` by guest on July 2, 2014
`Copyright (0 1981 by The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
`© 1981
`by The American
`and Experimental
`218, No.2
`Vol. 218, No. 2
`Printed in USA.
`in U.S.A.
`Antagonism of the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Depressant
`the Cardiovascular
`and Respiratory
`of Morphine
`in the Conscious
`by Physostigmine1
`Effects of Morphine in the Conscious Rabbit by Physostigminel
`(M. W. , DR.)
`Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Hebrew University, Hadassah School of Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel (M. W., D.R.)
`of Pharmacology
`of Medicine,
`and Department of Anesthesia. Hadassah Hospital, Hadassah School of Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel (E.E.)
`of Anesthesia.
`of Medicine,
`Accepted for publication May 8, 1981
`Weinstock, Marta, Eli Erez and Doron Roll: Antagonism of the
`Eli Erez
`and Doron
`Roll: Antagonism
`cardiovascular and respiratory depressant effects of morphine
`of morphine
`in the conscious rabbit by physostigmine. J. Pharmacol. Exp.
`in the
`J. Pharmacol.
`Ther. 218: 504-508, 1981.
`The influence of physostigmine was studied on the effect of
`morphine on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems in
`conscious rabbits. Morphine (4 mg/kg i.v.) caused analgesia,
`(4 mg/kg
`bradycardia, hypotension and respiratory depression, as indi-
`as mdi-
`cated by a fall in respiratory rate of 50%, a rise in blood Paco,
`by a fall
`in respiratory
`of 50%,
`a rise
`in blood
`from 25.1 to 37.2 mm Hg and a fall in pH from 7.40 to 7.24.
`a fall
`in pH from
`to 7.24.
`mm Hg
`These effects lasted 2 to 3 hr and were completely antagonized
`2 to 3 hr and were
`by naloxone. Physostigmine (2.5 or 5 µg/kg/min) given by
`5 (cid:1)g/kg/min)
`constant i.v. infusion did not significantly alter blood pressure
`or heart rate, but decreased blood Paco, from 25.1 to 19 mm
`1 9 mm
`Hg and increased pH from 7.40 to 7.46. Pretreatment of rabbits
`to 7.46.
`pH from
`with physostigmine (5 jug/kg/min) completely prevented both
`(5 (cid:1)tg/kg/min)
`the fall in blood pressure and blood pH and the rise in Paco,
`in blood
`pH and
`in Paco2
`induced by morphine (4 mg/kg) and also significantly reduced
`by morphine
`(4 mg/kg)
`both the intensity and duration of bradycardia. Analgesic activ-
`of bradycardia.
`ity of morphine remained unimpaired by physostigmine. Neo-
`of morphine
`stigmine (2.5 µg/kg/min) potentiated the bradycardia induced
`by morphine and did not antagonize its hypotensive and res-
`by morphine
`piratory depressant effects. The results support the hypothesis
`that the respiratory and cardiovascular depressant effects of
`morphine, but not the analgesia, result from an inhibition of
`from an
`acetylcholine release from neurons in the central nervous sys-
`from neurons
`in the
`Injection of acetylcholine and other muscarinic agonists into
`the lateral ventricle or cisterna magna of dogs and rats results
`of dogs
`in a rise in blood pressure and tachycardia (Lang and Rush,
`1973; Sinha et al., 1967; Krstic and Djurkovic, 1978). Hyperten-
`sion also results from direct electrical stimulation of the vaso-
`motor areas in the medulla, and this can be prevented by
`hemicholinium (Sinha et al., 1967). Application of acetylcholine
`of acetylcholine
`et at.,
`to the floor of the 4th ventricle markedly increased respiration
`rate in decerebrate cats, pretreated with physostigmine (Miller,
`in decerebrate
`1949). These data suggest the presence of cholinergic stimula-
`tory pathways to the vasomotor and respiratory centers.
`Morphine and related opiates can increase acetylcholine
`levels in the brain. This does not result from stimulation of
`acetylcholine synthesis or from prevention of acetylcholine
`hydrolysis, but is most likely due to an inhibition of acetylcho-
`is most
`line release (Weinstock, 1971). Such an action has been dem-
`onstrated for several opiate drugs in different areas of the
`central nervous system (Beleslin and Polak, 1965; Jhamandas
`et a/., 1971; Domino and Wilson, 1973; Zsilla et al., 1976).
`Furthermore, morphine is known to produce effects such as
`respiratory depression, hypotension and bradycardia, which are
`the opposite to those caused by central cholinergic receptor
`for publication
`Received for publication November 5, 1980.
`' This work was supported by U.S. Public Health Service Grant ROl DA
`I Thls
`02150-01 from the National Institute of Drug Abuse.
`of Drug
`stimulation. It therefore seemed reasonable to suggest that
`these effects of morphine result from impairment of acetylcho-
`of morphine
`line release.
`Previous studies which have attempted to show a correlation
`to show
`a correlation
`between the cardiovascular or respiratory depressant effects of
`morphine and acetylcholine release, have been carried out in
`anesthetized animals (Schaumann, 1958; Laubie et al., 1974).
`Anesthetic agents, particularly barbiturates, markedly interfere
`with central cholinergic activity as well as with respiratory
`as well
`as with
`control (Bradley and Dray, 1973; Borison, 1971; Weinstock et
`1971; Weinstock
`al., 1979).
`The present study was therefore carried out in conscious
`animals. These were pretreated with physostigmine, which
`increases the amount of acetylcholine available for interaction
`with its receptors by blocking acetylcholinesterase. If such
`pretreatment were found to antagonize the cardiovascular and
`respiratory depressant actions of morphine, it would lend sup-
`of morphine,
`it would
`port to the suggestion that interference with cholinergic trans-
`mission was involved in these effects of morphine.
`in these
`of morphine.
`Measurement of cardiovascular and respiratory parameters.
`Male rabbits (mixed strain) weighing 2.5 to 3.5 kg were trained to sit
`to 3.5
`kg were
`quietly in a restraining box. Both ear arteries were cannulated with
`transcutaneous catheters (Quick Cath. No. 20, Travenol Laboratories
`20, Travenol
`Ltd., Castlebar, Ireland) which were filled with sterile saline containing
`filled with
`ABBREVIATION: ATMN, atropine methyl nitrate.
`Noven v. Novartis and LTS Lohmann
`Page 1 of 5
`of Morphine
`Physostigmine Antagonism of Morphine (cid:9)
`injection of 4 and 10 mg/kg of morphine respectively. The peak
`of 4 and
`10 mg/kg
`of morphine
`hypotensive response (9.8 ± 2.2 and 12.4 ± 1.8 mm Hg) occurred
`(9.8 ± 2.2
`12.4 ± 1.8 mm Hg)
`20 to 30 min after injection of 2 and 4 mg/kg, respectively. The
`30 mm
`of 2 and
`4 mg/kg,
`response to 10 mg/kg of morphine was inconsistent, with some
`10 mg/kg
`of morphine
`rabbits displaying a rise of 5 to 10 mm Hg during the first 10
`5 to
`10 mm
`min and others, a small nonsignificant fall. Both the bradycardia
`mm and
`a small
`and hypotensive response to 4 mg/kg of morphine lasted 2.5 to
`4 mg/kg
`of morphine
`3 hr.
`3 hr.
`A dose of 4 mg/kg of morphine was therefore chosen for all
`A dose
`4 mg/kg
`of morphine
`subsequent experiments since it produced the most extensive
`and consistent vasodepression and bradycardia.
`Pretreatment with ATMN (0.5 mg/kg) completely prevented
`(0.5 mg/kg)
`the bradycardia and reduced the fall in blood pressure.
`Morphine (4 mg/kg) caused more than a 50% reduction in
`(4 mg/kg)
`50% reduction
`respiratory rate, which was associated with a 48% increase in
`a 48% increase
`arterial Paco,. Blood pH was reduced from 7.40 to 7.24 (see fig.
`pH was
`1). Maximum respiratory depression occurred between 30 and
`1). Maximum
`60 min after morphine administration and lasted 3 hr.
`60 mm
`3 hr.
`A considerable degree of analgesic activity was also seen at
`A considerable
`this dose level, 30 min after injection of morphine, with most of
`30 mm after
`of morphine,
`the rabbits failing to respond to the highest degree of pressure
`of pressure
`(table 1).
`Naloxone, given by continuous i.v. infusion at a dose of 0.1
`a dose
`mg/min completely prevented all the above effects of morphine
`of morphine
`(4 mg/kg) in four rabbits.
`(4 mg/kg)
`Influence of anticholinesterase agents on actions of
`MORPHINE (LmgIk(cid:1))
`0. MORPHINE (cid:9)
`(2 S.s(cid:1)Ik(cid:1)Imui)
`11111111111( It mg /110 • POYSOSTIS14111( I 2 SA/ kg/ ma I
`I 50 jig/k,!
`•—• 141111111111( (tom / kg) • PNYSIST1111111E I SA tog/kg/ mut I
`I kg) #{149}PNYSISTISMIN(
`• p<0.05 (cid:9)
`••• p <0 01 (cid:9)
`"' p<0 001 ; 14eAntS
`▪ 110
`g io
`F• 60
`E 30
`6 25
`25 Wm' of heparin. Blood pressure and heart rate were recorded on a
`25 (cid:1)t/ml
`of heparmn.
`on a
`Brush Gould recorder by means of a transducer attached to one arterial
`by means
`of a transducer
`to one
`cannula. Drugs were administered through a butterfly needle (no. 23)
`placed in a marginal ear vein. Physostigmine or neostigmine was infused
`in a marginal
`ear vein.
`or neostigmine
`i.v. in a volume of 0.09 ml/min by means of a Harvard constant infusion
`in a volume
`of 0.09 mI/mis
`by means
`of a Harvard
`Rectal temperature was monitored on a telethermometer (Yellow
`Springs Instrument Company, Yellow Springs, OH) with the aid of a
`OH) with
`thermistor probe inserted into the rectum. Respiration rate was counted
`rate was
`visually and blood gases and pH were measured on Corning automatic
`pH were measured
`on Corning
`blood gas analyzer after adjustment to the appropriate body tempera-
`to the
`Analgesia was assessed from the reaction (squeal or attempt at
`withdrawal) in response to one of four grades of pressure applied to the
`in response
`to one
`of pressure
`to the
`tip of the tail with a sponge holder clamp. A score of 1 indicated a
`tail with
`A score
`1 indicated
`positive reaction to the lowest degree of pressure, whereas 5 denoted
`5 denoted
`that no reaction to the highest degree of pressure occurred.
`no reaction
`to the
`of pressure
`Rabbits were allowed to rest for at least 1 hr under quiet conditions
`to rest
`1 hr
`after cannulation, before control readings were taken. Drugs were not
`administered until two consistent values for blood gases were obtained.
`for blood
`Mean arterial blood pressure, heart and respiration rates were deter-
`mined at 10-min intervals for 1 hr and then at 30-min intervals for 2 hr
`for 2 hr
`1 hr
`after injection of morphine. Six rabbits were pretreated with ATMN
`of morphine.
`(0.5 mg/kg i.v.) and then were given morphine (4 mg/kg) as above. In
`(0.5 mg/kg
`given morphine
`(4 mg/kg)
`other rabbits, physostigmine was infused at a concentration of either
`a concentration
`2.5 (seven animals) or 5µg/kg/min (eight animals). Thirty minutes
`5 (cid:1)zg/kg/min
`after commencement of the infusion, morphine was injected slowly
`over a period of 2 to 3 min and the infusion of physostigmine continued
`a period
`of 2 to 3 mm and
`of physostigmine
`(0.6 ml)
`for an additional 2 hrs. Blood samples (0.6 ml) for blood gas analysis
`2 hrs.
`were taken at least twice before drug administration, 30 min after
`30 mm after
`infusion of physostigmine, and at 30, 60 and 90 min after injection of
`of physostigmine,
`90 mm after
`morphine. The volume of blood taken was replaced each time with an
`of blood
`time with
`equal volume of sterile saline. In five rabbits, neostigmine (2.5 µg/kg/
`In five
`(2.5 (cid:1)sg/kg/
`min) was infused for 30 min and then continued after injection of
`morphine (4 mg/kg). Blood pressure, heart and respiration rates and
`(4 mg/kg).
`blood gases were measured as above. In six other rabbits, ATMN (0.5
`were measured
`In six
`mg/kg), or in four animals, hyoscine (10 mg/kg), was given, 15 min
`(10 mg/kg),
`15 mm
`before the infusion of physostigmine, 5 µg/kg/min.
`of physostigmine,
`5 (cid:1)sg/kg/min.
`In four rabbits, naloxone was infused i.v. at a concentration of 0.1
`a concentration
`mg/kg/min for 15 min before and for 90 min after injection of 4 mg/kg
`90 mm after
`of 4 mg/kg
`15 mm
`of morphine. Blood pressure, heart and respiration rates were recorded
`of morphine.
`as described above.
`Estimation of plasma cholinesterase. Blood (0.3-0.5 ml) was
`withdrawn into a heparinized syringe during the predrug control period
`a heparirnzed
`and at 30 and 60 min after commencement of physostigmine infusion
`30 and
`60 mm
`of physostigmine
`(i.e., 30 min after morphine injection). The blood was centrifuged
`30 mm
`immediately for 10 min at 1000 x g and cholinesterase activity of the
`10 mm at
`plasma was measured within 10 min by the method of Ellman et al.
`was measured
`10 mm by
`the method
`of Eliman
`et at.
`(1961). Drugs used were: ATMN, hyoscine hydrobromide, neostigmine
`used were:
`hydrobromide and physostigmine salicylate (Sigma Chemical Com-
`pany, St. Louis, MO); morphine hydrochloride (U.S. Vitamins Labo-
`ratories Division, Tuckahoe, NY); and naloxone hydrochloride (Endo
`Laboratories, Inc., Garden City, NY). Morphine and physostigmine
`were made up freshly for each experiment in sterile saline which
`included an equal weight of ascorbic acid to prevent oxidation. All
`doses are expressed in milligrams per kilogram of body weight of the
`in milligrams
`appropriate salt.
`Statistical analysis. Tests of significance for the difference between
`means were performed by a two-tailed Student's t test for paired or
`a two-tailed
`unpaired data as indicated in "Results".
`in “Results”.
`30 (cid:9)
`6 100
`Of •
`▪ 20
`a 15
`0 (cid:9)
`30 (cid:9)
`▪ AO
`70 0
`90 (cid:9)
`60 (cid:9)
`Time after Injection of Morphine
`of Morphine
`1 . The
`of physostigmine
`Fig. 1. The effect of physostigmine pretreatment on the respiratory
`depression induced by morphine.
`by morphine.
`of physostigmine
`on analgesic
`ac tivity
`of morphine
`The effect of physostigmine on analgesic activity of morphine
`Score ±
`± S E M
`1.38 ± 0.13
`1 .38
`4.55 ± 0.24
`1.71 ± 0.28
`4.91 ± 0.08
`9 7
`Effect of morphine on blood pressure, heart rate, res-
`of morphine
`piration and pain threshold. Intravenous injection of mor-
`of mor-
`phine (2 mg/kg) caused significant bradycardia (reduction of
`(2 mg/kg)
`72 ± 10 beats/min) within 5 min, whereas 1 mg/kg only reduced
`10 beats/mm)
`5 mm,
`1 mg/kg
`heart rate by 30 ± 9 beats at 60 min. Reductions in heart rate
`30 ± 9 beats
`60 mm.
`of 108 ± 12 and 102 ± 10 beats/min occurred 5 to 30 min after
`108 ± 12 and
`102 ± 10 beats/mm
`5 to
`30 mm
`Morphine (4 mg/kg)
`(4 mg/kg)
`Physostigmine (5 µg/kg/
`min, 30 min)
`30 mm)
`Physostigmine (5 µg/kg/
`min, 30 min) + morphine
`30 mm)
`+ morphine
`(4 mg/kg)
`(4 mg/kg)
`Noven v. Novartis and LTS Lohmann
`Page 2 of 5
`Vol. 218
`Vol. 218
`depression by physostigmine (5 pg/kg/min) (see table 3). It
`only antagonized the salivation, miosis and defecation induced
`by physostigmine. On the other hand, hyoscine, 10 mg/kg, both
`10 mg/kg,
`increased the respiratory depressant effect of morphine alone
`of morphine
`(Pco, at 30 min after morphine, 40 ± 1.2) and completely
`30 min
`antagonized the prevention by physostigmine of the respiratory
`depressant effect of morphine (see table 3).
`of morphine
`Neostigmine (2.5 µg/kg/min) inhibited plasma cholinesterase
`by 80%, but it did not diminish the respiratory depressant effect
`it did
`of morphine, nor did it alter significantly the hypotensive
`of morphine,
`response. However, it markedly potentiated the cardiac slowing
`it markedly
`induced by morphine, reducing heart rate to 90 ± 8.0 beats/
`by morphine,
`min, 5 to 10 min after morphine (4 mg/kg). Neostigmine (5 Itg/
`5 to
`10 mm
`(4 mg/kg).
`(5 (cid:1).tg/
`kg/min) caused marked fasciculations and cardiac arrest in
`three animals when morphine was injected.
`Intravenous injection of morphine in cats, dogs and man
`of morphine
`produces an initial hypotensive response which is mainly due
`is mainly
`to histamine release (Feldberg and Paton, 1951; Evans et al.,
`Morphine Ili mg / kg) atone
`+ Morphine
`.-• (cid:9)
`Physostigmlne (2.5,11k61min) + Morphine
`(5.0 sc Ik(cid:1)lw#{225}n)+ Morphine
`a--a Physostigmim (5.0 m Iklimin) + Morphine
`*ft (cid:9)
`sst4 ----
`- 20
`- 60
`- 80
`U L
`z U
`0 5 10 20 310
`(m in )
`of physostigmine
`on hypotension
`Fig. 2. The effect of physostigmine pretreatment on hypotension and
`bradycardia induced by morphine. MABP, mean arterial blood pres-
`by morphine.
`506 (cid:9)
`et al.
`Weinstock et al.
`30 mmby
`morphine. Intravenous injection of physostigmine in doses of
`0.05 to 0.2 mg/kg resulted in biphasic effects on blood pressure
`0.2 mg/kg
`in biphasic
`and heart rate, which lasted 20 to 30 min, depending on the
`30 mm,
`dose. An initial phase of bradycardia and hypotension was
`followed by a longer phase of hypertension and return of heart
`a longer
`of hypertension
`of heart
`rate to normal values. Since one could not study the cardiovas-
`cular effects of morphine in the presence of continuously chang-
`in the
`ing and short-lived effects of physostigmine, it was decided to
`it was
`give physostigmine as a continuous i.v. infusion. When admin-
`istered in this way at a concentration of 2.5 or 5 µg/kg/min,
`5 (cid:1)tg/kg/min,
`physostigmine caused no significant change in either heart rate
`in either
`or blood pressure over a period of 2 hr (table 2). Both doses of
`a period
`of 2 hr
`2). Both
`physostigmine caused miosis and some salivation and defeca-
`tion 20 to 40 min after commencement of the infusion. The
`40 mm
`effects occurred earlier and were more pronounced with the
`higher dose.
`Both concentrations markedly stimulated respiration, result-
`ing in an increase in blood pH and a 20 to 25% decrease in
`25% decrease
`Paco, within 30 min of commencement of the infusion (table 2;
`30 mm
`fig. 1). Plasma cholinesterase was inhibited by 48.4 and 55.3%
`at 30 min by physostigmine, 2.5 and 5 µg/kg/min, respectively.
`5 jig/kg/mm,
`There was no significant additional inhibition of plasma cholin-
`of plasma
`esterase at either dose of physostigmine at 60 min. Slight muscle
`of physostigmine
`60 mm.
`fasciculations were only evident 2 hr after continuous infusion
`2 hr
`of the larger dose. In four other rabbits given physostigmine
`(10 µg/kg/min), considerable salivation and defecation occurred
`(10 (cid:1)ig/kg/min),
`within 30 min and muscle fasciculations appeared 40 to 60 min
`30 min
`60 mm
`after commencement of the infusion. This dose was therefore
`not given together with morphine.
`When physostigmine infusion (2.5 or 5 p.g/kg/min) was given
`5 jig/kg/mm)
`for 30 min and then continued after the injection of morphine
`30 mm
`of morphine
`(4 mg/kg), it completely prevented the fall in blood pressure.
`(4 mg/kg),
`The bradycardia was not significantly altered by the lower dose
`of physostigmine, but it was reduced both in intensity and
`it was
`duration after administration of 5 µg/kg/min of the anticholin-
`of 5 (cid:1)tg/kg/min
`esterase (see fig. 2).
`Pretreatment with physostigmine (2.5 µg/kg/min) markedly
`diminished the elevation in Paco, which occurred after admin-
`in Paco,
`istration of morphine (4 mg/kg). It also reduced significantly
`(4 mg/kg).
`of morphine
`the fall in blood pH, respiration rate and Pao, 60 min after
`60 mm
`morphine (see fig. 1). After pretreatment with physostigmine
`1). After
`(5 µg/kg/min), morphine no longer caused any significant
`change in blood Paco, pH or Pao, and the fall in respiratory
`rate was greatly diminished (see table 3).
`Pretreatment of rabbits with ATMN (0.5 mg/kg) did not

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