`(12) Ulllted States Patent
`Karaoguz et al.
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,028,093 B2
`Sep. 27, 2011
`(58) Field of Classi?cation Search ................ .. 709/217,
`709/227, 228, 229, 23(P234, 246; 370029238,
`370/3952, 39521; 725/l05*l 42; 348/1 13*1 l5
`See application ?le for complete search history.
`(75) Inventors: Jeyhan Karaoguz, Irvine, CA (U S);
`J 515168 D. Bennett, Laguna Beach, CA
`(73) Assignee: Broadcom Corporation, Irvine, CA
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 1440 days.
`(21) Appl. N0.: 10/675,377
`(22) File/d1
`5911-30, 2003
`References Clted
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`Prior Publication Data
` Published Sep. 12, 2000 by Radi0Shack.*
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`Jul. 8, 2004
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`Prir'nary Examiner * William C.Vaughn, Jr.
`Asszslanl Exammer * Scott Chnstensen
`(74) Attorney] Agent] or Firm 2 MCAndreWS, Held &
`Malloys Ltd,
`Systems and methods that adapt media content are described.
`In one embodiment, a system may include, for example, a ?rst
`communications device and a second communications
`device. The ?rst communications device may be disposed in
`a ?rst location and may be operatively coupled to a network.
`The second communications device may be disposed in a
`second location and may be operatively coupled to the net
`Work. The second communications device may receive a
`device pro?le relating to the ?rst communications device,
`adapt media content based upon the device pro?le of the ?rst
`communications device, and send the adapted media content
`to the ?rst communications device.
`29 Claims, 12 Drawing Sheets
`Ram“ Mia sways
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`Samsung Ex. 1002

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`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 27, 2011
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`US 8,028,093 B2
`This application makes reference to, claims priority to and
`claims bene?t from US. Patent Application Ser. No. 60/ 467,
`990, entitled “Media Processing System Supporting Adaptive
`Digital Media Parameters Based On End-UserV1eWing Capa
`bilities” and ?led on May 5, 2003; US. Patent Application
`Ser. No. 60/443,897, entitled “Media Processing System Pro
`viding Access to Distributed Media via a Channel Guide” and
`?led on Jan. 30, 2003; US. Patent Application Ser. No.
`60/444,099, entitled “Media Channel Setup in a Media
`Exchange NetWor ” and ?led on Jan. 30, 2003; US. Patent
`Application Ser. No. 60/ 443,996, entitled “Media Processing
`System Automatically Offering Access to NeWly Available
`Media in a Media Exchange NetWor ” and ?led on Jan. 30,
`2003; US. Patent Application Ser. No. 60/444,243, entitled
`“Migration of Stored Media Through a Media Exchange Net
`Wor ” and ?led on J an. 30, 2003; US. Patent Application Ser.
`No. 60/464,7l l, entitled “Automated Routing and Consump
`tion of Media Through a Media Exchange NetWor ” and ?led
`on Apr. 23, 2003; US. Patent Application Ser. No. 60/457,
`179, entitled “Server Architecture Supporting a Personal
`Media Exchange NetWor ” and ?led on Mar. 25, 2003; US.
`Patent Application Ser. No. 60/467,867, entitled “Billing
`Support in a Media Exchange Network” and ?led on May 5,
`2003; US. Patent Application Ser. No. 60/432,472, entitled
`“Personal Inter-Home Media Exchange Network” and ?led
`on Dec. 11, 2002; and US. Patent Application Ser. No.
`60/443,894, entitled “Access and Control of Media Peripher
`als Via a Media Processing System” and ?led on Jan. 30,
`2003. The complete subject matter of the above-identi?ed
`applications are hereby incorporated herein by reference in
`their entirety.
`In addition, this application makes reference to US. patent
`application Ser. No. 10/657,390, ?led on Sep. 8, 2003, noW
`issued US. Pat. No. 7,496,647; and US. patent application
`Ser. No. l0/660,267, ?led Sep. 11, 2003, now US. Pat. No.
`7,496,665. The complete subject matter of the above-identi
`?ed applications are hereby incorporated herein by reference
`in their entirety.
`[Not Applicable]
`[Not Applicable]
`[Not Applicable]
`Today, ?les having different display siZes and levels of
`resolution for images and video may be attached to e-mail
`messages using a personal computer (PC) and sent to other
`PC’s via the Internet. Also, ?les may be sent from one loca
`tion to another over a netWork such as a local area netWork
`(LAN) or a Wide area netWork (WAN)) using a ?le transfer
`protocol (FTP). The ?les may be used in conjunction With
`certain media players such as PC’s, DVD players, PDA’s, etc.
`Depending on the siZe of a video ?le or an image ?le, the
`content may be displayed in a different resolution, color con
`tent or display siZe. Files are often sent from a source location
`to a destination location Without the source having any
`knoWledge of the device capabilities at the destination loca
`For example, a source PC may send a JPEG image ?le to a
`destination PC Without knoWing the display capabilities of
`the destination PC. The source PC may send the highest
`quality I PEG ?le Which can be a very large ?le. If the desti
`nation PC has a loWer quality display capability, then the
`destination PC cannot take advantage of the high quality level
`of the JPEG ?le. The large I PEG ?le may take a long time to
`transfer from the source PC to the destination PC Without the
`destination PC gaining any advantage (i.e., the destination PC
`cannot display the high quality of the J PEG ?le). Also, a very
`large bandWidth may be required to transfer the J PEG ?le in
`a reasonable amount of time.
`Further limitations and disadvantages of conventional and
`traditional approaches Will become apparent to one of skill in
`the art, through comparison of such systems With the present
`invention as set forth in the remainder of the present applica
`tion With reference to the draWings.
`Aspects of the present invention may be found in, for
`example, systems and methods that adapt media content. In
`one embodiment, a system may include, for example, a ?rst
`communications device and a second communications
`device. The ?rst communications device may be disposed in
`a ?rst location and may be operatively coupled to a netWork.
`The second communications device may be disposed in a
`second location and may be operatively coupled to the net
`Work. The second communications device may receive a
`device pro?le relating to the ?rst communications device,
`adapt media content based upon the device pro?le of the ?rst
`communications device, and send the adapted media content
`to the ?rst communications device.
`In another embodiment, a system may include, for
`example, a communications device that may be operatively
`coupled to a netWork. The communications device may store
`a revisable device pro?le of the communications device, send
`the revisable device pro?le to the netWork, and receive media
`content that has been adapted based upon the sent device
`In another embodiment, a system may include, for
`example, a communications device that may be operatively
`coupled to a netWork. The communications device may
`receive a revisable device pro?le from the netWork, adapt
`media content based upon the received device pro?le, and
`send the adapted media content to the netWork.
`In another embodiment, a method may include, for
`example, one or more of the folloWing: receiving, by a ?rst
`communications device, a device pro?le relating to a second
`communications device, the ?rst communications device and
`the second communications device being operatively coupled
`to a netWork; adapting, by the ?rst communications device,
`media content based upon the device pro?le; and sending the
`adapted media content to the ?rst communications device.
`In another embodiment, a method may include, for
`example, one or more of the folloWing: storing, in a commu
`nications device, a revisable device pro?le of the communi
`Samsung Ex. 1002

`US 8,028,093 B2
`cations device, the communications device being operatively
`coupled to a network; sending the revisable device pro?le to
`the network; and receiving media content from the network
`that has been adapted based upon the sent device pro?le.
`These and other advantages, aspects and novel features of
`the present invention, as well as details of illustrated embodi
`ments thereof, will be more fully understood from the follow
`ing description and drawings.
`FIG. 1 is a diagram illustrating an embodiment of a media
`exchange network comprising an architecture to support
`adaptive digital media parameters according to the present
`FIG. 2 is a ?owchart illustrating an embodiment of a
`method that adapts digital media parameters based on end
`user media consumption capabilities on the media exchange
`network according to the present invention.
`FIG. 3 is a schematic block diagram illustrating an embodi
`ment of a media exchange network according to the present
`FIG. 4 is a schematic block diagram illustrating an
`exchange of personal media exchange over a media exchange
`network according to the present invention.
`FIG. 5 is a schematic block diagram illustrating an
`exchange of third-party media over a media exchange net
`work according to the present invention.
`FIG. 6 illustrates an embodiment of a television (TV) guide
`channel user interface according to the present invention.
`FIG. 7 illustrates an embodiment of a TV guide channel
`user interface according to the present invention.
`FIG. 8 illustrates an embodiment of a TV guide channel
`user interface showing several options of a pushed media
`according to the present invention.
`FIG. 9A is a schematic block diagram illustrating an
`embodiment of a media processing system (MPS) interfacing
`to media capture peripherals according to the present inven
`FIG. 9B illustrates an embodiment of an MPS according to
`the present invention.
`FIG. 10 is a schematic block diagram illustrating an
`embodiment of a personal computer (PC) and an MPS inter
`facing to a server on a media exchange network according to
`the present invention.
`FIG. 11 is a schematic block diagram illustrating an
`embodiment of a PC interfacing to personal media capture
`devices and remote media storage on a media exchange net
`work according to the present invention.
`FIG. 1 is a diagram illustrating an embodiment of a media
`exchange network comprising an architecture to support
`adaptive digital media parameters according to present inven
`tion. In accordance with an embodiment of the present inven
`tion, digital media parameters may include, for example,
`resolution content, display siZe, and color/grey-scale content.
`The media exchange network 100 may include a communi
`cation network comprising, for example, a personal computer
`(PC) 101, a media processing system (MPS) 102, and at least
`one media peripheral (MP) 103 at a 1“ home 104; a PC 105,
`an MPS 106, and at least one MP 107 at a 2'” home 108. The
`MP 103 may interface to the PC 101 and/ or the MPS 102 via,
`for example, a wireless link or a wired link (e.g., a USB
`connection). The PC 101 and the MPS 102 may interface to a
`broadband access headend 109. The broadband access head
`end 109 may comprise, for example, a cable headend, a sat
`ellite headend, or a DSL headend in accordance with various
`embodiments of the present invention. As an option, the MP
`103 may interface with the broadband access headend 109.
`The PC 101, the MPS 102, and/or the MP 103 may include,
`for example, internal modems (e.g., a cable modem or DSL
`modem) or other interface devices to communicate with the
`broadband access headend 109. Optionally, the interface
`device (e.g., modem) may be external to the PC 101, the MPS
`102, and the MP 103.
`Similarly, the MP 107 may interface to the PC 105 and/or
`the MPS 106 via, for example, a wireless link or a wired link
`(e.g., a USB connection). The PC 105 and the MPS 106 may
`interface to a broadband access headend 110. The broadband
`access headend 110 may comprise, for example, a cable hea
`dend, a satellite headend, or a DSL headend in accordance
`with various embodiments of the present invention. As an
`option, the MP 107 may interface with the broadband access
`headend 110. The PC 105, the MPS 106, and/or the MP 107
`may include, for example, internal modems (e. g., a cable
`modem or a DSL modem) or other interface device to com
`municate with the broadband access headend 110. Option
`ally, the interface device (e. g., modem) may be external to the
`PC 105, the MPS 106, and the MP 107.
`The media exchange network 100 may further comprise,
`for example, a broadband access headend 111 connected
`between a 3rd home 112 and an Internet infrastructure 115, a
`media exchange server 113 (e.g., as in the case of a single
`central server supporting the media exchange network 100)
`and, optionally, at least one other media exchange server 114
`(e.g., as in the case of a multiple server architecture) support
`ing the media exchange network 1 00 connected to the Internet
`infrastructure 115. In accordance with an embodiment of the
`present invention, the media exchange network 100 may
`comprise two or more media exchange servers strategically
`located at various points in the media exchange network 100.
`The broadband access headends 109 and 110 may interface
`to the Internet infrastructure 115. The broadband access hea
`dend 111 may comprise, for example, a cable headend, a
`satellite headend, or a DSL headend in accordance with vari
`ous embodiments of the present invention. The 3rd home 112
`may also include, for example, a PC, an MPS, and/ or an MP
`as part of the media exchange network 100.
`The media exchange network 100 also may comprise, for
`example, a media storage server 116 and a 3rd party media
`server 117, both interfacing to the Internet infrastructure 115.
`The media storage server 116 may interact with the media
`exchange server 113 and may provide temporary and/or
`archival storage for digital media on the media exchange
`network 100. For example, the media storage server 116 may
`temporarily hold media ?les that are addressed to certain
`MPS’s and/ or PC’s on the media exchange network 100.
`The 3rd party media server 117 may store, for example,
`movies, video, user pro?les, and other digital media that may
`be provided to users of the media exchange network 100.
`In accordance with various embodiments of the present
`invention, an MPS may comprise, for example, at least one of
`a set-top box, a PC and a TV with a media management
`system (MMS). An MMS is also known herein as a media
`exchange software (MES) platform.
`In accordance with various embodiments of the present
`invention, an MMS may comprise a software platform oper
`ating on at least one processor to provide certain functionality
`including, for example, user interface functionality, distrib
`uted storage functionality and networking functionality. For
`example, an MMS may provide control of media peripheral
`devices, status monitoring of media peripheral devices and
`Samsung Ex. 1002

`US 8,028,093 B2
`inter-home MPS routing selection in accordance With an
`embodiment of the present invention.
`In accordance With an embodiment of the present inven
`tion, a broadband access headend may be upgraded to a media
`exchange headend by adding functionality to facilitate the
`exchange of media on the media exchange netWork in con
`junction With the media exchange server. Such functionality
`may include, for example, distributed netWorking capability,
`digital media parameter adaptation, archival functionality
`(e. g., long term media storage), temporary storage (e.g., to aid
`in the distribution and routing of media), storage manage
`ment, and digital rights management.
`The media exchange netWork 100 may support, for
`example, the adaptation of certain digital parameters of media
`content based on device capabilities of an end-user on the
`media exchange netWork 100. In accordance With an embodi
`ment of the present invention, the media exchange servers
`113 and 114 may provide at least some of the functionality on
`the media exchange netWork 100 including, for example,
`digital media parameter adaptation, billing and payment,
`device registration, channel/program setup and management,
`and security.
`The various elements of the media exchange netWork 100
`may include, for example, storage locations for digital media
`and data. The storage locations may comprise, for example,
`hard disk drives, a DVD player, a CD player, ?oppy disk
`drives, a RAM, or any combination of these. The storage
`locations may also include, for example, memory sticks,
`PCMCIA cards, compact ?ash cards, or any combination of
`The PC’s 101 and 105 may comprise, for example, desktop
`PC’s, notebook PC’s, PDA’s, or any computing device.
`In accordance With some embodiments of the present
`invention, the MPS’s 102 and 106 may comprise enhanced
`set-top boxes. The MPS 102 and/or the MPS 106 may
`include, for example, a TV screen for vieWing and interacting
`With various user interfaces, media, data, and services that are
`available on the media exchange netWork using, for example,
`a remote control. The PC 101 and/or the PC 105 may include,
`for example, a PC monitor for vieWing and interacting With
`various user interfaces, media, data, and services that are
`available on the media exchange netWork using, for example,
`a keyboard and a mouse. The MPS’s, the PC’s and/or the
`MP’s may include, for example, functional softWare to sup
`port interaction With the various elements of the media
`exchange netWork 100 in accordance With various embodi
`ments of the present invention.
`The media peripherals 103 and 107 of the media exchange

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