V m
`Prediction of Relative Retention Value of the Individual
`Molecular Species of Diacyl Glycerolipid on High
`Performance Liquid Chromatography
`TAKAHASHI, Koretaro; HIRANO, Tsugihiko
`Jtifiifijfimfi;tiitiafiiflifé‘t’éiii = BULLETIN or TIIE
`38(4): 398-404
`issue Date
`Doc URL
`Instructions for use
`Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP
`Petition for Inter Partes Review
`Of U.S. Patent 8,278,351


`Bull. Fae. Fish. Hokkaido Univ.
`38(4), 398—404. 1987.
`Prediction of Relative Retention Value of the Individual
`Molecular Species of Diacyl Glycerolipid on
`High Performance Liquid Chromatography
`Koretaro TAKAnAsnI‘ and Tsugihiko HIRANO"
`The relative retention value of the individual molecular species of amtyldiglyceride
`derived from phosphatidylcholine on reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography
`was considered to be dependant principally on the addition theorem of chemical potentials of
`the two fatty acid residues.
`It was demonstrated that the chemical potential of each fatty acid residue is equivalent
`to the relative retention potential of each fatty acid residue; and that the addition of the
`relative retention potentials of the two fatty acid residues denoted the logarithm of the
`relative retention value, the relative retention time of each individual molecular species of
`Martin formulated the formulae“:
`logidn/(ZA) : Alix/R ' T
`Where A and B are members of a homologous series differing by the functional group
`X ; [1px is the difference in chemical potential of the group X in the chromatogra-
`phic system. R is the gas constant; and T is the absolute temperature.
`If we
`consider am as the partition coefficient of the standard molecular species and as as
`the partition coefficient of each molecular species,
`(Is/0A will correspond to the
`relative retention value, the relative retention time (RR T) of each molecular species.
`So from formula [2],
`10% (aB/aA)Zlog RRT — Aflx/R' T
`should hold. Under most of the chromatographic system, T is constant. Therefore,
`1/ R- .T will also be constant.
`From the aforementioned aspect, formula [1] can be rewritten as follows:
`log RRT oc Alix
`This formula [4] can be expanded to cover
`Afla=élflA i Alix
`Aflnc 7 AIR/11+ Allis/12
`where DG- is the diacylglycerolipid and FAl and FA2 are the fatty acid residues of
`DG. From formulae [3], [4] and [5],
`* Laboratory of Food Chemistry 1, Faculty of Fishen'cs, Home; University
`“ Hitachi Hokkac' Semiconductor Ltd.
`- 398 -—


`TAKAHASHI & HIRANO'. Prediction of glycerolipid on HPLC
`log RRTbczlog RRTFAfirlog RRTFA,
`So by calculating the relative retention potential of the individ—
`can be obtained.
`ual fatty acid residue, it is possible to predict the relative retention value (a RRT )
`of the individual molecular species of DG.
`This idea was demonstrated by comparing the theoretically determined relative
`retention potential of the individual molecular species of D0 and also the empiri—
`cally determined one.
`The RRT data of acetyldiglyceridez’”, obtained by acetylation subsequent to
`phospholipase C hydrolysis of soybean phosphatidylcholine (PC), egg yolk PC, and
`PC from five kinds of fish muscle were reviewed. The relative retention potential
`of each fatty acid residue of the acetyldiglyceride, i.e., the 00, was calculated as
`From the identified monoacid DG molecular species,
`and from the identified diacid DG molecular species,
`log RRTFA1::log RRTnawr-log RRTFAZ
`log RRTFAzzlog RRTDG—log RRTMl
`The theoretically determined relative retention potential of the individual DG
`molecular species that denotes log RRTDG=10g RRTM1+log RRTFAZ (each term is
`calculated from formulae [7],
`[8] and [9]) was compared with the empirically
`determined one.
`The “Q” value examination proposed by Dean and Dixon" was employed in
`order to minimize the error of BET.
`Table 1 shows the theoretically determined relative retention potential of each
`fatty acid residue of the DGs that have been reviewed“). For example, from the
`RRT datazva’ of (22 : 6)(22 : 6), that is, 44.1, 44.2, 44.3, 44.6, 46.2, all of these could
`be employed for
`the mean value calculation according to the “Q” value
`In this case, the mean value of RR T would become 44.6 and the
`relative retention potential of 22 : 6 fatty acid residue was calculated as (log 44.6) /
`220.8247 (See formula [7]).
`In the same way, the relative retention potential of
`20 : 5 fatty acid residue was calculated as (log 37.3) /2 :0.7859, therefore, the relative
`retention potential of (20 : 5)(22 : 6) can be predicted as 0.8247 +0.7859:1.611.
`The actual relative retention potential of (20 : 5)(22 : 6) was 1.613, as shown in Table
`2. The relative error of the retention potential will be (1.613—1.611)/1.61120.12%
`in case of (20: 5)(22 : 6). A retention potential of 16 :0 was calculated as follows.
`The mean value of the RRT of (16 : 0)(20 : 5) was 92.7743); and, the relative reten—
`tion potential of this molecular species was log 92.7: 1.967. Accordingly, from
`__, 399 »»


`Bull. Fae. Fish. Hokkaido Univ. 38(4), 1987.
`Table 1. Relative retention potential of the fatty acid residues
`of acetyldiglyceride on reverse phase high performance
`liquid chromatography.‘
`Fatty acid
`16 : 2
`18:2 (06
`”“111 :3 (03
`"“20:4 (1)6
`22 : 4
`20:5 «)3
`Fatty acid
`14 :0
`15 :0
`16:1 (09
`17: 1
`18:1 (09
`22:6 (03
`' Relative retention time of (16:0)(22 : 6) is regarded as 100.
`Equipment, Hitachi 638-450; Shodex RI monitor; column,
`LiChrosorb RPJS (250X8mm; tandem); solvent,
`(1 :
`: 3 : 4, v/v) ;
`flow, 1.5 nil/min; column temperature, ambient.
`formula [8], the relative retention potential of 16:0 can be calculated as 1.967 —
`0.7859 2 1.181.
`Incidentally, the relative retention potential of (16 : 0)(22 : 6) can be
`predicted as 1.181 10.8247 : 2.006 and the actual relative retention potential of (16 :
`0)(22 : 6) was 2.000 (See Table 2). All of the relative retention potentials of the
`fatty acid residues in Table 1 were calculated in the same manner. From the
`calculated retention potential of the fatty acid residues shown in Table‘l,
`relative retention potential of the individual molecular species of DG was theoreti-
`cally predicted and it was compared with the empirically determined one as shown
`in Table 2. Though there are small errors between the theoretically determined
`retention potential and the empirically determined one, the validity of this idea is
`well demonstrated.
`As it is obvious from the theory of Martin”, formulae [1] and [2] should hold
`for all of the partition chromatographic systems.
`It then follows that formulae [6],
`[7], [8] and [9] should also hold for all of the partition chromatographic systems of
`DG lipid molecular species regardless of the analytical condition employed for the
`chromatography. By introducing the RR T data of the dinitrobenzoyl derivatives
`from PC presented by Takamura et al.“ and Kito et alfi’, instead of the acetyl
`derivatives that have been discussed in this study, it was also demonstrated that the
`theoretically determined relative retention potential of this derivative coincides well
`with the empirically determined one as shown in Table 3. This shows that not only


`TAKAHASIII & HIRANO: Prediction of glycerolipid on HPLC
`Table 2. Comparison of the predicted and the empirically determined relative retention
`' . 1....._.___._—.__—_—.v.4 _ ._._—_._— 7W . V
`potential of the individual molecular species of mtyldiglyceride.’
`Molecular specios
`of acetyldlglyceride
`Empirically determined
`Predioted relatiye
`relative retention
`retentnon potential
`error ("/0)
`(20 : 5)(20 : 5)
`(20: 5)(22: 6)
`(22 : 6)(22 : 6)
`(18 : 3)(22 : 6)
`(20 : 4)(20 : 5)
`(22 : 5)(20 2 5)
`(20 : 4)(22 : 6)
`(22 : 5)(22 : 6)
`(18 : 2)(20 : 5)
`(16 : 1)(20 : 5)
`(18 : 2)(22 : 6)
`(14 : 0)(20: 5)
`(16: 1)(22 : 6)
`(18 : 2)(18 : 3)
`(20 : 4)(22 : 5)
`(14 : 0)(22 : 6)
`(22 : 4)(22 : 6)
`(22 : 5)(22 : 5)
`(18 : 2)(20 : 4)
`(15 : 0)(20 : 5)
`(17 : 2)(20 : 4)
`(18 : 2)(22 : 5)
`(17: 1)(22 : 6)
`(16: 1)(20 : 4)
`(17 : 2)(22 : 5)
`(16: 1)(22 : 5)
`(15 : 0)(22 : 6)
`(18: 1)(20 : 5)
`(14 : 0)(22 :5)
`(18 : 2)(18 : 2)
`(18: 1)(22 :6)
`(16 : 0)(20 : 5)
`(16: 1)(18 :2)
`(14 : 0)(18 : 2)
`(16 : 0)(22 : 6)
`(16 : 0)(18 :3)
`(16 2 0)(16 : 2)
`(18: 1)(20 2 4)
`(17 : 0)(22 : 6)
`— 401,


`Bull. Fae. Fish. Hokkaido Univ. 38(4), 1987.
`Table 2
`Molecular species
`of acetyldiglyceride
`Predicted relative
`retention potential
`(20 ;
`Empirically determined
`relative retention
`error ( /o)
`0_ 14
`1.4 4
`* *
`* *
`‘ Relative retention time of (16: 0)(22 :6) is regarded as 100.
`Analytical conditions are the same as in Table 1.
`" Relative retention potentials of the fatty acid residues shown in Table 1 are calculated
`from the log RR’I‘s of these molecular species as explained in the text.
`chromatographic conditions such as the column, the solvents, the analytical tempera—
`ture (as long as it is constant), but also the type of derivative does not matter for the
`proposed idea, while the value itself of the relative retention potential of each fatty
`acid residue has to be calculated each time for each chromatographic condition.
`The idea proposed in this study can be expanded to cover the partition
`chromatographic system of triglyceride. This will be reported at a later date.
`402 1.


`TAKAHASHI & HmANo : Prediction of glycerolipid on HPLC
`Table 3. Comparison of the predicted and the empirically determined relative retention potential
`of the individual molecular species of dinitrobenzoyl derivative of diacylglycerolipid i.e.
`diglyceride (DG).'
`Molecular species of
`derivative of DG
`Predicted relative
`retention potential
`lmpirieally determind
`relative retention
`error (/°)
`(16 : 1)(22 2 6)
`(18: I)(22 : 6)
`(16 : l)(16: 1)
`(16 : 0)(22 : 6)
`(18: I)(22 : 4)
`(16 : 0)(22 : 4)
`(18: l)(18: 1)
`(16 : 0)(18: 1)
`(16 : 0)(16 : 0)
`(.16: l)(20 : 5)
`(18 : 2)(20 : 5)
`(16: I)(22 : 6)
`(18 : 2)(22 : 6)
`(16 : 0)(20 : 5)
`(18: l)(20 : 5)
`(16 : 0)(22 : 6)
`(16 : 0)(16 : 0)
`(18 : 2)(18 : 2)
`(16 : 0)(20 : 4)
`(18: l)(18 : 2)
`(18 : 0)(20 2 4)
`(18:1)(18: 1)
`(16 : 0)(18: 1)
`(18 : 0)(18 : 2)
`(16 : 0)(16 : 0)
`. .‘._.._ .
`——.____.__._ i..—
`W #_L__
`‘ Relative retention time of (12 : 0)(12 : 0) is regarded as 100.
`“ Relative retention potentials of the fatty acid residues are calculated from the log RRTs of
`these molecular species.
`A: Calculated from the data. of Takamura at
`Equipment, Hitachi 655— 15 ; Hitachi 6387-41 UV monitor; column, Ifltrasphere ODS (250x
`4.6 mm) ; solvent, acetonitrile/isopropanol (4: 1, v/v) ; flow, 1.0 ml/min; column tempera
`ture, 25'C.
`B: Same condition as A except that the solvent system used is methanol/isopropanol (95 :5,
`C : Calculated from the data of Kite at al.“
`Same condition as A though the analyzed date is dilIerent.
`~- 402»-


`Bull. Fae. Fish. Hokkaido Univ. 38(4), 1987.
`Thanks are due to Professors M. I'Iatano, T. Takagi and K. Takama. for their
`Martin, A.J.I’. (1950). Some theoretical aspects of partition chromatography. Biochem. Soc.
`Symposia, (Cambridge, England). 3, 4—20.
`Takahashi, K., Hirano, T., Takama, K. and Zama, K. (1982). Molecular species of fish muscle
`lecithin. Bull. Japan. Soc. Sci. Fish., 48, 1803—1814.
`Takahashi, K.
`(1985). A novel approach for the identification of lipid molecular species.
`Application of high performance liquid chromatography on fish muscle lecithin molecular
`species analysis. Mom. Fae. Fish. Hokkaido Univ., 32, 245—330.
`Dean, RB. and Dixon, W.J. (1951). Simplified statistics for small numbers of observations.
`Anal. Chem, 23, 636-638.
`Takamura, H., Narita, H., Urade, R. and Kite, M. (1986). Quantitative analysis of polyenoic
`phospholipid molecular species by high performance liquid chromatography. Lipids, 21,
`Kito, M., Takamura, H., Narita, II. and Urade, R. (1985). A sensitive method for quantita—
`tive analysis of phospholipid molecular species by high performance liquid chromatography.
`J. Biochem, 98, 3277-331.

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