`rule. After each rule has been applied a simplification step is executed. This
`strategy requires the simplification of the invariants because pattern matching
`is performed not only on the type representations, but also on the invariants.
`The simplify rule is defined as follows:
`simplify :: Rule
`simplify = many (prodsrdb (cid:11) mapsrdb (cid:11) others (cid:11) myRules) B compr
`Enfish, LLC; IPR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2239

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