Spreadsheet As a Relational Database Engine
`Jerzy Tyszkiewicz
`Institute Informatics, University of Warsaw
`Banacha 2, 02-097 Warsaw, Poland
`Spreadsheets are among the most commonly used applica-
`tions for data management and analysis. Perhaps they are
`even among the most widely used computer applications of
`all kinds. However, the spreadsheet paradigm of computa-
`tion still lacks sufficient analysis.
`In this paper we demonstrate that a spreadsheet can play
`the role of a relational database engine, without any use of
`macros or built-in programming languages, merely by utiliz-
`ing spreadsheet formulas. We achieve that by implementing
`all operators of relational algebra by means of spreadsheet
`Given a definition of a database in SQL, it is therefore
`possible to construct a spreadsheet workbook with empty
`worksheets for data tables and worksheets filled with for-
`mulas for queries. From then on, when the user enters, al-
`ters or deletes data in the data worksheets, the formulas in
`query worksheets automatically compute the actual results
`of the queries. Thus, the spreadsheet serves as data storage
`and executes SQL queries, and therefore acts as a relational
`database engine.
`The paper is based on Microsoft Excel (TM), but our
`constructions work in other spreadsheet systems, too. We
`present a number of performance tests conducted in the beta
`version of Excel 2010. Their conclusion is that the perfor-
`mance is sufficient for a desktop database with a couple
`thousand rows.
`Categories and Subject Descriptors
`H.2.4 [Database Management]: Systems—relational data-
`bases; H.4.1 [Information Systems Applications]: Office
`General Terms
`Theory, Design, Performance
`Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for
`personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are
`not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies
`bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to
`republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific
`permission and/or a fee.
`SIGMOD’10, June 6–11, 2010, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
`Copyright 2010 ACM 978-1-4503-0032-2/10/06 ...$10.00.
`spreadsheets, relational databases, relational algebra, SQL,
`Spreadsheets are the end-user computing counterpart of
`databases and OLAP in enterprise-scale computing. They
`serve basically the same purpose — data management and
`analysis, but at the opposite extremes of the data quantity
`At the same time spreadsheets are a great success, and
`are often described as the very first “killer app” for personal
`computers. Today they are used to manage home budgets,
`but also to create, manage and examine extremely sophisti-
`cated models and data arising in business and research. For
`example, Excel files are quite common as a form of support-
`ing online material in Science journal.
`It seems therefore surprising that relatively little research
`has been devoted to them and consequently they are still
`poorly understood. This is a source of many problems, e.g.,
`Science provides an example of a scientific controversy [5,
`3] which finally turned out to be related to the design of a
`spreadsheet used for data analysis. European Spreadsheet
`Risks Interest Group EuSpRIG
`with its annual conference are devoted to the problems with
`In this paper we aim at providing strong evidence, that
`spreadsheets are not only useful and successful, but also very
`interesting, and deserve more research. Specifically, we con-
`sider the relation of spreadsheets to database systems.
`is a natural comparison, because spreadsheets indeed often
`play the role of small databases at the end-user level of com-
`We demonstrate that virtually any spreadsheet software
`present on the market is a relational database engine. We
`do so by implementing all operators of relational algebra
`using spreadsheet functions. For each query in SQL, we
`demonstrate how to construct a spreadsheet workbook with
`empty worksheets for data tables and worksheets filled with
`formulas for queries. As the user enters, alters or deletes
`data tuples in the data worksheets, the formulas in query
`worksheets automatically compute the actual results of the
`queries. Thus, the spreadsheet serves as data storage, and
`executes SQL queries. It is therefore a relational database
`engine. Consequently, any specification of a database, writ-
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`Exhibit 2238
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`ten in SQL in the form of table and view definitions, can be
`compiled into a spreadsheet workbook which has exactly the
`same functionality as if the database was implemented in a
`classical RDBMS. Crucially, this is achieved without any use
`of macros written in an external programming language, like
`Visual Basic or the like. One might consider our construc-
`tion also as an implementation of a relational database on a
`completely new type of (virtual) hardware.
`As a model of spreadsheet syntax and semantics we take
`Microsoft Excel (TM) (the general reference is [10]), but our
`constructions work in other similar systems, like OpenOffice
`Calc, gnumeric or Google docs, too.
`We present number of performance tests, which indicate
`that our constructions are efficient enough to be practically
`used as a desktop database storing a few thousand rows of
`2.1 Application scenarios
`We believe that there is a market niche for a small SQL
`database implemented in a spreadsheet. It is a low-end solu-
`tion, in terms of performance. However, there is market for
`low-end mobile phones, for low-end computers, and similarly
`there is also market for low-end database solutions.
`E.g., Chrome OS does not permit installing new applica-
`tions. For a user of a netbook with this system, a method
`to have a small SQL database is to use our solution with
`the Google docs spreadsheet. This might be facilitated by
`a public ”query compiler” in WWW, where the user types
`in SQL code and gets a couple of spreadsheet formulas to
`copy and paste into his/her workbook, which implement the
`functionality he/she needs.
`Next, many people and small businesses buy MS Office
`with Access to store just a few thousand tuples. With our
`solution they could buy much cheaper version without Ac-
`cess and have principally the same abilities. Of course, they
`could also use one of the free database solutions, like Post-
`greSQL or MySQL. But these RDBMS’s do not integrate so
`easily with other elements of MS Office, and require techni-
`cal skills necessary to install, configure and maintain them.
`In [9] the authors argue that spreadsheet is actually a very
`good interface for a database, allowing unexperienced users
`to create queries stepwise.
`Moreover, the limit to a few thousands rows of data im-
`posed by the low efficiency is not very severe for small busi-
`nesses, which often process data from short periods only
`(typically 1 month), and after their tax reports are ready,
`the data can safely be archived. In the spreadsheet database
`it amounts to saving the finished one and creating a new
`empty instance for the next period. An alternative option
`is materialization of queries by cut and paste special→values
`which removes all formulas together with their need of re-
`computation, leaving the results.
`2.2 Related work
`To the best of our knowledge, the problem of expressing
`relational algebra and SQL in spreadsheets has not been con-
`sidered before in the setting we adopt here. The the most
`similar to our work reported here are the following. The
`paper [9] proposes an extension of the set of spreadsheet
`functions by carefully designed database function, whereby
`the user can specify (and later execute) SQL queries in
`a spreadsheet-like style, one step at a time. These addi-
`tional operators were executed by a classical database en-
`gine running in the background. Our contribution means
`that exactly the same functionality can be achieved by the
`spreadsheet itself. Two papers [14, 15] describe a project,
`later named Query by Excel to extend SQL by spreadsheet-
`inspired functionality, allowing the user to treat database
`tables as if they were located in a spreadsheet and define
`calculations over rows and columns by formulas resembling
`those found in spreadsheets. In the final paper [16] a spread-
`sheet interface is offered for specifying these calculations,
`which had to be specified in an SQL-like code in the earlier
`papers. The paper [8] describes a method to allow RDBMs
`to query data stored in spreadsheets.
`There is also a number of papers which discuss various
`methods to support high-level design of spreadsheets, in par-
`ticular [1, 2, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18]. Some of them consider
`spreadsheets from the functional programming perspective.
`We assume the reader to be basically familiar with spread-
`sheets. The paper is written to make the solutions compati-
`ble with Microsoft Excel (TM) 2003 version. The newest (at
`the time of this writing) Excel 2007 and beta 2010 provide a
`number of new functions, which simplify some of the tasks,
`but are not present in other spreadsheet systems. Therefore
`we chose compatibility with the older version, but refer to
`and test the newer systems, as well.
`3.1 R1C1 notation
`We use the row-column R1C1-style addressing of cells and
`ranges, supported by Excel. This notation is easier to handle
`in a formal description, although in everyday practice the
`equivalent A1 notation is dominating. The key advantage
`of the R1C1 notation is that the meaning of the formula is
`independent of the cell in which it is located.
`In the R1C1 notation, both rows and columns of work-
`sheets are numbered by integers from 1 onward. For arbi-
`trary nonzero integers i and j and nonzero natural numbers
`m, n the following expressions are cell references in the R1C1
`notation: RmCn, R[i]Cm, RmC[j], R[i]C[j], RCm, RC[i], RmC,
`The number after ‘R’ refers to the row number and the
`number after ‘C’ to the column number. If that number is
`missing, it means “same row (column)” as the cell in which
`this expression is used. A number written in square brackets
`is a relative reference and the cell to which this expression
`points should be determined by adding that number to the
`row (column) number of the present cell. Number with-
`out brackets is an absolute reference to a cell whose row
`(column) number is equal to that number. For example,
`R[−1]C7 denotes a cell which is in the row directly above the
`present one in column 7, while RC[3] denotes a cell in the
`same row as the present one and 3 columns to the right. If R
`or C is itself omitted, the expression denotes the whole col-
`umn or row (respectively), e.g., C7 is column number 7. For
`referencing cells in other worksheets, RC may also be used,
`and references the cell whose row and column numbers are
`equal to the address of the cell in which this expression is
`3.2 IF function
`IF is a conditional function in spreadsheets. The syntax
`is IF(condition,true_branch,false_branch). Its evalua-
`tion is lazy, i.e., after the condition is evaluated and yields
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`Figure 1: The idea of a database implementation in a spreadsheet. (Errors appearing in the worksheet are
`either TRUE or FALSE, only one of the branches is evaluated.
`It can be therefore used to protect functions from being ap-
`plied to arguments of wrong types, trap errors, and, last
`but not least, to speed up execution of queries by avoiding
`computing certain branches.
`3.3 SUMPRODUCT function
`We will often use a special function called SUMPRODUCT.
`Its uses will be generally modifications of the following two
`Example 1.
`=SUMPRODUCT((R1C1:R5C1=R1C3)*(R1C2:R5C2=R1C4)) is cal-
`culated as follows:
`(i) each cell in the range R1C1:R5C1 is compared with R1C3,
`and this yields a sequence of five booleans;
`(ii) each cell in the range R1C2:R5C2 is compared with R1C4,
`and this yields another sequence of five booleans;
`(iii) the two sequences from previous items are multiplied
`coordinate-wise, which results in automatic data type con-
`version from booleans to integers, and then normal multi-
`(iv) the five numbers are summed to give a single number
`as a result.
`Consequently, the final result is the count of rows, in which
`the columns C1 and C2 contain the same pair of numbers as
`in R1C3:R1C4.
`Example 2.
`R1C5:R5C5) is calculated as follows:
`(i-iii) the first three steps of evaluation are the same as be-
`(iv) the sequence of 0s and 1s from the previous item and
`the range R1C5:R5C5 are multiplied again coordinate-wise,
`which results in a sequence of five numbers;
`(v) again the sum of the above five numbers is returned.
`The result is the sum of values in C5, calculated over those
`rows, in which the columns C1 and C2 contain the same pair
`of numbers as in R1C3:R1C4.
`These two examples generalize to sum-multiplication of
`more than two or three arrays.
`3.4 MATCH and INDEX functions
`We use MATCH with syntax MATCH(range,cell,0). It re-
`turns the relative position of the first value in range which
`is equal to the value in cell, and error if that value does
`not appear there.
`In one case we use MATCH(range,cell,1), in which case
`for range sorted into ascending order MATCH returns the rel-
`ative position of the largest value in range that is less than
`or equal to the value in cell. We do not apply this form to
`unsorted ranges.
`INDEX is used in the following syntax: INDEX(range,cell),
`and returns the value from range whose relative position is
`given by the value from cell.
`3.5 Syntax variants
`We will be using the SUMPRODUCT function with whole-
`column ranges, e.g., SUMPRODUCT((C1=R1C3)*(C2=R1C4), which
`is generally equivalent to the formula from Example 1, if no
`other values are present in columns C1 and C2. However,
`this syntax is not valid in Excel versions prior to 2007. In
`early Excel’s one would have to use ranges like R1C5:R1Cmax
`in SUMPRODUCT, where max is the maximal row number of the
`range. OpenOffice Calc generally disallows R1C1 syntax and
`whole columns in formulas. Gnumeric and Google docs in
`turn permit both.
`Our formulas are designed to work in all above systems,
`but in some of them they require syntactical modifications,
`mainly switching to A1 and eliminating whole-column ranges.
`In Excel 2007 and 2010 there are new functions COUNTIFS
`and SUMIFS, which can substitute SUMPRODUCT in our appli-
`cations, and are much more efficient. E.g., the first of our
`example formulas can be replaced by
`and the second by
`In this paper, we disregard a number of minor issues aris-
`ing in practical implementation of database operations in
`a spreadsheet. First of all, there is the obvious limitation
`of size on then number and sizes of relations, views and
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`their intermediate results, imposed by the maximal available
`number of worksheets, columns and rows in the spreadsheet
`system at hand. Next, the size of the data values (integers,
`strings, etc.) is also limited. The variety of data types in
`spreadsheets is also restricted when compared to database
`The overall architecture of a relational database imple-
`mented in a spreadsheet is as follows.
`Given specification of the database, an implementation of
`a database is created by an external program (which plays
`the role of query compiler), in the form of an .xls, .xlsx,
`.odc, etc., file.
`The whole resulting database is a workbook, consisting of
`one worksheet per data table and one worksheet per view in
`the database.
`The data table worksheets are where the data is entered,
`updated and deleted. In the case of the (more theoretical
`in flavor) implementation of the relational algebra, the data
`table sheets do not contain any formulas and are simply
`the place to enter tuples into relations. In the case of SQL
`implementation, the cells are equipped with data validation
`formulas, which perform data type verification, enforce PRI-
`MARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY and other integrity constraints in-
`cluded in the CREATE TABLE statements.
`The query (view) worksheets are not supposed to be edited
`by the user. They contain columns filled with formulas,
`which calculate the consecutive values of the result of the
`query. Besides the result columns of the query, the view
`worksheets can also contain a number of hidden columns,
`which calculate and store intermediate results emerging dur-
`ing query evaluation. It is important that the formulas are
`completely uniform in each column of the database work-
`book, and they do not depend on the data which will be
`stored in the application. Initially all formulas compute the
`empty string "" value, representing unused space. When the
`user manually enters data into the tables, the automatic re-
`computation of the spreadsheet causes the results of queries
`to be computed and appear in the view worksheets.
`We assume the semantics over a fixed domain of (the
`spreadsheet’s implementation of) integers, so that a rela-
`tion is a set or multiset of tuples over the integers that are
`implemented in the spreadsheet software.
`5.1 Compositionality
`We assume the unnamed syntax for the relational algebra:
`relations and queries have columns, which are numbered and
`do not have any names. Sometimes we consider the expres-
`sions C1, C2, etc., as the names of the worksheet columns,
`as well as the names of the columns in relations.
`The representation of a relation r of arity n is a group of n
`consecutive columns in a worksheet, whose rows contain the
`tuples in the relation. The rows in which there are no tuples
`of r are assumed to be filled with the empty string formula
`="", evaluating to the empty string value "", which the user
`can replace by the new tuples of the relation. The empty
`string is never a component of a tuple in a relation or query.
`Therefore either all cells in a row contain the empty string,
`or none does. The rows of tables and queries evaluating to
`empty strings are called null rows henceforth.
`The assumption that ="" formulas fill the empty rows of
`data tables is only for uniformity of presentation. A for-
`mula in a cell can not evaluate to ”empty cell” (because the
`formula occupies that cell anyway), only to empty string.
`Therefore, if blank cells were used in empty rows, formulas
`expressing queries would have to be adapted to accept un-
`used space in two different forms: empty cells in data tables,
`and empty strings in results of other queries.
`The representation of a relational algebra query Q of arity
`m is a group of l + m consecutive columns in a worksheet.
`Initial segments of all its rows are filled with formulas (iden-
`tical in all cells of each column), which calculate the tuples
`in Q. We assume that the formulas in the last m columns
`should return either (a component of) a tuple in the result
`of Q, or the empty string value "". The additional l columns
`are also filled with identical formulas, which calculate inter-
`mediate results. A worksheet of this kind can be created
`by entering the formulas in the first row, and then filling
`them downward to span as many rows as necessary. This
`uniformity assumption means in particular, that the formu-
`las are completely independent of the data they will work
`on. However, we would like to stress that there is no reason
`to reject nonuniform implementations, should they prove to
`be more effective or permit expressing queries inexpressible
`in a uniform way.
`In the following we will consider both set and bag (mul-
`tiset) semantics of the relational algebra. In the first case,
`duplicate rows are not permitted in the relations and queries;
`in the latter they are permitted. However, even in the set se-
`mantics a spreadsheet representation of a relation may con-
`tain many null rows.
`Furthermore, the representation may be loose if null rows
`are interspersed with the tuples, or standard if all the tuples
`come first, followed by the null rows.
`Consequently, we have loose-set, loose-bag, standard-set
`and standard-bag semantics. No matter which of the above
`semantics we have in mind, the result of the query appears
`exactly as if it were a table, and can be used as such. Now
`the only thing necessary to compose queries is to locate
`their implementations side by side in a single worksheet and
`change input column numbers in the formulas computing
`the outermost query, to agree with the column numbers of
`the outputs of the argument queries (and then the output
`columns of the argument queries become the intermediate
`results columns of the composition).
`Therefore, queries represented in this way are composi-
`Now it suffices to demonstrate that the each of the follow-
`ing relational algebra operators from [4] can be implemented
`in a spreadsheet:
`• Two operations specific to spreadsheets, absent in [4]:
`error trapping and standardization (converting to stan-
`dard form).
`• Sorting.
`• Duplicate removal δr.
`• Selection σθr.
`• Projection πi,j,...r.
`• Union r ∪ s.
`• Difference r \ s.
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`• Cartesian product r × s.
`• Grouping with aggregation γLr, where L is one of: SUM,
`5.2 Notation
`We present here implementations based on spreadsheet
`functions which are common to most of (or even all) spread-
`sheet systems. This way we believe to consider the spread-
`sheet paradigm, even if its definition is not yet formulated in
`the literature.
`We use the following convention for presenting implemen-
`means that =FORMULA is entered into each cell of the COLUMNS,
`which may be specified either to be a single column (e.g. C5
`) or a range of a few columns (e.g. C5:C7), or a single cell
`(e.g. R1C5), and in each case belongs to the columns with
`intermediate values. The notation
`indicates that formulas located in COLUMNS calculate the out-
`put of the query.
`Sometimes the output columns are not specified, and then
`it is always indicated, that the final output is computed
`by applying another, already defined operation to some of
`the columns with intermediate results. At two occasions we
`even write SQL queries as contents of spreadsheet columns,
`understanding that the spreadsheet formulas implementing
`them are written there.
`Generally, we assume the arguments of the algebra oper-
`ators to be two- or three-ary relations or queries, the gener-
`alization to higher arities is straightforward.
`Except for the standardization and sorting, in all other
`cases we assume the input to be in the standard form, i.e.,
`null rows at the bottom.
`5.3 Error trapping and standardization
`In this section we describe two special purpose opera-
`tors, which perform common and useful tasks, specific to
`our spreadsheet environment.
`5.3.1 Error trapping
`If we replace a formula =F, which may produce an error,
`by the formula =IF(ISERROR(F),"",F), any error produced
`by =F is replaced by the empty string, and otherwise the
`value is the same as the value of =F.
`5.3.2 Standardization
`This operation converts a relation from loose to standard
`form, moving null rows to the bottom. The relative order of
`non-null rows is preserved. We assume that columns C1 and
`C2 contain the source data.
`C3 < =SUMPRODUCT((R1C1:RC1<>"")*1)
`counts the non-null rows above the present row, including
`the present one. This number is the row number to which
`the present row should be relocated. Note that multiplica-
`tion by 1 enforces boolean to integer conversion.
`C4 < =MATCH(ROW(),C3,0)
`returns the position of the first value in C3 equal to the
`present row number. If no match is found (i.e., we are in a
`row whose number is higher than the total number of non-
`null rows), an error is returned.
`C5:C6 << =IF(ISERROR(RC4),"",INDEX(C[-4],RC4))
`Errors are trapped, and when there is no error, INDEX
`returns the data from the suitable row of C[-4]. Thus the
`values from C1:C2 get relocated to their positions calculated
`in C3.
`5.4 Sorting
`Now we describe an implementation of sorting, which is a
`generalization of standardization. We assume that columns
`C1 and C2 contain the source data and we sort in ascending
`order by the values in C1.
`C3 < =SUMPRODUCT((C1<=RC1)*1)
`This puts in RiC3 the number of entries in column C1
`which are smaller than or equal to RiC1. "" compared by
`<= is larger than any number, so null rows do not give any
`errors, and in the following are treated as the largest entries.
`C4 < =RC3-SUMPRODUCT((C1<=RC1)*1)+1
`Now in RiC4 is the number of entries in column C1 which
`are either smaller than RiC1 or equal to it and located in the
`same row or above it. This is the number of the row into
`which RiC1 should be relocated during sort.
`C5:C6 << =INDEX(C[-4],MATCH(ROW(),C4,0))
`This part is very similar to the standardization solution,
`except that there are no errors to be trapped and we combine
`two formulas into one.
`Sorting in descending order is done by reverting the signs
`of numbers by the formula =IF(RC[-1]="";"";-RC[-1]) and
`sorting into ascending order, and then reverting the signs
`again. This leaves the null rows at the bottom. In partic-
`ular, if sorting is necessary there is no need to standardize
`An important property of this operation is that rows with
`empty string in the column on which the sort is performed,
`are moved to the bottom. Consequently, sorting brings any
`query or relation to standard form. Moreover, this form of
`sorting is stable.
`5.5 Duplicate removal
`Next we describe the implementation of duplicate removal,
`which, among other things, converts its input data from
`bag to set semantics. We assume the table to contain two
`columns C1:C2.
`C3 < =SUMPRODUCT((C1=RC1)*(C2=RC2))
`This causes RiC3 to contain the number of tuples from
`C1:C2 which are equal to RiC1:RiC2 and are located at the
`same level or above it. This number is 1 iff the row contains
`the first occurrence of this tuple.
`C4:C5 << =IF(RC3=1,RC[-3],"")
`Now the first occurrences of tuples are copied into C4:C5,
`the other are replaced by null rows.
`5.6 Selection
`Assume that we are given a relation r located in C1:C2
`and we want to compute σθr, where θ is a boolean combi-
`nation of equalities and inequalities concerning the values
`of columns of r and constants. Then we use a spreadsheet
`formula expressing θ to substitute "" for the rows which do
`not satisfy θ. This is best explained on an example:
`if θ
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`is (C1 ≤ 100 ∧ C2 > C1) ∨ C2 6= 175, then the selection is
`implemented by
`C3:C4 << =IF(OR(AND(RC1<=100,RC2>RC1),
`It leaves the result of the selection in a loose (set or bag,
`inherited from the input) form.
`5.7 Projection
`The case of projection is quite easy: it amounts to omit-
`ting some columns from the input relation/query.
`5.8 Union
`Assume that we are given two relations located in C1:C2
`and C3:C4, respectively.
`Then use the following formulas to calculate their union
`in standard bag form.
`R1C5 < =COUNT(C1)
`This is the number of non-null rows in C1.
`C6:C7 << =IF(ROW()<=R1C5,RC[-5],
`If the present row number is less than R1C5 then we take
`the same row from C1:C2, otherwise we take rows from C3:C4
`whose numbers are suitably shifted. Note that this assumes
`the inputs to be in standard (set or bag) form.
`5.9 Difference
`Assume that we are given two relations located in C1:C2
`and C3:C4, respectively. Then use the following formulas to
`calculate their set difference.
`C5 < =SUMPRODUCT((C3=RC1)*(C4=RC2))
`This calculates in RiC5 the number of times a tuple equal
`to RiC1:RiC2 appears in C3:C4.
`C6:C7 << =IF(RC5=0,RC[-5],"")
`Now if RiC5 is 0, we copy the row RiC1:RiC2 to the output,
`otherwise we replace it by a null row.
`The set/bag form of the result is inherited from the in-
`puts. However, this construction does not work for the
`bag format, since in this case we should count the copies
`of identical rows in both relations and put in the output a
`suitable number of such rows.
`The more complicated construction which does work is as
`C5 < =SUMPRODUCT((C3=RC1)*(C4=RC2))
`This, exactly as before, calculates in RiC5 the number of
`times a tuple equal to RiC1:RiC2 appears in C3:C4.
`C6 < =SUMPRODUCT((R1C1:RC1=RC1)*(R1C2:RC2=RC2))
`Now we calculate in RiC6 the number of times a tuple
`equal to RiC1:RiC2 appears in C1:C2 in row i or above it.
`C7:C8 << =IF(RC5>=RC6;"";RC[-6])
`Now we replace by null rows the first RiC5 occurrences of
`tuple RiC1:RiC2, and leave unaffected the remaining ones,
`which gives the desired bag difference. The resulting relation
`is loose.
`5.10 Cartesian product
`Assume that two relations are located in C1:C2 and C3:C4,
`Then use the following formulas to calculate their Carte-
`sian product. The construction below works only for rela-
`tions in standard form, otherwise standardization is neces-
`sary first.
`R1C5 < =COUNT(C1)
`R2C5 < =COUNT(C3)
`We calculate the numbers of non-null rows in C1:C2 and
`C6:C7 << =IF(ROW()<=R1C5*R2C5,INDEX(C[-5],
`creates R1C5 blocks, the i-th block being R2C5 copies of
`C8:C9 << =IF(ROW()<=R1C5*R2C5,INDEX(C[-5],
`repeats in circular fashion the consecutive rows of C3:C4 a
`total of R1C5 rounds.
`Note that in this case, the set or bag form of the initial
`relations is inherited by their product.
`5.11 Grouping with aggregation
`In the following, we assume always the relation to be lo-
`cated in C1:C3, grouping done over C1:C2 and aggregation
`over C3.
`5.11.1 GROUP BY with SUM,COUNT and AVG
`C4 < =SUMPRODUCT((C1=RC1)*(C2=RC2)*C3)
`This array formula computes in RiC4 the sum of all RjC3
`over all j such that RjC1:RjC2 is equal to RiC1:RiC2. Now
`we do duplicate elimination over C1:C2 and C4 and that is
`the desired result. Alternatively, with
`C4 < =SUMPRODUCT((C1=RC1)*(C2=RC2))
`we get the count instead of sum aggregation.
`For average one has to compute GROUP BY with SUM and
`COUNT side-by-side and return the copy of C1:C2 plus the
`sum column divided by the count column.
`5.11.2 GROUP BY with MAX and MIN
`Let us consider MAX, the other being handled symmetri-
`cally. First, the whole relation is sorted into descending
`order by C3. On the result, elimination of duplicates is per-
`formed, which considers two rows identical when they agree
`on C1:C2. Our implementation of this operation eliminates
`all occurrences of a tuple except the very first one. The one
`left is therefore accompanied by the maximal value of C3, as
`5.12 Additional operators
`Although semijoin and join are not on the list of algebra
`operators, they are extremely inefficient if implemented as a
`selection of a Cartesian product. Therefore we present more
`effective implementations of equisemijoin and equijoin.
`5.12.1 Semijoin
`Assume that we are given two relations located in C1:C2
`and C3:C4, respectively, and we wish to compute the equi-
`semijoin C1 : C2 ⋉C1=C3 C2 : C3.
`This is achieved in the following way. The formulas
`C5 < =IF(ISERROR(MATCH(RC1,C3,0),"",RC1)
`C6 < IF(RC5="","",RC2)
`empty the rows from C1:C2 which do not belong to the semi-
`join. The resulting relation is loose.
`Enfish, LLC; IPR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2238
`Page 6 of 12


`5.12.2 Join
`Let two relations be located in C1:C2 and C3:C4, respec-
`tively, and the equijoin C1 : C2 ⊲⊳C1=C3 C2 : C3 should be com-
`We distinguish two cases here. First, that the tables C1:C2
`and C3:C4 represent a many-to-many relationship. The sec-
`ond, that C3 is a foreign key for C1:C2, so the relation is
`many-to-one. The former is much more general, the latter
`is much more frequent in normalized databases.
`Our implementation utilizes a kind of index on the data
`tables. It is assumed that the tables are sorted on the C1
`and C3 columns, respectively. Then let us use the following
`C7 < =IF(RC5="","",R[-1]C+RC6)
`R1C7 < =IF(RC5="","",1)
`The last two lines should be understood that we first fill
`the whole column C7 with formulas, and then change the
`formula in its first cell. The columns C5:C7 provide the
`index, where each key from C1 is associated with its number
`of occurrences and the location of its first occurrence in this
`column. An analogous index for C3:C4 is created in columns
`Now we create standardized semijoins
`C11:C13 < C5 : C7 ⋉C5=C8 C8
`C14:C16 < C8 : C10 ⋉C8=C10 C5
`which eliminate the elements from the index which will not
`appear in the join. The next steps are
`C17 < =IF(RC11="";"";RC12*RC15)
`C18 < IF(ISERROR(R[-1

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