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`u.s. DEPT. of COMM •• Pat. & TM 01flc8- PTO~3GL. (tev.10.7S)
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`Noven & Mylan v. Novartis & LTS Lohmann
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`0800:3/10/86 835<4-66
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`'3<4-0.00 CK
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`Noven & Mylan v. Novartis & LTS Lohmann
`Page 2 of 372


`ashington,. D.C. 20231
`11 8:":6848
`herewith for filing is the pa.tent application of
`Marta Weinstock Rosin, Michael Chorev and
`Zeev Tashma
`'Enclosed are:
`sheets of drawing
`Fee Calculation.:
`o Associate power of attorney
`o Before calculating ~he fee, cancel claims
`Basic Fee
`Multiple Dependent Claims
`Yes 0 NOG
`Please charge Depc>sit Ac'count No. 13-2160 in the amount of
`A duplicate copy of this sheet is enclosed.
`The Commissioner is hereby charge any additional
`fees which may be required, or credit any overpayment to
`Account No. 13-1260.
`A chec·k in the amount of $ 340.00
`is enclosed., '
`to cover the filing fee
`22 Park Plaee
`P.O. Box l12.-M
`Mor:ristown, New Jersey 07960
`Telephone: (201) 267-3444
`Express Mail mailing label number B2418697
`Date of Deposit: March 3, 1986:·
`I hereby certify that this ~ransmittal
`letter is being deposited with the
`united States Postal Service "Express
`Mail Post Office to Addressee" service.
`under 37,CFR 1.10 on the date indicated
`above and is addressed to the Hon.
`Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks,
`- 3 -
`Noven & Mylan v. Novartis & LTS Lohmann
`Page 3 of 372


`'''''' -- .....
`" ' .. :! .~
`j~O r ()1j - /or
`,e.354'Sa· ..
`Case 118-68'48.:
`Express Mail Mailing Label Number B2418697
`Date of Deposit: March 3, 19~6
`I hereby certify that this patent application
`is being deposited with the United States
`'Postal Service "Express Mail Post Office To
`" service under 37 CFR 1.10 on the'
`date indicated above and isddressea to the
`Commissioner of patents, Wa
`ington, D.C. 20231.
`Robin J. Mo
`Prof. Marta Weinstock Rosin
`Michael Chorev
`Zeev Tashmac
`Priority Claimed:
`P~iority Countiy:
`Application No.:
`Filing date:
`March 5, 1985
`Noven & Mylan v. Novartis & LTS Lohmann
`Page 4 of 372


`'. ~-.. :--.---.... ":'.--.-.... -.-
`.... - ..
`Case 118-6848 '
`The present invention relates to novel phenyl carbamates which
`are useful as pharmaceutical compositions. The inve~tion further
`rel ates to pharmaceutical compositi ons havi ng anti~h.ol i nesterase.
`Acetylcholine is a major neurotransmitter which is found in all
`parts of the body. Any reduction in its activity, either as a
`result of neuronal damage, degeneration etc'. or as induced by
`. drugs. or toxins, causes marked changes in the function of the"
`~O organism. Acetylcholine itself has an extremely short half life,
`since it is rapidly hydrolysed at its ~it~ of action and in
`plasma by specific cholinesterase enzymes. Drugs that inhibit
`acetylcholinestera~e, markedly increase and prolong the action of
`acetylcholine, thereby.enhancing cholinergic transmission. Three
`such agents are used clinically, Le., physostigmine, a naturally
`occurring alkaloid,. and two synthetic ~nalogues, neo-stigmine and
`pyridostigmine., The latter two agents are strongly ionised at
`physiological pH' and therefore are only poorly absorbed from the
`gastro .. intest ina 1 tract, and do· not penetrate the central nervous
`.system to any signifi~ant extent. Physostigmine is absorbed after
`- 5 -
`Noven & Mylan v. Novartis & LTS Lohmann
`Page 5 of 372


`-~----,--------"---,--------'-----------' ,----- ~---
`- 2
`oral administration and readily enters the brain. As a thera(cid:173)
`peutic agent it has several disadvantages. It is, chemically
`unstable and must be prepared in solution with an antioxidant,
`and protected from light. It has a rel atiyely short half-l ife
`(20-40 mins) thereby necessitating frequent administration. The
`latter is of particular importance when, the drug is to be admi(cid:173)
`nistered chronically. It has a low therapeutic ratio, a value of
`3-5 being reported'in the majority of studies in laboratory ani(cid:173)
`ma,1s, and a small therapeutic window, i.e. small range of dose in
`10 which it can be gfven without the accompaniment of side effects.
`Although physostigmine is absorbed from the gastro-intestinal
`tract, this is reported to be irregular and unpredictable, and
`therefore it is usually preferred to 'administer the drug par(cid:173)
`enterally. This is a seriqus drawback, if it is to be used chroni-
`15 cally on an outpatient basis.
`There are a numoer of clinical and pathological conditions which
`are associated with cholinergic under-activity which can be
`.improved by the administration of an anticholinesterase agent.
`These include'reduction in cholinergic transmission induced by a
`variety of exoge~ous sU.bstances acting. in the peripheral, or
`central nervous system. Peripherally acting agents ,are g.allamine,
`d-tubocurarine and pancuronium, which are used as muscle re(cid:173)
`laxants. Their ,action can' readily be overcome by an anticholin(cid:173)
`estera'se drug. Drugs which interfere with central cholinergic
`transmission are,numerous, anticholinergic, atropine-like drugs
`includ'ing antiparkinson drugs, tricyclic antidepressan~s, neuro(cid:173)
`leptics', opiate analgesics, benzodiazepines and some types of
`general anaesthetics. So far the only agent that has proved' to be
`of any value in the effects of the latter group of
`~O drugs, is physos t i·., In all reported cases of drug overdose or
`lack of recovery when the agent was ,used peri-operatively, physo-
`- 6 -
`Noven & Mylan v. Novartis & LTS Lohmann
`Page 6 of 372


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`. .; .'
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`'. '.:' Cti~brii~tre~tment w.ith neuro1ept:ic~': ~fteri'resu1ts"in' t'ardivedy~­
`·:', .~seo·fag~nt~h~~i:ng~ritid~oliriester·ase·
`. : ~~: ia;;~i:yi tYfo~tiie treat~e~t ofsc·~.iiophteni ~mak'es: :.t:h·is·. S1 de .
`:'~ff~ct', an everiilc:r~a:s i~g PO~Si~i 1 it~. Physosti gm1:~e· '1 nje~ted
`f~~r;verio;uslY produc~~a 's i gn i fica~t 'bu:t' ·shor·t1 1 ved imp~o~eme~t :'
`'io"a' ~'rOPol"tiOi1 of pat ients.·
`'.' .
`A,ntimber:)i p'atho1ogi c·a1. and .deg~ne~ative. di seases has a1 so beel'!
`.10shbwn fo be associated.with a re(fuctionor loss 01' 'cholinergic
`. . ·.transmission.This. includes myasthenia' grav1sand' EatQn Lambert
`.' :"~Y~dr(jme 'in whi ch' the~~" i s an' i ri.ter.TerenCe ;"'i~hne'uromus~u1 ar
`.: '·tr'anSrril ssi on.' .....
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`A selective loss ofchorin'e acetyitrarisferase:('the enzyme that:
`15.: ~ynthesi's~s· i ine) ha~' be~n folind in specific 'brain'
`. . . . . .
`. 'regioris of pati ~nts wi'th' pr~-s~ni1ecieme~ti a:of.. he~ 1 zheimer
`··.oty~~~,. The~einclud~ theJt'~~t'al arid 't~mpor~l cortex.hipi;ocampus •.
`:·.···--.f··/:.:--~yg:d·ai~~~ .. ~a~:d·~t"~ nu~i.etis·~ ·~u'bs.tant\~ i.nno·~inat.a~ 'oegenera'tion of
`. 't,:·
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`~'thol i ner',glc .neurons in. some :of .these.; areas appears to. be asso-
`'. 20. ·.~i~t~d wi ththe aphas f~.';~~r.axl~'.a9~O~ i ; and 1 ~ss of' short term
`. "in~rilorY\hat' dt¢u~sin "Alzh~im~ris 4i~ease. A.Si~·na~ type of' .
`·,<dem.entiadsa1sdf9und 'rri' patleptS. wIth'Down'S syndrome that
`. !' '. .' .
`. . ' . . ; . . . . .
`. .
`.. ".
`. .
`..surviv.e·. to the ~geof' 40. years :aric! show 'simil ar.chol inergiC
`'.:;' .. ' .. ":~.: : .. :' i"
`',':.' .. ','~ __ :-.: .... :'. :'.
`. ... : ....... : .................... ' ... > ..... : .. ~. .
`. .. .
`:·:i·~<~.def1dts. There: .is· .a1 so. a loss' ofcho 1 inergic' transmi ssion in the.
`'. .' .- .'
`.. ":', .': : "
`. ' ;'.' ... ' ::'. , '., .
`. ~ . " .... : ":."
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`·:·caudate. hlicieus and putamen of. patfents with Huntingdon's
`. i :'::,"··::c~6~~ai·':p:hYS·ri'~ti.gmirie·jn·jectioris·have a1so.·been of s~me b~nefit
`,··.· .. :··in th'i~ condition. Treat~ent.witfr a centrally acting anticho1in-
`1:..,. ::<j',.' :::::.:t:~~.:~e ~hiOUld' also: '~r~:ve:t~}e ~.~.~.~fiCi'~1:·1n l~i.edrichl s .' "
`., :
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`Noven & Mylan v. Novartis & LTS Lohmann
`Page 7 of 372


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`. . ,Thete:areitwo .major'· ~lasses .of·potent· inh1bifcirs>:of the eni)1'ne
`;··ste~a·se:.·Th~ fi~st grO:up was:"mode', l'~d;p~lma~i iy'onthe . - '.
`• ii~fJtar ~l ~~ici'id~PlJysosti gmin~( a"c~r~~~ate) . and . an ~i·~hibitor. ~f .
`· ¢hoH~~.~terase.'·a!1d· d-t~bcicur~rihe~"~na~t~g6nist' ·of.~~etyl~:
`S··'·:· The .·s~condgr~~J cqri~i~t~ of vflr\o~~ 'otg'arioPhci~phorus .'
`'. ···:co~p.o~nds, ·~udi. ~s d ii. so.p~op'y 1 f1 uQ~6~I)OSphoh~te, . par axiln i et·c •. The' :.
`.vast niajorityof .the conipounds. of,both the~ese~ies wer.ed.esigned
`.. : p\iniarily as insect i ci~es. tn the first "groUpof carbam~te dei"i- '.'
`~a~ives, alniost all of the potenti nsectici.des are morio~ethy1
`.' ~a~b~at~s >}acking a ~har'ged nitrogerifunctiori. iThis,enables the
`. .
`,J . ' , . . . . .....
`. . . . . . ',' .
`molecule to penetrate rapidly the insect tutkie·anafatty ner've .
`. .
`. ' .
`' . '. ' .
`. Sheath. The dimethyl derivatives are :;lightlyi~ss potent but are
`. ,'. ~ .. p~~tfcul ariy toxic. toho~seh iesand:aPhid~.Th~· monomethyl deri(cid:173)
`· ;'V~t.i v~s tend, to be. llnstable'i'n' so:l ut~ori' ~n4:hyciro 1xs~. re~di lyat :'
`15Jhy'siologic~1 pH; .This: g~e~tly'l;~it's"theiiil;~lOgicai action,in
`mainnials 'and makes thf:'!m lE~ss.·s·uita:ble :as 'pharni'aceu'tical or thera-
`. ' peu,tic '~g~nts: ..
`. ..,....
`... ~l
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`. .
`'. I
`.•.. , !
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`" The' ~~g~no-ph~sph~rus:' gr~u'p o(-t~mpo;u'nci!?;~auS~sirreversib le
`· ·inni·6i.tJonof;··choli~este~ase 'andoiher"s,~rine 'con,tain,ing enzyffies,
`,. .... :.' . . '.
`'. '.::' . ' .... :
`. :.....
`.. '
`20 :whjch, together with their' high.telativetoxicity, virtually
`,':." pr.ecl~de~ their use in ph·a~~ac~Liii:carprepar~t;-ons.the o'nly
`'ekcepti6t1 iset:h~t~io.p·at~·":a qu~tei:h'a;yrum;iJ:iiiufu' organo': :.. . ..... : .
`'. : " ;::"
`.... : :;'phospli(j~us' co~pO'und, emdlb);ed1n·.eye' dr.opsfor 'th~trea:tine~t of .
`", .. '
`'. . .... '.. .
`':!". 2?' .. .The.S:yn~het iC; ant icbo 1 inesterC!se' agentscur;rently:employed .as .
`,.:' /','.:" ::< p~:ar!lla~eut lca 15. all :con1;ai n· a charged ~itrcigen'furiction and' can'
`.. .,. ".
`' .. :~ b~· b~oadly. ~l ~ss'i fi ~d' into' 3 gto'ups. .
`. '
`:> :~ ... '.:, . .
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`.' C': ...~.
`' . '. ·:l~. Rev~r'~t~lt!""inhlbitotsWh'cti ~onta:in~Cl\a~~ed' nitrogen
`.A·' "', , ... ""1 functi'~natta~hed'toan ar~mati~ e.g; edro·phoni~m.
`. ' J .:';"~:~t;"~.a:}i " )::J '
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`Noven & Mylan v. Novartis & LTS Lohmann
`Page 8 of 372


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`2(OimethYl~arbamates wi'th an a;'-of!latitor:het~rocyclfcring
`~. ':"cpnta1 ning:.1 chargednH:~()gen.~~eo~t fgmi ne.,pyri dosti gini lie."
`.' ..
`. ':;:·3y. ~i squaterri~rY' s~~uc·tures.::~·~g.; De~~c~r'i'Ufn; Amb~~~rii·Un\ •. These .'
`f'. '. ag~nts' ten'd' to be .~o~eseletti·v~ inhibitors,o'{ acety·l.c.holin-
`. est' butyrYTchollnes~erasi!~ tomparedwith the' mono-
`. quaternary'moiecules.'
`. ' , . . .,'
`" , . .
`Thephar~aceutical application of thequater~aryantich'olin-
`· . esterase. agents is i imlted because. of . tliei r poot penetrat ion
`"~~~ougti£ell niembr·anes. They ar~ therefore used for: actions
`outside the central 'nerv~us System. and are' usually given par-
`:': ::'~riterally~'Sirl~e they are not r~liablY absorbed from ·the gastro(cid:173)
`fntestinal tract. Edrophonium.neostigm1ne and pyridosti'gmine and'
`...• ~ th~ ·biSq~a1:e~nary.anaiogu~s. a.;eused:in·anaestheti't;:practice for'
`'t~e reve~sal cif the act;'ori ofmuscie relaxants. They are also.
`15 . used' forttietreatment of my~~then'i~'~ravis~'and'paralytic il~u~.
`· ,.
`. '
`. . , ' . ,',
`:." -
`. ,.
`' ..
`• ~. ' . •
`. '
`. . '
`.. 'PhYSQst iginine is the 0;' ly poten~; anti:"cholinesterase a~ent which.
`· .h~S 'tle'e~: used cii nica llyto treat c'onditio~sin:~hiCh an el ~'­
`,;,y'~tion'of brain;'aCl~tylcho)iri~ activity is desired. These include.
`"'_.';1 zheimer' s di sease; tardive dysk lnesi a~Down' s syndrdme and
`... ~o'. Hunti'ngdori,s ~horea~"PhYSostigmineis:also:used to rever:-se·the·
`... ,' .' .·eff~cts;·o:f. 'ov'E!rd6~~ 'of anfi chci:11nel'gi2 ag~~t-~. ':'a~t i -P arki nson
`: .. ···drugs; be'~i6di ~iepi n~s . ~~d 'opi at·e:;a~al~~~.iCs ~ ..
`:: ... : .....
`:" .. ~<. '.; ':
`.·OPh.Ys:o~tigminei~ a: ~~tu;.aliifkaJo1d extracted from' ca}~bar beans
`.. )..
`..··~rid:tli'e~~ed·s of the vi ne Physost 19ma ve~E!rlosum and 'has the
`. .
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`Noven & Mylan v. Novartis & LTS Lohmann
`Page 9 of 372


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`Th~r~ .is a. neeci~o' proVidenewcarbaina~e. de~ivai:ives wh,ich show
` shemical stability thanphysos.tlginine •
`:' ....
`. " .. ' . ~tJrthermOre· a. need to p~ovide n~w compounds which
`. ~ 'l!lhibitacetyicholinesterase in' brain for periods exceeding
`":~ ~ours b~t 'not more than 12 hbursaftera singl~a.dmiitistration •
`. ...•
`". The~e is. al soa.·need to'pr~vide n~w compoundswh1c'h wil i be
`Is"completely and rel1ably absorbed ~fter oral·administration •
`. .. _.,.
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`. . . . . . ,
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`>:':+her~J~a:iso a rieedto p'rovide ne~~~mpoun~~ which w~'n be
`·::;eladvelY·1·e~s.t~x1tthan· ph~sostigmine. Th'is m~an:s 'that the
`~'thera:peuticratio, defined as
`.... " . : .....
`. ' ... ,d~S:_t6 :produ~e'the,rapetitic:; e~fect
`.::·:dosetopr·oducerncir:talitj.tnS·Q.%.of a~imals
`. :'" ,': .:...'.':
`. . . ~;. . '.:.
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`' .. :, ,....
`:'silduil be 5'1 gnifiCanti/ hl·g·her. . tliaothose.6fphysost igmine and'
`':. :tilat'tt;'~~inCiden~~'~nd s~ver'hy ci{~.ide· ·.effects·stio~ld be less
`.. ',,: .. (,tftart t,ho~~of P.hysostigmine"at therapeutid doses..
`. .'
`. : "~ ~'" . '.:
`•• ' .• ~ . '.
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`. :.' :' Th.ere 1.s also a need· to provl .. de· newcoinpounds l'/,hlCh can be given
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`Noven & Mylan v. Novartis & LTS Lohmann
`Page 10 of 372


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`. ''T~'ere'iS''~~~o'' a' need' ~o 'P;~~:i'~e' '~d~~O'~~~~' :t~~f.c~~t~ g~~en'~~r~'
`enter~ 11y at the end of pperat i o,ns. ana .anaesthetjc ~rocedures •
`to restore wakefuln~ss, respiratiori and 'caqllovascularparameters· .
`to normal; after the ,us~ of aritlcholiner~i~. opiates,beriZO-
`dlazepines, rieuroleptiCs and g~neralanaesthetics. thereby'
`· shortening the stay of patients .i~ the. rei:~very room.
`.... ,
`"'j " . ; " . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
`l(}.Ttier~'isalso a need ~o'~rovideco~pbunds ~h'att~n'be given
`· together withr:1arcotic~n'~l ge~i.cs to patients suffeti~g from
`·.sElVefe pain. e .. g~ tY'iiuril~tiC. post'~~perative;' or' du'e' totartino-
`· matosi ~et~. in' order to reduce'. the:si de ·.effects r~espi rator/
`.d~press ion, s~mnp ,-eriGe .... const i 'paticin~nd ~r ina~y reterit ion)
`is' commonly' eilcoun'tered with riarcotic.s, .without ·irilpai'r.ingtheir
`: ana; ges i c' ·potency.
`. :
`. .... ;
`'The;'~is 'al~oa needto:pr'OVid~comp6unds that Can··be given to
`. ,
`. .
`. .
`,~ __ patients'receivi'ng antipsychotiC. drugs. which have developed
`. . ' . . .
`·tardivedysld nes ias.' in order to dim; ilish or abolish the latter
`~O :s~ndrorrie~·. withciut e~asc~rbatillgt~~' P~yCh6~i s.
`.; . ': :.;:A6t~tingt~.· t~~pre~·ent:i;nv~~tio~.fJ~·as:~~w~be'~n . surpri ~ i ngly·
`'.' ,:·"fbund:'that'ce;t'~fri'~ov~l,~nd 'k~owri'Pheri~i:carb~"iates'afs'o ·inhibit'.·
`. acetylcholinesterase in: the mammalian brain' after administration
`.;. t6prci~:i:de systemitactlvit;V •. e .g~ :o~·: pa~~~~er~l~ciin'i n1- . "
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`Noven & Mylan v. Novartis & LTS Lohmann
`Page 11 of 372


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`~ctivltjin t'he'centrai . ~ervou~ sy~:te~of marr.n~l scomp~i~i'ng a
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`'. ·: .. RiishYdrogen, lower alkyl, cyc19hexy'f; allyl or benzy.l,
`R2 . ishyd~ogeri,' methyl ,:ethyl ~r ~~~pyl, .or.
`... ... '
`Rr and R2 togeth~r .Withth~·nitrog·en to which they are attached
`·.formamorpholin6 or piperidino~a:ciic'al',
`'{s hy~rOgen 61' l<iw~r' ~ l'kyl;' . . .....
`.' .
`. . '
`· .. R4 alldRs' a~~' the sameo~ different andeadh is a lower alkyl,
`~. :an~the di al.kYl~inOaikylg~bUpi·sii:1theineta~ ortho or para
`:: .'
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`'20 . or' 'a.' p'~armaco:lo~;i'~aliy: a¢i:ePt'abi~::s:a.ilt~~;;of ahda' Ph;~;'O 10gi~'
`.c~l1Y·a~.~eptabl~ ~ardet ··th~r~for~:Her;einaft~r 'the~e ~ompciunds' .
`. ....
`.« ~f~"':~~i)e'd ·tq~~o·u·n'd~· .. ·:~f ::th:~ i.ji'~~~~i·o~ ... , ,:".~ .. " . .' ... ,' ....
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`'4 , " , '
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`,. ':-'?~Especi~;ly pr:~ferr~d:a~e! pharmac'~uticai composit'i'ons having"ant i(cid:173)
`~holin~;tera~~'~c'tiV';ty in the central net~ous system of mammals.
`'.:' .. ' '.
`. .~.
`:. :is'.:·~riere·;.n .the dratkyl am; o,'oal k.11 group'iS i.~·th~· meta posit'ion; and
`.' H.; ... '. ";'. '. ::)::':R~ ~nd.~S' ~re~oth ·,"·e:~hir:.., :'. :.' .• ' .... , .... : i,
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`Noven & Mylan v. Novartis & LTS Lohmann
`Page 12 of 372


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`' ' ' . ' . , . ' ' . " .... , ' ........ '
`.. ,:: ' , . , .
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`.vtously.been described i.e. tht;! m disubstituted compciund in which
`..'·Rland Rj,iH. anci'it2 ;R4and RS ~: ~ethylwhith ~ts' kn~wn as
`' ..... :Mlotine(R) was claimed an insec;ticide and a'myopH: agent
`5, :fo~ us'~ iileYoe' ~rops.· The .~ ifu~ed c~mpound. i.n '!'thich Ri
`and R2' areinethyl, R3' ~ s H' and R4 an.d RS . are methyl lias been
`.... d~scr'lbed ~sa~in:sect 1cr;ie·. 'The pand q dis'ub~tituted deri-
`. vativesin which Ri' and R3 = H aridR2 .)4' a~cIRS> CH3 have been
`. shOwn to inhibit a prep'aration of liver chOliriesterase~ The m'
`disubstituted derivative 'in WhiCh'R1 =. H .alldR2,:R3, R~ and RS '"
`CHi has 'alsobeen shown fo irihibit'li~er cholinest·~r'ase.
`. ~ . ' ..
`H 11'
`" ~ ...
`., . '
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`': .. :'.
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`:'1he remai n1ng c;mpounds' ~r.e bel,i eyed tobe' ~~vefanilt.~us the'
`·vent i9n 'a 1 so prav; des novel phenYlcarbam~tederiva- .
`. ~ives o(the general formula .1 I
`.. ~: .
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`: r. ':"where\h:,
`'··:25 ·.'R1.' i~"hydtdgen;;:~ytlqhe~y~,. 'al1y'lo~ be~zyl,
`:·.RZ :i.S·hycirog~n·,··jl1EithYl~ettiY1o~prOPY1:,,or .
`.. i~i
`andRZ' together wit~'~nit~o'g:nto wh.ich they are' attac~'ed
`. , .. ,
`-.. _-: .. ,
`"'. '. C:·:
`.. , ...
`. "
`; ; . . . ,
`.: ...
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`Noven & Mylan v. Novartis & LTS Lohmann
`Page 13 of 372


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`....:.: R:,i"aild Rsf':a:re 'the same' or differehFandeachit~ 'lower alkyl; .: .
`.,>.":.·:·:·a~d ,the di alkyYami'no;i'lkyl gr'~up '1s'in the meta, ortho or para'
`.:.<:; position, ~. i .. · . , .
`. -'.
`..; ..... ~...... ...
`.. "..
`· :t<.:.~~..
`. . <'~n;~Pha:rf11acOl~gicallya~~ePt'abie sa,ltsthereof'",p.~b~ided tha't for
`•. ~ '.:~ci.~Pou~d~\'Iherein R4 and R5 a~e:.botil m~thyl arid h~vingtheC .
`d1alkyiaminrigr~up in' the ,meta p~s1ti .. on" " methyl ahd R3·
`i ~ hydrogen', . Rl i sriei ther hydrogen nor methyl, and when R2 and
`. Rj'ar~ methyl ~Rl is not hydrogen,'~ndfor compounds wherein R4
`and Rs a~.e both methyl andh;iving the group in the
`· .,' ' ) " ". '
`, '
`. Qrthri or para position when Ri and R3 are both hydrogen R2 is not
`"I11~thyl: . '
`" . : "
`.. ~ ... .. .: ..
`· ...
`, ' . prefer~ed com~dlindS ~jf ~he ~bdv~f~rmula' are N~ethyl-3';(1-(dl- .
`m~thyl ami ~o)ethYljph~nYl'carb~mat~, N~propyl-3ci~fdi'methyl ami no) -' .
`ethyl ]pheriYl carb'&;'ate;, N-allyl-3-(1-(diinethyl ami~o)ethyl )phenyl
`'~arbainate: N-'e{h;d~ 'N'';methyl-3ci-" (dimeth'yl ami'~~)ethyl Jph~nyl

`.. : .
`. ..
`. . .
`carbam.ate'~ N ,N-dj ethyl';3(1~( dimethyl ami no )ethyl ]phenyl carbamate,
`.' 'N_b~tjl_3'_(i_(dimethy{~ino)ethyl jphenyl carbamate;N-meth'y1;
`-: "N~prcipyl-3[1';;( dimeth)tl ami no)ethyl ]phei1yl.carbaniate~ndN-ethyl,
`';,~~~methyl ~3(l- (d imethyrami rio) i sopropyl]phenyl carbamate ..
`. , .. : .. :
`.. ' .... :.
`26A5 in~icated~ .. the i,;~~;'tioll ~J~o includes t'h~'ph'ar'macQlo9fcally
`,acc~ptable salts ~fthese compoun~s; such' as' the acetate, 5a'11cy(cid:173)
`'1 ate~ ·fu~~r,~te~.: ptiOSPh,~t'e;sulphate~::-~al e'ate, su~cinat~, citrate,
`~ar:trfli~~ p.riipf~nat'e~~dtiutyr~te 'sal tsther~of;' "
`~.' . . .
`~ f • • • .
`..':. .'
`: - . . . . .
`'. ...
`' . '
`. ~ . .. . , . .': .
`... ,.,:.
`'th~ i:o~pounds of fo;r'mu la" I .~an be pre~ared. byamidati og it
`~5·.<~~~p~und 'o,? for~ula if'"
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`Noven & Mylan v. Novartis & LTS Lohmann
`Page 14 of 372


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