`S. Krishna
`Indian Institute of Management
`Bangalore. India
`“'3 World Scientific
`Singapore 0 New Jersey 0 London 0 Hong Kong
`Enfish, LLC; |PR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2236
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`Enfish, LLC; IPR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2236
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`Enfish, LLC; |PR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2236
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`Enfish, LLC; IPR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2236
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`Sets of objects with common properties are grouped into a class. A class,
`therefore, corresponds to an entity type.
`2. Basic Types/Classes
`Object-oriented systems provide a rich variety of basic classes (basic
`types). These, in addition to the traditional
`types-—integer, float, double,
`char and boolean, could include text and bits. Images can be stored as bit
`maps. Sound (of music, speech, instructions etc.) can also be stored. Some
`systems provide a facility for the user to define new basic types.
`3. Object Identity
`An object identifier (oid) uniquely identifies an object. Object—iden-
`tifiers are system—generated and immutable. An object retains its oid despite
`any possible change in properties of the object. An oid value should not be
`reused even when the object with which it was associated is deleted from
`the system. In systems which allow for change of class, objects retain their
`oid unaltered even after such a change.
`Simple objects like integers and characters may not need explicit iden-
`tifiers as they are self-identifying. In operations with more complex objects
`(composite objects, multimedia objects and so on), oids are indispensable.
`In the case of multimedia objects corresponding to text, images and sound
`etc., the physical records could be quite large (~ megabytes). In these
`cases, the oid serves as a surrogate for the object and therefore assists
`manipulation and retrieval.
`Implementation of object-identifiers could influence features of the sys-
`tem. Identification of oid with the physical record identifier could create
`Enfish, LLC; |PR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2236
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`Enfish, LLC; IPR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2236
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