`An AppTication—Oriented Approach
`Database Systems
`l‘vlirchaE1 KIFER
`Phi'lip M. LEWIS
`Enfish, LLC; |PR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2235
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`Enfish, LLC; IPR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2235
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`Lih ra r}.- u[ Congress Cataluging-ianuhllcatinn Data
`Hifer.}.l.I111I:h:tEil_ H.334—
`1331:1me ayaterne : an appjtrafinnrurtented zppumch Michael Eifet. -'tttht:t Bernstein.
`Phiiip {tr-1. Lew't.~..— -]11L?~C‘Idurtt1r1_.' eerfiiun. 2TH} e-.'
`:3. C111.
`Leu'iz's name appear: fin: rm the earitez edlrtnn
`R'er ert. Hf. Databases and transact-inn {tic-Eli‘i‘uh'lg -' T'hlflp wt Len-15. EULI:
`TEEN {LEE-233334 Ihareiemen
`1. Database management. 3. Transareitrn ante-mu ICUEI'JJIILJIE'E systems: I. Bennie-in trtitur _|
`H ten-ts Pltiiip 3-1.. 11131— ].Jatahases amt traruaetaan ptncesetttg ill. Tailt.
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`3' 3“ tflhfigli
`jtll rights reserved. N'n 33.17; of thie pubiiratmn mar he repmducefl. emu-Lt tn .1 IL'EEerfi-I 'tTlrlL'llfl. -"-r
`tzammtrted. in am- t'm-m a: U1: any means. eiectrc-me meetmuieat. phntuecupt‘ing. reeemhng. u:
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`Page 2 of 5
`Enfish, LLC; |PR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2235
`Enfish, LLC; IPR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2235
`Page 2 of 5
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`uE-ar reinttnnai database can t‘wirnpiemented within the UL‘IEECI mallet by defining
`actasil'ureach rehtlul’l. The .111 :Ltu-teaEliaitartiCulnreiafin-dretheattributes otthe
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`Lian:- eompmmsas ut a tuple TEE'Jht he primitive types
`in a [Elatlt'L-TFELl database.
`:HTTifigS. integeie. ELLi: In an c-hg'm-e database. thee-:mmnnents Gian (mien mart.
`inadditmn.51e ee-mplex [31115 wen. tLlEJIt”: unit-eta. en .|.
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`11mm} entabasex
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`tu inherit the attribute: and methods I'mm nitiemt n: :i
`Higher t‘yite Tl'llk heips [efiuee clutter .Ii: 1.5;“: wettifit.:eittrts and leads to
`1mm:- r'elneis': quczztfi
`trt'irt‘r wtthin queues.
`tun-e method; which ear. he [EH-'fil-L'Efi
`- Ultieen edrt
`For [DEEHEE the <5ki:fi£2;lflufi eat the class. Moi-'15 mentaoned ea. _‘.r might
`Lfllitalll J men—ME. fratfiflazge. Imtii a. iiec'ljratmn Hither-GU11
`frazniazge-tlnteger. Integer}.-
`'n'JiIt‘Ii HAT-55 thaT frazeEr—th-e may» :tx'l‘l integer arguments. and returns a list
`i.1f‘~'=.dE£i frame-x. Burt: LErL'Eamtium me matte Easinga special sine-c: itennnznn
`idnguuge which 15 fiinlllat 11.1 this List: iEefintrt-‘m stztnlunguage [If SQL.
`.. Merlmd ttrlplementatzuns ate written in advance. using .1 stun-jam host
`language in:—.g..1fi- -<Jr Tara} and .‘I-[Dl-Jd on zine SE'IK'EE. in ttttriTque'e t. methods
`are similar tn HUFELE pzmedures in Sill database:- {Section Jilin. Htlfi'tML-T.
`awn-:11 prIJCEd'JIE-w are nut akam'idteJ with .1115; pattécula: :etannn. wittii- .1
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`[shit-c: {trill-misc! prvgmmmntg i-3 nguagus.
`In heme c-hieu‘. database SF‘JIL'H'JE». the tLtta manipuiatmn language amt ti-n-
`hen-t language are the tame.
`16.2 The Conceptual Object Data Model
`AS in the case 0‘: the reLHicnai daiai'iases. we :eiJJ tint use-rainy u t'wmeptemi rte-x ofa
`data made! suit-Able- In! Ethic-rt thwart-Hes. That: nwdet. the Conceptual Uhjecl L'Iala
`Millie! l'i'i_1‘T'J."~iZ-.
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`Enfish, LLC; |PR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2235
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`Enfish, LLC; IPR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2235
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`Page 4 of 5
`Enfish, LLC; |PR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2235
`Enfish, LLC; IPR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2235
`Page 4 of 5
`Database Systems
`5503323 EDITION
`Designed tor students learning databases for
`first time. Database Systems: .-—in sipping:rinn-t'irierired
`Approach. tntroriuetao- i’ersien. Second Edition. pres-
`the principles underiring the design and
`irnpiernenration of databases and their appticatintts.
`The book consists of nine core chapters. including
`separate chapters on triggers Ifjhapter 7i and using
`Still. in an appiican'on {Chapter fl'i
`that recognize
`the growing importance of application develop—
`in building database strstetns. Additional
`chapters itlhapters 11—IP'I covet database tuning.
`transaction processing. query yt'UL'ESaing. ohiect-
`oriented databases. and sort databases and provide
`a variety of ways to enrich students" irttroducdon to
`Features of the Second Edition
`I An appiication-oriented introduction to database
`I SQL updated to the latest standard
`I Coverage of bomb Entitpfleiationship mode-Ling
`and the Unitied Modeling language
`I Discussions of software-engineering issues relat—
`ed to implementing transacdonvprocessing
`I Detailed case studies providing hands-on experi-
`ence in application design and programming
`in the
`it. protessot
`Michael Kifer is
`Department of Computer Sch-no: at
`the State i.'nit-"-rsitt-' out New tori-t at
`Stony Brook. His interests include data-
`tiase systems. knowledge representa-
`tion. and it"eh intorrnation systems. He
`has pubiished and edited set‘erai books-
`artd fliflilji' articies in these areas.
`including award-winning works on
`E-iogte and object-onentett database
`Arthur Bernstein is also a professor
`in the Department
`of Computer
`Science at the State University of New
`York at Stony Brook. His
`fmnsea on transaction processing. Web
`services. and concurrency. and he has
`published numerous articies in these
`areas. ‘l'tiis is Professor Bernstein’s sec-
`ond textbook.
`Philip Lewis is a leading professor in
`the Department of Computer Science
`at the State University of New ‘i’ork at
`'tons' Brook. With interests in database
`transaetion processing. and
`concurrency. he has published four
`textbooks and martyr articles in these:
`areas. Professor Lewis is also the fennel-
`I in-depth coverage of XML, ohjeetoriented data
`bases. and database toning
`ing editor of
`the SLAM journal of
`fin It Ilsa. III
`Page 5 of 5
`Leadatri Authors I {etiahte Fro-dirt ts
`au'.‘-br.r-:Jrn-r.ornpuiinq '
`Enfish, LLC; |PR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2235
`Enfish, LLC; IPR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2235
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