`Noven v. Novanis and LTS Lohmann
`Page 1 of 19
`Second Su
`Ie ent to USP 3 —NF 29
`The United States
`The National
`TWIJN '1')"-N1N 'l‘/I I51)/'1'/()N
`Released June 1, 201]
`()ffici:il December I. 20! 1. except where otherwise noted
`By 111/I/m/‘I'/_,11 oft/1c U/11'tez/S/(Jim P/1(1I'1i1(rc'o}wi(1/ Crmvcnlimz (USP).
`Prepared by I/I(' Cozuztsil Q/'1:',\'/)0/'I1.‘ and _1)1/})/1'.s'/zcd /{V //ic Board of T/'11.s'1cc.1‘.
`Duane M. Kirking, Pl1z11‘m.D.. l’h.D.
`USP Board rz/"]‘1'z/.s‘lc*e.s‘
`Roger L. Williams, M.l).
`('/11'Lj/ l:L1‘c'¢'11//"W ()_[/1‘c'w‘
`C’/mi/‘, USI’ (fu‘1u1z'1'/ Q/'1f.\'/Jar‘/.1"
`N ot i ce
`Wm Ie.x'!.s‘ Q/"I/18 United States l’l1ur1nz1e0pciz1 and I/It‘ Nzitimiul l"0rmulm‘y 1111*,/it//1'iv/71'rig/1101/. .-1111/m/11'mulul/1w'.s' 111,1‘/11'r.vg In use [)0/'{1'1)/1.\ (1/I/zc Ia\'I.s'/mz1/z/
`rer/max’! /2w'n11'.1‘.s'1’.m1 l()(/(1 s‘u,/iv/)1 I/IL’ S04‘/'c1z1n.' 0/ 1/14» US!’ lirmrzl zg/' 7'/-11.9/cm, /2/>()l T11‘//1/>wm/< l’(1r'/m'uj,', Rm’/1\'1'//1', 1‘vIr1r1‘/mu! 2()a*53.
`'l‘l1is.3‘z1;)])/c/216111 eoiiipmes revised Lind new text pcrtziining, in USP 34 —N/"29,
`IMl’0RT/\NT—-Isavc the SenoxzrlSzrpplmzc/11and all succeeding, mppleiiieiiis. (fiiziiigcs and additions" listed in the .S'cL-om] SI(]7[)/C1111‘!!! are effective from
`December 1. 201 1, except when: otherwise noicd.
`USP 34-NI" 2‘)
`Pl" 37 (ll
`Jzmuziry 20] l
`Publish Date
`Official Date
`N<>\'emhcr l, 2011)
`May I, ml 1
`13! Suppleinenl
`10 USP 34—NI" 2*)
`May 27. 201!
`July 1, Zllll
`USP 35~Nl" 30
`I,-“.5, 5upp[clm.m
`ifclwmlry i_ gm]
`,/\ugu5t I, 201 1
`End Suppleineiit
`In USP 34—Nl’ 2‘)
`ls! Supplemeiii
`Lu USP 35—Nl-' 30
`11) US!’ 35—N1r3o
`Scwm, Sup/,]L.,m.,,,
`P11" 37 (7.)
`PI’ 37 (3)
`M21120] 1
`Pf’ 27 (4)
`July 2011
`Pl" 37 (5)
`Septeinber 2Ul l
`PF 37 (6)
`l\Jovembcr Z0] 1
`July 2‘), 20] 1
`September 1, 2011
`Seplemhe1'30, 21111
`.\loven1be1‘ 1, 21111
`June l, 2011
`Deecinber I, 201]
`USP 35~Nl" 30
`N1we1nbcr3()\ 2011
`.I;1m1;1ry 1, 2012
`Jzmuary 27, 20|2
`_\/1;m;h 1‘ 2012
`Mz1rel13f), 2012
`Mziy 1, 2012
`to USP .15-N113!)
`211d Supplement
`to USP 35_Nl: 30
`USI’ 30—Nl* 31
`* lmerim Revision Announcements (IR/\s) are proposed in Plzux'n1awpc1'u/ Fnrzmz and become oflieiiil 011 the USP Web Site.
`They are incorporated into the nex1Supp/cment or Annual Edition.
`]nqujrie5 and Commcmg rcgardiiig USl’—-Nl71ext §l10lllLl be addressed 19 the Executive Secretariat, U.S. Pll2ll'l1‘1ilC()pCl£1, 1260] Twiiibrook
`Parkway, Roekville, MD 20852.
`@201 1 The United States Pliarinaeopeial Convention. lzml Twinbrook Parkway, Roekville, Ml) 20852. All rights reserved. No purl ofiliis
`publication may be rcpmduccd, stored in 21 retrieval system, or iraiisinittcd in zmv lbrm. 01' by any means including electronic, 1necl11111ie21l,
`photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior permission of the USP.
`ISSN ()195_7996
`/W rig/1I.\' re.s‘w'vc(/.
`atthe NLM and may be
`Subject U5-Ccipxrright Laws
`P1-inted in the United Stuies
`Second Supplement to USP 34~NF 29
`Contents 5061
`. 5063
`, 5063
`. 5063
`. 5064
`. 5066
`. 5067
`Oflicers (2010-2015) .
`Board of Trustees (2010e2015) .
`Council of Experts (2010e2015) .
`Expert Committees (2010——2015)
`Expert Panels (2010-2015) .
`Advisory Groups (_2010—~2015) .
`New Articles Appearing in This Supplement
`Annotated List: Monographs, General Chapters, Reagents, and Tables Affected by Changes Appearing
`in This Supplement .
`. 5069
`. 5070
`. 5075
`Introduction .
`. 5077
`Errata .
`General Chapters
`. 5087
`General Tests and Assays .
`. 5087
`Chemical Tests and Assays
`. 5090
`Physical Tests and Determinations .
`. 5100
`General Information .
`. 5159
`Dietary Supplements .
`. 5165
`. 5169
`. 5236
`. .. 5238
`. 5238
`. 5240
`. 5240
`. 5248
`. 5257
`Reagents, Indicators, and Solutions
`Reagents, Indicators, and Solutions .
`Reagent Specifications .
`Indicators and Indicator Test Papers .
`Solutions .
`Buffer Solutions .
`Colorimetric Solutions .
`Test Solutions .
`Volumetric Solutions .
`Chromatographic Columns .
`Reference Tables
`Containers for Dispensing Capsules and Tablets .
`Description and Relative Solubility of USP and NF Articles .
`. 5260
`. 5270
`. 5327
`Dietary Supplements
`Official Monographs .
`This material was cupiacl
`attha NLM and may be
`Su ls] art US Copyright Laws
`5062 Contents
`Second Supplement to USP 34—NF Z9
` %i___
`_ 5355
`USP and NF Excipients, Listed by Category .
` p_j_
`Monographs, NF 29
`Official Monographs for NF 29 .
`_ 5351
`Monographs, USP 34
`_ 5373
`Official Monographs for USP 34 .
`Index .
`This material was EE}|}iEE|
`atthe NL|'-:1 and may be
`Eiubjett US. Copyright Laws
`5070 Annotated List
`Second Supplement to USP 34—NF 29
`Monographs, General Chapters, Reagents, and Tables Affected by Changes
`Appearing in This Supplement
`es of this Su
`Iement, Note—In the table below, if a section is new or if a subsection is added to
`OFl;C;'%E?eC(E’C(’it(lJc;,OC;;l,SarI'(IZ ¢(:;:ist)i'ngese'?c(ti%n, it is lobe eg as such in parentheses after the section or subsection name. Items on this list that
`appear without the designation ”new, ” "added, ” or ”deleted, ” are items in which changes have been made to existing official text.
`General Chapters
`General Tests and Assays
`d Assa s
`T t
`(Elli 3)e|Sn:paur:ities Te)s/ting In Medical Gases, 5087 (new)
`(415) Medical Gases Assay, 5087 (new)
`Physical Tests and Determinations
`(711) Dissolution, 5090
`Apparatus (subsection Apparatus 1, Figure 1)
`(905) Uniformity of Dosage Units, 5097
`Content Uniformity
`General Information
`(1027) Flow Cytometry, 5100 (new)
`(1046) Cellular and Tissue-Based Products, 5112
`(1047) Gene Therapy Products, 5135 (new)
`Dietary Supplements
`(2040) Disintegration and Dissolution of Dietary Supple-
`ments, 51 59
`Reagents, Indicators, and Solutions
`Reagent Specifications
`Deuterium Chloride, 5188 (new)
`2-(Dimethylamino)ethy| Methacrylate, 5192
`Dulcitol, 5194 (deleted)
`Hexamethylenetetramine, 5199 (new)
`Methenamine, 5204
`Methylene Blue, 5206
`Perchloric Acid, 5212.
`4-(2-Pyridylazo)resorcinol, 5218 (new)
`Silica Gel, 5220
`Sulfamerazine, 522_8 (new)
`Trifluorovinyl Chloride Polymer, 5233
`Test Solutions
`Ammonium Carbonate TS 2, 5241 (new)
`Methoxyphenylacetic T5, 5245 (Pew)
`Sodium Hydroxide TS 3, 5247 (View)
`Chromatographic Columns
`L75, 5259 (new)
`Reference Tables
`Container Spec_ifications_fo_r Capsules and Tablets
`Crypthecodinium cohnii Oil Capsules, 5262
`Escitalopram Tablets, 5263
`Schizoc ytrium Oil Capsules, 5267
`Topiramate Ca sules, 5268
`Trandolapril Ta lets, 5268
`Valacyclovir Tablets, 5268
`Vitamin A Tablets, 5268
`Zaleplon Capsules, 5269
`Description and Relative Solubility of USP and NF
`Chitosan, 5281
`Diclofenac Potassium, 5286
`Etomidate, 5290
`Leflunomide, 5298
`Piperacillin, 5309
`Polyglyceryl 3 Diisostearate, 5311
`Racemethionine, 5315
`Hydroxypropyl Corn Starch, 5319
`Hydroxypropyl Pea Starch, 5319
`Hydroxyprop 1 Potato Starch, 5319
`Trospium Ch oride, 5324
`Zaleplon, 5326
`Racemethionine, 5355
`Buffering Agent
`Racemethionine, 5356
`Coating Agent
`Chitosan, 5356
`Emulsifying and/or Solubilizing Agent
`Polyglyceryl 3 Diisostearate, 5357
`Film-Forming Agent
`Chitosan, 5357
`Flavors and Perfumes
`Racemethionine, 5357
`Ointment Base
`Polyglyceryl 3 Diisostearate, 5357
`Suspending and/or Viscosity-Increasing Agent
`Chitosan, 5358
`Hydroxylpropyl Corn Starch, 5358
`Hydroxy ropyl Pea Starch, 5358
`Hydroxy propyl Potato Starch, 5358
`Tablet Binder
`Hydroxylpropyl Corn Starch, 5359
`Hydroxy ropyl Pea Starch, 5359
`Hydrox propyl Potato Starch, 5359
`Tablet and or Capsule Diluent
`Hydroxylpropyl Corn Starch, 5359
`Hydroxypropyl Pea Starch, 5359
`Hydroxy propyl Potato Starch, 5359
`Tablet Disintegrant
`Hydroxylpropyl Corn Starch, 5359
`Hydroxy ropyl Pea Starch, 5359
`H droxy propyl Potato Starch, 5359
`Vehic e
`Chitosan, 5360
`Th is rnaterial was 'EC.~Q=lE{l
`at the N LM 5 nrcl rnay be
`Eu Eject US C-umrright Laws
`Second Supplement to USP 34—NF 29
`Annotated List 5071
`Monographs (Dietary Supplements)
`Monographs (USP 34)
`Bacopa, 5327 (new)
`Powdered Bacopa, 5328 (new)
`Powdered Bacopa Extract, 5330 (new)
`Centella asiatica, 5331 (new)
`Powdered Centella asiatica, 5333 (new)
`Powdered Centella asialica Extract, 5334 (new)
`Centella asiatica Triterpenes, 5336 (new)
`Crypthecodinium cohnil Oil, 5337 (new)
`Crypthecodinium cohnii Oil Capsules, 5339 (new)
`Carclnia cambogia, 5342 (new)
`Powdered Carcinia cambogia, 5343 (new)
`Powdered Garcinia Hydroxycitrate Extract, 5344 (new)
`Garcinia indica, 5345 (new)
`Powdered Garcinia indica, 5347 (new)
`Glutathione, 5348 (new)
`Schizochytrium Oil, 5349 (new)
`Schizochytrium Oil Capsules, 5352 (new)
`Monographs (NF 29)
`Chitosan, 5361 (new)
`Crospovidone, 5365
`Test C (added)
`Test D (added)
`Residue on Ignition
`Peroxides (added)
`pH (deleted) _
`Water Determination (deleted)
`Loss on Drying (added)
`Water-Soluble Substances (subsection Acceptance
`Labeling (added)
`Hypophosphorous Acid, 5366
`Identification Tests——General, Hypophosphite
`Test A (added)
`Test 8 (added)
`Maleic Acid, 5367
`Infrared Absorption
`Polyglyceryl 3 Diisostearate, 5368 (new)
`Polyoxyl Lauryl Ether, 5369
`Test C (added)
`Organic Impurities (subsection Procedure: Limit of
`Free Ethylene Oxide and Dioxane)
`USP Reference Standards
`Prop lene Glycol Dicaprylate/Dicaprate, 5370
`Fats and Fixed Oils, Saponification Value
`Racemethionine, 5370 (new)
`Sorbic Acid, 5372
`Infrared Absorption
`USP Reference Standards (added)
`Hydroxypropyl Corn Starch, 5372 (new)
`Hydroxypropyl Pea Starch, 5374 (new)
`Hydroxypropyl Potato Starch, 5376 (new)
`Alclometasone Dipropionate, 5378
`Organic Impurities
`USP Reference Standards
`Amlodipine Besylate Tablets, 5379
`Organic impurities (subsection Analysis and Accep-
`tance criteria)
`USP Reference Standards
`Ammonium Molybdate, 5380
`Procedure (subsections Sample solution and
`inorganic lm urities (subsection Arsenate, Phos-
`phate, and ilicate)
`Amoxicillin Capsules, 5381
`Procedure (subsections Mobile phase, Sample solu-
`tion, Chromatographic system, and System
`Water Determination (deleted)
`Microbial Enumeration Tests and Tests for Specified Mi-
`croorganisms (added)
`Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Potassium for Oral Suspen-
`sion, 5382
`Procedure (subsections Mobile phase and System
`Microbial Enumeration Tests and Tests for Specified
`Microorganisms (added)
`Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Potassium Tablets, 5383
`Procedure (subsections Mobile phase, Sample stock
`solution, and System suitability)
`Uniformity of Dosage Units
`Water Determination
`Microbial Enumeration Tests and Tests for Specified
`Microorganisms (added)
`Amoxicillin for Oral Suspension, 5384
`Procedure (subsections Mobile phase, Sample solu-
`tion, Chromatographic system, and System
`Water Determination
`Microbial Enumeration Tests and Tests for Specified
`Microor anisms (added)
`Amoxicillin Ta lets, 5385
`Procedure (subsections Mobile phase, Sample solu-
`tion, Chromatographic system, and System
`Microbial Enumeration Tests and Tests for Specified
`Microorganisms (added)
`Antihemophilic Factor, 5387 (deleted)
`Cryoprecipitated Antihemophilic Factor, 5387 (deleted)
`Antivenin (Crotalidae) Polyvalent, 5387 (deleted)
`Antivenin (Latrodectus mactans), 5387 (deleted)
`Antivenin (Micrurus fulvius), 5388 (deleted)
`This mratia-rial waste-pied
`at the N LM a rid magi‘ be
`Subject US Copyright Laws
`5072 Annotated List
`Bicalutamide, 5388
`Procedure (subsections Solution A, Solution B, Mobile
`phase, Diluent, System suitability solution, Standard
`solution, Sample solution, Chromatographic system,
`and System suitability)
`Organic Impurities
`USP Reference Standards
`Anti—A Blood Grouping Serum, 5389 (deleted)
`Anti-B Blood Grouping Serum, 5389 (deleted)
`Blood Grouping Serums, 5390 (deleted)
`Blood Groupin Serums Anti—D, Anti-C, Anti-E, Anti-c,
`Anti-e, 5390 ( eleted)
`Whole Blood, 5391 (deleted)
`Botulism Antitoxin, 5393 (deleted)
`Bromocriptine Mesylate, 5394
`Organic Impurities (subsection Procedure 2)
`Bupkosgi/gr? Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets, 5395
`Procedure (subsections Diluent 1, System suitability
`solution A, System suitability solution 3, Standard so-
`lution, Sample stock solution A, Sample solution A,
`Buffer, Diluent 2, Sample stock solution B, Sample
`solution B, and Analysis
`Organic impurities (subsections Solution A, Solution
`B, Mobile phase, System suitability solution A, System
`suitability solution B, Standard solution, Sample solu-
`tion A or Sample solution B, and Chromatographic
`system, and Analysis)
`Carvedilol, 5399
`Organic impurities, Procedure 1 (subsection Accep-
`tance criteria)
`Carvedilol Tablets, 5401
`Dissolution (subsections Test
`Cefazolin Sodium, 5403
`1 and Test 3)
`Organic Impurities (subsection Acceptance criteria)
`Cefdinir, 5405
`Water Determination
`Clonidine Transdermal System, 5407
`Drug Release (subsections Test
`Coccidioidin, 5410 (deleted)
`Codeine Sulfate, 5410
`7 and Test 2)
`Organic Impurities (subsection Procedure 1)
`Codeine Sulfate Tablets, 5411
`Dissolution (subsections Apparatus 2, Cell, Blank,
`and Sample solution)
`Organic Impurities (added)
`Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids Adsorbed, 5413
`Divalproex Sodium, 5413
`Water Determination
`Doxycycline Hyclate Delayed-Release Tablets, 5414
`Water Determination (deleted)
`Escitalopram Tablets, 5414 (new)
`Ethynodiol Diacetate and Ethinyl Estradiol Tablets, 5417
`Second Supplement to USP 34-N,: 29
`Etomidblllg €531}/1e; g'§%m0gr°””'C ldentification Test
`Etomidate Injection, 5419 (new)
`Fentanyl, 5420
`'Ml[’)I’L(J)(F?{?1C_lIL*IEI‘§2’ (subsection System suitability solution)
`Organic Impurities
`Fluticasone Propionate Nasal Spray, 5422
`CCec;)i1ttje,;7CteoCfrIt:gZgS7lkonium Chloride (subsectlon AG
`Fluvastatin Sodium, 5425
`Identification Tests—-General, Sod/um
`Organic Impurities (subsection
`Ganciclovir, 5427
`Acceptance criteria)
`t2’ and Te“ 3)
`Proce ure (su sections Standards
`solution, and Acceptance criteria) O/Won’ Sump/e
`Glimepiride Tablets, 5427
`Dissolution (su sections Test 1, Tes
`Labeling (added)
`Anti-Human Globulin Serum, 5430 (deleted)
`Heparin Calcium, 5430 (deleted)
`Heparin Calcium Injection, 5432 (deleted)
`Histoplasmin, 5433 (deleted)
`Homatropine Methylbromide, 5433
`Test B (deleted)
`Test C (deleted)
`Test D (deleted)
`Identification Tests—General, Bromide
`Residue on Ignition
`Organic Impurities (added)
`Loss on Drying
`Homatro ine, Atropine, and Other Solanaceous Alka-
`loids (de eted)
`Packaging and Storage
`USP Reference Standards
`Influenza Virus Vaccine, 5435 (deleted)
`Leuprolide Acetate, 5435
`Procedure (subsection Analysis)
`Content of Acetic Acid (subsection System suitability)
`Chromatographic Purity (subsection Analysis)
`Levetiracetam, 5437
`Procedure (subsection Suitability requirements)
`Limit of Levetiracetam R-Enantiomer (subsection Mo-
`bile phase)
`Lidocaine, 5439
`Test B
`Chloride and Sulfate, Sulfate
`Packaging and Storage
`This material was cc:-pied
`atthe NLM and may be
`Subjezt l.l${.np3i‘right Laws
`Second Supplement to USP 34-NF 29
`Annotated List 5073
`Lidocaine Hydrochloride, 5440
`Test 8
`Chloride and Sulfate, Sulfate
`Packaging and Storage
`Loxapine Succinate, 5441
`Procedure (subsection Analysis)
`Organic Impurities
`Melting Range or Temperature (deleted)
`USP Reference Standards
`Measles Virus Vaccine Live, 5442 (deleted)
`Measles, Mumps, And Rubella Wrus Vaccine Live, 5442
`Measles and Rubella Virus Vaccine Live, 5443 (deleted)
`Mefloquine Hydrochloride, 5443
`Procedure (subsections System suitability and Accep-
`tance criteria)
`Methotrexate, 5444
`Procedure (subsections Buffer, Solution A, Solution 8,
`Mobile phase, Standard stock solution, Standard
`solution, Sample stock solution, Sample solution,
`Chromatographic system, System suitability, and
`Inorganic Impurities (subsection Heavy Metals)
`Organic Impurities
`Optical Rotation, Specific Rotation (deleted)
`USP Reference Standards
`Methylergonovine Maleate Injection, 5446
`Packaging and Storage
`Mumps Skin Test Antigen, S447 (deleted)
`Mumps Virus Vaccine Live, 5448 (deleted)
`Mycophenolate Mofetil Tablets, 5448
`Dissolution (subsection Test 1, Test 2, Test 3)
`Limit of Degradation Products (subsection Accep-
`tance criteria)
`Labeling (added)
`Norgthindrone Acetate and Ethinyl Estradiol Tablets,
`Uniformity of Dosage Units
`Packaging and Storage
`Norgestimate and Ethinyl Estradiol Tablets, 5452
`Organic Impurities (subsection System suitability)
`Ondansetron Orally Disintegrating Tablets, 5453
`Organic Impurities (subsection Acceptance criteria)
`gjycodone Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets,
`Organic Impurities (added)
`USP Reference Standards
`Phenoxybenzamine Hydrochloride Capsules, 5457
`Dissolution (subsections Standard solution, Sample
`solution, pH 3.0 phosphate buffer, Mobile phase,
`Chromatographic system, System suitability)
`Platelet Concentrate, 5458 (deleted)
`Poliovirus Vaccine inactivated, 5459 (deleted)
`Povidone, 5459
`Test D (added)
`Limit of Aldehydes (subsection Sample solution)
`Vinylpyrrolidinone (subsections Chromatographic sys-
`tem and System suitability)
`2-Pyrro/idone (added)
`Peroxides (added)
`Formic Acid (added)
`7 and Test 2)
`. PH .
`Rabies Vaccine, 5462 (deleted)
`Risedronate Sodium, 5462
`Procedure (subsection System suitability)
`Or anic Impurities, Procedure 7 (subsections System
`suitability, Analysis, and Acceptance criteria)
`Water Determination, Method lc
`Rubella Virus Vaccine Live, 5464 (deleted)
`Smallpox Vaccine, 5465 (deleted)
`Sumatriptan Tablets, 5465
`Infrared Absorption
`Dissolution (subsections Test
`Labeling (added)
`Tamsulosin Hydrochloride Capsules, 5466
`Procedure 9 (added)
`Dissolution (subsection Test 9)
`Labeling (added)
`Tetanus Toxoid, 5474 (deleted)
`Tetanus Toxoid Adsorbed, 5474 (deleted)
`Tetanus and Diphtheria Toxoids Adsorbed for Adult Use,
`5475 (deleted)
`Thrombin, 5475 (deleted)
`Trandolapril Tablets, 5475 (new)
`Triamcinolone Acetonide Injectable Suspension, 5477
`Procedure (subsection Chromatographic system)
`Uniformity of Dosage Units (added)
`Packaging and Storage
`Triamcinolone Hexacetoni c, 5477
`Procedure (subsection System suitability solution)
`Organic Impurities (subsection Procedure: Limit of
`Triamcinolone Acetonide)
`Packaging and Storage
`USP Reference Standards V
`Triamcinolone Hexacetonide Iniectable Suspension, 54
`Uniformity of Dosage Units (added)
`Organic Impurities (subsection Procedure: Limit of
`Triamcinolone Acetonide)
`Packaging and Storage
`This material vsrasww-pied
`at the NLM ya Hid may be
`Eu eject U3 C-opyright Laws
`5074 Annotated List
`Second Supplement to USP 34~NF 29
`USP Reference Standards
`Trosplum Chloride, 5479 (new)
`Tuberculin, 5481 (deleted)
`Valacyclovir Hydrochloride, 5481
`Heavy Metals, Method ll
`Organic impurities, Procedure 2 (subsection Accep-
`tance criteria)
`Water Determination
`Vasopressin, 5483
`Vitamin A Tablets, 5484 (new)
`Yellow Fever Vaccine, 5486 (deleted)
`Zaleplon, 5486 (new)
`Zaleplon Capsules, 5487 (new)
`This material wastcap-led
`at the NLM and may be
`*.'-.»u bject LIE Camrrlght La r».*r5
`Second Supplement to USP 34—NF 29
`In troduction 5075
`Second Supplement to
`USP 34—Nf-' 29
`This section provides selected basic information about the
`Second Supplement to the 341“ revision of the United States
`Pharmacopeia (USP 34) and the 29"‘ edition of the National
`Formulary (NF 29). Please refer to USP 34—NF 29 for more
`general and complete information about this Supplement
`and the overall compendia of which it is a part. Text in the
`Second Supplement to USP 34—NF 29 is official December 1
`2011, unless otherwise noted.
`USP—NF is published in continuing ursuit of the mission
`of USP: To improve the health of peop e around the world
`through public standards and related rograms that help en-
`sure the quality, safety, and benefit 0 medicines and foods.
`USP—NF Organization
`USP—NF is printed as a three-volume set. Volume I
`cludes front matter (M_ission and Preface, People, Govern-
`ance_ pages and Web sites, and Admissions/Annotations). It
`also includes USP General Notices, general chapters, Dietary
`Supplement general chapters, Reagents, Reference Tables,
`Dietary Supp ement monographs, NF Admissions, Excipients,
`and NF monographs. Volume 2 includes USP monographs
`A—|, and Volume 3 includes USP monographs J-Z. To facili-
`tate convenient use and reference, all three volumes include
`the full index. General chapters specific to dietary sup le-
`ments are included in numerical order with the rest ofgthe
`general chapters in USP. Excipient monographs usually are
`presented in NF but also may appear in USP with suitable
`cross-referencing when they are also drug substances. The
`Excipients section (Volume 1) presents a tabulation of excipi-
`ents by functional category.
`Revisions to USP-—NF
`USP—NF is continuously revised. Revisions are presented
`annually as Standard Revisions in USP—NF and in twice- early
`Supplements, and as Accelerated Revisions on USP’s We
`(Errata, interim Revision Announcements (IRAs), and Revision
`Standard Revisions——USP’s Standard Revision Process calls
`for publication of a proposed revision in the Pharmacopeial
`Forum (PF) for a 90-day notice and comment period and,
`after the revision is approved by the relevant USP Expert
`Committee, publication in the next USP—NF or Supplement,
`as applicable.
`Accelerated Revisi'ons—The Accelerated Revision Process is
`used to make revisions to USP—NF official more quickly than
`through USP’s Standard Revision Process. Accelerated Revi-
`sions, which include Errata,
`IRAs, and Revision Bulletins, do
`not always require notice and comment and allow for a re-
`vision to become official prior to the next USP—NF or Supple-
`ment. See the USP Guideline on Use of Accelerated Processes
`for Revisions to the USP—NF, which is posted on USP’s Web
`Errata—Errata are considered to be text erroneously pub-
`lished in the USPANF or Supplement that does not accurately
`reflect the intended requirements as approved by the Coun-
`cil of Experts. These typically are minor changes that are
`fairly obvious and do not have a broad impact. Errata are
`not subject to notice and comment. Errata are published on
`USP’s Web site and are immediately official. Errata are incor-
`porated into the next available USP—NF or Supplement.
`interim Revision Announcements (IRAs)—lRAs are an expe-
`dited mechanism for making revisions official. An lRA ap-
`pears in PF first as a Proposed Interim Revision Announcement
`with a 90-day comment period [beginning with PF 37(1)]. If
`there are no si nificant comments, the IRA becomes official
`in the ’’New 0 ficial Text” section of USP’s Web site, with
`the official date indicated. IRAs are incorporated into the
`next available USP—NF or Supplement.
`Revision Bulletins—lf circumstances require rapid publica-
`tion of official text, a revision or postponement may be
`published through a Revision Bulletin. Revision Bulletins are
`posted on USP’s Web site with the official date indicated.
`Revision Bulletins are incorporated into the next available
`USP—NF or Supplement.
`Pharmaco eial Forum (PF)—The PF is USP’s official publi-
`cation for pu lic notice and comment. Proposals for revi-
`sion are presented in the In-Process Revisions or the Pro osed
`Interim Revision Announcement sections and represent
`revisions that are expected to advance to official status
`pending final review and approval by the relevant Expert
`On lanuary 3, 2011, PF transitioned to an online—only
`publication that is available free of charge. The print ver-
`sion is no longer available. The new online-only PF includes
`proposed changes and additions to the USP—NF, including
`Sta e 4 Harmonization, and Stimuli articles for which USP is
`see ing public comments. All proposals, including IRAs, will
`have a 90-day comment period. Other information currently
`contained in FF, including official text (final IRAs) has been
`moved into other USP publications or will be publisiied
`solely on USP’s Web site.
`This change to make PF freely available will better facili-
`tate open and public participation when revisions are pro-
`posed to the USP—NF.
`Su plemerits——Supplements to USP—NF follow a standard
`scheclule each year: The First Supplement is published in Feb-
`ruary and becomes official August 1. The Second Sup lenient
`is published in |une and becomes official December
`. Users
`of USP print products must retain Su plements and check
`the ”New Official Text” section of U P's Web site in order to
`have up-to-date official text. The USP-NF online version is
`updated with each Supplement or annual revision. Each time
`a new edition or Supplement is released during the subscrip-
`tion period, a new CD is issued. The Index in each Sup le- _
`ment is cumulative and includes citations to the annua revi-
`sion and, for the Second Supplement, citations to the First
`Supplement. The contents of the two Su plements are inte-
`grated into the annual edition of the fo lowing year, alon
`with new official revisions that have been adopted since t e
`Second Supplement to the previous compendia.
`This rnaterialwism-piecl
`at the NLM and may be
`Subject‘ LS Copyright Laws
`50 76 Introduction
`Symbols Indicating Changes to Official Text
`Symbols identify the beginning and end of each revision.
`The following table summarizes the types of symbols and
`the associated subscripts used in USP publications:
`Revision Type
`Interim Revision
`Revision Bulletin
`Text deletion
`Adopted in
`Adopted in
`NEW ti‘-‘XtI(inA1-rail-2011)
`(IRA 1-Feb-2011)
`new text. (iii; i.i,,..mii,
`cum 1
`ian—201 1)
`C(|RA'l-l'cb-2Ul l)
`'l1S mm)
`'n€W teXtI1s(us/34;
`Anew text.m,=3..,
`(RB 1-[an-2011)
`(lRA 1-Feb-201 1)
`1S (USP34)
`USP 34
`15 or 25 (USP
`annual edition)
`USP annual edition
`In all revisions, the closing symbol is accompanied by a
`subscript number or date. For Revision Bulletins and IRAs, the
`symbol is accompanied b a subscript date indicat-
`ing w en the revision became offvicial. For Supplements, the
`closing symbol is accom anied by a subscript number indi-
`cating the edition in which the revision became official.
`Interim Revision Announcements are shown with new text
`(if any) enclosed in circles, ‘new text.(.i;,ii.;..i,.2oii). New text
`revised in Revision Bulletins is enclosed in circles, ‘new text.
`(RB1-iaii-Z011). Text enclosed in squares, ‘new teXt.i3([/5p34), al-
`ready lias been adopted in a Supplement. Text that has been
`adopted in USP—NF is enclosed in triangles, Anew text.(u5p,4).
`Where the symbols appear together with no enclosed text,
`SUCh a5
`IURA1-Feb-Z011), OF 'IlS(USP34)r it means
`that text has been deleted and no new text has been pro-
`posed to replace it

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