` #:751
`No. 66.445
`h111;d/y,"'w 4hc·lirr~~.CoLI.II:
`FEBRUARY 24 l9\i9~
`Fish called wonder
`D i d ~·au ever wish you had an un(cid:173)
`Ray Hatte:~~
`paid as.sist.ant that organised
`and filed everything on your
`oamputer, helping you find ex·
`a~y what you need when you need lt1 A
`new klnd of software c.alted. an .. inforrna.(cid:173)
`tion tracker", appears to offe:r an answer.
`lli:s software ch1mged my life. 1. routine(cid:173)
`ly ret.-elve and send more than 100 e-mails a
`day, create many MS Word files and han·
`die. oounlless ~raphlcs files each week.. l
`was droY.11ing m a.n ocean of data, and sim·
`ply could not find the in formation I was
`looking for even though I kn~w it was flied
`on my hard drive.
`Enfish is the fust package to make this
`kind ot data overload mana8e.1ble. I have
`not stepped usln~ it ~ince I installed i!. En·
`fish Track~r Pro lS -currently avallable as·a
`tree trial dmmload sa that people can see
`what it does before they buy it.
`An ,information trac.ke! ts an inteUl gent
`sea.cch engtne that routinely checks £he
`oont.ents of your PC ~ drive and net_.
`work. a.nd can also uPdate Internet search·
`es autormltic.ally arid tr~ the rontents or
`websi.tes you need to monitor regularly. It
`tracks any changes or aaditlon.s, 11.nd cre(cid:173)
`ates a. tast, dired route to the data )rou need.
`This "fll.'lt route- to information" is ao::essi·
`ble from a '\>'ery stra.lghtlorward interface
`whtch allows the user to \:reat.e customised
`'"trackers", or profiles of che people. infor·
`mation, websites or events that rhe user
`needs.to know .about. E11fish's lrackcrs hunt
`for key words on the u.ser'~ computer or net·
`•.VOrk that relate to the Information needed.
`It then creates a simple list of places where
`that related infonnation can he found.
`[ have set up trackers that relate to the
`people I deal Vkrith on a daily basis. I also
`have trackers Chat allow me to keep an eye
`open for new .and emerging technologks on
`r.he Internet .md help me to st.<\y in touch
`with cornpapies that are working on lbese
`ide4ts; I can no-~ov SJ>t!ntl my time writing.
`rather than sorlin gout old e-m ails, sie\•ing
`new ones and hunting for lost tlttachment.s.
`Enfish's most stunniny tuncrlon has to be
`the way tt handles my massive 65Mb store
`of e-rnail; accumvlE~.ted over the past fave
`years. Enfish Trackers hum right through
`this mountain and gather t~ether all the
`messages chat relatt to my search criteria.
`The good news for those who do not sub(cid:173)
`scribe to the "MicrosoFI fs always best" theo(cid:173)
`ry is that the sof(V(alre \t,.'Orks with all major
`mail packages lncluding my personal fa·
`vourlte, the superb Eudora Version 4.0.
`rt rook several hours for the software to
`become really proouctivr! with a 6Gb hard
`drive on a Windo-m 95 machine, although
`this was a simple procedure. I jusl loaded
`the soft'. .. ·are and left the machine to get on
`with sorting out my rnuddl~s.
`'This software is a breakthrough in docu-.
`men! mana~~ment beeaus.e lt d~s not re- ·.
`quire the u~er to do anything clever or·
`S,P'!nd large amounts of money tfl sLay in
`touch \\ritlt their data. Anyone can use it.
`und, best of nil, It really works.
`• Enfish can be downloaded from ww1r ..
`fo,matl PC
`Developer: E'nf1sh
`Produc:er/dlsklbutor. Roderick Manhattan
`Reader fnqulrleel 0181·875 4400.
`i .
`Price: £49.99
`Mlnlnum hlllrdwar• .-.qulr.d: PentitJm
`oomptJter (Pentium 166 (lr hll,her
`racommaoded) 16Mb Ram (32Mb
`recommende<l, 64Mb optimaa) WlndoY.ts 95, I
`W'indows 98 or 'l~ndows NT 4.0 VGA display 1
`with 255 colors
`Feetgood factor. 9 Ollt of 10
`.... ·--·-····--- ..._.,-~
`Muter of the Net; Enflsh can mr.mltor yo~r tavourlte webs.ttes
`Enfish, LLC; IPR2014-00574
`Exhibit 2220
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