`Noven v. Novartis and LTS Lohmann
`1 of 3
`Noven Exhibit 1039
`Noven v. Novartis and LTS Lohmann
`2 of 3
`nherpetlfol’mie, main-“med nlnnglhecoune ofdisu-ilmlnn
`morphine (mar’flm). The undies: linguletlc unit with l
`morphine (Wm. mar-tin). C. H.,N0,; the major pheum-
`flueneuknloidofopium; conuine
`tol4% of anhydrous m.1t
`ynical dependence. “(if abused) p
`memo! toletanoe.
`dependence. Used as an mlgeelc. eedntive, and enxiolytic. [L
`n. eulfue (MS), m. used for formulation of tablets as well as
`solutions for [”1111“, epidural. or immhecal Injection to re-
`lieve pain.
`Gumbo-.morph-. Push-mm [annulus]
`morphogenesis (mural-junta“).
`l. Diffewofilfiou of cells
`ubflfly of a molecule or group 0! mleculee (particularly mnem-
`nur-pho—ge-net-lc (Wm-Wilt). Relating to morphogene-
`mor-pholog-ic (mbr-fll-loj’ik). Relating to morphology.
`morphology (w-ml’o—je). The science concealed Willi the
`eonfigunfionurdnmofnhmhndplm. [mono-4-
`G law. any]
`mor'pho-met-ric (mar’m-met'rnn). Paulning to morphomeu-y.
`morphom-etry (mm-fom'é-nl). The mum! of the foam
`dquMpeflsImplv-eam measure]
`norplou (mfin’fon). Any one o! Ibo hdivithel mes enla-
`such a: IcelL(G.morph£, form]
`mor'pho'phys-i-ol‘o-gy (m6r-E—fizW6—jé). am function-l
`nor-pious (nor-was). Mode o!W of a put. [0.
`fll'lllfial. lat of tuning]
`mor-pho-lyn-the-sle (mar-mm'uw-su). An mm: of
`Denim] annex. [mpho— + syuhods]
`III-pilot"): WM). An Hnubcpecific moth-co-
`in] union diethguhhehlc from all: Iain: of the line specie:
`anointed with a chime in scrologic ewe. [morpho- + G. typm,
`“”9. model]
`Innis. Uruguayan physician. 1867—1935. an M3:
`Jinan. aye-drum.- mum m.- Bnilsfotd-Muquio db.
`[nor-Hunt: eo-di-um (Win-ll). The eodlum salts of the
`faltyecldsofeodllveroll; neelemeingngesuueedintlnu'eal-
`nor-film. cod]
`Mort-bun, Ashen 3.. kid: puhologlu in the 0.8.. .1922. m:
`VanereM. syndrome.
`more. gen. moms (man. mum). mdeam.
`auger! thymus. all ALSO modes) infant deathW.
`laurel-c060 (mu-3&1“. Habitual nihhlhe «in» Ian. In.
`bio-m). tonne m). qr bum: m
`WeMywmmmbifinangz 2
`medulla biota-um (mm-5mm.“ While d on,
`we «a.
`the cheek]
`"l IL .
`mar-ulna (mu-Inna). an. undue.
`[Mod L " "'
`*- :
`tut. e bite]
`"It 1 I“;
`mor-lul (Will). 1. Panama u,
`ladle. [L mm. 12..."; Mf'mw on... 1
`mortal-My (mot-calm.
`l. The em a, he
`momluy me.
`3. A ten] mm. [1,, ”ring". .
`["13 of“ g:
`hmnlly Innned m lb: penod {tom 28
`Ween,” _
`Ior-lll’ (Will). A vessel With munded immo. .. . ‘ 5;
`thugs and otha mm are melted at brum-a by
`I r-'
`pestle. ['L. neran‘um]
`nor-tilled (WU-Rd). SYN gangrenous.
`nor-the (mama). The
`eenilg fut Ill: talus rm“,
`ammuuumuumjm lMlLu, Hf.-
`Morton, Dudley 1.. Us. onlnpedln. ISM—Nun \u
`Morton, s-muelo..us.physidm,|799_ws:.mu." ,
`Morton. Thom: 0.. US. physician. ISIS-WU). nu.
`l. Relating lo dull» m lol ..
`mor-m-ary (mal’tya-lr-E).
`st morgue.
`[L mamas, deed, pen. adj.
`l'r. ulrulm.
`was. to die]
`nor-win (Wu-u. WW). The solid nun ol
`mm mm: yolk. the m. is a sphetoidal mass of «I». b
`with oomidenble yolk. the configuration of Ihe m._
`My modified. (Mod. L. dim. of L mnmx. umlh-ufl _
`nor-u‘h-Ilon (nu-elem mar-yin FomuIm-l
`.1 ,
`INK-IMO” (mér’l'l-loyd. mt'l’yiH.
`I. Rcscmblin: I
`rm. dam.
`1. lnhid; mumbling mus-I "a. a?
`non-k (mé-d'k).
`jnxnpoeldm in In mien: of Witt") «1mm!
`they occur normally (I: in]
`' n. KIM)- 0‘ IBM'" ‘
`m occasional
`from mmllic muunwnll" l.
`chm). In manly of climate»: divisio" "““Wd.é=
`non: typel or an. Win; dim W >
`some- (dtunoeone musician). 0t dumeusml i
`den). (Mod. 1.. midis. micul- 99mm! "’
`_ J ,
`noon-Idem (mo-diam). Cmdlllon of ham "-
`dilfuul zym 0.3.. in hnnnm. involving emu-u f
`chrome -., all manic (2)-
`MmmmllI-aasm In wllkhcclluna »'_
`Whhmmmumdw 0'“
`MM Eli. US. physicun. 1879—I9M.
`m" Wt: mt.
`08. 1110‘”
`moo-d.” (will). Musk. [0. march
`ysicbflv “7" --
`Mum“ Benn-I 01°.ka ph
`'”'_‘9”',,u'v_ 2'
`Md", K”! F” “I“! phytm-
`Maven Exhiit 1039
`Noven v. NovaIfis and LTS Lohmam